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Ques./ Ans.
Q.1. Name a unicellular animal which uses cilia to move food particles into its mouth.

Q.2. What criteria can be used to decide whether something is alive ?

Q.3. Define (i) saprophytic nutrition (ii) parasitic nutrition, and (iii) holozoic nutrition. Give one example
of each type.

Q.5. Differentiate between Saprophytes and Parasites.

Q.5. What is common for Cuscuta, ticks and leeches, Ascaris..

Q.6. Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in the small intestine ?

Q.7. What would happen if all the green plants disappear from the earth ?

Q.8. Explain why, a land plant may die if its roots remain water logged for a long time.

Q.9. Mention the location and functions of four major glands associated with your digestive system.

Q.10.What function is served by- Pyloric sphincter and Anal Sphincter.

Q 11. If the leaves of healthy potted plant are coated with Vaseline, Will the plant remain healthy for
long? Give reason for your answer.

Q.12. Explain how, it would benefit deep sea divers if humans also had gills.

Q.13. Mention the special features of nasal breathing that makes it a safer process.

Q.14. State some differences between Capillaries, Arteries and veins.

Q.15. What happens if conducting tubes of circulatory system develops a leak? State in brief, how could
this be avoided?

Q.16. Name (i) largest artery, and (ii) largest vein, in our body.

Q.17. What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?

Q.18. Describe the mechanism of urine formation in human excretory system. Draw a labelled diagram
to illustrate your answer.


Q.1. The flow of energy in the food chain is unidirectional. Why?

Q.2. Producers always occupy the first trophic level in any food chain. Why?

Q.3. What is 10% law in the context of energy transfer in food chains?

Q.4. Food web is shown as a series of branching lines of food chains. Explain.

Q.5 Explain biological magnification with the help of an example.

Q.6. The maximum concentration of harmful chemicals accumulate in human beings. Justify the

Q.7. We do not clean ponds or lakes but an aquarium needs to be cleaned regularly. Explain.

Q.8. Explain how ozone is formed in the atmosphere?

Q.9. "Damage to ozone layer is a cause of concern. Justify the statement and suggest any two
steps to limit this damage.

Q.10. List changes in habit that people must adopt to dispose non- biodegradable waste for
saving the environment.

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