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Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

Volume xx, No. x, January xxxx, pp. x-xx

P-ISSN: 1978-0044, E-ISSN: 2549-1040, DOI:
Accredited by SINTA 2:



Department of Master Program on Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Kelud Utara III Petompon
Gajahmungkur Semarang, Indonesia

The purpose of education in Indonesia can be achieved if it is carried out by adjusting each learning process
according to the era at hand. Science and technology are knowledge that must be possessed so that students
have readiness in facing the era of globalization. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, art and
Mathematics) is present as a learning approach that is able to integrate science, technology, engineering, art
and mathematics simultaneously. The mathematics learning process can take advantage of the STEAM
learning approach so that educational goals, mathematics learning objectives can be achieved and are able to
prepare students to undergo the globalization era. This study aims to find out and describe what, how and the
purpose of the STEAM approach in learning mathematics. This research method uses a literature review
research method by finding references and theories that are relevant to the problems at hand. The discussion
presented is based on empirical and conceptual journals related to STEAM.
Keywords: Literature Review, STEAM, Mathematics Learning.

Tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia dapat tercapai jika dijalankan dengan menyesuaikan setiap proses
pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan era yang dihadapi. Sains dan teknologi merupakan pengetahuan yang harus
dimiliki agar peserta didik memiliki kesiapan dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. STEAM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, art and Mathematics) hadir sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang mampu
mengintegrasikan sains, teknologi, teknik, seni dan matematika secara bersamaan. Proses pembelajaran
matematika dapat memanfaatkan pendekatan pembelajaran STEAM agar tujuan pendidikan, tujuan
pembelajaran matematika dapat tercapai  dan mampu menyiapkan peserta didik dalam menjalani era
globalisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan apa, bagaimana dan tujuan
pendekatan STEAM dalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian
kajian literatur dengan menemukan referensi dan teori yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi.
Pembahasan yang disampaikan berdasarkan jurnal empiris dan konseptual yang berhubungan dengan STEAM.
Kata kunci: Kajian Literatur, STEAM, Pembelajaran Matematika


Indonesia is currently in the era of globalization. Much must be prepared in carrying out this
era. Preparation of knowledge that must be possessed must be able to answer and face every challenge
that exists. Every field must have a way to be able to adapt in running every era, including this era of
Education is one of the fields that is very important in responding to every challenge and
providing readiness in carrying out this era of globalization, therefore the goal of education in
Indonesia must be able to realize it. Indonesia has experienced a long journey related to curriculum.
The curriculum is the main guide in carrying out the educational process. Changes and innovations
have been made by policy makers in this education.
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of

Received October 4, 2019; Revised November 8, 2019; Accepted December 10, 2019
2 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume xx, No. x, Januari xxxx, hal. xx-xx

2018 states that the purpose of the 2013 curriculum is to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability
to live as individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and
able to contribute to the life of society, nation and state. , and world civilization. This goal explains
that education must be able to achieve the current educational goals. However, in reality, the stated
objectives have not been fully achieved.
The achievement of educational goals cannot necessarily stand alone, but all need to be carried
out together in achieving it. In achieving the objectives of the curriculum, it is necessary to cooperate
in all aspects related to education, from policy makers, teachers, students and parents, all of whom
have their respective roles but in achieving it must collaborate with each other.
The teacher is someone who has the most important position in carrying out the learning
process. Why not? Because it is the teacher who accompanies students in every learning process, and
it is the teacher who carries out the knowledge transfer process for the achievement of educational
goals in accordance with the objectives of each subject he is teaching.
Many preparations and efforts must be made by the teacher, starting from the design, process
and evaluation of learning. The choice of methods, models, approaches in the learning process has a
great influence on the achievement of learning objectives. The selection of methods, models and
learning approaches used in addition to aiming for educational purposes, must also be able to answer
challenges and readiness in facing the current era, namely the era of globalization. The era of
globalization requires knowledge of science and technology, because teachers must be able to prepare
students who are capable and ready in both fields of knowledge. Science and technology are very
important knowledge and teachers are expected to be able to invite students to be ready to face every
challenge that lies ahead in living life.
STEAM is a learning approach that integrates five disciplines simultaneously. STEAM consists
of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics that can be applied to every learning
process, including mathematics learning. So far, mathematics learning is carried out independently
without linking other knowledge. Mathematics learning only focuses on the material that exists in
mathematics without paying attention to other knowledge that actually has a relationship with
mathematics and mathematics learning should also be associated with science and technology which
is a necessity in this era of globalization.
In Permendiknas Number 22 of 2006 concerning Content Standards, the general objectives of
learning mathematics are as follows: 1) understand mathematical concepts, explain the relationship
between concepts and apply concepts or algorithms in a flexible, accurate, efficient, and precise
manner in problem solving, 2) use reasoning in solving problems. patterns and traits, performing
mathematical manipulations in making generalizations, compiling evidence, or explaining
mathematical ideas and statements, 3) problem solving which includes the ability to understand
problems, design mathematical models, complete models and interpret solutions obtained, 4)
communicate ideas and symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem,
The Title of My Research Papers … Author 1, Author 2

5) have an attitude of appreciating the usefulness of mathematics in life, namely having curiosity,
attention, and interest in learning mathematics as well as a tenacious and confident attitude in problem
The process of learning mathematics cannot be separated from the knowledge gained from
knowledge outside of mathematics. There needs to be an approach that is able to deliver teachers in
the learning process to achieve the general goals of mathematics in accordance with Permendiknas
Number 22 of 2006 and must also be able to prepare educational goals in Indonesia according to the
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2018
and be able to prepare students to undergo the globalization era as tough and strong man.
Based on the description above, the researcher wants to conduct research in the form of a
literature review that describes the STEAM learning approach in learning mathematics.


The method used in this article is a literature review method using descriptive analysis and
theoretical references related to the problems encountered in the introduction. The review in this
article is based on a number of empirical and conceptual articles on STEAM.
The results of the research from the articles found were analyzed to see the STEAM approach in
learning mathematics.


Based on the results of the literature review that has been carried out, the researchers get the
results and discussion as follows:
1. Using design thinking to cultivate the next generation of female STEAM thinkers (Rie
Kijima, et al., 2021) The results of his research show that there is empirical support that short
interventions can produce positive changes in the way adolescent girls relate to STEM. In society,
innovative methods such as design thinking have the potential to revitalize educational curricula by
increasing the confidence and creativity of young women, and enabling them to have career prospects
in STEM fields.
The article submitted by Rie Kijima et al. Stating that STEAM provides design innovations so
that they can increase self-confidence, creativity and open up career opportunities for young women.
This shows the benefits of STEAM and these benefits are a necessity in carrying out life in the face of
2. STEAM teaching professional development works: effects on students' creativity and
motivation (Cathérine Conradty, et al., The results of this study are the integration of creativity into
education through PD (professional development). further science class.
Furthermore, the article written by Cathrine Conradty et al. conveys the need for an educational
program through STEAM professional development so that after the program the teacher can explain
4 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume xx, No. x, Januari xxxx, hal. xx-xx

and practice with students in their respective classes. This states that in carrying out the STEAM
program it is necessary to hold an activity aimed at teachers so that teachers can learn more about
STEAM and after that it can be applied to their respective classes. Through the teacher development
program on STEAM, it will assist teachers in preparing students to be ready to face the era of
3. Trends in STEM/STEAM Education and Students Perceptions in Japan (Takuya Matsuura, et
al., 2021) The results of this study reflect the idea of not only STEM education, which is often treated
in the context of workforce development and science/mathematics education in Japan , but also the
notion of the rapid expansion of and change in STEAM education circa 2015, which seems intended
to be the integration of multiple subjects. In contrast, the results show that students' perceptions of
science and engineering careers are improving, but there are still challenges. Since the integrated
learning of the subjects has already been done in Japan.
Takuya Matsuura et al. also conveyed in his article about STEM/STEAM education in Japan as
a tool for developing the workforce and also used in science/mathematics subjects and the results
shown to have a positive impact on students' perceptions of knowledge and career engineering,
although there are still challenges to be faced . This shows that STEM/STEAM education in Japan
provides benefits that can be taken to run STEM/STEAM. Japan runs STEM/STEAM on
science/mathematics subjects, thus adding to the belief that STEM/STEAM can be applied to math
4. Examining the Impact of STEAM Education Reform on Teachers' Perceptions about
STEAM in Uzbekistan (Yumi Lee, 2021) The results of this study state that STEAM education is
important and necessary because teacher teaching skills and subject integration are seen as potentially
problematic to implement. Problems due to worry about the lack of school facilities.
Likewise, the article submitted by Yumi Lee stated that the STEAM activities in Uzbekistan
had problems in running them. The problem felt in Uzbekistan is the lack of unsupported school
facilities. Even so, STEAM can be run using materials that are easily available around and there is no
need to be difficult to continue to be able to run STEAM in learning activities.
5. The Art of Co-Creating Arts-Based Possibility Spaces for Fostering STE(A)M Practices in
Primary Education (Pamela Burnard et al., The result of this research is a multi-project method that
questions the existence of art in transdisciplinary learning that can contribute to primary level
education The first series of exercises featured artistic performances of workshops for teachers to
engage with artwork, they think with their hands and work with clay as activities for curriculum
planning for transdisciplinary activities for their children Setting the use of language features and
patterns, as well as linking mathematics and art, or mathematics and music, and then analyzed and
interpreted practice using an art-based perceptual ecology framework to see how art, along with
science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as a STEAM concept can best be performed and
The Title of My Research Papers … Author 1, Author 2

Research conducted by Pamela Burnard et al. said that various projects in transdisciplinary
learning carried out at elementary level education using art activities in the form of workshops using
clay and made by hand and artistic performance activities are a STEAM concept. The two activities
exemplified in the article are examples of applications in running STEAM in learning mathematics.
What is conveyed can be adopted by teachers in primary education and can also be applied to
education at higher levels. Projects are one way to implement STEAM in each of their subjects,
including mathematics.
6. Experienced Teachers' Perceptions: Math-focused STEAM Learning (Dewi Rosikhoh et al.,
2019) The result of this study is that teachers' perceptions of STEAM learning are positive. However,
they also said that there are some obstacles in STEAM learning that focuses on mathematics. The first
obstacle is the unavailability of supporting literature. The second obstacle is the presence of teachers
who have not received training. The third obstacle is the limited amount of mathematical material that
can be applied in STEAM learning. In addition, the teacher stated that mathematics is more suitable as
a supporting material in STEAM learning than as the main focus.
In an article written by Dewi Rosikhoh et al. Conveying that there are several obstacles in
carrying out STEAM learning in mathematics learning including the absence of supporting literature,
the absence of teacher training on STEAM and the limited mathematical material that can be applied
in STEAM learning and there are also opinions that convey mathematics more suitable as supporting
material in STEAM learning as the main focus. This makes the choice for mathematics teachers in
carrying out STEAM learning in mathematics. Actually, the obstacles experienced by mathematics
teachers against STEAM can be minimized and even mathematics teachers are ready to use the
STEAM approach in their learning by actively learning through available spaces without having to
wait for orders and assignments from the school. All are choices for teachers in carrying out what they
choose without ignoring the importance of a teacher in innovating. Innovations made by teachers will
be beneficial for their students in carrying out and facing every challenge in the era of globalization.
7. A study of the elementary school teachers' perception in STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) education (Young-Joon Shin et al., 2011) The results of the research
are First, the ratio of teachers who understand STEAM education is actually very low . But teachers
have positive thoughts about the need for STEAM education. Second, teachers think that STEAM
education has a good effect on basic education. Third, teachers assume that STEAM education will be
an alternative teaching and learning method. Fourth, teachers have negative thoughts about
participating in class work related to STEAM education. To increase negative attitudes towards
STEAM education, incentives for teachers seem necessary. To spread STEAM education among
elementary school teachers successfully, expansion of school facilities, administrators and staff in
mind, increasing financial support, strengthening education through content development and
teaching strategies are analyzed as challenges.
The article submitted by Joon Shin Young gives confidence that STEAM has a positive impact
6 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume xx, No. x, Januari xxxx, hal. xx-xx

on teachers and students at the elementary level. The STEAM approach can be used as a way for
teachers to choose an approach in their learning process. Although this research was conducted on
elementary level teachers, it is possible that the same results would be carried out on top level
teachers. Although education at every level has its own characteristics and procedures for each
STEAM approach, it is still carried out through the development of innovations aimed at achieving
the true educational goals.
8. The analysis of research trends on STEAM instructional program and the development of
mathematics-centered STEAM instructional program (Hyesook Han, 2013) The research results are
important components such as 'context for learning', 'internalization-mersion', 'new challenges', and
'self-assessment' in STEAM education is not well reflected in the 19 math-centered STEAM learning
programs. Therefore, researchers put more emphasis on these components in the process of
developing a math-centered STEAM program.
Hyesook Han in his article said that there were 19 STEAM learning programs centered on
mathematics that did not reflect STEAM education. Therefore Hyesook made the development of
STEAM education centered on mathematics so that STEAM can be implemented in learning
mathematics. Programs and developments carried out can be a reference for mathematics teachers in
carrying out STEAM in their learning activities. So that the benefits resulting from the STEAM
education process can be achieved.
9. A Critical Review of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
(Laura Colucci-Gray et al., 2019) whose research results are in the realm/domain of knowledge, such
as the humanities and social sciences disciplines, or various ways to knowing and experiencing the
world made possible by a particular art form, practice, or even pedagogy. In the face of such
variations and possibilities, STEAM is a portmanteau term, a hosting approach derived from different
reconfigurations or repeated reconfigurations of disciplined relationships. A critical discussion of the
term “STEAM” will require an analysis of the published literature along with a review and discussion
of ongoing practices in various fields, shaped by and responding to different policy directions and
cultural traditions. The result is a multi-layered and textured account of the limitations and
possibilities and relational understanding of STEAM education.
This article shows that there is a wider relationship between the benefits of STEAM learning,
besides science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, but the humanities and social sciences
also benefit from learning through STEAM.
10. STEAM in practice and research: An integrative literature review (Perignat Elaine et al.,
2019) the results of his research, namely this integrative review, examines 44 published articles
(empirical, descriptive, and pedagogical frameworks) on the topic of STEAM education (Science,
Technology). , Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) from 2007 to 2018. Although STEAM has emerged
as a popular pedagogical approach to enhancing student creativity, problem-solving skills, and interest
in STEM fields, the definitions and goals of STEAM education remain ubiquitous. Therefore, this
The Title of My Research Papers … Author 1, Author 2

review examines the description of the overall STEAM educational objectives, the definition of the
abbreviation STEAM and 'A' in STEAM, creativity as a learning outcome, elements of art education,
and art education learning outcomes. The review found a myriad of definitions of the STEAM
concept in general, various interpretations for the "A" in STEAM, and an overall lack of reported
learning outcomes in the areas of creativity, problem solving, and arts education. The articles also
distinguish methods of combining STEAM disciplines, described in one of five ways:
transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and arts integration.
Recommendations are made to advance research and practice in STEAM education.
The results of a literature study of 44 articles conducted by Perignat Elaine et al. said that
STEAM is the result of adding A from STEM, even though only A means Art but art here gives a
different color in carrying out learning. There are five options that teachers can choose, including
mathematics teachers, in including Art in STEM activities. The chosen methods are transdisciplinary,
interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and arts integration. STEAM provides more
creativity in each learning outcome that is carried out using the STEAM approach. Creativity is very
useful in carrying out life and of course it cannot be separated from having the goal of facing the era
of globalization that is in front of our eyes.
11. Mathematics, Art and 3D-Printing in STEAM Education (Sang-Gu Lee et al., 2015) The
results of his research are that 3D-Printing is one of the most innovative technologies that will be
widely used in the 21st century. 3D-Printing also serves as an indispensable tool in STEAM
education. In this article, we introduce what we have done in our mathematical modeling class at Uni.
and a recent R&E project under the support of the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science
and Creativity. We planned a STEAM education model that started from our desire to create a real
model that uses mathematical formulas to express the natural beauty of an object. We used the free
open source software, Sage, to simulate this model online. Then, we create a program that
generates .STL files from these 3D images. These models can help students understand the natural
beauty inherent in mathematics and use formulas and technological tools to simulate models in 3D.
Finally, we can help students to make their own. STL file via website we developed by adding Sage
code into Sage notebook. Then students can create and hold their own 3D objects. This process
demonstrates the possibility that mathematics, art and 3D-Printing can be used effectively to achieve
STEAM educational goals.
Sang Gu Lee et al. in his article, he gave a project to make 3D printing as a way to implement
STEAM in learning mathematics. What is presented in the article can provide confidence and an idea
of how to apply STEAM to math class. The process carried out by the Korean foundation can also be
adopted into Indonesia as a form of innovation in the learning process.
12. A Review of Multi-Sensory Technologies in a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and
Mathematics (STEAM) Classroom (Johann Taljaard, 2016) The results of the research are: This
article reviews the literature on multi-sensory technology and, in particular, answers the questions: "
8 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume xx, No. x, Januari xxxx, hal. xx-xx

What multi-sensory technologies are available for use in science, technology, engineering, arts and
mathematics (STEAM) classrooms, and do they affect student engagement and learning outcomes?"
Here, engagement is defined as motivation, interest, curiosity, and attitude. This review identifies
tools and software from a growing but limited literature. To answer this question, this review will
cover the following: defining learning styles; multi-sensory instruction background; multi-sensory
education today; STEM and the rise of STEAM; look at some multi-sensory tools; and the benefits of
using multi-sensory technology in education.
The article submitted by Johann Taljaard stated that in learning it is necessary to have
technology that connects many senses. STEAM is the solution to the technology that connects it.
Through STEAM can increase motivation, interest, curiosity and attitude of students so that learning
becomes more alive and meaningful. STEAM gives birth to tools that function in STEAM learning.
13. Full STEAM Ahead: The Benefits of Integrating the Arts Into STEM (Michelle H, 2013)
The results of his research are that there is a growing interest among public officials, educators, and
forward-looking professionals in improving educational platforms to better prepare students to think
analytical and creative. Traditional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) degrees
focus on convergent skills whereas arts degrees focus on divergent skills. Having the ability to
execute both at scale can better position our nation for global competitiveness. A study by the
Partnership for a New American Economy, called “Not Coming to America,” shows a lack of interest
in STEM in undergraduate students across American-born citizens. With the STEM job market
growing three times faster than any other economy, and only 4.4% of American undergraduate
students enrolled in STEM programs, there is a huge shortage of qualified high-tech workers.
Education should cultivate not only problem solving skills but also problem finding skills while
maintaining student interest. The author, an arts educator with a passion for STEM, will summarize
the main initiatives in STEM, rationalize the value of art integration, discuss goal-driven assessment,
evaluate literacy opportunities, provide examples of applying theory to practice, and challenge
audiences to do it fully “STEAM” up front. .
14. Mathematics Learning Through Arts, Technology and Robotics: Multi-and
Transdisciplinary STEAM Approaches (Zsolt Lavicza et al., 2018) The results of the research are In
this paper, we hope to encourage teachers and researchers to develop new approaches to teaching and
learning within the framework of STEAM work inspired by technology and art. The sample projects
and resources described briefly above offer initial motivation for further development and research in
this area. We believe that creative outlined, problem-based, and collaborative activities can support
teachers and students to work on "real" math, encourage their creative thinking, and develop
transdisciplinary connections among STEAM subjects. At the Center for STEAM Education at the
University of Johannes Kepler we aspire to bring together researchers, teachers, and students who can
further work with STEAM-based approaches and pedagogies and experiment with new methods and
technologies that can make it a reality. As such, we aim to host and collaborate with interested people
The Title of My Research Papers … Author 1, Author 2

from around the world in this endeavor through joint projects, hosting visitors and participating in
STEAM masters and doctoral programs. We hope that this paper offers some highlights of our work
and encourages colleagues to contact and work with us. Further details of the outlined and future
projects will appear in future publications.
15. Exploring the use of 3D Computer-Aided Design and 3D Printing for STEAM Learning in
Mathematics (Lam Ng Oi, 2017). junior high school math class. An open-class project involving
design (in a CAD environment), calculations (on paper) and printing of 3D objects (using a 3D
printer) is offered to students aged 13 to 15 in three math classes. Qualitative data were collected in
the form of videotapes of student communications (while working with and away from computers),
and in the form of student calculations and written reflections (as part of their project). These
observations reveal that students develop discourses about volumes of composite solids that are
closely related to the 3D CAD environment, and that 3D printing technology enables an integrated
STEAM learning experience for students. The implications of task design and extension are discussed
in relation to STEAM learning.
18. Gathering STE(A)M: Policy, curricular, and programmatic developments in arts-based
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education Introduction to the special issue of Arts
Education Policy Review: STEAM Focus (Buonincontro Jen Katz, 2018) Results research i.e. Despite
the emergence of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) as an educational
framework, there are important gaps in the documentation of STEAM teaching practice and research.
This article provides an overview of STEAM education related to the topics in the invited articles
written by STEAM pioneers. It provides an operational definition of STEAM education, traces its
development, and questions whether teaching and research in this area have coalesced enough to
establish STEAM as a "field."
19. Analysis of Elementary School Teachers' Perceptions of Mathematics-Focused STEAM
Education in Korea (Min Kyeong Kim, 2019). The results of this study are: The purpose of this study
is to examine the perceptions of elementary school teachers and the conditions in which they teach.
This study is expected to contribute to the preparation of the new technological demands of our
rapidly changing society and the recent changes made to the 2015 Revised National Curriculum
aimed at Fostering Creative Convergence Human Resources in Korea. It is primarily expected to
contribute to the application of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)
education and Mathematics-Focused STEAM education. To this end, we surveyed 273 teachers from
24 public schools in Seoul and the Gyunggido area. The results show that teachers recognize
'convergence' in STEAM education either as an 'integrated approach' where certain subjects or topics
are taught together or as a 'convergent approach' to teaching together and further into the new. In
addition, positive responses were shown to Mathematics-Focused STEAM education in terms of its
effectiveness on education and student needs. The most significant problem in terms of the school
environment is the lack of available preparation time, materials, and educational resources. This study
10 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume xx, No. x, Januari xxxx, hal. xx-xx

is expected to support the improvement of the application of Mathematics Focused STEAM education
in the field, and thus to expand the knowledge contained in mathematics subjects.
20. Why is a STEAM Curriculum Perspective Crucial to the 21st Century? (Taylor, P.C., 2016)
The result of his research that is well recognized as a powerful driver of national economic growth,
STEM lies at the heart of worldwide calls for education reform. In Australia, the Chief Scientist is
calling for STEM education to better engage students in STEM-related career paths. In the US, STEM
educators are urged to produce graduates with the creative and innovative skills required by a high-
tech workforce. However, an equally important challenge for STEM education is to prepare young
people with general abilities to participate actively in community and professional forums to address
ethical issues related to the global impact of science and technology. Education for sustainable
development remains an urgent priority. Thus, STEM educators are challenged to design curricula and
pedagogies to develop students' disciplinary knowledge and skills, as well as their abilities as critical
consumers, creative and ethically intelligent citizens, innovative designers, good communicators, and
collaborative decision makers. There is an international source of educators seeking to meet this
challenge by combining STEM and the arts to produce a multi-literate citizen and workforce for the
21st century. In this presentation I will describe how two secondary schools in Western Australia
developed an interdisciplinary STEAM curriculum.
This article outlines the reasons why integrating the arts with science, technology, engineering
and mathematics is not just a curriculum trend but an important response to the urgent need to prepare
young people with high-level abilities to face positively and productively with the global 21st century.
. challenges (crises) that impact our economy, natural environment and diverse cultural heritage.


The STEAM approach is an approach that integrates five disciplines, namely science,
technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Many options that can be a choice of how to integrate
it. STEAM can be done at every level of education and can also be done in learning mathematics.
STEAM provides various ways to be able to do from a multi-dimensional, multi-sensory project and
there is still much that can be done in mathematics learning activities using the STEAM approach.
Through 20 literature reviews on STEAM written on the results of the study and discussion, it shows
that there is a belief that STEAM is one of the learning approaches that can be chosen. STEAM is also
one of the learning approaches in the field of mathematics that is the way to achieve the goals of
education in Indonesia and the general goal of mathematics lessons as well as preparing young people
who are ready to face and face the era of globalization with resilience.
The Title of My Research Papers … Author 1, Author 2


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