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GE 9 Memory test and student journal

Mojica, Adrienne dave b.

Bse-eng a2020
Mrs. candida olinares
In the spaces below, answer the following questions in two to
three sentences.

1. What were the most important economic changes in the

Philippines during the 19th century?
The demand for Philippine sugar and abaca (hemp) grew apace, and
the volume of exports to Europe expanded even further after the
completion of the Suez Canal in 1869. The growth of commercial
agriculture resulted in the appearance of a new class. The 19th Century
gave birth to the middle class, the lands became the primary source of
wealth because of the cash-crops, and being able to afford
constructions; it gave rise to technological interconnections among the
separated islands of the Philippines.

2. How did these economic changes affect the lives of Filipinos

during that time?
Some Filipino who have Haciendas or other businesses are
getting rich and some Filipino workers are getting poorer,
because some things to buy and the taxes, some businessman are
facing some bankruptcy and some of them are getting higher
because some business are high demand. Some merchants are so
happy because the last galleon arrived in Manila in 1815, and by
the mid-1830s Manila was open to foreign merchants almost
without restriction.
3. The Spaniards also provided educational reforms especially
in higher education in the country. Universities in the
Philippines such as the Ateneo and the University of Santo
Tomas were required to provide secular courses to Filipinos.
How did education help in shaping the nationalistic
consciousness of Filipinos during that time?
Some of our Filipino heroes during the Spaniard Colonial are
from these University, some of them are activist like Jose Rizal,
they always talk about how to get free or to get freedom to the
Spaniards, one of my another example is KKK, some of
Katipuneros are from these Universities and they form the group
as a underground movement, they study about our history, the
war tactics, some of them making propaganda, and some of the
students are the medic, they study about human anatomy,
patriotism and nationalism are still prevailed in their hearts and
brains. The Philippine Revolution they plan but the revolt are

4. Based on your personal assessment, how were these

events in the 19th century crucial to the formation of
Rizal's love for his country?
The events of the 19th century formed the opinion that the
Filipinos had to live in complete control and influence of the
government. These events were crucial to the formation of
Rizal's love for his country because he observed the many
injustices which were being done to the Filipinos. He
observed in his childhood and sophomore years how the
Filipinos were being deprived of their religious rights. He also
observed that the Filipinos had to live depending on the
government which did not care about them. All these events
led Rizal to form his essay love for his country.

Reflect on the importance of a person's context and his/her

awareness of the various problems in society. What are the different
problems in your community today? How do these problems affect
your daily life? How can these problems be addressed by an ordinary
student or a citizen?
Answer: For me the one of the common Problems in my community today is Poverty and
Homelessness, Poverty is linked with negative conditions such as substandard housing, homelessness,
inadequate nutrition and food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, unsafe
neighborhoods, and under-resourced schools which adversely impact our nation's children. We can
create awareness, social media has become an integral part of daily life, and now is the time to use it
as a voice of social good. Sharing links on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms will allow people to
learn more about global poverty and will increase the general consciousness of the issue. Second,
Take Action on Your Own. There are a few simple ways we can help as individuals, such as funding a
poor child’s education or by sponsoring a poor family and influencing others to do so. Raising money
and donating it to a nonprofit can help as well. Donate, donations can help in so many ways. They do
not always have to take the form of money. This can include donating books to a poor child or buying
groceries for a poor family for a week to help fight hunger. Donating old clothes, furniture and
toiletries can also help improve the well-being of the poor. Eliminate Gender Inequality. With two-
thirds of the world’s illiterate being female, the ratio of boys and girls should be made equal in
primary, secondary and tertiary education. Girls that attend school are less likely to get married
before age 18, thus decreasing child marriage rates by 64 percent worldwide. Similarly, literate
women are less likely to spread diseases like HIV/AIDS due to a better knowledge of disease
transmission, which helps to accelerate poverty reduction in the long run. Create Jobs Worldwide.
According to the International Labour Organization, 197 million people are without work worldwide.
More employment options in a country mean more ways of how to stop poverty. To increase
employment, non-literate people can be taught a few skills to make them employable.

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