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Extensive Test

Date : ___________
Duration : ________
Biology Class
Max. Marks : 45 Topic: Respiration X

4 All questions are compulsory.
4 Do not write anything in the question paper.

1. What causes muscle cramps? [1]

2. Plants don’t have specific organ (like lungs or gills) for gaseous exchange, then how gaseous
exchange occurs in plants? [1]
3. Why respiratory organs are placed inside the body? [1]
4. What happens to the food after being digested and being absorbed in the intestine? [1]
5. When we exhale the trachea/air passage doesn’t collapse. Give reason? [1]
6. Why epiglottis is placed over glottis? [1]
7. Mention the role of diaphragm and ribs in breathing processes? [1]
8. What is the importance of residual volume that is trapped inside lungs? [1]
9. Why diffusion is not sufficient to meet the demand of gaseous exchange for complex multicellular
animals? [1]
10. Why does lime water turn milky when we blow exhaled air into it? [2]
11. What is ATP? Why it is called “Energy currency of the cell”? How much equivalent energy is
released by 1 mole of ATP when broken? [2]
12. How gaseous exchange is different in plants during day and night? Give explanation. [2]
13. Why the breathing rate in aquatic animals is much faster than the terrestrial animals? [2]
14. Name the two respiratory gases? By which process the exchange of these two gases occurs in
living organisms? [2]
15. Why it is not preferred to breathe through mouth? [2]
16. How are alveoli/lungs designed in humans to maximise the area of respiration? [2]
17. Differentiate between breathing and respiration? [2]
18. Name the respiratory pigment in humans? How transportation of oxygen is different from that
of transportation of carbon dioxide? [2]
19. Mention the pathway of breakdown of glucose in : [3]
(a) presence of oxygen (b) absence of oxygen
(c) lack of oxygen
20. What is fermentation? What are the products formed during this processes? Name two
microorganisms also which perform fermentation. [3]
21. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? [3]

Extensive Test (2017-18)
22. Name the respiratory organs / structures in following organisms : [3]
(a) Amoeba and Paramecium (b) Earthworm
(c) Frog (d) Insects
(e) fishes (f) Birds and mammals
23. Draw the diagram of human respiratory system and show the pathway of inhaled air from
nostril to alveoli. [3]



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