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From Classics in Movement Science (M. Latash, V. Zatsiorsky, eds.), Ch. 10, pp.

Unofficial reprint


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125 USA
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will be both accessible and mathematical. We will

Introduction use Lombard’s main thesis as a vehicle for
In a five-page missive, W. P. Lombard (1903a) introducing the mathematics and geometry, after
helped lay the foundation for a new and rational which contributions by others will motivate
approach to understanding how muscles are appropriate extensions but all within a single
coordinated. Although investigators dating to the framework.
time of Borelli (1685) had described the
relationship between muscle, joint, and limb in a Historical Perspective
logical, intuitive, and physically meaningful The existence of two-joint muscles was
manner, Lombard made an astonishing, counter- remarked upon long before the time of Lombard.
intuitive claim. He asserted that muscles with For example, Ingen Schenau (1990) cites Galen’s
apparently opposing actions, termed pseudo- (131-201 AD) De usu partium (translated by May,
antagonists, can be used together in a productive 1968) as an early description of the effect of the
way (see also Lombard, 1903b and 1907). This rectus femoris in flexing the hip and extending the
concept came from a remarkable intuition, one that knee. Borelli (1685, cited by Fick, 1879) described
has challenged us to state more quantitatively and the dependence of knee joint torque on the hip
objectively for nearly 100 years. Though his ideas angle, and his mechanistic arguments are thought
were expressed qualitatively, the definitive nature by some to pioneer the field of biomechanics.
of his statements implied that they could be Prior to (Hunter, 1797) and more contemporary to
translated into precise mathematical descriptions. Lombard, several authors (Cleland, 1867; Fick,
The enduring influence of his work stems perhaps 1879; Langer, 1879) remarked on how two-joint
from its tantalizing character, a mix of biological muscles could link movement of joints, and how
description and bold prediction. We might classify this would enable transfer of energy from other
Lombard’s theory of the pseudo-antagonist as a muscles closer to the trunk to the periphery. Of
conjecture—a theorem waiting for definitive particular interest was the fact that by extending
proof. In our attempts to find the proof, we have one joint and flexing another, a two-joint muscle is
adopted the principles of mechanics, carving out a able to maintain a constant length and thereby stay
new field of biomechanics. In our review of within a length range for which significant force
Lombard’s influence, it will be seen that much of can be produced (Hüter, 1863 and 1869; Fick,
our as yet incomplete understanding of muscular 1879).
function has been fed and driven from this Up to the early 20 century, however, muscle
remarkable source. coordination was mostly discussed in terms of
As with any developing field, advances in combinations of muscles all located at different
biomechanics have come on a variety of fronts. joints. There was scant consideration of how the
Motor tasks have been differentiated in terms of joint coupling provided by a two-joint muscle
upper and lower extremity, unconstrained and could be harnessed by another muscle crossing the
constrained, isometric and otherwise. In taking opposite side of one of the same joints. One early
stock of Lombard’s impact on biomechanics, it is exception was Duchenne (1885), who described
expedient to use a single mathematical notation to the ability of hamstrings to work with rectus
assess and compare the many contributions made femoris to extend the knee, which will see is
by different researchers studying different motor identical to Lombard’s concern. Although earlier
tasks. Mathematics is a precise and unambiguous this century he was cited more extensively in the
language, but it is also somewhat inaccessible. literature than Lombard was, he is presently given
Fortunately, there is a geometric interpretation that little credit for his earlier observation. (This
p. 2 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

unfortunate fact is not due to any inferiority in Two-joint, six-muscle system

Duchenne’s contribution; the primacy of English
as a scientific language is a likely reason.) In his
time, Duchenne was well known for his treatises
on muscle function (1867 and 1885), in which he
also described the ability of one- and two-joint
muscles to stabilise a joint, which is a relevant θ2 , t 2

concern to this day (e.g., Markee et al., 1955; 4

Baratta et al., 1988). Another early contributor was 3 5

Hering (1897), who predated Lombard in the use 6

of the term pseudo-antagonist and made very θ1 , t1
similar observations to Lombard.

Lombard’s Conjecture
Figure 1. Example system illustrates muscle actions. (a)
Lombard stated that opposing two-joint muscles Two-joint, six-muscle system illustrates many principles
can reinforce each other, and that “A muscle can of muscle function. Four of the muscles cross a single
cause the extension of a joint which it can flex.” joint, each with a moment arm that is independent of
He gave the following necessary conditions for configuration (moment arms in diagram are for schematic
purposes and are not to drawn to scale). Muscles 5 and 6
such behavior:
are two-joint muscles and illustrate Lombard’s (1903)
a. It must have the better leverage at the concept of pseudo-antagonists. Muscle 5 has a larger
end by which it acts as extensor. extension moment arm about joint 1 than its flexion
moment arm about joint 2, and muscle 6 has a larger
b. There must be a two-joint muscle that flexion moment arm about joint 2 than its extension
flexes the joint which the muscle in moment arm about joint 1. Joint torques t1 and t 2 and
question extends, and extends the joint joint angles θ1 and θ 2 are defined to be positive in the
which it flexes. direction corresponding to joint extension.
c. It must have sufficient leverage and
strength to make use of the passive couple joints kinematically, using a simple two-
tendon action of the other muscle. joint system as an example (see Figure 1).
Kinematic behavior serves as an ideal introduction
He further asserted: to musculo-skeletal function, but for many motor
When all the two-joint muscles are tasks, intersegmental dynamics will also be
contracting at the same time…the energy relevant. We will therefore consider the role of
is transmitted by the muscles, as by an dynamics of both unconstrained and constrained
endless chain, having the form of a figure two-joint systems in the coordination of muscles.
8… Thus each muscle helps all the rest to As alluded to by Lombard, there are also energetic
produce the extension of hip, knee and concerns in coordination, leading us to study the
ankle, and all the two-joint muscles act as production and absorption of power, and its
a unit… relation to efficiency. Finally, we will examine the
Lombard gives no specific definition for actions of muscles of all types and arrive at a more
condition (c) regarding passive tendon action. It general interpretation, based on the summation of
appears to refer to a muscle that is activated vector contributions, of muscle function in any
isometrically, in a manner similar to Cleland’s type of motor task.
(1867) “ligamentous action” and to the work of
others (Hueter, 1869; Fick, 1879; Duchenne, 1885; Kinematic Coupling of Joints
Hering, 1897; Strasser, 1917; Baeyer, 1921 and The first concern in studying a multi-joint
1922). We will see that an isometric interpretation system is the set of kinematic constraints that
of passive tendon action is merely a simplifying connect the links. Joints and muscles both
assumption and not critical to the understanding of constrain movement. A ball and socket joint, for
muscle coordination. example, constrains the relative positions of the
We will first apply the concept of passive ends of two limbs. A muscle viewed
tendon action to studying the ability of a muscle to kinematically, that is to say with an output in
Legacy of W. P. Lombard p. 3

a. Muscle moment arm vectors and b. Muscle shortening/lengthening Figure 2. Isometric constraints for two-joint
isometric constraints sectors in joint velocity space muscles. (a) Each muscle’s moment arm
muscle 5
muscle 5
vector defines a constraint surface (a line in
θ2 constraint θ2 constraint this example) in joint velocity space. The
constraint divides joint velocity space into
muscle 6 shortens while
muscle 5 is held isometric muscle 6 shortens
motions for which the muscle shortens
r (6) shorten (denoted by arrows) lengthens. Motions that
muscle 6
muscle 6
isometric lie on the constraint are achieved with the
constraint constraint
corresponding muscle held isometric. Only
θ1 θ1 constraints for muscles 5 and 6 are shown.
r (5) (b) Isometric constraints in combination
muscle 5
moment arm
divide joint velocity space into sectors.
muscle 5 shortens Depending on the direction of motion, any
lengthen combination of lengthening or shortening of
θ2 the two muscles is possible. The constraints
show that a muscle with an extension
moment arm about joint 1, such as muscle 5,
can still shorten while joint 1 flexes.
terms of length rather than force, also constrains tendon unit.) Defining the shortening speed v j to
movement. This is the case regardless of the rate
of shortening or lengthening, although it is be positive when the muscle is contracting,
conceptually easier to understand when the length
is fixed. Physiologically, there is some
{ }
v j ≡ r( j) θ

significance to isometric action, because a muscle where

[ ]
can stay near optimum length and thereby generate T
large forces. More generally, the force-velocity θ ≡ θ1 θ 2 θn
relationship limits muscle’s ability to generate
is the vector of joint angular velocities. Of
force when the rate of shortening is high. This
particular interest, primarily for simplicity, is the
implies that there is some advantage to be gained
case when the muscle is held isometric,
from the ability of a two-joint muscle to act nearly
isometrically during a motion in which two joints vj = 0, (1)
are simultaneously extended or flexed (Cleland,
1867; Duchenne, 1867; Fick, 1879; Fischer, which specifies the relationship between joint
1902a, b; Fenn, 1932; Fenn, 1938). angular velocities necessary for the muscle to be
In interpreting kinematic coupling, we must first kept at constant length. This isometric case is what
establish a few definitions. First, instead of was studied by Cleland (1867) and his
leverage, we will prefer to discuss a muscle’s contemporaries and later used as a requirement for
moment arm about each joint. Supposing that there Lombard’s conjecture.
are m muscles and n joints, we define the moment Graphical methods are particularly well suited
arm rij as the moment arm of muscle j (numbered to describing these kinematic constraints. Enklaar
from 1 to m) about joint i (numbered from 1 to n). (1954) used graphical methods to show that, in the
It will also be convenient to place the list of all n space of joint positions or velocities, equation (1)
moment arms for a muscle j into a vector, denoted can be expressed as a straight line constraint (for a
two-joint system). More generally, r ( j ) may be
r ( j ) ≡ r1 j r2 j ]T
rnj . regarded as a vector normal to an isometric
In each muscle’s moment arm vector, the moment constraint surface passing through the origin in the
arm will be zero for each joint the muscle does not coordinate system of joint angular velocities.
cross. There will be only one non-zero moment When the joints move such that the joint velocities
arm for one-joint muscles, and two for two-joint lie on the constraint surface, muscle j is held at
muscles (see Figure 1). constant length (see Figure 2a). It is obvious that
The moment arms determine the shortening the constraint surface for a one-joint muscle
speed of a muscle-tendon unit as a function of the requires that one joint be held stationary. For a
joint angular velocities. (For convenience, we will two-joint muscle, however, the corresponding
use “muscle” informally to refer to the muscle- constraint requires that the two joints move in a
p. 4 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

fixed proportion. As noted by Landsmeer (1961), moment arm, if inequality (4) is true.
constant, non-zero muscle speeds appear as Geometrically, this is equivalent to stating that the
additional constraints parallel to the isometric other two-joint muscle, the pseudo-antagonist,
constraint surface. must have an isometric constraint line that both
Enklaar (1954) examined the case of two passes through the quadrant in joint velocity space
muscles, both crossing two joints on the same side for which both joints extend (the first quadrant in
but with different moment arms (see Figure 2b). Figure 2a), and that it does so on the shortening
Not only are there motions in which both muscles side of the primary muscle’s isometric constraint.
must shorten or lengthen, but there are also Stated in this way, Lombard’s claim is neither
motions in which one muscle must lengthen while mysterious nor paradoxical. What might make it
the other shortens, even though these muscles seem paradoxical is the potential misconception
might naively be labeled agonists. We can see that that the direction of torque produced by a muscle
this phenomenon takes place whenever two is equivalent to the direction of the resulting
muscles have differing moment arms, and that the motion. Any two-joint muscle with such a flexor
more the moment arms differ, the larger the set of moment arm is capable of a range of motions that
such lengthening/shortening motions. include extension of that same joint (see Figure
This same example also applies directly to 2b). This property is moreover not exclusive to
Lombard’s Conjecture. Here we will use muscle 6 pairs of two-joint pseudo-antagonists. A two-joint
as the primary muscle, which produces flexion muscle, held isometric, can act as a pseudo-
torque about joint 1 (i.e., r16 < 0) and extension antagonist to a single-joint muscle so that the latter
can extend a joint that it does not even cross.
torque about joint 2 (i.e., r26 > 0), satisfying Again, the joint velocities are constrained to the
condition (a). The pseudo-antagonist, muscle 5, pseudo-antagonist’s isometric surface, and joint
satisfies condition (b) and when held isometric, extension lies on the shortening side of the
constrains joint 1 to extend when muscle 6 primary (single-joint) muscle’s isometric
shortens (see Figure 2a). Stated mathematically, constraint.
the isometric constraint from equation (1) is

{ }
v5 = r (5 ) θ = r15θ1 + r25θ 2 = 0
Joint Torques due to Muscle
Although Lombard did not explicitly consider
and if muscle 6 is shortening, joint torques in his paper, his secondary claim

{ }
regarding transfer of energy hinted at the
v6 = r (6 ) θ = r16θ1 + r26θ 2 > 0 .
(3) importance of kinetic variables. In fact, many later
Together, these equations imply that joint 1 will developments regarding two-joint muscles have
discussed joint torques. We will first review the
extend, that is, θ 1 > 0 , if relationship between torques and the isometric
r15 constraint lines discussed above, and then apply
r16 − r26 >0. (4) this relationship to the coordination of multiple
r25 muscles in order to gain additional insight about
the action of single- and two-joint muscles.
Condition (b) guarantees that r15 r25 < 0, and the Landsmeer (1961) was the first to observe that
requirement that muscle 6 be an extensor of joint the same moment arm relationship that determines
2, implies that − r26 r15 r25 is positive, and must the joint motions for which a muscle is isometric,
applies to joint torques as well. Plotted in joint
outweigh r16 , which is negative. We can therefore
torque space, the individual torque vectors for
see that Lombard was very nearly correct in his each muscle are perpendicular to the isometric
conjecture. With condition (a) he stated the constraint lines (see Fig. 2a), and the joint torque
equivalent of r26 > r16 , which is helpful but not vector associated with the activation of muscle j is
actually necessary for inequality (4) to be true. t ( j ) = r ( j ) ⋅ f jmax ⋅ f j (5)
We therefore conclude that a more precise
version of Lombard’s claim is that the two-joint
muscle can extend a joint for which it has a flexor
Legacy of W. P. Lombard p. 5

Figure 3. Muscle joint torque vectors. (a)

a. Muscle moment arm vectors b. Muscle torque vectors and the Each maximal torque vector t (max j)
and torque vectors resultant muscle torque
proportional to that muscle’s moment arm
t2 t2
muscle 5 vector and perpendicular to the isometric
constraint constraint line. (b) Maximal torque vectors
for all six muscles, of which a weighted
(3) sum is formed to produce a net muscle
(6) (6) tmax
tmax muscle 6
tmax resultant
muscle torque t M . Shown in black are normalized
constraint torque
tmax activation levels f j for each muscle such
t1 t1
(1) that a net joint torque (denoted by asterisk)
(4) of almost pure extension about joint 1 is
(5) tmax (5)
tmax tmax
formed. There is no unique solution, but
this example distributes forces between
muscles so as to minimize the sum of
squared activation levels. Both single- and
two-joint muscles will typically be
activated to minimize this objective.
where f jmax is the maximum isometric (tensile) Elftman (1939a, 1939b, 1966) also understood
muscle force, and fj is the normalized force or the summation properties of joint torques,
activation level allowed to vary between 0 and 1 although without using a geometric interpretation.
He calculated the joint torques associated with
(Kuo, 1994). The net torque due to muscle, t M , is human locomotion, and noted that a single muscle
the sum of the individual muscle torques, which crossing the ankle, knee, and hip with appropriate
can alternatively be interpreted as a weighted sum moment arms could potentially replace the actions
of maximal torque vectors t (max
, of the existing muscles and with greater efficiency.
The torques associated with such a muscle would
( )
m m
t M = ∑ r ( j ) ⋅ f jmax ⋅ f j = ∑ r ( j ) ⋅ f jmax ⋅ f j require the minimum summed absolute torque as
j =1 j =1 opposed to any group of less specialized muscles
(6) with the same resultant torque. This point was also
( j)
= ∑ t max ⋅ f j illustrated by Herzog and Binding (1994).
j =1 We can use the vector summation approach to
gain a greater understanding of Elftman’s
where observation. Any two collinear vectors that are not
t (max
≡ r ( j ) ⋅ f jmax . collinear will have components both normal and
tangent to their resultant. The normal components
Landsmeer (1961) noted that the net torque due to cancel out, and because there is a metabolic cost to
muscle is simply the vector sum of individual producing force or torque whether or not work is
muscle torque vectors. Static equilibrium can performed, this cancellation is costly. Any net
therefore be achieved if the torques due to gravity muscle torque produced by a group of muscles
and other external forces balance those produced could therefore be replaced by a single more
by the muscles. efficient but more specialized muscle, with
A geometric interpretation of this vector moment arms chosen so as to produce the same
summation demonstrates that each muscle’s torque torque without cancellation. Elftman recognized
vector has a unique direction in torque space, that even single-joint muscles that cross different
determined by the relative moment arms (An et al., joints will act together such that there is a normal
1981; Kuo, 1994). The maximal torque vectors component to the resultant, an inefficiency that
t (max
are equal to the moment arm vectors scaled can be eliminated by substituting an appropriately
located muscle in their stead.
by the maximal muscle force, and so must also be
It is therefore advantageous, in terms of the
perpendicular to the isometric constraint lines (see
efficiency of vector summations, to have a large
Figure 3a). The vector lengths depend on both the
variety of muscles pointing in many directions in
absolute moment arms and the maximal force that
joint torque space (Kuo, 1994). These advantages
can be generated by each muscle. The CNS must
are of course weighed against possible difficulties
weight each of the possible torque vectors in such
in routing a physical muscle to achieve some
a way as to achieve a desired task (see Figure 3b).
p. 6 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

a. Muscle-induced accelerations b. Muscle-induced accelerations

in joint acceleration space in cartesian endpoint space flexion or extension torque is therefore implicitly
assumed to equate to flexion or extension motion.
3 3
However, intersegmental forces can couple joint
6 100
motion such that a pure flexion torque about a
600 1 single joint will generally be expected not only to
cause that joint to accelerate in flexion, but also to
x cause other joints to move as well. We can
-100 -50 50 (m/s2)

distinguish between joint torques and joint
2 -50 accelerations by regarding them as separate sets of
4 outputs and examining the action of muscles in
each case. This examination is made simpler by
θ1 y
-200 -200 (rad/s2) the fact that the dynamical equations of motion
x map torque space to acceleration space.
The control implications of dynamical coupling
were not appreciated until relatively recently.
Dynamical equations of motion were first
employed by Elftman (1939a) and later applied by
many others to perform inverse dynamics and
Figure 4. Muscle-induced acceleration vectors. (a) Each other calculations. Interest in motor control led
maximal joint angular acceleration vector θ(maxj)
points in Hollerbach and Flash (1982) to examine the
a direction in acceleration space which generally differs problem of compensating for intersegmental
in direction from t (max
. As in torque space, a weighted forces. Zajac and Gordon (1990) offered an
sum of muscle-induced acceleration vectors (plus accessible tutorial on dynamical coupling based on
Coriolis, centripetal, and gravity terms, if any) produces a simple two-segment system, showing how
the net joint angular acceleration θ . Shown in black are muscles can accelerate joints they do not cross.
normalized activation levels necessary to produce the net This concept can be illustrated by examination of
acceleration denoted by an asterisk. This acceleration the dynamical equations of motion,
vector is the result of the net torque produced in Figure 3.
(b) An alternative output space can be defined in terms of
accelerations of the endpoint in the Cartesian plane.
( ( )
θ = M (θ ) ⋅ t M + v θ, θ + g(θ ) . ) (7)
Maximal acceleration vectors are shown, along with where M (θ ) is the mass matrix, g (θ ) is a vector
( )
normalized activation levels necessary to form the net
acceleration, which is upward and to the left (denoted by of gravitational terms, and v θ, θ is a vector of
asterisk). Inset diagram shows configuration of links. See
Appendix for details. Coriolis and centripetal terms (see Appendix for
details). Neglecting the latter two terms for now,
torque combinations, and the probable fact that combining equations (5)-(7) with the following
efficiency is a concern in only a subset of all definition for maximal acceleration vectors for
motor tasks. Nevertheless, the significance of each muscle j,
different muscle types is partially to provide a
θ (max
≡ M (θ ) ⋅ r ( j ) ⋅ f jmax
repertoire of directions in torque space that are
both achievable and efficient when used with other yields
muscles. This basis of this observation, properly
θ = M (θ ) ⋅ t M + …
attributed to Elftman (1939a) has never been
properly recognized, perhaps because it was m
= M (θ ) ⋅ ∑ t (max
overshadowed by the many other contributions ⋅ f j +…
from that same paper, not least of which was his j =1
original use of dynamics to study human
( )
m (8)
= ∑ M (θ ) ⋅ r ( j ) ⋅ f jmax ⋅ f j + …
j =1
Dynamic Coupling at Joints m

Most studies of two-joint muscles have been = ∑ θ (max

⋅ f j +…
j =1
concerned with the flexion or extension of joints
without consideration of the role of dynamics. A
Legacy of W. P. Lombard p. 7

This equation demonstrates that the mass matrix Ingen Schenau, 1992), and posture (Kuo and
transforms t (max
from joint torque space to θ (max
in Zajac, 1993). The vector summation properties
apply here as well, and as in most output spaces, it
joint acceleration space (Hogan, 1985; Kuo,
is difficult (and not necessarily helpful) to
1994), and that each muscle induces an
distinguish between single- and two-joint muscles.
acceleration that contributes to the net acceleration
Again, there is an advantage to be gained from the
availability of muscles distributed in a variety of
In the output space of joint accelerations, the
directions in the output space of interest.
inverse of the mass matrix M (θ ) transforms the
effect of each muscle. Figure 4a shows the Contact and Force Tasks
muscle-induced joint angular acceleration vectors
When a motor task involves contact with the
for our two-segment example, demonstrating that
environment, the consequences of muscle
none of the muscles accelerate the joints in the
activation are different than for unconstrained
same direction that they do in joint torque space,
tasks. This is because external constraints limit the
nor in the same relative amounts. For example,
kinematically admissible motions. Several
muscle 1, which produces a pure extension torque
investigators (Fischer, 1927; Donskoi, 1961;
about joint 1, accelerates both joints in nearly
Molbech, 1966; Carlsöö & Molbech, 1966; Ingen
equal proportions. Muscle 6 produces a flexion
Schenau, 1989a-c; Ingen Schenau et al., 1990;
torque about joint 1 and an extension torque about
Gielen et al., 1990; Jacobs, and Ingen Schenau,
joint 2, but actually accelerates both joints into
1992; Doorenbosch et al., 1994 and 1995;
extension. Muscle 3 produces significantly less
Prilutsky and Gregor, 1997) reported various
torque than muscle 1, yet it accelerates the joints
kinematic constraint analyses demonstrating cases
by nearly twice as much for the configuration
in which a two-joint muscle can exhibit behaviors
shown. The torques produced by a muscle can
similar to those reported by Lombard, and some
therefore not be assumed to indicate the direction
(Ingen Schenau, 1990) thought that these
or amount of accelerations that actually occur. It is
behaviors were due to the presence of constraints.
also interesting to note even the extension of a
Closer analysis, however, reveals that these
single joint requires coordination of many
behaviors are fundamentally no different than
muscles, including some that do not even cross
those for unconstrained tasks, and can be
that joint (Fujiwara & Basmajian, 1975).
understood using the same mathematics as
Despite the effect of these transformations,
considered previously. We will begin by adopting
however, the fundamental role of the CNS is still
the kinematic analysis of Enklaar (1954) before
to form (at each instance in time) an appropriate
considering the role of dynamics and reaction
weighted sum of vectors. In acceleration space, it
forces in contact tasks.
is typical that the mass matrix M (θ ) will exhibit When the limbs form a closed kinematic chain
significant dependence on the configuration of the with the environment, the joints are kinematically
limbs, more so than the moment arms. Added to constrained. If this constraint is expressed as
γ (θ ) = 0
the muscle-induced accelerations are those due to
gravity, Coriolis, and centripetal terms. (9)
The choice of output space is somewhat the corresponding constraint on joint velocities is
dγ(θ) ∂γ
arbitrary. Joint torques, joint angles, and other
coordinates are quantities that are derived, = ⋅θ = J ⋅θ = 0 (10)
measured, and analyzed for the convenience of the dt ∂θ
observer, and are not necessarily relevant to the where J is referred to as the Jacobian matrix (see
central nervous system (CNS). An alternative to Appendix for details). This constraint is similar in
joint angular acceleration output space for our form to that of isometric constraints such as
two-joint system is the accelerations of the equations (2) and (3), and can therefore be
endpoint or body center-of-mass in the plane (see interpreted as a surface in joint velocity space.
Figure 4b), which is of interest in cases such as As an example, let us consider the previous two-
reaching (Sergio and Ostry, 1994; Gielen et al., joint system except with the endpoint constrained
1990), leg extension or sit-to-stand tasks (Soest et to move in a slot (see Figure 5). For the particular
al., 1993; Ingen Schenau et al., 1995; Jacobs and configuration shown, the corresponding constraint
p. 8 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

External kinematic constraint muscle’s unconstrained acceleration vector is

muscle 5
added the virtual acceleration imposed by the
constraint constraint reaction force. The effect is such that
constraint muscle 1, which produces no torque about joint 2
but accelerates that joint into extension in the
θ2 muscles muscle 6 unconstrained case, will actually reverse the
shorten isometric
θ1 constraint direction of that acceleration in the presence of the
slot. In fact, with the exception of muscle 5, every
muscle exhibits a change in direction of
θ1 acceleration about one joint or another. As
tempting as it may be to attribute these changes to
the properties of two-joint muscles, they are
merely changes in degree rather than type. The
fundamental significance is that constraints
generally produce quantitative changes in the
muscle-induced acceleration vectors.
Figure 5. External kinematic constraints limit possible joint Even though the constraint reduces the number
motions. A slot constrains motion of the endpoint as shown, of degrees of freedom of acceleration, there
limiting joint motions to the dashed line. Upward motion of remain other degrees of freedom that are of
the endpoint corresponds to shortening of both muscles 5 and interest. For contact tasks, most significant of
6. Muscle 6, which produces a flexion torque about joint 1,
actually extends that joint while shortening with the these is typically the actual reaction force against
constraint is in place. Inset diagram shows configuration of the constraint, such as the pedal force (Gregor et
links and slot constraint. al., 1985). Andrews (1985, 1987) advocated using
in joint velocity space is nearly aligned with the a. Muscle-induced accelerations in
joint acceleration space, with
b. Muscle-induced accelerations in
constraint/reaction force space
isometric constraint of equation (2). (In fact, an constraints
appropriately designed slot could have an identical fN
6 3

constraint surface in joint velocity space.) Just as 6

in the isometric case, the slot constrains motion so 200

that joint 1 must extend when muscle 6 is 1
shortening, even though that muscle produces a
flexion torque about that joint. 1

These kinematic observations must in any case 5

be discarded when dynamic coupling is unconstrained acceleration
-100 100
constraint reaction
significant. In contact tasks, the external virtual acceleration

constraints produce reaction forces that are a θ1 2


function of the joint torques and velocities similar fN

line of constraint qC
in nature to the equations of motion (7). These -200 4

reaction forces could be thought of as producing 2

virtual accelerations that add to the unconstrained
accelerations to produce motion along the
constraint. Mathematically, the constrained 4

accelerations must satisfy the constraint Figure 6. Muscle-induced acceleration vectors for constrained
system, in two output spaces. In joint angular acceleration
J ⋅θ + J ⋅θ = 0 (11) space (a), slot constraint adds virtual accelerations in reaction
to the accelerations of the unconstrained system, so that each
which is simply the time-derivative of equation muscle induces an acceleration that must satisfy constraint
(10). The fact that the reaction force equations are (11). Constraint/reaction force space (b) defines the
similar in form to the equations of motion allows horizontal axis for accelerations along constraint (11), and the
for a remarkably simple interpretation of vertical axis for the normal force exerted against the slot.
Also shown in both (a) and (b) are normalized activation
constrained motion. levels necessary to produce a net output of 60 m/s2 endpoint
We illustrate the dynamical effects of a acceleration to the right and 200 N normal force, with an
constraint with our two-joint example with the instantaneous endpoint velocity of 1 m/s to the right. Inset
endpoint moving in a slot (see Figure 6a). To each diagram shows configuration of links and slot constraint.
Legacy of W. P. Lombard p. 9

alternative outputs such as motion along a that Lombard was also concerned with the
constraint. Because there is acceleration but no production and transfer of energy. Quantitative
reaction force along the constraint (11), and estimates of the net power produced at each joint
reaction force but not acceleration normal to the were first made by Elftman (1939a), who was
constraint, we will combine acceleration along and studying human gait. A number of methods have
reaction force normal to the constraint as outputs been proposed to quantify the transfer of energy
of interest. For our example system we denote between body segments (e.g., Aleshinsky, 1986;
these two quantities q C and f N , respectively. The Ingen Schenau and Cavanagh, 1990; Bobbert et
al., 1986a and b; Bobbert et al., 1987; Prilutsky
corresponding output equations are
and Zatsiorsky, 1994), although not without
 qC   K1 K 2  M  K 0  controversy (Wells, 1988; Ingen Schenau, 1998).
 f  = S S ⋅t + S  (12) The controversy arises because there is no
 N  1 2   0 objective means to attribute energy transferred
where the quantities K 0 , K 1 , K 2 , S 0 , S1 , and S 2 from one body segment to another to a particular
muscle, when there are multiple joints and
are defined in the Appendix. muscles. Fortunately, for the purpose of
Combining equations (6) and (12), it is apparent understanding two-joint muscles, it is sufficient
that whether viewing accelerations, reaction merely to determine whether a muscle is
forces, or some combination thereof, that at each producing or absorbing power rather than where
instance in time each muscle produces a vectorial the power goes. From this information it can be
contribution to these outputs. As shown in Figure demonstrated that a wide selection of muscles,
6b, the directions of each muscle-induced with a variety of directions in torque space, allows
acceleration vector in this output space are again many tasks to be performed efficiently.
different from those of the torque vectors of Figure One of the most-studied tasks in which power is
3. Each muscle produces components of both a concern is cycling, which has typically been
acceleration and reaction force. For the regarded as an example of Lombard’s Conjecture.
configuration shown, muscle 1, with an extension The quadriceps must lengthen during the
moment arm about joint 1 only, produces a propulsive phase and might be thought of as
substantial reaction force in addition to its antagonists to the hamstrings. However, Gregor et
acceleration. It is evident that even a motor task al. (1985) showed that when pedal forces are
calling for no reaction force will require that the considered along with crank motion, the muscles
muscles be coordinated carefully, so that the contribute to the overall output in a consistent
weighted sum of the output vectors produces no manner, especially in the second half of the
resultant reaction force. propulsive phase, during which knee flexor
It is therefore clear that even though contact moments were reported. Andrews (1987) also
tasks produce different motions of the limbs, they found more agreement when considering crank
do so in a manner no different from isometric or rather than knee motion. Ingen Schenau (1990)
other constraints. In fact, so-called unconstrained demonstrated that for some motor tasks, two-joint
tasks are subject to the action of joint constraints muscles make it possible to perform tasks more
that are fundamentally no different from the efficiently, in metabolic terms, than would be
external constraints considered here. Again, we possible using single-joint muscles alone. In the
must be careful not to assume that the direction of absence of two-joint muscles during a positive
torque produced by a muscle is equivalent to the work task such as cycling, it would be necessary
direction of the resulting motion. It is for some single-joint muscles to actively lengthen
advantageous to rely on the mathematics to and therefore absorb power even as others produce
determine how the joints will move, whether we power. With two-joint muscles, this inefficiency
are considering kinematics alone or dynamics and can be avoided.
reaction forces. These phenomena can be understood by
applying our mathematical approach. The net
Positive and Negative Muscle Power power produced or absorbed at a joint is given by
Although Lombard’s Conjecture describes the the equation
isometric behavior of a two-joint muscle, it is clear
p. 10 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

piM = t iM ⋅ θ i (13) torque vector (see Figure 7a). When two-joint

muscles are included (see Figure 7b), they may
where p iM is the total muscle power produced or make it possible to perform the same task, but with
all muscles producing positive work. There is
absorbed at joint i and t iM is the i’th component of therefore no need for one muscle to dissipate the
tM . An individual muscle produces power power produced by another.
when it actively shortens, and absorbs power when Ingen Schenau et al. (1987, 1988) claimed that
it actively shortens. The power produced by this efficiency advantage is a unique property of
muscle j is two-joint muscles during contact and force tasks,
but in fact the advantage can apply to other
p( j) = f j ⋅ v j . (14) situations. First, any task can be described in terms
of joint angles and angular velocities, which
An equivalent relation is found using joint torque comprise the state of the system, and individual
space, where the power is equal to the inner (dot)
muscle torques, which may be thought of as the
product of the muscle torque and angular velocity control input. The same power relationships
vectors (Kuo, 1994), demonstrated by Ingen Schenau, which are
{ }
p( j) = t( j) θ .
(15) mathematically described in terms of torque and
angular velocity vectors here, can occur in non-
The net power generated by all muscles is contact tasks. In fact, the example of Figure 7 can
apply to both contact and non-contact tasks,
{ } { } θ . (16)
m m
( j)
=∑p = ∑ t ( j) θ = t M
p because the presence of a constraint has not been
j =1 j =1 specified and is not necessary. Second, because
The inner product equation allows us to ascertain the efficiency advantage simply depends on the
whether a muscle is producing or absorbing power availability of a muscle whose torque vector is
by plotting the angular velocity and muscle torque more closely aligned to the angular velocity vector
vectors and measuring the angle between the two. than the torque vector of another muscle, a single-
If the included angle is less than 90°, the muscle is joint muscle can also function in this capacity.
producing power; if greater, it is absorbing power. We may therefore augment our previous
These equations can be applied to the case of a conclusion regarding the distribution of torque
positive work task performed first using single- vectors. A selection of torque vectors provides the
joint muscles alone, and then with the addition of potential to produce certain net torques with
two-joint muscles. Even though the net torque increased efficiency. Poor efficiency is not only a
vector has an acute angle with the angular velocity case of muscles producing torques that cancel each
other, it may also involve some muscles absorbing
vector θ , as is required of positive work tasks, the power produced by others. A wider variety of
this need not be true for each individual muscle’s
Figure 7. Example of a positive work task
that is more efficient with a wider variety
a. Positive work task performed b. Positive work task performed with of muscles. (a) The task involves exerting
with single-joint muscles single- and two-joint muscles an extensor torque about joint 1 and a
t2 t2 flexor torque about joint 2, at a point in
time when the joint angular velocities are
such that both joints are flexing. This is a
positive work task because the inner
(3) (3)
tmax (6)
tmax product of the net muscle torque vector t M
(2) (2)
and angular velocity θ is positive. In a
tmax tmax
t1 t1 system with few muscles—in this case
(1) (1)
tmax tmax single-joint muscles only—it is necessary
(4) (4)
tmax tmax (5) for muscle to perform negative work,
tM tM tmax
θ θ thereby absorbing power produced by
muscle 4. (b) When the variety of muscles
is increased—in this case with two-joint
muscles—the same task can be performed
with only one muscle. Here, muscle 5
performs positive work only. In other tasks,
the roles of the single- and two-joint
muscles can be reversed.
Legacy of W. P. Lombard p. 11

muscles increases the potential for the CNS to output space of segment torques, the distinction
avoid both torque and power cancellation. between single- and two-joint muscles is lost.
Moreover, the classification of single joints is
Are Two-Joint Muscles Really Unique? subjective because common “single joints” as the
We have reviewed a substantial body of ankle or shoulder are actually composed of
literature discussing the role of two-joint muscles multiple joints. Mathematically, an accurate and
in a variety of tasks. The analyses we have complete dynamical representation of a
considered are by and large correct. However, the biomechanical system must in any case be given in
majority of them have been used to argue that two- terms of degrees of freedom (DOFs) rather than
joint muscles have unique properties not shared by number of joints. Even when considering the knee,
single-joint muscles, one which we feel is too there are varus/valgus moments that are relevant to
narrow of a conclusion. It may seem contradictory, joint and ligament loading. Lombard himself was
given the body of evidence, that we could arrive at careful, in his first paragraph, to qualify his claims
such a conviction, but it is because we prefer the by recognizing that he was neglecting DOFs such
conclusion that uniqueness is not exclusive to two- as abduction/adduction and inward/outward
joint muscles. All muscles, by nature of unique rotation. In nature, single-DOF or single-joint
origins, insertions, and moment arms, have unique muscles are quite rare. In the human, the numerous
actions. The differences between muscles are a muscles of the spine cross many DOFs, and in the
matter of degree rather than of type, and to lamprey there may not be any single-DOF muscles
emphasize a classification based on the number of to be found; they may very well be a relatively
joints crossed is to disregard more important recent evolutionary improvement upon multi-DOF
issues. Moreover, we conclude that different types muscles. There are significant concerns of
of motions, such as contact or reaching tasks, alter objectivity and relevance for a classification
the quantitative effect of each muscle, but can all scheme based on the number of joints crossed.
be explored using the same fundamental The legacy of Lombard’s findings should
mathematics, for which all relevant distinctions therefore be that in explaining the function of two-
are also a matter of degree rather than of type. joint muscles, he was exposing two common
The mathematical approach reveals the misconceptions. The first is the assumption that
fundamental principles of muscle coordination. antagonism occurs only when two muscles cross
Whether viewed in an output space of joint opposite sides of a joint, and the second is that the
torques, joint angular accelerations, contact or moment arms or directions of torque production
reaction forces, or any combination of these associated with a muscle automatically the motion
outputs, each muscle contributes a vector that occurs of the muscle shortens. Lombard’s
component to a net output. These vectors point in example disproves both of these assumptions. The
different directions in output space, and there is an further analyses of Elftman (1939a), Enklaar
advantage, in terms of efficiency of force, torque, (1954), and Landsmeer (1961) have further shown
or power production, to having a variety of vector that in a multi-joint system, the consequences of
directions to choose from. Differences in vector muscle activation occur about joints that are not
directions are quantitative rather than qualitative in even directly actuated.
nature, and in most output spaces such as joint These misconceptions arise because what is true
acceleration, there are no distinguishing features of a single-joint system does not apply to multi-
between single- and two-joint muscles. joint systems. In a single-joint system, antagonism
Torque space is one output space in which can only occur when two muscles are on opposite
single- and two-joint muscles might superficially sides of the joint, and shortening of a muscle
appear to be distinct, because single-joint muscles implies movement of the joint in the shortening
have output vectors aligned to the coordinate axes, direction. However, when considering a multi-
and two-joint muscles do not. The choice of joint joint system, no joint can be considered in
torque space is however somewhat arbitrary and isolation. Vectors are useful for representing
subjective. The concept of joint torque is an muscle function because they summarize how a
abstraction made for our convenience of analysis muscle affects motion about all joints
rather than a quantity that is measurable or known simultaneously. Using the vector approach, it is
to the CNS. In an alternative and equally sensible evident that there is an antagonistic component
p. 12 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

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p. 16 Legacy of W. P. Lombard

f max ≡ [2500 2000 1500 1000 2500 1500] N.   − sin 2θ 1 + sin (2θ 1 − θ 2 ) +  2

1   θ 1 + 
The transformation from joint angular C10 ≡   5 sin θ 2 − 3 sin 2θ 2  ,
d 
accelerations to endpoint (or center of mass)
accelerations involves a simple matrix  1 2 2 (
 (sin (2θ − θ ) + 5 sin θ ) 2θ θ − θ 2
1 2 2 )
multiplication. The endpoint accelerations are
  sin 2θ 1 + 5 sin 2(θ 1 − θ 2 ) −  
x   2 
 y  = J (θ) ⋅ θ + J (θ) ⋅ θ   6 sin (2θ 1 − θ 2 ) − 16 sin θ 2 +  ⋅ θ 1 + 
    
1   6 sin 2θ 2  
C 20 ≡
where θ is found using equation (7) and d   − 5 sin 2(θ 1 − θ 2 ) +  
  
 [sin θ 1 − sin (θ 1 − θ 2 ) sin (θ 1 − θ 2 )] 
J (θ ) ≡ L 
  sin (2θ 1 − θ 2 ) + ( )
 ⋅ 2θ 1θ 2 − θ 2 
.  
[cos θ 1 − cos(θ 1 − θ 2 ) cos(θ 1 − θ 2 )]

  5 sin θ 2 − 3 sin 2θ 2  
Two slot constraints are employed. In the d ≡ −7 + cos 2θ1 − 5 cos(2θ1 − 2θ 2 ) + 3 cos 2θ 2 .
example of Figure 5, the slot constrains prevents In terms of the output space of motion along the
horizontal motion, and the constraint equations (9) constraint (11) and the normal force against the
and (10) use the quantities constraint, the quantities in equation (12) are
γ x (θ) ≡ −L cosθ1 + L cos(θ1 − θ 2 ) − c x − 12
K1 = cos(θ 1 − θ 2 )sin θ 2 ,
and MLd
J x (θ) ≡ L[sin θ1 − sin (θ1 − θ 2 ) sin (θ1 − θ 2 )] . K2 =
(cosθ 1 sin θ 2 − cos(θ 1 − θ 2 )sin θ 2 ) ,
In the example of Figure 6, the slot constrains
vertical motion, and the corresponding quantities   2
 
are  4 cos θ + 5 cos(θ − θ )sin  θ 2   ⋅ 
  1 1 2
 2   
γ y (θ ) ≡ L sin θ 1 − L sin (θ 1 − θ 2 ) − c y , 
L 2 
K 0 = θ + ,
J y (θ ) ≡ L[cosθ 1 − cos(θ 1 − θ 2 ) cos(θ 1 − θ 2 )] . d 1

 (− 9 cos(θ 1 − θ 2 ) + cos(θ 1 + θ 2 )) ⋅ 
For the constrained system of Figure 6, the
equations of motion (7) are combined with the

 2θ 1θ 2 − θ 2
) 

constraint (11), yielding the constrained S1 = cosθ1 − 3 cos(θ1 − 2θ 2 ) ,
accelerations (Figure 6a)
S 2 = cos θ 1 − 3 cos(θ 1 − 2θ 2 ) +
θ 1  C11 C12  M C10  ,
 = 13 cos(θ 1 − θ 2 ) − 3 cos(θ 1 + θ 2 )
 ⋅ t + C 
θ 2  C12 C 22   20 
  sin θ 1 − 15 sin (θ 1 − 2θ 2 ) +  2 
where  θ 1 + 
 17 sin (θ 1 − θ 2 ) − 3 sin (θ 1 + θ 2 )
 
C11 ≡ cos 2 (θ 1 − θ 2 ) , S0 =
ML  
2(− 17 sin (θ 1 − θ 2 ) + 3 sin (θ 1 + θ 2 )) ⋅  .
ML2 d 6d 

C12 ≡
cos θ 1 cos(θ 1 − θ 2 ) − cos 2 (θ 1 − θ 2 ) , )  1 2
 2θ θ − θ 2
2 ) 

ML d  
 
24 The constraint forces are derived using application
C 22 ≡ (cos θ 1 − cos(θ 1 − θ 2 )) ⋅ of Newton’s Law, and is described in more detail
ML2 d
, by, for example, Kuo (1998).
 θ2  θ2
sin θ 1 −  sin
 2  2

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