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Getting Around

We’re going to:

1. Talk about transportation
2. Read about road safety
3. Zero conditional

English 1st week / 2nd Semester

Which types of transportation in the pictures do you use regulary?

Which place do you go to?

Pedicab Bus

Can you mention

another kinds of

Motorcycle Car
Dialogue 1

Jhon : “Oh Hi, Good morning Clara”

Clara : “Hi, morning Jhon”
Jhon : “How do you go to school?”
Clara : “I go to school by bicycle, how about you?”
Jhon : “I usually go to school by crosstown, especialy by bus”
Clara : ”Why do you like go to by bus?”
Jhon : ”I get to school by bus because I like to see lots of vehicles. But, the only problem is that traffic jams”

Dialogue 2

Sam : Should we take a taxi or a bus to the school ?

Jeni : Let’s take a bus. It’s impossible to get a taxi during this morning.
Sam : Isn’t that a bus stop over there?
Jeni : Yes…Oh! There’s a bus now. We’ll have to run to catch it.
Sam : Oh, no! We just missed it.
Jeni : No problem. There’ll be another one in 10 minutes.
1. Our school is on main road in the town centre,. Its really
busy with lost of cars, lorries , and buses. When I ride my bike,
Read about staying I always wear my helmet.

safe on the road

with zero
conditional ! 2. In the winter here, it gets dark really early. When I walk home
from school, I always wear reflective armbands so drivers can
see me clearly.

3. You should always use pedestrian crossings to cross busy

roads. If I can’t find a pedestrian crossing, I find a quiet place
to cross the road, away form the corners and parked cars.
Zero Conditional

A conditional sentence is based

on the word ‘if’. There are always We use zero conditional to talk about the
two parts to a conditional things that are true. In zero conditional
sentences, the word "if" can usually be
sentence, one part beginning with
replaced by the word "when" without changing
‘if’ to describe a possible the meaning.
situation, and the second part
which describes the consequence
Example of Zero Conditional!
The Pattern

If / when + simple present + simple present

1. When I ride my bike, I always wear helmet

If clause Main clause

2. If water reaches 100 degress, it boils

3. If I can’t find a pedestrian crossing, I find a quiet place to

cross the road
Another example ! Always remember
that zero conditional
using Simple present

Condition Result
If / When
Present Simple Present Simple

When I miss the 8 o'clock bus, I am late for work.

If I am late for work, my boss gets angry.

If people don't eat, they get hungry.

When You freeze water, it turns to ice.

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