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Weighted integral method in stochastic finite element analysis

Tsuyoshi Takada

O hsaki Research Institute, Sirnizu Corporation, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo l O0 Japan

This paper, inlroducing a weighted integral method, formulates the new stochastic finite element method
for estimating the response variability of stochastic systems consisting of line elements. The essenfiN
feature of the proposed method is that the continuous stochastic field is rigorously taken care of by
means of weighted integrations to construct not onty the element stiffness matrix but also the equivaiem
nodal forces. As a result, the issue involving the stochastic field is transformed into a proNem involving
only a few random variables, and then the perturbation or Monte Carlo simulation methods is atilizedo
This has lead to substantial improvement in computational efficiency whether the perturba~on or Monte
Carlo simulation method is used. Furthermore, the accuracy of the solution from ~ e proposed method
is independent of the way in which discretization is performed, while this certainly is not the case for
the conventional methods.

Key Words: weighted integrals, response variabiIity, stochastic finite element method~ stochastic field,
random material property, equivalent nodal force.

under the assumption that the coefficient of variation of the

random variables is small in the sense that the coefficient
of variation is the range of t0 - 20%. Applications of
The recent emergence of the stochastic finite element
this method can be found in the geoteclmica! field 11,~2
method (SFEM) developed on the basis of stochastic field structural field 13-!6 and other fields. Liu et al)7 ,I~ used the
theory has enhanced the state of the art in estimating the perturbation method in dynamic problems by introducing
struct-ural response variability arising from the spatial vari-
an approximate random displacement function of stochastic
ation of material and geometrical properties of structures, finite element.
Furthermore, the notable development of computer technoi-
In spite of the above-mentioned theoretical develov-
ogy in the last few decades has made the SFEM practical in
merit of various approaches m the the current SFEM, C~e re-
use even for complex structural systems.
sulting response variability of stochastic sWactures depends
Most approaches to the SFEM require discretization
significantly on the finite element discretization which mus:~
of the stochastic field idealizing the spatial variation and be determined not only from such considerations as the
usually assume that the material and geometrical properties stress and strain gradient expected at each sa-ecmral Iocao
m'e invariant within each finite element. Monte Carlo
tion, but atso from the characteristics of the stochastic field
simulation and/or perturbation methods are then used to involved. Considering relative!y simple structures, some
estimate the response variability. It is therefore obvious that earlier work ~° established the appropriaLe finite elemea~
these approaches to the SFEM are basically fully dependent size as a function of the correlation scale which is a mea.o
on the deterministic FEM.
sure of how rapidly the correlation decays. It should be
For the Monte Carlo-based SFEM, a technique for mentioned that problems requiring a very small size N fi-
the generation of samples of Gaussian stochastic fields nite element to realize the original stochastic field may be
has been developed by Shinozuka and his associates ~-4, mo expensive to solve by means of the above-mentioned
This technique was recently extended to non-Gaussian methods, due primarily to a large-size global stiffness ma~
fields5. Once the samples of the stochastic field are wix to be dealt with.
realized, the remaining analysis is quite straightforward 6.7
In the present paper, a new method for estimating
A more recent approach to the Monte Carlo-based SFEM the response variability arising from system stochasticky is
developed by Shinozuka and Dasguputa 8 utilizes the developed by making use of a "weighted integral method"
Neumann expansion of a matrix to the stiffness matrix of associated with finite element discretization. Use of
the stochastic systems. The efficiency of the method was this method makes it possible ~o construct a stocgasgc
examined for various problems%l° o element stiffness matrix, and even an equivalent nodal
On the other hand, the perturbation-based SFEM, has force, whose components can be expressed in terms of
been widely used because of its simplicity and convenience the integration, over each finite element, of a stochastic
quantity. 7nis idea, in fact, originates from the recem
Parts of this paper were presented a~ the 5th ICOSSAR' 89, San fundarnemal research !9-2~ in wNch relatively simple
Fransiseo, August 7-11, 1989. stochastic frame structures are treated purely analyticNty by
~ ) C o r n p u t a g l o n M Meci'u~nlcs PublJcatlor~ 1990

t46 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, Vot. 5, No. 3

Weighted integral method in stochastic finite element analysis: T. Takada
making strict distinction between statically determinate and A weighted integral vector Xi (x'~i) whose k-th
indeterminate structures. The point is that such an integral component is the weighted integral of a deterministic
is a random variable and hence the system stochasticity function 9k(x); (k = 1 , 2 , . . , N ) is now defined over a
issue involving a stochastic field is transformed into domain I~ as follows:
a problem involving only random variables, thereby
permitting the ensuing analysis, such as Monte Carlo or X i ( x ' ) = {X~, ( x ' ) Xg~ ( x ' ) ...X,,, ( 4 , ) } ' (5)
perturbation methods, to be carried out with considerable
ease. For structures consisting of line elements such as This vector consists of N random variables which follow
masses and rigid frames, the weighted integration can be from the same original stochastic field and therefore are
performed over each element and no further finite element correlated with each other.
discretization is needed. This may lead to substantial The N x N cross-covariance matrix of the weighted
improvement in computational efficiency whether we use integ~ vectors X, (e,~) and Xj (~:~) in the sub-domains7",
the perturbation or Monte Carlo methods of solution. and Tj, as illustrated in Fig. 2, is computed as:
The proposed method can be easily extended at least
conceptually to higher dimensional or dynamic problems. ( C ~ x , } ~ =~ Ix, (~') x~ ( °9].,,,
I/: t

This section introduces a "weighted integral" of a one- × Rxx ((j - ~, + %) e ~ j
dimensional, homogeneous (or stationary), continuous,
stochastic field and discusses fundamental characteristics of where hg represents the relative distance between the sub-
this integral. domains v~ and 5 and is equal to (z'j - z ' ) . The elements
From a one-dimensional, homogeneous, continuous, of the cross-covariance matrix exhibit homogeneity since
Gaussian, stochastic field X (x) which is assumed to have the original field X (x) is homogeneous. An alternative
zero mean and auto-correlation function R x x (~), the expression of FXl. (6) involving the associated power spectra
weighted integral with respect to a deterministic weighting can be obtained, as will be shown later.
function g (x) over a sub-domain V is defined as follows: In the analysis that follows, the double integration
appearing in Eqs. (4) and (6) is performed analytically or
numerically to evaluate the auto- and cross-covariance of
x , (~') = f , 9 ( - ' - 4) x (,,9 d,,' (1)
the weighted integrals.

in which x~ denotes a point within the domain. C and x (~')

xc are spatial coordinates measured in a global coordinate
~ tt I
system. Equation (1) indicates that the weighted integral
Xg becomes a Gaussian random variable, resulting from
integration of the original stochastic field X (x). Figure o' VP"v~'~,~'~,~.--,,~vf''.YL~^~'~~ -'
t ~. t t T
1 illustrates a case in which the domain has a width equal
to T and x~ is selected of the center of the domain. In this
case, Eq. (1) may be rewritten in the following form using T

a local spatial coordinate ~: x(~'o)

Fig. 1. Weighted integral in one-dimensional

Xg(z'o)= f ~ g ( O X (e+ z'c)d~ (2)
stochastic field
Considering the characteristics of the original stochastic
field X ( z ) , it follows that:
X (~')
[x. (~'o)] -- o (3)
! t

vo,[x.(4)]= ~ ~g(e,)9(a) 1 ~°'

I t "¢"
x R x x (~2 - ~,) dE1dg2 x~ (~'o,) xi(49
where c [ - ] implies an ensemble average. It can be shown Fig. 2. Cross-covariance between weighted integrals
that the homogeneity of the original field guarantees the
homogeneity of the weighted integral, i.e., the variance of
the weighted integral is not a function of position x~.

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, Vol. 5, No. 3 147

Weighted integral method in s~ochastic finite element anMysis: To Takada

DERIVATION OF STOCHASTIC STIFF° where the integration is performed over the etemen~ volta-no
The spatially varying Young's modulus of line elements is Substimtm_g Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eq. (10) ?earls to the
idealized as a one-dimensional, homogeneous, Gaussia,-~, following:
stochastic field. The element stiffness matrix is then derived % = F,r~ ( i 1)
using a traditional variational method° It will be shown that
where F~ is the stochastic flexiNlity matrix given by:
eventually the resulting stochastic element stiffness matrix
can be expressed as a function of several weighted integrals°
g®=/vB~(z) D2-~(z)B~(z)dI~ (;2)
Variability of Young's Modulus
It is assumed in this analysis that Young's modulus is the It can be easily shown that there are severs1 we~ghte5
only material property which is stochastic in such a way that integrals involved in F~ since D j ~ ( z ) is a function of ~o
it constitutes a one-dimensional, uni-variate, homogeneous, The relationship between r, and the nods! force vecto~-
continuous stochastic field. Denoting a Young's modulus by Re can then be obtained from the equilibrium condition~ at
E, its spatial variation is defined as !~ 20: the element boundaries as follows:

(zr) = { + x (=') } (7>
where H~ is the equilibrium maa'/x which ~s dete~ninist/c
where is the expected value of -~. z ~ denotes and can be determined from the element geometryZ3,
~ e spatial coordinate in a global coordinate system. Let d, be the nodal displacement vector corresponding
X (z') is a one-dimensional, uni-variate, homogeneous, Pc. Setting now g~ , equal to r~ ~ and utilizing the
continuous Gaussian stochastic field with zero mean and expression given in Eq. (13), the foItowing relationship is
auto-correlation function R x x ( ~). obtained between % and d~.

H/" •
Derivation of Stochastic Element Stiffness Matrix
The stiffness matrix of a finite element whose Young,a
Finally, taking the inverse of F,, which is invertible
modulus is described by Eq. (7) can be evaluated starting
since the flexibility matrix does not contain may ~gm
from an assumed stress distribution. It is noted that the
body displacement components, and using the equilibrium
derivation that follows is not limited to line elements.
matrix, the stochastic stiffness matrix K, is evaluated as:
For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that there are
no distributed toads along the element axis. A case in H~F~ Hg ~ ~~'~
¾ ~ .# )
which such loads exist is discussed in the following sectiom
Assume now a stress distribution over the element so that
the equilibrium condition can be satisfied at any location
Stochastic Stiffness Matrix of Beam-Column Eiemems
within the element. Let % ( z ) be the random stress vector
Since no d~stributed load is assumed along the length of
at point z of element e. % ( z ) may be expressed as follows:
the beam-column element, the axial and shear su~esses do
not vary within the element and the distribution of ber~Ang
moment becomes linear along the element axis even if
the material property varies spatially, The sectional sa-ess
where r~ is the random stress gradient vector which depends e~ ( z ) can therefore be expressed as follows:
on the current stress state z3. B~ ( z ) is a deterministic
rectangular matrix associated with the assumed stress
distribution. iq(=) =io
The stress-strain relationship is given by: Lm(x) Lo -z ' J

where r,,., r2 and r3 denote the random s~Iess gradients

co (z) = Df (z) cro(z) (9)
corresponding to the axial s~ress ~ ( z ) , shear stress q (x)
and bending stress m ( z ) , respectively. The sectional
where e, (x) is the corresponding random strain vector
stress vector {~ ( z ) ~ ( z ) m ( z ) }~ and the corresponding
and D,--~ ( z ) denotes the stress-strain matrix involving the
deformation vector {e, (z) "~(z) ¢ ( z ) } * are re!steal as
spatially varying Young's modulus.
An element deformation vector e, is introduced now,
corresponding to the stress gradient vector re. The [e~(:r,)'~ ~I/EA 0
complementary work done by the virtuai stress eg ( z ) is set
equal to the work done by the virtual stress gradient vector <¢(~)J L o o
r 2, resulting in the following equation z4:
where e~ ( x ) , q ( z ) and ¢ ( z ) are deformations associate5
with ~ ( x ) , q ( z ) and m (z)~ respectively° A and [,
Ire ee = % (Z) ~e(Z) d' 4 (m) respectively, stand for the cross-sectional area and moment

148 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, t990, Vol. 5, No. 3

Weighted integral method in stochastic finite element analysis: T. Takada

of inertia, which are assumed to be deterministic and where a~ and a2 are coefficients determined from the
uniform along the element axis for simplicity of the boundary conditions at both ends. Note that a2 is related
analysis. E and G denote the spatially varying Young's and to the rigid body displacement. Assuming the boundary
shear moduli. Substituting now the expression for B t (z) conditions: u ( - ~ ) = ul and u (~) = u2, these
and De-1 (z) appearing in Eqs. (16) and (17) into Eq. coefficients are easily evaluated as follows:
(12), the stochastic flexibility matrix can be expressed in the
tL2 -- tt 1
following form, under the assumption of Bernoulli-Euler a2 = U1 (24)
al = L + X o '
beam implying 1/GA = 0

Fe = [tool ,'
~-7 -~
ah: (18)
where Xo has already been defined as the weighted integral
of function 0 (z) = 1. The above two equations
clearly indicate that the displacement function involves a
convolution integration of stochastic field X (z) and is
expressed in terms of the nonlinear transformation of the
where L is the length of the element. Using Eq. (7), weighted integral X0.
the above matrix can be separated into the following For further convenience, the following matrix expres-
deterministic and stochastic parts: sion is used:
u ( z) = Ft ( :r)t Btdt (25)
Fe = F', + AFe (19)
where the product Ft (~:)t Bt describes the internal dis-
placement vector-nodal displacement vector relationship
where ~'~ is the deterministic part which is equal to the and each one of its terms is defined as follows:
expected value of the flexibility matrix:
Ft(z)t={fx_~{l+X(~)}c~ I} (26)
1 L3
0 Bt = [-L~--~o LOXO'
] (27)

whereas A F, is the stochastic part involving three weighted dt is the nodal displacement vector associated with axial
integrals Xo, X1 and X2 as follows: displacements, i.e., dt = {tq u2} t.
The next step is to evaluate the displacement function
due to the bending moment. Considering that the
1 r -~" 0 %] (21)
distribution of the bending moment is linear along the axis
of the element, the virtual work theorem is used to determine
the deflection at arbitrary points of the element2°. The
resulting displacement function turns out to be:
In the above equation, Xo, X1 and X2 are weighted
integrals of the deterministic functions 1, z and ~2, I0 (:r) =elF1 (:17) + C2F2 (:/;) + C3:/;+ C-4 (28a)
0 ( z ) = w ' ( z ) = elF; (z) + cZF~ (z) + c3 (28b)
The equilibrium matrix H, is given by:
where c,, c2, ca and c4 are coefficients that have to be
[O 1 0 -O O1 0 0 ] 1 determined from the boundary conditions. F1 (z) and
Ht = -1 (22)
F2 (z) take the following forms:
0 -1 0 0

Finally the 6x6 stochastic stiffness matrix can be Fl(X) = (L/2 - z) f z

calculated using Eq. (15).

Random Displacement Functions

+ (L/2 + z) f
(L/2 - ~) {1 + X (O}e~
In most deterministic FEM, the formulation of the element (29a)
stiffness matrix usually starts from the assumption of
appropriate displacement functions25. Hence, in this sub- F2(~) = (L/2 - ~) ~(L/2 + ~ ) { I + X ( O } ~
section, the displacement functions involved in the above
derivation of the stiffness matrix are examined.
Considering first the axial displacement s (z) in the
+ ( L / 2 + x)
f ~(L/2-~){l+X(~)}cl~
element, which can be calculated by integrating the axial (29b)
strain e~ (z) (= t / E A ) from the left end up to a certain
position :r, the following results is obtained: The set of boundary conditions: w ( - L
01, w (~) = w2 and w' (~) = 02 produces the following
relationship between the unknown coefficient vector eb
u(z) = ~ ez(~)d~+a2 = a l {l+X(~)}d~+a2
(= {c, c2 c3 c4 ),) and the nodal displacement vector db
(23) (= {~o, o~ ,,~ o2y).

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, Vol. 5, No. 3 149

We~ghfed integral method in s~ochas*ic finite elemenf analysis: T. Takada
result is obtained:
Cb= B~d~ (30)
[# +~; (x) ~:
where B~ is given by:

Q . e .,i
--LQ (~--- ~ )
0 I
-£ 0 where p~(i) (¢) denotes the i-th indefinite i~tegral of p~ (z) o
L 0 x
g 0 Paying attention to the displacement function mah~ix F ( z ) ,
the first and second derivatives of F (z) and li~e final
wi~: form after substituting the values ~ and - ~ into them, the
equivalent nodal force vector is considered to have weighted

=f ~/zC{~+X(()}d~=_z/zC~+X,~
fL/Z (32)
imegrals as random variables. % e following sub-section
provides some results of typical loading conditions°

= Yo - Y:
Computation of EquivaJem Noda~ Forces
If oNy an axial force to is uniformly distributed aiong the
As seen in Eqs. (29)-(32), the resulting displacement
etement length, the following expressions are obtained for
function is very complicated. Considering the deterministic the equivalent nodal forces:
case, that is X (~) = 0, Eq, (28a) turns out to be a third-
order polynomial function with respect to z, as expected, It = 26"~
is noted that the displacement functions given in Eqs. (23) P~: , L12 - 7f~!Yo j
and (28) are exact solutions under the condition that there
are no distributed loads within the element. For _further where Y0 and I/~ are defined as in Eq. (32) and involve the
convenience, the following matrix expression is used to weighted integrals X0 and X~, respectively. !t is interesting
m note that the equivalent nodal forces at the two ends
describe Eqs. (28a) and (28b).
are not identical because of the spa~atly varying matenai
fw(z)?, [F,,(z) Fa(z) z I] F~ (97) B~d~ tn a similar fashion, if a shear force q0 and a dismbutee
bending force m0 are applied uniformly along the e!ement
length, ~ e following expressions are obtained for the
equivalent nodal force vector:


The deterministic distributed loads applied along the length
l" ~-mo+zQ -~-(Ybg~ - Y~ l<~) !

of the element are dealt with in this section. It will be ,~ 2 + ~zQ I (110113-YIY2)+ T , ~ ~-*z7_
shown below that such loads can be systematically reduced
!~-+ m0 - - -~-
2Q (YoY3 - YlY~)
into equivalent nodal forces as is done in a deterministic
analysis z3. The resulting equivalent nodal forces wit1 ! [x/ ..... 2~

involve weighted integrals because of the spatially varying (37)

material property. ~ e above results are identical m those established by
Even ff the equivalent nodal forces are considered to Kardara, Bucher and Shinozuka2~
be equal to the associated reaction forces when both ends of The equivalent nodal forces for other types of loading
the line element carrying distributed loads along its length conditions are listed in Table Io From hhis ~ble, ~t is
are assumed to be fixed, such reaction forces are not so observed that the equivalent nodal forces exhibi~ variability
easy to obtain as in the deterministic analysis because of resulting from the spatially varying material property.
the spatially varying material property. Utilizing the virtual Note also that the equivedent nodal forces are expressed
work theorem, the equivalent nodal force vector Peq~ can in terms of a nonlinear ~ransformafion of hhe weighteA
be evaluated from the specified distributed loads along the i~tegrals, or equivalently a nonlinear transfo~nation of
element axis, lag ( z ) , as follows: random variables.

Peq,,~ = fJ-L~2 B~F (z) pg(z) da: (34)
where B t indicates the relationship between the unknown In the preceding sections, it was shown d~at the stiffness
coefficient vector and nodal displacement vector, which matrix of a beam element whose ¥oung's modulus consti-
involves either Eq. (27) or (31). F ( z ) denotes the tutes the one-dimensional, homogeneous, continuous~ sto-
displacement function matrix involving either Eq. (26) or chastic field can be expressed in terms of three weighted i~>
(33). Integrating Eq. (34) by parts twice, the following tegrals which become random vm~iables. N addition, it was

158 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, VoL 5, No. 3

Weighted integral method in stochastic finite element analysis: T. Takada

T a b l e 1. E q u i v a l e n t nodal forces

Type of Load Equivalent Nodal Forces Notations

~2L - m o + 2~ (YoY~ Y!Y2)


qo M1

11 JJ 12 ~-~-~+ ra0 - ~.~ (YoYa - Y1Y2)

U~ - ~ (~)~ + ~ [½ (ZoY~ - Y~y.~)- -~ (Y~Y~- 5-~)]


(VoZ~ - YxZo) + -~ Y,~ = f ~ (~ {1 + X (()} d~

p (L + ~.) + ~ [_L (YoZ1 + Y1Zo) + ½(YIZz - YzZ0)] Zn = f).~ (nt~ - a] {1 + X (~)} d(

a (YoZ~ - Y, Zo) + -~ Q = yoy~ - Y?

M~ P ( - ÷ + ~) + ~ [~ (Yo< - Y~Zo) - } (Y~z, - Y~.Zo)]

o~ (~ + ~) Yn = f.~:.~~"~{I + X (~)} d~
M~ ~e. ~ [½ (Z~So - ZoS~) + -~ (y2So - Y,S~)]

~2 - ~ c [Y~So - Yo&] + ~-. Q=VoY:-~:

Ir Q .

shown that for deterministic distributed loads, the equiva- involves 3r~ weighted integrals with r~ being the total
lent nodal forces can also be completely expressed in terms number of line elements. Note that p might involve several
of weighted integrals. The above conclusions imply that the weighted integrals if it contains equivalent nodal forces.
problem which originally involves the stochastic field can At this juncture, it must be pointed out that since the
be transformed into an equivalent one involving only ran- element stiffness matrices and equivalent nodal forces are
dom variables. This Iransformation facilitates the ensuing expressed as nonlinear transformations of Gaussian random
analysis, such as perturbation or Monte Carlo simulation, variables, as seen in Eqs. (15) and (37), the resulting nodal
to be carried out with considerable computational ease. displacements, do not maintain, in general, the statistical
In the following, two possible methods are utilized to characteristics of Gaussian random variables.
evaluate the response variability of stochastic finite element
systems: a first-order perturbation technique and a Monte First-Order Perturbation Technique
Carlo simulation technique. It is noted once more that the A first-order perturbation technique is utilized in this section
first-order perturbation technique is applicable only when in order to evaluate the first and second moments of the
the coefficient of variation of the random variables involved response. Using Eq. (38), the displacement vector u can be
is relatively small.
approximated as follows, by performing a Taylor expansion
and keeping only terms up to the first-order:
Equations of Equilibrium in Global System
Employing a deterministic coordinate transformation on n, m~
the stochastic element stiffness matrices and considering U=U o + E E u m i X r ni I (39)
deterministic geometric boundary conditions, the equations i:1 rn=l
of equilibrium in the global coordinate system can be
represented as: where the 0-th order term is given by:
p = Ku (38)
u o : (KO) -1 pO (40)
where p is the external nodal force vector consisting of
nodal forces and equivalent nodal forces, K is the global z / is expressed as:
T h e Urn
stiffness matrix having dimensions nf x nl with nf being
the total number of unknown nodal displacements and u I OK-1 -1 Op
is the unknown nodal displacement vector. Note that K urn,- ,lx =.o p° ÷ (Ko) (41)

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, Vol. 5, No. 3 151

We{gMed inlegra~ method in s~ochas~ic finiie element analys~s: To Takada
where X,~ is the m-th zero-mean weighted integral The covartance matrix of u can be exwessed as toi!ows:
involved in the i-th finite element, n~ is the total number
of finite elements and r% is the total number of weighted
integrals for each element including the weighted integrals Coo__EEE ,°, k4£;,
7=I m = 1 j=1 ~=i
associated with equivalent nodal forces. When there are no
equivalent nodal forces involved in Eq. (38), the second where e [X.{X~]] is the cross-eovar~ance between the
term of the right-hand side of Eq. (41) vanishes and m~
weighted integrals Xmi and X? defined in Eq. (6]°
becomes equal to three. Note that aLl zero-superscfipted The statistical characteris~cs of the response s~*es~
variables denote quantifies evaluated at the expected values vector of a specific finite element can be evaJuated in a
of all weighted integrals involved. Thus, they do not similar manner. Let ~r~ (x) and d~ be the element stress ant/
directly imply the expected values of them. nodal displacement vectors assocLated with the b-,th fimte
The expression for the response displacement shown in
ebmen< respectively. Applying the first-order perturbafion
Eq. (39) involving the douNe summation differs bas~calty
technique again, the stress vector can be expressed as
from the corresponding expression of the conventional
SFEM based on the discretization of the stochastic materiN
The following identity is considered in order to (48)
evaluate the partial derivative of K -x with respect to a {=I m = l

particular weighted integral X ~ : where:

KK - ~ = I (42)

where I is the ny x ny identity matrix. Taking now the : - '- t ~3d~. i

partial derivative of Eq. (42) with respect to X~¢, it follows OX~¢ I
OK -1
= - o-trig (43)
where &i is a Kronecker's delta°
Finally, the statistics of the element s~ess vector ~x~
Since ~ is constructed from contributions of the io be evaluated in terms of weighted integrals as follows:
th element stiffness matrix only, let us focus on the
differentiation of the i-th element stiffness malxix K~ with [z~ ( ~ ) ] = o-° ( x ) <5t)
respect to X ~ . Using Eq. (15) and considering that the
Vat [a~ (x)]
associated equilibrium matrix is deterministic, ~ I can be
expressed in the following way:
i=1 m=l j = l ~=!
OKi = H 0Ff~
(44) in which diag (.) denotes the diagonal matrix correspond.
OX,~ x~,=2., ~-O'-X-~x~.=X~ H~
ing to the vector f f mi i k o
The partial derivative appearing in the right-hand side of Eq.
(44) is evaluated in a manner similar to the one shown in Eq. Monte. Carlo Simulation Technique
(43): The weighted integral vector defined by Eq. (5)can con-
stitute a discrete vector field (or a multi-variate stochastic
OKii ( x,n=x,~ ) filed) if the vectors are allocated in the corresponding posb.
tion of the global system, in the SFEM formulation based
(45) on the Monte Carlo simulation technique examined here~
It is very easy to calculate the expression for xg2-Z once the sample functions of this discrete vector field are
appearing in Eq. (45), since all the calculation are generated, the remaining analysis is straightforward.
performed at the element level, Since the cross-covafiance of weighted integral vectors
Finally, we can evaluate the partial derivative of the is only a function of the relative distance between the p~¢o
inversion of the total stiffness matrix with respect to X,~{ elements, as seen in Eq. (6), the above-mentioned ~ector
appearing in Eq. (41). Furthermore, the partial derivative of field is a homogeneous one. As a consequence, it is possib}e
P with respect to X,~i can be calculated in a straightforward to completely characterize this vector field with the spectral
fashion since the equivalent nodal forces are given explicitly representation through the Wiener-Khintchine wa,~sfom<
in Table 1. The cross-covariance between the n-t~5weighted integral of
The statistical characteristics of the response are the i-th element and the m-th weighted integr~ of the j-th
examined in the next step. The mean value of the ncMal element is given in Eq. (6) and the corresponding cross~
displacement vector can be readily obtained by using Eq. o
power spectrum S},,x,. " (¢;) can be expressed as follows:
~ [ u ] = u ° = ( K ° ) -~ po (46)

t52 Probabilis~ic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, YbL 5, No. 3

Weighted integral method in stochastic finite element analysis: T. Takada
where Li and L i denote the lengths of elements i and j , NUMERICAL EXAMPLES AND DISCUS-
respectively, ~ denotes the wave number and Sxx (x,) is the SlONS
auto-power spectrum of the original stochastic field X (x) The method presented in this paper is considered to be free
given by: of the disadvantages resulting from the discretization of the

Sxx (n) = ~
1£ Rxx (~) e-~d~ (54)
original stochastic field describing the randomness of the
material properties of the system. The derived stiffness
matrix is exact, and therefore there is no need to divide any
of the original finite element into several sub-elements, as
Finally, G,, (L, n) stands for the following integral expres- must be done in most conventional SFEM approaches.
sion: In the following, numerical examples are presented for
G, (L, ~) = /: g, (~) e-i~d~ (55)
simple structural systems and the results are compared to
corresponding ones from conventional approaches•

while G~ (L, ~) denotes the complex conjugate Statically Indeterminate Truss Structure
of G,, (L, ~). The cross-power spectrum matrix Sx~x; (~) A statically indeterminate truss structure subjected to
related to the weighted integral vectors of the i-th and j-th a deterministic concentrated load is examined in this
beam elements is now defined as: sub-section, since it is quite easy to analyze stati-
" ij "" cally determinate structures in which element stresses are
S'/,,x,, S~,,x,~ •• • S ~ g 1X S m p deterministic 19. The configuration of this truss structure is
,S~,2 X,1 U • .. s~iJ2x,rn p shown in Fig. 3. The spatially varying Young's modulus
is assumed to take the form of Eq. (7) and the associated
Sx~xj (n) = ... stochastic field X (~) is considered to have zero mean and
/j " ~ °
... the following auto-correlation function:
.S~,.vx ,, SYc,,,,xa •" S~'JmpX,~p.
(56) Rxx(~) = cr2ezp(-(~/b) 2 } (60)
After having calculated the cross-power spectrum matrices
for all combinations of i and j finite elements, the where a denotes the coefficient of variation (COV) of
simulation technique proposed by Shinozuka3 for a multi- l I E and is set equal to 0.1. b denotes the correlation
variate stochastic field can be utilized. distance controlling the degree of correlation. The extreme
As an alternative method to simulate the stochastic case when b approaches infinity indicates a fully correlated
field, the discrete vector field (multi-variate stochastic field) stochastic field, while the extreme case when b approaches
can be reduced into a discrete scalar field (uni-variate zero indicates a totally uncorrelated field.
stochastic field) Y in the following way: Assuming statistical independence among the stochas-
tic fields of different truss elements, the COV of nodal dis-
Y = {Xt, X ~ , . . . , x ~ } t (57) placements and element forces is computed as a function of
correlation distance and plotted in Figs. 4 and 5. Both the
where the length of vector Y is equal to rap x ~ . Xi first order perturbation and Monte Carlo simulation tech-
represents a weighted integral vector consisting of mp niques are used to obtain these results. Note that the covari-
weighted integrals associated with the i-th finite element. ance matrix is evaluated numerically in both techniques. In
Then, the covariance matrix of Y is denoted by Cyy the Monte Carlo simulation technique, the covariance ma-
according to Eq. (6). In order now to generate the random trix diagonalization technique is used to generate five hun-
vector Y, the covariance matrix Cyy is diagonalized by dred sample functions for each truss element. A reasonably
means of eigen value analysis 17 as follows: good agreement between the two techniques is observed in
these figures. ?
• tCw~ = A (58)

where ~ is the normalized modal matrix and A a diagonal

matrix containing the eigen values of C ~ . Hence
the following transformations are valid between Z =
{Zl ...Z,,,,. )' and Y:
Z = Oty, Y = OZ (59)

The first step in the Monte Carlo simulation consists of

generating a sample of vector Z . Then, each realization
of Z is transformed into a realization of Y by means of
y =dp Z. Finally, the element and global stiffness matrices
are easily assembled using a sample of vector Y and Eq.
(38) is solved deterministically. Fig. 3. A statically indeterminate truss structure

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, Vol. 5, No. 3 153

Weighted integral method in s~ochastic finite etemen~ anat~jsis: T. Takada
Symbols:simulationmethodbasedon Eq, (59)
and b the corretation distance. 0.1 is set ~ u a l ~o v.
Lhnes: first-orderperturbationmethodbasedon Eq. (47)
0.20 Assuming again statistical independence among the
P u4 I stochastic ileitis o f different beam eiements o ~ e C O V of
u3 I ncdal displacements and element, forces is computed as a
function o f correlation distance and N e t t e d N Figs. 8 and
9. The covariance matrix is e v N u a t ~ n u m m c a t y in t~e
U'2 i proposed method. The first order perturbation ~ a i q e e
I is used again as w e l as ~ e conventional first-order
Ul Ul
perturbation-based S F E M whose sub-element discrettzatioa
0000000000000000000~ are shown in Fig. 7. it is easkly observed Lhat a finer
0.10 F ..................
discre ~tization in the conventional S F E M p r o v i d e s remits
N a t are l o s e r to the corresponding ones o f ~ e propose~g
> 4 u2
method. This pattern is more significant for s n a i l vNees
o f b / L . This implies that a coarse discredzafion ia ~ e
eonventionai S F E M is not sufficient to acctarately describe
the original stochastic field. A t least eight sub-elements are
/ needed m obtain reasonable results for the case where b / L
is equal to 0,5. The total number o f degrees o f freedom ns
O,OO ' I ' I_ ;
0.00 [.00 ~,00 3.00 %00 5.00 is equN to six in the proposed method and fifteen, N ~ y - .
~ r e e and sixty-nine for the three cases examined N the
Corre]atioa Distance (b/'ia)
conventional S F E M approach. Therefore, ~ e proposee
Fig. 4. COV of nodal displacements vs method is considerably more efficient compntationaiiyo
correlation distance
Symbols:simulationmethodbasedon Eq. (59)

O. 20
Lines: first-orderperturbatiorlmethodbasedon Eq. (52)


! O.10

o 1/.~A = I, i !~[ = !2 for all elements
CO ra ~ Tb : Td

Fig. 6. A stochastic porfat f~ame subjected

}7 to lateral forces

O. O0 ~ I I { ~ I I __ ,
0,00 LO0 Z,O0 3.00 5,00 S.O0

Correlation Distance ~b/,a/

Fig. 5. COV of etemem forces vs.

correlation distance
Plane Frame Structure ~1 = I5 n: = 53 ~ : ,= fi9

Figure 6 shows a portal frame subjected to deterministic

lateral ioads o The Young's modulus is assumed to have
)t (a
again the spatial variation described in Eq. (7), in this
problem, the auto-correlation function takes the form (Table
2 in Shinozuka 19): Fig. 7. Sub-element configuration use~
in conventional SFEM
Rxx a) = 1 - 3 @/b) 2
- - =- (6D
+ (e/b?] °

where cr denotes the COV of -~, ( the separation distance

154 Probabilistic Engineering M e c h a n i c s , t 9 9 0 , Voi. 5, N o . 3

Weighted inteoral method in stochastic finite element analysis: T. Takada
the accuracy of the solution from the proposed method
0.15 i i i 1 E
is independent of the way in which discretization is
U performed, while this certainly is not the case for the
conventional methods. In principle, the proposed method
can be extended to higher dimensional and/or dynamic

2 sub-elemeaf.s]
4 sub-elements[ Convention~
A 8 sub-elemeats/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
The author greatly acknowledges the financial support of
Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan during his staying
~ 0.05 at Columbia and Princeton University. Also, valuable
0cj comments are made on this work by Professor Shinozuka,
civil engineering and operations research in Princetion

O. O0 q I i I ,
O. t.O 2.0 3.0
No~-Di,-,~nsio,~.[ Cor,-~t~.~io~.D i ~ t ~ (b/Z,) 1 Shinozuka,M. (1972), "Monte Carlo solutionof structuraldynam-
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chastic problems in mechanics, Edited by S. T. Ariaramam and
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- 286
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oE O. tO 2 zub-elemen~s l 4 Samaras, E., Shinozuka,M and Tsumi, A. (1985), "ARMA repre-
sentationof randomprocesses," Journal of EngineeringMechanics,
4 sub-elements / Conventional ASCE, Vol. 111,No. 3
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0.00 , ! i I I
0.0 J..O Z.O 3,0 8 Shinozuka,M. and Dasguputa,G. (1986)," Stochastic finiteelement
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Fig. 9. COV of reaction moment vs. 9 Yamazaki,E, Shinozuka,M. and Dasguputa, G. (1988),"Nemnarm
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Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, Vol. 5, No. 3 155

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14 Honda, K. and Anderson, K. (I981), "Application of finite element U : nodal displacement vector;
methods in the statistical analysis of stmctares," Proceedings of ff~e ~ ( Z ) : displacement function associated axial lbrce;
3rd ICOSSAR, Trondheim, Norway V e t [ o ] : operator of variance
~5 Hisada, T. and Nakagifi, S. (!981), "Stochastic finite element w(a:) : displacement functior~ associated bending force:
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,~ J~
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A : eigen value matrix;
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London, England

The foUowing symbots are used in the present paper.

A : cross-sectional area of line element;

b : correlation distance;
B e (:c) : matrix associated with assumed stress distribution;
B , Bt, B b : relationship between the unknown coefficient and the nodal
displacement vector;
Cb : unknown coefficient vector;
d~ : nodal displacement vector of the e-th element;
D,(z) : stress-strain matrix;
E : spatially varying Young's modulus;
ee : element deformation vector,
F~ : element flexibility matrix;
F (z) : element displacement function matrix;
g (z), g~ (z) : deterministic functions;
He : element equilibrium matrix;
1" : sectional moment of inertia;
K : global stiffness mau'dx;
Ke : element stiffness matrix;
g : length of a beam element;
P : external force vectoq
p,~ (z) : distributed loads vector along the element length;
P~ : nodal force vector of finite element;
Pequiv : equivalent nodal force vector;
re : stress gradient vector;
P~XX ( 0 : auto-correlation function of stochastic field X ;

t56 Probabitistic Engineering Mechanics, t990, Vot. 5, No. 3

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