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Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance



A Final Paper in MGT1104 Organizational Behavior Course

Submitted by:

Donna Mikele C. Babida

Reinier Patrik C. Mamon
Justin Gabrielle P. Marjalino
Justine Benedict E. Moscoso
Rajul B. Parte
Sec 7

July 19, 2021

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... i

List of Tables and Figures......................................................................................... ii

Executive Summary ...................................................................................................1

The Case Study ..........................................................................................................3

Viewpoint and Time Context ................................................................................3

Case Facts ...............................................................................................................3
The Problem ...........................................................................................................5

Alternative Courses of Action/Criteria ...................................................................6

Recommendation .....................................................................................................15
Conclusion ...............................................................................................................17

References ................................................................................................................20

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List of Tables and Figures

Table 1. Alternative Courses of Action

Table 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Monthly Training Program

Table 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Progressive Discipline Process

Table 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring an Additional Supervisor in the


Figure 1. The Progressive Discipline Process

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Executive Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on everyone. It caused damage

not just to the health of the people but also their livelihood. The damages caused

by the Covid-19 pandemic is unmeasurable and very dreadful especially to some

business owners. They were forced to close their business to contain the spread of

the virus. Thus, customers shifted to online shopping since many people are not

allowed to go out because of the community quarantine being implemented in

different areas. Additionally, there is an increase in the growth of online selling

which allows different delivery services companies to maximize their service


The demand for courier services in the Philippines during the pandemic has

significantly increased. Different courier services companies in the country provide

services like delivery of electronics, foods, and other essential items. They deliver

packages to their customers. One of the leading Courier services companies in the

country is the J&T Express. They partnered up with different E-commerce

platforms (e.g., Shopee and Lazada) to provide faster and efficient delivery


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J&T Express, a courier service provider in the Philippines, faced a viral

issue last June 2020 which showed lack of discipline among its employees. This

study aims to address issues regarding mishandling of parcels and implementing

proper work ethics among employees. Moreover, it suggests different alternatives

in ensuring better work performance through implementation of training programs,

hiring supervision personnel or higher management which handles these issues,

and requiring qualifications which include work behavior and ethics. Out of the

three alternative courses of action, the chosen alternative course of action is the

implementation of the training program because it is beneficial not just to the

involved employees but as well as to the organization.

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In this case study, the researchers used the perspective of a Brand Manager

wherein J&T Express is a delivery firm that provides courier services both local

and global.

Time Context

In June 2020, an online video went viral wherein, several workers of J&T

Express were shown in the clip, mishandling parcels and carelessly throwing a

numerous amount of packages in a J&T Express’ Delivery Truck. The video went

viral and became a trending topic in different social media platforms such as

Facebook and Twitter. It immediately reached the delivery company and they

quickly apologized for the incident.

Case Facts

J&T Express (formerly PT Global Jet Express) is a logistics firm based in

Indonesia founded in 2015 that has quickly developed throughout Southeast Asia,

specializing in express courier service.

It is now the fastest growing E-Commerce delivery firm in the Philippines,

as it alleviates most of the issues brought on by the pandemic. The company is

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committed to assisting local online sellers in expanding their businesses by

offering high-quality delivery services, as well as extending its services to meet the

needs of many Filipinos, particularly its employees. (J&T Express, 2021)

However, it has been reported last March 2020 that an issued statement has

occurred saying that following a viral video in which its employees were seen

hurling shipments, there has been mistreatment of packages. (Adel, 2020) The

video shared online has gone viral and caught the attention of the media, which

made the company address this issue promptly.

• The delivery firm was condemned by President Duterte to be investigated.

• The said company assured its customers by releasing a statement stating that

“We would like to reiterate that we do not tolerate such acts and behavior,

and we humbly take responsibility for this incident,”.

• The courier claims that all its facilities, including branches and warehouses

around the country, are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

• The courier's management claimed that they had already identified all of the

people in the video who were participating. Staff who are responsible will be

suitably sanctioned.

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• The Department of Information and Communications Technology then

required delivery couriers to adhere to quarantine requirements such as

social distancing and to have facemasks, gloves, alcohol, and other

protective and preventive equipment on hand.

The Problem

There are problems that J&T Express encountered

1. How did J&T Express take the responsibility to the customers regarding the

mishandled packages?

2. Did the J&T Express fail to provide training and seminars to the employees?

3. How did the J&T Express employees fail to follow the protocols in handling

the packages?


The goal of the study is to help build a strong relationship between the

employees and the delivery firm to provide good courier services. To create a

nature of motivation wherein employees’ job performance is being affected by the

goal-directed behaviors which resulted in either rewards or punishments.

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Furthermore, to establish better performance through programs in the working

environment that will lead to positive outcomes.

Alternative Courses of Action/Criteria

Table 1: Alternative Courses of Action #1

Alternative Courses of Action

1. Require a Monthly Training Program for Workers

2. Implement The Progressive Discipline Process
3. A Supervisor should be hired to evaluate the work of employees daily and
look for areas of improvement.

1. Require a Monthly Training program for Workers.

Training serves as an opportunity for an organization to better teach their

employees the required knowledge and skills for a particular job. A training

program is a rehabilitative approach that aims at helping employees to fully utilize

their knowledge and skills. Instead of an immediate termination, a training

program would help the employees to learn new skills and see each employee as

worth investing in (Wormley, 2021). The J&T Express company should conduct a

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monthly employee development training program and require each worker to

attend the training.

Frost (2019) pointed out that a training program would strengthen the weak

workplace skills of employees and they would be aware of the safety practices for

specific tasks. The training program would also enable the workers to gain

knowledge especially in some areas that they are lacking, and it would be helpful

for them. The training would serve as a refresher to all the workers especially the

ones who are involved in the case. Those workers lack workplace skills. By having

this training program, it will strengthen their skills and it will repair the weak links

that are already existing in the organization. Listed below are the advantages and

disadvantages of this course of action to the organization.

Table 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Monthly Training Program

Advantages Disadvantages
• Training will help improve the • Conducting a training program
performance of employees. In this involves a high cost that will be
case, the involved workers on the shouldered by the organization.
issue will be oriented. They will The costs and expenses associated
relearn the basic procedures and with training programs can be
the different safety procedures in daunting for the organization.

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terms of preparing and handling

parcels. They will be reminded
about the responsibilities that
come with their roles. The
training program could also serve
as a refresher, and they will be
updated regarding new
information as well as the right
actions to situations that they
should know.
• A training program will help • The other disadvantage of the
improve the morale of the training program is the waste of
employees and it will lead to an time for the employees. Instead of
improved employee satisfaction. doing their job and being
By offering training programs to productive, they will spend it by
the employees, it will broaden attending the training program.
their knowledge and skills about Additionally, they also get paid
their job. Also, they will feel like while attending the program.
they are important and valued by
the organization. Hence, they will
feel more satisfaction and be
more productive towards their

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2. Implement the Progressive Discipline Process

A progressive Disciplinary process is very helpful to the organization

because it aims to identify and address the problems within the organization. In

addition, it also helps identify any employee related problems. According to Bruce

(2014), a progressive disciplinary policy has comprehensive disciplinary actions

that can be used by the organization when a certain employee committed a mistake

and violated the rules of the organization.

This method will help assist the organization in terms of considering all the

relevant factors before imposing sanctions towards the involved employees. The

progressive disciplinary process has four steps: Verbal Caution Or warning,

Written Reprimand, Suspension, and Dismissal or Termination. Each step has its

own way of giving the employees the opportunity to explain themselves and

correct the misbehavior or misconduct that they performed.

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Figure 1. The Progressive Discipline Process (Source: Wikiblog Cultuland)

The J&T express can use this Disciplinary process to discipline and impose

sanctions to the workers who are involved in the case. For the first step the Verbal

Caution, they can summon the involved workers and conduct a private counselling

session. On this part, they can communicate all the problems or the misbehaviors

that the workers carried out and ensure that they understand the possible

consequences they might face for their actions.

The second step is the written reprimand, wherein the involved workers in the

case are asked to create a verbal statement containing all the necessary details and

explain the entire events and the actions they did. This written reprimand is then

submitted to the Human Resource personnel to be included in their permanent

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record in the organization and this could also be a basis for the proper sanctions to

be imposed. The third one is the Suspension, if the employees of J&T Express who

are involved in the case have a record about the same misbehavior before and they

keep on doing it, the management might call for a suspension.

This includes days or weeks, but the organization must review the case well and

to carefully review the employment standard act before implementing a

suspension. The last step is the termination, wherein the workers are fired from

their job because of their major offenses. This progressive disciplinary process is

very helpful to the organization to address the employee related problems and

come up with proper sanctions.

Table 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Progressive Discipline Process

Advantages Disadvantages
• A Progressive Discipline Process • This process could be

will provide a clear explanation discriminatory for some

pertaining to the sanctions or the employees, if the management or

different consequences for the the Human Resource Personnel of

disobedience performed by the the organization is not consistent

workers. In the case of J&T in terms of imposing this.

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Express workers, they would be

able to explain their sides and it

will be a basis for the

management of J&T express in

terms of the disciplinary

procedures they will take.

• This progressive disciplinary • This can be time-consuming for

process will serve as an the organization. Proper

alternative procedure rather than documentation of each incident

terminating the employees should be observed.

instantly. This will help the J&T

company to retain their

employees and decrease the

chances of employee turnover.

3. A Supervisor should be hired to evaluate the work of employees daily and

look for areas of improvement.

As stated by Ross (2012), the presence of a supervisor in a workplace would

lead to a productive and safe environment because they keep the lines of

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communication open for every employee. When the employees of an organization

have a good relationship and respect the supervisor, they end up enjoying their

work which is a good thing, because it makes them productive. As a result, it will

increase the rate of employee retention in the organization. One thing that is clearly

evident on the video regarding the J&T Express’ workers who mishandled and

carelessly throw the parcels of the client, it seems like there is no supervisor that

manages and observes the work that is performed by the employees.

J&T Express must have at least one supervisor that guides and oversees the

performance of the workers in each of their warehouses. A supervisor should be

working closely with the workers and ensure that each worker must do their job

properly to avoid certain issues like the one that was caught in the video. The

supervisor should also act like a manager that guides the workers to do their job

properly and monitors the area during work hours. It is their responsibility to

ensure that they provide the best service to the customers. Several research studies

have also shown that a good relationship between a supervisor and employees will

improve the productivity of employees and enhance work safety performance.

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Table 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring an Additional Supervisor in

the Workplace

Advantages Disadvantages
• Having a supervisor will be • Hiring an additional employee, A

beneficial for the organization Supervisor, could also mean

because they are responsible for additional expenses for the

the reinforcement of policies organization. The organization

within the organization. Having must pay the salary of the

an additional supervisor that supervisor as well as the different

works closely with the workers in benefits and compensation.

the warehouses of J&T express

will help avoid certain situations

like this one.

• Having a supervisor will help • Having an additional employee

improve the safety in the means allotting time to train the

workplace. The supervisor will newly hired to get familiarized

communicate to the workers with the workplace and

efficiently and to give them sometimes it can be time

advice regarding the areas that consuming. In addition, to instill

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need enhancement. new knowledge regarding their



The researchers recommend the alternative course of action number one

which is to require a monthly program for the workers. The chosen alternative

course of action will be beneficial not just to the involved workers in the case but

as well as to the organization. As previously mentioned, a training program is a

rehabilitative approach that will allow employees to improve their skills and

knowledge. Regarding the involved workers who are seen in the video, they will be

re-trained, and they will be reminded about their responsibilities. The training

program will help them learn the safety procedures in terms of handling packages.

Instead of terminating the employees involved immediately, a training program

will serve as a refresher to them, and it will improve their skills. Additionally, this

would also help in terms of ensuring that the case scenario will not happen again.

The researchers came up with recommendations that J&T Express company

can apply to prevent other problems. In connection with the alternative course of

action selected:

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• J&T Express should enhance the performance behaviors of the employees.

This recommendation could only be made if the company requires a monthly

training program for workers. The employees would gain loads of

knowledge and experience concerning the tasks or works assigned to them if

the company conducts a training program. Providing training programs to

the employees will enhance their performance, and they will be more aware

of the rules and regulations inside the company. The employees could

refresh their skills and knowledge about their job. Aside from this, training

programs would not just improve their skills but also their values and

behavior as mindful employees.

• Another recommendation is regarding the requirements of the applicants

needed to meet when the company is looking for new workers. Applying the

Concept of Fit is essential when a company, specifically J&T Express, is

hiring and appointing new employees. And to be specific, the J&T Express

should use the Person-Job Fit concept to look for an applicant that meets

their standards when it comes to intelligence, job-related skills, job

knowledge, previous work experience, and personality-related to performing

job tasks. It is essential to check whether the applicant suits and meets the

standards in Person-Job Fit since it could prevent possible misbehaviors that

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their employee can do, such as throwing and mishandling of packages. This

concept is also to know what position the applicant should be appointed,

such as organizing and delivering parcels.


This study on the performance behavior of the employees of J&T Express

showed the importance of an established and strong working relationship between

employees and firms. It tackled different areas wherein parties lacked discipline

which was shown on viral videos posted on social media. Hence, it has provided a

more complete and clearer understanding of the importance of the implementation

of progressive discipline processes and other alternative courses of actions such as

requiring workers to have monthly training programs and hiring supervisors or

higher management to ensure work efficiency and discipline among employees.

Current findings suggest that the company should be held responsible in

providing quality and excellent services to its customers through ensuring proper

and appropriate work manners and behavior. Moreover, performances of each

employee greatly depend on the nature of motivation provided by organizations.

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Thus, companies should create programs in honing and boosting better

performance in the working environment of its stakeholders.

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1. Copy of related case studies as support to recommendations.

The Pandemic has shown some true colors of many businesses and that even

employees are struggling to survive. There are bosses who violated important

rights of employees and there are also employees that have violated strict protocol

that everyone must follow. In this case study, issues, and concerns about the

services of a delivery firm have circulated online in which it receives harsh

criticisms from online users throughout the social media platforms. It has also

raised some awareness regarding the behaviors of their own employees that may

bring harm to the customers’ health and destroy their items to be shipped. The

behaviors shown by the employees may have resulted in a lack of proper training

programs wherein it is hard for the employees to keep up in the new normal. J&T

Express should enhance and discipline their employees’ performances since it is a

delivery firm that provides courier services nationwide. Moreover, the researchers

have provided feasible solutions such as concepts, approach, and action needed to

minimize the mistakes.

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Adel, R. (2020, June 23). Local courier says “package-throwing” viral video an

isolated case of “mishandling parcel.” Interaksyon.



Delivery company to sanction personnel seen “mishandling” parcels in viral video.

(2020, June 23). CNN Philippines.


Frost, S. (2019, February 5). The Importance of Training & Development in

the Workplace. Small Business -


Ross, M.-C. (2012, July 2). Why Supervisors are so Important when Improving

Workplace Safety. Marie. https://www.marie-


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The Importance of Training and Development in the Workplace. (2020). 2020

Project Management.



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