International Business

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Assignment for Mid-term

Name : MD Zubayer Akash

ID : 173200017
Course Title: International Business
Program: BBA, Section: 1,
Course Code: BUS 303.

Answer to the question no.2

International Business persons mainly face two types of tariff
and non-tariff of barriers at the time of entrance in the
overseas countries. Market Entry Strategy, Foreign companies
are allowed to provide services in Bangladesh except in transfer
of control of a business from local to foreign shareholders
requires ‘International Trade Administration Enforcement and
The difference between Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers :
Tariffs mainly benefit the importing countries, as they are the
ones setting the policy and receiving the money. The
tariff barriers are taxes and duties that are imposed on the
goods that are traded while non-tariff barriers are extensive
formalities set by the importing country's government to
permit the goods to enter. Trade agreements seek to
reduce tariff barriers. 
A non-tariff barrier is a way to restrict trade using trade
barriers in a form other than a tariff. Non-tariff barriers can
include excessive red tape, onerous regulations, unfair rules or
decisions or anything else that is stopping you from competing

Bangladesh restrict international trade because these include

saving domestic jobs, creating fair trade, raising revenue
through tariffs, protecting key defense industries, allowing new
industries to become competitive and giving increasing-returns-
to-scale industries an advantage over foreign competitors.
Those are most influential factors affecting foreign trade :
1) Impact of Inflation.
2) Impact of National Income.
3) Impact of Government Policies.
4) Subsidies for Exporters.
5) Restrictions on Imports.
6) Lack of Restrictions on Piracy.
7) Impact of Exchange Rates.
Answer to the question no.3
Economic historians have charted the evolution of international
business throughout the centuries of globalization is an 
historical process that began with the first movement of people
out of Africa into other parts of the world. Traveling short or
long distances, migrants, merchants and others have delivered
their ideas to customs and products to new lands.
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among
the people, companies and governments of different nations.
A process driven by international trade and investment and
aided by information technology. Globalization is not a new
Those are 3 types of globalization :
i) economic globalization.
ii) Cultural globalization.
iii) Political globalization.

Economic globalization: Is the development of trade systems
within transnational actors such as corporations.
Financial globalization: It can be linked with the rise of a global
financial system with international financial exchanges and
monetary exchanges.
Answer to the question no.4
Global company is a company that ‘attempts to have a
worldwide presence in its market, standardize operations
worldwide in one or more of the firm’s functional areas and
integrate its operations worldwide’.  An international
company is an organization with multi-country affiliates, each
of which. Foreign business refers to the operations of
a company outside its home or to standardize and integrate
operations worldwide in all functional areas.

Examples: There are some examples of companies that can

utilize global standardization. One company that is a well-
known advocate of global standardization is Coca-Cola. Coca-
Cola is able to use standard packaging, distribution and brands
in international markets.
One Brand' global marketing strategy that, for the first time
ever, unites Coca-Cola, Diet Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero and
Coca-Cola Life under the iconic Coca-Cola brand positioning in
one global creative campaign.

The five most common modes of international-market or global

company entry are exporting, licensing, partnering, acquisition
and greenfield venturing. Each of these entry vehicles has its
own particular set of advantages and disadvantages.

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