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Applications of derivatives

Abdelrahman Amr El sayed , Muhannad Khaled Rabie

Menofia STEM school
Under the supervision of : Mrs. Nadia Rakha
Keywords: derivative, application, maxima , Minima , rate of change

We can take the following reaction as an example:

Introduction Maxima and Minima

There are several applications of derivatives not only in maths and real To calculate the highest and lowest point of the curve in a graph or to know it
life but also in other fields like science, engineering, physics, etc. In the turning point, the derivative function is used.
first and second learning-outcome , we have learned how to find the
derivative of various functions, like, trigonometric functions, implicit When x = a, if f(x) ≤ f(a) for every x in the domain, then f(x) has an Absolute For instance, we can use derivative to calculate the final concentration of
functions, and logarithm functions. Maximum value, and the point a is the point of the maximum value of f. NaCl

Additionally, derivatives have various important applications in •Similarly, to measure the rate of chemical reactions and to check the
When x = a, if f(x) ≤ f(a) for every x in some open interval (p, q) then f(x) has contribution and loss of a compound during the reaction.
Mathematics such as calculating:
a Relative Maximum value.
The rate of reaction can be defined as the change of concentration over
 Rate of Change of a Quantity time. This definition is very similar to that of derivative as we usually use
When x= a, if f(x) ≥ f(a) for every x in the domain then f(x) has an Absolute
 Increasing and Decreasing Functions derivative to calculate the rate of change of certain quantity. Therefore, we
Minimum value, and the point a is the point of the minimum value of f.
 Tangent and Normal to a Curve can use derivative to calculate the rate of chemical reactions.
 Minimum and Maximum Values
When x = a, if f(x) ≥ f(a) for every x in some open interval (p, q) then f(x) has
Applications of Derivatives in Maths a Relative Minimum value. In Physics:
The derivative is defined as the rate of change of one quantity with
The following figure illustrates the exact definitions of maxima and minima: •The derivative of the displacement of a moving body with respect
respect to another. In terms of functions, the rate of change of function is
defined as dy/dx = f(x) = y’. The concept of derivatives has been used in to time is the velocity of the body. “dx/dt=V(t)”
small scale and large scale.
The concept of derivatives used in many ways such as change of
temperature or rate of change of shapes and sizes of an object depending
on the conditions etc.
Rate of Change of a Quantity Real life applications of derivatives
This is the general and most important application of •The derivative of velocity with respect to time is acceleration.
Derivatives is extremely useful in our everyday life. There are countless areas where
derivative. For example, to check the rate of change of the “dV/dt=a(t)”
derivatives can be used. Derivatives is not limited to mathematical problems; it has a
volume of a cube with respect to its decreasing sides, we can broad range of practical utility in our real life.
use the derivative form as dy/dx. Where dy represents the rate
of change of volume of cube and dx represents the change of The uniqueness of derivative is its ability to evaluate the change in quantities. Whether
sides of the cube. its speed, momentum, temperature and even the business speculations, all the variations
can be worked out using derivative.
Increasing and Decreasing Functions
To find that a given function is increasing or decreasing or Here are the most important areas where derivatives are used: • Newton’s second law of motion states that “the derivative of the
constant, say in a graph, we use derivatives. In Chemistry momentum of a body equals the force applied to the body”.
• One use of derivatives in chemistry is when you want to find the concentration of an
If f is a function which is continuous in [p, q] and differentiable element in a product.
in the open interval (p, q), then, • As the concentration of an element is involved in a reaction, the change in
 f is increasing at [p, q] if f'(x) > 0 for each x ∈ (p, q) concentration can be predicted using derivative.
 f is decreasing at [p, q] if f'(x) < 0 for each x ∈ (p, q)
 f is constant function in [p, q], if f'(x)=0 for each x ∈ (p, q)

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