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Maximizing the Cost-savings for Time-of-use and

Net-metering Customers Using Behind-the-meter

Energy Storage Systems
Tu A. Nguyen, Member, IEEE, Raymond H. Byrne, Fellow, IEEE
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185

Abstract—The transformation of today’s grid toward smart economic benefits of energy storage systems as grid-side and
grid has given the energy storage systems (ESSs) the opportunity customer-side solutions.
to provide more services to the electric grid as well as the In the literature, a number of works have investigated the
end customers. On the grid’s side, ESSs can generate revenue
streams participating in electricity markets by providing services benefits of ESSs for generation, transmission and distribution
such as energy arbitrage, frequency regulation or spinning applications. In [5], a theoretical framework of planning and
reserves. On the customers’ side, ESSs can provide a wide range control was proposed to maximize the profit of battery energy
of applications from on-site back-up power, storage for off- storage systems (BESS) for primary frequency control. In [6–
grid renewable systems to solutions for load shifting and peak 9], maximum potential revenues of ESSs for energy arbitrage
shaving for commercial/industrial businesses. In this work, we
provide an economic analysis of behind-the-meter (BTM) ESSs. A and frequency regulation in different market areas were inves-
nonlinear optimization problem is formulated to find the optimal tigated. A real-time optimal dispatch algorithm is proposed
operating scheme for ESSs to minimize the energy and demand in [10] to maximize ESS’s revenue from energy arbitrage
charges of time-of-use (TOU) customers, or to minimize the in the day-ahead electricity market and its contribution to
energy charge of net-metering (NEM) customers. The problem transmission congestion relief. Financial benefits of BESSs
is then transformed to Linear Programming (LP) problems and
formulated using Pyomo optimization modeling language. Case in upgrade deferral of distribution networks were evaluated
studies are conducted for PG&E’s residential and commercial in [11]. Optimal operations of BESSs for mitigating PV
customers in San Francisco. variability and reducing transformers’ losses was studied in
Index Terms—Energy storage, behind-the-meter (BTM), time- [12]. A comprehensive review of ES benefits for grid-side
of-use (TOU), net metering (NEM), peak shaving, load leveling, applications was presented in [2].
demand charge, distribution system, optimization, Mixed Integer
Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), Linear Programming (LP). On the other hand, very limited studies for behind-the-meter
(BTM) ESSs have been published. Most of the studies focused
on peak demand shaving strategies using energy storage [13–
15]. In [16], an optimal demand charge management for TOU
Over the last decade, the emergence of the new technologies customers using energy storage was studied; however, the
and the changes in policies and regulations have been the trade-off between of demand charge saving and energy charge
fundamental drivers to transform todays power grid toward increase due to ESS round-trip efficiency was not captured.
a smarter, more reliable and more distributed grid in the In [15], a fuzzy control algorithm for BESS was proposed to
future [1]. This transformation has given energy storage the reduce the peak demand of commercial/industrial customers.
opportunity to provide more services to the electric grid and Optimal benefit and sizing of BESS for BTM applications
the customers. On the grid’s side, energy storage systems were evaluated in [17] in which energy charge and demand
(ESSs) can generate revenue streams participating in electricity charge reduction for commercial buildings were co-optimized.
markets by providing services such as energy arbitrage, fre- Nevertheless, the negative net consumption caused by on-site
quency regulation or spinning reserves [2]. On the customers’ renewable energy generation was not considered.
side, ESSs can also provide a wide range of applications This paper presents an approach to minimize the electricity
from on-site back-up power, storage for on-site renewable cost for time-of-use (TOU) and net-metering (NEM) customers
systems to solutions for load shifting and peak shaving for using BTM energy storage. The approach requires the forecast
commercial/industrial businesses [3]. data of the loads and renewable generations and the pricing
Energy storage (ES) could provide the solutions to the data of the utilities. In this approach, a co-optimization of
grid-side and customer-side challenges and at the same time energy charge, demand charge and net-metering credit is
create revenues for the storage owners. However, the overall performed. The cost minimization problem is formulated as
economic gains of energy storage deployments are limited by a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problem
the round-trip efficiency and the capital costs of the ES devices in which the linear constraints are based on the constant-
[4]. Furthermore, ES is not the only option for the above efficiency energy storage model presented in [6]. The problem
challenges. Therefore, it is critical to assess the technical and is then transformed to a Linear Programming (LP) problem

Symbol Storage Parameter

𝜏 Time period length (e.g., one hour)
H Set of time periods in the optimization
𝑞d Maximum energy sold in a single period [kWh]
𝑞c Maximum energy bought in a single period [kWh]
𝑆 Maximum energy capacity [kWh]
𝑆 State of charge [kWh]
𝛾s Storage efficiency over one period [%]
𝛾c Charge efficiency [%]
𝛾d Discharge efficiency [%]

Fig. 1. An illustrative example of time schedule for regular week days

using Minimax technique. In this approach, uncertainties in
forecast data are not considered. The approach assumes perfect
which states that the SOC at time 𝑖 is the sum of the SOC
foresight of data and therefore provides the results for the best-
at time 𝑖 − 1 and the net charging energy (adjusted by the
case scenario.
corresponding efficiencies) [6].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section II
The SOC must be within its physical limits as described in
presents the constant-efficiency energy storage model; section
the following constraint:
III provides details about TOU and NEM programs and
problem formulations; case studies are conducted in section 0 ≤ 𝑆𝑖 ≤ 𝑆, ∀𝑖 ∈ H (6)
V; concluding remarks are found in section VI.
It should be noted that the ”available” capacity at time 𝑖 is
II. E LECTRICAL E NERGY S TORAGE (EES) M ODEL 𝛾d 𝑆𝑖 because of the discharge efficiency. Therefore, 𝑆 = 𝑋/𝛾d
An EES system is generally characterized by the following where 𝑋(𝑘𝑊 ℎ) is the rating capacity given in the system
parameters: specification data.
1) Power rating [kW]: the maximum power that the EES If zero net charging (i.e., the SOC at the last period is equal
can charge or discharge. to the initial SOC) is required, the following constraint must
2) Energy capacity [kWh]: the amount of energy that the be met: ∑
EES can store. 𝛾c 𝑞𝑖c − 𝑞𝑖d /𝛾d = 0 (7)
3) Charge efficiency, 𝛾c [%]: the charge efficiency repre- 𝑖∈H
sents the conversion losses encountered when energy is III. M INIMIZING THE TOTAL ELECTRICITY COST FOR TOU
stored during charge. AND NEM CUSTOMERS
4) Discharge efficiency, 𝛾d [%]: the discharge efficiency rep-
resents the conversion losses encountered when energy A. TOU and NEM pricing
is released during discharge. TOU pricing is the rate structure in which energy and peak
5) Storage efficiency, 𝛾s [%]: the storage efficiency de- power prices are time-dependent [18]. TOU rates are often
scribes the time-based losses in the EES system. set in advance and do not adjust during a contract period.
The parameters involved in storage system constraints are Different utilities have different time schedules; however, they
shown in Table I in which the maximum energy discharged are commonly classified as followings:
and recharged in a single period 𝜏 are specified as follows: ∙ Hour: peak hours, part-peak hours and off-peak hours.
∙ Day: regular week days, weekend days and holidays.
𝑞 D = (Maximum discharge power level) × 𝜏 (1)
∙ Month: summer months and winter months.
𝑞 = (Maximum recharge power level) × 𝜏
(2) Fig. 1 shows an illustrative example of a time schedule for
For behind-the-meter applications, there are two decision regular week days through out a year, in which summer and
variables in the optimization: the energy discharged 𝑞𝑖d and winter off-peak hours are both [9pm to 9am], winter part-
the energy recharged 𝑞𝑖c at time 𝑖, which are non-negative by peak hours are [9am to 9pm] while summer part-peak hours
convention. They are subjected to the following constraints : are [9am to 12am] and [6pm to 9pm], summer peak hours
are [12am to 6pm]. For holidays and weekend days, all hours
0 ≤ 𝑞𝑖c ≤ 𝑞 c , ∀𝑖 ∈ H (3) are off-peak. Table II shows an example of TOU energy rates
0 ≤ 𝑞𝑖d ≤ 𝑞 d , ∀𝑖 ∈ H (4) applied on the above time schedule.
For commercial and industrial customers, demand charges
Therefore, the state of charge (SOC) 𝑆𝑖 at any time 𝑖 is
are also billed along with energy charges. Demand charges
given by:
are often based on the highest 15-min (or hourly) average
𝑆𝑖 = 𝛾s 𝑆𝑖−1 + 𝛾c 𝑞𝑖c − 𝑞𝑖d /𝛾d , ∀𝑖 ∈ H (5) power within a month [19]. Higher demand rates can also

Summer Winter Symbol Description

Off-peak 0.09 $/kWh 0.08 $/kWh m Month m
Part-peak 0.11 $/kWh 0.10 $/kWh Pi TOU energy price at time i [$/kWh]
Peak 0.15 $/kWh - Psi Market energy price at time i [$/kWh]
𝛼𝑖 Binary variable at time i
𝑞𝑖c , 𝑞𝑖d Decision variables: ESS charged and
discharged energy at time i [kWh]
𝑞𝑖ld , 𝑞𝑖re Load and renewable energy at time i [kWh]
be applied to the highest demand occurred during part-peak CmE, Cm N , CD
m Energy, net-metering and demand charges [$]
and peak hours. Setting the higher energy and demand rates Dm
max , Dm pk , D m
ppk Rates for maximum demand and highest
at peak hours gives TOU customers the incentives to shift or demands during peak and part-peak hours [$/kW]
decrease their consumption during those hours to lower their Hm , Hm m
pk , Hppk Sets of hours, peak hours and part-peak hours
of month m
bills, which in return helps the utilities to better manage their
total peak load.
For the customers who own renewable energy systems
B. Problem formulations
(e.g., rooftop PV systems and small wind turbines), the net
energy generated to the grid after the customers’ usage can The cost minimization problem can be formulated as fol-
be compensated under net metering (NEM) programs [20]. lows where variables and all parameters are defined in Table
For example, NEM allows solar customers to export power III.
to the grid when their PV systems generation excesses their
demand. The net energy exported to the grid will then be used E + CN + CD }
min{Cm m m
to offset the customers’ monthly consumption, or be credited
s.t. (3), (4), (6) and (7), where
to the customers periodically based on the market prices. NEM ∑
CmE = 𝛼𝑖 𝑞𝑖net P𝑖
encourages the deployment of distributed renewable energy (9)
systems at the customers’ sites which lowers the customers 𝑖∈Hm

energy bills and reduces the transmission and distribution
N =
Cm (1 − 𝛼𝑖 )𝑞𝑖net Ps𝑖 (10)
losses [21]. 𝑖∈Hm
The above pricing mechanisms are often considered as part D = max
Cm {𝑞𝑖net }Dm
max + max {𝑞𝑗net }Dm
pk + max {𝑞𝑘net }Dm
m 𝑖∈H m 𝑗∈Hpk m 𝑘∈Hppk
of demand response programs which credit the customers
for the flexibility in their energy consumption [22]. In order (11)
to benefit from those rate structures, the utility customers with 𝑞𝑖net = 𝑞𝑖ld − 𝑞𝑖re + 𝑞𝑖c − 𝑞𝑖d and 𝛼𝑖 (∀𝑖 ∈ Hm ) is binary and
must have the ability to change their total loads in a manner defined as follows:
that lowers their monthly electricity bills without interrupting {
1 if 𝑞𝑖net ≥ 0
their operations (commercial/industrial customers) or sacrific- 𝛼𝑖 = (12)
0 otherwise
ing their conveniences (residential customers). Energy storage
systems (ESSs) - with the ability to absorb (charge) and inject The above problem is categorized as a Mixed Integer
(discharge) energy - could provide a solution for that problem. Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problem which is difficult
For example, commercial/industrial customers could benefit to solve directly. In this paper, we tackle this problem by
from TOU rate differences by charging their ESSs during off- removing binary variables in (9) and (10) using the following
peak hours when rates are low (energy and demand rates) and technique:
then discharging them during peak hours when rates are high. { net
𝑞𝑖 if 𝑞𝑖net ≥ 0
ESSs could also be used by NEM customers for storing the 𝛼𝑖 𝑞𝑖net = ⇒ 𝛼𝑖 𝑞𝑖net = max{𝑞𝑖net , 0}
0 otherwise
excess renewable energy when the load is low and use that
energy later when the load is high. In this case, the customers
can increase their savings by avoiding selling their renewable (1 − 𝛼𝑖 )𝑞𝑖net = 𝑞𝑖net − 𝛼𝑖 𝑞𝑖net = 𝑞𝑖net − max{𝑞𝑖net , 0} (14)
energy at low whole-sale price and buying the energy later at Therefore, (9) and (10) can be rewritten as follows:
much higher retail price. ∑
CmE = max{𝑞𝑖net , 0}P𝑖 (15)
Given the limitations in ESSs’ energy capacities and their
round trip efficiencies, the economic gains of the above ∑
applications are highly dependent on the ESSs’ sizes and N =
Cm (𝑞𝑖net − max{𝑞𝑖net , 0})Ps𝑖 (16)
operations. Therefore, to justify the deployments of ESSs for
BTM applications, it is essential to optimize these factors to The problem now has become a Linear Minimax problem
maximize the overall benefits for the customers. which can be transformed to a Linear Programing problem
[23] by replacing the max terms in the objective function by TABLE IV
the representative variables together with the corresponding E-19 S CHEDULE ’ S TOU R ATES
constraints: Summer Winter
∙ Representative variables: Off-peak energy 0.08651 $/kWh 0.09317 $/kWh
Part-peak energy 0.11333 $/kWh 0.10779 $/kWh
represents maxm {𝑞𝑖net } Peak energy 0.15384 $/kWh -
represents maxm {𝑞𝑗net } Part-peak demand 5.18 $/kW 0.12 $/kW
𝑗∈Hpk Peak demand 18.64 $/kW -
Maximum demand 16.08 $/kW 16.08 $/kW
represents max {𝑞𝑘net }
m 𝑘∈Hppk

𝑞𝑖+ represents max{𝑞𝑖net , 0}

Without ESS: $702.6K
∙ Corresponding constraints: With 200kW/1MWh: $634.6K
𝑞𝑖net ≤ 𝑞max
, ∀𝑖 ∈ Hm (17)

Electricity cost ($)

𝑞𝑗net ≤ 𝑞pk
, ∀𝑗 ∈ Hm
pk (18)
𝑞𝑘net ≤ 𝑞ppk
, ∀𝑘 ∈ Hmppk (19) 40K

𝑞𝑖net ≤ 𝑞𝑖 , ∀𝑖 ∈ H m
(20) 30K

It is important to note that = 0 if there are no demand

D 20K
charges for the customers. In that case, variables 𝑞max
, 𝑞pk
𝑞ppk and constraints (17), (18) and (19) are removed.

IV. C ASE S TUDIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
In this section, case studies are conducted for PG&E’s Month
customers in San Francisco including: 1) A medium-size
commercial TOU customer; 2) A typical-size residential TOU Fig. 2. Monthly electricity bills with 200kW/1MWh ESS
and NEM customer. The consumption data of the residential
and the commercial customers are given in [24]. The dataset
provides simulated hourly load profiles for residential and With 200kW/1MWh
800 Weekend Without ESS
commercial buildings based on the DOE’s Building America
House Simulation Protocol [25] and the DOE’s commercial 700
reference building models [26]. The solar PV generation
data used in these case studies are generated using NREL’s 600
Load (kW)

PVWatts [27]. The optimization problems are formulated using

Pyomo optimization modeling language [28]. Different sizes
of energy storage are investigated. Charge and discharge 400
efficiencies are assumed to be 94% in all cases. The state
of charge of the ESS is maintained at 50% at the beginning 300
of each month.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
A. Case 1 - A medium-size commercial TOU customer
Time (hour)
The medium-size commercial customer considered in this
case is a large hotel as defined in [26]. Hourly load profiles for Fig. 3. Case 1 - Net loads during the first week of June
a year based on TMY3 weather data [29] is given in [24]. The
maximum demand every month exceeds 500kW, therefore, it
is assumed that the customer follows PG&E’s TOU schedule ∙ The energy rating varies from 0.5MWh to 20MWh with
E19 [30] for medium demand TOU service. To benefit from 0.5MWh step size.
NEM in this case, a large renewable system is required, which Fig. 2 shows the optimal monthly costs when integrating
is often not practical. Thus, to better evaluate the impact of 200kW/1MWh ESS. We can see that there are better savings
ESS’s deployment, we assumed that there is no renewable during the summer months (May to October). This is because
systems installed at the customer’s site. The time schedule of bigger rate differences between peak and part-peak/off-peak
E19 is described in Fig. 1. The energy and demand rates are hours create higher margin for energy arbitrage. As seen in Fig
summarized in Table IV. 3, the peak load is significantly shaved by charging the ESS
Multiple sizes of the ESS are considered as follows: during off-peak and part-peak hours and discharging during
∙ The power rating varies from 100kW to 800kW with peak hours. There is also a tendency that ESS charges at higher
100kW step size. rate during weekends. This is due to the fact that the peak
740k 2400
100kW 1kW
720k 300kW 2kW
2300 3kW
Annual Electricity Cost ($)

Annual Electricity Cost ($)

500kW 4kW
680k 700kW 2200
600k 1900
540k 1700
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 5 10 15 20
Energy Capacity (MWh) Energy Capacity (kWh)

Fig. 4. Case 1 - Sensitivity of annual electricity bill to ESS size Fig. 5. Case 2 - Sensitivity of annual electricity bill to ESS size

energy and demand rates are only applied to the week days. 4
Without ESS
Overall, the annual electricity bill is reduced from $702,600 With 2kW/10kWh
(without energy storage) to $634,600 (with 200kW/1MWh
energy storage system). 2
The sensitivity of annual cost to ESS’s size are given in
Fig 4. It is observed that the total annual cost at each ESS’s Load (kW) 1

power rating decreases as the energy rating increases. The rate 0

of the decrease is high at first but significantly slowing down
at the ”knee point” of the curve. This is the point where energy -1
arbitrage and peak shaving are limited by the power rating. The
costs are bounded by the 800kW-curve. This is because the
maximum load is 775kW. Any power ratings higher than the -3
maximum load do not increase the chance for peak shaving. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (hour)

B. Case 2 - A typical-size residential TOU and NEM cus-

tomers Fig. 6. Case 2 - Net loads during the first week of June

The typical-size residential customer considered in this case TABLE V

is a three-bedroom house as defined in [25]. Hourly load ETOU-B’ S R ATES
profiles for a year based on TMY3 weather data [29] is given Summer Winter
in [24]. The following assumptions are considered in this case: Off-peak energy 0.26029 $/kWh 0.20708 $/kWh
∙ The customer participates in TOU program under Peak energy 0.36335 $/kWh 0.22588 $/kWh
PG&E’s schedule E-TOU/Option-B [31] in which peak
hours are from 9am to 4pm on non-holiday weekdays
year round. The pricing details are given in Table V. This is because there is no peak demand charge and the energy
∙ 5kW PV rooftop system is installed at the customer’s site.
price differences between peak and off-peak hours are small.
∙ The NEM energy price is $0.03/kWh [32].
The sensitivity of annual cost to ESS’s size in this case is
∙ The NEM credit is calculated monthly.
very similar to that of case 1. It should be noted that in Fig.
Multiple sizes of the ESS are considered as follows: 5 the 3-kW and 4-kW curves are too close to differentiate;
∙ The power rating varies from 1kW to 5kW with 1kW however, based on the results the costs are bounded by the 4-
step size. kW curve. This is due to the fact that the net load in this case
∙ The energy rating varies from 1kWh to 20kWh with is always less than 4kW. Thus, increasing the ESS’s power
1kWh step size. rating beyond 4kW will be unnecessary.
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energy sold to the grid is reduced by charging the ESS when
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[11] S.R. Deeba, R. Sharma, T.K. Saha, D. Chakraborty, and
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