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We can fine many adjective in English Language. Here is the list of common adjective in
English language based on the types of description.

1. Describing Physical Appearance

To describe personal’s physical apperance, we commonly can start with the general
features such as age, hight, body build, etc. After that we can move on to the more specific
ones, such as face, hair, eyes, ear, cheek, chin, and many more. Here are the words or phrases
that commonly used to describe person’s appearances, as follow.


1. Age (Usia) Teenager Remaja

Young Muda
Old Tua
Middle-Aged Patuh baya
Elderly Tua
In 30s Dalam 30-an

2. Build (Membangun) Fat Gemuk

Thin Tipis
Slim Langsing
Slender Ramping
Stocky Kekar
Skinny Kurus

3. Height (Tinggi) Dwarf Kerdil

Short Pendek
Medium Menengah
Rather Tall Agak Tinggi
Tall Very Sangat Tinggi
Tall Tinggi

4. Face (Wajah) Oval Lonjong

Round Bulat
Square Kotak
Wrinkled Berkerut
Sun-Taned Kecokalatan
Freckled Berbintik

5. Hair (Rambut) Bald Botak

Curly Keriting/ Ikal
Straight Lurus
Wavy Bergelombang
Long Panjang
Short Pendek

2. Describing a Personal’S Characteristic

Personal’s characteristic is a special quality or trait that make a personal, thing, or group
different from other. There are personal’s characteristic namely feeling characters and
emotional characters. Here are the lists, as follow.


Felling Characters Arti Emotional Arti
1. Angry Marah Arrogant Sombong
2. Anxious Gelisah Boring Membosankan
3. Bored Bosan Brave Berani
4. Calm Tenang Cheerful Riang
5. Enthusiastic Antusias Confident Percaya Diri
6. Excited Bergairah Cowardly Pengecut
7. Happy Senang Easy-going Mudah Bergaul
8. Sad Sedih Friendly Ramah
9. Tired Lelah Funny Lucu
10. worrid Cemas lazy Malas

3. Describing The Animal’s Characteristic

There are several animal characteristic, as follow

NO. Animal’s Arti

1. Ferocious Ganas
2. Fured Berburu
3. Hairy Berbulu
4. Savage Kejam
5. Sharp Tajam
6. Short Pendek
7. Tall Tinggi
8. Tame Jinak
9. Vicious Ganas
10. Wild Liar

4. Describing The Quality of Things

Here are the lists of the quality of things, as follow.
NO. Quality Of Arti
1. Good Baik
2. Bad Buruk
3. Best Terbaik
4. Worst Terburuk
5. Long lasting Sepanjang masa
6. Well-preserved Teramat baik
7. Durable Tahan lama
8. Strong Kuat
9. Weak Lemah
10. Fine Baik

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