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Midterm Exam

“English Drama Script”

S1 Keperawatan 3B

Lecturer : Deni Abdillah, M

TA: 2021
Food and nutrition part 1
Ibu pasien : Miftah
Nurse 1 : faiza
Nurse 2 : Vivi
Pasien : fauzan
Dokter : adi

Dialogue 1
Miftah : megucapkan salam (greetings, morning)
Faiza : answer greetings (morning)
Miftah : mengatakan tujuan (consultation about child’s health )
Faiza : menanyakan keluhan ( what is )
Miftah : explain ( frequent stomac and frequent diarrhea )
Faiza : menanyakan BB dan TB (weight and height? )
Miftah : answer
Faiza : mengatakan akan di proses ( well later )
Miftah :mengucapkan terimakasih ( thank you )
Faiza : (answer)

Dialogue 2
Polyclinic waiting room
Vivi : memanggil nama pasien
Fauzan : reply
Vivi : menjelaskan prosedur ( I will checked )
Fauzan : reply (yes please)
Vivi :menjelaskan hasil ( well,after I calculated )
Fauzan : menanyakan apakah bisa memiliki tubuh ideal ( whether my weight can…)
Vivi : reply (yes of course )
Fauzan : menjawab dan masuk ke ruang dokter ( oke)

Dialogue 3
Adi :mengucapkan salam dan menanyakan keaadaan ( hello)
Fauzan : menjelaskan kondisi ( I’ve been having )
Adi : menanyakan sudah berapa lama (how long )
Fauzan : reply (a month)
Adi : menanyakan makanan apa yg di konsumsi saat makan malam (what do )
Fauzan : reply ( fast food )
Adi : menanyakan apakah mengonsumsi makanan pedas ( spicy?)
Fauzan: answer ( yes,I like it )
Adi : giving advice
Fauzan : menjawab akan melakukannya ( I’ll try )
Adi : memberikan obat ( I’ll also give you…)
Fauzan : reply and say thank you ( allright, thank you)
Adi : (answer)
Food and nutrition part II ( food allergies)
Riska : Greeting
Ani, Novi, Windi : Reply
Riska : Introduce about self and her friends/patner
Anggi : opening (time contracts, material to be delivered)
Novi : reply angree
Diana : ask about what is allergy
Ani : reply ( allergies are..........)
Riska : Ask again what is allergy
Novi : reply ( allergies are...........)
Riska : explain about allergy
Anggi : explain about a variety of allergy
Diana : ask about the effect of allergy
Ani : Reply ( itching, swelling)
Novi : reply ( shortness of breath, Rashed, hives)
Diana : yes right, ask if anyone has any allergies here? Allergy to what?
Windi : reply, explain/ tell allergy to what and the effect of that allergy ( allergy to seafood and
the effect is itching, swelling around the mouth and hand)
Ani : reply ( allergic to nuts and a red itch on the skin)
Novi : reply ( allergic to cold air and the effect is hives, Rashed all over body)
Riska : suggest for consulting
Anggi : closing
Intolerances and offer advice on diet
Tesa : nurse 1. Oin : patien 1
Endah : nurse 2. Nadia : patien 2
Came : nurse 3. Fathan : nutritionist

Tesa : greeting ( morning)

Oin : reply ( morning)
Endah : menanyakan kabar (how about your sleep)
Nadia : menjawab ( lack of sleep)
Endah : yes because you are diet
Nadia : repeat
Tesa : menanyakan bagaimana makannya tadi pagi ( how about your eat)
Oin : kurang nafsu makan ( intolerance)
Tesa : yes because masalah kesehatan dapat menjadi penyebabnya ( health problems)
Oin : iya saya mengerti ( im understand)
Fatan : menjelaskan tujuan dan kesediaan ( health promotion diet to obesity)
Oin : menjawab ( ready)
Tesa : menjelaskan tentang obesity ( excess fat)
Endah : menjelaskan penyebab obesity ( causes of obesity)
Came : menjelaskan tentang faktor resiko penyakit (diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and
Oin : bertanya agar terhindar dari obesity (avoid to obesity)
Fatan : menjawab (diet plan of 4j)
Nadia : bertanya apa itu 4j (what is)
Fatan : menjawab (amount, schedule, type, form)
Oin : bertanya prinsip diet ( principle di of obesity diet)
Fatan : menjawab ( limit of calorie and eat on schedule)
Nadia : bertanya (what to do)
Came : menjawab (three step)
Oin : bertanya tentang diet Dengan buah Dan sayur (fruit and vegetable)
Endah : menjawab ( fruit and vegetable contains high seart)
Nadia : bertanya hubungan diet dengan olahraga (diet accompanied by exercise)
Came : menjawab ( muat balanced)
Fatan : closing (say thanks)

Personal care part I : Patient hygiene

Skenario 1
(patient room)
Elsha : greeting
Rery, alvin, naya : reply
Sandra : menanyakan kabar ( how are..)
Rery : mengeluh gatal, dll...
Alvin : ask to help ( washing & dresing)
Elsha : persiapan alat
Sandra : excuse to washing & dresing
Rery : ok
Elsha & sandra : ( demo washing & dresing)
Naya : tell about decubitus her mom
Elsha : menjelaskan sedikit ttg perawatan decubitus
Sandra : closing (salam)
Rery, alvin, naya : reply

(doctor room)
Sandra : excuse....
Zahra : reply
Sandra : menjelaskan adl
Zahrah : instruksi untuk pantau perkembangan pasien
Sandra : ok!! Closing (salam)
Zahra: reply

Skenario 2
Sandra : instruction to nurse
Naya : Tell instruction doctor to patient
Zahra : ok!! Call the doctor
Sandra : visit, tell about her condition
Alvin : ok doc!! Menanyakan ttg aktivitas yg boleh dilakukan
Sandra : menjelaskan ( you can do..)
Naya : menawarkan bantuan untuk shaving
Alvin : menolak
Naya : ok, menawarkan bantuan jika di perlukan ( you can call me if..)
Zahra : excuse
Alvin : reply
Elsha : ecxuse, memberi makanan & menjelaskan ttg makanan
Alvin : ok, need help to nurse
Zahra : menawarkan bantuan membawakan shower chair
Alvin : thanks
(room doctor)
Zahra : excuse
Rery : reply
Zahra : menjelaskan adl
Rery : instruksi untuk pantau perkembangan pasien
Zahra : ok!! Closing
Rery : reply

Skenario 3
Zahra : greeting
Elsha & rery : reply
Zahra : check the condition ( it's about gastritis)
Elsha : reply, ask about her condition
Rery : reply, ask about her child condition
Zahra : reply, Closing
Naya : greeting
Elsha & rery : reply
Naya : check the condition (about paru)
Elsha : ask about her condition
Rery : ask about her child condition
Naya : closing
Alvin : greeting
Elsha & rery : reply
Alvin: check the condition (about heart jantung)
Elsha : ask about her condition
Rery : ask about child condition
Alvin: closing
Rery : call the nurse need to help
Sandra : menawarkan bantuan
Elsha : ask the urine bottle and help to going the toilet
Sandra : ok
Elsha : thanks
Sandra : reply

Patien hygiene and assess ADLS

Scenario 1:
Welly: Greeating (Hello)
Cici: Reply
Welly: Ask to do (Doing)
Cici: Drying clothus (Clothus)
Welly: Ask grandma conditios
Cici: Jawab baik (Good)
Welly: Pergi melihat nenek (look grandma conditions)
Cici: Jawab (See you)
Welly: Greeting (Morning)
Ve: Replay (Smile)
Welly: Tanya mandi (Shower)
Ve: Jawab (Going to shower)
Welly: Membantu mandi (Help with bathing)
Ve: Menolak (Herself)
Welly: Jawab (Ok)
Ve: Ambil tongkat (Help)
Welly: Jawab (Be carefull)
Fikri: Greeting
Welly: Replay
Fikri: Antar makanan (Food)
Welly: Thankyou,
Tanya selesai mandi(Finish bathing)
Ve: Sudah (Finish)
Welly: Tanya pakai baju (Dressing)
Ve: Bisa (Can)
Welly: Greeting (Morning)
Yuli: Reply (Morning)
Welly: Menjelaskan laporan (ADL)
Yuli: Tanya bias aktivitas sendiri (Independent)
Welly: Reply (Can)
Yuli: Jawab (Good)
Welly: Permisi (Thankyou)
Yuli: Reply

Scenario 2
Cici: Greeting (Morning)
Yuli: Reply (Hy)
Cici: Tanya keadaan pasien (Condition)
Yuli: Reply (Good)
Cici: Reply
Menyapa pasien (Comunication)
Fikri: Reply
Cici: Tanya (Help)
Fikri: Reply (Help with shaving)
Cici: Jawab
Fikri: Tolong (Wolking Stick)
Cici: Reply
Tanya (Heed help)
Fikri: Jawab (Himseif)
Cici: Greeting (Morning)
Debi: Reply (Morning)
Cici: Menjelaskan (Independent, need help)
Debi: Tanya (Family help)
Cici: Reply (Child)
Debi: Reply (Apprecite)

Scenario 3
Ve: Greeting (Morning)
Yuli: Reply
Ve: Tanya keadaan pasien (Condition)
Yuli: Reply (Ok)
Debi: Reply
Ve:Tanya perasaan (Feel)
Debi: Reply (Elimination urinal)
Yuli: Reply ( To toilet), dan tidak mau menggunakan urinal bottle
Ve: Menjelaskan saran (Advice)
Debi: Reply (Uncomfortable)
Ve: Reply (Reason)
Debi: Ok nurse (Reply)
Ve: Greeting (Morning)
Welly: Greeting
Ve: Menjelaskan (Urinal elimination)
Welly: Reply (Need help)
Ve: Menjelaskan (Family control)
Welly: Reply
Ve: Excuse

Personal care part II : Emphaty

Perawat IGD :Nurhadiya Fauzia
Perawat ruangan : Reza Fadhilla
Ibu pasien : Jihan Fadhilla
Pasien : Aldi Kuniawan Efendi
Pacar pasien : Yolla Marlin Napitu
Teman pasien : Muhammad Fadil

Jihan : meminta pertolongan kepada perawat (help)
Diya : menanyakan yg terjadi ( the condition of the mother's child)
Jihan : menjelaskan apa yang terjadi (accident)
Diya : menyuruh pasien tidur ( examination )

( after an examination by a doctor )

Diya : menjelaskan kondisi pasien ( fracture )

Jihan : menjawab (hope for the best)
Yola : menanyakan apa yg terjadi pada pasien ( asking )
Jihan :menjelaskan apa yg terjadi ( motorcycle accident )
Yola : mengharapkan kesembuhan pasien ( hope for healing )
Jihan : meminta doa kesembuhan
Yola : mendoakan yg terbaik

Di ruangan
Reza : memberitahu ada yg membesuk ( his friend)
Jihan : menjawab (oke)
Fadil : greeting (afternoon)
Jihan : menjawab
Fadil : menanyakan apa yg terjadi pada pasien (why)
Aldi : menjelakan apa yang terjadi padanya ( motor accidents )
Fadil : menyakan apa yg di rasakan sekarang
Aldi : menjelaskan apa yg di rasakan (pain in the legs, body weakness)
Fadil : memberikan masukan ( to rest and not move much )
Aldi : menanyakan kapan kesembuhan
Reza : menjelaskan makanan yg di konsumsi agar mempercepat penyembuhan (high protein,
vitamin D, calcium and iron)
Aldi : menayakan apa saja contoh makanan tersebut
Reza : menjelaskan (high protein : meat and egg, kalsium : milk, vitamin D : sea food, zatbesi :
green vegetable)
Aldi : menerima masukan dari perawat
Reza : mengharapkan kesembuhan pasien
Fadil : mengharapkan kesembuhan pasien
Aldi : menjawab (oke)
Fadil : mendoakan yang terbaik untuk pasien
Aldi : berterimakasih
Wound Management
Nurse 1: meta
Nurse 2: ayu
Father. : agung
Mother. : yunda
Patient. : vinda
Doctor. : gia
Pharmacist: aisyah

Morning 07.30 ...
META : greating
AGUNG &YUNDA: (reply)
Ayu: (confirm patient and family)
Agung: (reply)
Meta: (introduction nurses 1 and 2)
Ayu: (ask the patient's complaints to the family)
Agung: "(answer)
Ayu: "(permission to check the patient's condition to the family)
Ayunda & agung : (answer)
Ayu :permission to do wound care so that infection does not occur
Meta: (greating and smile)
Vinda: (answer) (smile)
Meta: (introduce sone self as a nurse and explains goals and time contracts)
Ayu: (ask the patient's condition and complaints)
VINDA: (answer) the knee is painful
Ayu:explain that pain is the effect of the wound
META: explain the inflammatory healing effect
Vinda: answer (A little relief)

Work Phase
Shortly the reafter, the nurse approached the patient again.
Meta: greating
Vinda: answers and teeswnyum
Ayu: re-ask the agreement to clean the wound
Vinda: answer (agree)
Meta: prepare tools

When the nurse treated his wound all of a sudden

Suddenly the patient screamed in pain "atthatmoment
The nurse removes the dressing of the patient'swound

Vinda: "Aww (in pain)

Agung: ask (why is the child sick)
Yunda : please
Meta : finished treating the wound
Vinda : answer yes
Yunda : Ask when Vinda will come home?
Ayu : wait for the doctor's decision
Yunda : alright
Meta : excuse me
Ayu : same

Gia : assalamu'alaikum
Ayunda : answer greetings
Gia : introduction and permission to conduct examination
Ayunda : please
Gia : The childis getting healthy
Agung : when can you go home
Gia : explain that you can go home and give the recipe
Ayunda : thank you
Gia : Please take the prescription in the nurse'sroom
Vinda : answer yes
Ayunda : answer yes
Gia : Permission to say goodbye
Agung : thankyou
Gia : You're welcome

Gia : a prescription for Vinda's patient and can go home today

Ayu : the response is yes
Gia : goodbye
Ayu : the response is yes
Ayunda : mintrecipe
Ayu : ordered to redeem the medicine at the pharmacy
Ayunda : the response is yes

Ayunda : excuse me
Aisyah : serve
Ayunda : to the pharmacy to redeem medicine,
Aisyah : on behalf of malvinda
Ayunda : yes
Aisyah : hand over the medicine, and explain the instructions
Ayunda : good
Aisyah : good luck gettingwell
Ayunda : excuse me
Aisyah : You're welcome

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