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Central part

Immigrants who come to Holland run into the same kind of problems, since they all need the same
primary products. They all need a place to live, a job and food. Before we can start explaining our
solutions for problems immigrants run into we explain which problems they have and how they are

Immigrants need the primary products, which already are mentioned in the paragraph above. The most
important one is the part finding a job, since the money earned will be spend on the other two products.
Being able to find a well paying job as an immigrant is difficult, since they do not speak the language of
that country, in this case speaking Dutch. The major issue why immigrants could have a difficult life in
Holland is that they might not be able to earn enough money. There are many reasons why they can not
get a job, like not being able to speak the national language, having no connections in their new country,

The problems given in the previous paragraph can be avoided with multiple solutions, but first we will
explain what consequences these problems create. Like already mentioned in our introduction, people
tend to cooperate in illegal activities when they, for example, need to earn more money. Another
problem is when immigrants have different habits and believes then the ones their neighbors have. This
could lead to bad communication between the neighbors and even worse. All of these consequences
should be avoided as much as possible.

In the next few paragraphs we will try to give a few solutions which will avoid problems for immigrants
by providing them better possibilities and a better understanding between immigrants and their new
social contacts.

Companies can start entering diversity policy

This means that companies take into account the differences between people in gender, ethnic
identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and religion. Diversity Policy aims to: equal rights and
opportunities for different groups, combating discrimination and social exclusion and promote

Advantages of a diversity policy are:

- A diverse workforce encourages creativity
within the organization.
- Can improve the image of the company.
- A diverse workforce is attractive to a wider
group of customers.
- Learn more multiple cultures.
- The Netherlands is becoming more multicultural.

Disadvantages of a diversity policy are:

- Creating a diversity policy takes time and therefore money.
- There could be tensions between difference employees.
Providing more language lessons

The government can help immigrants by providing Dutch language lessons. They could offer
lessons for a reasonable price. So that immigrants could speak, write and read better and faster

The advantages:
- The immigrants may be better understood in their environment.
- They can find better work.
- Illegal activities will decrease.
- They will no longer feel an outsider.

The disadvantages:
- Providing Dutch lessons costs money.
- It takes a long time before immigrants dominate the Dutch language.
- The demand supply will not be extracted.

The municipalities must organize recreational where immigrants also can participate

- By organizing recreational, immigrants come more in contact with Dutch people. So they get to
know and understand each other better. This will also probably create a greater appreciation for
each other.

- To organize and promote recreational it takes time and costs money.
- It could be happen that only immigrants come to the recreational. So the plan failed.

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