Mediators and Moderators of Treatment Effects in Randomized Clinical Trials

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Mediators and Moderators of Treatment Effects

in Randomized Clinical Trials
Helena Chmura Kraemer, PhD; G. Terence Wilson, PhD;
Christopher G. Fairburn, DM, MPhil, FRCPsych; W. Stewart Agras, MD

andomized clinical trials (RCTs) not only are the gold standard for evaluating the ef-
ficacy and effectiveness of psychiatric treatments but also can be valuable in revealing
moderators and mediators of therapeutic change. Conceptually, moderators identify
on whom and under what circumstances treatments have different effects. Mediators
identify why and how treatments have effects. We describe an analytic framework to identify and
distinguish between moderators and mediators in RCTs when outcomes are measured dimension-
ally. Rapid progress in identifying the most effective treatments and understanding on whom treat-
ments work and do not work and why treatments work or do not work depends on efforts to iden-
tify moderators and mediators of treatment outcome. We recommend that RCTs routinely include
and report such analyses. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002;59:877-883

Considerable progress has been made in 3. Randomization to treatment and

the development and evaluation of treat- control or comparison groups to avoid
ments, both pharmacologic and psycho- confusing selection effects with treat-
logical, for a variety of different psychiat- ment effects.
ric disorders. This research has emphasized 4. A few a priori, well-chosen, and
the use of the randomized clinical trial justified outcome measures, selected in ad-
(RCT), which is widely regarded as the vance of the trial, obtained either blinded
gold standard of evaluation of efficacy and to treatment group or otherwise with mea-
effectiveness in medicine. The character- surement bias controlled to avoid confus-
istics of a well-performed RCT are well ing the opinions or expectations of pa-
established.1 They include the following tients or researchers with treatment effects.
features: 5. Analysis performed by intention
to treat (ie, all randomized subjects are in-
1. A well-defined and justified popu-
cluded in the analysis of outcome). Only
lation, with a representative sample of suf-
those subgroups specified and justified in
ficient size, to yield power to detect clini-
the a priori hypotheses (eg, baseline se-
cally significant differences between
verity) or in the design (eg, sites in a mul-
treatments and to provide accurate esti-
tisite study) are addressed in the primary
mates of the effect sizes2 in that popula-
tion on which to base considerations of
6. A valid test for statistical signifi-
clinical or policy significance.3,4
cance and estimates of effect sizes infor-
2. One or more control or compari-
mative enough to guide consideration of
son groups, with protocols for treatment
clinical and policy significance.
in each group specified well enough to per-
mit replication in the clinic or another re- The knowledge derived from such
search project. RCTs is of direct relevance to health care
system reform and the growing demands for
From the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, accountability. However, there is much
Stanford, Calif (Drs Kraemer and Agras); Department of Psychology, Rutgers more that can be learned from a success-
University, New Brunswick, NJ (Dr Wilson); and Department of Psychiatry, fully completed RCT than is currently
Oxford University, Oxford, England (Dr Fairburn). learned. Ideally, RCTs should also provide



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information on possible moderators ment of time and effort to narrow the der succeeds by eliminating cata-
and mediators of treatment out- search for causal factors by focus- strophic cognitions concerning the
comes to guide the next generation ing first on a search for risk factors bodily changes. This finding lends
of studies and inform clinical appli- or mediators is worthwhile. Once strong support to the cognitive
cations. mediators are identified, a subse- theory of panic.14
quent RCT in which a treatment en-
MODERATORS AND hanced in those components asso- METHODS FOR DETERMINING
MEDIATORS OF TREATMENT ciated with the mediator is shown to MEDIATORS AND
OUTCOMES be more effective than the treat- MODERATORS OF
ment in the original RCT would es- TREATMENT ON OUTCOME
Treatment moderators specify for tablish that the mediator identified
whom or under what conditions the in the original RCT is indeed a The issue of mediators and modera-
treatment works.5 Consequently, mechanism. tors in a general framework has long
they help clarify to investigators the The benefits of uncovering been discussed in the psychology lit-
best choice of inclusion and exclu- mechanisms of change would be erature, particularly stimulated by the
sion criteria or the best choice of considerable. Even the most potent seminal work of Baron and Kenny,5
stratification to maximize power in of the available treatments are lim- but the applications have had seri-
subsequent RCTs. They also sug- ited in their effects, helping many, ous problems. As discussed by Krae-
gest to clinicians which of their pa- but not all, patients, regardless of mer et al,15 there is ambiguity be-
tients might be most responsive to clinical disorder. Understanding the tween a moderator and a mediator
the treatment and for which pa- mechanisms through which treat- and in the directionality of modera-
tients other, more appropriate, treat- ments operate is likely to facilitate tion and mediation. Kraemer and col-
ments might be sought. Modera- the development of innovative treat- leagues reconsidered these issues in
tors may identify subpopulations ments that will yield larger effect the specific context of risk research
with possibly different causal mecha- sizes or the same effect sizes at lower and proposed operational defini-
nisms or course of illness. Thus, cost or risk. Active therapeutic com- tions consistent with Baron and Ken-
moderators may also provide unique ponents could be intensified and re- ny’s conceptual definitions, which re-
new and valuable information to fined, whereas inactive or redun- solved many of the problems of
guide future restructuring of diag- dant elements could be discarded.10 applications. Although the concepts
nostic classification and treatment The result is likely to be both more they propose apply in general, be-
decision making. potent and more efficient therapy. cause the context was risk research,
There has been considerable in- Therefore, not surprisingly, Hy- the effect sizes that were the basis of
terest in identifying moderators of man11 presents as one of the central demonstration of moderation and me-
outcome, albeit with modest suc- questions psychiatry must address diation were those related to “po-
cess.6 This is perhaps best exempli- in the new millennium, “How do our tency” to detect a binary outcome.
fied by the enthusiasm for matching treatments, including psychother- This reflected the clinical and policy
patients to specific treatments, as il- apy, work?” impact of using the risk factor to iden-
lustrated by the huge and largely un- Combining procedurally dif- tify high- and low-risk subjects for the
informative Project MATCH (Match- ferent treatments (eg, cognitive purposes of prevention.16 In RCT ap-
ing Alcoholism Treatment to Client behavioral therapy [CBT] and phar- plications, the effect sizes are usu-
Heterogeneity), the most expensive macotherapy) has become common- ally different from those in risk fac-
controlled study of psychological place in the treatment of a variety of tor research, largely because the
treatment yet undertaken.7 Match- psychiatric disorders. If the treat- outcome is often dimensional rather
ing treatment to individual patients ments combined operate via differ- than categorical. The most common
is a daunting task because the poten- ent mechanisms,12 knowing what the effect sizes used are the standard-
tially relevant patient and treatment mechanisms of change are not only ized mean difference between groups
attributes are so numerous and their would make for better, more syner- (often called Cohen’s d17) resulting
possible interactions often com- gistic combined treatment pro- from the use of linear models.18,19
plex.8 grams but also would forestall com- The particular linear model to
Treatment mediators identify bining different treatments with be used for both moderator and me-
possible mechanisms through which potentially incompatible or mutu- diator analysis comparing a treat-
a treatment might achieve its ef- ally antagonistic mechanisms.13 ment group (T) vs a control or com-
fects. These mechanisms are causal Identifying mediators may not parison group (C) is exactly the
links between treatment and out- only enhance treatment structure but same: the independent variables are
come. Just as all causal factors are also advance our understanding of T, M (the possible moderator or me-
risk factors but not all risk factors the nature of clinical disorders. If a diator), and the T⫻ M interaction.
are causal factors,9 all mechanisms treatment has its effects by influenc- Users of linear models often forget
are mediators but not all mediators ing a particular process, this find- that how independent variables are
are mechanisms. However, demon- ing establishes the importance of coded can change the definition of
strating causality is much more dif- this process in the maintenance of the effects that are estimated and
ficult than establishing risk factor or the disorder. For example, there is tested by the model. For clarity, the
mediator status. Thus, the invest- evidence that CBT for panic disor- treatment effect is coded herein as



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+1⁄2 for those in T and −1⁄2 for those Outcome
in C. The mean of M for those ran-
Slope = 4
domly assigned to T is MT and for
those randomly assigned to C is MC.
The midpoint of these two is M0. The Slope = 3

values of M for the analysis are cen- 2

tered at M0 (ie, one uses as the co- Slope = 5

variate not the observed value M, but T 1

C 7
M − M0). The linear model posits that MC M0 MT

the expected response in T and C for

subjects with different levels of M are Intercept: Average Response of Subjects Having M = M0 Assigned to T and C (1)

2 straight lines (Figure 1). Also Main Effect of Treatment: Difference Between Average Response of Subjects With M = M0 Assigned to T vs C (2)

shown is a reference line halfway be- Main Effect of M: Average Slope of Response on M of Subjects Assigned to T and C (3)
Interactive Effect of Treatment and M: Difference Between the Slope of Response on M of Subjects Assigned to T vs C (4 vs 5)
tween the T and C lines. Terms such
Overall (Unadjusted) Effect of Treatment: Difference Between the Average Response of Subjects Assigned to T (at MT) vs Those
as intercept, main effect of treatment, Assigned to C (at MC) (6 vs 7)
main effect of M, interactive effect of Effect of Treatment for Subjects With M = m: Vertical Separation of the T and C Lines at That Value of M
M and treatment, overall (or unad-
justed) effect of treatment, and effect Figure 1. Definitions of terms used in the linear model, with treatment coded +1⁄2 for those in the
treatment group (T) and −1⁄2 for those in the control or comparison group (C), with the moderator or
of treatment for the subset of subjects mediator (M) centered at the mean of M in T (MT), the mean of M in C (MC), and the midpoint of these
with M=m are shown in Figure 1. two (M0).

Moderators of Treatment able to advantaged families. In an treatment differs from the main effect
RCT of the effects of fluvoxamine of treatment by the quantity (main
ToshowthatMisamoderatoroftreat- maleate alone vs fluvoxamine plus effect of M)⫻(MT −MC). For this rea-
ment, M must be a baseline or preran- pindolol, a polymorphism within the son, some methodologists would
domization characteristic (hence, by promoter of the serotonin trans- recommend that a main effect of M
definitioninanRCTuncorrelatedwith porter gene was a moderator of an- coupled with a correlation between
treatment: MT =MC =M0) that can be tidepressant efficacy.22 This last ex- treatment and M (MT −MC) should
shown to have an interactive effect ample is particularly important, since be both necessary and sufficient to
with treatment on the outcome. Since genes may moderate the effect of en- define a mediator. However, this
MT =MC =M0, the overall effect of treat- vironmental manipulation (eg, drug recommendation would ignore a
ment is identical with the main effect administration) on outcome. The situation such as that shown in
of treatment. Thus, the putative mod- effect of genes on outcome may only Figure 2, where there is no main
erator does not help to explain the be understood once the factors they effect of treatment, no main effect of
overall effect of treatment. However, moderate are identified. M, and no overall effect of treat-
an interactive effect means that the ment, but clearly M is explaining in-
effect of treatment on individual sub- Mediators of Treatment dividual differences in response to
jects depends on their value of M. treatment (interactive effect of treat-
Thus,themoderatordoeshelpexplain To show that M is a mediator of treat- ment and M). In such a situation,
individual differences in the effect of ment, M would have to measure an treatment may not merely change
treatment. If M is a characteristic of event or change occurring during the level of M (inducing the differ-
the individual (eg, age, sex, initial se- treatment, and then it must corre- ence between MT and MC) but may
verity, comorbidity), then M indicates late with treatment choice, hence pos- change the nature of M, thus chang-
on whom the treatment may have the sibly be a result of treatment, and ing the relationship of M to the out-
most clinically significant effects. If M have either a main or interactive effect come in the 2 groups. If this is so,
characterizes the circumstances un- on the outcome. this effect may also suggest a mecha-
der which the treatment is delivered In this case (Figure 1), the typi- nism that influences the effect of
(eg, inpatients vs outpatients), then cal subject in the population, if as- treatment that should not be ig-
Mindicatesunderwhatcircumstances signed to T, will average MT and, if nored. For this reason, we propose
the treatment may have the most clini- assigned to C, will average MC, which that both main and interactive ef-
cally significant effects. are not equal (since M is correlated fects of M be included in the defi-
For example, in the Infant with treatment choice). Then the nition of a mediator.
Health and Development Program overall effect of treatment is not usu- In a 6-site RCT for children
(IHDP),20 an 8-site RCT testing a be- ally equal to the main effect of treat- with attention-deficit/hyperactiv-
havioral intervention for low-birth- ment. Part of the overall effect of ity disorder (ADHD) comparing a
weight, premature infants, with out- treatment arises from the fact that medical management intervention,
comes at 3 years of age, it was found21 treatment shifts the value of M. If a behavioral intervention, and a
that the intervention was effective pri- there is a main effect of M on the out- combination of the two vs treat-
marily for children from disadvan- come, this would automatically shift ment as usual, it was shown that
taged families. Presumably the re- the response in T relative to C, even compliance with treatment proto-
sources added to usual care by the in absence of a main effect of treat- col, according to standards set a
intervention were those already avail- ment. In fact, the overall effect of priori, was a mediator of treatment



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effects.23 As a result, in the intention- outcome; mediators always come be- outcome. Unlike the ADHD result,
to-treat analysis that examined the tween what they mediate and the compliance with treatment might
overall effect of treatment, the effect outcome. nondifferentially enhance treat-
of medical management may have A baseline measure (not a me- ment response to all treatments. If so,
been understated. diator) that has a main effect on out- compliance with treatment would be
The Table summarizes these come but no interactive effect (not a a nonspecific predictor of outcome.
definitions, but also fills in other pos- moderator) might be called a non- The message would be that improve-
sible relationships among target specific predictor of outcome. Such ment of compliance would enhance
measure, treatment choice, and out- a target measure predicts response in outcomes whatever the treatment.
come. For example, if a posttreat- both treatment groups, but the effect A posttreatment measure (not a
ment variable (not a moderator of size of treatment is the same regard- moderator) that is correlated with
treatment) is not correlated with less of the value of the target mea- treatment, which has neither a main
treatment choice (also not a media- sure. Thus, for example, in the mul- nor an interactive effect with treat-
tor of treatment) but has an inter- tisite ADHD study, there were major ment on outcome, is an indepen-
active effect with treatment on the site differences in almost all out- dent outcome of treatment. For ex-
outcome, then treatment is a mod- comes, but few site-by-treatment in- ample, a cardiovascular risk reduction
erator of that measure (not vice teractive effects.24 Similar results were program may reduce weight and in-
versa). Thus, for example, in a pro- obtained in a multisite RCT that tested crease activity level, but it may be that
gram designed to treat depression, the relative effectiveness of CBT and the decrease in weight does not re-
the effect of the death of a relative interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for late to the increase in activity level or
or friend during the treatment (pre- bulimia nervosa.25 In both cases, site vice versa. In such a case, weight de-
sumably not related to which treat- was a nonspecific predictor of out- crease and activity increase are 2 in-
ment was assigned) on outcome may come, but not a moderator (ie, the dependent outcomes of the treat-
be moderated by treatment. This effect size of treatment did not differ ment.
would be the case if those in T are over sites, even though the response Finally, a target variable, either
better able to cope with such an to treatment did). before or after baseline uncorrelated
event than those in C. The direc- A posttreatment measure (not a with treatment, that has neither a
tionality of mediation and modera- moderator) uncorrelated with treat- main nor an interactive effect on an
tion is important to note. Modera- ment (not a mediator) that has a main outcome is not demonstrated to be
tors always precede what they effect but no interaction might also relevant to the treatment outcome. In
moderate, which in turn precedes be called a nonspecific predictor of a sample from the population, this
may, of course, be a matter of inad-
equate power owing to small sample
size or unreliable measurement.

The Role of Theory

Clearly, there should be some theo-
retical basis for the choice of mea-
sures to be considered as possible
mediators and moderators. For ex-
T ample, a measure that is simply part
M of the definition of one of the treat-
ments should not be considered as
either a mediator or a moderator.
Figure 2. A special case in which there is no main effect of treatment, no main effect of moderator or
mediator (M), and no overall effect of treatment, but in which treatment may change not only the level but
When one considers comparing the
also the action of M on the outcome, a mediating effect. T indicates treatment group; C, control or effects of a medication treatment vs
comparison group; MC, the mean of M in C; MT, the mean of M in T; and M0, the midpoint of these two. a psychotherapy treatment, one

Summary of Population Definitions Relating Target Measure to Treatment and Outcome

Target Measure Correlation With Treatment Relationship to Outcome in Linear Model Classification of Target Measure
Pretreatment No (by definition) Interaction with or without main effect Moderator of treatment outcome
Pretreatment No (by definition) Main effect only Nonspecific predictor of treatment outcome
Posttreatment Yes Main effect or interaction Mediator of treatment outcome
Posttreatment Yes Neither main effect nor interaction Independent outcome of treatment
Posttreatment No Interaction with or without main effect Treatment moderates target variable
Posttreatment No Main effect only Nonspecific predictor of treatment outcome
Pretreatment or No Neither main effect nor interaction Target measure irrelevant to treatment outcome



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would not consider blood level of the Kenny,5 the operational framework clearer thinking about possible mod-
medication or attendance at therapy differs in several important ways erators and mediators and their con-
sessions as possible mediators. To from their analytic approach. Dem- sequences. For example, lack of so-
“prove” that drug level mediates a onstration of precedence is re- cial support before treatment may or
drug effect vs therapy or that therapy quired. A moderator precedes treat- may not be a moderator of treat-
exposure mediates a therapy effect ment; a mediator occurs during ment outcome. Change in social sup-
vs drug seems a trivial finding. treatment. In absence of such a cri- port during treatment may or may not
For example, in a comparison of terion, what mediates (or moder- be a mediator of treatment outcome.
CBT and IPT for bulimia nervosa, it ates) what is often arbitrarily de- However, lack of social support be-
might be hypothesized that self- cided and may reflect investigators’ fore treatment is not the same vari-
monitoring of daily eating habits is biases. Similarly, demonstration of able as change of social support dur-
a mediator of treatment effect. How- correlation is required. A modera- ing treatment. Whether one is a
ever, self-monitoring occurs only in tor is not correlated with treat- moderator has nothing to do with
CBT and not at all in IPT. Since it is ment; a mediator is. In absence of whether the other is a mediator. Cur-
part of CBT, it would be totally col- such criteria, the interpretation of rently, because both measures in-
linear with treatment and thus could whether a relationship is mediat- volve social support, these are often
not be shown to be a mediator. On ing or moderating is often arbi- mistakenly treated as 2 measures of
the other hand, in the IHDP, day care trary. The analytic model, in con- the same construct and reported as
was one component of a multicom- trast to the several linear models both mediating and moderating the
ponent behavioral treatment. Not all proposed by Baron and Kenny, is ex- treatment outcome.
the subjects randomly assigned to T actly the same for moderators and The emphasis in this ap-
received the same exposure to day mediators. The difference lies in how proach is on the effect size of treat-
care, whereas some subjects ran- M is defined in terms of time rela- ments in the population and what
domly assigned to C availed them- tion to treatment onset and corre- influences the effect size for a par-
selves of day care in the commu- lation with treatment choice. ticular choice of M. This is impor-
nity. Thus, although the use and For example, in his article on tant, because it is easy to show that
quality of day care were clearly higher mediators and moderators in cogni- any nonlinear rescaling will pro-
in T than in C (correlated with treat- tive therapy for depression, Whis- duce an interaction effect for any
ment choice), it was possible to show man27 points out that some research- outcome measure with no interac-
that day care was a mediator of the ers have proposed as moderators the tion effect. In many, but not all, cases
IHDP treatment response.26 therapeutic alliance and adherence to it can be shown that for an out-
In the same way, one should be cognitive therapy procedures. By the come measure with a strong inter-
wary of proposing M that merely re- definition used herein, neither can be action effect, one can remove the
flects the outcome of interest as a a moderator, since both occur dur- interaction effect by suitable trans-
possible mediator of response. For ing, not before, treatment. However, formation. Such transformations (eg,
example, if the outcome of an evalu- Whisman warns that “a particular log, square root, or arcsine) are of-
ation of a smoking cessation pro- variable may assume the roles of both ten used to bring the data in line with
gram were smoking cessation at 1 mediator and moderator,”27(p260) again the linearity and equal variance as-
year, proposing smoking cessation referring to the therapeutic alliance, sumptions of these linear models.
at 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, and which confuses the issue. Once those assumptions are satis-
so on as possible mediators would Problems stem from the pro- fied, conclusions regarding modera-
undoubtedly lead to the trivial con- posal by Baron and Kenny5 that a tor or mediator status relate to that
clusion that smoking cessation is a mediator directly influences the out- particular M and will be invariant for
mediator of treatment on smoking come (main effect only), whereas a all linear transformations of that M.
cessation. There should be some moderator affects the relationship Moreover, the definitions are
clear distinction between the con- between the treatment and the out- couched in terms of population pa-
structs measured by the proposed come (interactive effect only). As rameters, not in terms of test statis-
mediators and both the definitions shown in Figure 2, when treatment tics and P values. Although statisti-
of the treatments and outcome of in- changes M, it may change not only cal hypothesis testing based on linear
terest. In short, there should be some the level but also the impact of M on models will often be the tool used
rationale and justification, some bio- the outcome. The latter is an inter- to test certain hypotheses about the
logical and psychological plausibil- active effect that may be important population effect sizes, the defini-
ity, in the selection of variables to be in understanding the mechanism by tions themselves are not based on
considered as possible moderators which treatment affects outcome. statistical significance. By increas-
and mediators and attention to their More important, under the pres- ing sample size one can generate
validity and reliability. ent definition, the same variable more statistically significant re-
cannot be both a moderator and a sults.15 For that reason, P values are
Comparisons With Other mediator of treatment, and the di- not and should not be used to de-
Approaches rectionality of moderation and me- fine moderators and mediators of
diation is unambiguous. Although treatment, because then moderator
Although the conceptual basis here some methodologists may disagree, or mediator status would change
is the same as that of Baron and we believe that this theory forces with sample size.



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The present approach must also been strongly advocated10,32 and of- effect sizes and power in the subse-
be differentiated from that of finding ten attempted, there has been little quent RCTs. In the meantime, mod-
variables that predict (baseline) or formal emphasis on such analyses erator and mediator analysis does
correlate with (events or changes dur- following an RCT. Clearly, such not substantially increase the time
ing treatment) response in T or C analyses are hypothesis-generating or cost of performing RCTs, since
separately. It is a basic tenet of RCT rather than hypothesis-testing. In ab- such analyses are typically covered
methods that one cannot estimate the sence of such formal, careful hy- under secondary hypotheses and
treatment effect except in relation to pothesis-generating activities, the current funding would cover such
another treatment (the control or hypotheses tested in hypothesis- activities. Everyone wins.
comparison treatment). This is be- testing studies are often weak and However, currently, to dis-
cause when one evaluates one treat- the designs underlying such stud- seminate the results of such activi-
ment alone, even the most inert pla- ies frequently based on flawed as- ties, authors often misreport their
cebo, one may see what appears to be sumptions rather than empirically hypothesis-generating activities as
change in the response due to arti- based ones, often lacking power to hypothesis-testing. Even when
facts such as statistical regression to detect treatment effects. Even when authors carefully avoid doing so,
the mean,28-31 expectation effects on such studies do detect treatment ef- reviewers and editors often demand
the part of the subjects and the evalu- fects, they are likely to produce at- inappropriate tests and P values.
ators, naturally occurring secular tenuated effect sizes. One then is left Information valuable to develop-
trends, and drift in measurement. wondering whether, statistically sig- ing clinical and policy insights into
When one evaluates how variables nificant or not, these effects have any present treatments, developing op-
correlate with response within any clinical or policy significance. timal treatment for different sub-
single treatment group, any vari- In the evaluation of proposals populations (moderators), and maxi-
ables identified may be moderators or and research papers, so much em- mizing the effects of treatments
mediators or nonspecific predictors of phasis has traditionally been placed (mediators) may be simply misre-
response, but they may also be merely on hypothesis-testing activities that ported or not reported at all. Every-
correlates of such artifactual effects. reviewers often dismiss hypothesis- one loses.
In any case, by these definitions, one generating as “data dredging” or Although moderator and me-
could not, in absence of C, distin- “fishing expeditions.” There has re- diator analysis is post hoc, the de-
guish between moderators and me- cently been growing recognition cision to perform such an analysis
diators of treatment response and among methodologists that care- must be a priori. Considerable
nonspecific predictors. It is neces- fully and expertly performed hy- thought should be given in the de-
sary, as it is in RCTs, to have C. pothesis-generating activities are sign of the RCT to selection of a
The approach of Kraemer et al15 necessary to foster stronger hypoth- comprehensive set of high-quality
to moderators and mediators in risk eses for the next generation of hy- and timely measures, which theory
research is basically the same as the pothesis-testing studies and to pro- or experience might suggest as pos-
one proposed herein. However, it vide the background information sible moderators or mediators with-
differs in 2 respects. One difference necessary to design such powerful out overburdening the subjects. Oth-
is in the effect sizes used in RCTs vs studies. erwise, the measures one needs are
those used in risk research. An- In hypothesis-generating stud- simply not available when the RCT
other important difference is that all ies, conventional interpretations of is finished.
the factors considered in the risk significance tests no longer hold, and For example, there is increas-
context were assumed to be risk fac- each finding considered to be im- ing evidence that a rapid response
tors and thus correlated with the out- portant should be validated in the to CBT occurs in a number of dis-
come. There is no need for any simi- next generation of hypothesis- orders.34 Ilardi and Craighead35 have
lar a priori requirement that the testing studies before being consid- shown that as much as 60% to 70%
treatment first be shown effective ered conclusive.33 Any strong mod- of total improvement in CBT for de-
overall in changing the outcome erator should be considered as a pression occurs in the first 4 weeks
(Figure 2). There may be zero over- stratification variable in the next of therapy. Yet in RCTs, investiga-
all effectiveness, but there may still RCT, and a formal test should be per- tors have often assessed possible me-
be important moderator or media- formed on the now a priori hypoth- diators at midtreatment with a view
tor effects. In short, moderator and esis of a moderator-by-treatment to explaining posttreatment ef-
mediator analyses may be just as im- interaction. Any strong mediator fects. Exemplifying this conven-
portant for what seems an overall should be considered in restructur- tion, DeRubeis et al36 measured pro-
noneffective treatment. It would pre- ing treatments to be evaluated in the posed cognitive mediators of
clude discarding a treatment that next RCT, and a formal test should cognitive therapy for depression at
only appears ineffective because of be performed on the now a priori hy- midtreatment. This assessment point
overly generous inclusion criteria. pothesis that the treatment effect occurred after 6 weeks (10 ses-
would be increased by appropriate sions) of therapy. As the analysis by
Impediments to Application manipulation of mediators. To do so Ilardi and Craighead reveals, how-
not only validates the moderator and ever, by this time point, much of the
Although mediator and moderator mediator hypotheses generated in therapy effect would have already oc-
analysis for treatment effects has earlier studies, but also increases the curred. Similarly, in a recent com-



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parative study of CBT and IPT for stitute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Md. Bull. 1982;91:691-693.
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