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Planned By: Ebun Date: Monday, 14thth May, 2016 Class: Year 4 Term 3/ Week: 5

Subject /Area English (Comprehension)

WALA Playscripts
WALT Pre: Identify features of a playscript
Main: Describe the features of playscripts
- Explore characters, setting and storyline in a playscript
Ext: Deduce character’s reasons for behavior from their actions;
use knowledge of different organizational features of texts to
find information effectively
WILF - Ability to deduce characters’ reasons for behaviour from
their actions and explain how ideas are developed in non-
fiction texts.
- Follow a playscript and read relevant parts.
- Understanding that dialogue is not written in speech
Resources Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Cambridge Primary Teachers Book 4
First Aid English
Key Grammar, twinkl features of playscript posters, map of
Roman Empire circa AD43
Key Vocabulary Actor, character, layout, scenery, action, script, speech marks,
exit, enter, clash
Prior knowledge: Children understand that dialogue tells a story.
Lesson Starter (10 mins): The children look at the pictures of “ Robbie
hears Marty first” activity of the software. They talk about how
theRobbie ended up in the hospital.
Main (70 mins): The teacher introduces the lesson and they read
through the start of the play “ Robbie hears Marty first” with
some children taking the parts. The teacher checks that the
children understand the lay out and how they know who will
speak. The teacher emphasizes the features of a playscript and
points out that there are no speech marks or speech verbs used.
The teacher uses the annotation to support the discussion.
The children are arranged into groups of fours and are asked to
read the play again. (The teacher will join the incomplete group
to make up the number of characters). The children are
reminded about the ground rules for talk as they discuss the
following questions:
- Where and when is this story set?
- What are the students doing and why?
- What do you find funny and why?
The groups feedback from their discussion.
They are asked to look at “Robbie hears Marty first” and
comment on the seamless movement between the periods of
time. The class will focus on Marty’s first remark. The teacher
asks the children what he means and how they know, then
listens to their points of view.
The teacher demonstrates that reading on helps because it
becomes clear that Robbie is in a coma .The children are asked
to consider another meaning – the literal “Bit of a weirdo”. Why
has the author included this meaning?
The children comment on what they found amusing in the scene
and why. They are encouraged to consolidate their remarks with
reference to the play.
They go on to answer the questions in the reference book
Independent Activity: Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 109, ‘Robbie hears Marty first’.

Home Work: - Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4

Page 1108 and 109
HA- Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Page 108 & 109, , EX, C & D
AA- Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Page 109, PAGE 109 , EX, C
LA- Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Page 108, PAGE 109 , EX, C
SEN- Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Page 108
V – Software, IWB, presentations
A – Reading the play aloud, discussions
K - Independent activity

Plenary (10mins): The children reread the scene and focus on

the end when Marty talks about the football game . They
consider how Robbie woke up.
Differentiation HA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a – 1b , 2
AA – Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a – 1B , 2
LA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a , 2
SEN: Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a – 1b
Assessment Formative assessment
Evaluation Teacher:


Planned By: Ebun Date: Tuesday, 15th May, 2018 Class: Year 4 Term 3 / Week: 5

Subject /area English (Grammar)

WALA Verbs : Noun Phrases
WALT Pre: Identify noun phrases in a sentence
Main: Use noun phrases in sentences and expanding noun
phrases using an adjective
Ext: Expand a simple noun phrase by an adjective or two
WILF Ability to write a simple noun phrase and use adjectives to
expand simple noun phrases.
Resources Noun phrase video available at , , animated
grammar guides: noun phrases available at , Cambridge
Primary Learners Book 4
Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Cambridge Primary Teachers Book 4
First Aid English
Key Grammar
Key Vocabulary Phrase, noun, adjective, determiner, modifier, effect, impact,
subject, predicate
Prior knowledge: It will be helpful if children are familiar with determiners.
Lesson Starter (5mins): The children watch the noun phrase video
available at

Main (35 mins): The teacher introduces the lesson and the
children are asked to draw out points from the video of the
starter activity. The children take turns to contribute and the
teacher reinforces important points when given. Any
misconceptions are corrected as each child speaks.
They revise the meanings of nouns and phrases. This the teacher
uses to lead them into coming up with a definition for “noun
phrase”. Their definitions are recorded on a mind map.
The teacher explains that simple noun phrases are groups of
words, including a noun, that make up part of a sentence. An
illustration is given and the children come up with examples of
noun phrases.
The children use the noun phrases to make sentences which the
teacher writes on the IWB. The class is then asked to expand the
noun phrases from their examples. The children will brainstorm
on how to use adjectives to expand noun phrases and go on to
expand their phrases.
They explore the Twinkl slides and look at the descriptions of
nouns, simple noun phrases and expanded noun phrases.
Teacher asks the children to work with their partners on
whiteboards to describe the pictures on the Lesson Presentation.
The teacher discusses the impact different adjectives make.
Children complete the differentiated Adjectives for Effect Activity
Independent Activity Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 104, Ex B 1 A- C, Ex. B , 2a – 2c and Ex. 3a- 3c

Home Work:

V – Video
A – Listening to discussions
K – Plenary activity
Plenary (5 mins) - Children work in pairs on plain A4 paper. The
first child draws the head of a monster, passes it unseen (by
means of folding) to the second player who draws the body,
then back to the first child who draws the legs. The composite
monster is then revealed by unfolding the paper. The picture
should then be identified firstly with a simple noun phrase ‘the
monster’. The pairs then create sentences to describe the
monster using noun phrases expanded by modifying adjectives.
Differentiation HA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 104, Ex B 1 A- C, 2 A- C,
AA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 104, Ex B, 2 A- C,
LA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 104, Ex B 3 A- C,

SEN- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4

Page 104, Ex B 3 A- C,

Assessment Formative assessment and questioning.

Evaluation Teacher:

Tuesday, 15th May, 2018

WALA: Noun Phrases

WALT: Use noun phrases in sentences and expanding noun phrases using an adjective.

Key vocabulary: Phrase, noun, adjective, determiner, modifier, effect, impact, subject, predicate.

Noun Phrases

Nouns are ‘naming words’.

A phrase is a group of words that does not contain a subject and a predicate and does not make
complete sense by itself.

Simple noun phrases are groups of words, including a noun, that make up part of a sentence.

Noun phrases can occur as the subject or the object of a sentence.

A noun phrase is a group of words that does the function of a noun in a sentence. It is a word group
with a noun or pronoun as its head. It can be accompanied by a modifiers, determiners and

For example:


The pretty girl with the long hair is my sister.

noun modifier complement

Examples of noun phrases.

The black man

The yellow shirt

His sudden departure

Planned By: Jumoke Date: Thursday, 12th May, 2018 Class: Year 4 Term: 3 Week: 5

Subject /area English

Focus: Composition
WALA Playscripts

WALT Pre: Identify playscripts

Main: Plan and write a scene in a playscript
Ext: Plan and write up to two scenes in a playscript with
proper cohesion
WILF Proper planning and writing of a playscript following the

Resources Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4

Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4
Cambridge Primary Teachers Book 4
First Aid English
Key Grammar
Playscripts Ppt
Features of playscript posters, explore text 3, wordpad,
Key Vocabulary Narrative, story, poem, conflict, resolution,
Prior knowledge: The children have learned about different types of poems.
Lesson Starter: (5 mins) They The children look at the pictures of “
Robbie hears Marty first” activity of the software. They talk
about how they think Robbie ended up in the hospital.
Main: (70 mins) The teacher does a quick recap of the
previous lesson.
The children re-read ‘Robbie hears Marty first’, taking the
opportunity to revisit any sections they found difficult during
the initial reading.
They discuss the historical setting for the play.
Teacher checks that children can find examples that point
to the setting in time and uses Annotation set for examples.
The children work in small groups to improvise an
alternative scene in which the children are recording their
messages to Robbie..
The teacher shows the children how to use the checklist
completed in previous sessions to write some lines that
show development of character and plot, for example:
Mrs Tinsley: Now, Robbie. Here’s Marty with the first

Marty: Hi,Rob. We played St. Jude’s on Saturday.

Children work in pairs or threes to write another alternative

scene, following the first line of the demonstration writing.
They listen to a few pairs read their lines. Evaluate what the
listener knows about character or setting or plot.

V – IWB, software resources

A – Feedback and comments, peer discussion
K – Role play

Independent Work: Paired activity.

Homework: Cambridge Primary Activity Book 4

Plenary (5 mins): The teacher draws together the discussion

from the last few sessions about the way characters,
settings and plot lines are developed in plays.
HA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a – 1b , 2

AA – Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4

Page 112, Ex. B, 1a – 1b , 2
LA- Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a , 2
SEN: Cambridge Primary Learners Book 4
Page 112, Ex. B, 1a – 1b ,

Assessment Independent work, observation and questioning.

Evaluation Teacher:


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