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Diamante Poem Rubric

4 3 2 1
Content and Topic Demonstrates an excellent Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a fair Demonstrates a limited
understanding of topics understanding of topics understanding of topics understanding of topics
from the speech and of from the speech and of the from the speech and of from the speech and of
required poetic devices. required poetic devices. required poetic devices. required poetic devices.

Word Choice Uses vivid words and Uses vivid words and Uses words that Uses a limited vocabulary
phrases that linger or draw phrases that linger or draw communicate clearly, but that does not communicate
pictures in the reader's pictures in the reader's the writing lacks variety, strongly or capture the
mind, and the choice and mind, but occasionally the punch, or flair. reader's interest. Jargon or
placement of the words words are used inaccurately clichés may be present and
seems accurate, natural or seem overdone. detract from the meaning.
and not forced.
Poetic Format and Uses accurate diamante Uses accurate diamante Uses accurate diamante Does not use accurate
Creativity form, and contains many form, and contains a few form, and contains a few diamante form. There is
creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or little evidence of creativity in
descriptions that contribute descriptions that contribute descriptions, but they the poem. The author does
to the reader's enjoyment. to the reader's enjoyment. distract from the story. The not seem to have used
The author has really used The author has used author has tried to use much imagination.
imagination. imagination. imagination.

Title Is creative, sparks interest Is related to the poem and Is present, but does not No title.
and is related to the poem topic. appear to be related to the
and topic. poem and topic.
Grammar and Is essentially error-free in Contains a few errors in Contains a several errors in Contains many errors in
Mechanics conventions, grammar, and conventions, grammar, and conventions, grammar, and conventions, grammar, and
usage. usage. usage. usage that detract from the
meaning of the poem.

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