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EN-209: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering TUTORIAL SHEET V

(3 Phase Circuits)

1. A resistor of 250 Ω, is connected in series with a 1.5 H inductor, across a 100 V, 50 Hz supply.
Calculate (a) the current flowing, (b) the circuit phase angle, (c) the voltage developed across
each component and (d) the power dissipated.

[Ans: (a) 187.5 mA (b) 62.05o (c) VR = 46.86 V and VL = 88.33 V (d) 8.789 W]

2. Using Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, determine the rms value of the voltage across the 100 Ω
resistor after the switch is closed in the 3 phase circuit shown in figure.

[Ans: 115.5 V]

3. A set of 3 equal resistors, each of value Rx, connected in star across RYB of given below figure
consumes the same power as the unbalanced delta-connected load shown. Find the value of Rx
in ohms.

[Ans: Rx=100 Ω]

4. An unbalanced star connected load is fed from a three-phase three wire balanced 400 V supply.
The load impedances in the three phases are: ZR = (4+j8) Ω; ZY = (3+j4) Ω; ZB = (15+j20) Ω
assuming the phase sequence to be RYB, calculate the total power absorbed by the load.

[Ans: Power (3 Phase) = 10.351 KW]

5. A balanced delta connected load of (8+j6) Ω per phase is connected to a 400 V, 50 Hz 3 Phase
supply lines. If the input power factor to be improved to 0.9 by connecting a bank of star
connected capacitors. Calculate the required KVAr of the capacitor bank.

[Ans: 10.2 KVAR]

6. Using the star - delta transformation, find the currents I1, I2, I3 for the given circuit. All the
resistances are in ohms.

EN-209: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering TUTORIAL SHEET V
(3 Phase Circuits)

[Ans: I1 = 0.769 A, I2 = -2.384 A, I3 = 1.615 A,]

7. A three phase star connected motor, connected across a 3-phase, star connected supply of 400V,
50 Hz, takes a current of 20 A at 0.8 pf lagging. Determine the capacitance of the capacitors
per phase that are to be connected in delta across the terminals of the motor to raise the power
factor to unity and also the new value of the supply line current with the capacitors connected.
[Ans: 55.13 μF/Phase; 16 A]
8. A voltage of 150sin1000t is applied across a series RLC circuit where R = 40 Ω, L = 0.13 H
and C = 10 μF.
(a) Compute the rms value of the steady-state current.
(b) Find the rms voltage across the inductor.
(c) Find the rms voltage across the capacitor.
(d) Draw the complete phasor diagram showing all voltage components.
(e) Determine the reactive power supplied by the source.

[Ans: (a) 3 A ; (b) 275.77 V; (c) 212.132 V; (e) 135 var]

9. A single phase motor takes 50 A at a pf of 0.5 lag from a 250 V, 50 Hz supply. What must be
the value of the shunting capacitor to raise the overall pf to 0.9 lag. How does the capacitor
effect the line and the motor currents?
[Ans: 397.16 μF; capacitor does not affect the motor current but line current becomes
𝟐𝟕. 𝟕𝟕∠ − 𝟐𝟓. 𝟖𝟒° 𝑨]
10. A balanced star connected load is supplied from a 3-phase, 50 Hz, 415 V supply. Current in
each phase is 20 A  30  , the 300 angle is w.r.t phase voltage. Determine (a) the total power
supplied (b) the overall pf and (c) draw the phasor diagram.

[Ans: (a) 12450 W; (b) 0.5 lag.]


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