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Yenay sat near the window brewing a cup of coffee, feeling it's warmth as she held it

from the side. The clouds slowly gave way to the blue sky only if her thoughts could do
the same. She was still stuck on the question whether or not she should donate her eggs to
a complete stranger who still somehow feels familiar. But it wasn't just about her, if she
had to a make decision than she must consult with William first.

Yenay let out a cold breath and moved towards her bedroom. William still asleep. She sit
near the bed quietly admiring Wang sleeping reflecting the intricate perfection in a calm
and serene face.

"He wouldn't understand it" she spoke in her mind, Wang was the kind of person who
would draw conclusions before putting in much thoughts. Whether it be a choice for a
project or partnering with a team he always believed in going with the one which made
enough profit rather than the emotional value in those ventures. It was always logic over
emotions for him. But they're never going to have a baby anyways, so what difference
would it make for her to donate her eggs to someone. There was a chance that before she
could finish with what she had to say about the meeting in the restaurant Wang would
have already sued William for it.

After all what was in it for him. He would never approve of it but there was still a small
possibility, Yenay took the last sip from her cup, it tasted as good as the first sip. Out of
all things her coffee can never go wrong, she thought. She took one last glimpse of
Wang, the moved to the kitchen.

[Yenay's phone rings in the living room]

Keeping the coffee mug on table she rushed to get her phone, it was still in her purse
from last night. After digging through the multiple compartments of the purse she finally
found the phone. It was her mother Sonia. She quickly realized that they haven't talked
for days now; something that rarely happens as no matter how busy she is, Yenay never
missed to make a quick call to Sonia to tell her she loved her. She shared a precious bond
with her that was not bound to any secrets. The phone showed 10% charge. "Shoot! she
forgot to put it on charge." Yenay swiped her screen before it could return back to

Yeanay: Hello ma!

Sonia Cheng: You took so long to answer, are you alright, love?

Yenay: Yea- um... I'm fine.

Sonia Cheng: Why do you sound so unsure?

Yenay: There's something I need to talk to you about

Sonia Cheng: I'm listening, tell me.

Yenay: I met this guy in a restaurant, his name is William and-

"Who's William?" Wang asked rubbing his eyes, half naked. Her heart sunk hearing his
voice, she didn't notice he woke up. Yenay quickly turned to the phone, the screen had
turned black. it was out of power. She wondered if Sonia had heard what she had to say.

Wang waiting for her answer moved to kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you were on phone." Wang said then gulped water from his
glassed. It was just the enough time she needed to draft a response.

"Remember I had a meeting with a producer for my next project." she said overcoming
her nervousness.

Wang didn't care to notice that her face had turned pale, fidgeting her fingers.

" Yea maybe I don't remember. So is it any good?" Wang asked.

Yenay nodded, didn't know how to answer that she remained silent. "You're acting a little
different today"

"No, why would you say that?" she quickly replied.

"I don't know, Anyways I have to leave early today. Can you please get me something to

"Okay" she said. "Wang wait" immediately after that.

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