Stone Guardian (Rival) : Fied by Unscfupulous Individuals For Criminal Pplica Ion

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Some facilities require discretion and art as much as they do security. Stone guardian droids are specifically designed for these
situations. They provide a potent defense that is utterly in keeping with the overall tone of a site.
Despite the name, stone guardians are not actually constructed out of stone. Their armored shells are simply sculpted and painted to
resemble some form of rock or marble. When inactive, stone guardians appear to be decorative statues. The statues might be
freestanding, or they could appear to be a support pillar or a part of a wall. Only when they activate does their true nature become clear.
A stone guardian's passive detectors are extremely sensitive and rigged to detect any intruders who enter its domain. When they identify
a threat, the droids activate and attempt to eliminate it.

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Perception 2, Vigilance 2. Talents: Durable 2 (reduce a Critical Injury result by 20, to a minimum of 1).
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum and underwater; immune to poisons and toxins).
Equipment: Stoney fists (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Concussive 1), integrated Secure Tech “Night- sight" passive sensor suite
(allows the droid to see in dim and dark conditions and to hear sounds far above and below a human’s range of hearing; adds □ to Vigilance checks

by unscfUpulous individuals for criminal applications.

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Skills: Brawl 3. Perception 3, Ranged (Ligh t ) 2. Vigil ance 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe. eat. or drink, and
can survive in vacuum or underwater; immune to poisons or
toxins). Loyalty Imprint (add D lo all checks made to defend
its designated master). Olfactory Sensor Suite (reduces the
difficulty of scent-based Perception checks by 1 ).
Equipment: Retractable blade incisors (Brawl; Damage 5;
Critical 3; Range [Engaged!; Ensnare 1 ). retractable light
blaster (Ranged (Light!;

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