Philosophy 101

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Philosophy 101 causes/highest principle of all - He calls these realities as

things ideas of forms, moral,

Philo – Philia – “Love for Wisdom”
mathematical, scientific.
Sophia – Wisdom
1. Principle of Identity – A
thing is a thing - How do we tell good from
Plants – Vegetative 2. Principle of Non- evil or right from wrong?
contradiction – No - Branch of Philosophy that
Animal – Sentient changes explores the nature or
Human – Soul 3. Principle of Excluded moral virtue and evaluate
Middle - Think of it as human actions.
Concept Notes claiming that there is no - Nature of Moral
Metaphysic – Branch of middle ground between Judgements.
Philosophy that Studies nature or being true and being false.
reality 4. Principle of Sufficient
Reason – It is hard to think - Deals with nature,
Meta – beyond something that doesn’t sources, limitations and
exist validity of knowledge.
Physic – Physical
- Address varied problems;
Aristotle – Ladder of Nature;
Reason – Capacity to think and the reliability, extent and
1st philosopher who devise a
make inferences kinds of knowledge; truth;
logical method
language; and science and
Social Philosophy – Moral
- Human – Rational scientific knowledge
Principles regarding the problems
of freedom, equality, justice and Logic
- Animal – Living motion,
the state
instinct (Second) - Reasoning of the Logician
Soul – Immaterial entity identified - Plant – Living (Third) - Greek word “logike”
with consciousness, mind or - Stone – Non-living being - Coined by Zeno, the stoic.
personality (Last) - Etymologically, it means
creating on matter
Universal – Predictive if many WISDOM, HONESTY, BEAUTY
pertaining to the human
particular entities thus, “man” is or OPEN-MINDEDNESS
universal since it is predictive of
Philosophers - Tool; Concern to the truth
or the validity of the
1. Thales
Virtue – A morally good character argument
- Greek Philosopher
trait (e.g. Courage)
- Everything is water Aesthetics
Value – Judgement of wrath - Water-reality
- The science of the
- Everything else is
Virtue Ethics – The position that beautiful in its various
to live a normal life, one should be manifestations
concerned in cultivating virtuous - Whatever experience has
2. Plato
character rather than just relevance to art
- Nothing we experience in
following rules of action.
the physical world with It vitalizes our knowledge
Being = “to be” “to exist” our 5 sense is real
- Reality is just opposite - It makes our knowledge of
Supreme Being
- It is unchanging. Eternal, the world alive and useful
Philosophy – is destined as the - Part of a play, a poem, or
science that by natural light of a story to give us new
reason studies the first sight.
It helps us to live more deeply Philosophical Orientations productive member of
and richly the society.
Classical Tradition
- Idealism + Realism
- A work of art-whether a Philosophies
- Sequence and
book, a piece of music or a
1. Idealism Prerequisites
television show
- Plato 7. Existentialism
- Rise from purely physical
- Teacher center - Jean Paul Sartre
existence into the realm of
- Conceptual matters - Student center
intellect and the spirit
- God is the absolute ideal - Freedom of Choice
- Nourishment for his
- Every individual is born - Believe that human being
higher level as his lower
good, and is capable to is the creator of his own
It brings us in touch with our sense, perceive and think. existence
culture 2. Realism - Creates own values
- Aristotle through freedom of
- We cannot shut ourselves choice or individual
- Student center
from the past any more preference
- Hands-on-learning
than we can shut 8. Perennialism
- Is the primary self-
ourselves off - Robert Hutchins
evident reality a starting
geographically from the - Teacher Center
point in philosophizing.
rest of the world. - Conceptual Matters
3. Pragmatism
- The answer of great minds - Things change/Process
- John Dewey
in the past to these but same idea
- Student Center
problems are part of our - Education should
- Functionality of learning
culture. promote search for the
Ontology - Functionality since truth is universal
4. Experimentalism and timeless
- Study of Reality - Galileo 9. Reconstructionism
- What is it? - Student Center - George Count
Metaphysics - Trial and Error - Student Center
- Commission on error - Social Responsibility
- Study of Existence - We lived in a period of
- What is out there? Contemporary/Modern great crisis, as is most
Philosophy evident in the fact that
5. Progressivism humans now have the
- Study of knowledge - John Dewey capability of destroying
- How do I know about it? - Total development civilization overnight
- The curriculum should be - Take them in real life
derived from the needs situation
- Study of Action and interest of the 10. Empiricism
- What should I do? student - Francis Bacon
- Conative, affective, & - Student center
Cognitive - Real life experience
- Study of Force 6. Essentialism - Emphasizes the role of
- What actions are - William Bagley experience rather than
permissible? - Teacher Center the role of reason as
- Return to the basics source of knowledge
Aesthetics - All knowledge is defined
- Knowledge and skills for
- Study of Art the individual to be a from experience
- What can life be like?
- Product of observation; 6. Islam Philosophy -
perceive by the human Commitment to Allah;
sense; real life experience (belief+prayer+fasting+al
11. Behaviorism msgiving+pilgrimage)
- Watson
- Teacher center
- Behavior modification on *Not sure*
through favorable
environment Filipino Philosophies
12. Disciplinism 1. Rafael Palma – Diploma is
- John locke not a conclusive evidence
- Teacher Center of one’s ability
- Positivity 2. Lourdes Quisimbing –
13. Naturalism Education must
- Jean Jacques Rosseau strengthen the dignity of
- Student Center the learner as a person
- Respect for the needs and 3. Manuel Quezon – Great
interest of the students individuals = Great Nation
14. Instrumental 4. Camilo Osias –
Conceptualism development of dynamic
- Pertains to the knowing nationalism and
process internationalism in
- The more we used our relation to the
brain the more we development of the youth
understand 5. Francisco Betinez – Train
15. Rationalism the individual as a
- Knowledge is acquired by member of the world as It
reason without resort to is.
experience 6. Pedro Orata – Right to
- The doctrine that reason education despite scarce
is the right basis for resources
regulating conduct. 7. Salvador Araneta –
- Human reason rather Education as a tool to
than divine revelation fight intellectual
establishes religious indolence and moral
truth. turpitude.
Eastern Philosophies

1. Hinduism – Commitment
to the ideal way of life
2. Buddhism – Personal
gratification is the root of
all suffering
3. Confucianism – Moral life
though devotion
4. Taoism – Harmony with
5. Zen Buddhism –
Dependence on oneself

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