Wizards Spell Compendium Volume 1

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Corpse Host

The copy is permanent and is a perfect dupli- affect the mind. These are resolved as ifthe recip-
cate of the originai. The spell cannot duplicate ient was viewing the illusion or resisting the
magica] writings of any sort. attack, although physical results affect only the
Tbe materiai components for this spell are a host body.
piece ofblank parchment (or a book with blank Physical attacks against the bost don 't dam-
pages), and a drop ofblack ink. age the recipient's body, though they do harm
Notes: Uncommon speli. to tbe host body. The bost body has a nurnber
of "bit points" equa! to the recipient's normai
Cooling Breeze, Darsson 's maximum hit point total. The host body has the
See Darsson 's cooling breeze. recipient's natural Armor Class (10), though it
can wear armor and employ weaponry with the
Corpse Host same restrictions that apply to the recipient.
(Necromancy) The host body does noi benefit from anything
worn or carried by the recipient's real body,
Level: 6 however.
Range:Touch The host body can withstand attacks as well as
Components: V, S, M (or as poorly as) the recipient. Note that since the
Casting Time: 1 turo host body is not undead, it cannot be turned or
Duration: I day/leve! affected with spells or magica! items that influ-
Area ofEffect: Special ence sucb creatures.
SavingThrow: None lfthe bost body drops to Oor fewer bit points, the
recipient must make a system shock roll. Fai Iure
Tbis spell enables an individua! touched by the indicates that the recipient's body also dies along
caster (including himself) to transfer bis lifeforce with the host body. Tbe link between tbe rccipient
in order to temporarily animate the fresh corpse and host body can be abruptly severed by success-
of a human, demihuman, or humanoid. The speli fully casting the wizard spells dispel magie, limited
faìls if cast on an undead creature. wish, or wish, or by employing tbe priest spells
The recipient can will the cadaver to move and exorcism, spirìt release, or dispel evi! against the
act and can even cast spells through it-all while host body. Severance of the menta! link in this way
bis or ber own body is safely up to 5 miles away also requires the recipient to make a system shock
per experience leve! of the caster. While animated roll in order to survive the ordeal.
by the intruding lifeforce, the corpse ceases to The recipient can abandon the link with the
decay; however, unless illusionary magie is cast host body at any time, with no harm to himself.
upon it, the cadaver wiU appear to be a form of The host body immediately collapses (resuming
undead (such as a ju-ju zombie). its usual decay), and the recipient immediately
The speli recipient can see, hear, and sense regains contro I of bis or ber real body. Tue same
through the host body. The host body can fight, thing occurs when the speli ends or the host body
talk hoarsely (with the voice of the corpse), and somehow moves beyond the spell 's range or to
carry things-in fact, it can perforrn ali tasks less another piane.
exacting than lock picking, sewing, and similar The speli requires a fresh corpse (dead no
handicrafts. lt can even go adventuring and earn longer lhan one day per caster level) and as a
experience points for its "master." materiai component a freshly-excised patch of
The recipient's mind functions in two places the recipient's skin. Taking this piece of flesh
simultaneously-within the corpse host and from the subject at the time of the casting inflicts
within his real body. The real body can stili sense 1-3 points of damage. At the conclusion of the
(see, hear, and so on) exactly as before, even ben- speli, the recipient is entitlcd to a saving throw vs.
cfiting from enhancemcnts such as a magica! death magie. If failed, the hit point loss is perrna-
ring. The tradeoff is paralysis. Aside from breath- nen t (consumed by the speli) and cannot be
mg, blinking, and moving his eyes, the recipient reversed or magically healed except with a wish
cannot move his real body while the host is ani- or restoration spelI. If successful, the loss in hit
mated. (Friendly guards are a wise precaution; so points is temporary, but can be regained only by
1s a pleasant or strategie view). The recipient's normai rest.
real body does not need to eat, drink, or sleep Notes: Restricted to necromancers; common.
while tbe spell operates.
The recipient is vulnerable when the host body
is the target of magica! and psionic powers that

Dispel Enchantmenr

' Tbe dismind speli in its origina! form is often Dispel Enchantment
used by high level wizards in life-or-death situa- (Abjuration)
tions to preserve tbemselves for future recovery
and restoration. Leve!: 8
Notes: Uncommon spell. Known to be in The Range: Oor touch
Wìzard :S Workhook. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 8
Dismiss Greater Elemental Duration: I rd./levcl or I turn/lcvel
Reversed form, see conjure greater elemental. Area of Effcct: 120-ft. radius or item touched
Saving Throw: None
(Abjuration) This speli is a more potent version of dispel
(Song) magie. lt can be cast in one of two way: first, it
can create a persistent negation fìeld that negates
Level: 5 spells cast within the area of effect; second, it can
Range: IO yds. temporarily neutralize magica! items. The caster
Components: V, S, M must choose which version is desired when the
Casting Time: 1 rd. speli is cast. The dispel enehantment speli cannot
Duration: lnstantaneous affect dweomers that a dispel magie speli cannot
Area of Effect: I creature affect.
Saving Throw: Neg. A.) Speli Negation Field. In rhis use, dispel
enehantment immediately and permanently dis-
By means of this speli, a wizard on the Prime pels all spells within the area of effect tbat are in
Materiai Piane seeks to force or enable a crea- force at the moment of casting. The spell Lingers
ture from another piane of existence to return to for I round per caster leve!, possibly negating
its proper piane. Magie resistance, if any, is spells cast into or through the area, or operating
checked if this speli is used to force a being on creatures entering the area. Each potion must
home. Ifthe resistance fails, the caster's leve! is save vs. speli as a l 2th-level wizard or be
compared to the creature's level or Hit Dice. lf destroyed. Speli effects receive a dispel check to
the wizard's leve! is bigher, the difference is see if they are negated. The base chance that a
subtracted from the creature's die roll for its speli is negated is an 11 or higher on a d20. ± 1
saving throw vs. speli. If the creature's level or per leve! of difference between tbc wizard using
Hit Dice is higher, the difference is added to the dispel enehantment and the spellcaster who cre-
saving throw roll. ated tbc effect that may be negated. For example,
If the creature desires to be returned to its a l 6th-level caster negates the fìreba/J of a 9th-
home piane, no saving throw is necessary (it level invoker on a roll of 4 or higher.
chooses to fail the roll). The negationfield is immobile; it cannot be
If the speli is successful, tbe creature is moved. Unlike a standard dispel magie speli, the
instantly whisked away, but the speli has a 20% caster's magie is only 50% likely to be dispelled
chance of actually sending the subject to a plane by the field. The caster is free to leave the field
other than its own. and can dismiss it at will.
Tbe materia! component is any item that is dis- B.) Neutralize Item. The caster must toucb the
tasteful to the subject creature. item to be affected. In a combat situation, this
Notes: Common speli (PHB). requires an attack roll ifthe object is wom or car-
ried by an alert enemy. The item in question is
rendered inerl and useless fora period of I tum
per leve! of caster, with no saving throw allowed.
Potions, scrolls, and ointments or powders with a
limited number of applications are destroyed by
this speli. Only artifacts, relics, and weapons of
+5 enchantment or better resist neutralization.
The materiai component is a token of special
meteoric iron, worth at least 1,000 gp, whicb is
expended in the casting ofthe speli.
Notes: Common for witches and abjurers:
otheiwise very rare.


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