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ZXMSG 5200

Multiplex Service Gateway

Command Manual (Vol I)

Version 2.0.2

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Revision History

Date Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Revision

12/30/2006 R1.0 sjzl20070014 First edition
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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)
Document Revision
Product Version V2.0.2 R1.0
Equipment Installation Date

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About this Manual ........................................................ xvii

Purpose ............................................................................ xvii
Intended Audience ............................................................. xvii
Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge .......................................... xvii
What is in This Manual ........................................................ xvii
Related Documentation...................................................... xviii
Conventions .......................................................................xix
How to Get in Touch............................................................ xx

Chapter 1.......................................................................... 1

Introduction ..................................................................... 1
Introduction ...................................................................1
Login Modes ...................................................................1
HyperTerminal...................................................................... 2
Telnet ................................................................................. 4
NetNumen N31 ..................................................................... 5
User Modes ....................................................................7
Common User Mode .............................................................. 8
Management Mode ................................................................ 8
Super Mode ....................................................................... 10
Debug Mode....................................................................... 11
General Command Syntax .............................................. 11
Common Variables ........................................................ 12
Global Commands ......................................................... 13
Command List .............................................................. 13
Command Introduction .................................................. 14
c ...................................................................................... 14
T ...................................................................................... 15
u ...................................................................................... 15
W ..................................................................................... 16
L ...................................................................................... 16
M ......................................................................................16

Chapter 2........................................................................ 17

Common User Mode Commands ................................... 17

telnet .......................................................................... 17
config.......................................................................... 18
debug ......................................................................... 18
ndebug........................................................................ 19
disable ........................................................................ 19
enable ......................................................................... 19
end ............................................................................. 20
exit ............................................................................. 20
help ............................................................................ 21
history ........................................................................ 22
logout ......................................................................... 23
ping ............................................................................ 23
save............................................................................ 24
show ........................................................................... 24
sleep ........................................................................... 25
who ............................................................................ 26
write ........................................................................... 26
ag............................................................................... 27

Chapter 3........................................................................ 29

Basic Configuration Commands..................................... 29

globalconst .................................................................. 29
mod-globalconst .................................................................29
get-globalconst ...................................................................30
snmpcfg ...................................................................... 31
add-snmpcfg ......................................................................31
del-snmpcfg .......................................................................32
mod-snmpcfg .....................................................................33
get-snmpcfg .......................................................................34
ctrlport ........................................................................ 34
add-ctrlport ........................................................................34
del-ctrlport .........................................................................35
mod-ctrlport .......................................................................36
get-ctrlport ........................................................................ 37
subnet......................................................................... 37
add-subnet ........................................................................ 37
del-subnet ......................................................................... 38
mod-subnet ....................................................................... 39
get-subnet ......................................................................... 39
multi-ip ....................................................................... 40
add-multi-ip ....................................................................... 40
del-multi-ip ........................................................................ 41
inipaddr ....................................................................... 42
add-inipaddr ...................................................................... 42
del-inipaddr ....................................................................... 43
exipaddr ...................................................................... 43
add-exipaddr...................................................................... 43
del-exipaddr....................................................................... 44
get-ipaddr ......................................................................... 45
multi-mac .................................................................... 45
add-multi-mac.................................................................... 45
del-multi-mac..................................................................... 46
macaddr ...................................................................... 47
add-macaddr...................................................................... 47
del-macaddr....................................................................... 48
get-macaddr ...................................................................... 48

Chapter 4........................................................................ 51

MG System Commands .................................................. 51

mg.............................................................................. 51
add-mg ............................................................................. 51
add-mgcapabili ................................................................... 53
mod-mgbaseattr ................................................................. 55
mod-mgcapabili .................................................................. 56
mod-mgmediatos................................................................ 58
get-mgbaseattr .................................................................. 59
get-mgcapabili ................................................................... 60
mod-mgip.......................................................................... 61
get-mgmediatos ................................................................. 62
mgc ............................................................................ 63
add-mgc............................................................................ 63
del-mgc .............................................................................64
mod-mgc ...........................................................................65
mgcattr ....................................................................... 66
add-mgcattr .......................................................................67
mod-mgcattr ......................................................................68
del-mgcattr ........................................................................70

Chapter 5........................................................................ 71

System Configuration Commands ................................. 71

rack ............................................................................ 71
add-rack ............................................................................71
del-rack .............................................................................72
get-allrackinfo ....................................................................73
shelf ........................................................................... 74
add-shelf ...........................................................................74
del-shelf ............................................................................75
get-shelfinfo .......................................................................75
board .......................................................................... 77
get-allcfgboard ...................................................................77
del-board-mics ...................................................................79
add-board-mpr ...................................................................80
del-board-mpr ....................................................................81
add-board-sics.................................................................... 83
add-board-slc .....................................................................85
get-board-slc ......................................................................86
del-board-slc ......................................................................86
add-board-tslc ....................................................................87
del-board-tslc .....................................................................88
get-shelfboard .................................................................... 90
add-board-tsld ................................................................... 91
del-board-tsld .................................................................... 92
add-board-pwr2.................................................................. 93
del-board-pwr2................................................................... 93
add-board-scard ................................................................. 94
del-board-scard .................................................................. 95
add-board-pnp ................................................................... 96
add-board-epc.................................................................... 96
del-board-epc..................................................................... 97
get-boardipinfo................................................................... 98
get-boardmacinfo ............................................................... 99
ipaddr ......................................................................... 99
mod-ipaddr-mpr ................................................................. 99
del-ipaddr-mpr ................................................................. 100
mod-ipaddr-ics ................................................................. 101
del-ipaddr-ics ................................................................... 102
macaddr .................................................................... 103
mod-macaddr-ics.............................................................. 103
mod-macaddr-mpr ............................................................ 104
exip .......................................................................... 105
mod-exip-cnic .................................................................. 105
del-exip-cnic .................................................................... 106
voip .......................................................................... 107
add-voip-interface............................................................. 107
del-voip-interface.............................................................. 108
add-voip-route ................................................................. 108
del-voip-route .................................................................. 109
get-voip-ipaddr................................................................. 110
as ............................................................................. 111
add-as ............................................................................ 111
del-as ............................................................................. 112
mod-as ........................................................................... 112
get-as ............................................................................. 113
asp ........................................................................... 114
add-asp........................................................................... 114
del-asp............................................................................ 115
mod-asp.......................................................................... 115
get-asp............................................................................ 116
asasp ........................................................................ 117
add-asasp ........................................................................ 117
del-asasp ......................................................................... 117
get-asasp......................................................................... 118

Chapter 6......................................................................119

Service Configuration Commands ...............................119

isdnbra ...................................................................... 119
add-isdnbra...................................................................... 119
del-isdnbra....................................................................... 120
get-isdnbra ...................................................................... 121
odti........................................................................... 122
add-board-odti.................................................................. 122
del-board-odti................................................................... 122
add-board-odti-t1.............................................................. 123
del-board-odti-t1 .............................................................. 124
v5............................................................................. 124
add-v5if ........................................................................... 124
del-v5if............................................................................ 125
mod-v5if .......................................................................... 126
get-v5if ........................................................................... 127
add-v5link........................................................................ 127
del-v5link......................................................................... 128
mod-v5link....................................................................... 129
get-v5link ........................................................................ 130
add-v5pch........................................................................ 130
del-v5pch......................................................................... 131
mod-v5pg1 ...................................................................... 132
add-v5lcci ........................................................................ 133
del-v5lcci ......................................................................... 133
get-v5Lccistatus................................................................ 134
get-allv5Lcci ..................................................................... 135
mod-v5protcl .................................................................... 135
pstnuser .................................................................... 137
add-v5pstnuser................................................................. 137
get-v5user ....................................................................... 138
del-v5pstnuser.................................................................. 139
mod-v5pstnuser................................................................ 140
isdnuser .................................................................... 141
add-v5isdnuser................................................................. 141
del-v5isdnuser.................................................................. 142
mod-v5isdnuser................................................................ 143
e1attr........................................................................ 144
mod-e1attr ...................................................................... 144
get-e1attr ........................................................................ 145
ddn ........................................................................... 146
add-ddnport..................................................................... 146
del-ddnport...................................................................... 147
add-ddnconn .................................................................... 148

Chapter 7...................................................................... 151

Miscellaneous Commands ...........................................151

add-libdata ................................................................ 151
system ...................................................................... 152
mod-system..................................................................... 152
get-system ...................................................................... 153
qovspar ..................................................................... 153
mod-qovspar.................................................................... 153
get-allqovspar .................................................................. 154
md5info..................................................................... 155
add-md5info .................................................................... 155
del-md5info ..................................................................... 156
mod-md5info ................................................................... 156
get-md5info ..................................................................... 157
check-db.................................................................... 158
ring........................................................................... 159
mod-ring ......................................................................... 159
get-ring ........................................................................... 160
mod-ringprofile................................................................. 160
get-ringprofile .................................................................. 162
load-dftringprof ................................................................ 162
mod-permatone................................................................ 163
get-permatone ................................................................. 164
rip ............................................................................ 165
add-rip-cnic ..................................................................... 165
del-rip-cnic ...................................................................... 167
get-rip-cnic ...................................................................... 167
add-general-rip................................................................. 168
del-general-rip.................................................................. 169
add-rip-ctrl....................................................................... 170
get-rip-ctrl ....................................................................... 171
del-rip-ctrl........................................................................ 171
mednat ..................................................................... 172
add-mednat ..................................................................... 172
del-mednat ...................................................................... 173
ctrlnat ....................................................................... 174
add-ctrlnat ....................................................................... 174
del-ctrlnat ........................................................................ 175
get-allnat ......................................................................... 175
digitmap .................................................................... 176
add-digitmap .................................................................... 176
del-digitmap ..................................................................... 177
9k52conn................................................................... 177
mod-9k52conn.................................................................. 177
get-9k52conn ................................................................... 179
dlink ......................................................................... 179
add-dlink-span.................................................................. 179
del-dlink-span................................................................... 180
get-dlink .......................................................................... 181
mod-dlinkattr ................................................................... 181
get-dlinkattr ..................................................................... 182
mod-pcmattr .............................................................. 183
attrib......................................................................... 184
mod-slcattrib .................................................................... 184
get-slcattrib...................................................................... 186
mod-ipsattrib.................................................................... 187
get-ipsattrib ..................................................................... 188
mod-dspattrib................................................................... 189
get-dspattrib .................................................................... 190
slc ............................................................................ 191
add-slctermid ................................................................... 191
del-slctermid .................................................................... 192
get-slctermid .................................................................... 193
get-slcwildcard.................................................................. 194
ipstermid ................................................................... 194
add-ipstermid................................................................... 194
del-ipstermid.................................................................... 196
get-ipstermid ................................................................... 196
get-ipswildcard ................................................................. 197
rtppar........................................................................ 198
mod-rtppar-mpr ............................................................... 198
get-rtppar-mpr ................................................................. 201
mod-rtppar-mprb.............................................................. 202
get-rtppar-mprb ............................................................... 205
mod-rtppar-miro............................................................... 206
get-rtppar-miro ................................................................ 207
expar ........................................................................ 207
mod-expar-mpr ................................................................ 207
get-expar-mpr.................................................................. 210
mod-expar-mprb .............................................................. 211
get-expar-mprb ................................................................ 212
tline .......................................................................... 213
get-tlineinfo ..................................................................... 213
mod-tlinegroup................................................................. 214
trunk......................................................................... 214
del-trunkslctermid............................................................. 214
add-trunkslctermid............................................................ 215
get-trunkslctermid ............................................................ 216
get-trunkslcattrib .............................................................. 217
mod-trunkuser ................................................................. 218
fixtonechip ................................................................. 219
mod-fixtonechip................................................................ 219
get-fixtonechip ................................................................. 219
tonpro ....................................................................... 220
add-tonpro....................................................................... 220
del-tonpro ....................................................................... 220
mod-tonpro...................................................................... 221
get-tonpro ....................................................................... 222
tonlst ........................................................................ 223
add-tonlst ........................................................................ 223
del-tonlst......................................................................... 225
mod-tonlst ....................................................................... 225
get-tonlst ......................................................................... 227
tonlab ....................................................................... 228
add-tonlab ....................................................................... 228
del-tonlab ........................................................................ 229
mod-tonlab ...................................................................... 230
get-tonlab ........................................................................ 230
get-slcstatus..................................................................... 231
block-slc .......................................................................... 232
unblock-slc....................................................................... 233
ips ............................................................................ 234
get-ipsstatus .................................................................... 234
block-ips .......................................................................... 235
unblock-ips ...................................................................... 235
conf .......................................................................... 236
get-confstatus .................................................................. 236
block-conf ........................................................................ 237
unblock-conf..................................................................... 238
dsp ........................................................................... 239
get-dspstatus ................................................................... 239
block-dsp ......................................................................... 240
unblock-dsp ..................................................................... 241
cardstat..................................................................... 242
get-cardstat-ips ................................................................ 242
get-cardstat-conf .............................................................. 243
get-cardstat-dsp ............................................................... 244
bdstat ....................................................................... 244
get-bdstat-s ..................................................................... 245
get-bdstat-c ..................................................................... 245
ts ............................................................................. 246
get-tsstatus...................................................................... 246
block-ts ........................................................................... 247
unblock-ts ........................................................................ 247
statistic ..................................................................... 248
get-slcstatistic .................................................................. 248
get-ipsstatistic .................................................................. 249
get-sunitinfo .............................................................. 249
get-tsconninfo ............................................................ 250
get-slnconninfo........................................................... 250
get-resourcestat ......................................................... 251
get-board-slc.............................................................. 251
get-hwmap ................................................................ 252
get-hwset .................................................................. 252
get-unitinfo ................................................................ 253
init-agcmd-cfg ............................................................ 253

Appendix A ................................................................... 255

Abbreviations ............................................................... 255

Figures.......................................................................... 257

Tables ........................................................................... 259

Index ............................................................................ 261

This page is intentionally blank.
About this Manual

This manual provides commands and guidelines that support the
operation of the ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for engineers and technicians who
perform operation activities on the ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex
Service Gateway.

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this document effectively, users should have a general
understanding of wireless telecommunications technology.
Familiarity with the following is helpful:
„ ZXMSG 5200 system and its various components
„ User interfaces in ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2)

What is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:


Chapter Summary
Chapter 1 Introduction Describes general information on
MSG5200, login and user modes, general
command syntax, command parameters,
global commands.
Chapter 2 Common Describes the commands available under
User Mode Commands common user mode.
Chapter 3 Basic Describes the commands necessary for
Configuration basic configuration.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION xvii

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Chapter Summary
Chapter 4 MG System Describes commands necessary for MG
Commands system.
Chapter 5 System Describes the commands necessary for
Configuration system configuration.
Chapter 6 Service Describes the commands necessary for
Configuration providing services such as PSTN, ISDN and
Commands DDN.
Chapter 7 Describes the commands that are
Miscellaneous necessary for system maintenance.

Related Documentation
The following documentation is related to this manual:
„ ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Documentation
„ Technical Category:
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Technical Manual
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware Manual
„ Installation Category:
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (OUT30)
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (OUT50C/D)
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (19D06H20)
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (ONU100)
„ Operation Category:
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manual
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual
„ Maintenance Category:
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Maintenance Manual
ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Maintenance Manual

xviii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

About this Manual

Typographical ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.

Typeface Meaning
Italics References to other Manuals and documents.
“Quotes” Links on screens.
Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input
fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop-
down lists, dialog box names, window names.
CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens
and company name.
Constant width Text that you type, program code, files and
directory names, and function names.
[ ] Optional parameters.
{} Mandatory parameters.
| Select one of the parameters that are delimited
by it.
Note: Provides additional information about a
certain topic.
Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs
to be checked before proceeding further.
Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things
easier or more productive for the reader.


Conventions Typeface Meaning
Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually
the left mouse button) once.
Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button
(usually the left mouse button) twice.
Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button
(usually the right mouse button) once.
Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and
moving the mouse.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION xix

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

How to Get in Touch

The following sections provide information on how to obtain
support for the documentation and the software.
Customer If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions
Support regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at You can also call our customer support
center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.
Documentation ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality
Support and usefulness of this document. For further questions,
comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can
contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax your
comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also
browse our website at, which contains
various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base,
forum and service request.

xx Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1


This chapter covers the following topics:

„ Introduction
„ Login Modes
„ User Modes
„ General Command Syntax
„ Common Variables
„ Global Commands

MSG5200 provides a rich set of commands for convenient
operation. Three access modes exist to login into ZXMSG 5200
(V2.0.2). The modes are:

„ Network Management System (NMS)

„ Telnet
„ HyperTerminal
NMS provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) access. Telnet
and HyperTerminal, however provide a command line access to
MSG5200. This manual emphasizes on the command line
operation. Refer to ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway
Operation Manual for GUI operations.

Login Modes
This section describes the three login modes: HyperTerminal,
Telnet and NetNumen N31.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Description HyperTerminal provides a convenient way of logging into ZXMSG
5200. ZXMSG 5200 comes with a cross-over serial port cable for
accessing HyperTerminal.
Access Method Connect the X31 serial port with PC's serial port. Start
HyperTerminal after making connection. Figure 1 shows
HyperTerminal startup window.


Input a connection name for current session and click OK.

Connect To interface displays as Figure 2 shows.


2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction

Choose an appropriate COM port (that connects PC to ZXMSG

5200) against Connect using and click OK. COM Properties
interface displays as Figure 3 shows.


Click Restore Defaults on COM Properties interface. Figure 3

shows default parameter settings. Click OK when done.
HyperTerminal command line interface displays as Figure 4


Input an appropriate username and password to login

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Description Telnet is another simple way to access ZXMSG 5200. Out-band
management uses maintenance port on ICS card and in-band
management uses service uplink traffic channel.
Access Method To access ZXMSG 5200 via Telnet, set the IP address of the PC
and ZXMSG 5200 in a same IP subnet. Verify connectivity
between ZXMSG 5200 and PC using ‘ping’ command. Figure 5
shows an example of ‘ping’ command. A reply from ZXMSG
5200 implies an established connection.


Once a connection is established, click Start → Run and type

‘telnet A.B.C.D’, where ‘A.B.C.D’ is ZXMSG 5200’s in-band or
out-band management IP address. Figure 6 shows telnet


Telnet session starts in response to Telnet request. Figure 7

shows the Telnet command line interface.

4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction


Input an appropriate username and password to login.

Note: Telnet disconnects an idle session after six minutes.

NetNumen N31
Description NetNumen provides a graphical access to ZXMSG 5200.
NetNumen also provides an integrated Telnet facility. To login
ZXMSG 5200 by using NetNumen, a valid username and
password is required. When accessing using NetNumen, start
NMS Server first and then NMS Client.
Access Method Start NMS server first by selecting Start → Programs →
NetNumen N31 Server as Figure 8.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

NMS Server starts loading as Figure 9 shows.


Note: NMS Server startup process may take several minutes

depending upon the hardware configuration of the machine.
Please allow NMS Server to finish loading before starting NMS

After NMS Server has successfully started, the command prompt

window remains visible as Figure 10 shows.


Start NMS Client after NMS Server has started. Choose Start →
→ Programs → NetNumen N31 Client as Figure 11 shows.

6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction


Login window pops up as Figure 12 shows.


Enter User name, Password, and Server Address and click


User Modes
ZXMSG 5200 supports the following access modes:

„ Common User Mode

„ Management Mode
f Management User Mode
f Management User Configuration Mode

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

„ Super Mode
„ Debug Mode

Common User Mode

Description Common user mode provides the least set of privileges and
allows execution of most common commands. Usually, a
command able to be executed in Common User Mode is
necessarily also available (for execution) in higher modes. This
command manual specifies the least-privileged mode for
command execution.
Common User Mode does not allow configuration and advanced
operations. The prompt for Common User Mode is >.
Login and Enter Common User Mode by inputting Common User Mode’s
Logout username (zte) and password (zte). Log out from Common User
Mode by inputting logout command. Figure 13 shows Common
User Mode.


Management Mode
Description Management mode provides management operations.
Management mode provides higher level of privileges than
Common User Mode. Management mode is divided into following
two sub-modes:
„ Management User Mode
„ Management User Configuration Mode

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction

Management User Mode

Description Management User Mode inputting privileges to execute advanced

commands and operations. The prompt for Management User
Mode is #.
Login and Enter Management User Mode by providing Management User
Logout Mode’s username (root) and password (root). Log out by
inputting logout command. Figure 14 shows Management User


Management User Configuration Mode

Description Configuration in Management Mode is done under Management

User Configuration Mode.
Entering and Once in Management User Mode, give command config to enter
Exiting Management User Configuration mode. The prompt for
Management User Configuration Mode is (config)#. Use end
command to exit Management User Configuration Mode. Note
that the end command exits Management User Configuration
Mode and switches back to Management User Mode. Figure 15
shows Management User Configuration Mode.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)


Super Mode
Description Super Mode is the mode with all privileges. All commands can be
executed under Super Mode.
Login and Log into Super Mode by inputting enable command and enable
Logout password (zxa10). The prompt for Super Mode is $. Use logout
command to exit Super Mode. Figure 16 shows Super Mode.


10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction

Debug Mode
Description Debug Mode is used for debugging and troubleshooting purpose.
Login and Enter Debug Mode by using debug command and Debug-Mode
Logout password (debug). The prompt for Debug Mode is %. Log out
from Debug Mode by using logout command. Figure 17 shows
Debug Mode.


Note: While being in any of the modes, press <shift+?> to

get help on commands.

General Command Syntax

All commands issued under ZXMSG 5200 follow a general
command syntax. The general command syntax is as follows:
command <parameter> <variable>
command is main command. A command is a mandatory part
of command syntax.
parameter is a (mandatory or optional) sub-command after
main command. Parameter (sub-command) is usually inputted
after the main command. There may be a none, single or
multiple parameters in a command. Parameter(s) execute as a
part of main command.
variable provides a means of inputting a value (from specified
range) for a parameter. Commands usually require a value (such
as a VLAN identifier). Choose an appropriate value for variable

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

wherever needed. There may be a none, single or multiple

variables in a command. Variables are shown in italics.
Following symbols are used in command systax.
„ {}: Braces enclose a mandatory parameter. Any parameter(s)
contained within braces must be provided proceeding the
previous parameter in a command.
„ []: Square brackets enclose an optional parameter. Any
parameter(s) contained within square brackets may be
provided (if required) procedding the previous parameter in a
„ n1|n2|...nn: Where ‘n’ can be a parameter, variable or a
combination of both; included within braces or square
brackets. The symbol implies an exlusive-OR logic operation
on n1 upto nn. Choose a single ‘n’ only (from n1 upto nn).

Following examples clarify the general command syntax and use
of symbols.
„ dsl port ingress-filter {enable portlist [pvc pvcno] |
disable portlist [pvc pvcno]}
„ dsl port atmpvc {portlist {pvc pvcno vpi vpino vci vcino | vpi
vpino vci vcino} | remoteportlist {pvc pvcno vpi vpino vci vcino |
vpi vpino vci vcino}}
„ alarm {resend timer timervalue | output {enable |

Note: Use <tab> key to auto-complete a command. Recall a

command issued earlier by using up-arrow key.

Common Variables
Table 4 lists common variables for commands.


Common Variables Description

unitid  0 when only one shelf is present.

slotid  Format: unitid/slotid. Example: 0/3

linkid  Format: unitid/slotid/linked.

Example: 0/3/1

12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction

Common Variables Description

portid  Format: unitid/slotid/portid.

Example: 0/3/2

portlist  Appears as portid or portid, portid or

portid, and portid-portid.

vlanid  VLAN identifier value. Range: 1 ~ 4094

vlanlist  VLAN List value. Appears as vlanid or

vlanid, vlanid or vlanid, vlanid-vlanid.

vpi  VPI Value. Range: 0 ~ 255

vci  VCI Value. Range: 0 ~ 65535

pvclist  PVC List

profilename  Configuration file name

Global Commands
This section describes information regarding MSG5200’s global

Command List
Boot commands are executed in boot mode. Prompt for boot
mode is [ICS Boot]. Login into MSG5200 through a console
port and restart ICS card. To enter boot mode, press ‘s’ to stop
auto-boot (Press ‘s’ when U300 gives ‘Press s to stop auto-boot’
prompt). Pressing ‘s’ terminates loading system version and
enters boot mode. Refer to the following commands list for help
on boot time commands.

Command Description
? Show command.
@ Download and run main CPU version from FTP.
p Show boot parameters.
c Modify boot parameters. Mainly for outband network
management (IP and FTP parameters).
l Load boot file.
D Show files present in version and data file disks.
T Download version file(s) using FTP.
X Download data file(s) using FTP.
C Reset bootline parameters to defalt configuration.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Command Description
E Perform low-level format for version disk c or data disk
F Perform high-level format for version disk c or data disk
R Delete (remove) files.
L Load and run main CPU version from flash.
M Modify outbands port’s MAC address.
i Show and set date/time.
w Show version file attributes.
W Swap main CPU version.
Y Show all versions.
u Download boot verson files.

Command Introduction
This section provides a brief introduction of general boot-time

This command in boot mode is designed to modify boot line
parameters. Command format is [ICS Boot]: c. Use this
command to modify all boot parameters including parameters
related with system update. For example: network address, FTP
configuration, filename etc. Modify a parameter by giving a new
value for it. Simply press Enter if modification is not required.
Following is an example of the command.

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Introduction

This command in boot mode is designed to download running
version of ICS and other cards. Command format is [ICS Boot]:
T VerFileName. Copy the version file to FTP default directory.
Open FTP server, confirm that link between MSG5200 and FTP
server is up. The VerFileName parameter is version file name on
FTP server. If version name is specified (using V command), use
local specified version name. if version name is not specified
(using V command), then use remote file name as vesions name.
The transmitted version must have version head.

This command is designed to download boot program of ICS
card. Command format is [ICS Boot]: u. Copy the version file
to default directory of FTP server. Open FTP server , confirm that
link between MSG5200 and FTP is up. Following is an example of
the command.

System gives the message ‘Attached TCP/IP interface to

motfcc0’ implying that the network communication is OK. After
the system verifies that transmitted version is correct, the
system begins to transmit verson file. The HyperTerminal
interface shows transmission rate. The system prompts ‘done’
when transmission is complete. System also shows version file’s

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Version file of main CPU is saved in two disks. Use this command
to swap the version of main CPU. Command format is [ICS
Boot]: W.

This command is designed to load main CPU version. Command
format is [ICS Boot]: L. The flash disk can save two CPU
versions at same time. Version swapping works in toggle mode.

This command is designed to view and modify MAC address.
Format to view MAC address is [ICS Boot]: M. Format to
modify MAC address is [ICS Boot]: M <serial number>. A
MAC address is 48 bits (6 bytes) long. The first four bytes are
not modifiable (i.e. 00:d0:d0:20). Default MAC address of main
control card’s debug network port is 00-D0-D0-20-00-00. In
order to avoid MAC address conflict between debug network port,
modify the default MAC address while configuring NE.
Usual practice is to change the MAC address as the serial
number using the input serial number modifying MAC address.
When boot-ROM mode starts, it shows the currently configured
card’s serial number. Confirm this serial number, same as of the
For example, ICS0256 means the card serial number is 256.
Therefore set the MAC address should to 00-D0-D0-20-01-00.
Here, the command to set MAC address is M 256.

Note: Commands and filenames are case-sensitive. Also,

changes are automatically saved onto the flash.

16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2

Common User Mode


This chapter covers commands related to common user

mode. The <shift>+<?> command gives a list of commands
available under common user mode.

Syntax telnet adsl-modem portid
Purpose To telnet an ADSL port (modem)
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
adsl-modem Telnet an ADSL modem.

Usage Telnet command provides remote access. The following table

Guidelines provides variable description.

Variable Description

portid Port identifier value

Mode MSAG>
Examples The following example shows telnet command.

Related None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 17

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax config
Purpose To enter Management User Configuration Mode
Syntax None

Usage When in Management User Mode, use this command to enter

Guidelines Management User Configuration Mode. Exit Management User
Configuration Mode using end command.
Mode MSAG#
Examples The following example shows config command.

Related None

Syntax debug
Purpose To enter Debug Mode
Syntax None

Usage Use debug command and Debug-Mode password (debug) to

Guidelines enter Debug Mode. Execute this command while being in any of
the user modes. Exit Debug Mode using ndebug command.
Mode All modes
Examples The following example shows debug command.

Related ndebug

18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 Common User Mode Commands

Syntax ndebug
Purpose To end (exit) Debug Mode
Syntax None

Usage When in Debug Mode, use this command to exit Debug Mode.

Mode MSAG%
Examples The following example shows ndebug command.

Related debug

Syntax disable
Purpose To exit from Super Mode
Syntax None

Usage When in Super Mode, use this command to exit the Super Mode.

Mode MSAG$
Examples The following example shows disable command.

Related enable

Syntax enable
Purpose To enter super mode
Syntax None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage Use enable command and enable password (zxa10) to enter

Guidelines Super Mode. This command can be issued in Common User
Mode or Management Mode.
Mode MSAG>
Examples The following example shows enable command.

Related disable

Syntax end
Purpose To exit management user configuration mode
Syntax None

Usage When in Management User Configuration Mode, use this

Guidelines command to exit Management User Configuration Mode.
Mode MSAG(config)#
Examples The following example shows end command.

Related exit

Syntax exit
Purpose To exit from intermediate states (config-show and ag mode)
Syntax None

Usage Exit config-show and ag mode by exit command.


Mode MSAG(config-show)#
Examples The following example shows exit command in config-show

20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 Common User Mode Commands

The following example shows exit command in ag mode.

Related end

Syntax help [edit | commands]
Purpose To get help on commands
Syntax The following table provides syntax description.
Parameter Description
edit Show editing keys.
commands Show system help.

Usage The edit and commands parameters are optional. Use help
Guidelines command or help command to get help on all commands. Use
help edit command to get help on available editing keystrokes.
help and help commands commands are similar to <?>
command (when <?> is executed as a main command).
Mode All modes
Examples The following example shows help command.

The following example shows help edit command.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

The following example shows help commands command (similar

to help command).

Related None

Syntax history
Purpose To view command history
Syntax None

Usage The history command displays all commands issued in a

Guidelines session and sorts commands in order they are executed.
Mode All modes

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 Common User Mode Commands

Examples The following example shows history command.

Related None

Syntax logout
Purpose To logout from telnet session
Syntax None

Usage The logout command disconnects an established telnet session.


Mode All modes except ag mode

Examples The following example shows logout command in common user

Related telnet

Syntax ping ipaddr
Purpose To test layer-3 connectivity with a system
Syntax None

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

ipaddr IP address value

Mode MSAG#
Examples The following example shows ping command in management
user mode.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related None

Syntax save
Purpose To save data to flash
Syntax None

Usage Save operation saves configuration changes to permanent

Guidelines storage (flash storage). Press ‘y’ to save data. Press ‘n’ to cancel
save operation.
Mode All modes
Examples The following example shows save command in common user

Related None

Syntax show command
Purpose To view configuration information for a command
Syntax None

Usage Most show commands can be executed in Common User Mode or

Guidelines Management Mode with few exceptions that execute only in
Super Mode such as show users. The following table provides
variable description.

24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 Common User Mode Commands

Variable Description

command Command parameter (after main command)

Mode MSAG>
Examples The following example shows show snmp command in common
user mode.

Related None

Syntax sleep seconds
Purpose To put ZXMSG 5200 in sleep mode for a specified time
Syntax None

Usage Sleep time is in seconds. The following table provides variable

Guidelines description.

Variable Description

seconds Sleep time in seconds. Range: 0 ~ 4294967295

Mode MSAG>
Examples The following example shows sleep command in common user

Related None

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax who
Purpose To view currently logged-in user(s)
Syntax None

Usage View user(s) currently logged into ZXMSG 5200 along with
Guidelines related login information.
Mode MSAG>
Examples The following example shows who command.

Related None

Syntax write recipient message
Purpose To write text message to another user
Syntax None

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

recipient Recipient name

message Text message

Mode MSAG>
Examples The following example shows write command.

Related None

26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 Common User Mode Commands

Syntax ag
Purpose To enter MSAG (Access Gateway) mode
Syntax None

Usage Configure shelf and related functions in this mode. To exit ag

Guidelines mode, input exit command.
Mode All modes
Examples The following example shows ag mode command.

Related None

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This page is intentionally blank.

28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3

Basic Configuration

This chapter covers the basic configuration commands.

This section describes globalconst commands.

Syntax mod-globalconst [slcbrdnum slcbrdnum] [voipbrdnum
voipbrdnum] [dasnum  dasnum] [dnalnum dnalnum] [dydasnum
dydasnum] [dydnalnum dydnalnum] [toneidnum  toneidnum]
[termidnum termidnum] [bbcbrdnum bbcbrdnum]
Purpose To configure global constant information
Syntax The following table describes syntax description.
Parameter Description
slcbrdnum Assign ASLC card number.
voipbrdnum Assign VOIP card number.
dasnum Assign static DAS maximum number.
dnalnum Assign dynamic DAS maximum number.
dydasnum Assign dynamic DAS maximum number.
dydnalnum Assign dynamic DNAL maximum number.
toneidnum Assign service tone maximum number.
termidnum Assign termination ID maximum number.
bbcbrdnum Assign broadband card number.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes variables of mod-globalconst

Guidelines command.

Variable Description

slcbrdnum  ASLC card number. Range: 0 ~ 58 (default: 24)

voipbrdnum  VOIP card number. Range: 0 ~ 3 (default: 2)

dasnum  Maximum number of static DAS. Range: 0 ~ 254

(default: 100)

dnalnum  Maximum number of static DNAL. Range: 0 ~ 1024

(default: 512)

dydasnum  The maximum number of dynamic DAS. Range: 0 ~

2048 (default: 512)

dydnalnum  The maximum number of dynamic DNAL. Range: 0 ~

4095 (default: 4095)

toneidnum  Maximum number of service tone. Range: 0 ~ 1000

termidnum  Maximum number of termination ID. Range: 0 ~

4096 (default: 4096)

bbcbrdnum  Broadband card number. Range: 0 ~ 60

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows how to configure global constants.

Related get-globalconst
Command add-globalconst

Purpose To display global constant information
Syntax None

Usage This command is used to get the global constant information.


Mode MSAG(ag)#

30 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Example The following example shows how to display global constants


Related mod-globalconst

This section describes snmpcfg commands.

Syntax add-snmpcfg {smpid smpid} [smpinfo smpinfo] {smpport
smpport | smpip smpip} [comro comro] [comrw comrw] 
Purpose To add SNMP server configuration
Syntax The following table describes add-snmpcfg command syntax in

Parameter Description
smpid Assign SNMP ID.
smpinfo Assign SNMP extra flag.
smpport Assign SNMP port number.
smpip Assign SNMP IP address.
comro Assign read only community string, such as ‘public’.
comrw Assign read-write community string, such as ‘public’.

Usage The following table describes add-snmpcfg command variables.

Variable Description

smpid  SNMP ID. Range: 1 ~ 1

smpinfo  SNMP extra flag: 0 - no IP filter, 1 - IP filter

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

smpport  SNMP port number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

smpip  SNMP IP address: A.B.C.D

comro  Read only community: String

comrw  Read-write community: String

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add SNMP server

Related del-snmpcfg
Commands mod-snmpcfg

Syntax del-snmpcfg {smpid smpid} 
Purpose To delete SNMP server configuration
Syntax The following table describes del-snmpcfg command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
smpid Assign SNMP ID.

Usage The following table describes del-snmpcfg command variables.

Variable Description

smpid  SNMP ID. Range: 1 ~ 16

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete SNMP server

Related mod-snmpcfg
Commands add-snmpcfg

32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands


Syntax mod-snmpcfg {smpid smpid}  [smpinfo smpinfo] {smpport
smpport | smpip smpip} [comro comro] [comrw comrw] 
Purpose To modify SNMP server configuration
Syntax The following table describes mod-snmpcfg command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
smpid Assign SNMP ID.
smpinfo Assign SNMP extra flag.
smpport Assign SNMP port number.
smpip Assign SNMP IP address.
comro Assign read only community string, such as ‘public’.
comrw Assign read-write community string, such as 'public’.

Usage The following table describes mod-snmpcfg command variables.

Variable Description

smpid  SNMP ID. Range: 1 ~ 16

smpinfo  SNMP extra flag: 0 - no IP filter, 1 - IP filter

smpport  SNMP port number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

smpip  SNMP IP address: A.B.C.D

comro  Read only community: String

comrw  Read-write community: String

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify SNMP server

Related del-snmpcfg
Commands add-snmpcfg

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax get-snmpcfg [smpid smpid] 
Purpose To display SNMP server configuration
Syntax The following table describes get-snmpcfg command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
smpid Assign SNMP ID.

Usage The following table describes get-snmpcfg command variables.

Variable Description

smpid  Assign SNMP ID. Range: 1 ~ 16

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display SNMP server

Related del-snmpcfg
Commands mod-snmpcfg

This section describes ctrlport commands.

Syntax add-ctrlport {ctrlid ctrlid} [info info] {port port} 
Purpose To add SNMP UDP, TCP, Telnet port, or others

34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Syntax The following table describes add-ctrlport command syntax in

Description detail.

Parameter Description
ctrlid Assign control ID.
info Assign port information.
port Assign port number.

Usage The following table describes add-ctrlport command variables.

Variable Description
ctrlid  Control id: 1 - SNMP PORT, 2 - TELNET PORT, 3 -
info  Port information: 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP
port  Port number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add Telnet port

Related del-ctrlport
Commands mod-ctrlport

Syntax del-ctrlport {ctrlid ctrlid} 
Purpose To delete SNMP UDP, TCP or Telnet port
Syntax The following table describes del-ctrlport command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
ctrlid Assign control ID.

Usage The following table describes del-ctrlport command variables.

Variable Description
ctrlid  Control ID. Range: 2 ~ 40

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how delete control ID 2.

Related add-ctrlport
Commands mod-ctrlport

Syntax mod-ctrlport {ctrlid ctrlid} [info info] [port port] 
Purpose To modify SNMP UDP, TCP or Telnet port
Syntax The following table describes mod-ctrlport command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
ctrlid Assign control ID.
info Assign port information.
port Assign port number.

Usage The following table describes mod-ctrlport command variables.

Variable Description
ctrlid  Control ID. Range: 2 ~ 40
info  Port information: 1 - UDP, 2 - TCP
port  Port number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#

Example The following example shows how to modify Telnet port


Related del-ctrlport
Commands add-ctrlport

36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Syntax get-ctrlport {ctrlid ctrlid} 
Purpose To display SNMP UDP, TCP or Telnet port
Syntax The following table describes get-ctrlport command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
ctrlid Assign control ID.

Usage The following table describes get-ctrlport command variables.

Variable Description
ctrlid  Control ID. Range: 2 ~ 40

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how display port configuration

Related add-ctrlport
Commands mod-ctrlport

This section describes subnet commands.

Syntax add-subnet {type type | innet innet | inmask inmask}  
Purpose To add subnet
Syntax The following table describes add-subnet command syntax in
Description detail.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.
innet Assign subnet address.
inmask Assign subnet mask.

Usage The following table describes add-subnet command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 1 -CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP
innet  Subnet address: A.B.C.D
inmask  Subnet mask: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add subnet.

Related del-subnet
Commands mod-subnet

Syntax del-subnet {type type} 
Purpose To delete subnet
Syntax The following table describes del-subnet command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.

Usage The following table describes del-subnet command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete subnet.

38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Related add-subnet
Commands mod-subnet

Syntax mod-subnet {type type | innet innet | inmask inmask}  
Purpose To modify subnet
Syntax The following table describes mod-subnet command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
Type Assign IP address type.
Innet Assign subnet address.
Inmask Assign subnet mask.

Usage The following table describes mod-subnet command variables.

Parameter Description
Type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP
Innet  Subnet address: A.B.C.D
Inmask  Subnet mask: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify subnet.

Related add-subnet
Commands del-subnet

Syntax get-subnet [type type] 
Purpose To display the subnet

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax The following table describes get-subnet command syntax in

Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.

Usage The following table describes get-subnet command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type. 1 - CONTROL IP, and 2 - MEDIA

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display subnet.

Related add-subnet
Commands del-subnet

This section describes multi-ip commands.

Syntax add-multi-ip {type type | ipaddr ipaddr | submask submask
| ipnum ipnum} 
Purpose To add multiple IP addresses
Syntax The following table describes add-multi-ip command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.
ipaddr Assign IP address.
submask Assign subnet mask.

40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
ipnum Assign IP address number that the user wants to

Usage The following table describes add-multi-ip command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2- MEDIA IP,
and 3 - EXTERN IP
ipaddr  IP address: A.B.C.D
submask  Subnet Mask: A.B.C.D
ipnum  IP address number. Range: 1 ~ 20

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add multiple IP address.

Related del-multi-ip

Syntax del-multi-ip {type type | ipaddr ipaddr | ipnum ipnum}  
Purpose To delete multiple IP addresses
Syntax The following table describes del-multi-ip command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.
ipaddr Assign IP address.
ipnum Assign IP address number that user want to

Usage The following table describes del-multi-ip command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP, 3
ipaddr  IP address: A.B.C.D
ipnum  IP address number. Range: 1 ~ 20

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 41

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete multiple IP address.

Related add-multi-ip

This section describes inipaddr commands.

Syntax add-inipaddr {type type | ipaddr ipaddr} 
Purpose To add an inner IP address to the pool
Syntax The following table describes add-inipaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
Type Assign IP address type.
Ipaddr Assign IP address.

Usage The following table describes add-inipaddr command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP
ipaddr  IP address: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add an inner IP address to
the pool.

Related del-inipaddr

42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Syntax del-inipaddr {type type | ipaddr ipaddr} 
Purpose To delete an inner IP address from the IP pool
Syntax The following table describes del-inipaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
Type Assign IP address type.
Ipaddr Assign IP address.

Usage The following table describes del-inipaddr command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP
ipaddr  IP address: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete an inner IP address
from the IP pool.

Related add-inipaddr

This section describes exipaddr commands.

Syntax add-exipaddr {type type |ipaddr ipaddr | submask submask} 
Purpose To add an external IP address to the pool
Syntax The following table describes add-exipaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.
ipaddr Assign IP address.
submask Assign subnet mask.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 43

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes add-exipaddr command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 3 - EXTERNAL IP
ipaddr  IP address: A.B.C.D
submask  Subnet mask: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add an external IP address
to the pool.

Related del-exipaddr

Syntax del-exipaddr {type type | ipaddr ipaddr} 
Purpose To delete an external IP address from the pool
Syntax The following table describes del-exipaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.
ipaddr Assign IP address.

Usage The following table describes del-exipaddr command variables.

Variable Description
type  IP address type: 3 - EXTERNAL IP
ipaddr  IP address: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete an external IP
address from the pool.

Related add-exipaddr

44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Syntax get-ipaddr {type type} [issue issue] 
Purpose To show an IP address of a pool, whether it is an idle or in use
Syntax The following table describes get-ipaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
type Assign IP address type.
Issue The IP address is used or not.

Usage The following table describes get-ipaddr command variables.

Variable Description
Type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2- MEDIA IP,3 -
issue  IP address is used or not: 0 - IDLE, 1 - USE

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to show IP address of a pool,
which is idle IP address.

Related None

This section describes multi-mac commands.

Syntax add-multi-mac {macaddr macaddr | macnum macnum} 
Purpose To add multiple Mac addresses

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 45

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax The following table describes add-multi-mac command syntax

Description in detail.

Parameter Description
macaddr Assign MAC address.
macnum Assign MAC address number user wants to create.

Usage The following table describes add-multi-mac command variables.

Variable Description
macaddr  MAC address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
macnum  MAC addresses number. Range: 1 ~ 20

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add multiple MAC address.

Related del-multi-mac
Commands add-macaddr

Syntax del-multi-mac {macaddr macaddr | macnum macnum} 
Purpose To delete multiple MAC addresses
Syntax The following table describes del-multi-mac command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
macaddr Assign MAC address.
macnum Assign MAC address number user wants to delete.

Usage The following table describes del-multi-mac command variables.

Variable Description
macaddr  MAC address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
macnum  MAC addresses number. Range: 1 ~ 20

46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete multiple MAC

Related add-multi-mac
Commands add-macaddr

This section describes macaddr commands.

Syntax add-macaddr {macaddr macaddr} 
Purpose To add MAC addresses
Syntax The following table describes add-macaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
macaddr Assign MAC address.

Usage The following table describes add-macaddr command variables.


Variable Description
macaddr  MAC address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add MAC address.

Related add-multi-mac
Commands del-multi-mac

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 47

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax del-macaddr {macaddr macaddr} 
Purpose To delete MAC addresses
Syntax The following table describes del-macaddr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
macaddr Assign MAC address.

Usage The following table describes del-macaddr command variables.

Variable Description
macaddr  MAC address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete MAC address.

Related add-multi-mac
Commands del-multi-mac

Syntax get-macaddr 
Purpose To display MAC address information
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display MAC address.

48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Basic Configuration Commands

Related del-multi-mac
Commands add-macaddr

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 49

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This page is intentionally blank.

50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4

MG System Commands

This chapter covers the commands related to MG System.

This section describes mg commands.

Syntax add-mg [mgid mgid] [protype protype] [version version]
[encodetp encodetp] [mgport mgport] [translay translay]
[transpro transpro] [domname domname] [mginfo mginfo]
[mgcid1 mgcid1] [mgcid2 mgcid2] [mgcid3 mgcid3] [mgcid4
mgcid] [selfexchange selfexchange] [protectcall protectcall]
Purpose To add media gateway for new MSG system configuration
Syntax The following table describes add-mg command syntax in detail.
Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway.
protype Assign control protocol type.
version Assign control protocol version.
encodetp Assign protocol encode type.
mgport Assign MG port number.
translay Assign lower transport protocol.
transpro Assign type of transport protocol.
domname Assign domain name.
mginfo Assign MG information to use domain or IP.
mgcid1 Assign controller1 media gateway ID.
mgcid2 Assign controller2 media gateway ID.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 51

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
mgcid3 Assign controller3 media gateway ID.
mgcid4 Assign controller4 media gateway ID.
selfexchange Assign start self exchange.
protectcall Assign protect call.

Usage The following table describes add-mg command variables.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 0)

protype  Control protocol type: 1 - H.248, 2 - MGCP (default: 1)

version  Control protocol version: 1

Protocols encode type: 1 - Text, 2 - Binary. (Default


mgport  MG port number. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Lower transport protocol: 1 - IP, 2 - ATM. Default


transpro  Type of transport protocol: 1 - UDP, 2 - TCP

domname  Domain name

MG information: 0 - IP, 1 - Use Domain, 2 - ‘IPS IDLE’

and 128 for ‘English Tone’

mgcid1  Controller1 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mgcid2  Controller2 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mgcid3  Controller3 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mgcid4  Controller4 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

selfexchange  Self exchange: 0 - disable, 1 - enable

protectcall  protect call: 0 - disable, 1 - enable

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add media gateway.

Related add-mgcapabili
Commands mod-mgcapabili

52 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Syntax add-mgcapabili [retranumm reranumm] [resdelay resdelay]
[retranmin retranmin] [pend time pendtime] [pendcount
pendcount] [kprestime kprestime] [tractnum tractnum] [sdpcho
sdpcho] [lkptime lkptime] [trandimax trandimax] [tranidmin
trandimin] [sigtos sigtos] [faxpril1 faxpril1] [faxpril2
faxpril2] [faxpril3 faxpril3] [faxpril4 faxpril4] [2833type
2833type] [ipsthreshold ipsthreshold] [calllimit calllimit]
[congesttime congesttime] [congesttone congesttone]
Purpose To configure capability of media gateway
Syntax The following table describes add-mgcapabili command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
mgid Assign media Gateway ID.
tractnum Assign maximum transactions that MG can receive.
sdpcho Assign command type that SDP supports.
retrannum Assign times of retransmit.
resdelay Assign how long does MG wait before it restarts.
retranmin Assign minimum time to retransmit.
lkpttime Assign link check of departure time.
pendtime Assign pending time of transmit transaction.
pendcount Assign pending counts of a transaction request.
kprestime Assign reserved time of response to MGC.
tranidmax Assign maximum value of transaction ID.
tranidmin Assign minimum value of transaction ID.
sigtos Assign signal ToS value.
faxpri1 Assign fax ability priority 1.
faxpri2 Assign fax ability priority 2.
faxpri3 Assign fax ability priority 3.
faxpri4 Assign fax ability priority 4.
2833type Assign 2833 type.
ipsthreshold Assign IPS threshold value warning.

calllimit Assign call limit.

congesttime Assign congestion time.

congesttone Assign congestion tone.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 53

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes add-mgcapabili command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~3

tractnum  Transaction time. Range: 5000 ~ 7000 (default:


sdpcho  SD value. Range: 0 ~ 64 (default: 63)

retrannum  Re-transmission number. Range: 3 ~ 10 (default: 5)

resdelay  Mg delay time. Range: 10 ~ 600 (default: 20)

retranmin  Minimum time to retransmit. Range: 2 ~ 600

(Default: 4)

lkpttime  Link check of departure. Range: 20 ~ 300 (default:


pendtime  Pending time. Range: 2 ~ 8 (default: 4)

pendcount  Pending count. Range: 20 ~ 40 (default: 30)

kprestime  Reserved time. Range: 10 ~ 30 (default: 12)

tranidmax  Maximum value of transaction ID Range: 0 ~

4294967295 (default: 80000)

tranidmin  Minimum transaction ID. Range: 0 ~ 60000 (default:


sigtos  Signal ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

faxpri1  Fax priority 1: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

faxpri2  Fax priority 2: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

faxpri3  Fax priority 3: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

faxpri4  Fax priority 4: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

2833type  2833 type. Range: 1 - 2833, 2 - RTP

ipsthreshold  IP threshold value. Range: 1 ~ 100

calllimit  Call limit: O ~ disable, 1 ~ enable

congesttime  Congestion time. Range: 10 ~ 20 (default: 10 s)

congesttone  Congestion tone: 0

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add media gateway

54 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Related mod-mgcapabili
Commands get-mgcapabili

Syntax add-mgbaseattr [mgid mgid] [protype protype] [version
version] [encodetp encodetp] [mgport mgport] [translay
translay] [transpro transpro] [domname domname] [mginfo
mginfo] [mgcid1 mgcid1] [mgcid2 mgcid2] [mgcid3 mgcid3]
[mgcid4 mgcid] [selfexchange selfexchange] [protectcall
Purpose To configure the basic attribute of MG
Syntax The following table describes mod-mgbasettr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway.
protype Assign control protocol type.
version Assign control protocol version.
encodetp Assign protocol encode type.
mgport Assign MG port number.
translay Assign lower transport protocol.
transpro Assign type of transport protocol.
domname Assign domain name.
mginfo Assign MG information to use domain or IP.
mgcid1 Assign controller1 media gateway ID.
mgcid2 Assign controller2 media gateway ID.
mgcid3 Assign controller3 media gateway ID.
mgcid4 Assign controller4 media gateway ID.
selfexchange Assign start self exchange.
protectcall Assign protect call.

Usage The following table describes mod-mgbaseattr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 0)

protype  Control protocol type: 1 - H.248, 2 - MGCP (default: 1)

version  Control protocol version: 1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 55

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description
Protocols encode type: 1 - Text, 2 - Binary. Default

mgport  MG port number. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Lower transport protocol: 1 - IP, 2 - ATM. Default


transpro  Type of transport protocol: 1 - UDP, 2 - TCP

domname  Domain name

MG information: 0 - IP, 1 - Use Domain, 2 - ‘IPS IDLE

and 128 for ‘English Tone’

mgcid1  Controller1 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mgcid2  Controller2 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mgcid3  Controller3 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mgcid4  Controller4 media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

selfexchange  Self exchange: 0 - disable, 1 - enable

protectcall  protect call: 0 - disable, 1 - enable

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to configure the basic
attribute of MG.

Related add-mg

Syntax mod-mgcapabili [retranumm reranumm] [resdelay resdelay]
[retranmin retranmin] [pend time pendtime] [pendcount
pendcount] [kprestime kprestime] [tractnum tractnum] [sdpcho
sdpcho] [lkptime lkptime] [trandimax trandimax] [tranidmin
trandimin] [sigtos sigtos] [faxpril1 faxpril1] [faxpril2
faxpril2] [faxpril3 faxpril3] [faxpril4 faxpril4] [2833type
2833type] [ipsthreshold ipsthreshold] [calllimit calllimit]
[congesttime congesttime] [congesttone congesttone]
Purpose To modify capability of media gateway
Syntax The following table describes mod-mgcapabili command syntax
Description in detail.

56 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Parameter Description
mgid Assign media Gateway ID.
tractnum Assign maximum transactions that MG can receive.
sdpcho Assign command type that SDP supports.
retrannum Assign times of retransmit.
resdelay Assign how long does MG wait before it restarts.
retranmin Assign minimum time to retransmit.
lkpttime Assign link check of departure time.
pendtime Assign pending time of transmit transaction.
pendcount Assign pending counts of a transaction request.
kprestime Assign reserved time of response to MGC.
tranidmax Assign maximum value of transaction ID.
tranidmin Assign minimum value of transaction ID.
sigtos Assign signal ToS value.
faxpri1 Assign fax ability priority 1.
faxpri2 Assign fax ability priority 2.
faxpri3 Assign fax ability priority 3.
faxpri4 Assign fax ability priority 4.
2833type Assign 2833 type.
ipsthreshold Assign IPS threshold value warning.

calllimit Assign call limit.

congesttime Assign congestion time.

congesttone Assign congestion tone.

Usage The following table describes mod-mgcapabili command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~3

tractnum  Transaction time. Range: 5000 ~ 7000 (default:


sdpcho  SD value. Range: 0 ~ 64 (default: 63)

retrannum  Re-transmission number. Range: 3 ~ 10 (default: 5)

resdelay  Mg delay time. Range: 10 ~ 600 (default: 20)

retranmin  Minimum time to retransmit. Range: 2 ~ 600

(Default: 4)

lkpttime  Link check of departure. Range: 20 ~ 300 (default:


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 57

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

pendtime  Pending time. Range: 2 ~ 8. (default: 4)

pendcount  Pending count. Range: 20 ~ 40 (default: 30)

kprestime  Reserved time. Range: 10 ~ 30 (default: 12)

tranidmax  Maximum value of transaction ID Range: 0 ~

4294967295 (default: 80000)

tranidmin  Minimum transaction ID. Range: 0 ~ 60000 (default:


sigtos  Signal ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

faxpri1  Fax priority 1: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

faxpri2  Fax priority 2: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

faxpri3  Fax priority 3: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

faxpri4  Fax priority 4: 1 - VBD, 2 - T38

2833type  2833 type. Range: 1 - 2833, 2 - RTP

ipsthreshold  IP threshold value. Range: 1 ~ 100

Calllimit  Call limit: O ~ disable, 1 ~ enable

Congesttime  Congestion time. Range: 10 ~ 20 (default: 10 s)

congesttone  Congestion tone: 0

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify media gateway

Related add-mgcapabili
Commands get-mgcapabili

Syntax mod-mgmediatos [pmvoiceTos pmvoiceTos] [pmfaxTos pmfaxTos]
[pmmodTos pmmodTos] [pmdataTos pmdataTos] [imvoiceTos
imvoiceTos] [immodemTos immodemTos] [imdataTos imdataTos]
Purpose To configure the Type of Service (ToS) of Media Gateway
Syntax The following table describes mod-mgmediatos command syntax
Description in detail.

58 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Parameter Description
pmvoiceTos Assign PSTN media voice ToS value.
pmfaxTos Assign PSTN media fax ToS value.
pmmodTos Assign PSTN media modem ToS value.
pmdataTos Assign PSTN media data ToS value.
imvoiceTos Assign ISDN media voice ToS value.
immodemTos Assign ISDN media modem ToS value.
imdataTos Assign ISDN media data ToS value.

Usage The following table describes mod-mgmediatos command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

pmvoiceTos  Voice ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

pmfaxTos  Fax ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

pmmodTos  Modem ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

pmdataTos  Data ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

imvoiceTos  ISDN ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

immodemTos  ISDN ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

imdataTos  Voice ToS value. Range: 0 ~ 7

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify ToS of media

Related get-mgmediatos

Syntax get-mgbaseattr [mgid mgid]
Purpose To configure the media tos of MG
Syntax The following table describes get-mgbaseattr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
mgid Assign Media gateway ID.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 59

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes get-mgbaseattr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display media gateway

Related mod-mgbaseattr

Syntax get-mgcapabili [mgid mgid]
Purpose To get the capability of media gateway
Syntax The following table describes get-mgcapabili command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway ID.

Usage The following table describes get-mgcapabili command

Guidelines variables.

60 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to get capability of media

Related add-mgcapabili
Commands mod-mgcapabili

Syntax mod-mgip {oldip oldip | newip newip} [newmask newmask]  
Purpose To modify Media Gateway IP address
Syntax The following table describes mod-mgip command syntax in
Description detail.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 61

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
oldip Assign old gateway IP address.
newip Assign new gateway IP address.
newmask Assign new Subnet mask.

Usage The following table describes mod-mgip command variables.

Variable Description

oldip  OLD gateway IP address: A.B.C.D

newip  New gateway IP address: A.B.C.D

newmask  New subnet mask: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify Media Gateway IP

Related get-ipaddr

Syntax get-mgmediatos
Purpose To get the media Type of Service (ToS) of media gateway
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display ToS of media
gateway information.

62 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Related add-mgmediatos
Commands mod-mgmediatos

This section describes mgc commands.

Syntax add-mgc {mgcid mgcid}  [mgctype mgctype] [mgcip mgcip]
[mgcport mgcport] [domname domname] [mgcinfo mgcinfo]
[md5info md5info]
Purpose To add media gateway controller
Syntax The following table describes add-mgc command syntax in detail.
Parameter Description
mgcid Assign media gateway controller ID.
mgctype Assign media gateway controller.
mgcip Assign MGC IP address.
mgcport Assign MGC port.
domname Assign MGC domain name.
mgcinfo Assign MGC information to use domain or IP.
md5info Assign md5 profile ID.

Usage The following table describes add-mgc command variables.

Variable Description

 mgcid  Media gateway controller ID. Range: 1 ~12

 mgctype  Media gateway controller: 1 - ZTE, 2 - HW, 3 -


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 63

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description
NORTEL (H.248)

 mgcip  MGC IP address: A.B.C.D

 mgcport  MGC port number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

 domname  Domain name

 mgcinfo  MGC information: String

 md5info  Md5 profile ID. Range: 0 ~ 10; 0 - disable

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add media gateway

Related del-mgc
Commands mod-mgc

Syntax del-mgc {mgcid mgcid}
Purpose To delete a media gateway controller
Syntax The following table describes del-mgc command syntax in detail.
Parameter Description
mgcid Assign media gateway controller ID.

Usage The following table describes del-mgc command variables.

Variable Description

 mgcid  Media gateway controller ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete media gateway

Related add-mgc
Commands add-mg

64 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands


Syntax mod-mgc {mgcid mgcid} [mgctype mgctype] [mgcip mgcip]
[mgcport mgcport] [domname domname] [mgcinfo mgcinfo]
[md5info md5info]
Purpose To modify media gateway controller
Syntax The following table describes mod-mgc command syntax in detail.
Parameter Description
mgcid Assign media gateway controller ID.
mgctype Assign media gateway controller.
mgcip Assign MGC IP address.
mgcport Assign MGC port.
domname Assign MGC domain name.
mgcinfo Assign MGC information to use domain or IP.
md5info Assign md5 profile ID.

Usage The following table describes mod-mgc command variables.

Variable Description

 mgcid  Media gateway controller ID. Range: 1 ~12

 mgctype  Media gateway controller: 1 - ZTE, 2 - HW, 3 -

NORTEL (H.248)

 mgcip  MGC IP address: A.B.C.D

 mgcport  MGC port number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

 domname  Domain name

 mgcinfo  MGC information: String

 md5info  Md5 profile ID. Range: 0 ~ 10; 0 - disable

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify media gateway

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 65

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related del-mgc
Commands add-mgc

Syntax get-mgc {mgcid mgcid}
Purpose To display the Media gateway controller information
Syntax The following table describes get-mgc command syntax in detail.
Parameter Description
mgcid Assign media gateway controller ID.

Usage The following table describes get-mgc command variables.

Variable Description

mgcid  Media gateway controller ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display media gateway
controller information.

Related del-mgc
Commands add-mgc

This section describes mgcattr commands.

66 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Syntax add-mgcattr {mgctype mgctype  |  descript descript |
maxtransinpkg maxtransinpkg  |  userabnormalrpt userabnormalrpt
| queryuserstatus queryuserstatus | heartbeat heartbeat | dmlong
dmlong | dmshort dmshort |dmstart dmstart}
Purpose To add media gateway attributes
Syntax The following table describes add-mgcattr command syntax in
Description detail. All the parameters are required.

Parameter Description
mgctype Assign MGC Type.
descript Assign MGC description.
maxtransinpkg Assign transaction number in one package.
userabnormalrpt Assign user abnormal report to SS.
queryuserstatus Assign user query status or no user query
status to SS.
heartbeat Assign heart interval to SS.
dmlong Assign dial long timer (L).
dmshort Assign dial short timer (S).
dmstart Assign dirst dial timer (T).

Usage The following table describes add-mgcattr command variables.

Variable Description

mgctype  MGC type. Range: 1 ~ 255

descript  MGC descriptive String value

maxtransinpkg  Max transaction number. Range: 1 ~ 3

userabnormalrpt  User abnormal report. 1 - abnormal user, 2 -

no support

queryuserstatus  User query status. 1 - State query, 0 - no

user state query

heartbeat  Heart interval. Range: 1 ~ 65535

dmlong  Dial long timer. Range: 0 ~ 50

dmshort  Dial short timer. Range: 0 ~ 50

dmstart  First dial timer. Range: 0 ~ 50

Mode MSAG(ag)#

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 67

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

The following example shows how to add media gateway


Related del-mgcattr
Commands mod-mgcattr

Syntax mod-mgcattr {mgctype mgctype}  [descript descript]
[maxtransinpkg maxtransinpkg] [userabnormalrpt
userabnormalrpt] [queryuserstatus queryuserstatus] [heartbeat
heartbeat] [dmlong dmlong] [dmshort dmshort] [dmstart dmstart]
Purpose To modify media gateway controller attributes
Syntax The following table describes mod-mgcattr command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
mgctype Assign MGC Type.
descript Assign MGC description.
maxtransinpkg Assign transaction number in one package.
userabnormalrpt Assign user abnormal report to SS.
queryuserstatus Assign user query status or no user query
status to SS.
heartbeat Assign heart interval to SS.
dmlong Assign dial long timer(L).
dmshort Assign dial short timer(S).
dmstart Assign first dial timer(T).

Usage The following table describes mod-mgcattr command variables.

Variable Description

mgctype  MGC type. Range: 1 ~ 255.

descript  MGC descriptive String value

maxtransinpkg  Max transaction number. Range: 1 ~ 3.

userabnormalrpt  User abnormal report. 1 - abnormal user, 2 -

no support

queryuserstatus  User query status. 1 - State query, 0 - no

user state query

68 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 MG System Commands

Variable Description

heartbeat  Heart interval. Range: 1 ~ 65535

dmlong  Dial long timer. Range: 0 ~ 50

dmshort  Dial short timer. Range: 0 ~ 50

dmstart  First dial timer. Range: 0 ~ 50

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify media gateway
controller attributes.

Related del-mgcattr
Commands add-mgcattr

Syntax get-allmgcattr
Purpose To display all media gateway attributes
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display gateway attributes.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 69

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related del-mgcattr
Commands mod-mgcattr

Syntax del-mgcattr {mgctype mgctype}
Purpose To delete media gateway attributes
Syntax The following table describes del-mgcattr command syntax in
Description detail. All the parameters are required.

Parameter Description
mgctype Assign MGC type.

Usage The following table describes del-mgcattr command variables.

Variable Description

mgctype  Assign MGC type. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete media gateway

Related add-mgcattr
Commands mod-mgcattr

70 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5

System Configuration

This chapter covers the commands related to System


This section describes rack commands.

Syntax add-rack {rack rack | type type} 
Purpose To add rack and rack type
Syntax The following table describes add-rack command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
type Assign rack type.

Usage The following table describes add-rack command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

type  Rack type: 1 - CONTROL RACK, 2 - EX_19INCH

RACK, 3 - ONU100, 4 - OUT50C, 5 - OUT50D, 6 -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 71

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add rack.

Related del-rack
Commands get-rackinfo

Syntax del-rack {rack rack} 
Purpose To delete rack
Syntax The following table describes del-rack command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.

Usage The following table describes del-rack command variables.

Variable Description
rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete rack.

Related add-rack
Commands get-rackinfo

Syntax get-rackinfo [rack rack] 
Purpose To display rack information
Syntax The following table describes get-rackinfo command syntax in
Description detail.

72 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.

Usage The following table describes get-rackinfo command variables.

Variable Description
rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display rack information.

Related del-rack
Commands add-racks

Syntax get-allrackinfo 
Purpose To display all racks information
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to get all racks information.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 73

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related del-rack
Commands add-racks

This section describes shelf commands.

Syntax add-shelf [rack rack] {physhf physhf | type type} 
Purpose To add shelf
Syntax The following table describes add-shelf command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack number.
physhf Assign shelf.
type Assign shelf type.

Usage The following table describes add-shelf command variables.

Variable Description

rack   Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

physhf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

 type   Shelf type: 5 - MSAG EXSHELF, 6 - MSAG

CTLSHELF, 8 - ONU100, 9 - OUT50C, 10 -
OUT50D, 11 - MBSL_CTL, 12 - MBSL_EX, 13 -

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add shelf.

Related del-shelf
Commands get-shelfinfo

74 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Syntax del-shelf [rack rack] {shelf shelf} 
Purpose To delete shelf
Syntax The following table describes del-shelf command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf.

Usage The following table describes del-shelf command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete shelf.

Related add-shelf
Commands get-shelfinfo

Syntax get-shelfinfo [rack rack] [shelf shelf] 
Purpose To display shelf information.
Syntax The following table describes get-shelfinfo command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

Usage The following table describes get-shelfinfo command variables.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 75

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display shelf information.

Related add-shelf
Commands del-shelf

Syntax get-allshelfinfo 
Purpose To display all shelves information
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display all shelves

76 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Related add-shelf
Commands del-shelf

This section describes board commands.

Syntax get-allcfgboard [rack rack] [shelf shelf] 
Purpose To show all the cards those exist
Syntax The following table describes get-allcfgboard command
Description syntax in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

Usage The following table describes get-allcfgboard command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (all shelves are

default shelves)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how show all the cards that exist.

Related get-boardinfo 

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 77

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax get-allboardinfo [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To show the specified card information
Syntax The following table describes get-boardinfo command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes get-boardinfo command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17.

Mode MSAG(ag)#
The following example shows how to show the specified card

Related get-boardinfo 

Syntax add-board-mics [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot | type
Purpose To add ICS card for master shelf
Syntax The following table describes add-board-mics command syntax
Description in detail.

78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
type Specify card type.

Usage The following table describes add-board-mics command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10; 5 - ONU100, 7/8 - OUT50C,

5/6 - OUT50D

type  Card type: 1 - ICS, 2 - GISS, 3 - GIS, 4 - EICS

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add main ICS card for
master shelf.

Related del-board-mics

Syntax del-board-mics [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete ICS card on master shelf
Syntax The following table describes del-board-mics command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
type Specify card type.

Usage The following table describes del-board-mics command

Guidelines variables.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Default value: 0

slot  Slot number: 9/10; 5 - ONU100, 7/8 - OUT50C,

5/6 -OUT50D

type  Card type: 1 - ICS, 2 - GISS, 3 - GIS, 4 - EICS

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete ICS card on master

Related add-board-mics

Syntax add-board-mpr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To add MPR card for master shelf
Syntax The following table describes add-board-mpr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign sot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-mpr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12; 6 - OUT100, 9 - OUT50c,

7/8 - OUT50d

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add MPR card.

80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Related add-board-mprb
Commands del-board-mpr

Syntax del-board-mpr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete MPR card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-mpr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-mpr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Default value: 0

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12; 6 - OUT100, 9 - OUT50c,

7/8 - OUT50d

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete MPR card.

Related add-board-mpr
Commands add-board-mprb

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 81

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax add-board-mprb [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To add MPRB card for master shelf
Syntax The following table describes del-board-mprb command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-mprb command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12; 6 - OUT100, 9 - OUT50c,

7/8 - OUT50d

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add MPRB card.

Related add-board-mpr
Commands del-board-mpr

Syntax del-board-mprb [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete MPRB card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-mprb command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

82 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-mprb command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Default value: 0

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12; 6 - OUT100, 9 - OUT50c,

7/8 - OUT50d

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete MPRB card.

Related add-board-mpr
Commands del-board-mpr

Syntax add-board-sics {rack rack | shelf shelf | slot slot | type
type | hw1 hw1} [node node] 
Purpose To add slave shelf ICS card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-sics command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slave shelf ICS slot.
type Specify card type.
hw1 Assign highway number.
Node Assign node number.

Usage The following table describes add-board-sics command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 83

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10; 13 - pp, 12/14 - double pp

type  Card type: 1 - ICS, 2 - GIS, 3 - TPU, 4 - PP, 5 -


hw1  Highway number. Range: 8 ~ 11

node  Node number: 1/2 - pp

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add slave shelf ICS card.

Related del-board-sics

Syntax del-board-sics {rack rack |shelf shelf | slot slot} 
Purpose To delete ICS card on slave shelf
Syntax The following table describes del-board-sics command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Slave shelf ICS slot.

Usage The following table describes del-board-sics command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10; 13 - pp, 12/14 - double pp

Mode MSAG(ag)#

84 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

The following example shows how to delete ICS card on slave


Related add-board-sics

Syntax add-board-slc [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot | type
Purpose To add a subscriber card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-slc command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Slot number.
type Specify card type.

Usage The following table describes add-board-slc command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

type  Card type: 6 - ADL, 11 – DLCC(VoIP), 12 - ETI, 13

- VDL, 14 - ATI, 17 - SDL, 18 - ILCA, 19 - ILCB, 20
– ADL+, 21 – DLCC(V5), 24 – ILC+, 26 - ALC, 27 -
RALC, 28 - ETC, 29 - GETC, 30 - GADLA, 31 -
GADLB, 32 - GADLC, 33 - GADLA2, 34 - GADLC2,
35 – EPOL, 36 - FLC, 37 - SLC, 38 - GVDL, 39 -
GSDLC, 25 - HDB, 40 - AUDB, 41 - HSB, 42 -
DLCA, 43 - DIBA, 44 – DIBB

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add subscriber card.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related del-board-slc
Commands get-board-slc

Syntax get-board-slc [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To display subscriber card information
Syntax The following table describes get-board-slc command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-slc command variables.

Variables Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to get subscriber card

Related del-board-slc
Commands add-board-slc

Syntax del-board-slc [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete subscriber card

86 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Syntax The following table describes del-board-slc command syntax

Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Slot number.

Usage The following table describes del-board-slc command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete subscriber card.

Related get‐board‐slc 

Syntax add-board-tslc {rack rack | shelf shelf | slot slot} 
Purpose To add a TSLC card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-tslc command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-tslc command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

shelf  Shelf number: 0

slot  Slot number: 17; 7 - ONU100, 10 - OUT50C

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add TSLC card.

Related del-board-tslc

Syntax del-board-tslc [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete TSLC card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-tslc command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes del-board-tslc command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number: 0

slot  Slot number: 17; 7 - ONU100, 10 - OUT50C

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete TSLC card.

Related get-board-tslc
Commands add-board-tslc

88 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Syntax add-board-pwr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To add power card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-pwr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-pwr command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 1

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add power card.

Related del-board-pwr

Syntax del-board-pwr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete power card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-pwr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 89

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes del-board-pwr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 1

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete power card.

Related add-board-pwr

Syntax get-shelfboard [rack rack] [shelf shelf] 
Purpose To get board information by rack and shelf
Syntax The following table describes get-shelfboard command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

Usage The following table describes get-shelfboard command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how get board information by rack
and shelf.

90 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Related get-shelfinfo

Syntax add-board-tsld {rack rack | shelf shelf | slot slot} 
Purpose To add a TSLD card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-tsld command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-tsld command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add TSLD card.

Related del-board-tsld

Syntax del-board-tsld [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete TSLD card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-tsld command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes del-board-tsld command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete TSLD card.

Related add-board-tsld

92 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Syntax add-board-pwr2 [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To add power 2 card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-pwr2 command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-pwr2 command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add power card.

Related del-board-pwr2

Syntax del-board-pwr2 [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete power card on the right side
Syntax The following table describes del-board-pwr2 command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 93

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes del-board-pwr2 command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete power card on the
right side.

Related add-board-pwr2

Syntax add-board-scard [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  scard 
Purpose To add sub-card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-scard command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
scard Assign sub-card.

Usage The following table describes add-board-scard command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

scard  Sub-card number: 1 or 2 (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add sub-card.

94 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Related del-board-scard

Syntax del-board-scard [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  scard
Purpose To delete sub-card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-scard command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
scard Assign sub-card.

Usage The following table describes del-board-scard command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

scard  Sub-card number: 1/2 (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete sub-card.

Related add-board-scard

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 95

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax add-board-pnp [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To add PNP card
Syntax The following table describes add-board-pnp command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes add-board-pnp command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add PNP card.

Related None

Syntax add-board-epc [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To add EPC card for master shelf
Syntax The following table describes add-board-epc command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Rack number, default: 1
shelf Shelf number, default: 0
slot EPC card slot

96 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Usage The following table describes add-board-epc command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add EPC card.

Related del-board-epc

Syntax del-board-epc [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To delete EPC card
Syntax The following table describes del-board-epc command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes del-board-epc command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete EPC card.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 97

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related add-board-epc

Syntax get-boardipinfo [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To display the IP information of the specified card
Syntax The following table describes get-boardipinfo command
Description syntax in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes get-boardipinfo command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to show the IP information of
the specified card

Related mod-ipaddr-mpr

98 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Syntax get-boardmacinfo [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot} 
Purpose To show the MAC address of the specified card
Syntax The following table describes get-boardmacinfo command
Description syntax in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table describes get-boardmacinfo command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to show the MAC address of
the specified card.

Related None

This section describes ipaddr commands.

Syntax mod-ipaddr-mpr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot |
phyport phyport | type type | ip ip} 

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 99

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Purpose To modify the IP address of MPR

Syntax The following table describes mod-ipaddr-mpr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port of MPR.
type Assign IP address type.
ip Assign IP address, such as

Usage The following table describes mod-ipaddr-mpr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default is 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 11/12

phyport  Physical port. Range: 0

type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP

ip  IP address: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify the IP address of

Related get-boardipinfo

Syntax del-ipaddr-mpr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  phyport
phyport | type type} 
Purpose To delete the IP address of MPR
Syntax The following table describes del-ipaddr-mpr command syntax
Description in detail.

100 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port of MPR.
type Assign IP address type.

Usage The following table describes del-ipaddr-mpr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 1 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12; 6 - OUT100, 9 - OUT50c,

7/8 - OUT50d

phyport  Physical port is 0 ~ 3.

type  IP address type, 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 for MEDIA IP

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete the IP address of

Related mod-ipaddr-mpr

Syntax mod-ipaddr-ics [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot |
phyport phyport] | type type | ip ip} 
Purpose To modify the ip address of ICS card
Syntax The following table describes mod-ipaddr-mpr command
Description syntax in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port of ICS.
type Assign IP address type.
ip Assign IP address.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 101

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes mod-ipaddr-ics command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 0.

type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - MEDIA IP

ip  IP address: A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify the IP address of
ICS card.

Related del-ipaddr-ics

Syntax del-ipaddr-ics [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot |
phyport phyport | type type} 
Purpose To delete the IP address of ICS
Syntax The following table describes del-ipaddr-ics command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.
type Assign IP address type.

Usage The following table describes del-ipaddr-ics command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Variable Description

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 0.

type  IP address type: 1 - CONTROL IP, 2 - ‘MEDIA IP’

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete the IP address of

Related mod-ipaddr-ics

This section describes macaddr commands.

Syntax mod-macaddr-ics [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot |
phyport phyport |mac mac} 
Purpose To modify the MAC address of ICS card
Syntax The following table describes mod-macaddr-ics command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign the physical port of ICS.
mac Assign MAC address.

Usage The following table describes mod-macaddr-ics command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 103

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 0

mac  MAC address

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify the MAC address of
ICS card.

Related del-macaddr-ics

Syntax mod-macaddr-mpr [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot |
phyport phyport | mac mac} 
Purpose To modify the MAC address of MPR card
Syntax The following table describes mod-macaddr-mpr command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port of MPR.
mac Assign new MAC address.

Usage The following table describes mod-macaddr-mpr command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 11/12

phyport  Physical port of MPR: 0/1

mac  MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

Mode MSAG(ag)#

104 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

The following example shows how to modify the MAC address of

MPR card.

Related get-boardmacinfo
Commands del-macaddr-mpr

This section describes exip commands.

Syntax mod-exip-cnic [rack rack] [shelf shelf] {slot slot |phyport
phyport | ipno ipno | type type |ip ip} 
Purpose To modify external IP address of CNIC on ICS card
Syntax The following table describes mod-exip-cnic command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port of ICS.
ipno Assign IP number of physical port.
type Assign IP address type.
ip Assign external IP address.

Usage The following table describes mod-exip-cnic command variables.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 5

ipno   IP number of physical port range: 2 ~ 7

type  IP address type: 3

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 105

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

ip  External IP address A.B.C.D

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify external ip address
of CNIC on ICS card.

Related del-exip-cnic

Syntax del-exip-cnic [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  phyport
physlot | ipno ipno | type type}
Purpose To delete extern IP address of ICS card
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.
ipno Assign IP sequence.
type Assign IP address type.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

phyport  Physical port value: 5

ipno  IP sequence number. Range: 2 ~ 7

type IP address type (it is external IP address): 3

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-exip-cnic command.

106 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Related add-exip-cnic

This section describes voip commands.

Syntax add-voip-interface [mgid mgid  |  type type] {ipaddr ipaddr  | 
submask submask}
Purpose To add the VOIP interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway ID.
type Select IP address type.
ipaddr Assign IP address.
submask Assign subnet mask.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3

type  IP address type: Media IP, value :1

ipaddr  IP address value

submask  Subnet mask value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-voip-interface command.

Related del-voip-interface

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 107

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax del-voip-interface [mgid mgid  |  type type] {ipaddr ipaddr 
| submask submask}
Purpose To delete the VOIP interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway ID.
type Select media IP address type.
ipaddr Assign IP address.
submask Assign subnet mask.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3

type  IP address type, Media IP, value: 1

ipaddr  IP address value

submask  Subnet mask value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-voip-interface command.

Related add-voip-route
Commands get-voip-ipaddr

Syntax add-voip-route [mgid mgid  |  type type  |  netaddr netaddr  | 
submask submask] {nexthop nexthop}
Purpose To add the VOIP route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway ID.
type Route type.

108 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
netaddr Assign IP address.
submask Assign subnet mask.
nexthop Assign next hop IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3

type  Route type: Media route, value: 1

netaddr  IP address value

submask  Subnet mask value

nexthop  Next hop IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-voip-route command.

Related del-voip-route
Commands get-voip-ipaddr

Syntax del-voip-route [mgid mgid  |  type type  |  netaddr netaddr  | 
submask submask] {nexthop nexthop}
Purpose To delete the VOIP route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway ID.
type Route type.
netaddr Assign IP address.
submask Assign subnet mask.
nexthop Assign next hop IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 109

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3

type  Route type: Media route, value: 1

netaddr  IP address value

submask  Subnet mask value

nexthop  Next hop IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-voip-route command.

Related add-voip-interface
Commands add-voip-route

Syntax get-voip-ipaddr 
Purpose To get the VOIP IP address
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-voip-ipaddr command.

Related add-voip-route
Commands del-voip-route

110 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

This section describes as commands.

Syntax add-as {asid asid} [mode mode  |  modeval modeval  |  protocol
Purpose To add an as
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
asid Assign ID of as.
mode Set working mode.
modeval Assign N+K value.
protocol Select type of protocol.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

mode  Mode 1: master-shelf (default)

Mode 2: share
Mode 3: broadcast

modeval  Mode value (N stands for the higher 4 bits and K for
lower 4 bits). Range: 0 ~ 255 (default: 1+0)
protocol  Type of protocol: 1 - M3UA, 2 - M2UA, 3 - M2PA, 4
- SUA, 5 - IUA (default)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-as command.

Related del-as
Commands mod-as

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 111

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax del-as {asid asid}
Purpose To delete an as, must not be in asap
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
asid Assign ID of as.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-as command.

Related add-as
Commands mod-as

Syntax mod-as {asid asid} [mode mode  |  modeval modeval  | protocol
Purpose To configure the as attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
asid Assign ID of as.
mode Set working mode.
modeval Assign N+K value.
protocol Select type of protocol.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 12

112 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Variable Description

mode  Mode 1: master-shelf (default)

Mode 2: share
Mode 3: broadcast

modeval  Mode value. Range: 0 ~ 255 (default: 1 + 0)

protocol  Type of protocol: 1 - M3UA, 2 - M2UA, 3 - M2PA, 4

- SUA, 5 - IUA (default)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-as command.

Related add-as
Commands del-as

Syntax get-as [asid asid]
Purpose To get an as attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
asid Assign ID of as.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-as command.

Related add-as
Commands del-as

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 113

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This section describes asp commands.

Syntax add-asp {aspid aspid  |  desport desport  |  locport locport  |
downprot downprot | destip destip} [instream instream  |
outstream outstream]
Purpose To add an asp
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp.
desport Assign destination port.
locport Assign local port.
downport Assign down protocol.
destip Assign destination IP address.
instream Assign instream.
outstream Assign outstream.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

desport  Destination port. Range: 0 ~ 65535

locport  Local port. Range: 0 ~ 65535

downport  Down port. Range: 1 - UDP, 2 - IP

destip  Destination IP address value

instream  Instream value. Range: 0 ~ 16

outstream  Outstream value. Range: 0 ~ 16

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-asp command.

114 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

Related del-asp
Commands mod-asp

Syntax del-asp {aspid aspid}
Purpose To delete an asp
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-asp command.

Related add-asp
Commands mod-asp

Syntax mod-asp {aspid aspid} [downprot downprot | instream
instream | outstream outstream]
Purpose To modify an asp
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp.
downport Assign down protocol.
instream Assign instream.
outstream Assign outstream.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 115

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

downport  Down port. Range: 1 - UDP, 2 - IP

instream  Instream value. Range: 0 ~ 16

outstream  Outstream value. Range: 0 ~ 16

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-asp command.

Related add-asp
Commands del-asp

Syntax get-asp [aspid aspid]
Purpose To get an asp attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-asp command.

Related add-asp
Commands del-asp

116 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 System Configuration Commands

This section describes asasp commands.

Syntax add-asasp {aspid aspid | asid asid}
Purpose To add the relation as-asasp
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp.
asid Assign ID of as.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-asasp command.

Related del-asasp
Commands get-asasp

Syntax del-asasp {aspid aspid | asid asid}
Purpose To delete the relation as-asp
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp
asid Assign ID of as

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-asasp command.

Related add-asasp
Commands get-asasp

Syntax get-asasp [aspid aspid | asid asid]
Purpose To get the relation as-asp
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
aspid Assign ID of asp
asid Assign ID of as

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

aspid  Asp ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-asasp command.

Related add-asasp
Commands del-asasp

118 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6

Service Configuration

This chapter covers the commands related to Service

configuration commands.

This section describes isdnbra commands.

Syntax add-isdnbra [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot | index
index | ipaddr ipaddr | portbase portbase} [maxframe maxframe]
Purpose To add the ISDN link
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
index Assign index.
ipaddr Assign IP address.
portbase Assign media port base.
maxframe Assign max HDLC frame length.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 119

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

index  Index number. Range: 0 ~ 7

ipaddr  IP address value

portbase  Media port base number (must be divided exactly

by 32). Range: 5600 ~ 5840

maxframe  Max HDLC frame length value. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-isdnbra command.

Related del-isdnbra
Commands get-isdnbra

Syntax del-isdnbra [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot | index
Purpose To delete the ISDN link
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
index Assign index.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

120 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Variable Description

index  Index number. Range: 0 ~ 7

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-isdnbra command.

Related add-isdnbra
Commands get-isdnbra

Syntax get-isdnbra [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To get the ISDN link at the rate of BRA
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-isdnbra command.

Related add-isdnbra
Commands del-isdnbra

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This section describes odti commands.

Syntax add-board-odti [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To add the ODTI board for E1
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-board-odti command.

Related del-board-odti

Syntax del-board-odti [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To delete the ODTI board for E1
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

122 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-board-odti command.

Related add-board-odti

Syntax add-board-odti-t1 [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To add the ODTI board for T1
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-board-odti-t1 command.

Related del-board-odti-t1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 123

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax del-board-odti-t1 [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To add the ODTI board for T1
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 8/11/12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-board-odti-t1 command.

Related add-board-odti-t1

This section describes v5 commands.

Syntax add-v5if {interfId interfaceid | v5var v5var | v5type v5type}
Purpose To add V5 interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfId Assign V5 interface identifier.
v5var Assign V5 variable value.

124 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
v5type Assign V5 type.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

v5var  V5 variable value. Range: 0 ~ 254

v5type  V5 type. Range: 1 ~ 2

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-v5if command.

Related del-v5if
Commands mod-v5if

Syntax del-v5if {interfId interfaceid}
Purpose To delete V5 interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfId Assign V5 interface identifier.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-v5if command.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 125

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related add-v5if
Commands mod-v5if

Syntax mod-v5if {oldIFId oldinterfaceid} [newIFId newinterfaceid  |
v5var v5variable | letype localexchangetype]
Purpose To modify V5 interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
oldIFId Assign old V5 interface identifier.
newIFId Assign new V5 interface identifier.
v5var Assign v5 variable.
letype Assign local exchange type.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

oldinterfaceid Old V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

newinterfaceid  New V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

v5variable  V5 variable. Range: 0 ~ 254

localexchangetype  Local exchange types

0 - ZXJ10
2 - BELL
4 - HW
8 - NEC

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-v5if command.

126 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Related add-v5if
Commands del-v5if

Syntax get-v5if {interfId interfaceid}
Purpose To show V5 interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfId Assign V5 interface identifier.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-v5if command.

Related add-v5if
Commands mod-v5if

Syntax add-v5link {interfaceid interfaceid  | linkno linkno  | rack
rackno | shelf shelnfo | slot slotno | e1no E1no}
Purpose To add V5 link
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfId Assign V5 interface identifier.
linkno Assign link number.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 127

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf number.
slot Assign slot number.
E1no Assign E1 number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

rackno  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 2

shelfno  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slotno  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

E1no  E1 number. Range: 1 ~ 8

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-v5link command.

Related del-v5link
Commands mod-v5link

Syntax del-v5link {interfaceid interfaceid | linkno linkno}
Purpose To delete V5 link
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfId Assign V5 interface identifier.
linkno Assign link number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


128 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-v5link command.

Related add-v5link
Commands mod-v5link

Syntax mod-v5link {interfaceid interfaceid  |  oldlinkno oldlinkno  |
newlinkno newlinkno}
Purpose To modify V5 interface
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
oldlinkno Assign old link number.
newlinkno Assign new link number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

oldlinkno Old link number.

Range: 0 ~ 255

newlinkno  New link number.

Range: 0 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-v5link command.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related add-v5link
Commands del-v5link

Syntax get-v5link {interfaceid interfaceid} [linkno linkno]
Purpose To show V5 link
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
linkno Assign link number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-v5linkcommand.

Related add-v5link
Commands del-v5link

Syntax add-v5pch {interfaceid interfaceid LinkNo linkno Ts timeslot
ProtGrp protocolgroup}
Purpose To add V5 physical channel
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
LinkNo Assign link number.

130 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
Ts Assign time slot.
ProtGrp Assign Protocol group.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

timeslot  Time slot. Range: 15 ~ 31

protocolgroupp  Protocol group. Range: 1 ~ 2

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-v5pch command.

Related del-v5pch
Commands get-v5pch

Syntax del-v5pch {InterfaceId interfaceid LinkNo linkno Ts timeslot}
Purpose To delete V5 physical channel
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
InterfaceId Assign V5 interface identifier.
LinkNo Assign link number.
Ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

timeslot  Time slot. Range: 15 ~ 31

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-v5pch command.

Related add-v5pch
Commands get-v5pch

Syntax mod-v5pg1 {interfaceid interfaceid lcci lcci linkNo linkno ts
timeslot isactive isActive}
Purpose To modify V5 pg1
Syntax The following table provides parameter description
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
lcci Assign lcci.
linkNo Assign link number.
ts Assign time slot.
IsActive Assign IsActive.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

lcci  Lcci. Range: 0 ~ 65534

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

timeslot  Time slot. Range: 15 ~ 31

isActive  Active or stand by mode selection.

0 - Standby
1 - Active

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-v5pg1 command.

132 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Related None

Syntax add-v5pg1 {interfaceid interfaceid Lcci lcci LinkNo linkno  Ts
Purpose To add V5 local channel identity
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
Lcci Assign local channel identity.
LinkNo Assign link number.
Ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

lcci  Local channel identity. Range: 0 ~ 65534

linkno  Link number. Range: 0 ~ 255

timeslot  Time slot. Range: 15 ~ 31

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-v5lcci command.

Related del-v5lcci
Commands get-v5lccistatus

Syntax del-v5pg1 {InterfaceId interfaceid Lcci lcci}
Purpose To delete V5 local channel identity
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 133

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
InterfaceId Assign V5 interface identifier.
Lcci Assign local channel identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

lcci  Local channel identity. Range: 0 ~ 65534

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-v5lcci command.

Related add-v5lcci
Commands get-v5lccistatus

Syntax get-v5Lccistatus {interfaceid interfaceid}
Purpose To get V5 local channel identity status
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value. Range: 0 ~


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-v5Lccistatus command.

134 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Related add-v5Lcci
Commands del-v5lcci

Syntax get-allv5Lccistatus {InterfaceId interfaceid} [Lcci lcci]
Purpose To get all V5 local channel identity status
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
InterfaceId Assign V5 interface identifier.
Lcci Assign local channel identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value. Range: 0 ~


lcci  Local channel identity value. Range: 0 ~ 65534

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-allv5Lccistatus command.

Related add-v5Lcci
Commands del-v5lcci

Syntax mod-v5protcl {interfaceid interfaceid  lcci lcci} [ISDNFLG
isdnflg | PSTNFLG pstnflg | CTRLFLG ctrlflg | BCCFLG bccflg |
LINKFLG linkflg | PROTECTFLG protectflg]
Purpose To modify V5 protocol
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
lcci Assign local channel identity.
ISDNFLG Assign integrated switched digital network flag.
PSTNFLG Assign public switched telephone network flag.
CTRLFLG Assign control flag.
BCCFLG Assign broadcast control flag.
LINKFLG Assign link flag.
PROTECTFLG Assign protect flag.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

lcci  Local channel identity value. Range: 0 ~ 65534

isdnflg  Integrated switched digital network value.

Range: 0 ~ 1

pstnflg  Public switched telephone network value. Range:


ctrlflg  Control flag value. Range: 0 ~ 1

bccflg  Broadcast control flag value. Range: 0 ~ 1

linkflg  Link flag value. Range: 0 ~ 1

protectflg  Protect flag value. Range: 0 ~ 1

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-v5protcl command.

Related None

136 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

This section describes pstnuser commands.

Syntax add-v5pstnuser {InterfaceId interfaceid  |  L3Add l3add} [rack
rack | shelf shelf] {beginslot beginslot begincircuit
begincircuit  Conntype conntype} [Trunkrack trunkrack |
Trunkshelf trunkshelf | Trunkslot trunkslot | Trunke1no
trunkE1no |Trunkcircuit trunkcircuit [Sum sum]
Purpose To add V5 PSTN users
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
InterfaceId Assign V5 interface identifier.
L3Add Assign layer 3 addresses.
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf number.
beginslot Assign beginning slot number.
begincircuit Assign beginning circuit number.
Conntype Assign connection type.
Trunkrack Assign trunk rack number.
Trunkshelf Assign trunk shelf number.
Trunkslot Assign trunk slot number.
Trunke1no Assign trunk E1 number.
Trunkcircuit Assign trunk circuit number.
Sum Assign sum.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

l3add  Layer 3 addresses value. Range: 0 ~ 32767

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

beginslot  Begin slot number. Range: 1 ~ 23

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

begincircuit   Begin circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 31

conntype  Connection type value. Range:


trunkrack  Trunk rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

trunkshelf  Trunk shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

trunkslot  Trunk slot number. Range: 1 ~ 23

trunkE1no  Trunk E1 number. Range: 1 ~ 8

trunkcircuit  Trunk circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 31

sum  Sum value. Range: 1 ~ 192

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-v5pstnuser command.

Related get-v5pstnuser
Commands del-v5pstnuser

Syntax get-v5user [interfaceid interfaceid  | rack rack | shelf shelf]
{slot slot} [indexb indexb indexe indexe]
Purpose To get PSTN or ISDN users
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf number.
slot Assign slot number.
indexb Assign index B.
indexe Assign index E.

138 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 23

indexb  Index B. Range: 0 ~ 65535

indexe  Index E. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-v5user command.

Related add-v5pstnuser
Commands mod-v5pstnuser

Syntax del-v5pstnuser {interfaceid interfaceid} [L3Add l3add  |  rack
rack | shelf shelf | beginslot beginslot | begincircuit
begincircuit] {Sum sum}
Purpose To delete V5 PSTN users
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
L3Addc Assign layer 3 address.
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf number.
beginslot Assign beginning slot number.
begincircuit Assign beginning circuit number.
Sum Assign sum.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

l3add  Layer 3 addresses value. Range: 0 ~ 32767

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

beginslot  Begin slot number. Range: 1 ~ 23

begincircuit   Begin circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 31

sum  Sum value. Range: 1 ~ 192

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows delete-v5pstnuser command.

Related add-v5pstnuser
Commands get-v5user

Syntax mod-v5pstnuser
Purpose To modify V5 PSTN users
Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-v5pstnuser command.

Related mod-v5pstnuser
Commands get-v5pstnuser

140 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

This section describes isdnuser commands.

Syntax add-v5isdnuser {interfaceid interfaceid  EfAddr efaddress}
[rack rack | shelf shelf] {beginslot beginslot begincircuit
begincircuit  Conntype connectiontype IsdnDsCh IsdnDsChannel
IsdnGroupCh IsdnGroupChannel IsdnFrameCh IsdnFrameChannel}
[Trunkrack trunkrack | Trunkshelf trunkshelf | Trunkslot
trunkslot | Trunke1no trunkE1no | Trunkcircuit trunkcircuit]
{Sum sum}
Purpose To add V5 ISDN users
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
EfAddr Assign Ef address.
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf number.
beginslot Assign beginning slot number.
begincircuit Assign beginning circuit number.
Conntype Assign connection type.
IsdnDsCh Assign ISDN Ds channel.
IsdnGroupCh Assign ISDN group channel.
IsdnFrameCh Assign ISDN frame channel.
Trunkrack Assign trunk rack number.
Trunkshelf Assign trunk shelf number.
Trunkslot Assign trunk slot number.
Trunke1no Assign trunk E1 number.
Trunkcircuit Assign trunk circuit number.
Sum Assign sum.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

efaddress  Ef address value. Range: 0 ~ 8191

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

beginslot  Begin slot number. Range: 1 ~ 15

begincircuit   Begin circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 15

connectiontype  Connection type value. Range:


IsdnDsChannel  ISDN Ds channel. Range: 0 ~ 65534

IsdnGroupsChannel  ISDN group channel. Range: 0 ~ 65534

IsdnFrameChchannel ISDN frame channel. Range: 0 ~ 65534

trunkrack  Trunk rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

trunkshelf  Trunk shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

trunkslot  Trunk slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

trunkE1no  Trunk E1 number. Range: 1 ~ 8

trunkcircuit  Trunk circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 31

sum  Sum value. Range: 1 ~ 192

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-v5isdnuser command.

Related get-v5isdnuser
Commands del-v5isdnuser

Syntax del-v5isdnuser {interfaceid interfaceid} [EfAddr
EFaddress | rack rack | shelf shelf | beginslot
beginslot | begincircuit begincircuit] {Sum sum}
Purpose To delete V5 ISDN users
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Parameter Description

142 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
EfAddr Assign Ef address.
rack Assign rack number.
shelf Assign shelf number.
beginslot Assign beginning slot number.
begincircuit Assign beginning circuit number.
sum Assign sum.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

Efaddress  Ef address value. Range: 0 ~ 8191

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

beginslot  Begin slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

begincircuit   Begin circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 15

sum  Sum value. Range: 1 ~ 192

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-v5isdnuser command.

Related add-v5isdnuser
Commands get-v5isdnuser

Syntax mod-v5isdnuser {interfaceid interfaceid  efaddr EFaddress 
Conntype conntype}
Purpose To modify V5 ISDN users
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
interfaceid Assign V5 interface identifier.
efaddr Assign Ef address.
conntype Assign connection type.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

interfaceid V5 interface identifier value.

Range: 0 ~ 4294967294

EFaddress  EF address value. Range: 0 ~ 8191

conntype  Connection type value. Range:


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-v5isdnuser command.

Related add-v5isdnuser
Commands get-v5isdnuser

This section describes e1attr commands.

Syntax mod-e1attr [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot e1no E1no}
[ts1 ts1 | ts2 ts2] {officeid officeid officetype officetype}
Purpose To modify E1 attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

144 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Parameter Description
e1no Assign E1 number.
ts1 Assign time slot 1.
ts2 Assign time slot 2.
officeid Assign office identity.
officetype Assign office type.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

e1no  E1 number. Range: 1 ~ 8

ts1  Time slot 1 number. Range: 0 ~ 31

ts2  Time slot 2 number. Range: 0 ~ 31

officeid  Office identity. Range: 1 ~ 65535

officetype  Office type. Range:

6 - V5DDN

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-e1Attr command.

Related get-e1attr

Syntax get-e1attr [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot} [e1no E1no]
Purpose To get E1 attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
Shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
e1no Assign E1 number.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

E1no  E1 number. Range: 1 ~ 8

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-e1Attr command.

Related mod-e1attr

This section describes ddn commands.

Syntax add-ddnport {name name} [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot
slot circuit circuit type type subratetype subratetype} [ts Ts]
Purpose To add Digital Data Network port
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
name Assign port name.
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
circuit Assign circuit.
type Assign type.
subratetype Assign sub rate type.
ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


146 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Variable Description

name Port name. Range: <STRING>

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

circuit  Circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 31

type  Type number. Range:

0 - TYPE_64K
1 - TYPE_2B
4 - TYPE_U

subratetype  Sub rate type. Range: 1 ~ 32

Ts  Time slot number. Range: 0 ~ 31

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-ddnport command.

Related del-ddnport

Syntax del-ddnport {portname portname}
Purpose To delete digital data network port
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
portname Assign port name.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

portname Port name. Range: <STRING>

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 147

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-ddnport command.

Related add-ddnport

Syntax add-ddnport {OprType operationtype} [PortName1 portname1 |
rack1 rack1 | shelf1 shelf1 | slot1 slot1 | circuit1 circuit1
| Ts1 ts1 | PortName2 portname2 | rack2 rack2 | shelf2
shelf2 | slot2 slot2 | circuit2 circuit2 | Ts2 ts2]
{DDNConName DDNConName} 
Purpose To add digital data network connection
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
OprType Assign operation type.
PortName1 Assign port name 1.
rack1 Assign rack 1.
shelf1 Assign shelf 1.
slot1 Assign slot 1.
circuit1 Assign circuit 1.
Ts2 Assign time slot 1.
PortName2 Assign port name 2.
rack2 Assign rack 2.
shelf2 Assign shelf 2.
slot2 Assign slot 2.
circuit2 Assign circuit 2.
Ts2 Assign time slot 2.
DDNConName Assign Digital Data Network connection name.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

operationtype Operation type. Range

1 - Use PortName
2 - Use SPN

portname1 Port 1 name. Range: <string>

148 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 Service Configuration Commands

Variable Description

rack1 Rack 1 number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf1  Shelf 1 number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot1  Slot 1 number. Range: 1 ~ 17

circuit1  Circuit 1 number. Range: 0 ~ 31

Ts1  Time slot 1 number. Range: 0 ~ 31

portname2 Port 2 name. Range: <string>

rack2 Rack 2 number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf2  Shelf 2 number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot2  Slot 2 number. Range: 1 ~ 17

circuit2  Circuit 2 number. Range: 0 ~ 31

Ts2  Time slot 2 number. Range: 0 ~ 31

DDNConName  Digital Data Network connection name. Range:


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-ddnconn command.

Related del-ddnconn

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This page is intentionally blank.

150 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7


This chapter covers the miscellaneous commands.

Syntax add-libdata 
Purpose To add lib data
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add lib data.

Related None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 151

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This section describes system commands.

Syntax mod-system [maincpuvelv maincpuvelv] [slvcpuvelv slvcpuvelv]
[timezone timezone] [ntpmainip ntpmainip] [ntpbackip
ntpbackip] [area area] [defaultcidtype defaultcidtype] 
Purpose To modify system attribute parameters
Syntax The following table describes mod-system command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
maincpuvelv Assign master CPU threshold usage value.
slvcpuvelv Assign slave CPU threshold usage value.
timezone Assign time zone value.
ntpmainip Assign NTP Server IP address.
ntpbackip Assign backup NTP server IP address.
area Specify region.
defaultcidtype Default CID Value.

Usage The following table describes mod-system command variables.

Variable Description

 maincpuvelv  Master CPU threshold usage value. Range: 80

(default: 80)

slvcpuvelv  Slave CPU threshold usage value. Range: 80

(default: 80)

timezone  The time zone value. Range: 0 ~ 24 (default:


 ntpmainip  NTP server IP address: A.B.C.D

ntpbackip  Backup NTP server IP address: A.B.C.D

area  Region: 1 - Mainland, 2 - Hong Kong, 3 -


defaultcidtype  Default CID Value: 1 - DTMF, 2 - FSK

Mode MSAG(ag)#

152 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

The following example shows how to modify the system


Related get-system

Syntax get-system 
Purpose To display the system attribute parameters
Syntax None
Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to get information of the
system attributes.

Related mod-system

This section describes qovspar commands.

Syntax mod-qovspar {qovsid  qovsid} [loss loss] [delay delay]
[jitter jitter] 
Purpose To modify quality of service parameters
Syntax The following table describes mod-qovspar command syntax in
Description detail.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
qovsid Assign QoVS number.
loss Assign threshold package loss.
delay Assign delay Threshold.
jitter Assign jitter threshold.

Usage The following table describes mod-qovspar command variables.

Variable Description
qovsid  Assign QoVS number. Range: 1 ~ 5
loss  Packet loss. Range: 0 ~ 100
delay  Delay threshold value. Range: 0 ~ 1000 ms
jitter  Jitter threshold value. Range: 0 ~ 1000 ms

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify quality of service

Related get-allqovspar

Syntax get-allqovspar  
Purpose To display all QoVS parameters information
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display parameters
information of get-allqovspar command.

154 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related mod-qovspar

This section describes md5info commands.

Syntax add-md5info [id id] [G G] [Ki Ki] [mginfo mginfo]
[PLength Plength] [P P] 
Purpose To add md5 information
Syntax The following table describes add-md5info command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
id Assign MD5 number.
G Assign G value.
Ki Assign initial key.
mginfo Assign media gateway information.
PLength Assign module value.
P Assign module.

Usage The following table describes add-md5info command variables.

Variable Description

id  MD5 number. Range: 1 ~ 10

G  G: 2/3/5/7/9 (default: 2)

Ki  Initial key: Maximum length is 128 (default:


mginfo  Media gateway information: Maximum length is 128

PLength  Module value. Range: 1 ~ 256

P  Module P value is not specified, it may be any value

with specific length.

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to add md5 information.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related del-md5info
Commands mod-md5info

Syntax del-md5info {id id} 
Purpose To delete md5 information
Syntax The following table describes del-md5info command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameters Description
id Assign MD5 number.

Usage The following table describes del-md5info command variables.

Variable Description

id  MD5 number. Range: 1 ~ 10

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to delete md5 information.

Related add-md5info
Commands mod-md5info

Syntax mod-md5info {id id} [G G]  [Ki Ki] [mginfo mginfo] [PLength
Plength] [P P] 
Purpose To modify md5 information
Syntax The following table describes mod-md5info command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
id Assign MD5 number.
G Assign G value.

156 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
Ki Assign initial key.
mginfo Assign Media gateway information.
PLength Assign Module value.
P Assign module.

Usage The following table describes mod-md5info command variables.

Variable Description

id  MD5 number. Range: 1 ~ 10

G  G: 2/3/5/7/9 (default: 2)

Ki  Initial key: Maximum length is 128 (default:


mginfo  Media gateway information: Maximum length is 128

PLength  Module value. Range: 1 ~ 256

P  Module P value is not specified, it may be any value

with specific length.

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify md5 information.

Related del-md5info
Commands add-md5info

Syntax get-md5info {id id} 
Purpose To display md5 information
Syntax The following table describes get-md5info command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
id Assign MD5 ID.

Usage The following table describes get-md5info command variables.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 157

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

id  MD5 ID. Range: 1 ~ 10

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display md5 information.

Related add-md5info
Commands mod-md5info

Syntax check-db  
Purpose To check whether the db is same with flash
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to check whether the db is the
same with flash.

Related None

158 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

This section describes ring commands.

Syntax mod-ring [mgid mgid] [immediaattr immediaattr] [immediaon
immediaon] [immediaoff immediaoff] [ringprofile ringprofile] 
Purpose To modify the ringing times
Syntax The following table describes mod-ring command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
mgid Assign media Gateway ID.
immediaattr Assign immediate ring mode.
immediaon Assign ring on time (10 ms).
immediaoff Assign ring off time (10 ms).
ringprofile Assign ring profile.

Usage The following table describes mod-ring command variables.

Variable Description
 mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)
 immediaattr  Immediate ring mode: 1 - cid immedia ring, 2 - all
immedia ring, and 3 - no immedia ring (default: 1)
 immediaon  Ring on time. Range: 30 ~ 120
 immediaoff  Ring off time. Range: 200 ~ 400
 ringprofile  Ring profile: 1 - MAINLAND, 2 - HONGKONG, 3 -
SINGAPORE (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify ringing times.

Related get-ring
Commands mod-ringprofile

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 159

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax get-ring [mgid mgid] 
Purpose To display ringing time parameters
Syntax The following table describes get-ring command syntax in
Description detail.

Parameter Description
mgid Assign media gateway ID.

Usage The following table describes get-ring command variables.

Variable Description
mgid  Media gateway ID. Range: 1 ~ 3

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to get ringing time.

Related mod-ring
Commands mod-ringprofile

Syntax mod-ringprofile {ringprofile ringprofile | id id} [time time]
[on1 on1] [off1 off1] [on2 on2] [off2 off2] [on3 on3] [off3
off3] [on4 on4] [off4 off4] [on5 on5] [off5 off5] 
Purpose To modify ringing profile
Syntax The following table describes mod-ringprofile command
Description syntax in detail.

Parameter Description
ringprofile Assign ring pattern profile.
id Assign ring pattern ID.
time Assign time in seconds.
on1 Assign ring 1 is ON.

160 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
off1 Assign ring 1 is OFF.
on2 Assign ring 2 is ON.
off2 Assign ring 2 is OFF.
on3 Assign ring 3 is ON.
off3 Assign ring 3 is OFF.
on4 Assign ring 4 is ON.
off4 Assign ring 4 is OFF.
on5 Assign ring 5 is ON.
off5 Assign ring 5 is OFF.

Usage The following table describes mod-ringprofile command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description
 ringprofile  Ring pattern profile: 1 - MAINLAND, 2 HONGKONG,
 id  Ring pattern ID. Range: 0 ~ 15
 time  Time in seconds. Range: 0 ms ~ 10 ms
 on1  Ring 1 on. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 off1  Ring 1 off. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 on2  Ring 2 on. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 off2  Ring 2 off. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 on3  Ring 3 on. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 off3  Ring 3 off. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 on4  Ring 4 on. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 off4  Ring 4 off. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 on5  Ring 5 on. Range: 0 ~ 65535
 off5  Ring 5 off. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify ringing profile.

Related mod-ring
Commands get-ring

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 161

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax get-ringprofile {ringprofile ringprofile} 
Purpose To get ringing profile

Syntax The following table describes get-ringprofile command

Description syntax in detail.

Parameter Description
ringprofile Assign ring pattern profile.

Usage The following table describes get-ringprofile command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description
ringprofile  Ring pattern: 1 - MAINLAND, 2 - HONGKONG, 3 -

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display ringing profile

Related mod-ring
Commands get-ring

Syntax load-dftringprof 
Purpose To load default ring profile

162 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax None

Usage This command is used to load the default ring profile such
Guidelines Mainland, Hongkong, and Singapore.
Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to load default ringing profile.

Related mod-ring
Commands get-ring

Syntax mod-permatone {area area} {toneid toneid} [totaltime
totaltime] [cadency1 cadency1] [cadency2 cadency2] [cadency3
cadency3] [cadency4 cadency4] [cadency5 cadency5] [cadency6
cadency6] [ts1 ts1] [ts2 ts2] [ts3 ts3] [nexttoneflag
Purpose To modify permanent ringing tone
Syntax The following table describes mod-permatone command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
area Assign permanent tone area.
toneid Assign permanent tone ID.
totaltime Assign broadcast transmitting tone.
cadency1 Assign time connected to TS1.
cadency2 Assign time connected to mute.
cadency3 Assign time connected to TS2.
cadency4 Assign time connected to mute.
cadency5 Assign time connected to TS3.
cadency6 Assign time connected to mute.
Ts1 Assign time slot 1.
Ts2 Assign time slot 2.
Ts3 Assign time slot 3.
nexttoneflag Whether to play next tone or not.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table describes mod-permtone command variables.

Variable Description

area  Permanent tone area. Range: 1 ~ 3

toneid  Permanent tone ID. Range: 1 ~ 65535

totaltime  Broadcast transmitting tone. Range 0 ~ 65535.

(Default is 1800, unit: 100 ms)

cadency1  Time connected to TS1. Range: 0 ~ 65535

cadency2  Time connected to mute. Range: 0 ~ 65535

cadency3  Time connected to TS2. Range: 0 ~ 65535

cadency4  Time connected to mute. Range: 0 ~ 65535

cadency5  Time connected to TS3. Range: 0 ~ 65535

cadency6  Time connected to mute. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Ts1  Time slot 1. Range: 0 ~ 255

Ts2  Time slot 2. Range: 0 ~ 255

Ts3  Time slot 3. Range: 0 ~ 255

nexttoneflag  Next tone. Range: 0/1

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to modify permanent ringing

Related get-permatone

Syntax get-permatone [area area] [toneid toneid] 
Purpose To display permanent ringing tone parameters
Syntax The following table describes get-permatone command syntax
Description in detail.

Parameter Description
area Assign tone area.
toneid Tone ID, all tone ID.

164 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table describes get-permatone command

Guidelines variables.

Variable Description

area  Tone area. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: All tone area)

toneid  Tone ID. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Example The following example shows how to display permanent ringing

Related mod-permatone

This section describes rip commands.

Syntax add-rip-cnic [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot | phyport
phyport | ipno ipno} [srcip srcip | srcmask srcmask | destip
destip | destmask destmask] {nexthop nexthop}
Purpose To add next hop to a NIC port IP
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.
ipno Assign IP number.
srcip Assign source IP address.
srcmask Assign source mask address.
destip Assign destination IP address.
destmask Assign mask address of destination.
nexthop Assign next hop IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 5

ipno  IP number. Range: 2 ~ 7

srcip  Source IP address value

srcmask  Source mask address value

destip  Destination IP address value

destmask  Destination mask address value

nexthop  Next hop IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#

Examples The following example shows add-rip-cnic command.

Related del-rip-cnic
Commands get-rip-cnic

166 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax del-rip-cnic [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  phyport
phyport | ipno ipno} [destip destip]
Purpose To delete the information about route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.
ipno Assign IP.
destip Assign destination IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 5

ipno  IP number. Range: 2 ~ 7

destip  Destination IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-rip-cnic telnet command.

Related add-rip-cnic
Commands get-rip-cnic

Syntax get-rip-cnic [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot} [phyport
Purpose To show the route information

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 5

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-rip-cnic command.

Related add-rip-cnic
Commands del-rip-cnic

Syntax add-general-rip [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot  | 
phyport phyport | nexthop nexthop}
Purpose To add next hop to an NIC port
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.
nexthop Assign next hop IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


168 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port number: 5

nexthop  Next hop IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-general-rip command.

Related del-general-rip

Syntax del-general-rip [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot |
phyport phyport}
Purpose To delete the next hop of NIC port
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 5

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-general-rip command.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related add-general-rip

Syntax add-rip-ctrl [rack rack  |  shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  phyport
phyport | destip destip | destmask destmask | nexthop nexthop}
Purpose To add destination IP and next hop for control route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
phyport Assign physical port.
destip Assign destination IP address.
destmask Assign destination mask address.
nexthop Assign next hop IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number: 9/10

phyport  Physical port: 5

destip  Destination IP address value

destmask  Destination mask address value

nexthop  Next hop IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-rip-ctrl command.

Related del-rip-ctrl
Commands get-rip-ctrl

170 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax get-rip-ctrl
Purpose To show the information about control route
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-rip-ctrl command.

Related add-rip-ctrl
Commands del-rip-ctrl

Syntax del-rip-ctrl {destip destip}
Purpose To delete the information about control route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
destip Assign destination IP address.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

destip  Destination IP address value

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-rip-ctrl command.

Related add-rip-ctrl
Commands get-rip-ctrl

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This section describes mednat commands.

Syntax add-mednat [mprrack mprrack  |  mprshelf mprshef] {mprslot
mprslot  |  mprsubcard mprsubcard}  [nicrack nicrack  |  nicshelf
nicshelf] {nicslot nicslot  |  inphyport inphyport  |  exphyport
exphyport | exipaddr exipaddr | udpport udpport}
Purpose To add an inner route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
mprrack Assign MPR rack.
mprshelf Assign MPR shelf.
mprslot Assign MPR slot.
mprsubcard Assign MPR subcard.
nicrack Assign CNIC rack.
nicshelf Assign CNIC shelf.
nicslot Assign CNIC slot.
inphyport Assign CNIC inner physical port.
exphyport Assign CNIC external physical port.
exipaddr Assign external physical port IP address.
udport Set UDP port.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

mprrack  MPR rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

mprshelf  MPR shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

mprslot  MPR slot number: 8/11/12

mprsubcard  MPR subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - MPR, 1


nicrack  CNIC rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

nicshelf  CNIC shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

nicslot  CNIC slot number: 9/10

inphyport  CNIC inner physical port number: 5

172 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description

exphyport  CNIC external physical port number: 5

exipaddr  External physical port IP address value

udport  UDP port value. Range: 6000 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-mednat command.

Related del-mednat

Syntax del-mednat [mprrack mprrack  |  mprshelf mprshelf] {mprslot
mprslot | mprsubcard mprsubcard}
Purpose To delete an inner route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
mprrack Assign MPR rack.
mprshelf Assign MPR shelf.
mprslot Assign MPR slot.
mprsubcard Assign MPR subcard.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

mprrack  MPR Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

mprshelf  MPR Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

mprslot  MPR Slot number: 8/11/12

mprsubcard  MPR subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - MPR, 1


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-mednat command.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related add-mednat

This section describes ctrlnat commands.

Syntax add-ctrlnat [icsrack icsrack  |  icsshelf icsshelf] {icsslot
icsslot} [nicrack nicrack  |  nicshelf nicshelf] {nicslot nicslot  |
inphyport inphyport | exphyport exphyport}
Purpose To add an inner protocol controlling route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
icsrack Assign ICS rack.
icsshelf Assign ICS shelf.
icsslot Assign ICS slot.
nicrack Assign CNIC rack.
nicshelf Assign CNIC shelf.
nicslot Assign CNIC slot.
inphyport Set CNIC inner physical port.
exphyport Set CNIC external physical port.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

icsrack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

icsshelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

icsslot  Slot number: 8/11/12

nicrack  CNIC rack number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - MPR, 1 -


nicshelf  CNIC shelf number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

nicslot  CNIC slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

inphyport  CNIC inner physical port value: 5

exphyport  CNIC external physical port value: 5

Mode MSAG(ag)#

174 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Examples The following example shows add-ctrlnat command.

Related del-ctrlnat
Commands get-allnat

Syntax del-ctrlnat [icsrack icsrack  |  icsshelf icsshelf] {icsslot
Purpose To delete an inner protocol controlling route
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
icsrack Assign ICS rack.
icsshelf Assign ICS shelf.
icsslot Assign ICS slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

icsrack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

icsshelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

icsslot  Slot number: 9/10

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-ctrlnat command.

Related add-ctrlnat
Commands get-allnat

Syntax get-allnat
Purpose To show all the inner routes

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-allnat command.

Related add-ctrlnat
Commands del-ctrlnat

This section describes digitmap commands.

Syntax add-digitmap {das das | dgtname dgtname} [dgtmap dgtmap]
Purpose To add a static digit map
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
das Assign digital analyzer selector.
dgtname Assign digital name.
dgtmap Set digital map.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

das  Das value. Range: 1 ~ 255

dgtname  DGT name value: 0

dgtmap  DGT map value: 0

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-digitmap command.

176 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related del-digitmap

Syntax del-digitmap {das das}
Purpose To delete a static digit map
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
das Assign digital analyzer selector.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

das  Das value. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-digitmap command.

Related add-digitmap

This section describes 9k52conn commands.

Syntax mod-9k52conn {conntype conntype} [odtrack odtrack  |
odtshelf odtshelf] [odtslot odtslot  |  chanAE1no chanAE1no  | 
chanAHW chanAHW] {chanATSBegin chanATSBegin  |  chanAAckTS
chanAAckTS} [chanBE1no chanBE1no  |  chanBHW chanBHW]
{chanBTSBegin chanBTSBegin | chanBAckTS chanBAckTS}
Purpose To modify the connection between ZXMSG 9000 and ZXMSG
5200 through E1 or HW
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
conntype Select connection type.
odtrack Assign ODT rack.
odtshelf Assign ODT shelf.
odtslot Assign ODT slot.
chanAE1no Assign E1 used by channel A.
chanAHW Assign highway of channel A.
chanATSBegin Assign beginning time slot of channel A.
chanAAckTS Assign Ack time slot of channel A.
chanBE1no Assign E1 r used by channel B.
chanBHW Assign highway of channel B.
chanBTSBegin Assign beginning time slot of channel B.
chanBAckTS Assign ack time slot of channel B.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

conntype  Connection type. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1 - E1, 2 - HW

odtrack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

odtshelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

odtslot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

chanAE1no  E1 number (used by channel A). Range: 1 ~ 8

chanAHW  Highway number of channel A. Range: 8 ~ 11

chanATSBegin  Beginning time slot number of channel A. Range: 0

~ 127

chanAAckTS  Ack time slot of A channel. Range: 0 ~ 127

chanBE1no  E1 number (used by channel B). Range: 1 ~ 8

chanBHW  Highway number of channel B. Range: 8 ~ 11

chanBTSBegin  Beginning time slot number of channel B. Range: 0

~ 127

chanBAckTS  Ack time slot of channel B. Range: 0 ~ 127

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-9k52conn command.

178 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related get-9k52conn

Syntax get-9k52conn
Purpose To get the connection information when ZXMSG 9000 connects
with ZXMSG 5200 though E1 or HW
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-9k52conn command.

Related mod-9k52conn

This section describes dlink commands.

Syntax add-dlink-span [shelf shelf] {slot slot} [pcmno pcmno]
{link link | index index | iid iid | asid asid} [info info |
linknum linknum]
Purpose To add the dlink for 30B+D
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign resource subcard slot.
pcmno Assign PCM.
link Assign link.
index Set index.
iid Assign user interface identifier.
asid Assign as ID.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
info Define side information (i.e. Network side and user
linknum Assign link number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

shelf  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

slot  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 17 (default: 0)

pcmno  PCM number. Range: 1 ~ 8

link  Link value. Range: 1 ~ 128

index  Index number. Range: 0 ~ 30; (0...31) - E1,

(0...23) - T1

iid  User interface identifier number value. Range: 1 ~


asid  As ID. Range: 1 ~ 128

info  Side information. Range: 0 ~ 1; 0 - Network side,

1 - user side)

linknum  Link number. Range: 1 ~ 8

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-dlink-span command.

Related del-dlink-span
Commands get-dlink

Syntax del-dlink-span {link link} [num num]
Purpose To delete the dlink
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
link Assign link.
num Assign link number.

180 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

link  Link value. Range: 1 ~ 128

num  Link number (Number of links to be created).

Range: 1 ~ 8

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-dlink-span command.

Related add-dlink-span
Commands get-dlink

Syntax get-dlink [link link]
Purpose To get the link
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
link Assign link ID.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

link  Link ID number. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-dlink command.

Related add-dlink-span
Commands del-dlink-span

Syntax mod-dlinkattr {link link} [asid asid]
Purpose To configure the link attributes for 30B+D

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 181

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Parameter Description
link Assign link ID.
asid Assign as ID.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

link  Link ID number. Range: 1 ~ 128

asid  AS ID number. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-dlinkattr command.

Related get-dlinkattr

Syntax get-dlinkattr [link link]
Purpose To add the link attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
link Assign link ID.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

link  Link ID number. Range: 1 ~ 128

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-dlinkattr command.

Related mod-dlinkattr

182 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax mod-pcmattr [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot pcmno pcmno}
[linecode linecode | frametag frametag | iscrc iscrc] 
Purpose To modify Pulse Code Modulation attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
pcmno Assign PCM number.
linecode Specify line code type.
frametag Specify frame tag type.
iscrc Is Cyclic redundancy Check needed or not.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 0

slot  Slot number. Range: 8 ~ 8

pcmno  Pulse code modulation value.

linecode  Line code type. Range:

1 - AMI
2 - B8ZS
3 - HDB3

frametag  Frame tag. Range:

128 - T1_F4
129 - T1_F12
130 - T1_F16
131 - T1_ESF
132 - T1_F72

iscrc  Cyclic Redundancy Check option. Range:

1 - CRC

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-pcmattr command.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 183

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related del-ddnconn

This section describes attrib commands.

Syntax Mod-slcattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
[circuitb beginningcircuit | circuite endingcircuit | dftevent
dftevent | mdtype mdtype | faxmode faxmode | qovsid qovsid |
cidtype cidtype | imtype imtype | userclass userclass |
ecenable ecenable]
Purpose To modify the subscriber line circuits attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
circuitb Assign circuit.
circuite Assign circuit E.
dftevent Assign default event.
mdtype Assign modify type.
faxmode Assign fax mode.
qovsid Assign QOVS profile identity.
cidtype Assign CID.
userclass Assign user class.
ecenable Assign EC status

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

beginningcircuit  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endingcircuit  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

184 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description

dftevent Default detects events on the circuit. Range:

4 - BEAT

mdtype The modify type. Range:


faxmode  Fax mode. Range:

0 - T.30
1 - T.38
2 - RTP

qovsid  Qovs profile identity. 0 means disable qovs.

Range: 0 ~ 5

cidtype  CID type. Range:

1 - DTMF
2 - FSK

imtype  Impedence type. Range:

3 - BT3
5 - BT5

userclass  User class. Range:

1 - VIP

ecenable  EC enable. Range:

1 - enable
2 - disable
0 - default

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-slcattrib command.

Related None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 185

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax get-slcattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
[circuitb beginningcircuit | circuite endingcircuit]
Purpose To show subscriber line circuits attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
circuitb Assign beginning circuit.
circuite Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

beginningcircuit  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endingcircuit  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slcattrib command.

Related mod-slcattrib

186 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax Mod-ipsattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot | subcard
subcard} [circuitb circuitb | circuite circuite | muxtype
muxtype | muxmdtp muxmodifytype | ptmin ptmin | ptmax ptmax]
Purpose To modify the IPs circuits attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign sub card.
circuitb Assign circuit B.
circuite Assign circuit E.
muxtype Assign multiplexer type.
muxmdtp Assign multiplexer modify type.
ptmin Assign minimum time.
ptmax Assign maximum time.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Sub card. Range: 1 ~ 2

circuitb  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

circuite  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

muxtype Multiplexer type. Range:

1 - H221
2 - H223
4 - H226
8 - V76

muxmodifytype Multiplexer modify type. Range:


Ptmin  Maximum time required to make a package.

Range: 0 ~ 65535

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

ptmax  Minimum time required to make a package.

Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-ipsattrib command.

Related get-ipsattrib

Syntax get-ipsattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot | subcard
subcard} [circuitb beginningcircuit | circuite endingcircuite]
Purpose To show the IPs circuits attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign sub card.
circuitb Assign beginning circuit.
circuite Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Sub card. Range: 1 ~ 2

beginningcircuit  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endingcircuit  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-ipsattrib command.

188 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related mod-ipsattrib

Syntax Mod-dspattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  | dspno
dspnumber dspkind dspkind}
Purpose To modify digital signal process attribute.
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
Slot Assign slot.
dspno Assign DSP number.
dspkind Assign DSP kind.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

dspnumber  Digital signal processing number. Range: 1 ~ 2

dspkind  Digital signal processing kind. Range:

1 - DTMF
2 - TONE
3 - CID
4 - MFC
5 - CONF

Mode MSAG(ag)#

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Examples The following example shows mod-dspattrib command.

Related get-dspattrib

Syntax get-dspattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  dspno
Purpose To show digital signal process attribute
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
Slot Assign slot.
dspno Assign DSP number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

dspnumber  Digital signal processing number. Range: 1 ~ 2

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-dspattrib command.

Related mod-dspattrib

190 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

This section describes slc commands.

Syntax add-slctermin [rack rack | shelf shelf] {beginslot beginslot}
[beginindex beginindex] {num num tmidfix tmidfix} [type type
| digitlen digitlength | begno beginno | mgid mgid]
Purpose To add a termination identity to SLC
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
beginslot Assign beginning slot.
beginindex Assign beginning index.
num Assign num.
tmidfix Assign terminal fix identity.
type Assign type.
digitlen Assign digit length.
begno Assign beginning number.
mgid Assign media gateway identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

beginslot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

beginindex  Beginning index number. Range: 0 ~ 31

num  Num. Range: 1 ~ 192

tmidfix  Fix part of termination identity. Range: <string>

type  User type. Range: 1 ~ 3

Type1: USER00100100000 ~ USER00100100031
Type2: USER0 ~ USER31
Type3: USER000 ~ USER031

digitlength  Digit length. Range: 2 ~ 64

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 191

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

beginno  Beginning number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

mgid  Media gateway identity. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-slctermid command.

Related get-slctermid
Commands del-slctermid

Syntax del-slctermin [rack rack | shelf shelf] {beginslot beginslot}
[beginindex beginindex] {num num}
Purpose To delete SLC termination id
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
beginslot Assign beginning slot.
beginindex Assign beginning index.
num Assign num.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

beginslot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

beginindex  Beginning index number. Range: 0 ~ 31

num  Num. Range: 1 ~ 192

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-slctermid command.

192 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related add-slctermid
Commands get-slctermid

Syntax del-slctermin [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
[cirbegin begincircuit | cirend endcircuit]
Purpose To show SLC termination id
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
cirbegin Assign beginning circuit.
cirend Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

begincircuit  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endcircuit  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slctermid command.

Related add-slctermid
Commands del-slctermid

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 193

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax get-slcwildcard [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To show SLC wildcard
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slo1t   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slctermid command.

Related None

This section describes ips commands.

Syntax add-ipstermid [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  subcard
subcard  tmidfix tmidfix} [type usertype | digitlen digitlength |
begno beginno | mgid mgid]
Purpose To add termination identity to an Ips circuit
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

194 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign sub card.
tmidfix Assign terminal fix identity.
type Assign user type.
digitlen Assign digit length.
begno Assign beginning number.
mgid Assign media gateway identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Sub card number. Range: 1 ~ 2

tmidfix  Fix part of termination identity. Range: <string>

type  User type. Range: 1 ~ 3

Type1: USER00100100000 ~ USER00100100031
Type2: USER0 ~ USER31
Type3: USER000 ~ USER031

digitlength  Digit length part. Range: 2 ~ 64

beginno  Beginning number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

mgid  Media gateway identity. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-ipstermid command.

Related get-ipstermid
Commands del-ipstermid

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 195

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax del-ipstermid [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  subcard
Purpose To delete termination identity of an Ips circuit
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign sub card.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Sub card number. Range: 1 ~ 2

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-ipstermid command.

Related add-ipstermid
Commands get-ipstermid

Syntax get-ipstermid [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  subcard
subcard} [cirbegin circuitbegin | cirend circuitend]
Purpose To show termination identity of an Ips circuit
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

196 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign sub card.
cirbegin Assign beginning circuit number.
cirend Assign ending circuit number.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Sub card number. Range: 1 ~ 2

circuitbegin  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

circuitend  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-ipstermid command.

Related add-ipstermid
Commands del-ipstermid

Syntax get-ipswildcard [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To get wildcard of an Ips circuit
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 197

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot   Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-ipswildcard command.

Related None

This section describes rtppar commands.

Syntax mod-rtppar-mpr {parid parameterid} [vadval vadval  |
dtmfrlmod dtmfrelaylmode | pcmlaw pcmlaw | siltopcm
silencetopcm | dcfilter dcfilter | pcmtopkggain pcmtopkggain |
pkgtopcmgain pkgtopcmgain | conceal concealment | ecmdisabl
ecmdisable | speedlim speedlim | errrecov errorrecovered |
tcfproc tcfproc | t38enable t38enable | dtmfDuplex
dtmfDuplexer | numBeforeOff numBeforeOff | ignoreA ignoreA |
toneDuplex toneDuplex | decodadapt decodadapt]
Purpose To modify MPR real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.
vadval Assign voice activity detector.
dtmfrlmod Assign DTMF relay mode.
pcmlaw Assign PCM law.
siltopcm Assign silence to PCM.
dcfilter Assign DC filter.
pcmtopkggain Assign PCM to PKG gain.

198 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
pkgtopcmgain Assign PKG to PCM gain.
conceal Assign packet loss concealment.
ecmdisabl Assign ECM faxes in T.38.
speedlim Assign speed limit.
errrecov Assign error recovered.
tcfproc Assign TCF procedure.
t38enable Assign T.38 status.
dtmfDuplex Assign DTMF duplexer.
numBeforeOff Assign number before OFF.
ignoreA Assign ignore A.
toneDuplex Assign duplexer tone.
decodadapt Assign decoder adapter.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parid Parameter identity number. Range: 1 ~ 254

vadval Voice activity detector type. Range:


dtmfrelaylmode DTMF relay mode type. Range:

pcmlaw  PCM law type. Range:
0 - A LAW
1 - U LAW

sliencetopcm  Silence to PCM type. Range:


dcfilter  DC filter status. Range:


pcmtopkggain  PCM to PKG gain. Range: 0 ~ 200

pkgtopcmgain  PKG to PCM gain. Range: 0 ~ 200

concealment  Packet loss concealment. Range:


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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

ecmdisable  ECM faxes in T.38. Range:


speedlim   Speed limit value. Range:

1 - 2400 bps
2 - 4800 bps
3 - 7200 bps
4 - 9600 bps
5 - 12000 bps
6 - 14400 bps

errorrecovered  Error recovered type. Range:

1 - FEC

tcfproc  TCF procedure type. Range:

0 - Procedure 2
1 - Procedure 1

t38enable  T.38 enable. Range:

0 - T30
1 - T38
2 - RTP

dtmfDuplexer  DTMF duplexer type. Range: 0 ~ 1

numBeforeOff  Number before OFF. Range: 0 ~ 7

ignoreA  Ignore A. Range: 0 ~ 1

toneDuplex  Duplexer tone. Range: 0 ~ 1

decodadapt  Decoder adapter type. Range: 0 ~ 1

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-rtppar-mpr command.

Related get-rtppar-mpr

200 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax get-rtppar-mpr [parid parameterid]
Purpose To get MPR real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parameterid Parameter identity number. Range: 1 ~ 254

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-rtppar-mpr command.

Related mod-rtppar-mpr
Commands mod-rtppar-mprb

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 201

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax mod-rtppar-mprb {parid parameterid} [vadval vadval  |
g723rate g723rate  | dcfilter dcfilter  | dcfilter dcfilter |
siltopcm silencetopcm | pcmlaw pcmlaw | g711redundancy
g711redundancy | pkttopcmgain pktopcmgain | pcmtopktgain
pcmtopktgain | faxmode faxmode | modemmode modemmode |
ecmenable ecmenable | faxpage faxpage | t30message t30message 
| speedlim speedlimit | tcfprocedure tcfprocedure | ecenable
ecenable | ectaillen ectaillength | ectxf ectxf | nlpaggress
nlpaggression | fsklevel fsklevel | nomdelay normaldelay]
Purpose To modify MPRB real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.
vadval Assign voice activity detector.
g723rate Assign G.723 rate.
dcfilter Assign DC filter.
siltopcm Assign silence to PCM.
pcmlaw Assign PCM law.
g711redundancy Assign G.7 redundancy.
pcmtopktgain Assign PCM to PKT gain.
pkttopcmgain Assign PKT to PCM gain.
faxmode Assign fax mode.
modemmode Assign modem mode.
ecmenable Assign ECM status.
faxpage Assign fax page.
t30message Assign T30 Message.
speedlim Assign speed limit.
tcfprocedure Assign TCF procedure.
ecenable Assign EC status.
ectaillen Assign EC tail length.
ectxf Assign EC TXF.
nlpaggress Assign NLP aggressiveness.
fsklevel Assign frequency shift keying level.
mindelay Assign minimum delay.
maxdelay Assign maximum delay.
nomdelay Assign normal delay.

202 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parid The parameter Identity number. Range: 1 ~ 254

vadval Voice activity detector type. Range:

2 - Reserved

g723rate  G.723 rate. Range:

1 - HighRT-6.3kbps
0 - LowRT-5.3kbps

dcfilter  DC filter status. Range:


sliencetopcm  Silence to PCM type. Range:


pcmlaw  PCM law type. Range:

0 - a law(default)
1 - mu law

g711redundancy  G7.11 redundancy selection value. Range: 0 ~ 3


pcmtopktgain  PCM to PKT gain. Range: The gain is adjustable

in the range +20 dB

pkttopcmgain  PKT to PCM gain. Range: The gain is adjustable

in the range +20 dB

faxmode Fax mode. Range:

0 - fax robust
1 - T38 fax mode
2 - T30 transparent
11 - SS control fax

modemmode Modem mode. Range:

0 - modem delay 5s
2 - transparent
3 - modem immediate
4 - fax immediate
5 - cid immediate

ecmenable ECM enable status. Range:

0 - prevent ecm
1 - allow ecm

faxpage Fax page value. Range: 0 ~ 3

t30message T.30 message value. Range: 0 ~ 7

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 203

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

Speedlimit Speed limit value. Range:

1 - 2400 bps
2 - 4800 bps
3 - 7200 bps
4 - 9600 bps
5 - 12000 bps
6 - 14400 bps

tcfprocedure TCF procedure type. Range:

0 - Procedure 2
1 - Procedure 1

ecenable EC enable status. Range:

0 - disable
1 - enable

ectaillength EC tail length. Range:

0 - 8 ms
1 - 16 ms
2 - 24 ms
3 - 32 ms
7 - 64 ms
15 - 128 ms

ectxf EC TXF type. Range:

0 - not-linear
1 - fixed transmit

nlpaggression  NLP steady state aggression value. Range: -32 ~


fsklevel  FSK level. Range: 62 ~ 212 (0 db - (-15 db)).

Step is 0.1 db

mindelay  Minimum instantaneous time delay. Range: 0 ~

200 (default: 10)

maximum delay  Maximum instantaneous time delay. Range: 0 ~

200 (default: 40)

normaldelay  Normal time delay. Range: 0 ~ 200 (default: 80)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-rtppar-mprb command.

Related get-rtppar-mprb

204 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax get-rtppar-mprb [parid parameterid]
Purpose To show MPRB real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parid Parameter Identity number. Range: 1 ~ 254

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-rtppar-mprb command.

Related mod-rtppar-mprb

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 205

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax mod-rtppar-miro {parid parameterid} [ap ap  | delmode
deletemode | delthreshold deletethreshold  | echodc echodc|
hecfrz hecfrz  | cng cng | conceal conceamentl | errrecov
Purpose To modify MIRO real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.
ap Assign AP.
delmode Assign delete mode.
delthreshold Assign delete threshold value.
echodc Assign echo DC.
hecfrz Assign HECFRZ.
cng Assign CNG.
conceal Assign Packet loss concealment.
errrecov Assign error recovered.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parid Parameter Identity number. Range: 1 ~ 254

ap AP value. Range: 0 ~ 65535

deletemode  Delete mode value. Range: 0 ~ 65535

deletethreshold Delete threshold value. Range: 0 ~ 65535

echodc  Echo DC value. Range: 0 ~ 255

hecfrz  HECFRZ value. Range: 0 ~ 255

cng  CNG value. Range: 0 ~ 255

concealment  Packet loss concealment. Range: 0 ~ 255

errorrecovered  Error recovered type. Range: 0 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-rtppar-miro command.

206 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related get-rtppar-miro

Syntax get-rtppar-miro [parid parameterid]
Purpose To show MIRO real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parid Parameter identity number. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-rtppar-miro command.

Related mod-rtppar-miro

This section describes expar commands.

Syntax mod-expar-mpr {parid parameterid} [g723rate G.723rate  |
pckgendis pckgendis | dtmfpyld dtmfpayload | dtmfrepyld
dtmfrepyld | faxdatared faxdataredundancy | t30msgred
T.30msgredundancy | masecenal masterechocenal | hdwecdis
hdwecdis | hecfrz hecfrz | ectxf ectxf | ectxm ectxm  | ecrxm
ecrxm  | heclen heclen  | lpwmin lpwmin  | lpwmax lpwmax| lpr
lpr  | fsklevel fsklevel | g711red G.711redundancy | modemmode
modemmode | ap adaptationperiod |deletmode deletemode |
nortptime nortptime | faxswtime faxswitchtime]
Purpose To modify MPR real time protocol parameter

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 207

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.
g723rate Assign G.723 rate.
pckgendis Assign packet generation status.
dtmfpyld Assign DTFM payload.
dtmfrepyld Assign DTMF redundant payload.
faxdatare Assign fax page data redundancy.
t30msgred Assign T30 messages redundancy
masecenal Assign master echo canceller.
hdwecdis Assign EC status.
hecfrz Assign hardware EC freeze coefficient.
ectxf Assign fixed transmit gain.
ectxm Assign transmit mute.
ecrxm Assign receive mute.
heclen Assign network echo canceller tail length.
lpwmin Assign late packet window minimum value.
lpwmax Assign late packet window maximum value
lpr Assign late packet ratio.
fsklevel Assign Frequency Shift Keying level.
g711redundancy Assign G.7 redundancy.
modemmode Assign modem mode.
ap Assign adaptation period.
deletemode Assign deletion mode.
nortptime Assign No RTP packet check time.
faxswtime Assign fax switch time.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parameterid Parameter identity. Range: 1 ~ 254

G.723rate  G.723 rate. Range:


pckgendis  Packet generation status. Range:


dtmfpayload  DTMF payload value. Range: 0 ~ 255

208 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description

dtmfrepyld DTMF redundant payload value. Range: 0 ~


faxdataredundancy  Fax page data redundancy. Range: 0 ~ 200

T.30msgredundancy T30 messages redundancy. Range: 0 ~ 7

masterechocenceller  Master echo canceller. Range:


hdwecdis  Hardware echo canceller coefficient freeze or

allow. Range:

hecfrz  Hardware echo canceller coefficient freeze.

0 - Allow update
1 - Disable update

ectxf Fixed transmit gain. Range:

0 - non-linear
1 - fixed gain

ectxm Fax page value. Range:

0 - Normal
1 - Mute

ecrxm Fax mode. Range:

0 - Normal
1 - Mute

heclen Network EC tail length value. Range: 0 ~ 15

lpwmin Late packet window minimum value. Range: 0 ~


lpwmax Late packet window maximum value. Range: 0

~ 255

lpr Late packet window initial value. Range: 0 ~


FSKlevel  FSK tone amplitude level. Range: 62 ~ 182

G.711redundancy  G7.11 redundancy selection value. Range:

0 - no redundancy
1 - 1 package
2 - 2 packages
3 - 3 packages

modemmode Modem mode. Range:

0 - modem delay 5s
2 - transparent
3 - modem immediate
4 - fax immediate

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description
5 - cid immediate

adaptationperiod  Adaptation period value. Range: 0 ~ 65535

deletmode  Delete mode. Range:

0 - SOFT
1 - Hard

nortptime  No RTP packet check time. Range: 0 ~ 65535

faxswitchtime  Fax switch time. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-expar-mpr command.

Related get-expar-mpr

Syntax get-expar-mpr [parid parameterid]
Purpose To show MPR external parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parameterid Parameter identity. Range: 1 ~ 254

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-expar-mpr command.

210 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related mod-expar-mpr

Syntax mod-expar-mprb {parid parameterid} [dtmfrelaymode
dtmfrelaymode | dtmfpyld dtmfpayload | dtmfrepyld dtmfrepyld |
nortptime nortptime | faxswtime faxswitchtime]
Purpose To modify MPRB real time protocol parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.
dtmfrelaymode Assign DTMF relay mode.
dtmfpyld Assign DTFM payload.
dtmfredundant Assign DTMF redundant payload.
nortptime Assign no RTP packet check time.
faxswtime Assign fax switch time.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 211

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

parameterid Parameter identity number. Range: 1 ~ 254

dtmfrelaymode  DTMF relay mode. Range:

2 - Red RFC2833
6 - nRed RFC2833

dtmfpayload  DTMF payload value. Range: 0 ~ 255

dtmfredundant DTMF redundant payload value. Range: 0 ~ 255

nortptime  No RTP packet check time. Range: 0 ~ 65535

faxswitchtime  Fax switch time. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-expar-mprb command.

Related get-expar-mprb

Syntax get-expar-mprb [parid parameterid]
Purpose To show MPRB external parameter
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
parid Assign parameter identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

parameterid Parameter identity. Range: 1 ~ 254

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-expar-mprb command.

212 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related mod-expar-mprb

This section describes tline commands.

Syntax get-tlineinfo {tline testline}
Purpose To show test line information
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
tline Assign test line.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

testline Test line. Range: 1 ~ 5

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-tlineinfo command.

Related mod-tlinegroup

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax mod-tlinegroup {tline testline} [group group]
Purpose To modify test line group
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
tline Assign test line.
group Assign group.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

testline Test line. Range: 1 ~ 5

group  Group type. Range: 1 ~ 5

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-tlineinfo command.

Related get-tlineinfo

This section describes trunk commands.

Syntax del-trunkslctermin [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot |
pcmno pcmnumber}
Purpose To delete trunk SLC termination identity
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
pcmno Assign Pulse Code Modulation number.

214 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 8 ~ 8

pcmnumber  Pulse Code Modulation number. Range: 1 ~ 8

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-trunkslctermid command.

Related get-trunkslctermid
Commands add-trunkslctermid

Syntax add-trunkslctermin [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot |
pcmno pcmnumber | tmidfix tmidfix} [type usertype | begno
beginnumber | mgid mgid]
Purpose To add trunk SLC termination identity
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
pcmno Assign Pulse Code Modulation number.
tmidfix Assign terminal fix identity.
type Assign type.
begno Assign beginning number.
mgid Assign media gateway identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 8 ~ 8

pcmnumber  Pulse Code Modulation number. Range: 1 ~ 8

tmidfix  Fix part of termination identity. Range: <string>

usertype  User type. Range: 1 ~ 2

beginnumber  Beginning number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

mgid  Media gateway identity number. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-trunkslctermid command.

Related get-trunkslctermid
Commands del-trunkslctermid

Syntax get-trunkslctermin [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot |
pcmno pcmnumber} [cirbegin circuitbegin | cirend circuitend]
Purpose To show trunk SLC termination identity
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
pcmno Assign Pulse Code Modulation number.
cirbegin Assign beginning circuit.
cirend Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 8 ~ 8

216 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description

pcmnumber  Pulse Code Modulation number. Range: 1 ~ 8

circuitbegin  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

circuitend  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-trunkslctermid command.

Related add-trunkslctermid
Commands add-trunkslctermid

Syntax get-trunkslcattrib [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot |
pcmno pcmnumber} [circuitb beginningcircuit | circuite
Purpose To show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
pcmno Assign Pulse Code Modulation number.
circuitb Assign beginning circuit.
circuite Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 8 ~ 8

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 217

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

pcmnumber  Pulse Code Modulation number. Range: 1 ~ 8

beginningcircuit  Beginning circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endingcircuit  Ending circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-trunkslcattrib command.

Related None

Syntax mod-trunkuser {unit unit | sunit sunit | usermode usermode}
Purpose To modify trunk user
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
unit Assign unit.
sunit Assign sub unit.
usermode Assign user mode.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

unit Unit. Range: 1 ~ 10

subunit  Sub unit. Range: 1 ~ 128

usermode  User mode. Range: 0 ~ 10

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-trunkslctermid command.

218 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related None

This section describes fixtonechip commands.

Syntax mod-fixtonechip {fixtonechip fixtonechip}
Purpose To modify fix tone chip
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
fixtonechip Assign fix tone chip.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

fixtonechip Fix tone chip. Range:

1 - DSP
2 - IPS

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-fixtonechip command.

Related get-fixtonechip

Syntax get-fixtonechip
Purpose To show fix tone chip
Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-fixtonechip command.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related mod-fixtonechip

This section describes tonpro commands.

Syntax add-tonpro {pkgid pkgid | tonepro toneprotocol | toneid
Purpose To add protocol tone
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
pkgid Assign package identity.
tonepro Assign protocol tone.
toneid Assign tone identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

pkgid Package identity. Range:

7 - cg package
17 - au package

toneprotocol  Protocol tone. Range: 1 ~ 2000

toneid  Inner tone identity. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-tonpro command.

Related del-tonpro
Commands mod-tonpro

Syntax del-tonpro {pkgid pkgid | tonepro toneprotocol}

220 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Purpose To delete protocol tone

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Parameter Description
pkgid Assign package identity.
tonepro Assign protocol tone.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

pkgid Package type. Range:

7 - cg package
17 - au package

toneprotocol  Protocol tone. Range: 1 ~ 2000

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-tonpro command.

Related add-tonpro
Commands mod-tonpro

Syntax mod-tonpro {pkgid pkgid | tonepro toneprotocol | toneid
Purpose To modify protocol tone
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
pkgid Assign package identity.
tonepro Assign protocol tone.
toneid Assign tone identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 221

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

pkgid Package type. Range:

7 - cg package
17 - au package

toneprotocol  Protocol tone. Range: 1 ~ 2000

toneid  Inner tone identity. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-tonpro command.

Related add-tonpro
Commands del-tonpro

Syntax get-tonpro [pkgid pkgid | tonepro toneprotocol]
Purpose To show protocol tone
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
pkgid Assign package identity.
tonepro Assign protocol tone.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

pkgid Package type. Range:

7 - cg package
17 - au package

toneprotocol  Protocol tone. Range: 1 ~ 2000

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-tonpro command.

222 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related add-tonpro
Commands mod-tonpro

This section describes tonlst commands.

Syntax add-tonlst {tone tone} [code1 code1 | code2 code2 | code3
code3 | code4 code4 | code5 code5 | code6 code6] {kind kind}
[site1 site1 | site2 site2 | site3 site3 | site4 site4 | site5
site5 | vtype1 vtype1 | vtype2 vtype2 | vtype3 vtype3 |
vtype4 vtype4 | vtype5 vtype5]
Purpose To add tone list
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
tone Assign tone identity.
code1 Assign first code.
code2 Assign second code.
code3 Assign third code.
code4 Assign fourth code.
code5 Assign fifth code.
kind Assign tone type.
site1 Assign first site.
site2 Assign second site.
site3 Assign third site.
site4 Assign fourth site.
site5 Assign fifth site.
vtype1 Assign variation tone type on first site.
vtype2 Assign variation tone type on second site.
vtype3 Assign variation tone type on third site.
vtype4 Assign variation tone type on fourth site.
vtype5 Assign variation tone type on fifth site.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 223

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

tone Tone identity. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code1 First part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code2  Second part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code3  Third part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code4  Fourth part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code5  Fifth part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

kind  Tone type. Range:


site1  First site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site2  Second site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site3  Third site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site4  Fourth site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site5  Fifth site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

vtype1  Variation tone type on first site. Range:

1 - DATE
4 - CASH
9 - TEXT
10 - TIME
11 - TONE

vtype2  Variation tone type on second site. Range: 1 ~


vtype3  Variation tone type on third site. Range: 1 ~ 12

vtype4  Variation tone type on fourth site. Range: 1 ~ 12

vtype5  Variation tone type on fifth site. Range: 1 ~ 12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-tonlst command.

224 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related del-tonlst
Commands mod-tonlst

Syntax del-tonlst {tone tone}
Purpose To delete tone list
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
tone Assign tone identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

tone Tone identity.

Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-tonlst command.

Related add-tonlst
Commands mod-tonlst

Syntax mod-tonlst {tone tone} [code1 code1 | code2 code2 | code3
code3 | code4 code4 | code5 code5 | code6 code6 | kind kind
| site1 site1 | site2 site2 | site3 site3 | site4 site4 |
site5 site5 | vtype1 vtype1 | vtype2 vtype2 | vtype3 vtype3 |
vtype4 vtype4 | vtype5 vtype5]
Purpose To modify tone list
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
tone Assign tone identity.
code1 Assign first code.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
code2 Assign second code.
code3 Assign third code.
code4 Assign fourth code.
code5 Assign fifth code.
kind Assign tone type.
site1 Assign first site.
site2 Assign second site.
site3 Assign third site.
site4 Assign fourth site.
site5 Assign fifth site.
vtype1 Assign variation tone type on first site.
vtype2 Assign variation tone type on second site.
vtype3 Assign variation tone type on third site.
vtype4 Assign variation tone type on fourth site.
vtype5 Assign variation tone type on fifth site.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

tone Tone identity. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code1 First part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code2  Second part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code3  Third part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code4  Fourth part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

code5  Fifth part of fix tone. Range: 1 ~ 65535

kind  Tone type. Range:


site1  First site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site2  Second site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site3  Third site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site4  Fourth site of variation tone. Range: 0 ~ 5

site5  Fifth site of variation tone. Range:

vtype1  Variation tone type on first site.. Range:

1 - DATE

226 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description
4 - CASH
9 - TEXT
10 - TIME
11 - TONE

vtype2  Variation tone type on second site. Range: 1 ~


vtype3  Variation tone type on third site. Range: 1 ~ 12

vtype4  Variation tone type on fourth site. Range: 1 ~ 12

vtype5  Variation tone type on fifth site. Range: 1 ~ 12

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-tonlst command.

Related add-tonlst
Commands del-tonlst

Syntax get-tonlst {tone tone}
Purpose To show tone list
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
tone Assign tone identity.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

tone Tone identity.

Range: 1 ~ 65535

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-tonlst command.

Related add-tonlst
Commands mod-tonlst

This section describes tonlab commands.

Syntax add-tonlab {code code | type type label label}
Purpose To add tone label
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
code Assign tone code.
type Assign code type.
label Assign label.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

228 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Variable Description

code  Tone code. Range: 1 ~ 65535

type  Tone resource type. Range:

2 - TONE

label  Tone label. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows add-tonlab command.

Related mod-tonlab
Commands get-tonlab

Syntax del-tonlab {code code | type type}
Purpose To delete tone label
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
code Assign tone code.
type Assign code type.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

code  Tone code. Range: 1 ~ 65535

type  Tone resource type. Range:

2 - TONE

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows del-tonlab command.

Related add-tonlab
Commands mod-tonlab

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 229

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Syntax mod-tonlab {code code | type type label label}
Purpose To modify tone label
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
code Assign tone code.
type Assign code type.
label Assign label.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

code  Tone code. Range: 1 ~ 65535

type  Tone resource type. Range:

2 - TONE

label  Tone label. Range: 1 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows mod-tonlab command.

Related add-tonlab
Commands get-tonlab

Syntax get-tonelab [code code | type type]
Purpose To show tone label
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
code Assign tone code.
type Assign code type.

230 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

code  Tone code. Range: 1 ~ 65535

type  Tone resource type. Range:

2 - TONE

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-tonlab command.

Related add-tonlab
Commands mod-tonlab

Syntax get-slcstatus [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
[circuitb beginningcircuit | circuite endingcircuit]
Purpose To show subscriber line card status
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
circuitb Assign beginning circuit.
circuite Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

beginningcircuit  Beginning SLC circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endingcircuit  Ending SLC circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slcstatus command.

Related None

Syntax block-slc [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot} [circuitb
beginningcircuit | circuite endingcircuit]
Purpose To block subscriber line card
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
name Assign port name.
rack Assign rack.
Shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
circuitb Assign beginning circuit.
circuite Assign ending circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

name Port name. Range: <STRING>

rack Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

beginningcircuit  Beginning SLC circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

endingcircuit  Ending SLC circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows block-slc command.

232 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Related None

Syntax unblock-slc [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot} [circuitb
circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To unblock a series of SLC circuits.
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
circuitb Set beginning of SLC circuit.
circuite Set ending of SLC circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

circuitb  Beginning of SLC circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of SLC circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows unblock-slc command.

Related block-slc

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 233

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This section describes ips commands.

Syntax get-ipsstatus [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  subcard
subcard} [circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To show the status of a series of IPS circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard.
circuitb Set beginning of IPS circuit.
circuite Set ending of IPS circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - MPR, 1 -


circuitb  Beginning of IPS circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of IPS circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-ipsstatus command.

Related block-ips
Commands unblock-ips

234 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax block-ips [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  subcard
subcard} [circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To block a series of IPS circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard.
circuitb Set beginning of IPS circuit.
circuite Set ending of IPS circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - MPR, 1 -


circuitb  Beginning of IPS circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of IPS circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows block-ips command.

Related unblock-ips
Commands get-ipsstatus

Syntax unblock-ips [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  subcard
subcard} [circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 235

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Purpose To unblock a series of IPS circuits

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard.
circuitb Set beginning of IPS circuit.
circuite Set ending of IPS circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - MPR, 1 -


circuitb  Beginning of IPS circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of IPS circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows unblock-ips command.

Related block-ips
Commands get-ipsstatus

This section describes conf commands.

Syntax get-confstatus [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
[subcard subcard | circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]

236 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Purpose To show the status of a series of conference circuits

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard number.
circuitb Set beginning of conference circuit.
circuite Set ending of conference circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1 - MPR, 1/2 -


circuitb  Beginning of conference circuit number. Range: 0

~ 65535

circuite  Ending of conference circuit number. Range: 0 ~


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-confstatus command.

Related block-conf
Commands unblock-conf

Syntax block-conf [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}  [subcard
subcard | circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To block a series of conference circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 237

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard number.
circuitb Set beginning of conference circuit.
circuite Set ending of conference circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1 - MPR, 1/2 -


circuitb  Beginning of conference circuit number. Range: 0

~ 65535

circuite  Ending of conference circuit number. Range: 0 ~


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows block-conf command.

Related get-confstatus
Commands unblock-conf

Syntax unblock-conf [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot} [subcard
subcard | circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To unblock a series of conference circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.

238 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard number.
circuitb Set beginning of conference circuit.
circuite Set ending of conference circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1 - MPR, 1/2 -


circuitb  Beginning of conference circuit number. Range: 0

~ 65535

circuite  Ending of conference circuit number. Range: 0 ~


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows unblock-conf command.

Related get-confstatus
Commands block-conf

This section describes dsp commands.

Syntax get-dspstatus [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  dspno
dspno} [circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 239

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Purpose To show the status of a series of DSP circuits

Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
dspno Assign DSP.
circuitb Set beginning of DSP circuit.
circuite Set ending of DSP circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

dspno  DSP number. Range: 0 ~ 255

circuitb  Beginning of DSP circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of DSP circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-dspstatus command.

Related block-dsp
Commands unblock-dsp

Syntax block-dsp [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  | dspno dspno}
[circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To block a series of DSP circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

240 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Parameter Description
slot Assign slot.
dspno Assign DSP.
circuitb Set beginning of DSP circuit.
circuite Set ending of DSP circuit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

dspno  DSP number. Range: 0 ~ 255

circuitb  Beginning of DSP circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of DSP circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows block-dsp command.

Related get-dspstatus
Commands unblock-dsp

Syntax unblock-dsp [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  |  dspno
dspno} [circuitb circuitb | circuite citcuite]
Purpose To unblock a series of DSP circuits
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
dspno Assign DSP.
circuitb Set beginning of DSP circuit.
circuite Set ending of DSP circuit.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

dspno  DSP number. Range: 0 ~ 255

circuitb  Beginning of DSP circuit number. Range: 0 ~


circuite  Ending of DSP circuit number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows unblock-dsp command.

Related get-dspstatus
Commands block-dsp

This section describes cardstat commands.

Syntax get-cardstat-ips [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  | 
subcard subcard}
Purpose To show the status of specified IPS card
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
subcard Assign subcard.

242 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

subcard  Subcard number. Range: 1 ~ 2; 1/2 - ARP2, 1 -


Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-cardstat-ips command.

Related get-cardstat-dsp
Commands get-cardstat-conf

Syntax get-cardstat-conf [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To show the status of conference card
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-cardstat-conf command.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 243

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Related get-cardstat-ips
Commands get-cardstat-dsp

Syntax get-cardstat-dsp [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot  | 
dspno dspno}
Purpose To show the status of DSP
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.
dspno Assign DSP.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

dspno  DSP number. Range: 0 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-cardstat-dsp command.

Related get-cardstat-ips
Commands get-cardstat-conf

This section describes bdstat commands.

244 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax get-bdstats-s [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To show the statistics of SLC cards
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slcstatistic command.

Related None

Syntax get-bdstat-c [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To show the status of specified board
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 245

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4 (default: 0)

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-bdstat-c command.

Related get-bdstatus-s

This section describes ts commands.

Syntax get-tsstatus [hw hw | ts ts]
Purpose To show the HW/TS status
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
hw Assign highway.
ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

hw  Highway number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

ts  Time slot number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-tsstatus command.

Related block-ts
Commands unblock-ts

246 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax block-ts [hw hw | ts ts]
Purpose To block the time slot
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
hw Assign highway.
ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

hw  Highway number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

ts  Time slot. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows block-ts command.

Related get-tsstatus
Commands unblock-ts

Syntax unblock-ts [hw hw | ts ts]
Purpose To unblock the time slot
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
hw Assign highway.
ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

hw  Highway number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

ts  Time slot number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows unblock-ts command.

Related get-tsstatus
Commands block-ts

This section describes statistic commands.

Syntax get-slcstatistic [rack rack | shelf shelf]
Purpose To show the statistics of SLC cards
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slcstatistic command.

Related get-ipsstatistic

248 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Syntax get-ipsstatistic [rack rack]
Purpose To show the statistics of IPS cards
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3 (default: 1)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-ipsstatistic command.

Related get-slcstatistic

Syntax get-sunitinfo [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To show sunit information
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-sunitinfo command.

Related None

Syntax get-tsconninfo {hw hw | ts ts}
Purpose To show HW/TS connection information
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
hw Assign highway.
ts Assign time slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

hw  Highway number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

ts  Time slot number. Range: 0 ~ 65535

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-tsconninfo command.

Related get-tsstatus

Syntax get-slnconninfo {unit unit | sunit sunit | index index}
Purpose To show SLN connection information
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
unit Assign unit.
sunit Assign sunit slot.
index Assign index.

250 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

unit  Unit number. Range: 1 ~ 128

sunit  Sunit slot number. Range: 1 ~ 128

index  Index number. Range: 0 ~ 239

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slnconninfo command.

Related None

Syntax get-resourcestat
Purpose To show statistics of resource
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-slnconninfo command.

Related None

Syntax get-board-slc [rack rack | shelf shelf] {slot slot}
Purpose To show the get slc card type.
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
rack Assign rack.
shelf Assign shelf.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Parameter Description
slot Assign slot.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

rack  Rack number. Range: 1 ~ 3

shelf  Shelf number. Range: 0 ~ 4

slot  Slot number. Range: 1 ~ 17

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-board-slc command.

Related None

Syntax get-hwmap
Purpose To get the information about highway map
Syntax None

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-hwmap command.

Related get-hwset

Syntax get-hwset
Purpose To get the information about highway set
Syntax None

252 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Commands

Usage None

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-hwset command.

Related get-hwmap

Syntax get-unitinfo {unit unit}
Purpose To get the unit information
Syntax The following table provides parameter description.
Parameter Description
unit Assign unit.

Usage The following table provides variable description.

Variable Description

unit  Unit number. Range: 1 ~ 255

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows get-unitinfo command.

Related None

Syntax init-agcmd-cfg
Purpose To initialize agcmd.cfg
Syntax None

Usage None

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Mode MSAG(ag)#
Examples The following example shows init-agcmd-cfg command.

Related None

254 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Appendix A


Abbreviation Full Name

ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
AG Access Gateway
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CPU Center Process Unit
DDN Digital Data Network
DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol
DIB Digital Interface Board
EPM Environment Power Monitoring
EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
HDSL High-speed Digital Subscriber Line
HW High Way
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network
MGC Media Gateway Controller
MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
ODT Octal Digital Trunk
OLT Optical Line Terminal
ONU Optical Network Unit
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network
PSTN Public Switch Telephone Network
QoS Quality of Service
RTP Real-time Transport Protocol
SHDSL Single-Pair High Digital Subscriber Line
SLC Subscriber Line Circuit
SS SoftSwitch

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 255

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

Abbreviation Full Name

SYC Synchronization Control
TCI Tag Control Information
ToS Type of Service
TPID Tag Protocol Identifier
TSLC Test Subscriber Line Card
VDSL Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN Virtual Private Network

256 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Figure 1 – HyperTerminal Startup Window .............................2

Figure 2 – Connect To Interface............................................2
Figure 3 – COM1 Properties Interface ....................................3
Figure 4 – HyperTerminal Command Line Interface .................3
Figure 5 – Ping Command....................................................4
Figure 6 – Telnet Command .................................................4
Figure 7 – Telnet Command Line Interface .............................5
Figure 8 – Starting NMS Server ............................................5
Figure 9 – NMS Server Startup Window .................................6
Figure 10 – NMS Server Startup Window ...............................6
Figure 11 – Starting NMS Client............................................7
Figure 12 – Login Window....................................................7
Figure 13 – Common User Mode ...........................................8
Figure 14 – Management User Mode......................................9
Figure 15 – Management User Configuration Mode ................ 10
Figure 16 – Super Mode .................................................... 10
Figure 17 – Debug Mode.................................................... 11

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

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258 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 1 – Chapter Summary .............................................xvii

Table 2 – Typographical Conventions.................................. xix
Table 3 – Mouse Operation Conventions ............................. xix
Table 4 – Common Command Variables ............................... 12

259 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

This page is intentionally blank.

260 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


9k52conn......................... 177 add-trunkslctermid............ 215

add-as............................. 111 add-v5if .......................... 124
add-asasp ........................ 117 add-v5isdnuser................. 141
add-asp ........................... 114 add-v5lcci........................ 133
add-board-epc .................... 96 add-v5link ....................... 127
add-board-mics .................. 78 add-v5pch ....................... 130
add-board-mpr ................... 80 add-v5pstnuser ................ 137
add-board-mprb ................. 82 add-voip-interface ............ 107
add-board-odti ................. 122 add-voip-route ................. 108
add-board-odti-t1 ............. 123 ag .................................... 27
add-board-pnp ................... 96 as .................................. 111
add-board-pwr ................... 88 asasp .............................. 117
add-board-pwr2.................. 93 asp ................................. 114
add-board-scard ................. 94 attrib .............................. 184
add-board-sics.................... 83 bdstat ............................. 244
add-board-slc ..................... 85 block-conf........................ 237
add-board-tslc .................... 87 block-dsp ........................ 240
add-board-tsld.................... 91 block-ips ......................... 235
add-ctrlnat ....................... 174 block-slc.......................... 232
add-ctrlport........................ 34 block-ts........................... 247
add-ddnconn .................... 148 board ................................ 77
add-ddnport ..................... 146 cardstat........................... 242
add-digitmap.................... 176 check-db ......................... 158
add-dlink-span ................. 179 Commands List................... 13
add-exipaddr ...................... 43 Common User Mode .............. 8
add-general-rip................. 168 Common Variables .............. 12
add-inipaddr....................... 42 conf ................................ 236
add-ipstermid ................... 194 config ............................... 18
add-isdnbra...................... 119 ctrlnat ............................. 174
add-libdata ...................... 151 ctrlport.............................. 34
add-macaddr ...................... 47 ddn................................. 146
add-md5info..................... 155 debug ............................... 18
add-mednat ..................... 172 Debug Mode....................... 11
add-mg ............................. 51 del-as ............................. 112
add-mgc ............................ 63 del-asasp......................... 117
add-mgcapabili ................... 53 del-asp............................ 115
add-mgcattr ....................... 67 del-board-epc..................... 97
add-multi-ip ....................... 40 del-board-mics ................... 79
add-multi-mac .................... 45 del-board-mpr.................... 81
add-rack ............................ 71 del-board-mprb .................. 82
add-rip-cnic...................... 165 del-board-odti .................. 122
add-rip-ctrl ...................... 170 del-board-odti-t1 .............. 124
add-shelf ........................... 74 del-board-pwr .................... 89
add-slctermid ................... 191 del-board-pwr2 .................. 93
add-snmpcfg ...................... 31 del-board-scard .................. 95
add-subnet ........................ 37 del-board-sics .................... 84
add-tonlab ....................... 228 del-board-slc...................... 86
add-tonlst ........................ 223 del-board-tslc..................... 88
add-tonpro....................... 220 del-board-tsld .................... 92

261 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

del-ctrlnat ........................175 get-as ............................. 113

del-ctrlport ........................ 35 get-asasp......................... 118
del-ddnport ......................147 get-asp............................ 116
del-digitmap .....................177 get-bdstat-c ..................... 245
del-dlink-span...................180 get-bdstat-s ..................... 245
del-exipaddr ...................... 44 get-boardinfo ..................... 78
del-exip-cnic.....................106 get-boardipinfo ................... 98
del-general-rip ..................169 get-boardmacinfo................ 99
del-inipaddr ....................... 43 get-board-slc...............86, 251
del-ipaddr-ics....................102 get-cardstat-conf .............. 243
del-ipaddr-mpr..................100 get-cardstat-dsp ............... 244
del-ipstermid ....................196 get-cardstat-ips ................ 242
del-isdnbra .......................120 get-confstatus .................. 236
del-macaddr ...................... 48 get-ctrlport ........................ 37
del-md5info ......................156 get-dlink .......................... 181
del-mednat.......................173 get-dlinkattr ..................... 182
del-mgc ............................ 64 get-dspattrib .................... 190
del-mgcattr ....................... 70 get-dspstatus ................... 239
del-multi-ip ....................... 41 get-e1attr ........................ 145
del-multi-mac .................... 46 get-expar-mpr .................. 210
del-rack ............................ 72 get-expar-mprb ................ 212
del-rip-cnic .......................167 get-fixtonechip ................. 219
del-rip-ctrl........................171 get-globalconst ................... 30
del-shelf............................ 75 get-hwmap ...................... 252
del-slctermid ....................192 get-hwset ........................ 252
del-snmpcfg ...................... 32 get-ipaddr.......................... 45
del-subnet......................... 38 get-ipsattrib ..................... 188
del-tonlab ........................229 get-ipsstatistic .................. 249
del-tonlst .........................225 get-ipsstatus .................... 234
del-tonpro ........................220 get-ipstermid.................... 196
del-trunkslctermid .............214 get-ipswildcard ................. 197
del-v5if ............................125 get-isdnbra ...................... 121
del-v5isdnuser ..................142 get-macaddr ...................... 48
del-v5lcci .........................133 get-md5info ..................... 157
del-v5link .........................128 get-mgbaseattr................... 59
del-v5pch .........................131 get-mgc............................. 66
del-v5pstnuser ..................139 get-mgcapabili.................... 60
del-voip-interface ..............108 get-mgmediatos.................. 62
del-voip-route ...................109 get-permatone.................. 164
digitmap ..........................176 get-rackinfo ....................... 72
disable.............................. 19 get-resourcestat ............... 251
dlink ................................179 get-ring ........................... 160
dsp..................................239 get-ringprofile .................. 162
e1attr ..............................144 get-rip-cnic ...................... 167
enable .............................. 19 get-rip-ctrl ....................... 171
end .................................. 20 get-rtppar-miro ................ 207
exip.................................105 get-rtppar-mpr ................. 201
exipaddr ........................... 43 get-rtppar-mprb ............... 205
exit .................................. 20 get-shelfboard .................... 90
expar...............................207 get-shelfinfo ....................... 75
fixtonechip .......................219 get-slcattrib ..................... 186
General Command Syntax ... 11 get-slcstatistic .................. 248
get-9k52conn ...................179 get-slcstatus .................... 231
get-allcfgboard................... 77 get-slctermid .................... 193
get-allmgcattr .................... 69 get-slcwildcard ................. 194
get-allnat .........................175 get-slnconninfo ................. 250
get-allqovspar...................154 get-snmpcfg ....................... 34
get-allrackinfo.................... 73 get-subnet ......................... 39
get-allshelfinfo ................... 76 get-sunitinfo..................... 249
get-allv5Lcci .....................135 get-system....................... 153

262 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


get-tlineinfo ..................... 213 mod-mgcapabili.................. 56

get-tonlab ........................ 230 mod-mgcattr...................... 68
get-tonlst......................... 227 mod-mgip.......................... 61
get-tonpro ....................... 222 mod-mgmediatos................ 58
get-trunkslcattrib .............. 217 mod-pcmattr.................... 183
get-trunkslctermid ............ 216 mod-permatone................ 163
get-tsconninfo .................. 250 mod-qovspar.................... 153
get-tsstatus ..................... 246 mod-ring ......................... 159
get-unitinfo ...................... 253 mod-ringprofile ................ 160
get-v5if ........................... 127 mod-rtppar-miro............... 206
get-v5Lccistatus................ 134 mod-rtppar-mpr ............... 198
get-v5link ........................ 130 mod-rtppar-mprb.............. 202
get-v5user ....................... 138 mod-slcattrib ................... 184
get-voip-ipaddr................. 110 mod-snmpcfg ..................... 33
Global Commands ............... 13 mod-subnet ....................... 39
globalconst ........................ 29 mod-system..................... 152
help .................................. 21 mod-tlinegroup................. 214
history............................... 22 mod-tonlab ...................... 229
HyperTerminal ......................2 mod-tonlst....................... 225
inipaddr ............................. 42 mod-tonpro ..................... 221
init-agcmd-cfg .................. 253 mod-trunkuser ................. 218
Introduction .........................1 mod-v5if ......................... 126
ipaddr ............................... 99 mod-v5isdnuser................ 143
ips .................................. 234 mod-v5link ...................... 129
ipstermid ......................... 194 mod-v5pg1 ...................... 132
isdnbra ............................ 119 mod-v5protcl ................... 135
isdnuser .......................... 141 mod-v5pstnuser ............... 140
load-dftringprof ................ 162 multi-ip ............................. 40
Login Modes .........................1 multi-mac.......................... 45
logout ............................... 23 ndebug ............................. 19
macaddr .....................47, 103 NetNumen N31............. 1, 5, 6
Management Mode ................8 odti ................................ 122
Management User Configuration ping.................................. 23
Mode ...............................9 pstnuser .......................... 137
Management User Mode .........9 qovspar ........................... 153
md5info........................... 155 rack .................................. 71
mednat............................ 172 ring ................................ 159
mg.................................... 51 rip .................................. 165
mgc .................................. 63 rtppar ............................. 198
mgcattr ............................. 67 save ................................. 24
mod-9k52conn ................. 177 shelf ................................. 74
mod-as............................ 112 show................................. 24
mod-asp .......................... 115 slc .................................. 191
mod-ctrlport....................... 36 sleep................................. 25
mod-dlinkattr ................... 181 snmpcfg ............................ 31
mod-dspattrib................... 189 statistic ........................... 248
mod-e1attr ...................... 144 subnet .............................. 37
mod-exip-cnic .................. 105 Super Mode ....................... 10
mod-expar-mpr ................ 207 system ............................ 152
mod-expar-mprb............... 211 telnet................................ 17
mod-fixtonechip................ 219 Telnet ................................. 4
mod-globalconst ................. 29 tline................................ 213
mod-ipaddr-ics ................. 101 tonlab ............................. 228
mod-ipaddr-mpr ................. 99 tonlst .............................. 223
mod-ipsattrib ................... 187 tonpro............................. 220
mod-macaddr-ics .............. 103 trunk .............................. 214
mod-macaddr-mpr ............ 104 ts .................................. 246
mod-md5info.................... 156 unblock-conf .................... 238
mod-mgbaseattr ................. 55 unblock-dsp ..................... 241
mod-mgc ........................... 65 unblock-ips ...................... 235

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 263

ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual (Vol I)

unblock-slc .......................233 voip ................................ 107

unblock-ts ........................247 who .................................. 26
User Modes ......................... 7 write ................................. 26
v5 ...................................124

264 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

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