Case analysis,-WPS Office

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Case analysis, the united nations peace keepers re enacting their roles, responsibilities and challenges.

Countries a and b have been at war against each other for 50 years over a big area of land that is
located on their boarders. The land consists of rainforests, suitable farmlands, and rich mineral
resources. It is also suspected to have oil reserves underground. The community that live in this area is
composed of people who have never been clear about their national loyalties, for the simple reason
that they do not recognize the boarders. They have been living in the area long before countries a and b
have national territories. They, therefore wouldlike to be left alone to" go back and forth" between the
two boarders. Countries a and b however want to exploit the resources of this boarderland. They
started supporting leaders in the community, secretly at first but later with an economic assistance. The
association created tensions within the community that soon worsen into open factional rivalries
between leaders. The factional rivalry started over how assistance was to be shared, and then moved to
competition over elected positions. The rivalry took a turn for the worse when countries a and b begun
supplying their allies with arm and military training especially after they both realize that security
problems this boarderland can cause. It did not take long before conflict between two factions came
out into open. This mini war spread and seriously affected the community, dividing families and pitting
friends and relatives againsts each other. And then suddenly, the two countries were sending their
armies into the boarder supposedly to help keep the peace, but in reality, to fight along side their local
allies. The war was intense . Thousands were perished and injured. But was that clear was that no side
was winning. Eventually, exhausted by the war (countries a and b) begun to realize how much
resources they wasted for the war. The protagonists agreed to temporarily truce. They also ask the...

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