History 2014 Multiple Choice CXC

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FORM TP 2014051 MAY/JUNE 2014
Paper 01 - General Proficiency

1 hour 15 minutes

( 05 JUNE 2014 (p.m.))


1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them.

2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space hav-
ing the same letter as the answer you have chosen.

Sample Item

Which of the following was used by early navigators

to determine the position of the ship in relation to the stars?
Sample Answer
(A) A map
A compass
A lodestone
(D) An astrolabe

The best answer to this item is "An astrolabe", so answer space (D) has been shaded.

5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.
6. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If
you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your score

i iiii
will be the total number of correct answers.


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1. Which of the following BEST explains 5. Which of the fo.1u..... >....... ,~::runs why
why the Indigenous Peoples migrated to the
Americas from their original homelands?

(A) They were searching for grasslands (A) They worked · -mth the
to feed their livestock. Taino women.
(B) They were driven out of their (B) Taino women were oi'-.err captured
homelands by warlike people. by Kalinago warriors.
(C) They were following herds of deer (C) Kalinago women often rraded w ith
which they hunted. the Taino women.
(D) Their populations had grown (D) Kalinago girls were taught the
too large to survive in their language of the Taino by their
homelands. elders.

2. Which of the following statements is TRlJE 6. ruch is the correct order, from MOST
of BOTH Jamaica and Cuba ar the time of to LEI\ST power:fuL of European social
Columbus ' arrival in the Caribbean? groups in the 1400s?

(A) They were not inhabited. (A) Merchants, priests, peasants, kings
(B) They were inhabited by Tainos. (B) Kings, priests, peasants, merchants
(C) They were inhabited by Mayas. (C) Priests, kings, merchants, peasants
(D) They were inhabited by Kalinagos. (D) Kings, priests, merchants, peasants

3. Which of the follmving BEST describes 7. The MAIN re a s on w hy the English

the religious practices of the Kalinagos and attempted to break the Spanish monopoly
Tainos? in the New World was to

(A) Nature worship and animal sacrifice (A) obtain new trade routes to the East
(B) Nature worship and ancestor (B) obtain a share of the wealth of the
worship New World
(C) Periods of fasting and animal (C) gain a base from which to attack
sacrifice the native peoples
(D) Long periods of f asting and (D) supply captive _--\fr!~ to the
ancestor worship Spanish colonies

4. The Maya obtained their food MAINLY by

(A) fishing
(B) trading
(C) hunting
(D) farming

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15. Which of the following occurred as a result 19. Toussaint L'Ouverture contributed to the
of the change from tobacco to sugar cane success of the Haitian Revolution MAINLY
cultivation in the 1600s? by

(A) The Old Representative System (A) setting up a system of fortification

was replaced. (B) developi ng a revolutionary
(B) The practice of monoculture in the ideology
Caribbean colonies ceased. (C) organizing the enslaved into a
(C) There was an increase in the size formidable fighting force
of landholdings. (D) dividing the country between the
(D) The colonies became more blacks and the mulattos
dependent on indentured labour.

20. Which of the following were consequences

16. Mercantilism was the policy used by of the Haitian Revolution?
England and France to
I. All enslaved Africans were freed.
(A) control the trade of their colonies II. All the mulattos left the island.
(B) invest their profits in their colonies III. The colony gained poli tical
(C) transfer their way of life to the independence.
(D) win the friendship of the Kalinagos (A) I and II only
in St Kitts (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
17. Which of the following was NOT included
in the 1739 peace treaty between the
Maroons ofTrelawny Town in Jamaica and 21. The arguments that the humanitarians _:
the British authorities? nineteenth-century Britain used aga;-,
slavery were MAINLY
(A) The Maroons were free to occupy
an area set aside for them. (A) legal
(B) The Maroons would help the (B) moral
British fight off any invading (C) political
foreign enemy.
(D) economtc
(C) The Maroons could farm and get
licences to sell their produce in
the markets. 22. Which of the follc
(D) The Maroons could accept any a leader in the H
runaway slaves as members of
their community. (A)
18. In 1763, a major uprising of enslaved
Africans took place in the Dutch colony of

(A) Berbice
(B) Curas;ao
(C) Suriname
(D) St Eustatius

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23. Which of the following was the MAIN 27. Which of the following BEST explains why
purpose of the policy of Amelioration? Indian indentured workers were imported
to Guyana but not to Barbados after 1838?
(A) To maintain the established system
of enslavement (A) Guyana had a greater shortage of
(B) To put an end to enslavement in the labour than Barbados.
British Caribbean (B) It was cheaper to import Indians to
(C) To introduce a new supply of cheap Guyana than to Barbados.
labour to the British Caribbean (C) Indentured Indians were better paid
(D) To improve the conditions of the in Guyana than in Barbados.
enslaved in the British Caribbean (D) The Indian government prevented
immigration to Barbados.

24. The British Government was reluctant to

authorize African immigration after the 28. Large-scale immigration to Trinidad and
abolition of slavery MAlNLY because Guyana between :838 and 1870 led to

(A) the planters were opposed. L




25. Which of the following was the ~L-\r­

reason Baptist missionaries helped to
organize free villages for formerly enslaved 29.

(A) To help secure land to build

churches (A ) POTUigl 'z="'
(B) To make a profit from the sale of (B) Chinese
land (C) African
(C) To get more members for their (D) Indian
(D) To assist formerly enslaved persons
who left the estate 30. The majority of immio
work in the British Carib
between Emancipation and
26. The largest number of immigrants into the
War were employed as
British Caribbean during the 19th century
came from
(A) shopkeepers
(B) factory hands
(A) India
(C) small farmers
(B) China
(D) unskilled labourers
(C) Africa
(D) Portugal

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Items 31 - 32 refer to the following 35. -~e Eastern Caribbean

information. --.--r inidad after 18 3 8

"William Knibb foresaw that planters

would try to force extra work from their (A) seeking higher wages
free labourers by increasing rent on homes (B) establishing retail shops
on the estate." (C) working on sugar estates
(D) practising their religion freely
31. Which of the following BEST describes
the response of free labourers in the
Caribbean? 36. The policy by which the United States
government was actively involved in
(A) Riots against the planters directing the financial affairs of the
(B) Refusal to leave the plantation Caribbean between 1905 and 1930 was
(C) Payment of the increased rent known as
(D) Establishment of their homes off
the plantation (A) Operation Bootstrap
(B) Dollar Diplomacy
(C) The Big Stick Policy
32. With which of the follo"ing was the ' Mico (D) The Good Neighbour Policy
Charity' MAINLY associated?

(A) Health 37. Which of the following Caribbean territories

(B) Education was NOT occupied by the U S military
(C) forces in the early 1900s?
(A) Jamaica
(B) Haiti
33. Which of the follov~g-'3.5 ~O T a means c c
by which freed men acc:-Jired land after m.

(A) Renting es=-~ 38. Which of the following BEST summarizes

(B) Squatting the stated aims of the Monroe Doctrine?
(C) Buying o
(D) ReceiYing -~e British (A) The ending of European economic
goYemmerrr exploitation of the Americas
(B) The prevention of new European
colonization in the Americas
34. (C) The establishment ofUnited States
military control in the Americas
(D) The establishment of United
States economic control in the
(A) Decrease in small holdings Americas
(B) Expansion of Crown Lands
(C) Development of free villages
(D) Development of tenantry system


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39. "The adherence of the United States to the 43. The unrest of the 193 Os in the Briri-
Monroe Doctrine may force the United Caribbean was caused MAINLY bv the
States, however reluctantly, in cases of
wrong doing or impotence, to the exercise I. increased cost of living
of the international police force." II. high level ofunemployment
III. return of West Indians from
The above statement is associated with overseas
(A) I only
(A) Woodrow Wilson (B) I and II only
(B) Ulysses S. Grant (C) II and III only
(C) Theodore Roosevelt (D) I, II and III
(D) John Fitzgerald Kennedy
44. During the post-1938 period, trade unions
in the British Caribbean sought MAINLY
40. Fidel Castro overthrew the goyernmem o to
Fulgencio Batista by
(A ) extend the vote for all working
~-\' people
(B) create equality among all men in
(C) the society
(D) (C) organize strikes on estates and
the docks
(D) improve wages and liYi~ .=
41. Which of the following persons was NOT conditions for workers
an outstanding figure in the development
of the trade union movement in the British
Caribbean? 45. Marcus Garvey is BEST remembered -
(A) Uriah Butler
(A) participation in the 193- :ln.-
(B) Arthur Cipriani
(B) teachings on black natio~.,!ii:
(C) Hubert Critchlow
(C) deportation from the "C
(D) Samuel Jackman Prescod
(D) association with the

42. Which of the following personalities was

NOT directly associated with the riots of Item 46 refers to the folloillng 5H"':::::::e::=
the 1930s in the British Caribbean?
"One from ten leaves noughT-.
(A) George Price of Belize
46. With which of the folio
(B) Robert Bradshaw of St Kitts
statement associated?
(C) Clement Payne of Barbados
(D) Alexander Bustamante of Jamaica (A) Jamaica's objec-
(B) Guyana'
1958 :fi

(D) B ri~~-

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47. Which of the following territories did NOT 51. In which chronological order did the
join the British West Indies Federation? following events take place in the British
(A) Guyana and Belize
(B) Grenada and Antigua I. End of the Apprenticeship Scheme
(C) Saint Vincent and Dominica II. Passage of the act to abolish the
(D) Saint Kitts-Nevis and Saint Lucia trade of captive Africans
III. Emancipation of enslaved Africans

48. Which of the following considerations (A) I, II, III

MOST influenced the decision to form the (B) I, III, II
British West Indies Federation of 1958? (C) II, III, I
(D) III, I, II
(A) All territories would participate on
an equal basis.
(B) Federation would help the 52. The MAIN source of disputes between
independence movement. planters and.the formerly enslaved during
(C) Inter-island communication would apprenticeship was
be more economical.
(D) Citizens would be able to move (A) wages
more free ly in the v arious (B) property
territories. (C) child labour
(D) Sunday work

49. Which of the following Canbbean territories

were assimilated by France in 1946? 53. What were the major exports of the British
Caribbean territories in the late 19th
(A) Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe century?
(B) Marie Galante, Haiti, Dominica
(C) Guad eloupe, French Guiana, (A) Sugar and gold
Martinique (B) Sugar and bauxite
(D) Saint Barthelemy, Haiti, Martinique (C) Tobacco and sugar
(D) Bananas and bauxite

50. In what order did the following countries

gain political independence? 54. In which chronological order did the British
Caribbean planters face competition from
I. Guyana the following?
II. Jamaica
III. Grenada I. French beet sugar
II. Cuban slave-grown sugar
(A) I, II, III III. Sugar from St Domingue
(B) II, I, III
(C) II, III, I (A) I, II, III
(D) III, II, I (B) II, III, I
(C) III, II, I
(D) II, I, III

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55. Jose Marti is associated with the struggle 57. The Cuban sugar industry in the 1800s
for independence in received most of its capital from

(A) Cuba (A) the USA

(B) Haiti (B) Spain
(C) Puerto Rico (C) England
(D) The Dominican Republic (D) Germany

Item 56 refers to the following chart, which 58. In which chronological order did the
shows sugar production in four British following industries dev elop in the
Caribbean territories during the period Caribbean?
1815 to 1894.
I. Petroleum
III. Banana
YEAR (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) I, II, III
1815 79 660 8 837 7 682 16 520 (B) II, I, III
(C) II, III, I
1828 72 198 16 942 13 285 40 115 (D) III, II, I

1882 32 638 48 325 55 327 124 102

59. Which of the following West Indian
1894 19 934 50 958 19 934 102 502 personalities is NOT placed beside the
island which he served?

56. Which of the following trends in production (A) Adams Barbados

between 1815 and 1894 is indicated in the (B) Marryshow Trinidad
chart above? (C) Bustamante Jamaica
(D) Bradshaw St Kitts
(A) All of the territories experienced
growth between 1815 and 1894.
(B) Sugar production declined in all of 60. In which chronological order di
the territories between 1882 and following events occur?
(C) The slowest period of growth of I. Cuban Revolution
Territory II was between 1828 II. Haitian Revolution
and 1882. III. Grenadian Revolution
(D) Sugar production in one territory
declined steadily between 1815 (A) I, II, III
and 1894. (B) I, III, II
(C) II, I, III
(D) III, I, II



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