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Received: 6 September 2019 | Accepted: 3 April 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24776


Intensive care management of right ventricular failure and

pulmonary hypertension crises

Ryan D. Coleman MD1,2 | Corey A. Chartan DO1,2 | Peter M. Mourani MD3

Section of Critical Care Medicine, Department
of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Abstract
Houston, Texas
2 Pulmonary hypertension (PH), an often unrelenting disease that carries with it
Section of Pulmonary Medicine, Department
of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, significant morbidity and mortality, affects not only the pulmonary vasculature but,
Houston, Texas
in turn, the right ventricle as well. The survival of patients with PH is closely related
Section of Critical Care Medicine and
Pediatric Heart Lung Center, Department of to the right ventricular function. Therefore, having an understanding of how to
Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of manage right ventricular failure (RVF) and acute pulmonary hypertensive crises is
Medicine and Children's Hospital Colorado,
Aurora, Colorado imperative for clinicians who encounter these patients. This review addresses the
management of these patients in detail, addressing: (a) the pathophysiology of RVF,
Ryan D. Coleman, MD, Right Ventricular (b) intensive care monitoring of these patients in the intensive care unit, (c) imaging
Failure Program, Pediatric Critical Care of the right ventricle, (d) intubation and mechanical ventilation, (e) inotrope and
Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, 6651
Main St, MC E1420, Houston, TX 77030. vasopressor selection, (f) pulmonary vasodilator use, (g) interventional and surgical
Email: procedures for the acutely failing right ventricle, and (h) mechanical support for RVF.


critical care, mechanical ventilation, pharmacology, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary

physiology, right ventricular failure

1 | INTRODUCTION drug classes exist for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hy-
pertension, but these drugs mainly target the pulmonary vasculature
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a disease of the pulmonary vas- with the goal of increasing vasodilation of the pulmonary arterial
culature that, regardless of the specific etiology, often leads to ma- bed.7,8 Though certain medications may have some beneficial ven-
ladaptive behavior of the right ventricle, with both the pulmonary tricular remodeling effects, the data supporting these effects are
circulation and right ventricle demonstrating pathologic remodeling limited, not consistently demonstrated and at the best show these
over time (Table 1). The pulmonary endothelium and arterial smooth therapies only delay the inevitable ventricular dysfunction that oc-
muscle cells undergo abnormal proliferation and become resistant to curs over time.9‐11 Ultimately, regardless of the specific etiology of a
apoptosis, with dysregulated angiogenesis throughout the micro- patient's PH, it is the progressive RV dysfunction and failure that
circulation, increased interstitial fibrosis, glycolytic shift towards less makes PH fatal.12‐14
efficient metabolic pathways, significant inflammation, increased Because right ventricular failure (RVF) is a common reason for
oxidative stress and abnormal neurohormonal modulation, and patient death, it is imperative physicians become familiar with the
receptor regulation.1‐3 Within 5 years of diagnosis, between 25% basic pathophysiology and treatment options for addressing RVF.
and 60% of patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) will die from With an increasing number of patients who carry the diagnosis of PH
their disease.4 being admitted, particularly to large urban teaching hospitals, it is
The right ventricle has evolved to rely on functioning in its low becoming more likely that these patients will be encountered in any
resistance, high compliance pulmonary circulation. Thus, even subtle given intensive care unit (ICU).15,16 These patients are at increased
increases in afterload can cause significant decreases in right ven- risk of death compared to general ICU patients, with an overall
tricular (RV) output with RV ejection fraction having been shown to mortality rate of between 5.9% and 6.8% for patients with PH as
be inversely proportional to pulmonary arterial pressure. Multiple compared to 0.6% to 2.3% for those without PH.16,17 Among patients

636 | © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2021;56:636–648.


T A B L E 1 Basic mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension

Mechanism Common examples

Increased precapillary resistance Constriction Hypoxemia

BMPR2 mutation
Obstruction Pulmonary embolism
Abnormal development or destruction of vasculature Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Connective tissue diseases

Increased postcapillary resistance Pulmonary vein abnormalities Pulmonary vein stenosis

Pulmonary veno‐occlusive disease
Left‐sided heart disease Mitral valve stenosis
Shone's complex
Abnormal development of vasculature Alveolar‐capillary dysplasia

Increased pulmonary blood flow Increased cardiac output Hyperthyroidism

Vein of Galen malformation
Systemic‐to‐pulmonary shunts Ventricular septal defect
Atrioventricular septal defect
Patent ductus arteriosus

Abbreviation: BMPR2, bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II.

with PH, those with primary PH have a reported a mortality rate of Maladaptive remodeling, often associated with a worse prog-
8.4%, while those with secondary PH have a mortality rate of 6.5%.16 nosis, consists of more eccentric hypertrophy, right vs left ventricular
dyssynchrony (thought to potentially be due to myocyte stretch),
diminished systolic and diastolic function, and, therefore, decreased
2 | PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ACUTE RVF cardiac output.12,24‐26 The right ventricle becomes dilated, with his-
topathology demonstrating myocardial apoptosis, fibrosis, and a de-
Changes in RV function and composition occur throughout disease crease in capillary density.1,12
progression, with changes in preload, afterload, and contractility in- Ventriculoarterial coupling, wherein the right heart and pul-
terplaying with alterations in coronary blood flow, myocardial me- monary vasculature are treated as an interdependent system rather
tabolism, receptor regulation, and neurohormonal shifts18‐22 than separate entities, has become a common framework for
(Table 2). RV remodeling is also affected by time and speed with analyzing acute stressors placed on the right ventricle and its
which the changes in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) occur, function.27,28 When an acute increase in afterload occurs, in order to
specific etiology, potential genetic and epigenetic factors, and any maintain cardiac output, the right ventricle must immediately in-
number of other potential disease components. These changes can crease its contractile strength to compensate. Through the use of
then be further broken down into adaptive vs maladaptive re- magnetic resonance imaging‐generated pressure‐volume (PV) loops,
modeling, with the type of remodeling affecting the progression to ventricular elastance (Ees), arterial elastance (Ea), and their relation-
frank ventricular failure. ship to one another can be quantified.29,30 Ees is the slope of the
Adaptive ventricular remodeling to increased PVR, such as that end‐systolic PV relationship, and is considered a load‐independent
seen in classic Eisenmenger syndrome, is characterized by concentric measure of RV function. Ea reflects the pulmonary vascular re-
hypertrophy, preservation of both systolic and diastolic function, and sistance times the heart rate and represents a ventricular‐
maintenance of relatively normal RV dimensions with preserved independent assessment of vascular load. Under normal loading
cardiac output.20,23 conditions, the end‐systolic ventricular elastance to arterial elastance

T A B L E 2 Causes of acute right ventricular failure

Decrease in contractility Increase in afterload Volume overload

RV ischemia/infarction Pulmonary embolus Fluid bolus

Sepsis Acidosis Transfusion

Postcardiotomy low cardiac output syndrome Alveolar hypoxia

Myocarditis ARDS

Post heart transplant Mechanical (positive pressure) ventilation

Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; RV, right ventricular.


(Ees/Ea) ratio remains between 1.5 and 2, representing a balance Acute right heart failure often presents rather dramatically, with
between oxygen consumption and mechanical workload demand.28,30 patients exhibiting the typical signs of low cardiac output—syncope,
When the vascular load is increased, the right ventricle will in- near‐syncope, hypotension, tachycardia, diaphoresis, cyanosis, and
itially hypertrophy to decrease the wall stress (Law of LaPlace) and cool extremities. Patients may experience chest pain secondary to
attempt to restore coupling. However, when faced with a sustained right coronary ischemia, as well as shortness of breath. Right upper
increase in vascular load, the right ventricle dilates and the wall thins quadrant pain caused by hepatic congestion and stretch of the liver
(via the Frank‐Starling mechanism), while the heart rate increases to capsule may be present, as well as nausea and/or vomiting. Atrial and
try to maintain the same cardiac output, resulting in an increased Ea. ventricular dysrhythmias may be present secondary to atrial stretch
Eventually, this ratio becomes altered, demonstrating the uncoupling and ventricular ischemia.35 Peripheral edema, ascites, and hepato-
that occurs in the setting of PH, with the Ees/Ea decreasing. Values megaly may or may not be present, depending on whether or not
less than 1.3 have been associated with decoupling and worse there is an underlying component of chronic heart failure. The phy-
outcomes.28,31 sical exam may reveal jugular venous distention, the characteristic
Changes in the PVR, particularly abrupt rises, can cause sig- holosystolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation, a gallop, a prominent
nificant alterations of cardiac septal geometry. An abrupt rise in fixed split‐second heart sound and/or RV heave.
afterload can cause the right ventricle to dilate and shift the Chronic right heart failure has a more subdued clinical pre-
interventricular septum (IVS) from right to left, increasing left sentation. By history, patients will complain of decreased exercise
ventricular end‐diastolic pressure, decreasing left ventricular tolerance, increasing fatigue, dyspnea, and increasing peripheral
diastolic filling, decreasing left ventricular transmural pressures, edema. Exercise limitation is of particular importance, as there is a
and ultimately results in decreased systemic cardiac output.19 The well‐documented relationship between poor exercise tolerance and
right ventricle, accustomed to coronary blood flow in both systole decreased overall survival in both pediatric and adult patients.36‐38
and diastole, when faced with increased wall stress, diminished Decreased flow reserve, related to a decreased peak cardiac index,
coronary flow, increased coronary sinus congestion and decreased can also result in syncope.39 Pulmonary edema may occur, particu-
left‐sided cardiac output, can quickly become ischemic.32 The larly if there is a postcapillary component of PH, due to decreased
decrease in left ventricular output and increase in end‐diastolic lung lymphatic flow and development of pleural effusions. Because of
volume and pressure that accompanies the IVS shift only further the elevated central venous pressures (CVP) and diminished cardiac
decrease RV performance, due to interventricular dependence output, there may be evidence of kidney injury, with studies having
and 20% to 40% of RV function being directly related to left established both a relationship between acute kidney injury and right
ventricular function. heart failure and blood urea nitrogen and creatinine values and
survival in chronic disease.40‐42 Patients with chronic RVF may also
have abnormal liver function assays. Hyperbilirubinemia and elevated
3 | C L I N I C A L D I A G N O SI S O F AC U T E R V F markers of cholestasis, secondary to diminished liver perfusion and
increased hepatic congestion, have also been shown to have
Patients with RVF, depending on the speed of onset, can demon- worsened survival.43,44
strate a myriad of symptoms (Table 3). Because it reflects both de-
creased cardiac output and increased systemic venous pressures
both at rest and with stress, the clinical course can be insidious 4 | IN TEN SI V E CA R E M O N ITO R I NG
depending on the time course of the heart failure. OF PATIENT S WITH RVF

Accurate real‐time hemodynamic data are necessary to monitor a

T A B L E 3 Indices of right ventricular failure patient with RVF in the ICU. Without invasive hemodynamic data, it
is difficult to understand where the ventricle is on its Frank‐Starling
Signs and symptoms Clinical indices
curve, and, thus, management decisions regarding volume status and
Gallop rhythm (S3) Poor weight gain/failure to thrive
inotropic and vasopressor support can be difficult. Beyond the
Accentuated S2 Fatigue standard practice of continuous arterial blood pressure monitoring,
Hepatomegaly/ascites Cardiorenal syndrome there are a number of other invasive and noninvasive modalities that
can be of great utility in patients with acute RVF.
Pleural effusion Cardiohepatic syndrome

Pericardial effusion

Peripheral edema 4.1 | Biomarkers

Jugular venous distension
Though there are a number of potential biomarkers that can be
Exertional dyspnea
monitored in patients with RVF, currently there are no markers
specific to the right ventricle. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), a

cardiac natriuretic hormone produced by cardiac myocytes, is one hemodynamics and can detect an increased risk for cerebral injury in
of the most commonly measured serum biomarkers in PH. BNP this population.56,57 It has also been shown to be more sensitive
levels are elevated at times of ventricular stretch secondary to in- to acute changes in cerebral blood flow patterns in children under-
creased PV loads and have been shown to correlate with patient going Blalock‐Taussig shunt placement than traditional oximetry
outcomes.7,8,45,46 Depending on the type of assay and specific iso- readings.58 When combined with other traditional markers of
form of BNP measured, absolute values may vary. It is also important metabolic demand, such as lactate, its predictive capabilities are
to remember that BNP reflects ventricular stretch, and so patients even higher, with values less than 58% having worse outcomes in a
who have shunting lesions that offload either pressure or volume postoperative cardiac patient cohort.59 Therefore, monitoring of
from the right ventricle may have relatively low serum BNP con- NIRS trends in patients with acute hemodynamic instability can
centrations but still have significant RV dysfunction. Other bio- add beneficial data to help guide management.52
markers, such as plasma growth differentiation factor‐15, microRNA
expression, and high‐sensitivity troponin T, amongst many others, are
currently being explored to add more specificity to available bio- 4.4 | Continuous cardiac output monitors
markers to monitor RV performance.47‐49 Other routine biomarkers,
such as lactate, serum creatinine, and liver function assays, should Pulmonary artery catheters have often been considered the gold
also be routinely monitored in these patients. standard for accurate measurement of real‐time hemodynamic data
in critically ill patients.60 For pediatric patients with PH, data derived
from pulmonary artery catheters were shown to potentially improve
4.2 | Central venous pressure outcomes and as such, the Society of Critical Care Medicine stated in
a position paper that this is one patient population in whom, only in
CVP, a surrogate of right atrial pressure when measured via the the presence of experienced attending physicians, use of a catheter
internal jugular vein, is a key when assessing the degree of RV dys- to guide management could be recommended.60‐62 As the use of
function and how best to manage volume status. Though data are pulmonary arterial catheters has decreased over time, other invasive
not as well‐defined in pediatric patients, in adults CVP greater than measurements of cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance (SVR),
15 mm Hg or a mean arterial pressure to CVP ratio of less than 7.5 and advanced hemodynamic indices have become more common.63
have been shown to be thresholds which raise the likelihood The pulse index continuous cardiac output monitor is one such tool
of morbidity and mortality.50,51 Interventions to improve CVP (con- utilized by some centers which use a combination of transcardio-
trolled diuresis, improvement in contractility via alterations of the pulmonary thermodilution and pulse contour analysis to calculate
IVS, and, thus reductions in end‐diastolic pressure) are an important cardiac output, extravascular lung water, intrathoracic blood volume,
part of ICU management of these patients, but cannot be safely done and SVR. Though these measurements may not always be precise and
without real‐time CVP management to guide therapy. Of note, pa- require both user familiarity with how to interpret data and staff
tients on increased levels of positive end‐expiratory pressure (PEEP) comfort with frequent recalibrations of the devices when trying to
may have elevated CVP readings secondary to increased in- differentiate between patients who have low intravascular volume
trathoracic pressure. CVP readings from low‐lying femoral veins or status and may benefit from gentle volume loading vs patients who
from peripherally‐inserted central catheters do not accurately reflect may benefit from manipulation of their SVR, these data can be useful
true CVP. to help the guide management.64,65 However, it is worth noting this
device has not been well‐studied in pediatric patients to date and is
very dependent on user familiarity.
4.3 | Near‐infrared spectroscopy

Near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring is a frequently en- 4.5 | Capnography

countered noninvasive monitoring modality in pediatric patients,
particularly in patients with cardiac disease.52,53 Cerebral NIRS has Monitoring of dead space ventilation in the ICU can be a valuable
been demonstrated to correlate well with invasively measured su- tool and has been shown to correlate with mortality.66 Capnography
perior vena cava saturations, and, thus, can accurately reflect the can serve as a surrogate for pulmonary blood flow and cardiac out-
oxygen extraction being undertaken by key end organs.54 This, is put, as the exhalation of carbon dioxide is dependent on perfusion of
turn, has been shown to be associated with morbidity and mortality alveoli.67 In children with abnormal pulmonary vascular beds who are
in pediatric patients undergoing surgical intervention for congenital at risk for acute increases in PVR with subsequent decreases in
heart disease. Recent work in neonates undergoing NIRS mon- pulmonary blood flow and cardiac output, capnographic assessment
itoring during initial resuscitation has shown that infants who do not has been shown to highly correlate with both physiologic and al-
reach target arterial oxygen saturations have lower regional cerebral veolar dead space calculated values as well as have an association
tissue oxygenation levels that do not reach established norms. Thus, with outcomes.68,69 Therefore, using capnography as part of the
NIRS is becoming more widely used as an adjunct marker of assessment of overall pulmonary blood flow can help in the

management of patients with acute RVF. However, it is important to 6 | INTUBATION AND M ECHANICAL
note that in patients with underlying severe lung pathology and VENT IL ATION O F A P ATIENT WITH R VF
do not ventilate as efficiently at baseline, the reliability of these
measurements will be more limited. 6.1 | Intubation

Patients with acute RVF can be incredibly hemodynamically unstable,

5 | I M A G I N G O F TH E P A T IE N T WI T H RV F and acute changes in their intrathoracic pressure can induce cardiac
arrest. Therefore, it is imperative that the medical teams have ap-
5.1 | Echocardiography propriate personnel, pharmacologic, and mechanical support strate-
gies prepared and ready for deployment before starting the process
Echocardiography is an invaluable tool in the management of these if at all possible. Because of the high potential for cardiac arrest
fragile patients. Although the complex geometry of the right ventricle during intubation, it is imperative to have the most experienced in-
can hinder accurate quantitative assessment of ventricular ejection, dividual instrument the airway and a separate experienced individual
there are a number of other measurements and general observations prepared to manage the potential cardiac arrest that may ensue with
that can aid in the ICU assessment of the right ventricle. While the change in intrathoracic pressures.
specifics of echocardiographic assessment of PH are beyond the Anesthetic and analgesic medications must be chosen wisely for
scope of this paper, for the acute management of a child with a failing intubation, as many agents adversely affect either SVR or cardiac
right ventricle, the most helpful echocardiographic views are the contractility. Opioids tend to have minimal hemodynamic effects and
four‐chamber and parasternal short access views to assess IVS po- little to no effect on PVR, making high‐dose fentanyl often part of the
sition and RV free wall motion, as well as the estimated RV pressure induction drug cocktail.76 Despite initial concerning data regarding
from Doppler interrogation of tricuspid valve regurgitation or pul- elevations in PVR, most recently ketamine has been shown to be safe
monary insufficiency.70‐74 Measurements, such as tricuspid annular in patients with PH; with its quick onset of effect, it can be an ideal
plane systolic excursion are well‐established markers of PH severity agent barring catecholamine depletion.77 Propofol should be avoided,
and ventriculo‐arterial coupling, these measurements have a fair as it causes direct myocardial depression and falls in both SVR and
amount of interobserver variability and may not be as useful in the mean arterial pressure, both of which only serve to exacerbate the
acute setting.75 Longitudinal assessments of echocardiographic IVS shift and hemodynamic instability.78,79
measures are likely to provide more clinical information to guide Because of the expected physiologic instability that often occurs
management rather than an individual assessment. with intubation, having arterial access before induction is preferable to
allow for real‐time immediate hemodynamic feedback related to any
intervention. Having either reliable large‐bore peripheral intravenous
5.2 | Chest imaging access or central venous access before induction is ideal. The use of
epinephrine and/or vasopressin infusions initiated before in-
Imaging of the chest and pulmonary vasculature, particularly in the strumentation of the airway may help us to mitigate large fluctuations
setting of acute RVF, is an incredibly important part of the man- in hemodynamics. Atropine to prevent bradycardia associated with
agement and treatment. Computed tomography of the pulmonary laryngoscopy is also particularly important in these patients, as any
vasculature to evaluate for the presence of pulmonary embolism, as decrease in cardiac output associated with bradycardia can become
well as the assessment of the more distal vasculature and pulmonary quickly irrecoverable. Because of the RV's sensitivity to acute changes
venous anatomy can dramatically impact acute management. For in loading status, should any hemodynamic instability occur during the
example, should acute RVF be secondary to a pulmonary embolism intubation, fluid boluses are not advisable, as they may further distend
that is subsequently diagnosed, immediate intervention to remove the RV and cause it to “fall off” the Starling curve precipitously, re-
the obstruction can be life‐saving. Chest radiographs reveal the size sulting in cardiac arrest. Using small dilute doses of epinephrine (our
and shape of the cardiac silhouette as well as the presence or ab- usual practice is 1 mL aliquots of 0.01 mg/kg diluated in 10 mL of
sence of pulmonary edema, which can help not only to determine the normal saline) to address hypotension preserves blood pressure and
potential etiology (precapillary vs postcapillary) of undiagnosed pul- contractility without overshooting and causing a profound hyperten-
monary vascular disease but direct potential interventions. Absence sive event and its resulting sequelae. Sodium bicarbonate and calcium
of pulmonary vascular markings can be indicative of limited pul- chloride/calcium gluconate boluses to ensure optimal pH and con-
monary blood flow and elevated pulmonary arterial pressures, tractility capabilities are also helpful in acute settings.
whereas Kerley lines, asymmetry in pulmonary vascular markings, or
interstitial edema can be indicative of pulmonary venous hyperten-
sion. Determining precapillary vs postcapillary PH is critical for 6.2 | Mechanical ventilation
guiding management because the strategy employed for the pre-
capillary disease can markedly worsen postcapillary disease and right With intubation, the intrathoracic pressure changes from negative
heart failure. to positive, which results in impaired venous return to the right side

of the heart with a subsequent decrease in cardiac output, a finding 7.3 | Milrinone
first described in 1948 by Cournand et al.80 Shekerdemian et al
then applied this concept in patients with pulmonary circulations Milrinone works via the phosphodiesterase pathway and has both
requiring passive pulmonary blood flow, demonstrating negative‐ inotropic and lusotropic effects. It is a well‐established tool for
pressure ventilation strategies improved cardiac output in patients supporting patients after surgical repair of congenital heart disease
with Fontan circulations and early extubation promoted cardiac and has been actively investigated in the neonatal population with
output in patients undergoing repair of heart defects associated some data suggesting an improvement in both oxygenation and
with RV dysfunction.81‐83 When choosing a ventilation strategy, overall hemodynamics after milrinone initiation.87,88 Because of the
because of the increased afterload placed on the RV by positive‐ significant vasodilatory properties of the drug, it can cause significant
pressure ventilation, it is imperative to choose a PEEP that achieves decreases in both the right and left ventricular end‐diastolic pres-
an end‐expiratory lung volume that approximates functional re- sures, however. Lowering of the SVR can then adversely affect the
sidual capacity. Overdistention raises PVR via compression of the IVS position and worsen overall hemodynamic stability in these pa-
alveolar vessels, whereas atelectasis raises PVR via the collapse of tients, and thus may not be an ideal agent in patients who are he-
the extra‐alveolar vessels in combination with the collapse of modynamically unstable. Should milrinone be used, adding either
terminal airways and resultant alveolar hypoxia. A tidal volume and epinephrine or vasopressin may be necessary to maintain appro-
intermittent mandatory ventilation rate should be chosen to priate SVR and ensure adequate systemic and coronary perfusion
achieve effective minute ventilation and maintain lung recruitment pressures. Milrinone also has a long half‐life of 2 hours, and is renally
without overdistention of lung units. cleared; because patients with RVF often have kidney injury, this
drug must be used with caution.89,90

7.1 | Epinephrine
Selective pulmonary vasodilators given via inhalation are an attrac-
Epinephrine is well‐established as the first‐line therapy for children tive group of agents, as they often have minimal systemic side effects
with hypotension and is the resuscitation drug of choice for pediatric but can dramatically improve overall hemodynamics and RV function.
advanced life support. Because it can have both α‐ and β‐adrenergic However, it is imperative to understand the etiology of the patient's
effects depending on the dose, it is possible that high‐dose epi- PH (precapillary vs postcapillary) before these therapies are started.
nephrine could induce tachycardia or even become arrhythmogenic, Should the patient have a postcapillary disease, the addition of in-
increasing myocardial oxygen demand, decreasing coronary blood haled vasodilators may ultimately worsen their RV function and
flow, and ultimately have worsened overall function. Siehr et al84 promote pulmonary edema formation.91 There are times when there
nicely demonstrated epinephrine was beneficial in pediatric patients may be a “necessary evil” and tight fluid balance control is necessary
with PH in that it was able to improve systolic blood pressures, but of so that pulmonary edema is minimized. These therapies should only
note, it also increased PVR with escalating doses; therefore, the dose be used sparingly and in experienced centers familiar with the
should be carefully titrated. management of patients with postcapillary PH.

7.2 | Vasopressin 8.1 | Inhaled nitric oxide

Vasopressin works well in patients with PH who have a normal left Nitric oxide is an endogenous and potent vasodilator derived from
ventricular function. Vasopressin, via the V1 receptor, induces nitric vascular endothelium that works via the cyclic guanosine mono-
oxide release in the pulmonary artery vascular endothelium, re- phosphate pathway to induce vascular smooth muscle relaxation.92
sulting in a decrease in pulmonary artery pressure via vessel dila- iNO has a well‐established role in the treatment of persistent PH of
tion.85 However, it maintains SVR and thus, by increasing the the newborn and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration
afterload with which the left ventricle has to pump against, it can for this indication.8,93 However, it has become often the first‐line
help us to shift the IVS rightward and improve both left ventricular treatment employed for nearly all patients in any ICU with known
filling and ejection. In the study by Siehr et al84, vasopressin was or suspected PH with acute RVF. Doses greater than 20 ppm have
found to favorably decrease the systolic pulmonary artery to sys- not been shown to increase oxygenation or improve outcomes, but
temic aortic pressure, making it seem to be an ideal agent for are more likely to cause methemoglobinemia or other complica-
children with PH who are in the ICU. Beneficial effects have also tions.8 In patients with an unclear etiology of their PH, the addition
been seen in neonates with a persistent PH of the newborn, with of iNO could unmask a severe postcapillary disease, such as
improvement in oxygenation and the ability to wean inhaled nitric alveolar‐capillary dysplasia or pulmonary capillary hemangioma-
oxide (iNO). tosis, and cause an acute overall worsening of the patient's

hemodynamics; therefore, when initiating iNO in a patient with 9.1 | Atrial septostomy
severe PH and RVF of unclear etiology, patients must be carefully
monitored to assess for the development of pulmonary edema, Atrial septostomy for severe PH with RV dysfunction has been a
indicative of a postcapillary process. Abrupt discontinuation of iNO well‐established intervention.7,101 These procedures have been
can also cause severe rebound PH, so gradual weans with a dose of shown to carry significant procedure‐related mortality risk (7.1% at
sildenafil before discontinuation have been shown to reduce the 24 hours); however, at expert centers, that risk can be less than
incidence of this and this approach is recommended. It is 1%.101,102 It is important to remember that atrial septostomies are
important to note that there must be some degree of lung inflation volume‐unloading shunts, rather than pressure‐unloading shunts and
and the ability for gas exchange to occur if iNO is to be employed; in result in both the brain and the coronary arteries receiving deox-
patients with significant lung collapse, iNO is unlikely to be of ygenated blood. For the acutely failing RV facing significant pressure
benefit. overload, these shunts are not effective at aborting the pressure‐
overload resulting in ventricular failure and hemodynamic collapse.
Depending on the dilation of the right ventricle and IVS shift, the
8.2 | Iloprost end‐diastolic pressure and volume of the left ventricle may be high
enough that it raises the left atrial pressure higher than the right
Iloprost is an inhaled prostacyclin that can be given intermittently atrium, thus preventing the decompressive right‐to‐left shunt that
to either intubated or nonintubated patients via nebulization in these patients may need.
the ICU, at a usual frequency of every 2 to 3 hours.95 Because it
acts via a different mechanistic pathway than iNO, it is a useful
adjunct to further decrease pulmonary arterial pressures and 9.2 | Reverse Potts shunt
improve the RV function with minimal effects on systemic hemo-
dynamics because of its route of administration and site of action. Reverse Potts shunt creation represents an attractive option for
Iloprost has been associated with bronchospasm; therefore, patients with the acutely failing right ventricle, as the communication
bronchodilators may be needed to prevent acute worsening of gas between the left pulmonary artery and descending aorta results in a
exchange.95 right‐to‐left shunt that both unloads the high pressures the right
ventricle faces while sending deoxygenated blood to the lower body
and preserving oxygenated cardiac output for the central nervous
8.3 | Inhaled epoprostenol system and coronary artery circulations. This physiology can be
created either via surgical procedure or via catheter‐based inter-
Continuous inhaled epoprostenol is another therapy that has been ventions aimed at recanalization and stenting the ductus arteriosus
shown to be effective at reducing pulmonary arterial pres- or through transvascular covered stent placement. The largest case
sures. This therapy requires a special nebulizer system to be series to date discussing Potts shunt outcomes has shown promising
implemented and can be connected to both invasive and results, with 21 of the 24 patients (19 surgical and 5 via stenting of
noninvasive support methods. Interestingly, because of the ex- the ductus) showing persistent improvement in both measures of RV
pense of iNO and the reduced cost of inhaled epoprostenol, groups function and in functional outcomes.103
have demonstrated substantial cost savings without any increase
in patient harm with the use of inhaled epoprostenol.98,99
However, at this time, iNO remains the recommended therapy for 10 | PH CR I S IS : WHA T I T IS , WHA T I T IS
the acute management of PH.8,100 NOT, AND WH AT TO D O A BOUT IT

A pulmonary hypertensive crisis is the effect of an abrupt rise in PVR

9 | INT ERV ENTION AL AN D S URGIC AL and RV afterload resulting in acute right heart failure (Figure 1). It is
PROCEDURES FOR THE ACUTELY important to distinguish true acute RVF resulting from an acute rise
FAILING RV in PVR vs an acute rise in PVR that may cause systemic hypoxemia
but with a normally functioning right ventricle.
In patients with a failing RV secondary to an abnormal pulmonary The first goal during a pulmonary hypertensive crisis should be
vascular bed, creating a right‐to‐left shunt to preserve cardiac to decrease the abrupt increase in RV afterload and PVR (Figure 2).
output at the expense of oxygenation can be a necessary inter- This can be achieved by adding pulmonary vasodilators, preferably
vention to “buy time” while specific diagnoses and therapies are inhaled agents (ie, oxygen, iNO, and inhaled prostacyclin therapy).
further explored. Because of the morbidity and mortality asso- Inhaled therapies allow for less systemic hypotension which helps us
ciated with these procedures, it is the recommendation of the to maintain appropriate cardiac output and avoids ventilation/per-
authors that these interventions occur only at experienced pedia- fusion mismatch. It is also important to try and reverse the factors
tric PH centers. that caused the acute rise in PVR. Additional management should aim

F I G U R E 1 Pathophysiology of a pulmonary hypertensive crisis. LV, left ventricular; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; RA, right atrium;
RV, right ventricular [Color figure can be viewed at]

to correct the metabolic derangements (acidosis), treat respiratory 11 | MECH ANIC AL SUPP ORT FOR RVF
failure while avoiding alveolar hypoxia, and reduce sympathetic
overstimulation via sedation and paralysis.19,104‐106 Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) can be utilized for patients
The second goal should be to augment and maximize RV con- with acute right heart failure, but it must effectively unload the RV.
tractility. This can be completed by low‐dose inotropic support The etiology of the RVF must be determined to best decide on the
(<0.05‐mcg/kg/min epinephrine infusion or small boluses of type of support necessary. The timing of initiation of support is also
epinephrine [0.01 mg/kg diluted in 10 mL of normal saline] to im- extremely important, as increasing morbidity and mortality can be
prove cardiac output without a concomitant rise in PVR). Higher dose seen with watchful waiting.
epinephrine also places the patient at risk due to the arrhythmogenic
properties of high‐dose catecholamines.107
The third goal is to optimize the volume status of the right heart. 11.1 | Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Most patients during a PH crisis and acute right heart failure will
have RV volume overload, leading to elevated RV end‐diastolic vo- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be used as a
lume and pressure, causing increase tricuspid regurgitation and in- bridging therapy to allow for stabilization of cardiac output as ad-
creased right atrial volume/CVP. Therefore, plans should be made to ditional diagnostics or medical therapies are instituted. For patients
avoid fluid/volume resuscitation as this may further right atrial with RVF associated with pulmonary vascular disease, ECMO can be
dilation, more volume loading to the right ventricle and worsen RVF used as a bridge to recovery from acute illness. It can be used as a
and cardiac output.34,108‐110 bridge to stabilization and addition of PH targeted therapy to max-
Finally, maintaining systemic perfusion during this crisis is imize medical treatment with plans to wean off of mechanical sup-
extremely important. Patients with severe RVH and RV dilation, port once RV function has been recovered. ECMO can also be
during an acute crisis can have an IVS that bows into the left ven- utilized as a bridge to an invasive intervention (ie, atrial septal defect
tricle during systole. This can lead to lower stroke volume and poor [ASD] or ventricular septal defect creation, ductus arteriosus re-
cardiac output. Increasing SVR as a goal to shift the IVS using a pure canalization, and stenting) and subsequent weaning off of MCS. In
vasopressor (ie, vasopressin) can help achieve this goal and also allow some instances, ECMO can be used as a bridge to lung transplant.
help us to improve coronary artery perfusion and avoid RV myo- Some patients with normal or mild RV dysfunction and hemodynamic
cardial ischemia.111,112 stability may be able to be supported with an ASD creation and

F I G U R E 2 Management of a pulmonary
hypertensive crisis. iNO, inhaled nitric oxide;
NS, normal saline; PH, pulmonary
hypertension; PVR, pulmonary vascular
resistance [Color figure can be viewed at]

venovenous ECMO as a bridge to transplant, while others will re- acuity of these patients, management at centers with significant ex-
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would be to ultimately allow for the continuation of physical therapy
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