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Department of Mathematics, IITM

Graph Theory
Matching in Graphs

(1) For a simple graph G, we define its matching number to be the maximum number
of edges in any subgraph of G which is a matching. For each of the following
graphs, compute its matching number:C5 , K5 ,W5 , K4,5 .
(2) For what values of n does Kn have perfect matching?
(3) Let G be a connected graph with no cycles. Show that G has atmost one perfect
(4) Find the number of perfect matchings in K2n .
(5) Find the number of perfect matchings in the complete bipartite graph Kn,n .
(6) Give an example of a 3-regular graph which has not perfect matching.
(7) If G is a graph with a maximum matching of size 2k, what is the smallest possible
size of a maximal matching in G?
(8) Show that a maximal matching is at least half the size of a maximum matching.
(9) Show that if G is a bipartite graph with |N (S)| ≥ |S| − d for all S ⊆ V (G), then
|V (G)|
G has a matching with 2
− d edges.

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