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Information systems

In relation to programming, the key parts are:

- People – who interact with systems according to their needs – programmers, system

- managers, technicians, end users.

- Data – raw unprocessed facts which is inputted and processed into information.

- Processes – which are the manual and automated ways of achieving a result.

- Digital systems….

Digital systems
To create a functioning, useful digital system two things are required:
- Hardware – the different physical components of the computer

- Software – the programs that run on the computer

- A series of instructions that directs a computer’s hardware to perform a particular

- Without instructions (or programs) a computer is a useless collection of electronics.

Computer languages
- A computer language is an artificial language designed to work for different
applications in different environments.

- Code are the words you type in, the language is the set of words you can choose
from. Code = keywords, function names, variable, etc.

- Each language has its own set of rules describing exactly how each instruction should
be written.

- This is called the syntax of the programming language. A combination of regular

expressions and grammatical structure and semantics (words, phrases and

Computer languages continue

- Humans speak variety of languages, programmers use a variety of programming
languages and tools to write, or code, a program.

- Languages are often designed for specific purposes. E.g. scientific programs, business
applications, web page development etc.

- There are two types of languages: Low-level and high-level.

High level language
- The high level languages are much closer to human language.

- High level languages must use interpreters, compilers or translators to convert

human understandable program to computer readable code (machine code).

- High level language programmers have to learn two things at the same time:
- Language syntax – how to write/ format each type of instruction, where to put
commas, brackets, spaces, indentation, etc.

- Problem solving – how to put instructions together to make a program to what u

want it to do.

- A complier is a program that converts the source code into executable programs
(machine language) so that a computer [CPU] and operating system [Windows, OSX]
can understand and carry out instructions.

- An interpreter translates and executes one statement at a time.

- Each time the source program runs, the interpreter translates and executes it,
statement by statement.

- A disadvantage is that interpreted programs do not run as fast as complied


- Requires less memory – source code only has to be present one line at a time.

- Errors are displayed for every instruction interpreted.

Low level language

- A low level language is a programming language that is machine dependent – e.g. C
or machine code.

- Low level languages are those languages that does not need a complier or
interpreter to run the program.

- Low level languages require more skill and knowledge from the programmer and
allows direct control of the workings of a computer.

Designing Computer Programs

- A good programmer develops the ability to take a problem apart and design a
method of solving it.

- The solution must be developed in such a way that it can be programmed.

- This type of problem solving is called computational thinking.

Purpose of a flowchart
- An aid in developing the logic of a program.

- Programmer prepares flowchart before coding.

- Verification that all possible conditions have been considered in a program.

- Provides means of communication with others about the program.

- A guide in coding the program.

- Documentation for the program.

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