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Interview Questions For Desktop & System Admin

1. Expand PING?
Ans:- Packet Internet Gropper

2. Expand FTP?
Ans: File Transfer Protocol

3. Abbreviation of TFTP?
Ans: Trivial File Transfer Protocol

4. Abbreviation of POP3?
Ans: Post Office Protocol version 3

5. Port number of SMTP?

Ans: 25
6. What is the port number of proxy?
Ans: 8080

7. What is stand for TCP/IP?

Ans: Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol

8. What is stand for HTTPS?

Ans: Hyper Text Transport Protocol

9. What is the port number of Telnet?

Ans: 23
10. Write APIPA Abbreviation?
Ans: Automatic Private IP Addressing

11. What is the abbreviation of DDR1?

Ans: Double Data Rate

12. What stand for NAT?

Ans: Network Address Translation

13. What stand for IMAP?

Ans: Internet Message Access Protocol

14. What stand for DORA?

Ans: Discover, Offer, Request, Acknowledgement.

15. What stand for USB?

Ans: Universal Serial Bus
16. What stand for SMPS?
Ans: Switch Mode Power Supply

17. What stand for PCI?

Ans: Peripheral Component Interconnection

18. What stand for MAC?

Ans: Media Access Control

19. What stand for MAT?

Ans: Media Access Table

20. HUB comes under which layer of OSI mode?

Ans: Physical Layer ( layer 1)

21. Ethernet card comes under which layer of OSI mode?

Ans: Physical Layer ( layer 1)

22. Router comes under which layer of OSI mode?

Ans: Network layer ( layer 3)

23. What BIOS stand for?

Ans: Basic Input /Output System

24. What is the abbreviation of POST?

Ans: Power On Self Test

25. What is abbreviation of SDRAM?

Ans : Synchronous Dynamic RAM

26. what is URL?

Ans: Uniform Resource Locator

27. What is ARP?

Ans : Address Resolution Protocol

28. What is VPI and what is the value of VPI?

Ans: Virtual Path Identifier and value is 1

29. What is VCI and what is the value of VCI?

Ans: Virtual Circuit Identifier and value is 32

30. Where the OST Files will save?

Ans: OST Files will save in MAIL Servers (Microsoft Exchange Server)

31. What is meant by UAC?

Ans: UAC (User Account Control) is a security feature of Windows which helps prevent
unauthorized changes to a computer

32. In which are the versions Bit locker Option is available in Windows 7?

Ans: Windows 7 Ultimate

Windows 7 Enterprise

1. What is PST?

Ans: Personal Storage Table which will use for taking the mails backup,

2. What is OST?
Ans: Offline Storage Table

3. What is the APIPA range?

Ans: –

4. What is the private IP address rang of class B?

Ans: –

5. What is the IP address rang of class C?

Ans: 192 - 223

6. What is default subnet mask of class A?

Ans :

7. What are the minimum hardware requirements for installation of windows XP?
Ans: RAM=64 MB
Hard Disk Drive:- 1.5 GB
Processor:- 233 MHZ

8. What is domain?
Ans: It is Network Resource which is controlled and managed by ADS

9. What is work group?

Ans: It is collections of Individuals who shares same files and database over LAN

10. What is difference between work group and domain?

 All computers are peers; no computer has control over another computer.
 Each computer has a set of user accounts. To use any computer in the workgroup, you
must have an account on that computer.
 There are typically no more than ten to twenty computers.
 All computers must be on the same local network or subnet.
 One or more computers are servers. Network administrators use servers to control the
security and permissions for all computers on the domain. This makes it easy to make
changes because the changes are automatically made to all computers.
 If you have a user account on the domain, you can log on to any computer on the
domain without needing an account on that computer.
 There can be hundreds or thousands of computers.
 The computers can be on different local networks.

11. What is meant by Patch File?

Ans: A patch is a piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting
data, to fix or improve it. This includes fixing security vulnerabilities and other bugs, with
such patches usually called bugfixes or bug fixes, and improving the usability or performance.

12. How to change the IP Address using command Prompt?

Ans:First type the IP Address Manually.

Go to Run type the Command CMD, then type netsh.
In Netsh, you type the Command Interface IP Show Config
Now we are going to change the IP Address Interface IP Set Address name = (Interface
Connection Name) Static {IP Address} [Subnet Mask} Default Gateway.

13. What is TPM?

Ans: A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a specialized chip on an endpoint device that

stores RSA encryption keys specific to the host system for hardware authentication. 

Each TPM chip contains an RSA key pair called the Endorsement Key (EK). The pair is
maintained inside the chip and cannot be accessed by software. 

14. What is meant by Service Pack?

Ans: A Service pack or SP (in short SP) or a feature pack (FP) comprises a collection of
updates, fixes, or enhancements to a software program delivered in the form of a single
installable package.


An update to a software version that fixes an existing problem, such as a bug, or provides

enhancements to the product that will appear in the next version of the product. When the new
product version is released, it usually contains the fixes and updates from the service pack.
Service packs can either be downloaded or ordered directly from the company.

15. What is network layer?

Ans: Network layer is responsible for transferring the packets between two different

16. Where you can use cross over cable?

Ans: Cross over cable is used to connect two similar Devices
Ex:- PC to PC, Hub to Hub, Switch to switch

17. Where you can use straight through cable?

Ans: use to connect dissimilar devices
Ex:- PC to Hub, PC to Switch

18. What is difference between HUB and Switch?

HUB Switch

1. It broadcast every time 1. it broad cast for first time and

2. unicast for the second time
2. does not uses cam table
3. It will reads the MAC address
3. It will not reads the MAC Address
3. it uses cam (content access
4. It is Half Duplex memory) table /MAT
5. CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense Multiple 4. It is a Full Duplex
Access/Collision Detection) Occur

19. What is the command for local user and Group?

Ans: lusrmgr.msc

16. What is deference between local and network printer?

Local Printer Network Printer

1. does not have any ip address 1. It has any ip address

2. It is connected to single comp 2. it is connected to group of comp

3. Only one computer can access at a time 3. All computers can access at a time

17. What is difference between MS outlook and out lock Express?

MS Outlook Outlook Express

Designed for Business users Designed for Home users

Comes with MS office Comes Default with OS

Can send and receive multiple mails Has only email and newsgroups
Has emails, personal calendars,
group scheduling, task, and contact

18. What is ADS?

Ans: Active Directory Service

It is Centralized hierarchal Database structure which can Manage DNS

1. How to check SMPS is working or not working?

Ans:- connect power cord to SMPS, take small piece of Wire, insert on Black and Green
socket if fan of SMPS Backside rotate then SMPS is working good or else SMPS is not

2. What is Safe mode and Normal mode?

Ans: Safe mode: only limited drivers and services will be loaded for the operation of

Normal mode:  Normal mode is the term used to define Windows starting "normally"
where all of the typical drivers and services are loaded.

3. What is difference between server and client?

Ans : Server : which provides service to other computers
Client: which receive the services from server is called client

4. Write 5 different types of server operating systems in Windows?

Ans : Windows NT, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server
and Windows 2012 Server

5. What is MAC address?

Ans: MAC stands for media access control, it is an unique address given by the vendor to the
network device, it can be called also as physical address, it is an 48 bit address

6. What is file system?

Ans; A file system is the underlying structure a computer uses to organize data on a hard
disk. If you are installing a new hard disk, you need to partition and format it using a file
system before you can begin storing data or programs.

7. What is port number?

Ans: A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an Internet or other
network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server

8. What is bandwidth?
Ans: Bandwidth is defined as range of frequencies, Generally we will refer this word for
fastness of Internet.

9. What is forest?
Ans : Forest can be defined as group of trees together is called as Forest

10. What is use of POP3 and SMTP?

Ans : POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol. POP3 allows an email client to download an
email from an email server. The POP3 protocol is simple and does not offer many features
except for download. Its design assumes that the email client downloads all available email
from the server, deletes them from the server and then disconnects
SMTP: send mail from one server to the other server

1. What is the difference between windows xp and windows 7?

Ans: Differences between Windows XP and windows 7 as below

• The shutdown and the start up is very fast in Windows 7 when compared to the
Windows XP
• There are not much graphical components present in the Windows XP but Windows 7
provides good Graphical User Interface (GUI).
• In windows 7 there is no necessity for the drivers to be installed but in Windows XP it is
necessary to install drivers. 
• The Kernel of Windows 7 is very good when compared to the Windows XP.
• User defined themes can be implemented in Windows 7 but in Windows XP themes cannot
be created by the user.
• The Windows defender in Windows 7 provides maximum security to the operating system
but in Windows XP this feature is not available.

2. If I have switched on the computer its getting restarts continuously what the problem
and how to resolve the issue?
Ans:- Problem related to OS, you have to repair the OS

3. If administrator forgot the Password how to recover it without formatting the PC?
Ans:- Incase if your computer is Windows XP, then you have to insert a Windows XPCD
into CD/DVD drive, boot from CD, press R for Repair and after ten to fifteen minutes press
shift+F10 for command prompt, in a command prompt type lusrmgr.msc, it will open local
users and groups, reset the Administrator password after reset,

Option 2nd

Download Hiren software, and remove the Password(Hiren is a bootable software)

4. What the commands for below functions?

a. Remote Desktop(Mstsc)
b. Local user and groups (Lusrmgr.msc)
c. Services (Services.msc)
d. To check MAC address(Getmac)

5. Reason for blue Screen Error, how to resolve the same?

Ans: it might be a RAM problem or Hard disk Problem or Software problem

6. What is the lotus notes,

Ans:- Lotus notes like a MS outlook and it will use for sending and receiving mails,
it is developed by IBM.

7. Why do you use Tracert and Ping command?

Ans:- Tracert we will use for to check the path and Ping will use for checking the network
8. What are the ticketing tools use for Raising the tickets
Different companies will use different ticketing tools
Ex:- Motgear, Opgear, Refresher, Track IT, Co Desk, BMC Remedy, HPSM, Saphire,
Spiceworks, etc
9. What is meant by Ghost or Imaging and which software can use for Imaging?
Ans: Imaging nothing but Cloning, Learn more thing from your Trainer.

10. What is the difference between Windows 2003/2008?

Note:- Learn from your Trainer

11. How to make computer run fast

Delete Temp, Recent, Prefetch files and unwanted applications and restart the

12. What are the port number of below protocols?

a. RDP -- 3389
b. DNS --53
c. DHCP client --68
d. DHCP server --67
e. NNTP -- 119
13. What is the physical and logical Structure of AD?
Physical Structure Logical Structure

 1. Active Directory sites Forest, Tree, Domain, OU(Organizational

(physical subnets) Unit) and Global Catalog
 Domain controllers

14. What are the problems that are generally come across DHCP?
Ans:- IP Address will not take
IP Address will take in APIPA Range
IP pool will get full

15. what are the Responsibilities of system admin

Note:- Learn from your Trainer
16. What are the differences between FAT32 and NTFS?

FAT stand for File Allocation Table New Technology File system
FAT divided into FAT16 and FAT32 NTFS divided into 4.0 and 5.0
Maximum Storage capacity is 32 GB Maximum Storage capacity is 2 TB
It will not Support features like
It will support Features like Encryption
Encryption and compression,
It having less Security and compression

17. Mr. Adam is working as a system admin for Honolabs communications, in his
company having 320 computers, employees using CTS application(Client
application)this application is URL based, suddenly this application is not working on
two computers, what the reason and how to resolve the issue and what the action you
will take if same application is not working in all 320 computers,

Ans:- Go to Working system and Go to C:/---Windows------System 32-----Drivers------Etc-

Copy host file from working system and past in not working system.

18. What are the problems you will get in MS outlook?

Outlook will get hang
Automatically it will close
Shows error as Outlook is not responding whenever we try to send a mail or open the
Not able to send and Receive mails

19. Define SCSI Hard disk, SATA and PATA?

Ans:- SCSI stand for Small computer system interface, this hard disk will use in Server,
SATA:- SATA stand for small computer system interface, this hard disk will use in
Desktops and laptops,
PATA stand for Parallel Advanced Technology Attachments, IDE Hard disk is example for

20. Define Hardening, SCCM, EPO

Hardening:- It is a process of enabling and disabling the services is called Hardening
SCCM:- System Center Configuration Manager, This server is responsible for pushing the
software updates to Clients.
EPO:-E-Policy Orchestrator:- it is responsible for updating the Antivirus.

21. Which are the third party software will use for Backup and monitoring the network?
Wireshark and Ethereal will use for Monitoring the Network
TVM(Tivoli Volume Manager) and Veritas Volume Manager will use for Backup

22. Incase If IP Address is not taking from DHCP Server what troubleshoot you will do?
need to use the command ipconfig/Release and ipconfig/renew

23. Assume that you are working as a System admin for a XYZ company, in your
company Manager ask you that send all old desktops to scrap, before sending to
Scrap what a
Ans:- After taking your IT Manager Approval, you have format the Hard disk with using Kill
Disk, after format with Kill disk you can send to scrap

24. If your Bitlocker got corrupted. How will you recover it?

To repair a BitLocker-protected drive by using Repair-bde

1. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.

1. To do this, click Start, type cmd in the Search programs and files box, right-
click cmd.exe, and then click Run as administrator.
2. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it
displays is what you want, and then click Yes.
2. At the command prompt, type one of the following commands, depending on which
recovery information you want to use:
1. To repair using a recovery password:

repair-bde C: Z: -rp 062612-026103-175593-225830-027357-086526-

2. To repair using a recovery key:

repair-bde C: Z: -rk F:\RecoveryKey.bek

3. To repair using a recovery package and the corresponding recovery password:

repair-bde C: Z: -kp F:\ExportedKeyPackage -rp 062612-026103-175593-

4. To repair using a recovery package and the corresponding recovery key:

repair-bde C: Z: -kp F:\ExportedKeyPackage -rk F:\RecoveryKey.bek

25. How to change the MAC Address?

Open the Device Manager- Expand the Network Adapters section

Right-click on your adapter. Select Properties from the menu to open the network
adapter's Properties window.

Click the Advanced tab. Look for the "Network Address" or "Locally Administered
Address" entry,
Click the radio button to enable the "Value" field.

Enter your new MAC address. MAC addresses are 12-digit values, and should be
entered without any dashes or colons

26. If your PC or Laptop is not switching on, what is the issue. How will you resolve the

First we have to check the power source if the power source is good. We can check with the
SMPS whether SMPS is working fine or not. To check we can short the black and green wires
in the power connector of the SMPS by unplugging all the connectors from the CPU. If the
SMPS fan rotates it means that SMPS is good and it may be the problem of thermal paste. We
need to deploy thermal paste or

if the problem is in OS then we can repair the OS by going to safe mode and repair option
there we can do the system Restore.

OR we can go to safe mode to rectify the issue.

Even the issue not get resolved we can repair the OS with OS files from DVD or from

27. What can you do if you forgot the BIOS admin password?
We have to remove the CMOS battery for 5 to 10 mins it will recover the BIOS
Admin Password.

28. Difference between Incident and Request?

An unplanned interruption to an IT Service or a reduction in the Quality of an IT
Service. Failure of a Configuration Item that has not yet impacted one or more
Services is also an Incident. For example: Failure of one disk from a mirror set.

Service Request
A request from a User for information, or advice, or for a Standard Change or for
Access to an IT Service. For example to reset a password, or to provide standard IT
Services for a new User. Service Requests are usually handled by a Service Desk, and
do not require an RFC to be submitted.

29. After joining Domain why workstation will get reboot?

Ans:- To pick up group policy settings from the domain controller.

30 How bit locker works?

Ans:- Encryption software like BitLocker in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows

10 use the TPM chip to protect the keys used to encrypt your computer's data. Then,
it is used to authenticate your encrypted computer and give you access to all the
encrypted data when the device trying to access it is identified as trusted.
31. How does the TPM Chip works?

TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a computer chip(microcontroller)

that can securely store artifacts used to authenticate the platform (your PC or laptop).
These artifacts can include passwords, certificates, or encryption keys.

32. While Installing OS what all are errors you will get?

33. Difference between 32 and 64 Bit Microprocessor?

34. Difference between 32 and 64 bit OS?

35 If you forgot Bit locker password how you will recover

36. What is USB Stick?

32. How many types of Profiles?

33. What is the difference between 32 and 64 Bit Microprocessor?

34. What is IIS?

35. Which virus will effect to Mail?

36. What is SMART?

37. What is UAC?

38. What is Archive

39. Explain About Add ins in outlook

40. Where Does OS install by default

41. What is RSA?

42. How to open Safe mode in MS outlook?

43. What is VPN, VPN types and issues

Interview Questioner
Q1. Network Printer
a.       New Configuration from Step 1 to End (Static IP/Dynamic IP)
b.      Sharing with User (Through Network / Local System for Security)
c.       How to apply Security in shared printer (in Printer Properties)
d.      Additional drivers 32/64 bit (in Printer Properties)
e.       Wi-Fi Printer Configuration
f.       Error code showing in printer
Q2. Email (Outlook)
a.       2007/10/13 PST data size difference
b.      2007/10/13 major difference
c.       Office 365 Experience
d.      Office 365 manual configuration
e.       Nk2 file Location
f.       2007/10/13 repair/ reconfiguration
g.       Difference in PST & OST
h.      Default location of PST & OST
i.        How to apply rules
j.        Mail Archival
Q3. Systems Trouble shoot
a.       What Blue dump error? Location of minidump file (c:
b.      What will do in case system OS get corrupted / crashed?
c.       What & how will take user backup
d.      Profile corruption
e.       Before formation what steps will take (List of application/windows drives/share folders
information/profile backup) check list
Q4. Antivirus
a.       Which antivirus you had work
b.      Feature if handson antivirus

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