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Write the note and answer the questions

Activity 10.1

The indicator of the ammeter deflects when current passes through it.

1. What is called an electrolyte?

2. Give examples for electrolytes
3. What helps in conducting electricity through electrolytes?
4. What are called non-electrolytes?
5. Give examples for non-electrolytes

❖ Sodium chloride (salt) and copper sulphate are ionic compounds. They
are made up of oppositely charged ions (positive ions and negative ions).
But these compounds are found in solid state. Therefore, they have no
mobile ions to conduct electricity.
❖ The solid state of ionic compounds does not conduct electricity. But the
aqueous solutions (compound + water) of them conduct electricity due to
presence of mobile ions.

6. What is called a fused substance?

❖ Ionic compounds conduct electricity in fused state

Changes caused in a solution by an electric current

Activity 10.2

● Positive electrode - The electrode connected to the positive terminal of

the dry cell
● Negative electrode - The electrode connected to the negative terminal of
the dry cell
Observation :-
● A reddish brown susbstance (Cu) deposits at the negative electrode .
● Gas bubbles (O2)emit at the positive electrode .
● Blue colour of the solution gradually decreases.
Conclusion :- Compounds contain in the beaker undergoing a chemical change.
7. What is the reason for the above change ?
8. What is called electrolysis ?
● During electrolysis , an electrolyte is converted in to more simpler
products .
9. What are called inert electrodes?
10.Give eexamples for inert electrodes?

Electrolysis of acidulated water

Activity 10.3

Observation :- Gas bubbles evolve at the electrodes.

11.What can you say about the volume of the gases evolved?
12.Name the gases evolve at the positive and negative electrodes
respectively .
13.How do you separately identify the above two gases?

● During electrolysis, water is splitted into hydrogen and oxygen.

14.Name the industries where electrolysis is used.

Activity 10.4
Observation :-
● Copper plate gradually dissolves.
● Copper gets depositted on the spoon.

15.What is called electroplating ?

16. To which terminal should the metal that needs to be plated on the spoon
be connected ?
17.To which terminal should the spoon be connected ?
18.Which type of electrolyte should be used?

● Do the assignment 10.1

19.What are the characteristics of a high quality electroplating?

20.What should be done to get high quality features in electroplating ?
● Using a very dilute electrolyte.
● Passing a very low current .
21.What are the applications of electroplating ?
22.What are the metals used in electroplating ?
23.Which type of properties should the above metals possess ?
● Do the exercise

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