Paper XI Urban Sociology

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2020 (CBCS)

(6th Semester) SOCIOLOGY

ELEVENTH PAPER (Urban Sociology)

Paper – XI

MCQ for Question Bank

1. Urban Sociology as a discipline emerged due to:
a) Growth of population in towns/cities
b) Growth of industrial cities
c) Migration to towns
d) All of the above
2. Urban Sociology is the sociological study of-
a) Life and human interaction in the cities
b) Social relationship in urban environment
c) Processes , changes and problems of urban areas
d) All of the above
3. Which school played the most prominent part in the development of Urban Sociology?
a) Frankfurt school
b) Chicago School
c) Marxist School
d) Functional School

4. In the initial development of Urban Sociology the sociologists focused on-

a) Migration of people
b) Massive increase of population
c) The new form of social relationship in cities
d) Growth of industrial town sites

5. The Concentric Zone model was created by Ernest Burgess in –

a) 1925
b) 1920
c) 1935
d) 1915
6. Human Ecology is a term coined by-
a) Louis R.Wirth
b) George Simmel
c) Robert E.Park
d) MSA Rao
7. In the Concentric zone model of Burgess, the commuter zone lies in which zone?
a) Zone III
b) Zone II
c) Zone I
d) Zone V
8. In which state of the USA were most of the initial works on urban society carried out?
a) Chicago
b) New York
c) California
d) Texas
9. Which of the following is considered as the father of urban sociology?
a) Robert E.Park
b) Louis R. Wirth
c) George Simmel
d) Ernest Burgess
10. Which of the following is responsible for the growth of cities in the 17th and 18th
a) French revolution
b) Industrial revolution
c) The Enlightenment
d) The Reformation
11. Louis Wirth’s Urbanism as a Way of Life was published in which year?
a) 1948
b) 1928
c) 1938
d) 1918
12. Diffusion of urban culture is –
a) Urbanization
b) Urbanism
c) Urbanity
d) Urbanness
13. Which of the following is not an element of urbanism?
a) Superficiality
b) Individualism
c) Homogeneity
d) Materialism
14. What according to Wirth is the breeding ground of cultural hybrids?
a) Towns
b) Small cities
c) Metropolitan cities
d) Suburbs
15. City people view their associates as-
a) Direct source of satisfaction
b) Whole persons
c) Close friends
d) Means to pursue their goals
16. To make interaction simpler, urbanites normally-
a) Standardize their behavior
b) Meet face to face
c) Adopt informal means
d) Adopt intimate methods
17. The city effects are wider than the city itself. Who said this?
a) MacIver
b) Kingsley Davis
c) George Simmel
d) Harry M.Johnson
18. Areas which resemble cities are known as-
a) Urban areas
b) Sub-urban areas
c) Towns
d) Fringe areas

19. The study of urban sociology is significant and helpful for-

a) Urban problems
b) Understanding the urban society only
c) Understanding urban and rural societies so that development occurs in both at the
same time.
d) Urban population

20. Rural – urban convergence refers to-

a) The area where similarities of both urban and rural way of life exists.
b) The striking difference between rural and urban living
c) The point of demarcation of rural and urban areas.
d) Rural- urban contrasts
21. According to Wirth a city is –
a) An area having large population
b) An initiating and controlling centre of economic and political life
c) A large dwelling place
d) An area distinguished by density

22. Which is an important pull factor of migration from rural to urban areas?
a) Job opportunities
b) Banking facility
c) Recreation facility
d) Educational facility

23. The significance of the study of Urban Sociology lies in-

a) Understanding the institutions of urban society
b) Helping Urban policy makers solve urban social problems
c) Understanding urban problems
d) Understanding social functions

24. Blasé attitude of urban dwellers means-

a) Indifference
b) Hospitality
c) Friendliness
d) Hostility

25. Secondary relations in cities tend to be-

a) Intimate
b) Calculative
c) Face to face
d) Informal

26. Which of the following opines that modern cities had an impact not only on modes of
behavior but on feelings and patterns of thought?
a) Louis R.Wirth
b) George simmel
c) Anthony Giddens
d) Max Weber

27. Who said that urban sociology is that branch of sociology which deals with the city or
the urban community, with urbanization and urbanism?
a) J.A Quinn
b) Karl marx
c) Anthony Giddens
d) Alex Inkeles

28. Which of the following is the scope of urban sociology?

a) Ecology
b) Urban planning
c) Urban social problems
d) All of the above

29. Anonymity of urban life means-

a) A state of namelessness
b) External appearances
c) Status symbols
d) Superficiality

30. Which of the following is responsible for the diffusion of urban culture to rural areas?
a) Transport and communication
b) Press
c) Television
d) All of the above

31. Specialization in roles in urban society encourages-

a) Similar interests
b) Homogeneity
c) Diversity of life patterns
d) Similar philosophy of life

32. In India, urbanization maintained an upward trend during the-

a) 1960’s
b) 1970’s
c) 1950’s
d) 1980’s

33. The city is an area distinguished by-

a) Size, population and density
b) Population, homogeneity and simplicity
c) Diversity, density and communal life
d) Size, population and primary relations

34. Satellite cities are built around-

a) Towns
b) Villages
c) Metropolitan cities
d) Industrial sites

35. Rural indices are moving nearer to urban indices in terms of-
a) Divorce
b) Age at marriage
c) Selection of marriage partners
d) All of the above

36. Louis R.Wirth associated with Urban Sociology developed the-

a) Concentric Zone theory
b) Cultural Approach
c) Ecological Approach
d) Structural Approach

37. The large size of population in urban areas favour the development of-
a) Specialization of roles
b) Homogeneous life
c) Community sentiment
d) Intimate relations

38. Satellite cities represent the-

a) Striking difference of rural and urban life
b) Some features of urban lifestyle
c) Mixture of rural and urban ways of life
d) Basic features of rural life
39. People live alien and disparate lives in-
a) Big cities
b) Towns
c) Villages
d) Sub-urban areas

40. Louis Wirth says contacts between city dwellers are-

a) Close and intimate
b) Diverse and superficial
c) Fleeting and partial
d) Anonymous and impersonal
1. Loosing shared characters and the various absolute markers that existed between cities and villages
a) Urbanization
b) Rurban
c) Industrialization
d) Urbanism
2. Visibility of more formal systems of institutions are in-
a) Towns
b) Rural
c) Cities
d) Sub-urban areas
3. The main aspect of urban and rural is mainly demarcated through -
a) Material things
b) Non-material things
c) Rituals
d) Familial obligations
4. Which of the following urban factors transformed rural life-world extensively?
a) Migration
b) Connectivity
c) Press
d) Development plans
5. Who is the author of “Decline of the West”?
a) Oswald Spengler
b) F.Schumacher
c) R.E Park
d) Milton Gordon
6. With the diffusion of urban culture to the rural areas; the extreme differences between rural and
urban cultures has become-
a) Differentiated
b) Diluted
c) Increased
d) Equal
7. The influence of the city or urban areas varies with-
a) Demography
b) Size of City
c) Labor
d) Density
8. Big urban areas are characterised by-
a) Sub-centers
b) Semi- rural centers
c) Clubs
d) Communal feeling

9. At present, rural area and urban area features are increasingly-

a) Similar
b) Unequal
c) Different
d) Transformed
10. Who mentioned that Urbanization refers to a process of urban values diffusing and transforming
behavior patterns?
a) CB Mamoria
b) MSA Rao
c) Patrick Geddes
d) J.A.Quinn

11. Who edited the classic book, “Urban Sociology of India”?

a) MSA Rao
b) MN Panini
c) Yogendra Singh
d) M.N.Srinivas

12. Urbanization is a process that is-

a) Continuous
b) Non-continuous
c) Dormant
d) Stagnant

13. The rate of Urbanization in India differs in time, space and-

a) Regions
b) Matter
c) Density
d) Size

14. According to P. Sainath, which of the following is the key role in Urban growth in India?-
a) Migration
b) Cheap Labor
c) Infrastructure
d) Industry

15. Which among the following indicate that Urban growth in India is mainly due to?-
a) Increase of population
b) Labor Migration
c) Government Policies
d) Increase in factories

16. Migration’s main cause is due to-

a) Push and pull factor
b) Better livelihood
c) Educational facility
d) Banking facility

17. Who wrote the essay, “Urbanization and Social Transformations”?

a) Ramkrishna Mukherjee
b) G.S Ghurye
c) K.N Unnithan
d) A.R.Desai

18. Expansion of urban areas result in alterations of-

a) Satellite towns
b) Villages
c) Everyday life
d) Rural areas

19. Who is the author of “Six Decades of Urbanization in India”?

a) Ashish Bose
b) N.K Bose
c) T.N Madan
d) G.S.Ghurye

20. Who among the following defined city as a large space, dense and heterogeneity of groups?
a) R.E. Park
b) Louis R Wirth
c) Kingsley Davis
d) George Simmel

21. The most common feature of every city is-

a) Heterogeneity of People
b) Labour force
c) Density of spaces
d) Existence of slums

22. Who is the author of the text “The City”?

a) Max Weber
b) George Simmel
c) Talcott Parsons
d) Karl Marx

23. Which is the oldest city in India, from the choices below?
a) Banaras
b) Kolkata
c) Mahabalipuram
d) Bengaluru

24. Which is the oldest city of the world, from the choices below?
a) Jerusalem
b) Bangkok
c) Kathmandu
d) Kuala Lampur

25. Social mobility occurs on a larger scale at -

a) City
b) Semi-urban areas
c) Towns
d) Villages

26. Who is the author of the book “Pre-industrial City”?-

a) Gideon Sjoberg
b) Ferdinand Tonnies
c) F Le Corbuiser
d) Max Weber

27. Level of Technology is low at-

a) Industrial City
b) Pre-Industrial City
c) Global City
d) Village society

28. Who classified Consumer city and Producer city?

a) R.E. Park
b) Max Weber
c) Francis Bacon
d) Adam Smith

29. According to Max Weber, Plebian cities are the outcome of-
a) Plagues
b) Revolutions
c) Monarchy
d) Aristocracy

30. Who among the following is associated with Ecological Approach on urban growth?
a) George Simmel
b) Ernest W Burgess
c) Louis R. Wirth
d) Robert E.Park

31. Urban studies at University of Chicago came up during-

a) 1915 - 1940
b) 1840- 1880
c) Post World War I
d) Post World War II
32. Who among the following is associated with Cultural Approach of urban studies?
a) E.W Burgess
b) Robert E. Park
c) Louis R. Wirth
d) George Simmel

33. Louis R Wirth’s “Urbanism as a way of life” was first published as a researched paper during-
a) 1928
b) 1925
c) 1938
d) 1948

34. Which among the following is true for Ecological Approach in urban studies?
a) Symmetry between humans and society.
b) Any environment and given human conditions can be fixed.
c) Communities interact, estimate and depend on their environment
d) Communities are interdependent

35. Which urban studies approach clarify that societies grows not in random but in relation to the
advantageous features of the environment?
a) Cultural Approach
b) Ecological Approach
c) Industrial Approach
d) Concentric Zone Model

36. Who subscribed to the “Darwinian Web of Life” in understanding urban studies?
a) George Simmel
b) Robert E. Park
c) E.W Burgess
d) J.A.Quinn

37. Concentric Zone theory in urban studies was introduced by-

a) RE Park & EW Burgess
b) Louis R Wirth
c) Georg Simmel
d) Kingsley Davis

38. Who is the author of “Metropolis and Mental Life”?

a) Herbert Spencer
b) George Simmel
c) Oswald Spengler
d) Emile Durkheim

39. Who mentioned “relations in urban are always changing and fleeting, but in rural areas, it is
always absolute and communitarian”?
a) Max Weber
b) V. Pareto
c) Louis R. Wirth
d) MSA Rao
40. The pace of life is faster in cities because of the existence of-
a) Co-operation
b) Interdependence
c) Strong bonds
d) Competition


1. Urbanisation is generally related with –

a) Integration
b) Decomposition
c) Demoralisation
d) Industrialisation

2. Family in India is generally of Joint family and –

a) Multi-lingual family
b) Nuclear family
c) Neo-Nuclear family
d) Extended family

3. It is generally assumed that the process of urbanisation leads to –

a) Stagnation
b) Growth of family
c) Decline in family
d) Genocide

4. The institutions of family, kinship and caste are closely –

a) Differentiated
b) Interrelated
c) Inculcated
d) Indoctrinated

5. The Khasi society is –

a) Patrilineal in nature
b) Matrilineal in nature
c) Decentralised in nature
d) Heterogenous in nature.

6. In matrilineal society, the head of the family is the –

a) Eldest female
b) The uncle
c) The Youngest female
d) The eldest female

7. The sociologist who dispel the breakdown of joint family in India is-
a) M.N Srinivas
b) A.M Shah
c) G.S Ghurye
d) Yogendra Singh

8. The family system which emerge in association with modern industrial societies is –
a) Nuclear family
b) Joint family
c) Traditional family
d) Linguistic family

9. Rural society is associated with –

a) Joint family
b) Urban family
c) Nuclear family
d) Transitional family

10. Ram Krishna Mukherjee is associated with the study of –

a) West Bengal
b) Gujarat
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Assam

11. A.H Shah made a study of family system and changes in –

a) Gujarat
b) Delhi
c) West Bengal
d) Kerala

12. S. Vatuk in his study of kinship system laid emphasis to –

a) North Indian kinship
b) South Indian kinship
c) East Indian Kinship
d) West Indian kinship

13. Urban culture is the culture found in –

a) Rural area
b) Urban area
c) Village area
d) Suburban area

14. Urban areas are the symbol of cultural –

a) Heterogeneity
b) Homogeneity
c) Conflict
d) Cohesion

15. The Joint family system is being replaced by –

a) Traditional family
b) Nuclear family
c) Extended family
d) Transitional family

16. Nuclear families are more popular in –

a) Urban areas
b) Rural areas
c) Sub-urban area
d) Slums

17. In urban areas, the major occupations are –

a) Professional in nature
b) Traditional in nature
c) Limited in nature
d) Extensive in nature

18. Social distance is the result of –

a) Anonymity and heterogeneity
b) Segregation and intervention
c) Conflict and affection
d) Demonstration
19. The urbanites attach supreme importance to their –
a) Material possessions
b) Ideologies and beliefs
c) Inconsistent admirations
d) Welfare and happiness

20. George Simmel held that social structure of urban communities is based on –
a) Ideologies
b) Mindset
c) Interest groups
d) Possessions

21. The most important feature of urban community is its –

a) Social mobility
b) Social Structure
c) Social segregation
d) Role identification

22. Social status of an individual in an urban area is not determined by birth but by –
a) Achievements
b) Determination
c) Social approval
d) Social hierarchy

23. By virtue of its size and population, the urban community is a –

a) Primary group
b) Secondary group
c) Solidified group
d) Reference group

24. In the absence of uniform and fixed social norms. Individuals or groups often seek –
a) Co-operative ends
b) Divergent ends
c) Absolute understandings
d) Anticipated reforms

25. Social control in urban community is –

a) Informal in nature
b) Formal in nature
c) Traditional in nature
d) Mechanical in nature
26. The study of neighbourhood mainly began from the –
a) 1700’s
b) 1800’s
c) 1900’s
d) 2000’s

27. The first intellectual associated with the study of urban neighbourhood was –
a) Tom Clancy
b) Reed Richards
c) Benny Ball
d) Clarence Perr

28. One of the highlighting institutions associated with the study of urban neighbourhood
a) Chicago School of Sociology
b) German School of Sociology
c) Yale University
d) Harvard University

29. Who published the book “The Truly Disadvantaged”?

a) Julius Wilson
b) Terry Johnson
c) Dr. Marcos Aurora
d) Tim Bay

30. Voluntary Association is a term derived from the Latin word –

a) Voltaz
b) Volunteer
c) Volunet
d) Voluntaz

31. Voluntary Associations are a group of persons who work for the same –
a) Interest
b) Connection
c) Determination
d) Intention

32. In the United Nation, terminology for voluntary Associations are called –
a) Non-Governmental Organisations
b) People for Free Will
c) Government Liberated Organisations
d) Free Governmental Organisations
33. In voluntary associations, governance of the organisation is –
a) Democratic
b) Totalitarian
c) Dictatorial
d) Theocratic

34. Voluntary associations involve citizens in noble affairs and avoid concentration of
powers in the hands of the –
a) Elected Leaders
b) Village Council
c) Government
d) Despotic rulers

35. Organised voluntary action help groups and individuals with diverse political and
other interests to work together for –
a) Curbing interest
b) Individual interest
c) National interest
d) Diverse interest

36. Voluntary associations enable individuals to learn the fundamentals of groups and
political associations through –
a) Isolation
b) Participation
c) Segregation
d) Identification

37. Voluntary association is an organisation initiated and governed by its own members
on democratic principles without any –
a) Coalition
b) External control
c) Savagery
d) Maintenance

38. Who defines voluntary group as “ A group organised for the pursuit of one interest or
of several interest in common”.
a) Michall Banton
b) Everett Rest
c) Gordon Springer
d) Danton
39. The more westernised and urbanised the neighbourhoods become in their ways of
living, the more they develop –
a) Conflict culture
b) Communal culture
c) Traditional culture
d) Bond

40. Voluntary associations are –

a) Social construct
b) Conflict construct
c) Symbolic construct
d) Functional construct

Unit: IV - Urban Social Problems

1. Slums are considered as an impact of Urbanization and-

a) Industrialisation
b) Globalisation
c) Modernization
d) None of the above

2. In the context of India, Slums can be characterized on the basis of three criteria. They are:
a) Social, Physical and Legal
b) Social, Physical and Political
c) Social, Political and Legal
d) Religious, Legal and Social

3. Cities in India are characterized by three main types of slums. These are:
a) Original slum, Transitional Zone slum and Blighted slum
b) Transitional Zone slum, Original slum and Temporary slum
c) Permanent slum, Blighted and Transitional Zone slum
d) Original slum, Blighted slum and Temporary slum

4. Asia’s largest slum is found in-

a) Mumbai, India
b) Dhaka, Bangladesh
c) Karachi, Pakistan
d) Manila, Phillipines

5. Clandestine Prostitutes are found in-

a) Brothel
b) Bars
c) Apartments
d) Harem
6. A woman who sells sex for the sake of money is known as a -
a) Pimp
b) Prostitute
c) Transgender
d) Gay

7. The main statute dealing with sex work in India is-

a) The Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act (ITPA), 1956
b) The Moral Trafficking Prevention Act (MTPA), 1956
c) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of discrimination against
d) Sex Work Act, 1994

8. When an individual deviates from the course of normal social life, his/ her behaviour is
a) Delinquency
b) Habitualness
c) Normalcy
d) Erratic
9. Juvenile delinquents are minors who have committed some act that violates the law and are
usually below the age of-
a) 16 years
b) 17 years
c) 18 years
d) 15 years

10. The delinquency rates tends to be the highest during-

a) Early Adolescence
b) Late Adolescence
c) Late childhood
d) None of the above

11. Juvenile delinquents are minors defined as being between ages of-
a) 8 to 16
b) 14 to 18
c) 10 to 18
d) 10 to 15
12. Delinquent acts generally are of how many categories?-
a) 0ne
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
13. According to studies conducted, delinquency rates are higher among-
a) Boys
b) Girls
c) Gay
d) Both girls and boys

14. According to studies conducted on juvenile crimes (1994), children living with parents
and guardians are found to be-
a) Less involved
b) More involved
c) Moderately involved
d) Heavily involved

15. According to Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, the maximum
age for juvenile delinquents is between the age group of
a) 18 years to 21 years
b) 16 years to 18 years
c) 10 years to 18 years
d) 15 years to 20 years

16. Juvenile delinquents are-

a) Sex offenders
b) Adult offenders
c) Young offenders
d) Young truants

17. The difference between ‘habituation’ and ‘addiction’ is that-

a) Habit is not compulsive as addiction is
b) Addiction is not compulsive as habit is
c) Habit is compulsive, addiction is not
d) Both addiction and habit are compulsive

18. The word habituation is sometimes used to refer to-

a) Psychological dependence
b) Biological dependence
c) Geographical dependence
d) Physical dependence

19. Addiction to a drug means that the body becomes-

a) Very dependent on the drug
b) Not dependent at all
c) Moderately dependent
d) Resistible to it

20. Stimulants, depressants, narcotics and hallucinogens are also called as-
a) Psychoactive drugs
b) Sedative drugs
c) Depressant drugs
d) Pain relief drugs

21. The book, “Social Problems in India “ is associated with-

a) Ram Ahuja
b) M.N. Srinivas
c) A.R. Desai
d) P.C.Joshi

22. The chronic drug user develops a feeling that he/she must constantly increase the dose in
order to produce the same effect as that from the initial dose. This phenomenon is called-
a) Tolerance
b) Abstinence
c) Dependence
d) Resistance

23. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking has been observed since-
a) 26th June 1991
b) 26th January 1991
c) 20th June 1991
d) 16th June 1991

24. The business of stealing an individual’s freedom for profit is known as-
a) Prostitution
b) Drug Addiction
c) Human Trafficking
d) Slavery
25. Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially of-
a) Women and Children
b) Boys and Girls
c) Men and Women
d) Young boys and men
26. Which of the following is one of the largest contributors to human trafficking?-
a) Poverty
b) Greed
c) Ignorance
d) Drug abuse

27. Overcrowding is a logical consequence of-

a) Over - population
b) Poverty
c) Job opportunities
d) None of the above

28. In the United States of America, the most commonly used measurement to denote
overcrowding is -
a) persons per house
b) persons per room or bedroom
c) persons per hut
d) persons per building

29. The World Health Organization is concerned with overcrowding of sleeping

accommodation which primarily leads to the risk of-
a) Spreading diseases
b) Alcoholism
c) Juvenile Delinquency
d) Unhygienic conditions

30. Slums in South American cities like Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Lima (Peru) are known
for building on-
a) Steep slopes
b) Plain Areas
c) Hilly areas
d) None of the above

31. One of the primary drivers for the growth of slums is-
a) Rural to urban migration
b) Urban to rural migration
c) Over crowding
d) All of the above

32. The statement, “Many governments are using rigid and outdated urban planning
regulations which are typically bypassed by slum dwellers”, which is a reflection of -
a) Poor urban governance
b) Good urban governance
c) Poor urban planning
d) None of the above

33. The push factor of rural –urban migration is-

a) Poverty
b) Excess agricultural labour supply
c) Natural catastrophe
d) All of the above
34. In India, the first Juvenile Court was established in-
a) Kolkata
b) Mumbai
c) Madras
d) Delhi
35. In India the population of prostitutes is estimated to be-
a) 2.8 million
b) 3.8 million
c) 1.8 million
d) 4.8 million
36. One of the major argument for the primary cause of prostitution is-
a) Patriarchy
b) Matriarchy
c) Sexual abuse
d) Poverty
37. Most prostitution involves-
a) Homosexual sexual exchanges
b) Transgender sexual exchanges
c) Heterosexual sexual exchanges
d) All of the above

38. Among the different types of workers in the world, the most marginalised workers are-
a) Plumbers
b) Janitor
c) Labourers
d) Prostitutes

39. Prostitution touches on -

a) Sexuality
b) Humanity
c) Morality
d) Emotion

40. The characteristics of city life is responsible for many-

a) Moral problems
b) Social problems
c) Economic problems
d) Psychological problems

Unit- V


1. Which constitutional amendment envisages the creation of uniform municipal

administration all over India?
a) 71st Constitutional Amendment
b) 74th Constitutional Amendment
c) 84th Constitutional Amendment
d) 92nd Constitutional Amendment

2. Municipal Council is a political body for the administration of –

a) Metropolitan cities
b) Fairly large cities
c) Small urban areas
d) Semi-industrial cities

3. The Aizawl Municipal Council started functioning with effect from –

a) 1st July 2011
b) 20th February 2007
c) 1st July 2008
d) 20th February 2009

4. The highest political status in a Municipal Council is called –

a) Chairman
b) Speaker
c) Moderator
d) Mayor

5. Which of the following is the chairperson of the ward committee –

a) MLA of the constituency
b) Deputy Commissioner
c) The person elected by the ward committee
d) Ward Councillor

6. Which of the following is not related to municipal administration –

a) Municipal corporation
b) Municipal assembly
c) Municipal council
d) Municipal board

7. The percentage of seats reserved for women in municipal council is –

a) 50%
b) 33.3%
c) 66.6%
d) There is no such reservation

8. Which of the following is not covered by the role of Municipal council –

a) Solid waste management
b) Market and slaughter house
c) Management of social organizations
d) Water supply for industrial and commercial purposes

9. The first chairman of AMC was –

a) Zakhuma
b) Lalhmingthanga
c) Zarzoliana
d) Hmingthanzami

10. The constitutional amendment for the formation of municipalities was passed in the year

a) 1956
b) 1972
c) 1986
d) 1992

11. JNNURM was inaugurated by –

a) Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Dr. Manmohan Singh
c) Narendra Modi
d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

12. PMAY primarily aims at providing –

a) Housing for all
b) Eradication of slums
c) Increase in household income
d) Information technology for all

13. HUDCO was established in the year –

a) 2005
b) 2013
c) 1970
d) 1977

14. NSUP aims to secure –

a) Integrated city-wide sanitation
b) Safe disposal of human excreta
c) Open-defecation free cities
d) All of the above

15. The program on Energy Recovery from Urban Waste is monitored by –

a) The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
b) The Ministry of Urban Development
c) The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
d) The Ministry of Human Resources Development

16. Which of the following has replaced JNNURM –

b) Smart City Mission

17. Smart City Mission aims at building –

a) 50 smart cities
b) 100 smart cities
c) 120 smart cities
d) 150 smart cities

18. The beneficiaries of PMAY (urban) include –

a) Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
b) Low Income Groups (LIGs)
c) Middle Income Groups (MIGs)
d) All of the above

19. Which of the following is named after the former Prime Minister of India?
a) CDP
20. Swatch Bharat Mission associated with –
a) Eradication of slum areas
b) Sanitation
c) Construction of houses
d) Providing drinking water

21. Urban planning is –

a) Continuous
b) Time-oriented
c) Cyclic
d) All of the above

22. The relation between industrialization and population rise is -

a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) null
d) None of the above

23. Low-rent housings for urban poor are provided under the scheme –
a) IAY
24. The basic objective of town planning is the systematic use of –
a) Water
b) Land
c) Buildings
d) Services

25. Which of the following is peculiar to urban areas?

a) Crime
b) Unemployment
c) Inequality
d) Slums

26. Low-rent housings for urban poor in Aizawl is constructed in –

a) Durtlang
b) Rangvamual
c) Lawipu
d) All of the above

27. Zoning and parking places in Aizawl city is under the jurisdiction of –
a) Govt. of Mizoram
b) AMC
c) Local Council
d) None of the above
28. Which of the following is not an aspect of urban planning?
a) Garbage disposal
b) Traffic Control
c) Control of Land use
d) None of the Above

29. Crowding and congestion are the results of –

a) Population growth
b) Unplanned growth of towns
c) High birth rate
d) Ignorance

30. The nodal department of AMC is –

a) Ministry of Finance
b) UD&PA
c) PHE
d) PWD

31. Urban outlook is –

a) Inherited
b) Acquired
c) Learned
d) None of the above

32. The physical and social environment of man determines his –

a) Attitudes
b) Aptitudes
c) Interests
d) All of the above

33. The urban man is more _____ than his rural counterpart.
a) Dynamic
b) Conservative
c) Rigid
d) Civilized

34. Community feeling is _______ in urban areas than in rural areas.

a) Weaker
b) Stronger
c) Neither weaker or stronger
d) None

35. The nature of relationship in urban areas is mostly –

a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Personal
d) Permanent

36. Every society has –

a) Hierarchy
b) Equity
c) Equality
d) All of the above

37. Social change is –

a) Quicker in rural areas
b) Quicker in urban areas
c) The same in rural and urban
d) None of the above

38. The distinction between rural and urban outlook is –

a) Absolute
b) Clear
c) Definite
d) Relative

39. The differences in rural and urban outlook is mainly due to –

a) Heredity
b) Family background
c) Education
d) Religion

40. Which of the following is the characteristic of urban population?

a) Individualism
b) Liberalism
c) Dynamism
d) All of the above




1. D 2. D 3. B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D

8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.C

15. D 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.B

22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.D

29.A 30.D 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.D

36.B 37.A 38.C 39.A 40.C


1. B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B

8.A 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.A

15.A 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.A 21.B

22.A 23.A 24.A 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.B

29.B 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.C

36.B 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.C


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C

8.A 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.A

15.B 16.(a) 17.(a) 18.(a) 19.(d) 20.(c) 21.(a)

22.(a) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(b) 26.(c) 27.(d) 28.(a)

29.(a) 30.(d) 31.(a) 32.(a) 33.(a) 34.(c) 35.( c)

36.(b) 37.(b) 38.(a) 39.(b) 40.(a)


1. A 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A

8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B

15.B 16.C 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.A 21.A

22.A 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.C

29.A 30.A 31.A 32.A 33.A 34.A 35.A

36.A 37.A 38.A 39.A 40.A


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B

8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D

15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.B 21.D

22.A 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.D 27.B 28.D

29.B 30.B 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.B

36.A 37.B 38.D 39.C 40.D

2020 (CBCS)
(6th Semester) SOCIOLOGY
ELEVENTH PAPER (Urban Sociology)
Paper – XI


UNIT – 1

1. The Industrial Revolution of the 17th and 18th century happened mainly in_______,
__________and America.
2. Urban sociology is concerned with _______ _________and related structures of the
urban areas.
3. Urban Sociology developed in North America through a number of sociologists at the
University of __________during 1915- 1940.
4. Robert E. Park propounded the ___________ ___________in his study of American
urban society.
5. The Metropolis and Mental Life influential for the growth of Urban Sociology was the
work of ___________ ___________.
6. The term ______________represents a way of life.
7. The concept urbanism was given its final shape by _________ ___________.
8. Louis Wirth says contacts between city dwellers are _________ and _________in nature.
9. Secondary relations tend to be more rational, ____________and ______________.
10. City life is characterized by formal, impersonal _______________contacts.
11. Louis Wirth says cities have become the favourable _____________ ___________of
new biological and cultural hybrids.
12. Diversity in urban cities stems from ethnic and cultural _____________of the urban
13. Rural-urban convergence refers to the striking ___________between the village and town
or town in community life.
14. _________ _______opines that the city effects are wider than the city itself.
15. Everywhere big cities are characterized by_______ _______.
16. Sub-urban areas are like ____________cities built around a major city.
17. Urban sociology is the sociological study of life and _______ ______________in cities.
18. The study of urban society helps ________ _________in making and implementing
policies for the city.
19. Majority of ___________happens from rural to urban areas.
20. Study of urban population under Urban Sociology helps in controlling _______
______________and under population within the urban areas.

Unit- II

1. The most populated city during the 18th Century was ________________.
2. During the early 20th Century India, the most populated city was__________________.
3. Origin of Industrial Sociology was closely related due to the growth of ___________
4. Urban Sociology was first developed in University of ______________.
5. In India, Patrick Geddes an Urban Sociologist was associated with University of
6. Multiple forms of Class and hierarchies are commonly found in ___________.
7. Various races and groups are mostly common in ________, not _________areas.
8. Social ____________is a feature of cities, and _____________is a feature of rural areas.
9. Large scale _____________ _____________is a feature of cities.
10. Push factor is a part of ________areas, and pull factor is a part of________ areas.
11. During the early 19th century, there were only ___ cities in the World.
12. Pre-industrial cities were __________ in nature.
13. Industrial cities exhibit high level of ____________.
14. Plebian cities are formed due to the outcome of _____________.
15. Natural increase in population is due to high __________rate than the death rate.
16. According to the 1901 census, only _______ of the total population in India lived in the
17. Expansion of urban areas results in engulfing _______ __________areas as part of the
18. ___________is a process that mainly occurs from rural to urban areas.
19. Expansion of trade and _________, establishment of industries increases the process of
20. The concept __________was formulated during 2016 by Dipankar Gupta.

Unit – III

1. According to Shah, the principle of residential unity of ___________ and wife was
practice to a great extent in Indian urban areas.
2. Ram Krishna Mukherjee’s study of Bengal society was mainly on ____________.
3. The study of Kinship in rural areas suffers from the same dichotomous _________of
opposition between the rural and urban area.
4. In North Indian Kinship system, a wife is expected to be more closely related to her
5. I.P Desai’s study of kinship was conducted in ____________ .
6. The feature that defines urban culture is the ______________ of persons it entails in a
limited space which creates the possibility of building up a vast array of sub-cultures.
7. If villages are the symbol of cultural homogeneity, the cities symbolise cultural
8. According to Bogardus, “ _____________ characterise a city”.
9. The urbanites attach supreme importance to their own _________________ .
10. Urbanity and mobility are positively __________
11. Urban neighbourhood may not possess the same characteristics as _______________ .
12. Urban neighbourhood are much more walk able than their __________ counterparts.
13. Urban neighbourhoods are usually found in the ___________ core of a city.
14. Saraswati Raju states that urban neighbourhood does not exhibit the traditional pattern of
segregation by ____________ .
15. Huge rates of ______ are experienced by residents of urban neighbourhood.
16. Voluntary association gives the individual a feeling of __________ with his fellow
17. Voluntary groups are persons organised for _____________ membership without state
control for the furtherance of some interest of its members.
18. The largest voluntary group in Mizoram is the __________________ .
19. People form voluntary groups for the ________ of others.
20. Caste and religious differences can be obliterated to some extent by inducing segregation
on ________________.

Unit -IV
1. Increased urbanization is a major concern for the _______________countries, since they
often lack the infrastructure and basic services.
2. Currently there are about ______ ___________people living in the slums.
3. _____________refers to the position that prostitution should be banned and third parties
criminalised with the prostitute herself not liable to state penalties.
4. ___________makes all prostitution illegal and all parties liable to penalties, including the
5. A person below an age specified by the law, exhibits behaviour which may be dangerous to
society or to himself / herself, then such an individual may be called a _______ __________.
6. Crimes committed by minors are called __________ ______
7. In the case of delinquent acts, instead of a trial a juvenile has an __________after which
he/she receives a disposition and a sentence.
8. Juvenile delinquency is more an ________than a rural phenomenon.
9. ________ ________ _____was passed to provide care, protection, treatment, development
and rehabilitation of neglected or delinquent juveniles.
10. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 has been passed by _________of

11. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act came into force from 15th
12. The word addiction is generally used to describe ________ dependence.
13. The total reaction to the deprivation of drug is known as ‘__________ ___________’.
14. __________dependence occurs when an individual comes to rely on a drug for the feeling of
well-being it produces.
15. If the people living in place exceed the number of person the place can accommodate, it is
called _____________
16. Growing shortage of _____________is the beginning of overcrowding.
17. The 2011 Census of India recorded ____________urban slum households.
18. _________problems change with the passage of time.
19. All social problems are deviations from the _______situation.
20. All social problems are caused by____________ social conditions.

Unit – V

1. The Mizoram Municipalities Act was passed in ______.

2. The tenure of Municipal council is ___years.
3. The number of executive councilors is _____in a municipal council.
4. The municipal ward committee consists of _____ members.
5. The present Aizawl Municipal corporation consists of ________councillors.
6. JNNURM was launched in the year _______.
7. AMRUT means Atal Mission for _____________and Urban Transformation.
8. The mission launced on 2nd Oct 2014 with the objective of universal sanitation
coverage is ________ ________ _________.
9. IHSDP stands for Integrated Housing and ______Development Programme.
10. National Urban Livelihoods Mission was launched in the year _______
11. All the daily activities of human beings are carried out on _____
12. Prices of land and house rents _______with increase in population.
13. ________ ___________is the possible remedy to check population growth.
14. Crowding and congestion are the results of ___________growth of towns.
15. Planning help human beings in leading a ________and fuller life.
16. Urban outlook is acquired through life ___________
17. The urban man is ______open to change than the rural man.
18. ___________is the prime mover of society.
19. Society is a hierarchy of social_________.
20. Rural behavior is strictly governed by ________and standards of the group.




1. Europe, Britain
2. Social relationship
3. Chicago
4. Ecological Approach
5. George Simmel
6. Urbanism
7. Louis R.Wirth
8. Fleeting, partial
9. Calculative, intellectual
10. Secondary
11. Breeding ground
12. Heterogeneity
13. Similarities
14. Kingsley Davis
15. Sub-urban areas
16. Satellite
17. Human interaction
18. Urban planners
19. Migration
20. Over-population


1. London
2. Kolkata
3. Industrial towns
4. Chicago
5. Bombay/Mumbai
6. Cities
7. Cities, rural
8. Heterogeneity, homogeneity
9. Division of labour
10. Rural, urban
11. 21
12. Feudal
13. Technology
14. Revolutions
15. Birth
16. 10.8%
17. Semi-urban
18. Migration
19. Commerce
20. Rurban


1. Part kin
2. Communal tension
3. Assertion
4. Agnates of her husband
5. Mahuva town
6. Diversity
7. Heterogeneity
8. Class extremes
9. Class welfare and happiness
10. Connected
11. Rural neighbourhood
12. Suburban
13. Downtown
14. Religion or caste
15. Stress
16. Community
17. Voluntary
18. Young Mizo Association
19. Benefit
20. Economic basis


1. Less- developed
2. One billion
3. Abolitionism
4. Prohibitionism
5. Juvenile delinquent
6. Delinquent Acts
7. Adjudication
8. Urban
9. Juvenile Justice Act
10. Parliament
11. 2016
12. Physical
13. Abstinence syndrome
14. Psychological
15. Coercion
16. Overcrowding
17. Housing
18. 1.3 crore
19. Ideal
20. Pathological

1. 2007
2. Five (5)
3. Three (3)
4. Ten (10)
5. Nineteen (19)
6. 2005
7. Rejuvenation
8. Swatch Bharat Mission
9. Slum
10. 2013
11. Land
12. Increase
13. Town planning
14. Unplanned
15. Richer
16. Experiences
17. More
18. Education
19. Relations
20. Norms

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