Bajaj Electricals (Kitchen Appliances) : TOW S Analysis

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S Analysis

Bajaj Electricals
(Kitchen Appliances)
Mohammed Khatri
Roll Number: 1530
XIMR MMS (2020-2022)

Template 1: (SWOT analysis)

Positiv Negativ
es es
nt 1. Brand Recognition 1. Only present in the Indian Market
er 2. Availability 2. Very competitive market space
na 3. Pricing
l 4. Product Differentiation
to 5. Post sales service
xt 1. Expansion to global markets 1. Competitive Pricing
er 2. Innovations in existing kitchen 2. Many substitutes available
na appliances (smart appliances) 3. Local manufacturers of appliances
l 3. Green/eco friendly products with smaller overheads
to 4. Cheap generic appliances made in
Or China for example, or other
ga countries.
Template 2: (TOWS Matrix)

Opportunities: Threats:
1. Expansion to global 1. Competitive Pricing
markets 2. Many substitutes
2. Innovations in existing available
kitchen appliances 3. Local manufacturers
(smart appliances) of appliances with
3. Green/eco friendly smaller overheads
products 4. Cheap generic
appliances made in
China for example,
or other countries.


Strengths: S/O strategy: Maxi-Maxi S/T strategy: Maxi-Mini

1. Brand Recognition 1. Brand recognition and 1. Bajaj can do a marketing
existing distribution campaign raising
2. Availability channels can be used to awareness of off-brand
3. Lower pricing than model business ventures into appliances and dangers
other incumbents international markets. of not using BIS certified
4. Product Differentiation 2. Bajaj should look to enter appliances in order to
markets of countries with educate people and
5. Post sales service similar per capita income to encourage them to buy
6. Access to distribution India and in towns and higher quality, safer
channels and supply metropolitan cities of those appliances instead of
chain countries. generic ones.
3. Product differentiation will 2. In localities where
7. Capital availability be further boosted if Bajaj appliance market is
includes greener products in dominated by small
its lines which use less private firms, Bajaj can
energy or are produced from utilise its distribution
recycled materials. The channels and competitive
company can use green pricing to bleed out the
marketing strategies which competition and then
can improve public later take the place of the
perception of the brand as leader in that local
well market (such as in a town
or city)

Weaknesses: W/O strategy: Mini-Maxi W/T strategy: Mini-

1. By entering the global 1. The competitive market
1. Only present in the market space in a region space within which Bajaj
where market concentration functions is more of a
Indian Market is not as high as in India, weakness for small
2. Very competitive Bajaj can make a place for private rival firms. Bajaj
market space itself in the global market. can also buy out private
The competitiveness of the firms and use their
kitchen appliance industry in infrastructure/distributio
India can be a motivating n channels to expand
factor to push some business their own.
outside the country.

Template 3: (Strategies)

Sl Strategic Action area / TOWS Strategy

. Objective
1 Strength: Brand Recognition Bajaj should look to enter markets of
Opportunity: Expansion to global markets countries with similar per capita income to
India and in towns and metropolitan cities of
those countries.
2 Strength: Product Differentiation, Capital The company can use green marketing
availability for R&D strategies which can improve public
Opportunity: Innovations in existing kitchen perception of the brand as well
appliances (smart appliances), Green/eco friendly

3 Strength: Capital availability Bajaj can do a marketing campaign raising

Threat: Cheap generic appliances made in China for awareness of off-brand appliances and
example, or other countries. dangers of not using BIS certified appliances
in order to educate people and encourage
Competition from cheap generic appliances them to buy higher quality, safer appliances
instead of generic ones.
4 Strength: Access to distribution channels and supply In localities where appliance market is
chain dominated by small private firms, Bajaj can
Threat: Local manufacturers of appliances with utilise its distribution channels and
smaller overheads competitive pricing to bleed out the
competition and then later take the place of
Competition from local private firms who the leader in that local market (such as in a
manufacture and sell kitchen appliances town or city)
5 Weakness: Only present in the Indian Market By entering the global market space in a
Opportunity: Expansion to global markets region where market concentration is not as
high as in India in terms of the HHI, Bajaj
Entry to global market can make a place for itself in the global
6 Weakness: Very competitive market space The competitive market space within which
Threat: Local manufacturers of appliances with Bajaj functions is a weakness for small
smaller overheads private rival firms as well. Bajaj can buy out
private firms and use their
Expansion by acquiring local rival firms infrastructure/distribution channels to expand
their own.

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