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In class Group Work

Part 1: Combine each pair of sentences with the words in parentheses (think about how we
combine sentences instead of separating them). Add commas where necessary.

1.) Ellen took a nap when she got home from work. Ellen had had a very difficult day. (for)

Ellen took a nap when she got home from work, for she had had a very difficult day.

2.) Sue works for a small company in the north of Quito. She donates her time to helping
orphans. (besides: as a preposition)

Besides working for a small company in the north of Quito, she donates her time to helping

3.) Sue works for a small company in the north of Quito. She donates her time to helping
orphans. (besides: as a transition)

Sue works for a small company in the north of Quito; besides, she donates her time to helping

4.) Sue works for a small company in the north of Quito. She donates her time to helping
orphans. (in addition: as a transition)

Sue works for a small company in the north of Quito; in addition, she donates her time to helping

5.) Sue works for a small company in the north of Quito. She donates her time to helping
orphans. (in addition to: as a preposition)

In addition to working for a small company in the north of Quito, Sue donates her time to
helping orphans.

6.) Liam plays the guitar. He takes horseback riding lessons. (furthermore)

Liam plays the guitar; furthermore, he takes horseback riding lessons.

7.) I will finish my homework before I go to bed. I will feed the dogs before I go to bed. (not
only…but also)

Not only I will finish my homework before I go to bed but also feed the dogs.

8.) There are many places to study English in Quito. The Fulbright Commission, Wall Street,
E.F., and Andres’ Discount English Teachers are some of them. (for instance…with commas in
the middle of the sentence)

There are many places to study English in Quito, for instance, the Fulbright Commission, Wall
Street, E.F., and Andres’ Discount English Teachers.
9.) There are many places to study English in Quito. The Fulbright Commission, Wall Street,
E.F., and Andres’ Discount English Teachers are some of them. (for example…starting a
different sentence, not combining!)

There are many places to study English in Quito. For example, the Fulbright Commission, Wall
Street, E.F., and Andres’ Discount English Teachers are some of them.

10.) Jennifer works at a military camp. She volunteers at the library. (moreover)

Jennifer works at a military camp. She volunteers at the library, moreover.

11.) Tysen is a computer genius. He likes to build Lego models. (also)

Tysen is a computer genius. Also, he likes to build Lego models.

12.) Alma is a business owner. She has a little boy named Kyrie. (besides: as a preposition)

Besides being a business owner, Alma has a little boy named Kyrie.

13.) Stalin enjoys working in the construction business. He likes to draw blueprints and make
designs. (besides: as a transition)

Stalin enjoys working in the construction business; besides, he likes to draw blueprints and make

Part 2: Read each exercise carefully. Then, select the transition(s) or preposition(s) which can
logically and grammatically join the sentences by highlighting them.

Example: Philadelphia is the birthplace of the United States of America. (Furthermore / In

addition to / Also), it was the first capital of the United States.

1.) I like to read that newspaper. One reason is that the news is always reported accurately (in
addition to/in addition / moreover / besides) its having interesting special features.

2.) I like to read that newspaper. One reason is that the news is always reported accurately. (In
addition / Besides / In addition to / Despite), it has interesting special features.

3.) I like to read that newspaper. (Besides / Moreover / In addition to / Also / In addition) always
reporting the news accurately, it has interesting special features.

4.) (Besides / In addition / In addition to / Moreover) the increase in population in the city, there
has been an increase in the crime rate. A housing shortage has developed, also.

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