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5150 MMAI

(For the candidates admitted from 2007 – 08 onwards)


Second Year — Non-Semester


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (5  5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.

1. (a) State and prove Holder’s inequality.


(b) If M is a closed linear subspace of a normed linear space N and x 0 is a

vector not in M, then there exists a functional f0  N  . Such that
f0 ( M )  0 and f0 ( x 0 )  0 .

2. (a) If P is a Projection on a Banach space and if M and N are its range and
null spaces, then prove that M and N are closed linear subspaces of B
such that B  M  N .


(b) State and Prove Uniform Boundedness Theorem.

3. (a) If M and N are closed linear subspaces of a Hilbert space H such that
M  N , then the linear subspace M+N is also closed.


(b) Prove that the adjoint operation T  T  on B ( H ) has the following


(i) (T1T2 )  T2T1

(ii) T T  T
4. (a) Prove that an operator T on H is self-adjoint  (T x , x ) is real for all x.


(b) If N1 and N 2 are normal operators on H with the property that either
commutes with the adjoint of the other, then prove that N1  N 2 and
N1 N 2 are normal.

5. (a) Prove that the boundary of S is a subset of Z.


(b) If 0 is the only topological divisor of zero in A, then prove that A  C.

SECTION B — (5  15 = 75 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.

6. (a) Let M be a closed linear subspace of a normed linear space N. If the norm
of a coset x  M in the quotient space N / M is defined by
 
x  M  inf x  m : m  M . Prove that N / M is a normed linear space.
Further prove that if N is a Banach space, then so is N / M .


(b) State and prove Hahn Banach theorem.

7. (a) State and prove Open Mapping Theorem.


(b) (i) If N is a normed linear space, then prove that the closed unit sphere
S* in N* is a compact Hausdorff space in the weak* topology.

(ii) State and prove Closed graph theorem.

8. (a) Let H be a Hilbert space, and let { ei } be an orthonormal set in H. Then the
following conditions are all equivalent to one another:

(i) { ei } is complete

(ii) x  { ei }  x  0;

(iii) if x is an arbitrary vector in H, then x   ( x , e )e ;

i i

 x, e
2 2
(iv) if x is an arbitrary vector in H, then x  i .

(b) Let H be a Hilbert space and let f be an arbitrary functional in H  . Prove
that there exists a unique vector y in H such that f ( x )  ( x , y ) .

2 S.No. 5150
9. (a) (i) If N is a normal operator on H. Prove that N 2  N .

(ii) If P and Q are the projections on closed linear subspace M and N of

H, then prove that M  N  PQ  0  QP  0 .

(b) If P1 , P2 ,..., Pn are the projections on closed linear subspace
M 1 , M 2 ,..., M n of H, then prove that P  P1  P2  ...  Pn is a projection
 the Pi s are pairwise orthogonal and in this case, P is the projection
on M = M 1  M 2  ...  M n .

10. (a) Prove that  (x ) is non-empty.

(b) Prove that the mapping x  x 1 of G into G is continuous and is
therefore a homeomorphism of G onto itself.


3 S.No. 5150

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