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Elyse Borys

5 Roberts Crescent
Red Deer, Alberta T4P 3K6

May 8, 2021

Joan Van Wolde

General Manager
Red Deer City Soccer Association
6905 Edgar Industrial Drive
Red Deer, Alberta T4P 3R2

Dear Ms. Van Wolde,

Hope your day is going well so far! My name is Elyse Borys. I am a 15-year-old student
attending St. Joseph High School. I will be turning 16 on the 16th of May and am hoping to get
my Class 5 driver’s license very shortly. I am greatly interested in the groundskeeper, sports
activities coordinator, and sports and recreation leader positions at Red Deer City Soccer
Association. My passions and qualities in soccer make me a qualified candidate for this role and
a potential key component of your team.

Please consider me for the position of groundskeeper, sports activities coordinator, and sports
and recreation leader, because I am a devoted hard worker. I have played multiple sports,
including soccer which I have played for the majority of my lifetime. I am very knowledgeable
and have a great passion for soccer. I would love a job that incorporates that component of my
life. My sports have taught me both independence, and teamwork. I consistently strive to do
better and put my best effort forward. I take my commitments very seriously and am therefore a
very punctual person, with phenomenal time management skills. My time is used productively
and illustrates my dependability and trustworthiness. I am a polite, well-mannered person with
great communication skills. These are the reasons why I believe I would be a good candidate
for your job.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my letter. Please get back to me at your
convenience if you are interested in interviewing me. You can contact me either by cell at,
(403)-506-6385 or by email at,


Elyse Borys

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