Project Risk Register: Template & Guide

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Project Risk Register

Template & Guide

Version 1.3 (April 2008)

This Guide is intended to be read in conjunction with the following Template for the development of a
Project Risk Register.
As such, the Guide should be removed from the front of your final document.

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Please give attribution to: © State of Tasmania (Department of Premier and Cabinet) 2017

Department of Premier and Cabinet

What is a Risk Register?
Why would you develop a Risk
The Risk Register records details of all the Register?
risks identified at the beginning and during
the life of the project, their grading in A Risk Register is developed to:
terms of likelihood of occurring and
seriousness of impact on the project, initial  provide a useful tool for managing
plans for mitigating each high level risk, and reducing the risks identified
the costs and responsibilities of the before and during the project;
prescribed mitigation strategies and
subsequent results.  document risk mitigation strategies
being pursued in response to the
identified risks and their grading in
It usually includes:
terms of likelihood and seriousness;
 a unique identifier for each risk;  provide the Project Sponsor, Steering
Committee/senior management with a
 a description of each risk and how it documented framework from which
will affect the project; risk status can be reported;
 an assessment of the likelihood it will  ensure the communication of risk
occur and the possible management issues to key
seriousness/impact if it does occur stakeholders;
(low, medium, high);
 provide a mechanism for seeking and
 a grading of each risk according to a acting on feedback to encourage the
risk assessment table (refer to Table involvement of the key stakeholders;
1); and
 who is responsible for managing the  identify the mitigation actions required
risk; for implementation of the risk
 an outline of proposed mitigation management plan and associated
actions (preventative and costings.
contingency); and
 in larger projects, costings for each When would you develop a Risk
mitigation strategy. Register?

This Register should be maintained Initial risks must be identified and graded
throughout the project and will change according to likelihood and seriousness
regularly as existing risks are re-graded in very early in the Project. This initial risk
the light of the effectiveness of the assessment will form part of the Project
mitigation strategy, and new risks are Proposal/Brief or Project Business Case
identified. In smaller projects, the Risk for the project. Once the project is
Register is often used as the Risk approved the Risk Management Plan and
Management Plan. Risk Register should be fully developed.
In the case of smaller projects the Risk
Register may serve both purposes.

PM 007 Project Risk Register: Guide

Tasmanian Government Project Management Framework
What you need before you start: Mitigation actions should include such
things as:
 Knowledge and understanding of the
project.  Preventative actions - planned actions
 Knowledge and understanding of the to reduce the likelihood a risk will
Key Stakeholders. occur and/or reduce the seriousness
should it occur. (What should you do
 Knowledge and understanding of now?)
appropriate types of risk management
activities, or where to obtain them.  Contingency actions - planned actions
to reduce the immediate seriousness
 Any of the following documents – of the risk when it does occur. (What
Project Proposal/Brief, Project should you do when?)
Business Case, or Project Business
Plan.  Recovery actions - planned actions
taken once a risk has occurred to
 The Tasmanian Government Project allow you to move on. (What should
Management Guidelines. you do after?)
Also advisable: The column for work breakdown structure
(WBS) indicates that the mitigation action
 Departmental Project Management has been added to the WBS; that is, it is
Guidelines. being acted upon.
 Corporate/Business Plan for the
Department/Business Unit. A number of different text styles have
been used within the template, as follows:
What you will have when you are  Text in blue italics is intended to
finished: provide a guide as to the kind of
information that can be included in a
A complete Project Risk Register that is section and to what types of projects it
ready to be given due consideration by the might be applicable. It should be
Project Sponsor and/or the Project deleted from the final document .
Steering Committee.  Text in normal font is intended as
 Text enclosed in <angle brackets> is
intended to be replaced by whatever it
How to use this template is describing.
 This document has been formatted for
The template consists of some headings duplex printing. If you intend to print
and a table that reflects the nature of the single sided, you may need to delete
information that is to be addressed. some page breaks.

The completed Risk Register should be

brief and to the point, so it quickly conveys
the essential information. It should be Where to Get Additional Help
updated on a regular basis, at least
monthly. Project Management tools and resources
that can assist you through each step in
The description of the risk should include your project are available at
the associated consequences or impact
where these are not obvious. These
consequences can be useful in identifying
appropriate mitigation actions. In larger
more complex projects, a separate column
may be required.

PM 007 Project Risk Register: Guide

Tasmanian Government Project Management Framework

Have you remembered to remove:

 The versioning statement from the
front cover of your document?
 This guide and checklist from the front
of your document?

 All blue italic instructional text and

<prescriptive text enclosed in angle
brackets> within the template?

PM 007 Project Risk Register: Guide

Tasmanian Government Project Management Framework
<Project Title>
Risk Register as at <Date>
File No.: <n>

<enter name of unit>

Department of <enter name of department>
REPORT FOR: (Optional) eg <Project Name> Steering Committee


PROJECT OBJECTIVE: As stated in the Project Business Plan.

Rating for Likelihood and Seriousness for each risk

L Rated as Low E Rated as Extreme (Used for Seriousness
M Rated as Medium NA Not Assessed
H Rated as High

Grade: Combined effect of Likelihood/Seriousness

low medium high EXTREME
low N D C A
medium D C B A
high C B A A

Recommended actions for grades of risk

Grade Risk mitigation actions
A Mitigation actions, to reduce the likelihood and seriousness, to be identified and
implemented as soon as the project commences as a priority.
B Mitigation actions, to reduce the likelihood and seriousness, to be identified and
appropriate actions implemented during project execution.
C Mitigation actions, to reduce the likelihood and seriousness, to be identified and costed for
possible action if funds permit.
D To be noted - no action is needed unless grading increases over time.
N To be noted - no action is needed unless grading increases over time.

Change to Grade since last assessment

NEW New risk  Grading decreased
— No change to Grade  Grading increased
<Project Title> Risk Register Page 2
<Project Title> - Risk Register (as at dd-mm-yyyy)

SeriousnessAssessment of
LikelihoodAssessment of
Id Description of Impact on Change Date of Mitigation Responsibilit Cost Timeline Work

Likelihood and Grade (combined

Risk Project Review Actions y for mitigation for Breakdown
(including any (Identify (Preventative or action(s) mitigation Structure
identified ‘triggers’) consequences 1) Contingency) action(s)

<n> <A “newspaper <Describe the <Chang <Date of <Specify <Specify who <Specify This is to
headline” style nature of the e in last planned is timefram indicate
statement. Also risk and the Grade review> mitigation responsible e for that the
identify relevant impact on the since strategies: for mitigatio identified
triggers that may project if the last  Preventative undertaking n mitigation
cause the risk to risk is not review> (implement each action(s) action has
be realised.> mitigated or immediately) mitigation to be been
managed>  Contingency action(s)> complet included in
(implement ed by> the WBS
if/when risk (workplan)
occurs).> .

1 Steering Lack of H H A NEW 15/02/06 Preventative: Project NA 15/03/06 Y

Committee availability will  Highlight Manager
unavailable. stall progress strategic
Identified (ie. delayed connection -
triggers: decisions will link Project
 Steering defer output Objective to
Committee finalisation, relevant
meetings extend project Agency
repeatedly timelines and strategic
rescheduled staff resources objectives
due to lack will be  Confirm 2006
of required for meeting
availability; longer than schedule in
In larger projects, the consequences of the threat may not be evident, and noting them under each risk or in a separate column can be useful in
identifying appropriate mitigation actions.

Page 3
<Project Title> - Risk Register (as at dd-mm-yyyy)

 Members do anticipated) January

not attend  Confirm SC
despite prior membership
confirmation  Widen
of representation
attendance. (include other
2 Inadequate Budget blow M M B No 15/02/06 Contingency: Project TBC TBC N
funding to out means change Re-scope Manager
complete the cost savings project,
project must be focusing on
Identified identified – ie. time and
triggers: reduced resourcing
 Funding is output quality,
redirected; timeframes
 Costs increase are extended,
(poor quality outcomes
materials/ (benefits) will
inaccurate cost be delayed
estimates) and/or

Page 4
<Project Title> - Risk Register (as at dd-mm-yyyy)

3 Staff reject new Rejection H H A NEW 15/02/06 Preventative:

procedures means High level Sponsor NA 21/02/06 Y
Triggers include additional time reinforcement of
 Staff don’t and resources policy changes;
participate in required to Provide Project NA 21/02/06 Y
training (not achieve opportunity for Manager
prepared for successful staff feedback
new roles); implementatio prior to
 New n - ie. outputs policy/procedur Consultant $3,0 30/03/06 N
procedures not languish; more e finalisation; 00
applied (work- training is Develop
arounds still required Training Plan
used). (additional that allows for Project 30/03/06 N
cost, time repeat Manager NA
delays); attendance
potential for (perhaps 2
‘falling back stage training?);
into old ways’ Identify staff Project 30/04/06 N
(more change ‘champions’ to Manager NA
mgt required); promote
loss of adoption of new
credibility for procedures
project (buddy system);
(perception of Circulate
failure). information to
staff that
 promotes how
(eg. 10 steps
reduced to 4
steps etc);
 proportion of
staff that have

Page 5
<Project Title> - Risk Register (as at dd-mm-yyyy)

completed the
 Identifies local
‘buddies’ for

Page 6

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