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Good day everyone I am JONER a 2nd year college from Central Philippine University taking up bachelor

of physical education I have a question to all viewers of this video do you remember how to sing langit
lupa or to play langit lupa? if not, it’s ok because in this video I will show you how to play or we will
going to play and sing Langit Lupa. so tara bigyang buhay muli ang ating traditional na pilipinong laru.

Behind me are my participants of the game.

So, hello kids are you all ready?

Langit Lupa translated as heaven and earth is a game where the “it” or taya chase either other players to
get the new “it”. Players are allowed to run on the ground (lupa) and climb or to go in to the higher
place on objects (langit).

Mechanics of the game

Before the game started they need to determine who is going to be the “it” or taya through chant of
singing Langit Lupa song while pointing at the players one by one: Langit Lupa impyerno, im im impyerno
Sak-sak puso tulo ang dugo Patay, buhay, Umalis kana sa pwesto mo!

When the song stops and a player is pointed at, they are "out" and the last person left is the "It" or

The it or taya can only tag players who are on the ground or lupa but not those who are in the higher
place or (langit).


If the it or taya was able to tag them while on the ground, then the tagged player will go to replace the
position of the it in other word he or she will be the it or taya.


Each player with in the ground must run as fast as they can and find a clamber to save themselves from
being the next it or taya.


To avoid over staying on the higher place or langit the IT or taya can do a counting on players who are
on the higher place counting from 1-5 if the player cannot change the position he or she will be the next


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