CPH 2nd Assignment

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ASsigonent T 3HDAR).

nia esicnal vt gem O'


4cs and Cber

plaio nene CenSovaip and

dlifeun yns
approacheg inhennef CenRoT 8ip?

Jofeanet CenSosSip Contol

Conttel o 3PPAion
oked Con bee aCcels ed Pub lalad er vieed e
te ntennel enacfed b
equuadovs ov his
OKon nidiative Indennes
n LOhod nPovmatten
CenRoip Puts Setict tons
Can be Pu on a indenn
O not
2nclviolua> Gnd oraniadien3 ma 2ga
Self Cenlo 9p for roval, Telqious, ov
bulinoAS Yecuons Con torm SeCietal nOBm
due to ntt miolaten O Peas gcl
Of ConAoquende9

nutend o nferne Cener i p anieg ena

Count Cound beuu' Oile Sone umoC afrc
howe ierate intnet Cen&osRUSP
Coundries goa9 o a Rim -fhe
o inpormaiten Suh a nes and 8up poeag
oliRLuRRien Omong CtieneS .
2ndennd Centor Rp
aluo oCCw
nePona to
antci padi
oin o
Rurh oaS lecton3 Po0teaik, ord ro%

Pes ad OPPoRition to n lernel

alao vaaies
961 2nteinel Societ Suwe
Tapoolendg Ooyr esd ho CensorR0£ p
u ome inerne"
Some 837. qoud ho 'aces
Rhould be Cen idsud a basuc
o oguad had freadcm
Gndd 67
cuaSatead n fha indend
fBnpaien ghoul b

CenaoAÍ P
apPoackas nteuned
Cenko Tip nteut nafron ike Ckiro

Scucl asaboa an
one ous Prima

mecks o equletion c
Achteciuu, (3 dorms, maskis
O AaoS

MOS obvieuS Perem elodten.

AS vasiau etes Counf res ard inteinaHord roup
b he
attempt to happle ith 9Suey rauind
we of the tnternd, Taay novmallu eed
implementauten c las
Policies fhroush
govenn aruas ke gambling
Suh equlett ens

Chilc Porneoaphy,ord

. ATchatectus relers o ho nformaAen enaly

Cand Coannod be hansmifed avw
Tus Con gee
filHezirq SoftL , fiTeuls , fo eneayP+ien

PYLanmB, and ven bosc

inean equlaien, and al

Cbelaw mu elate +o T opon

Paaion 3ince uite teall

3. Novm3 eex Okich People
VoHh ona anottn as
He od 9ecial netms
ove hat ord no apprcPr oHe in reuan

Gciety Nms aluo oHed be hovrov aLsOA3

ordo, Ja fai
o e oulate Certain octivi4ies allased h +
CRHectus C +te interAt, Social OM3 a

alloro Cortrol 8uth ondutd fe

Eample onlin oxms allero uu)
mecunade CommendB mode by ctho
Comments Peund +o be oftemive a{ o prc Ccan

be plaaxd ard emoyed


imi lon mak elatten . Masikdd

Ueuladton Co ryels pact\eus a Conclud en o

intenn radi tonal economic Principlog

Sapply ard olemand. iP Someltg unpopulosy,

D (ack a okmard and 2vend ualuy Pail Cn

Oh hand, i ne lo nuueh 8pply

4han tnd
Competrtora 2venduall hae o
to d 4eentiate amselves became
Obsw b ha Com peitien. Ths hlps fo
Pseven Predatouy Conduct, douve nnoyaten,
ord oxCes ebite3 4o 3e re ulase n
o relakn
Cd9Aomy3 no remLn ioble
ohat m +he Punihmert f ybeo
tevnovi m unden Sectien 66 F Of 200 Act?

lesvosiSm SPeadinq all Gnes

3nd the uadef fh secd in toda geciey

Cbes Hervoigm vasd 9pseading e
li ve
inalagdu3 odd Oe tevoyi Am gone

begond bocli injuwy ik olangues and

SPseadir het 4o Viytuoal reai

Cben SPace CL Vifual
Coputen 'nteunel e an 4he devi ce Jladed

to inhuctid ov muni cafi n oth Jogical,

Leruo Punction soue PunCkons

edoSm ans
doir unantu octivi4tes Po
seaons eeade hreat

act ohich in olone

eSocia enviv
rOomert n
C eae thead n peo Ples nind

Puighmend Cbe ndo Secfto0


A.i+h 0ent thaeaien uni ty imearH

SeCuit OY Sovtreio ardia O StiKa
terro Peo Ple ar Secficn e

People b
den dleni al oCCegg

Pevso n Outhor gedd Compuder

IotrodluCi r Caki r Ho introduce
Comp ufes Contaminand,

b me an% Suuh ConouC Couls oY

Co o olccth ox njuieg to
Person9 damage to o dertruCion of
Propek c uP13 oir4od t i3
i ka Cauu damoR2 a nod i diirapjien
to he
Spp lie3 ot Ssvices
Hhe Communt oY Adyeng ol ofect
he C tiCa infermadten
Speci fid undo Secftn 0 or

tdtem i to penetsafe
90ten 2eeolinq
eSowle northod CULthO


B. hnoiD O intendioral penentras os s

es Computen eCouTCe FOfhou actheoISaten
e Ceeu re auhooiSed aCce ordb mearn3
o guh Conduct obain acce9 OPomtt en,
data ov Compudea data ba
stict Per ealon3 a he eCwit
Stete o Poveigo elatonA) Ox an esicted

tnPormatten, lala o
ComPuteo daa bas, Sfh
Tealbn93 o believe hat Suth informatte
data ( Com Pade daa
ball So obhinecd
may be Ud Caunlo ox
koly o Caul
4ha indesuas he Sovei gnd
ord intma
andua he geccwutY
e 9te, iendl4 relattsrn sith fereign
State, Public ovda9u,
Cncy O
Moha iY,
re latten ContemP Cous ,
olfanatften o inG temed Ho an Rfence
hhe adyantege o an #eyer gp natton oup
irolivicuals ths0iR Comm ha
enCe o ereiS0

hoev Co mmif 3 ConpIve9 o Cemmie

CHbe HeosISM 8kal be Puni hable oth

P o s onmet Ohch may Oend

tmPiSonmest toT fe

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