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Am studying
2. Find
3. Is
4. Feel
5. Meet
6. Are going
7. Am staying
8. Are looking
9. Isn’t
10. Have
German: tiếng Đức
Russian: tiếng Nga
University: trường đại học
Find + smb/ smth+ Adj: nhận ra ai đó/ cái gì đó như thế nào
Difficult (a): khó  difficulty (n): sự khó khăn
Different (a): khác  difference (n): sự khác biệt
Meet: gặp. nhau
Discuss (v): thảo luận  discussion (n): cuộc thảo luận
Lecture (n): bài giảng, lecturer (n): giảng viên
Campus: khuôn viên trường
For a moment: một lát/ trong một thời gian
Look for: tìm kiếm
Share: chia sẻ
Hall: hội trường/ phòng rất to
Nearby: gần đó ( adv- chỉ vị trí) Is there a park nearby?
Near : gần ( giới từ) ? Is there a park near here?
1. Did you move
2. Haven’t unpacked
3. Have never tried
4. Have just finished
5. Wrote
6. Have you lived
7. Came
8. Have you typed
9. Finished
10. Gave

1. Have you ever been to

2. Has been in
3. Have you been in
4. Has gone to
1. Since
2. Just
3. So far
4. Ago
5. Already
6. For
7. How long
8. Yesterday
9. Yet
10. Always
11. Ever
Art gallery: triênr lãm nghê thuật
Company: công ty
Telephone (v,n): gọi điện, điện thoại
Travel abroad: ra nước ngoài
Study abroad: du học
1. B 6. C 11. B
2. C 7. B 12. B
3. B 8. A 13. C
4. A 9. B 14. B
5. B 10. C 15. C
16. C

2. She doesn’t usually wake up early . wake up: thức giấc

3. He has always wanted to travel abroad
4. He rarely goes out at night. rarely: hiếm khi
5. You can’t always get what you want
6. I can never beat Jame at tennis . beat: đánh bại
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B

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