CA Since June 2019

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NEP-1986 and 1992 and now 2020- TSR commi7ee and Kasturirangan
commi7ee-2016 - na?onal mission on founda?onal literacy and numeracy -

2. Auditonline applica?on - MoPR- to facilitate online and offline audits of accounts -

Panchayats - currently for 20% of panchayats - an open source applica?on
developed as part of panchayat enterprise suite under e-panchayat mission mode

3. Agriculture infrastructure fund- Central sector scheme-10yrs dura?on - as loans to

primary agri credit socie?es , FPOs, SHGs, Farmers and marke?ng coopera?ve
socie?es- interest subven?on of 3% per annum upto a limit of 2cr. - subven?on for
max period of 7 years - credit guarantee has been provided- managed through
online MIS- monitoring commi7ees will be set up

4. EPC and HAM model of infrastructure development along wit TOT and BOT

5. Swarna Sub1- variety of paddy crop , ranjit sub1 and Bahadur sub1

6. Mongolian kanjur - Na?onal mission for manuscripts- MoCulture -108 volumes, a


text , has been translated from Tibetan and the language of the Kanjur is classical

7. Tangams- an ethnolinguis?c study of CE group of Arunachal Pradesh - are li7le


community within larger Adi tribe of Arunachal - live in Kugging in upper siang
dis7. - tango is 

an oral language that belongs to Tani group -

8. Measles and rubella - eliminated from Sri Lanka and Maldives ; Bhutan , north
korea and East 

Timor declared measles free

9. Measles - virus - only to humans and not to animals - direct contact through air -

respiratory tract - ; Rubella - viral infec?on , airborne droplets , humans only
known hosts

10. World’s longest subsea power cable - UK and Denmark -

11. Hagia sophia- Turkey - west bank of Bosphorous -

12. 1st ever military communica?ons satellite ANASIS-II launched by South Korea -

nuclear armed North Korea

13. Malabar exercise very important

14. Hul divas - in memory of Sidho and Kanhu (santhal revolt) - 1855 - Jharkhand 

15. Commonwealth human rights ini?a?ve - independent NPO , HQ new delhi ,

16. Istanbul conven?on - to combat violence against women in Europe -

17. Blue heart campaign - figh?ng human trafficking - launched by United Na?ons -

raising ini?a?ve -

18. Interna?onal union of railways - Paris based - is a global plaform for railway
systems - Indian 

Arun Kumar nominated to be vice chairman - 

19. ECOSOC - membership based on geographic representa?on - 14 seats to Africa, 11

to asia, 6 

to eastern europe , 10 to la?n and Caribbean and 13 to western europe and other
areas - 3 yrs 

term - simple majority vote decisions - 

20. GFATM - aka global fund - 2002 as an innova?ve financing mechanism - a financing 

instrument - not an implemen?ng agency - hq at Geneva 

21. Arad and carmel - israeli assault rifles - to be manufactured in Indian 

22. Army adventure wing - DGMT - apex body for planning, conduct , coordina?on ,

promo?on of adventure ac?vi?es in army - 

23. Phobos - the closest and biggest moon of Mars - s?cky, shklyovsky , Roche,
grildrig- craters 

24. G4 flu virus - newly emerged strain of influenza virus that is infec?ng Chinese
chicken - 

descended from the H5N7 strain that was responsible for the 2009 swine flu
pandemic - 

25. BlackRock - a newly found android malware - 

26. 2020 ND- a poten?ally dangerous asteroid - 170 meters long 

27. Miyawaki method - unique method of forest crea?on - to create urban forest - 

28. Brahmapuram solid waste processing plant - Kerala 

29. Green-Ag project > to reduce emissions from agriculture and ensure sustainable

prac?ces - implemented in 5 states - Mizoram, Rajasthan , MP, odisha,
u7rakhannd -GEF 


30. Padmanabhaswamy temple - Kerala 

31. ASEEM portals - MSME- atamnirbhar skilled employee mapping portal - to help
skilled people 

find sustainable livelihood opportuni?es - NSDC. 

32. UN High level poli?cal forum under auspices of the ECOSOC of UN - reviews a re

33. Unnat Bharat abhyan - TRIFED - to boost livelihood opportuni?es and income
genera?on for 

tribal communi?es - flagship na?onal programme of MoHRD - connects higher

ins?tu?ons with villages for economic and social be7erment of rural communi?es 

34. State of world popula?on 2020 - UNFPA - UN sexual and reproduc?ve health
agency - member of UNDG

35. Drugs made of 2 components - API also called bulk drug and excipient - API is the
central ingredient in any drug which produces the required effects in the body ;
excipients are substances that help to deliver the medicine in the body - Key
star?ng material - a raw material or intermediate that is used in the produc?on of
an API 

36. Bhadla solar park - with capacity of 2245MW, Jodhpur- Pavagada Solar park in
Tumkur dish. Karnataka - largest 

37. Zoram mega food park - Mizoram - 

38. Inerna?onal centre of automa?ve technology - developing a technology plaform


automa?ve industry ASPIRE - automa?ve solu?ons ports for industry , research
and educa?on 

39. SWAMIH - special window for affordable and mid income housing - cons?tuted to

construc?on of stalled , RERA registered affordable and mid income category

projects - - MoF 

40. Dhamma chakra day - July 4 - ash Poornima - aka Guru Poornima - 

41. 15th EU india summit - virtual format - 

42. BEST- BRICS environmentally sound technology -plaform - 

43. APT29 - also known cozy bear - is a cyber espionage group allegedly linked to
Russian state 

intelligence agencies - 

44. Dhruvastra- an? tank guided missile - helicopter - 

45. Elyments app - a new social media plaform under atmanirbhar Bharat campaign
to rival 

Facebook - launched by VP - 

46. NASA’s lunar reconnaissance orbiter - spacecrao - evidence that moon’s surface
might have 

greater quan??es of metals - observed by miniature radio frequency instrument - 

47. Director general of quality assurance of armed forces - approved winter diesel -

refinery - 

48. 1st indigenous developed vaccine - Zycov-d , BIRAC- under na?onal biopharma
mission - 

49. Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine - 1st fully indigenous - approved

by DCGI- 

for ac?ve immunisa?on against pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumonia

posi?ve bacterium ) 

50. Dare to dream - DRDO’s innova?on contest - open challenge scheme to promote
the Indian 

innovators and startups for innova?ons in defence and aerospace technologies. 

51. Interna?onal thermonuclear experimental reactor - is an Interna?onal nuclear

fusion research 

and engineering mega project - world’s largest magne?c confinement plasma

experiment - experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor that is built in France - 

52. Tillari conserva?on reserve - Maharashtra - dodamarg forest range conserva?on

reserve and 

community reserves are completely owned by GoI 

53. Globba andersonii - CE plant species - Sikkim - mainly teesta river valley region - 

54. India’s largest bu7erfly - golden birdwing 

55. Indian bullfrog - a rare yellow frog in narsinghpur in MP , least concern 

56. NPs in Assam - new dihing patkai , Kaziranga, nameri, Manas, orang, dibru-
saikhowa ; 

dewing patkai an elephant reserve 

57. RAISE ini?a?ve - retrofit of air condi?oning to improve indoor air quality for safety

efficiency - na?onal programme - MoPower - EESL and USAID- MAITREE

58. Ammonia - colourless gas and industrial chemical - concentra?on above 1 ppm is
toxic in 

water - can cause internal organ damage 

59. India-Australia - comprehensive strategic partnership -mari?me coopera?on -

Mutual logis?cs 

support agreement-bilateral strategic partnership concluded in 2009 - 

60. 9th schedule - contains both central and state laws which can’t be challenged - 1st 

amendment to cons?tu?on added 9th schedule - 

61. TULIP - AICTE and MoHUA- to provide 1 cr. Internships ?ll 2025 - will work with
ULBs - 

doesn’t have any budget of its own - 

62. Garib kalyan rüzgar yogana - not all India and nodal ministry is MoRD-116 dis7s.

some aspira?onal dis7s. 

63. GAVI- observer status at WHO- Public private - alliance includes WHO, UNICEF, WB
- goal of 

increasing access to immunisa?on in poor countries - now vaccinates half of the

children - proposed Advance market commitment - for covid19 vaccines 

64. PM-svanidhi - MoHUA- for street vendors - valid ?ll march 2022- working capital
loan of upto 

10,000- interest subsidy of 7% PER ANNUM - PAiSA portal of MoHUA and
Udyammitra portal 


65. Malathion 95- is a chemical used to protect food producing plants from insects - 

66. Coral triangle - Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua new guinea, Philippines , Solomon
Islands, and ?mor leste - epicentre f marine biodiversity - 

67. Raja Parba - Odisha fes?val - dedicated to mother earth and womanhood - is a 3
day prolonged fes?val - beginning of the soar month of Mithna 

68. Eurasian group on comba?ng money laundering and financing of terrorism (EAG) -
under aegis 

of FATF- FATF style regional body - 2004- associate member of FATF, 9 members -

china , India, kyrgyz republic, Russia, Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan 

69. Opera?on desert chase - an an? espionage opera?on was started by Military
intelligence in 

early 2019 

70. RECOVERY trials- UK- to test 5 drugs for COVID19- lopinavir-ritonavir (commonly
for HIV 

treatment, Low dose dexamethasone (an an? inflammatory medica?on ) , HCQ(to
treat malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthri?s) , Azithromycin (a commonly used
an?bio?c) , Tocilizumab( an an? inflammatory treatment given by injec?on) 

71. Athirappally Hydro electric project - on chalakudy river in Kerala - 

72. Present glacier - Italy 

73. Chaolung sukapha - architect of greater Assam -13th century ruler -founder Ahom
kingdom - 

74. Art of Talamaddale - variant of yakshagana - Karnataka and Kerala - 

75. Amendment in postal ballot system - allow people with disabili?es and those who
are 80 years 

of age or above to opt for postal ballot - prisoners are not allowed to vote but
people under 

preven?ve deten?on can cast their votes through postal ballots as well 

76. YUKTI 2.0 -MHRD- to help systema?cally assimilate technologies having

commercial poten?al 

and informa?on related to incubated startups in higher educa?on ins?tu?ons -
Young india 

comba?ng covid with knowledge technology and innova?on - 

77. TB report 2020- 24.04 lakh pa?ents in 2019 - an increase- 

78. UNHCR released global trends report - 20th June world refugee day - 

79. SATYABHAMA (science and technology Yojana for atmanirbhar Bharat in mining

) portal - MoMines - 

80. All urban coopera?ve and mul? state banks - under supervision of RBI - can now

the board of coopera?ve banks - do not apply to PACS or coopera?ve socie?es

primary object and principal business is long term finance for agricultural
development. - 

Banking - under central list , coopera?ve socie?es under state

81. Shwe oil and gas project in Myanmar - ONGC videos ltd - 

82. Kohala hydropower project - PoK built by china - on Jhelum river - 

83. Reciprocal exchange of logis?cs (RELOS) - India with Russia - ; LEMOA with USA;

Singapore in 2018; with South Korea in 2019 

84. UNGA’s Arms trade treaty - 2013 and into force in 2014 - first ever global treaty to

interna?onal norms aiming to prevent conven?onal weapons from being used for
war crimes an human rights abuses or being diverted for illegal use by criminals -
US , china , Russia have not joined - India abstained - 

85. A3i- new coronavirus type ; A2a most dominant 

86. Ananya - nano tech based disinfectant spray 

87. ARPIT - airborne rescue pod for isolated transporta?on - ; project pla?ng -MH
worlds largest 

plasma therapy trial 

88. miRNA -affect cancer growth through inhibi?ng or enhancing the func?ons of
certain proteins , 

associated with cancer are called oncomirs 

89. Ultra swachh- DRDO a disinfec?on unit to disinfect a wide range of materials
including PPEm 

fabrics etc 

90. GPAI- global partnership on ar?ficial intelligence - India founding member - canada
, france, 

Germany , Italy , new Zealand etc - an interna?onal and mul? stakeholder
ini?a?ve to guide the responsible development and use of ar?ficial intelligence
grounded in human rights, inclusion , innova?on , and economic growth . Hosted
by OECD, 

91. iCommit ini?a?ve- Power minister - centred on the idea of building an energy
resilient future. Clarion call to all stakeholders and individuals to con?nue moving
towards energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability - EESL 

92. Poonam avlokan - popula?on observa?on exercise for asia?c lions - not a census 

93. Karnataka to establish a monkey park - 

94. Coccolithophores - are single celled algae living in upper layers of world’s oceans -

exoskeletons from individual CaCO3- 

95. SPIC MACAY- society for promo?on of Indian classical music and culture amongst
youth ) 

voluntary movement founded in 1977 - launched Anubhav to steer young
genera?on from mental stress 

96. Decarbonising transport india project- NITI + interna?onal transport forum - ; ITF
an intergovernmental organisa?on , acts as a think tank for transport policy and
organise annual summit - only global body that covers transport modes - India
since 2008 - administra?vely to OECD 

97. Pangong lake, Demchok, Galwan valley, Naku la in Sikkim - Darchula to lipulekh
road the gateway to Mansarovar - 

98. CRZ- under EPA, 1986, - first framed in 1991, then 2011 and now again - Shailesh
Nayak commi7ee - coastal stretch within 500 mtrs. Of high ?de line towards land-
into 4 categories - CRZ I- no new construc?on shall be permi7ed, except DAE,
pipelines, conveying systems, explora?on and extrac?on ; CRZ II- that have already
been developed close to shoreline - building shall be permi7ed only on the
landward side of the road ; CRZ III- areas that are rela?vely undisturbed and
doesn’t belong to I and II - areas upto 200mts of HTL earmarked as no
development zone however agriculture, hor?culture, gardens, parks , salt etc
permi7ed , 200 to 500 mtrs, permi7ed if ambit of tradi?onal rights and
customary ; CRZ IV- coastal stretches in Andaman and Nicobar , Lakshadweep and
small islands 

99. CRZ 2018 no+fica+on - read it

100. Saras collec+on - MoRD- of GeM portal - unique ini+a+ve of GeM DAY-NRLM -

daily u+lity products made by rural self help groups and aims to provide buyers- SHG sellers

will be able to list their products in 5 categories -

101.Star ra+ng of garbage free ci+es - MoHUA - 2018 -

102.GOAL (going online as leaders) - MoTA and Facebook - to provide mentorship to tribal
through digital mode -

103.Katkari - one of 75 PVTG - meaning the making and sale of Katha from khair tree

104. CHAMPIONS portal - MSME- a technology driven control room cum management

informa+on system - to help MSMEs in difficult situa+on - created with help of NIC -

105.1st interna+onal tea day - 21st may - FAO-

106.Coopera+ve banks can use SARFAESI Act for recovery of debts -a central law and so

not apply to coopera+ve banks formed under state law - but SC rejected this logic -
107.Scheme for formalisa+on of micro food processing enterprises - Central sponsored
scheme -

for unorganised sector - 60:40- over 5 years - aspira+onal dis^s. -

108.Central road research ins+tute - 1952 as a cons+tuent laboratory of CSIR. -

109.TODA tribe - an ethnic group in Nilgiris - today lands have been declared a UNESCO

dravidian ethnicity -TN- part of Nilgiri biosphere reserve

110. Sohrai Khovar - pain+ng - Jharkhand - GI- tradi+onal and ritualis+c mural art -

district - harvest and marriage seasons -

111.Telia Rumal - Telengana - unique +e and dye technique -GI

112. Gorakhpur terra co^a - GI-

113. Interna+onal health regula+ons - agreement between 196 countries including

states to work together for global health safety - 2005 - legally binding instrument of

interna+onal law -

114. Execu+ve board of WHO- 34 member board - each member qualified in the field of
health is

appointed for 3 yrs - chairman in rota+on for 1 year - 6 regional groups - African region ,
region of Americans, South east asia region , European region , eastern mediterranean
region , and western pacific region - annual board mee+ng is held in January - for 2020
chairman - DR. Harsha Vardhan

115. Manipur’s Khudol ini+a+ve - crowdfunded ini+a+ve of Ya_All , NGO, that had created
India’s first transgender football team -

116. Agniprastha missile park -at INS Kalinga

117. Acharya Jagdish chandra bose Indian botanic garden - West Bengal - Great banyan tree
118.Opera+on warp speed- USA -PPP and an interagency program ini+ated to facilitate and
accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribu+on of COVID vaccine,

and diagnos+cs

119.COVID 19 technology access pool - WHO and costa rica - an ini+a+ve aimed at making

vaccines, tests , treatments and other health technologies

120.FAITH trials - new combina+on clinical trials - FAvipiravir plus UmIfenovir in Indian


121. Ark+ka-M satellite - Russia- for monitoring Arc+c climate and environment

122. FIR apke dwar- MP

123.SIR , SEIR, SEIRS model - associated with infec+ous diseases - suscep+ble, infec+ous,

recovered, ; suscep+ble, exposed, infec+ous, recovered; then again suscep+ble

124. Sample registra+on system - RGI- demographic survey for providing reliable annual
es+mates of infant mortality rate, birth rate, death rate and other indicators at the na+onal
and sub na+onal levels.

125.Resistance front - a new terror group in Jammu and Kashmir

126.Global forest resources assessment 2020- FAO -

127. AEWA- agreement on the conserva+on of African eurasian migratory waterbirds -

intergovernmental treaty dedicated to conserva+on of migratory waterbirds and their

habitats across Africa, Europe, middle east central asia Greenland and Canadian
archipelago - covers 225 species

128. Llama - south american member if camel family - without humps - na+ve along andes
mountains - are not found in wild - has high content of haemoglobin in their bloodstreams

129. Sal forest tortoise - Northeast india - CE-

130. Pun+nus sanctus - new species of small freshwater fish - TN

131. Black panther spo^ed - South Goa’s Netravali sanctuary

132. TIDE - technology interven+ons for disabled and elderly - DST-programme of science

equity, empowerment and development division (SEED) - to promote applied research and
development of assis+ve technologies for empowerment of elderly popula+on and
divyagjan in the country

133. Na+onal centre for disease control - DG of health services - Delhi - 1963 - as a nodal
agency in the country for disease surveillance facilita+ng preven+on and control of
communicable diseases.

134. R and D sta+s+cs and indicators 2019-20 - brought out by Na+onal science and
technology management informa+on, DST- gross exp. tripled between 2008 and 2018
135.DST ini+a+ves - SUPRA, IRPHA, NIDHI, MANAK, , SATHI, Cyber physical systems ,

136.Lehman 16 - binary brown dwarf system - 3rd closest system to the sun aler alpha

and Barnard’s star

137. ANITA- Antarc+ca impulsive transient antenna - stratospheric balloon payload flying
over the

Antarc+ca - NASA- to detect cosmic ray air showers through radio wave signals -

138.PAKDA - perspec+ve avia+on complex for long range avia+on - Russia - first stealth

aircral -

139. WHO- specialised UN agency -1948- 7th April world health day - part of UN

development group -Assembly 194 members - execu+ve board of 34 members - health

agenda prepared by execu+ve board- 4 kind of fundings - assessed contribu.ons, specified
voluntary contribu.ons, core voluntary contribu.ons, and PIP contribu.ons- PIP - pandemic
influenza preparedness contribu+ons started in 2011 - US>gates founda+ons>Gavi alliance
>UK and Netherlands - India 1%- polio eradica+on biggest money allocated - with India
County coopera+on strategy 2019-23 -

140. Basaveshwara introduced the public ins+tu+ons of Anubhava mantapa ( Jan 2021
being built in Basavakalyan , Karnataka) — he is aka Bhak+bhandari

141. Danda Jatra - Odisha - ganjam dis^. - in month of Chaitra every year - par+cipants are
known as Bhoktas

142. Na+onal list of intangible cultural heritage - UNESCO’s 2003 conven+on - 5broad
domains - oral tradi.ons, performing arts, social prac.ces, prac.ces concerning nature,
transi.onal cra;smanship -

143.6th schedule very important -

144. Dearness allowance - to compensate for the rising infla+on - revised twice in the year -

calculated based on a % of the basic salary and is part of thr other allowances - based on all

india consumer rprice index for the past 12 months

145. Yanomani tribe - Brazil aka south american indians -Xiriana language -slash and burn

agriculture -

146.Swachhata app- MoHUA-

147. World food programme - global report on food crisis- released by global network
food crisis - WFP food assistance branch of UN - member of UN development group -1961-
Rome - by FAO - also directed to fight micronutrient deficiencies, reduce child mortality ,
improve maternal health and combat disease including HIV and AIDS - helps promote
environment and economic stability

148. Challenge covid 19 compe++on - by na+onal innova+on founda+on - an autonomous

body of DST - 2000 at Ahmedabad - to provide ins+tu+onal support for scou+ng,
spawning , sustaining and scaling up grassroots innova+ons

149. Ramdesivir inhibits the ac+vity of RdRp

150. Leather back sea turtle - world’s largest and vulnerable -

151.Lebanon has legalised cannabis farming

152.TRIFED under MTA- 1987

153. Educa+on for jus+ce - UNODC- to prevent crime and promote culture of lawfulness
through educa+on ac+vi+es

154. Interna+onal council on monuments and sites - ICOMOS- a professional associa+on
that works for conserva+on and protec+on of cultural heritage around the world- Paris -
1965- offers advice to UNESCO on WHS - partner and founding member of blue shield- to
protect world’s cultural heritage threatened by wars and natural disasters.

155. Interna+onal monetary and financial commi^ee - ministerial level commi^ee of IMF.
24 members who are central bank governors, ministers or others of comparable banks -
IMFC advices and reports to IMF board of governors -

156. Nutrient based subsidy - implemented by Dofer+lisers - a fixed amount of subsidy

decided on annual basis is provided on each grade of subsidised phospha+c and potassic
fer+lisers except UREA, based on ints nutrient content - since 2010 -

157.Catastrophe containment and relief trust - IMF - responsible for debt payment relief -
2015 during ebola outbreak - allows IMF to provide grants for debt relief

158. Daporjio bridge - subansiri river Arunachal Pradesh - close to LAC - subansiri aka gold

159. Price monitoring and resource unit - set up by NPPA - shall help NPPA and state drug

controller in ensuring availability and accessibility and accessibility of medicines at


prices - will also collect samples of medicines, collect and analyse data and make reports
160. TrueNat beta CoV test - machines are used to test drug resistant TB- small machine
that is

ba^ery operated and requires minimal training

161. Sepsivac - drug jointly developed by Ahmedabad based pharmaceu+cal company -
originally developed for tes+ng by a class of pathogens called gram nega+ve - keeps in

immune over ac+on/ cytokine storm , drug uses mycobacterium

162. Reverse vaccinology - name given to the examina+on of the genome of an organism in
order to iden+fy novel an+gens and epitopes that might cons+tute vaccine candidates -
en+re pathogenic genome can be screened using bioinforma+cs to find genes - only
proteins can be targeted

163.Defence ins+tute of physiology and allied sciences - 1962- Indian defence laboratory of
DRDO - conducts physiological and biomedical research to improve human performance in
extreme and war+me env.

164.Ins+tute of nuclear medicine and allied sciences - 1961 - is a laboratory of the DRDO -
involved in Nuclear medicine research and responding to nuclear accidents and explosions

165. Feluda (Fncas9 editor linked uniform detec+on assay) - CSIR- low cost paper strip test -
can detect new coronavirus within an hour

166. Madhuban gajar - a biofor+fied carrot variety with high b-carotene and iron content
167.SunRISE mission - NASA- to study how the sun generates and releases giant space

storms known as solar par+cle storms - 6 cubesats - one of NASA’s missions of opportunity
168.Supermoon - when a full moon takes place at the perigee - , full moon in April month is
called pink moon

169. Central food technological research ins+tute - under the aegis of CSIR - 1950 -resource

centre in Hyderabad, Lucknow, and Mumbai ; India world’s 2nd largest food grain, fruit and

vegetable producer

170. Blazars - most luminous and energe+c objects in known universe - emi^ers of gamma
rays -

are AGN- ac+ve galac+c nuclei -whose jets are aligned with the observers line of sight.

be poten+al targets for future gravita+onal wave searches

171.MACE- Major atmospheric Cherenkov experiment telescope - world’s 2nd largest

based gamma ray imaging telescope -LADAKH - largest in Namibia - cherenkov discovered
that charged par+cles glow when they pass through a non conduc+ng medium under
certain condi+ons- Cherenkov radia+on causes the characteris+c blue glow in underwater
nuclear reactors -
172. Na+onal policy on biofuels 2018

173. Devanahalli pomelo - chakotra is largest citrus fruit - rutaceae family - an exo+c crop
variety -

GI tag - Karnataka

174. Global report on internal displacement - GRID 2020- released by Internal

monitoring centre - part of Norwegian refugee council -

175.Khongjom day - Manipur - to pay tribute to the war heroes of anglo Manipuri war 1891

176. World happiness report - UN SDSN- originally launched in 2012- 6 factors - levels of
GDP, life expectancy , generosity, social support, freedman corrup+on income - Finland was
on top 2020- India at 144 - Helsinki as the happiest city in the world , capital of Finland

177. Bhoomi rash portal - MoRTH- 2018 - land acquisi+on for na+onal highways -

178. Land ports authority - MHA- 2012 -under land ports authority act 2010 -

179. NPPA - MoCF- under drugs price control order - not a statutory body but under 1997
order for regula+ng medicine price in accordance with the powers delegated to it -

180. Central drugs standard control organisa+on - MoHFW- drugs and cosme+cs act -
regulatory control over the import of drugs, approval of new drugs and clinical trials ,
mee+ngs of drugs consulta+ve commi^ee and drugs technical advisory board - approval of
certain licenses

181. ICMR is funded by GoI through department of health research , MoHFW

182. GSi under MoMines - 1851- oldest such organisa+on aler survey of india - 1767

183. RRBs, - scheduled commercial banks opera+ng at regional level in different states -
RRB, Act , 1976 - 50% centre , 15% state govt., 35% sponsor - this partnership might have
changed now - to include more private players in the RRBs

184. AT1 bonds - type of unsecured , perpetual bonds with no maturity date that banks
issue to shore up their core capital base to meet the Basel-III norms - 9.5% needs to be
Tier1 and 2% +er2 total 11.5%- +er 1 refers to equity and other forms of permanent capital
that stays with the bank as deposits and loans flow in and out

185.Grey seals - bal+c region - least concern

186.Luxembourg first country to offer free public transport

187.Opera+on namaste - indian army - to insulate 1.3 million strong force from corona and
extend all possible assistance to govt. in containing the pandemic

188. Project Arunank - BRO - replace Daporijo - subansiri river - largest tributary of
189.PAP (protected area permits) - under foreign protected areas order , 1958- requires
foreigners to obtain PAP to visit certain areas in India- are located in Whole of Arunachal ,
parts of HP, Ladakh, Parts of Rajasthan , whole of Sikkim ( partly in protected areas and
partly in restricted area ) and parts of U^arakhand

190. Animal protec+on Index - world animal protec+on

191. Indian Ocean commission - 1982- an African regional intergovernmental ins+tu+on -
ins+tu+onalised in 1984 - in Seychelles - member countries - Comoros , Reunion ,
Madagascar, mauri+us, and Seychelles ; observer - China, EU, OIF, and India added recently
- to support sustainable growth in the western Indian Ocean region through regional
integra+on -

192. Abel Prize - 2020 to Hillel Furstenberg and Gregory Margulis - for pioneering the use
of methods from probability and dynamics in group theory, number theory and
combina+ons -

193. Satyarup siddhanta nominated for the coveted Limca book of world records for his
extra ordinary achievement to be the first to climb highest volcanoes of each 7 con+nents ;
Highest volcano of Antarc?ca - Mt. Sidley - ; Ojos del salad - Chile ; mt Kilimanjaro ,
Tanzania; Mount elbrus , russia ; Mount pico de Orizaba, Mexico; Mt. Damavand , Iran ; Mt.
Giluwe- Papaua new guinea , Australia

194. Hun+ngton disease - gene+c disorder - affects brain - caused uncontrolled movements
195.Ghodazari wildlife sanctuary - Maharashtra - near tadoba TR-

196.Freedom in the world 2020- US based NGO Freedom house - measures the degree of
civil liber+es and poli+cal rights in every na+on and significant related and disputed
territories around the world - India among least free democracies

197. March 15th - world consumer rights day

198. Electronics manufacturing clusters 2.0 scheme - was no+fied in 2012 - advances the
vision expressed in NEP, would be set up in geographical areas of certain minimum extent,
preferably con+guous, where the focus is on development of basic infrastructure,
ameni+es and other common facili+es

199. Danube-oder-elbe canal- Europe 

200. Whitefly resistant co^on - developed by Na+onal botanical research ins+tute -
201.Endophy+c ac+nobacteria - associated with tea plants and related genera, Eurya - can

replace fer+lisers and fungicides in tea plants

202. Quantum entanglement - is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the

states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even
the individual objects may be spa+ally separated.

203. Methahnotrops - methane oxidising bacteria- capable of reducing methane emissions

rice plants and freshwater mud. -are prokaryotes that metabolise methane as their source
of carbon and energy.

204. Mac Binding - every device has a media access control address, a hardware
iden+fica+on number that is unique to it. Mac binding essen+ally means binding together
the MAC and IP addresses so that all requests from that IP address are served only by
computer having that par+cular MAC address.

205.Enzyme SIRT1- to be associated with regula+on of metabolic ac+vi+es and also ageing
and hence has become a target of therapeu+cs .

206. Interna+onal conference on nano science and nanotechnology- biennial - under aegis
of Na+onal nano mission - 5M- mechanical, material, machines, manufacturing and

207.Solar charkha mission - MSME- implemented by KVIC

208.Thiols - referred to as mercaptans - used as odourants to assist detec+on of natural gas
209.Phi6 - best studies bacteriophage of virus family cystoviridae

210.Defence innova+on organisa+on - NPO- iDEX will func+on as the execu+ve arm of DIO,

carrying out all the required ac+vi+es while DIO will provide high level policy guidance to

211. Fishing cat, smooth coated o^er and eurasian o^er- detected in Chilika lake - 3
flagship marshland species - fishing cat only wetland cat in India - vulnerable , Eurasian
o^er is near threatened

212. Global coali+on for biodiversity - European Commission launched united for
biodiversity -

coali+on made of zoos , aquariums, botanical gardens, NPs, natural history and science
museums from around the world- adopted a common pledge ci+ng the IPBES Global
assessment finding that 1 million species were already at risk of ex+nc+on -

213.Red crowned roof turtle - one of India’s most endangered 24 freshwater turtle species
- CE- endemic to south asia- Chambal river, bhramputra and Ganges

214.Ukraine’s red snow - due to chlamydomonas invalid algae -

215.Himalayan ibex- dis+nct species from Siberian ibex- trans Himalayan ranges of Jammu
Kashmir , ladakh, and HP , least concern

216. Solar orbiter mission - NASA + ESA- to provide 1st ever images of sun’s poles - includes

close approaches to the sun -will help in forecas+ng space weather events

217. Henneguya salminicola - non oxygen breathing animal - parasite doesn’t not have a

mitochondrial genome -

218.Raman effect - change in the wavelength of light that occurs when a light beam is

by molecules.

219. 4 species of locust found in India - desert locus, migratory locust, Bombay locust and

locust -

220.School health programme under MoHFW and MoHRD- will teach skills ranging from

emo+onal wellbeing, mental health, interpersonal rela+onship to values and maintaining

healthy lifestyles - - under Ayushman Bharat health and wellness centres

221. MILAN 2020 - mul+lateral naval exercise - 1995- conducted at Andaman and Nicobar

command un+l 2018 - 2020 held in Visakhapatnam? - 1st +me on mainland - 

Ajeya Warrior- joint military exercise between India and UK - , Konkan NAVY, Indradhanush
-AIR FORCE; Malta abhiyan - unique coastal security exercise - by Indian Navy

222. Interna+onal hydrographic organisa+on - 1921

223. African Union - intergovernmental organisa+on 55 members -launched in 2002 as a

successor to the organisa+on of African unity - Hq in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia

224. Yellow rust disease - a fungal disease - drains carbohydrates from plants - rain and fog

favour the development of yellow rust disease

225. Cha-Chai art work - a wrought-iron sculpture shaped as a teapot - Portuguese -
century old

5pm tea is a family tradi+on in Portugal

226. Indian na+onal centre for ocean informa+on services - autonomous under MoES-
1999 227.Food planet prize by Sweden - I million USD- to address the climate change
threats towards

food supply all over the world -

228.Konark sun temple - built by Narasinga Deva I of the eastern Ganga dynasty - UNESCO
- 13th century - Odisha - - aka Black pagoda - Kalinga architecture

229. CVC way important

230. Young blue hole - discovered in south china sea - carbon found there - blue holes are

cavers filled with water and are formed following dissolu+on of carbonate rocks -

231.Mini moon - is temporary and will eventually break free of earth’s orbit and go off on
its own


232.SATHI - sophis+cated analy+cal and technical help ins+tutes - DST- will address the
need for

building shared, professionally managed and strong science and tech infrastructure -
already set up 3 centres in IIT kharagpur, IIT delhi, BHU

233. Interna+onal agency for research on cancer - a specialised cancer research agency of
WHO , 1965 - to conduct and coordinate research into the causes of cancer -

234. 21st feb - interna?onal mother language day -

235.Worldwide educa+on for the future index - Economist intelligence unit - based on

abili+es to equip students with skill based educa+on and analyses educa+on system - 236.
LPG price determina+on - based o a formula - import parity price IPP, which is based on

interna+onal LPG prices - Saudi Armaco’s LPG acts as a benchmark for IPP and includes the
free on board price, ocean freight, custom du+es, port dues and the like - apart from that
other local prices are also added - govt. resets LPG prices every month

237. Future outlook - IEA -

238. SPICe+ - MoCA - web form - has 2 parts , part A for name reserva+on for new

and part B offering a bouquet of services including incorpora+on - EoDB

239. World air quality report - IQAir air visual - India 5th most polluted - about half of the

polluted ci+es are in india

240. Gandhinagar declara+on - pledged to focus on the conserva+on of migratory birds

with central asian flyway and announced the establishment of an ins+tu+onal research
facility for the conserva+on of migratory birds and marine turtles, reduc+on of pollu+on
from micro plas+c and single use plas+c
241. State of India’s birds report , 2020 - during CMS 13 - prepared as partnership among
10 organisa+ons - WWF< WII, Nature biodiversity authority etc - Indian peafowl under
highest level of legal protec+on

242. Joint peninsular command and logis+cs command

243. The Military balance 2020 - by interna+onal ins+tute of strategic studies

244. Parth - world’s cheapest gun shot locators

245.Munich security conference - 1963 - aim of gathering leaders and diploma+c experts to

discuss the state of NATO and rela+ons between powers on either side of Atlan+c

246. Vajra - 6th coast guard offshore patrol vessel -

247. Jabel ali reservoir - UAE - new natural gas field - ; Qatar is world’s largest LNG producer
248. Vaccine for classical swine fever - of hog cholera - vaccine by ICAR’s Indian veterinary

research ins+tute -

249. Programme for capacity building of ST representa+ves in LSG- MoTA- also launched

spring ini+a+ves and an online GIS based spring atlas - CB programme aimed at
empowering tribal PRI representa+ves by enhancing their decision making capabili+es at
local gov. Level; 1000 spring ini?a?ve - aims at improving access to safe and adequate
water for the tribal communi+es - it is an integrated solu+on around natural springs -
difference between springs and geysers - ?

250. WTO’s subsidies and countervailing measures (SCM) agreement -

251.Revamped PM fasal bima yojana - !

252. A future for the world’s children report - WHO, UNICEF and the Lancent- India @77

253. First ever BIMSTEC conference on drug trafficking - organised by Narco+cs control

during 4th BIMSTEC summit

254. Excava?ons at sanauli - India’s largest known necropolis(burial ground) - 126 , 3800

old -

255. Sedi+on law, cura+ve pe++on etc

256.Process of filing a cura+ve pe++on - it must be accompanied by cer+fica+on by a

advocate poin+ng out substan+al grounds for entertaining it - first must be circulated to
bench of 3 senior most judges and the judges who passed the concerned judgement - only
then majority of judges conclude that ma^er needs hearing - Ar+cle 137

257. India - central asia business council - by Indian govt. and FICCI - India, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
258. Maitri - an indo brazil agritech cross incuba?on program - 5 startups each from Brazil
and India would visit each other’s country - ac+on plan to strengthen the strategic
partnership -

259.Small finance banks - like corporate en++es limited by shares - to expand access to
financial services in rural and semi urban areas - can do almost everything that a normal
commercial bank can do - can accept deposits and led to underserved sec+ons of the
society - - required to give 75% if their credit to priority sector - includes working in
agriculture, and small enterprises and low income earners - 50% of their loan poryolio
cons+tutes advances of up to 25 lakh - allowed to distribute 3rd party products like mutual
funds, insurance and pension products.

Eligibility- NBFC, micro finance ins+tu+ons , and local area banks can apply - must have a
capital of at least 100cr. - promoters should have 10 yrs experience in banking and finance ;
urban coopera+ve bank with minimum worth of 50cr. And maintaining capital to risk
weighted asset ra+o of 9% and above are eligible - joint venture are not permi7ed +
foreign sharing is allowed as per rules of FDI in private banks in india

260. UNCTAD - by UNGA in 1964- permanent secretariat in geneva , reports to UNGA and
UN ECOSOC , based on concern of developing countries over the interna+onal market mul+
na+onal corpora+ons and great disparity btwn developed and developing na+ons- UNCTAD
conceived and implemented the generalised system of preferences -

261. Sabka Vishwas (legacy dispute resolu+on) scheme - important ✅ 

262. RBI act and foreign exchange management act, 1999 -set the legal provisions for

the foreign exchange reserves

263. Juice jacking - a type of cyber a^ack - involving charging port that doubles as a data

connec+on typically over usb

264. Ganga-volga dialogue - India Russia - MEA in collabora+on of Syama prasada

research founda+on - to provide an interface between the civilisa+ons of India and Russia -

track 1.5 ini+a+ve -

265. Opera+on vanilla - Indian Navy to help cyclone hit Madagascar

266. World gold outlook report - World gold council

267. State energy efficiency index- developed by AEEE- alliance for an energy efficient
economy -

under guidance and leadership of BEE- 1st +me in 2018 - quan+ta+ve , qualita+ve and
outcome based indicators - 5 sectors - buildings, industry, municipali+es , transport ,
agriculture and discoms
268. Mission Purvodaya - under which major PSUs like SAIL, IOCL, and coal India and
concerned departments of 5 states - Odisha, WB, Andhra, CH, JH - will be working towards
accelera+on in steel produc+on -

269.North east gas grid project -

270. Women, business and law 2020 - by world bank group - 190 economies across 8
indicators - 271.BRU/REANGS- are a community indigenous to NE living in Tripura,
mizoram, and Assam - in

Tripura as PVTG-

272.India cyber crime coordina+on centre- to fight cybercrime and na+onal cyber crime

portal - MHA- AASHVAST - cyber crime preven+on unit

273. Zo Kutpui - fes+val held in Tripura - Mizo people - ; Lai haraoba- Manipuri Meitei

communi+es - celebrated in month of may

274.Nagoba jatra - telengana - tribal fes+val -2nd biggest tribal carnival celebrated by

clan of Gond tribes - Gusadi dance performance by dancers from Gond tribe is a special


275. India nepal new check post @ Jogbani-Biratnagar border - 1st being raxaul- Nirguna

in 2018

276.Hormuz peace ini+a+ve - in Tehran - to seek stability in one of world’s busiest and

strategically located shipping lanes amid escala+ons US Iran tensions — Musandam is an

enclave of Oman

277. Bodo accord - with na+onal democra+c front of Bodoland , all Bodo students union
278.Na+onal voters day - 25th January ; army day - 15th January ; world Hindi day - 10th


279. Chinese paddlefish declared ex+nct - Yangtze River - panda of Yangtze - construc+on

Gezhouba dam

280.Mahadayi wildlife sanctuary - north goa - 4 +gers death - demand to declare it TR - ;

mahadayi , netravali, co+gao WS and some part of Mahaveer na+onal park was selected as


281. Tulu language and 8th schedule - Yuelu proclama+on made by UNESCO in 2018 that
emphasises endangered language protec+on

282. Future skills playorm - NASSCOM along with Wipro - part of talent next which aims to

enhance the quality of engineering educa+on by preparing faculty and academic leaders to

train students -

283. Mission antyodaya - under it survey is very important - TN’s molugamboodi has
topped - carried out coterminous with the people’s plan campaign - M/o Panchayat raj -
mission was adopted in 2017-18 budget- MoRD - to eliminate poverty by 2022 -
convergence and

accountability framework -

284. HDR - UNDP- sta+c composite index of life expectancy, educa+on and per capita
income -

first launched in 1990 - GII- gender social norms index - how prejudices and social beliefs

obstruct gender equality

285. Jal Jeevan Mission - guidelines issued by drinking water department - Na+onal rural

drinking water programme has been restructured and subsumed into Jal Jeevan mission - is
a central government ini+a+ve - aims to implement source sustainability measures as
mandatory elements such as recharge and reuse through grey water management - water
conserva+on and rain water harves+ng - community approach - har ghar jal scheme - by
2024 func+onal tap water - precondi+on to take at least 80% of households in a village on
board for implementa+on - other two methodologies - Single village scheme -to implement
the JJM there will be ins+tu+onal mechanism at 4 levels - scheme will be driven by
panchayats, village water and sanita+on commi^ee- paani sami+ 50% of the

members of these sami+s will have to be women -

286. Concept of river ci+es - and ac+on plan to provide sewer connec+on to every
household was

discussed on first ever Na+onal gang council met, headed by PM

287.Indian pharmacopoeia has been recognised formally by Afghanistan - IP is an officially

recognised book of standards as per the drugs and cosme+c Act, 1940 and rules 1945 - it
specifies the standards of drugs manufactured and marketed in India in terms of their
iden+ty, purity and strength -

288.Iron Union 12- USA and UAE

289. Indian government created 2 commi^ees to commemorate the 150th birth
anniversary of

Mahatama Gandhi - Na+onal commi^ee headed by PM , an execu+ve commi^ee headed


290.IAU - it is the senior body governing interna+onal professional astronomical ac+vi+es

worldwide with HQ in Paris - established in 1919- holds a general assembly every 3 years
291. World design organisa+on - was formerly known as the interna+onal council of
socie+es of

industrial design - and interna+onal non governmental organisa+on that promotes the
profession of industrial design and ability to generate be^er products , systems , services -
has UN special consulta+ve status

292.World an+ doping agency - an interna+onal independent agency was established in

1999- by a collec+ve ini+a+ve led by Interna+onal olympic commi^ee - HQ at Montreal ,
world an+ doping code

293.Na+onal mari+me heritage museum - at Lothal , a harappan site - will also be an

independent research centre -

294.Central forensic science laboratory - set up under the Nirbhaya Fund scheme - is the
established premier scien+fic laboratory under the direct administra+ve control of
Directorate of forensic science services - MHA

295. Fugi+ve economic offenders Act, 2018 -

296. SGD index - maximum gains in Goal6, goal9, and goal 7

297. M/o corporate affairs - has launched the independent director’s databank - an
ini+a+ve to

provide an easy to access and navigate playorm for the registra+on of exis+ng Independent
directors as well as individuals aspiring to become independent directors - ID is a non
execu+ve director who does not have any pecuniary rela+onship with the company, its
promoters , señor management or affiliate companies is not related to promoters or the
senior management and has not been an execu+ve with the company in 3 preceding
financial years -

298. Rule 12 in union government’s Transac?on of business rules, 1961 - allows for
revoca+on of President’s rule without cabinet approval , if the PM deems it necessary -
cabinet can subsequently give post facto approval for any decision taken under Rule 12 -
also used in reorganisa+on of the state of Jammu and Kashmir -

299. Green good movement - a social movement launched by MoEFCC- to protect

environment and good living in country - accepted by BRICS group -2018 -

300.Beaches - programme for blue flag cer+fica+on - 13 pilot beaches - Ghoghala beach -
DIU, shivrajpur beach (GJ), Bhogave(MH), Padubidri and kasargod (Karnataka) , Kappad
beach (Kerala) , Kovalam beach ( TN) , Eden beach (puducherry) , Rushikonda
beach(Andhra), Miramar beach(Goa) , Golden beach(odisha), Radhanagar
beach(andaman and Nicobar), Bangaram(Lakshadweep) -
301.Integrated coastal zone management project - in 2010 to conserve, protect and
manage coastal and marine ecosystems

302.COP25- Madrid - prime objec+ve of comple+ng the rule book to the 2015 Paris
agreement - tussle over new carbon markets remained unresolved - also ensuring
transparency in the processes and methods of repor+ng informa+on - issue of loss and
damage -

303.1st E+opian satellite - by Chinese long march 4B-

304. Shahid Behesh+ port, chabahar -

305.EChO network - a na+onal program to provide a template for cross disciplinary
leadership in

India - focus on increasing research , knowledge and awareness of Indian ecology and


306. Fluorescence and phosphorescence are spontaneous emissions of electromagne+c


307. China trade factor - biggest trading partner consis+ng of more than 10% of our trade -

FTAs has not been good for India

308. 11th BRICS summit - “economic growth for an innova+ve future”- iBRICS- innova+on

network - will include networking of research ins+tutes like science parks, incubators and

accelerators etc

309. BODOS- are an ethnolinguis+c group in Assam- part of greater bodo-kachari family of

ethnolinguis+c groups - 5-6% popula+on of Assam - four districts of Assam - Kokrajhar,

bask, udalguri and chirang forts the Bodo territorial area district- came into existence
under Bodoland territorial council accord in 2003 -

310. BIS’s sample test on waters- Water in Mumbai is safest to drink while Delhi has worst
water - 311.CBM- like shale gas- is extracted from unconven+onal gas reservoirs - the gas is

underground within the coal - India has 5th largest coal reservers

312. Coopera+on afloat readiness and training (CARAT) 2019 - a biggest naval exercise

US and Bangladesh - in cha^ogram , Bangladesh - yearly exercise since 2011

313. Roar of the sea- bilateral naval exercise between India and Qatar - 1st

314. Sisseri river bridge at lower dibang valley in Arunachal Pradesh - would cut +me from
pasighat to ring road

315. Gojprolu - Andhra - trade centre of early historic period - on right bank of the
distributary of

river Swarnamukhi - a Vishnu sculpture of abt 2 meters in height was unearthed - copper

lead coins

316. UNDP accelerator lab - an annota+ve new ini+a+ve to find 21st century solu+ons to

complex new challenges - UNDP, Germany and Qatar - sustainable water management
issue and client resilient livelihoods- building a locally sourced solu+ons - finding things
that work and expanding on them -

317. Global microscope on financial inclusion - Economist intelligence unit - assesses the
enabling environment for financial access in 55 countries - features 11 new indicators - only
4 countries Colombia, India, jamaica, and Uruguay scored perfectly across all four
parameters -

318.FCRA- applicable to a natural person , body corporate , all other types of Indian en++es
as well as NRIs and overseas branches of Indian companies and other en++es formed or
registered in India. - MHA- prohibits acceptance and use of foreign contribu+on or foreign
hospitality by certain specified category - act permits only NGOs having a definite cultural ,
economic , educa+onal , religious or social programme to accept foreign contribu+on -

319.Brown to green report - by Climate transparency partnership (remember) -

comprehensive review of G20 countries climate performance - also aims at mapping
achievements and drawbacks of individual countries - pointed out that carbon emission
from all 20 countries including India is rising - suggests that renewable energy despite more
than 25% is not sufficient -mostly focused on G20

320.SATAT - sustainable alterna?ve towards affordable transporta?on ini?a?ve -to

address environmental problems arising from stubble burning - government aims to
establish compressed bio gas plants mainly through independent entrepreneurs -

321.Sumatran rhino - now ex+nct in Malaysia - just 80 lel now on the world all in
Indonesia - sumatran rhino is the smallest -

322. Zero carbon law in New Zealand -

323.Dal Lake - named as the Srinagar’s jewel - located in the zabarwan mountain valley in

foothills of the Shankaracharya hills - has 4 main interconnected basins - Hazratbal, Bod dal
gagribal and agin

324.Green climate fund - was set up in 2010 - under UNFCCC’s financial mechanism -

funding from developed countries to developing - fund is governed and supervised by a

board that receives the guidance of COP-

325. Indo- pacific oceans ini?a?ve - proposed by Indian PM - at EAS summit - for safe,
secure and stable mari+me domain - focus areas - crea+on partnerships -

326. Acquisi'on and cross servicing agreement - with Japan -military logis'cs ;
Agreement on reciprocal logis?cs support- with Russia

327. 19th IORA council of ministers mee+ng - in Abu Dhabi - Maldives newest member to
IORA- Italy became 10th dialogue partner - also western Indian Ocean marine science
associa+on as an observer -

328.Freedom on Net 2019 - by an interna+onal watchdog , the freedom house - +tle ‘crisis
of social media’ -

329.SCOJtEx - inaugurated the SCO joint exercise on urban earthquake search and rescue -
in new delhi - organised by NDRF - all 8 SCO members including Pakistan

330.iDEX ini+a+ve - to recognise talent and harness it amongst the youth MSMEs ,
startups, and fast emerging private sector-

331.Drupka order - and Kung-fu nuns - buddhists - Gyalwang Drupka , the spiritual leader
and founder of the drupka order

332.Asia society game changer awards - 1956- Asia society is a non par+san , non profit
educa+onal ins+tu+on -

333. Criteria for Maharatna - should have navratna status, listed on Indian stock exchange
with minimum prescribed public shareholding under SEBI regula?ons, avg. annual
turnover of 25,000 cr dus?ng last 4 yrs, avg. annual net worth more than 15,000 cr during
last 3 yrs, should have significant global presence

334. Na?onal e-assessment centre -D/o Revenue - will be located in new delhi - headed by
Principal chief commissioner of income tax -

335.NPS is managed by PFRDA

336.Poshan Atlas by M/o Women and child development

337.Trans fat are unsaturated fats- common in both natural and ar+ficial forms -

338.Kartarpur Corridor - dera baba Nanak in gurdaspur in India and Gurdwara durbar
sahib in
kartarpur Pakistan - final res+ng place of Guru Nanak - OCI can also visit - 339.Bioswales -
are strips of vegetated areas that redirect and filter storm water - 340.Electoral system in
Indonesia -presiden+al system , cons+tu+onal republic, follows

propor+onal representa+on system

341. UNICEF has become first UN organisa?on to hold and make transac?ons in
cryptocurrency - established UNICEF cryptocurrency fund -

342.2019 first global DXB challenge - in field of Robo+cs and ar+ficial intelligence - DUBAI
343.Mission extension vehicle was launched by Russia - 1st commercial servicing mission

-servicing spacecral

344. Mohamed Bin Zayed University of AI - first ever - UAE

345.Ionospheric connec+on explorer satellite - NASA

346. Nobel prize in physics - 2 parts - one for discovering how the universe evolved aoer

big bang and other half for the discovery of an exoplanet the challenged preconceived
ideas about planets - Dr. Peebles work focused largely on Cosmic microwave background
radia'on - they correlated the temperature of this radia'on with the amount of maBer
created in the big bang - derives the knowledge of how mysterious the universe is I.e. 5%
known maBer, 26% dark maBer and 69% dark energy Discovery of exoplanets - planet
discovered by Mayor and Queloz in 1995 is 50 light years away - orbi+ng around 51
pegasus - challenged the understanding of planets

347. Nobel Prize in Chemistry - for development of li-ion ba7eries - commercially

manufactured ba7eries first appearance in 1991 - not based upon chemical reac?ons

break down the electrodes - but upon lithium ions flowing back and forth between

and cathode - lithium let go of its electron quite easily and was also very light -

348. Nobel prize in Physiology/medicine - for their work on how cells adapt to changes in

oxygen levels -

349. Asbestos - naturally occurring mineral - group of silicate minerals - no amount of

asbestos is safe - a rare and aggressive cancer called mesothelioma is almost exclusively
caused by asbestos exposure - progressive lung disease -

350.Pradhan mantri innova+ve learning programme - MHRD- to allow talented students to

realise their full poten+al and contribute to society- will be called DHRUV - and every
student as DHRUV TARA - covers area of science and performing arts - 60students in all
30from each - class 9 to 12 - govt. and private schools -
351.Health systems strengthening - condi+onality report of states - By MoHFW - basis for
disbursement of performance based incen+ves or penalty under NHM budget

352.Na+onal nutri+on survey - 1st ever - MoFHW -

353. Parameters of ODF as India declared ODF- 12 parameters for gram panchayats to be

ODF - household survey and village survey -

354.Na?onal health authority - as an a^ached office to the MoHFW- replaced na+onal

agency - a governing board chaired by Minister of MoHFW- shall have full accountability,

authority and mandate to implement PM jan arogya Yojana -

355.UNESCO asia pacific award for cultural heritage conserva+on - Ahmedabad’s Vikram

library won award of , award of merit to Keneseth Eliyahoo synagogue and our
lady of

glory church both fro Mumbai - award consist of 5 categories

356. Deser+fica+on and land degrada+on atlas, 2016 - by ISRO - 29.3% land of India is
degraded - 357.UNEP colombo declara?on - calls for tackling global nitrogen challenge -

contaminated drinking water can cause reduced blood func+on , cancer and endemic
goitre - declara+on developed with the technical support of Interna+onal nitrogen
management system (a joint ini+a+ve of UNEP and INI ) supported by GEF halve the
nitrogen waste by 2030 -

358. OCI can apply for NPS - at par with NRIs - allowed in NPS +er 1 and not for +er 2
account - +er 2 is an op+onal account with the facility of withdrawal -

359.Open general export license - one +me license to be granted to a company for a
specific period which would ini+ally be only 2 yrs - Defence minister - for export of certain
parts and components and intra company transfer of technology to select countries -
countries allowed are - Belgium , France, Germany , Japan , South Africa , Spain , Sweden,
UK, USA, Canada, Italy, Poland, Mexico

360.11th Nuclear energy forum - by India energy forum at new delhi - announced that a
nuclear power plant to be constructed in Gorakhpur , Haryana

361. Industrial transi?on track - India and Sweden were part as colluders - under this track
PM launched the “leadership group” - will provide a playorm for governments and the
private sector with the opportuni+es fro coopera+on in the area of technology innova+on
and develop low carbon pathways or industries
362. Conference on confidence building measures in Asia - mul+ na+onal forum for
enhancing coopera+on promo+ng peace , security and stability in Asia - 2006 I s located in
Asthana - now known as Nursultan the capital of Kazakhstan

363. World organisa+on of animal health has declared India free of Avian influenza - 1st
reported from Hong Kong in 1997 - influenza virus classified by WHO into 4 types - A,B,C,D -
only A and B are known to cause epidemics -avian influenza- H5N1, H7N9 and H9N2; swine
influenza -H1N1, H1N2, H3N2

364. Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can cause food borne illness known as
salmonellosis - found recently in MDH spices -

365.Na+onal educa+onal alliance for technology - NEAT - MHRD - technology will be used
for be^er learning outcomes in higher educa+on - to make learning more personalised an
customised -

366. NIRVIK - M/o commerce and industry - has introduced a new export credit insurance
scheme - through export credit guarantee corpora+on to offer higher insurance cover to
banks lending working capital for exports - ECGC in case of any loss , will provide 90% to
the banks including principal and interest - Nirvik consumers and exporters will be covered
- ECGC is a wholly company wholly owned By GoI and is controlled by the M/o Commerce -

367. Survey of India - under DST - oldest scien+fic department of India - 1767 -
368.Glyphospate - germany decided to phase out by 2023 - weed killer

369. Namaste Pacific cultural event - organised by Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New
Guinea - to celebrate then life and culture of the pacific region -

370.Mo+hari amlekhgunj pipeline between India and Nepal -mo+hari in Bihar

371. St. Vincent and Grenadines - within the lesser An+lles in eastern Caribbean sea-

the smallest country ever to be elected as a non permanent member of UNSC

372.Eastern economic forum - Indian PM was the chief guest - an interna+onal forum held

year in Vladivostok since 2015 - for encouraging foreign investment in Russian far east

373. Interna?onal astronomical union - to promote and safeguard the science of
astronomy in all

aspects - IAU is a member of Interna+onal science council - founded in 1919 - HQ in Paris

-meets once in 3 years -

374. Sri Lanka has south Asia’s talent tower in Colombo city -Lotus tower 350 mt tall

375. Nuakhai - Odisha - is a fes+val to celebrate newly harvested food by the farmers on

western part of Odisha -

376.Galo community belongs to Arunachal Pradesh and Assam

377.The virus is said to be controlled when the disease prevalence is reduced to less than

among children less than 5 years of age - Hepa++s is most commonly transmi^ed from

to child -

378.India Iodine survey - conducted by Nutri+on interna+onal - vital micronutrient needed

regularly - deficiencies can result into goitre, hypothyroidism , cre+nism , abor+on, s+ll

mental retarda+on

379. UMMID ini?a?ve - M/o ST- on the principle of preven+on is be^er than cure - aims to

establish NIDAN- na+onal inherited diseases administra+on kendras to provide counselling,

prenatal tes+ng and diagnosis, management and mul+disciplinary care in government

hospitals 380. PM mart vandana Yojana

381. DART- Nasa, And AIDA- asteroid impact deflec+on assessment - NASA + ESA -

382. Aditya L1- ISRO - to study corona - to study why corona gets heated such high
temperatures - 383.Project NETRA - an early warning system in space to protect Indian
satellites , to detect debris

and other hazards - ISRO - has a military quo+ent to it - Netra for LEO

384. India Switzerland treaty of friendship was the first friendship treaty in 1948

385. Indian Ocean conference - held in male - organised by India founda+on in associa+on

Maldives government and RSIS in Singapore - annual event , first in Singapore in 2016 - to
develop and effec+ve regional ins+tu+onal mechanism for implementa+on of prevailing
norms and rules

386. NATGRID was setup as an a^ached office to the MHA - in 2009

387.Shondol dance - royal dance of Ladakh - Guinness book of world record -as largest

dance - on concluding day of Buddhist carnival Naropa fes+val - near Hemis monastery 388.
Gandan monestary - in Ulaanbaatar - PM visited - SAMVAAD dialogue

389. Special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate - IPCC

-report updates scien.fic literature available since 2015 when IPCC released its 5th AR-
since 1993, the rate of ocean warming has doubled , marine heatwaves have very likely
doubled in frequency since 1982 - global mean sea level has increased by 16cm between
1902 to 2015 - 2006 to 2015 an avg rise of 3.6 mm per year - which was more than double
I.e. 1.4 mm in last 90 years in the beginning of the 20th century -
390. Policy adequacy Index - by common cause and lokni+ centre for thr study developing
socie+es - Delhi police is best in India

391. A vaccine has been developed to protect human against the H1N1strain of swine flu

392. Pashmina products has been given a code from BIS cer+fying their genuineness and
quality -

obtained from Ladakh, lazuli spi+, U^ar Kashi , Chamoli and pithoragarh - changthangi or

pashmina goat is special breed of goat - by nomadic community Changpa

393. PM kisan maan dhan yojana - for farmers having less than 2 ha of land - LIC is the fund

manager- entry age 18 to 40 - 3000 aler 60 yrs age - to spouse on death -

394. Jung-e-azadi memorial - Punjab - to the people who were killed in Jaliawala massacre
395. UN special purpose trust fund - specific fund housed in UN secretariat - 1% levy
applied to

contribu+ons fro UN development related ac+vi+es earmarked to a single agency, single

programme or project -

396. Innova+ng for clean air ini+a+ve - India and UK - 2 yrs - to provide a unique air quality

measurement system by integra+ng satellite and sensor data and support India’s transi+on

electric vehicles -

397. 2019 Indo pacific chiefs of defence conference - took place in Bangkok, Thailand

398. UN’s permanent forum on indigenous issues - papua new guinea has the highest
number of

living indigenous language in the world - India stands at 4th - UNESCO’s atlas of the world’s
languages in Danger - since 1950 228 languages have become ex+nct - 10% languages are
cri+cally endangered - In India 5 languages have become ex+nct since 1950 and 42 are
cri+cally endangered

399. Coali+on of the willing on pollinators - founded at the 13th session of the conference
of par+es to the CBD - in Mexico in 2016 - India has not joined yet - the thema?c
assessment on pollinators, pollina?on and food produc?on , launched on feb 2016 at

400. Indian na+onal science academy - 1935 - promo+ng science in India and harnessing
scien+fic knowledge of cause of humanity and na+onal welfare

401. Megnatospheric mul+scale mission - evidence of interplanetary shock - a group of 4

spacecrals orbi+ng earth in a +ght forma+on - 2015 - Fast plasma inves+ga+on instrument
402. NSIL - in march 2019 under administra+ve control of DoS - to Use research and
development carried out by ISRO over the years for commercial purposes though Indian
industry partners -will produce and manufacture SSLV and more powerful PSLV with private

403. Benin - ITEC courses announced and special professional course for foreign diplomats
- eVidhyaBhara+ and e-arogyabhara+, Network project- export credit and investment
insurance - India has become Benin’s largest trading partner -

404.Guinea - E-VBAB network project (technology upgrada+on of pan Africa e-network

project ) 405. Srinath ji temple -renova+on launched by PM of India , in its 200th year ,
established in 19th

century under royal patronage — Bahrain + ISRO and NSSA collabora+on in area of space

technology -

406. Coprolites - are fossilised faeces belonging to animals that lived millions of years ago -

mitochondrial DNA analysis -

407.NISHTHA - Na+onal ini+a+ve for school heads and teachers holis+c advancement - by

school educa+on and literacy - to build capabili+es of teachers and school principals and
improve learning outcomes at the elementary level under CSS Samagara shiksha during
2019-20 - 5 day training programme -

408. Na?onal digital health blueprint - MoHFW - Na+onal digital health mission is
recommended - managing core digital health data and the infrastructure -personal health
records - blueprint has highlighted 23 building blocks - ︎ 4th global digital health partnership
was organised in New Delhi - GDHP is n interna+onal collabora+on of governments ,
government agencies and mul+na+onal organisa+ons - to improve health and well being -
established in 2018 - Australia was the host country for inaugural summit - to implement

409.Na?onal health stack - NITI aayog - is a digital infrastructure - making health insurance
system more robust and transparent -5 components - electronic health registry, coverage
and claims plaGorm, federated personal health records, na.onal health analy.cs plaGorm ,
unique digital health ID,

410. Angikaar campaign - MoHUA- for social behaviour change - issues of water and
energy conserva.on, waste management, health, tree planta.on , sanita.on and hygiene
for beneficiaries of complete houses under PMAY-

411. Metz charter on biodiversity - G7 environment ministers in 2019 - also G& leaders
adopted the declara+on on gender equality and women’s empowerment , launched
Biarritz partnership on gender equality
412. Compe++on law review commi^ee- Inje+ Srinivas -introduce a dedicated bench in
NCLT for hearing appeals under compe++on act

413. Tiger census 2018-NTCA- every 4 years - PM launched - increase of 741 +gers - MP has
highest and Jim Corbet has maximum +gers - MP increased 71% - chajssgarh and Mizoram
worst performing - saw a decline - Mizoram has zero +gers - best managed is pench
sanctuary - max improvement - STR ; no +ger found in Buxa, Palamau , and Dampa - +ger
habitats in India is divided into 5 landscapes - Shivalik Gange+c plains, central india and
eastern ghats, western ghats, north eastern hills and Brahmaputra flood plains, suderbans -
doubling sample technique is used

414. European Commission - an ins+tu+on of EU and its cons+tuent bodies that makes up
the organisa+on’s execu+ve arm - proposing legisla+on, implemen+ng decisions, upholding
EU trea+es and managing day to day business of EU - known as guardian of the trea+es

415. Jaipur - included in UNESCO’s WHS , Ahmedabad became the first city to get into the
list in 2017

416. Gulf of Aqaba - very important - Jordan 1st underwater military museum off coast of
Aqaba 417.India ra+fied Mul?lateral conven?on to implement OECD’s project on checking

evasion-will come into effect from 2020-21 fiscal year - DTAA will be modified by MLI -
418.Medicine from the sky- Telengana

419. ISALEX19 - hosted by Abu Dhabi - ISA’s interna+onal security alliance joint security
exercise -

will simulate a real life security threat in a virtual context - interna+onal security alliance
was launched in Abu Dhabi in 2017 - is an interna+onal working group - now comprises 9
countries - India not a member

420. Shawala teja singh temple - Sialkot, Pakistan an ancient hindu temple

421.Opera+on thirst - to curb the menace of unauthorised packaged drinking water in

premises ; opera+on Sudarshan - BSY, to for+fy the an+ infiltra+on grid alone PAK and


422. JATAN - M/o Culture - is a virtual museum builder solware that enables crea+on of

collec+on management system for Indian museum and is deployed - in various museums -
423. Strum ataka - a Russian an+ tank missile

424. SAARC film fes+val - by SAARC cultural centre in Colombo - 2019 fes+val was the 9th -

nagarkirtan best film

425. Ebola virus - first discovered in 1976- near Ebola river in Zaire - DRC -

426.Internet saathi ini+a+ve - Tata trusts and Google - to facilitate digital literacy among
women in

rural India - began in 2015-

427.Kharchi puja - Tripura - now observed by all communi+es - features 14 dei+es -
sacrifice of 108

animals - all at government expense -

428. Procedure for recognising castes as SC- cons+tu+on has prescribed the procedure -
1st list

by president , then parliament can amend the list - state governments should first propose
to modify the schedule - only proposal agreed by both registrar general of India and NCSC -
are introduced in the parliament as a bill -

429. STRIDE - by UGC - scheme for trans disciplinary research for India’s developing
economy- will provide support to research projects that are socially relevant, locally need
based - iden+fy young talent - strengthen research culture

430. MPI - defines poor not on basis of income but on other indicators including poo health
, poor quality of work and threat to violence - 2/3rd live in middle income countries - SDG 1
- in Cambodia, Hai+, India and Peru poverty reduc+on in rural areas outpaced in urban
areas - demonstra+ng pro poor development -

431. Trade infrastructure for export scheme - D/o commerce - 2015- replaced assistance
for development of export infrastructure and allied ac+vi+es - to enhance export
compe++veness - bridging gaps in export infrastructure - central govt ending in form of
grant in aid -

432. PM laugh Vyapari maan dhan Yojana - M/o Labour - voluntary and contribu+on based
- central sector scheme - implemented through LIC - all shopkeepers , retail traders and self
employed persons are assured a minimum monthly pension of 3000 per month aler 60
age - 50-50 contribu+on - central govt. will establish a pension fund -eligibility 18-40 years
- with GSTN and turnover below 1.5 cr can also apply - should not be covered under NPS ,
ESIS, and EPF or be an income tax assessee- 10yrs exit clause

433. Dragonfly - NASA- to +tan , Saturn’s largest moon - is a quadcopter - in 2026 will be
launched -+tan only satellite with an atmosphere - its methane cycle is analogous to earth’s
water cycle -

434. PUNCH - polarimeter to unify the corona and heliosphere - NASA-in 2022 - 4 suitcase
sized micro satellites designed to image the outer solar corona - will give the first clear
images of en+re system connec+ng the sun and earth - will track solar winds - PUNCH will
block out the light of the sun to view its corona

435.Neutrino observatory - pojpuram in theni dis^ of TN - TIFR is nodal ins+tu+on - built

by DAE and DST - KGF- Neutrinos - no charge, +ny mass, and spin half - come from the sun
and other stars - can also be produced in lab - 3 flavours and change from one to another
as they travel - this process is called neutrino oscilla+on - India based INO will study only
atmosphere based neutrinos -solar neutrinos have much lower energy

436. India - biggest co^on producer and 2nd largest co^on exporter - Bt co^on -

437. Electoral system of UK - 650 cons+tuencies and each is represented by 1 MP to House
of commons - members of the H/o the Lords are not elected - queen on advice of PM

them -

438. R-27- air to air missiles from Russia - India signed to acquire -Su30MKI- under 10-I

which mandate the 3 services to maintain cri+cal weapon systems and spares for a

minimum period

439. Pata gold award to Incredible India campaign - Pacific Asia travel associa+on - gold

in marke+ng category - as part of 2.0 campaign 5 new television commercials were

produced -

yoga, wellness, luxury, cuisine and wildlife

1. Mission Karamyogi - na+onal programme for civil services capacity building - aims to
reform and up skill civil servants across the country - government will provide mid
career training - compulsory for all officers at all levels - Na+onal training policy of
2012- need to develop domain knowledge besides administra+ve capacity - features-
digital learning framework (iGOT) , will be governed by PM human resource council ,
civil service competency framework , capacity building commission , special purpose
vehicle, funding,

2. Aatmanirbhar Bharat ARISE- Atal New India challenges- to spur applied research and
innova+on in Indian MSMEs and startups- challenge in collabora+on with the ISRO and
4 ministries - programme will support deserving applied research innova+ons by
providing funding support of up to 50 lakh for 9 to 12 months for startups to develop a
minimum usable prototype -

3. World rhino day - sep 22 - Javan , sumatran and black rhinos are cri+cally endangered ;
white rhino has been declared near threatened ; one horned rhino said to be
vulnerable to ex+nc+on

4. Kharai camel - only found in Dutch region , feeds on mangroves - can survive on both
dry land and sea - feed on saline plants and mangroves -
5. Living planet report - WWF - popula+on of vertebrate species declined by around 68%
between 1970 and 2016 , at least 85% of earth’s wetlands are already lost

6. VAIBHAV - is a collabora+ve ini+a+ve of Sand T and academic organisa+ons to enable

delibera+ons on thought process, prac+ces and research and development culture with
a problem solving approach for well defined objec+ves - aims to bring out the
comprehensive roadmap to leverage the exper+se and knowledge of global Indian
researchers for solving emerging challenges -

7. Methanol - methyl alcohol - CH3OH - light , vola+le, colourless, flammable liquid - today
produced by hydrogena+on of carbon monoxide

8. Interna+onal day of older persons - October 1 -

9. Nobel prize in Literature - Louise Gluck - for her poe+c voice that makes individual
existence universal

10. Project snow leopard - 2009 - landscape level approach to wildlife conserva+on -
interna+onal snow leopard day on October 23rd - 3 large landscapes named - hemis-
spi+, nanda Devi, khangchendzonga - twang

11. Himalayan brown bear - India has 4 species - asia+c black , sloth , sun and Himalayan
brown bear - brown bear are least concern -

12. Commission for air quality management in NCR - dissolved the EPCA for NCR - would
have more power than EPCA , will be a permanent body , will have over 20 members
will be chaired by a re+red official of level of secretary to the GoI - or chief secretary of
the state - will have representa+on for CPCB ,ISRO , air pollu+on experts etc -

13. Nitrous oxide - a greenhouse gas 300 +mes more potent than carbon dioxide , n2O has
he third highest concentra+on aler co2 and methane in our atmosphere - N2O can live
in the atmosphere for up to 125 years -

14. New Ramsar sites - Kabartal , a fresh water marsh of north Bihar and Asan barrage in
door valley of U^rakhand - making them wetland of interna+onal importance - total 38
- UK gets its 1st Ramsar site 

Kabartal , kanwar jheel - in begusarai district - vital flood buffer , important stop over
along the central asian flyway - with 58 migratory waterbirds using wintering site - 

Asan Conserva?ve reserve - CE redheaded vulture , white rumped vulture and Baer’s
pochard - man made wetland possibly a^racts the biggest number of Brahminy Duck or
Ruddy shelduck in the en+re India

15. SANT - standoff an+ tank missile - DRDO - lock on aler launch and lock on before
launch capability - 15-20 km range - nose mounted ac+ve radar seeker

16. DI- methyl ether - is an ultra clean fuel - its density is different form LPG
17. Bharat net op+cal fibre - launched in 2011 - to establish a highly scalable network
infrastructure by using op+cal fibre - to provide on demand, affordable broadband

18. 2020 nobel prize in medicine - for the discovery of hepa++s C virus - American
Harvey J Alter and Charles M Rice and Bri+sh scien+st Michael Houghton - have helped
design sensi+ve blood tests - eliminated the risk of transfusion - transmi^ed hepa++s -
also helped develop an+viral drugs -

19. Hepa??s - is inflamma+on of the liver +ssue - some people with Hepa++s have no
symptoms - most commonly caused by viruses hepa++s A, B, C, D, E - other causes -
heavy alcohol use, toxins , autoimmune diseases etc -

20. Hepa++s A, B and D are preventable with immunisa+on - Hepa++s C is a blood borne
virus and causes Hepa++s C disease which affects the liver.- vaccine has not s+ll been
developed - can be treated with the help of an+-viral drugs -

21. 2020 Nobel in chemistry - for gene edi+ng - known as CRISPR cas9 snipping scissors -
women only team -

22. 2020 Nobel physics prize - for advancing our understanding of black holes- one half to
Roger Penrose and other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez - in 2019 ,
scien+sts got the 1st op+cal image of a black hole in 2019

23. Heeng cul+va+on - not cul+vated in India - HP will be the first state to cul+vate heeng
in the country - is endemic to Iran and Afghanistan , the main global supplier and
thrives in dry and cold desert condi+ons - temperature between 35 and 40 degree, can
survive upto minus 4 degree- relief from diges+ve and stomach disorders - helps to
asthma and bronchi+s -

24. Selvi and others vs state of Karnataka and Anr- 2010 - SC ruled that no lie detector
tests should be administered except on the basis of consent of the accused - guidelines
published by NHRC in 2000 must be strictly followed

25. Shivalik Elephant reserve - U^arakhand

26. State of global air 2020 report - by Health Effects Ins+tute -

27. Oaxaca- in Mexico - khaki was being manufactured in this region - aler a person
watched film Mahatma Gandhi

28. World polio day - October 24 -

29. Shaurya missiles - is a land variant of short range submarine launched ballis+c missile
K-15 Sagarika, range of 750 km - nuclear capable -
30. Opposi+on event- takes place every 2 years and 2 months - mars will outshine Jupiter ,
becoming 3rd brightest object in the night sky during month of October - opposi+on is
the event when Sun , Earth and outer planet are lined up with the earth in the middle

31. Bongosagar exercise - bilateral naval exercise between India and Bangladesh - 

Sagar kavach - is a coastal security exercise conducted by Indian Navy along Indian
coastal guard 

Matla Abhiyan exercise - is a 5 day coastal security exercise conducted by Indian Navy
in Malta river - a wide estuary in and around sundarbans

32. Data governance quality index exercise - by NITI Aayog - to assess different ministries
performance on the implementa+on of central sector schemes - and centrally
sponsored schemes -

33. The crime in India report - by NCRB - collects data of 36 states and UTs and 53
metropolitan ci+es

34. Ayushman Sahakar scheme - to involve coopera+ves in crea+ng healthcare

infrastructure in the country - the NCDC will give loans to coopera+ves to to set up
healthcare facili+es - NCDC will give loans to eligible coopera+ve totalling 10,000 cr in
the coming years - would specially cover establishment , modernisa+on , expansion ,
repairs , renova+on of hospitals and healthcare and educa+on infrastructure -

35. Meri Saheli ini?a?ve - by Indian railways - for focused ac+on on security of women
passengers during their en+re journey -

36. Commitment to reducing inequality index - by Development finance interna+onal and

Oxfam interna+onal - focuses on what each government is doing to fight inequality -
top country Norway , India overall - 129

37. Dr Deorao Laxam anande vs Keshva Laxman Borkar 1958- for office of profit -
interpre+ng Ar+cle 191(a) - notes that the post can not be regarded as office for the
following reasons - i) non remunera+ve and without a dedicated salary unlike
ministerial posts ii) no perks a^ached to the post iii) n dedicated office or office support
systems designated iv) no access to documents of informa+on meant for the exclusive
domain of the minister 

SC in Jaya Bachchan v/s UoI 2006 - + UC Raman v/s PTA rahim 2014 - pointed out
that unless some remunera+on is a^ached to the office or the office is capable of
yielding some pecuniary gains it would not be an office of profit .

38. Indira Gandhi Peace prize - on renowned naturalist and broadcaster Sir David
A^enborough - ins+tuted in 1986 - given to individuals or organisa+ons who are
working for ensuring interna+onal peace and development , ensuring that scien+fic
discoveries are used to further the scope of freedom , crea+ng new interna+onal
economic order
39. Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan
- launched by Ministry of
Human resource
development - 2014- to
meet the right to educa+on
mandate - that all schools
must have separate toilets
for boys and girls -

40. States’ start up ranking

framework - DPIIT - in 2019
rankings - states are ranked
on performance in 7
categories - such as -
Ins+tu+onal support,
easing compliances ,
relaxa+on in public
procurement norms,
incuba+on support, seed
funding support, venture funding support and awareness and outreach - 

Gujarat has emerged as the best performer - in developing the start up ecosystem 

Top performers - Karnataka and Kerala , leaders - Bihar , MH, Odisha and Chandigarh

41. Na+onal Aids control Programme - very important

42. RT-LAMP - loop mediated isothermal amplifica+on technology - one step nucleic acid
amplifica+on method to mul+ply specific sequences of RNA of the coronavirus - result
can be in 30 mins

43. The state of food security and nutri+on in world - FAO

44. Cyclone Nivar - very severe cyclonic storm - on TN coast and Andhra coast

45. UN popula+on award - 2020 - Individual category - Bhutan’s queen mother - Gyalyum
Sangay choden - for her work on sexual health and ending gender violence

46. UNICEF- 6 point plan to secure the future of children - also impact of disrup+on of the
cri+cal issues

47. Lonar lake - declared Ramsar site - water is highly saline and alkaline containing ,
special microorganisms like anaerobes , Cyanobacteria and phytoplankton -

48. Char chaporis - low lying flood prone river banks

49. Shigella infec+on - contagious intes+nal - by bacteria - prime pathogen responsible for
causing diarrhoea - spread person to person when the bacteria is swallowed
50. Himalayan trillium - a common herb of the Himalayas - declared endangered by IUCN -
temperate and sub alpine zones of the himalayans at an al+tude of 2400 metes to 4000

51. Portulaca lallji- new sun rose flower discovered from eastern ghats , Andhra Pradesh

52. Alcohol and cold wave condi+ons - alcohol can decrease the core temperature of the
body and increase the risk of hypothermia , alcohol is vasodilator means it causes blood
vessels to relax and dilate or open , so volume of blood brought to skin’s surface
increases making u feel warmer, leads to sweat and reduces overall temperature -

53. What is a cold wave? - when minimum temperature dips to 10 degree or less and
departure from the normal is 4.5 degree celsius or lower

54. Monpa Handmade paper- 1000 year old heritage art of Arunachal Pradesh , fine
textured handmade paper is called Mon Shugu in the local dialect - is made from the
bark of a local tree called Shugu Sheng - has medicinal values too

55. Ayushman Bharat PM JAY SEHAT - for residents of J and Kashmir - a health insurance
scheme - provides financial cover unto 5 lakh per family on a floater basis to all
residents of the UT -

56. Tso Kar wetland complex - total now 42 Ramsar sites - Ladakh - is a high al+tude
consis+ng two principal waterbodies- Startapuk Two , a freshwater lake and Two Kar
itself a hyper saline lake situated in Changthang region - also an important Bird area as
per IB - Black necked crane , great crested grebe , bar headed geese , ruddy shelduck ,
brown headed gull etc ,

57. BBX11 gene - facilitates in the greening of plants by playing a crucial role in regula+ng
levels of protochlorophyllide - an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the green pigment

58. Na?onal mathema?cs day - 22nd December - observed in the honour of Ramanjuan

59. Oxford - AstraZeneca vaccine - a viral vector vaccine - uses another non replica+ng
virus to deliver SARS cov2 genes, in the form of DNA , into human cells where viral
proteins are produced to induce protec+ve immune responses

60. Ethanol blended petrol programme - launched in 2003 , aim is to promote the use of
alterna+ve and environmental friendly fuels 

ethanol is a bio fuel obtained primarily form sugarcane - ethanol can absorb moisture
form the atmosphere - can cause issues with engines ? - ethanol can be produced from
sugarcane, maize , wheat etc which are having high starch content 

Is considered as renewable fuel

61. Academic freedom Index- try to quan+fy the freedom of university scholars - to debate
poli+cally and culturally controversial topics without fearing for their safety or studies
and without any external influence on the ins+tu+ons affairs based on a combina+on of
factual data and the assessments of 1800 academicians worldwide -

62. Inter state migrant policy index - released by India Migra+on Now - ranks and compares
states - examines policy areas such as child rights, educa+on , health and sanita+on etc 

more than 1/3rd India’s popula+on is internal migrants

63. Emergency use lis?ng - is a risk based procedure to assess and list unlicensed vaccines
during public health emergencies - to make these medicines vaccines and diagnos+cs
available faster to address the emergency

64. Fast radio bursts - are bright bursts of radio waves - whose dura+on Leo in the
millisecond scale because of which it is difficult to detect - found in milky galaxy -

65. Country’s 1st convergence project - Goa - aim is to connect seemingly independent
sectors like solar energy , energy storage and led lights.

66. Luhri stage - I project - on river satluj - which is situated in Shimla and kullu districts

67. Pilibhit TR in UP won TX2 +ger conserva+on award - for doubling its popula+on - 

Tiger conserva+on excellence award - Transboundary manas conserva+on area -
comprising Manas and Royal manas NP in Bhutan

68. Cyclone Nivar hit the Karaikal

coast , Cyclone Burevi named by
Maldives - was as strong as Nivar -

69. Paray Samadhan - WB - a new

grievance redressal mechanism -
will not address major
infrastructural gaps - will address
municipal, local or service gaps
through specific mission mode

70. FRUITS- farmer registra+on and

unified beneficiary informa+on
system - portal - Karnataka -
integrated to the bhoomi portal -
portal for land records - all farmers will be registered and given a FID number -

71. First rescue and rehabilita+on centre for monkeys in Telengana

72. Solar winds hack - a cybera^ack - discovered in USA -

73. Central electricity regulatory commission - under Electricity act 2003,

74. Himalayan Serow - in cold desert region - resembles a cross between a goat , a donkey ,
a cow and a pig - medium sized mammal with a large head - vulnerable and schedule 1
75. Himgiri - first of the 3 stealth frigates - under project 17A for the navy -

76. Pre qualifica+on project - WHO - set up in 2001 - to facilitate access to medicines that
meet unified standards of quality, safety and efficacy for HIV/AIDS , malaria and TB

77. Indian peacock sol shell turtle - endemic to India , Bhutan and Bangladesh -
vulnerable , Appendix 1 of cites - belongs to the family of Trionychidae

78. Sumdorong chu valley - bordering Tawang district -

79. Nuclear magne?c resonance test - spectroscopy is an analy+cal chemistry technique -

in quality control and research for determining the content - - molecular structure

80. Interna?onal blue flag - hoisted at 8 beaches across country - 

Kappad - Kerala

Shivrajpur - Gujarat 

Ghoghla - Diu 

Kasarkod and Padubidri - Karnataka 

Rushikonda - Andhra Pradesh 

Golden - Odisha 

Radhanagar - Andaman and Nicobar 

there are nearly 33 criteria that must be met to qualify for a blue flag cer+fica+on 

Spain tops the list with 560 and India in the league of 50 blue flag

81. Directed , pulsed radio frequency energy appears to be the most plausible explana+on
for the symptoms that included intense head pressure, dizziness and cogni+ve

82. TiHAN- IIT Hyderabad - india’s 1st test bed for autonomous naviga+on systems
83. Renewable energy
has a share of
23.39% in the total
capacity in the

India now at 5th
global posi+on for
overall installed
renewable energy

84. Retrospec?ve
taxa?on law -was
passed in
parliament in
2012- v/s BIT signed
between India and Netherlands in

85. Colour of auroras - depends on which

gas - oxygen or nitrogen is being
excited by the electrons and on how
excited it becomes - colour also
depends on how fast the electrons are
moving - high energy electrons cause
oxygen to emit green light while low
energy electron causes a red light 

Nitrogen generally gives off a blue
86. OTT playorms such as Neylix, Amazon prima and others under the ambit of M/o IB -
no+fica+on also brought news and current affairs content on online playorms under
the purview - 

the user generated content such as what is streamed on YouTube or FB will con+nue to
remain under MeitY

87. FRA, 2006 - to protect then marginal and tribal communi+es and other forest dwellers
and balance env conserva+on with their right to life and livelihood - 

ownership to the land that is being cul+vated by tribals or forest dwellers as on 13 dec
2005, subject to a maximum of 4 Ha 

1. Dinosaur fossil na+onal park - Dhar , MP - it is a unique protected area where
fossilised eggs of 3 species of Dinosaurs has been found

2. Report of management effec+veness evalua+on - of 146 NPs and WS , 2018-19

3. India’s renewable power capacity is 4th largest in the world

4. India’s lead climate ac?on - India a7ains global 4th and 5th posi+ons in wind and solar
power installed capaci+es for overall installed renewable energy capacity

5. MP, KR, and MH recorded the highest leopard es+mates

6. New ac?on plan for vulture conserva?on 2020-25 

UP, Tripura , MH, KR and TN will get conserva+on and breeding centre each 

major objec+ves - removal of Diclofenac

7. Sundarbans is the home to many rare ad globally threatened wildlife species such as
the Ganges shark , Magur , Olive Ridley sea turtle , Hawks < river terrapin , spoon billed
sandpiper , royal bengal +ger and Dolphin

8. High octane fuel - saves cost, reduces CO2 , helps reduce GHGs , gives be^er engine

9. With an aim to manage popula?on of big cats , the first ever ?ger transloca?on in UK
at Rajaji Na?onal Park from Jim Corbe7 Tiger reserve

10. Tso Kar wetland complex is found at more than 4500mtrs above sea level in
Changthang region , Ladakh - 42nd Ramsar sites - example of 2 connected lakes -
Startsapuk Two and The hyper saline Two Kar

11. Himalayas - home to 30% of India’s animals- interna+onal Mountain day - 11th
December - mountains host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots

12. Coastal defence exercise sea vigil - involved deployment of the en+re coastal security
apparatus and more than 110 surface assets of Indian Navy and coast guard

13. PMKVY - aimed at crea+ng a world cer+fied individuals , empowered by skills and
stable livelihood that can help lead a good life. - UP top state that saw the most
number of trainings

14. Prarambh - startup India interna+onal summit - will celebrate 5 years of launch of
startup India

15. PMFBY - 2016 - a pool of resource persons trainers have been developed to create
awareness among the farmers on crop insurance - provides comprehensive risk
insurance to cover yield losses on area based approach due to natural calami+es -

16. World wetlands day - 2 feb - 50 years now -2021 

17. Red Panda - found in Indian states of Sikkim , west bengal , Arunachal Pradesh and In
Meghalaya - in Singalila NP and Noera Valley NP - both in West Bengal

18. India gets its 1st centre for wetland conserva+on and management - India has 42
Ramsar sites as on 50th world wetland day - 

High al+tude wetlands are important to sustain life in Harsh climate - 

TsoMoriri basin in Ladakh is India’s latest rams site 

Wetlands - store and clean water , keep us fed ,provide services worth $47 trillion a
year , coral reefs are home to 25% of all species

19. Budera community - in U^arakhand - under SECURE Himalayas project - working

together to revive their sheep wool cral - and to provide market linkage

20. Mandarin Duck - a migratory bird from Western Europe and USA visited Monpas of
Dirang valley in Arunachal Pradesh

21. Mawlis - the honey collectors into the dense forests of sundarbans and Apis Dorsata is
the dominant bee species in Indian

Khalsi is one of the richest nectar and
pollen producing plants of the delta

22. Theme of World wildlife day - 3rd

March - ‘ Forests and livelihoods :
sustaining people and planet”

23. Denwa Backwaters in Madai Zone of

Satpura - Tiger reserve

24. Asia Environmental enforcement

Award 2020 - India’s Wildlife crime
control bureau

25. Hawksbill sea turtle is cri+cally

endangered, Green sea turtle
endangered, Loggerhead sea, Olive
ridley sea turtle, & Leatherback sea turtle vulnerable as per IUCN Red List of
threatened species.

26. 51st Tiger Reserve - The Srivilliputhur Megamalai Tiger reserve - will also rejuvenate
the river Vaigai - TN

27. All the crocodile species distributed in India are protected in the WPA , 1972 under
schedule I 

Conserva+on reserves and community reserves are the outcome of amendments to
the wildlife protec+on Act, 2003

28. Interna+onal Day of forests - 21st March


1. Kumbh Mela 2021 - Haridwar

2. Booker prize to - Douglas Stuart’s novel - Shuggie Bain

3. Emergency use authorisa+on - for vaccine

4. PK Mohanty commi^ee on banking license

5. Preparing for death book - by Arun Shourie

6. 15th G20 online summit - Saudi Arabia - modi calls for new global index for
transparency in governance

7. 5th Na+onal Kayakalp award - MoHFW- to sanita+on and hygiene doing ins+tu+ons -
through a 3 +er system 

Swachh Swasth sarvatra - MoHFW, with M/o Jal shak+

8. Lake CHAD - shallow, endorheic , freshwater lake is located in the Sahel region ,
bordering countries - Niger , Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria



1. Article 131 - talks about

the original jurisdiction of
the SC , where the apex
court deals with any
dispute between the centre
and a state , the centre
and a state on side and
another state on the other
side and two or more
states - no other court can
entertain such a dispute -
state need not show that
its legal right is Violated
but only that the dispute
involves a legal question - 

Can’t be used to settle a political difference 

However centre has other powers to ensure that its laws are implemented - centre
can issue directions to a state to implement the laws made by the parliament 


2. SC- state can regulate minority institutions in national interest - TMA Pay
v/s State of Karnataka , 2002 , - in this case SC that FR under article 30(1) is
neither absolute and nor above the law - however govt. regulation can not destroy
the minority character of the institution - 

National commission for Minority educational institutions Act , defines MEI as a
college or an educational institution estb and administered by a minority or

The constitution of India does not define Minority 

As per govt. Noti there are 6 notified minorities , religious - Muslim , Sikhs , christian
, buddhist Parsi and jain 

No linguistic minorities have been notified by the central government 

Linguistic minorities are outside the purview of

3. National strategy for financial inclusion -

2019-24 - RBI 

strategic pillars of National strategy for financial
inclusion - universal access to financial services ,
providing basic bouquet of financial services ,
access to livelihood and skill development ,
financial literacy and education , customer protection and grievance redressal ,
effective coordination

4. Supervisory action framework - RBI - on urban cooperative banks - for

deterioration of financial position - on worsening of 3 parameters 

- net non performing assets exceed 6% of net advances 

- losses for 2 consecutive financial years 

- CAR falls below 9% 

Also if serious governance issues are there

5. National Gas Grid - an interconnected national gas grid has been envisaged to
ensure the adequate availability and equitable distribution of natural gas in all parts
of the country , development of city gas distribution networks in various cities for
supply of CNG and PNG

6. World employment and social outlook - ILO - Trends 2020 , analyses key
labour market issues , annually

7. India cyber security crime coordination centre - in New Delhi , in line with national
cyber security Policy , 2013

8. The economics of environment and biodiversity (TEEB) - in 2007, G8+5 - to

initiate the process of analysing the global economic benefit of biological diversity,
the cost of loss of biodiversity and failure to take protective measures versus the cost
of effective conservation 

Genrmany and the EC under Pavan Sukhdev led to establishment of TEEB , based in
Geneva , office is hosted by UNEP

9. Aspirational districts program - 115 distt across 28 states, under NITI Aayog 

to quickly and effectively transform the selected backward districts - identify low
hanging fruits , 3 core aspects - convergence , collaboration and competition , 

programme is tracked by 49 indicators and 5 core thematic areas 

Delta rankings - measures incremental progress

10. Scheme for integrated textile park - M/o Textiles , launched by merging 2
schemes - Apparel parks for Exports scheme and the centre infrastructure
development scheme in 2005 - to provide the industry with world class state of art
infrastructure facilities - PPP made is followed - a demand driven scheme - to mobilise
private investment in the textile sector and generate fresh employment opportunities

11. Bojjannakond and Lingalametta monastries - twin rock cut buddhist

monasteries - in Vishakhapatnam - dated back 3rd century BC - Theravada,
Mahayana, Vajrayana - 

Moghalmari monastery - on left bank of subarnarekha river in West Bengal aka
Dantapur buddhist monastery 

Xuanzang who visited India in the 7th century
12. Tropical Forest Alliance -
was founded in 2012 at

global public private
partnership - to
collaborative action to
realise sustainable rural
development and better
growth opportunities - under
aegis of WEF ,

13. World economic situation

and prospects report -
annual UN flagship - on the
state of world economy

14. Corruption perception index

- TI 

Denmark and New Zealand
are at the top spot

15. Brahmotsavam - celebrated in Tirumala

Tirupati temple , Andhra Pradesh , also Kondapalli
handicrafts and kalamkari paintings

16.Gramiya kalai - TN and Kaksar folk dance


17. Asilomar AI principles can give multiple

dimensions for essay writing of answer writing

18. Sand is a
minor mineral
defined under
Mines and
regulation) Act
, 1957 - this act empowers state governments to frame rules to prevent illegal mining
, transportation and storage of minerals and for purpose connected therewith 

Control of illegal mining - under state governments

19. Monpa handmade paper - of Arunachal Pradesh - - KVIC 

is a fine textured handmade paper - Mon Shugu in the in the local dialect 

local monpa tribe in Aranuchal Pradesh 

made from the bark of a local tree called Shugu sheng

20. Tharu tribe - ethnic

group indigenous to
the terai in southern
Nepal and northern
India , most of them
are forest dwellers
and some practice

21. Singapore’s popular

and vibrant street
hawker culture -
Intangible cultural
Heritage by

22. India workplace

equality index - by
Keshav Suri Foundation in partnership with pride circle , stonewall UK and Ficci

23. India’s 1st

conjugate vaccine -
developed by SII in
collaboration with
partners like bill and
Melinda gates
foundation - targets
bacterium - which
causes pneumonia +
meningitis and sepsis

24. Sea of Galilee- aka

Lake Tiberias or
Kinneret - lowest
lying bodies of water
in the world - lies in
northern Israel -
freshwater - fed up by underground springs
25. Saguna rice technique - SRT - new method of cultivation of rice and related rotation
crops - without ploughing , puddling and transplanting rice eon permanent raised
beds - zero till , conservation agriculture

26.BEAM (BSE e-agricultural markets) - BSE has launched an electronic spot platform
for agricultural commodities - will function as a national , institutionalised , electronic
, transparent commodity spot trading platform - farmers from 1 state can reach out
to other state markets

27. Invest India - national investment promotion and facilitation agency of India - under
D/o IPP - UNCTAD award

28. Jyotirao phule - title of

Mahatma by Vithalrao
Krishnaji Vandekar in 1888-
opened 1st ever school for
Dalit girls at Bhide Wada ,
Pune in 1848 

1863- bal baharti
pratibhandak griha 

1873 - he formed the Satya
shodhak samaj in Pune - 

published works were -
Brahmanacha Kasab ,
Gulamgiri , Shetkaryancha
Asud , sarvajanik
satyadharma pustak ,
asprushyanchi kaifiyat
29. Realising the future of
learning : from learning
poverty to learning for
everyone , everywhere - WB ,
learning poverty as the
percentage of 10 yr olds who
can not read and understand
a simple story

30. State of education report

2020 - Technical and
vocational education and
training - released by

31. Global hunger Index -

2020 - India @ 94/107

32.Human development
report 2020 - title -
“the next frontier :
Human development
and the
anthropocene” -
released by UNDP -
first time in 1990 -
releases 5 composite


and MPI 

India dropped 2 ranks , now 131/189 

Norway topped

33.Mount Everest - 8848.86 meters - grows 86 cm -

34.NC saxena committee - to examine and recommend guidelines for management and
governance of community forest rights

35. Climate change performance index - by germanwatch - New climate institute and
the climate action network - published annually since 2005 - since 2015 fully
incorporates the 2015 Paris agreement - only EU as a whole along with UK and
India rank

36. The
fund -
- hosted by
UN office
for project services -

37. Great Barrington declaration - is a statement written by 3 public health experts -

special concerns about how the current COVID 19 strategies are forcing our
children , the working class and poor to carry the heaviest burden.

38. 17th India ASEAN summit - held virtually

39.2020 BRICS summit held virtually under chairmanship of Russia - motto was - “BRICS
partnership for global stability, shared security and innovative growth” - 

Moscow declaration was adopted - two
pillars of this summit was economy and
counterterrorism - 

Proposal to set up - BRICS integrated early
warning system for future outbreaks of
infectious diseases

40. 15th G20 - 2020 conveyed by Saudi Arabia

in virtual format - has met every year since
1999 -

41. India’s VP
chaired 19th
meeting of
SCO council
of heads of
government -
Russian and
Mandarin are
used as
official and
languages in

42. Convention on the prohibition of the use of Nuclear weapons - tabled by India since
1982 - in general assembly - 

India has civil nuclear co operations with 14 countries - Argentina , Australia,
Canada, Czech Republic, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Russia,
SK, UK, US and Vietnam

43. Global centre for Nuclear energy partnership - world’s 1st nuclear energy
partnership centre at Kheri, Jhajjar distt of Haryana - 5 schools under it

44. Liquidity Trap - A liquidity trap is a contradictory economic situation in

which interest rates are very low and savings rates are

high, rendering monetary policy ineffective. It leads to a

scenario where any additional money supply that is

generated in the economy get channeled towards

savings rather than investment thus rendering the economy to remain at same
liquidity level.

45. India’s renewable energy generation capacity is the 4th largest in the world -

46. La Nina and El Nino 

el nino and la nina are opposite phases of the ENSO - La Nina is sometimes
referred ad the cold phase of ENSO and El Nino as warm phase 

both usually last between 9 and 12 months - they take pace every 2 to 7 years 

typically El Nino occurs more frequently than La Nina

47. All india trade union congress - turned 100 - estb in 1920 by Bal Gangadhar tilak ,
Lala Lajpat Rai , Narayan Malhar Joshi , Joseph Baptista , Diwan Chaman Lall etc 

LLR was elected as the 1st President of AITUC and Dewan Chaman as the first
general secretary


Dimensions - long and healthy life , knowledge and a decent standard of living 

Indicators - Life expectancy at birth , expected years of schooling and mean years
of schooling and GNI (PPP)

Dimension Index - life expectancy index, education index and GNI index = HDI

UNDP released HDR - mean years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more
and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. 

This year for the first time , UNDP has introduced a new metric to reflect the impact
caused by each country’s per capita carbon emissions and its material footprint. 

New Metric called - Planetary Pressure adjusted HDI - measures the amount of fossil
fuels , metals and other resources used to make the goods and services consumed
by a country 

Norway - topped , followed by
Ireland, Switzerland , Hong

India - dropped 2 ranks in UNHDI ,
standing 131/189 - if index adjusted
for PHDI , India would move up 8

2019 , the expected years of
schooling in India was 12.2 yrs 

Life expectancy - 69.7 years lower
than the south asian average of 69.9

49. Climate ambition summit - on occasion

of 5th anniversary of Paris agreement - virtual summit is being hosted by UN and
UK and is being co posted by France in partnership with Chile an Italy 

50. OCI - a category introduced by Government in 2005 - in 2015 government merged

OCI and PIO categories , - OCI As a person who was a citizen of India on or after
January 26, 1950 or was eligible to become a citizen of India on that date or who
is a child or grandchild of such a person among other eligibility criteria 

If an individual is registered as an OCI for a period of 5 years , he/she is eligible to
apply for Indian citizenship , do not get voting rights , can hold a govt. Job and
purchase farm land

51. Minorities - 6 total religious minorities , in 2014 Jains were also notified - JnK, Pb,
Meghalaya, Mizoram , Nagaland, Lakshdweep are the only states where any
notified minority is in majority

52. WHO - non communicable diseases now form 7 of world’s top 10 causes of death -
2019 global health estimates

53. Human rights day - December 10 - 1948 - UNGA adopted Universal declaration of
human rights - theme “recover better-stand up for human rights” - declaration is not
legally binding -

54.International day for persons with disabilities - December 3rd - in 2016 Rights of Pw
was introduced and disabilities expanded to 21

The RPwD Act, 2016 replaced the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. 

It fulfils India’s obligations to the United National Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), to which India is a signatory. According to the
RPwD Act, disability has been defined based on an evolving and dynamic concept. 

The Act puts the responsibility on appropriate governments to take effective
measures to ensure that the PwDs get their rights equally like others. 

Additional benefits such as reservation in higher education (not less than 5%),
government jobs (not less than 4 %), reservation in allocation of land, poverty
alleviation schemes (5% allotment) etc. have been provided for persons with
benchmark disabilities. 

As per the Act, a person with benchmark disability means a person with not less
than forty percent of a specified disability. Every child with benchmark disability
between the age group of 6 and 18 years will have the right to free education. 

Government funded educational institutions as well as the government recognized
institutions will have to provide inclusive education to the children with disabilities. 

To strengthen the Accessible India Campaign, stress has been given to ensure
accessibility in public buildings (both government and private). 

55. Tharu tribe - UP - followers of Theravada Buddhism - belongs to Terai lowlands -

most if them are forest dwellers - There a language of the Indo-Aryan subgroup -
they worship lord shiva , women have stronger property rights

56. UN commission on Narcotic drugs (CND) -was established by UNECOSOC -

in 1946 - HQ in Vienna - is a central drug policy making body within the UN system
and reviews and analyses the global drug situation 

consists of 53 members including India - serving 4 years term - parties to the single
convention on Narcotic drugs, 1961 

Above convention has - 186 state parties - 

Now both cannabis and cannabis resin will be under Schedule ! Of the convention
which includes the least dangerous category of substances

57. Post metric scholarship to students belonging to SCs - centrally sponsored - since
1944 - now centre will contribute around 60 % of total investment -

58. NFHS - MoHFW has designated International institute for population sciences in
Mumbai as the nodal agency - survey is funded by USAID with supplementary
support from UNICEF - 5th NFHS 2019-20 period

59. Recognition of prior learning program - under SANKALP programme of MSDE and
supported by WB - RPL recognises the value of learning acquired outside a formal
setting and provides government certificate for an individual’s skills -

60. RTGS and NEFT - 

RTGS is a payment system in which the money is transferred to the beneficiary’s
account in real time and on a gross basis - where there is real time settlement of fund
transfers , individually on a transaction by transaction basis - maintained by RBI - 

Meant for large value instantaneous fund transfers , min amount 2 lakh and no
maximum limit - July 2019 RBI has
removed the processing charges
levied for RTGS transactions 

Both are available round the clock

61. Petroleum and natural gas regulatory

board (PNGRB) - a statutory body
under 2006 Act - estb to protect the
interests of consumers and entities
involved in activities relating to
petroleum ,petroleum products and
natural gas 

Primary functions - regulation of
refining, transportation, distribution,
storage , marketing , supply and sale
of petroleum products and natural gas 

Has power to monitor prices and corrective measures to prevent restrictive trade
practices , power to regulate transportation rates of natural gas

62. SAARC charter day - 8th December - , year 2020 marks 36th charter day

63. UN population award - 2020 - 

Institutional category - helpAge India 

individual category - queen mother of Bhutan Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck

64. UN alliance of civilisations - 2005 - as the political initiative of Mr. Kofi Annan , co
sponsored by Governments of Spain and turkey 

features programming in the areas of education , youth, migration and media

65. Mucormycosis - aka black fungus - previously called zygomycosis is a serious but
rare fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes which exist in
the environment

66.BBX11 gene - related to gene facilitating greening of plants -

67. Himalayan Serow - several species and all of them are found in India - known to be
founding eastern, central and western Himalayas but not in the Trans Himalayan
region - 

been spotted in Rupi Bhaba WS - and in chamba

they are herbivores , found at altitude between 2000 Mts and 4000 Mts 

Vulnerable and schedule 1 of WPA,1972

68. Rules Governing Privilege 

Rule No 222 in Chapter 20 of the Lok Sabha Rule Book and correspondingly Rule
187 in Chapter 16 of the Rajya Sabha rulebook governs privilege. It says that a
member may, with the consent of the Speaker or the Chairperson, raise a question
involving a breach of privilege either of a member or of the House or of a
committee thereof. 

The rules however mandate that any notice should be relating to an incident of
recent occurrence and should need the intervention of the House. Notices have to
be given before 10 am to the Speaker or the Chairperson. 

Role of the Speaker/Rajya Sabha Chair: The Speaker/RS chairperson is the first
level of scrutiny of a privilege motion. The Speaker/Chair can decide on the
privilege motion himself or herself or refer it to the privileges committee of
Parliament. If the Speaker/Chair gives consent under Rule 222, the member
concerned is given an opportunity to make a short statement. 

Privileges Committee 

In the Lok Sabha, the Speaker nominates a committee of privileges consisting of 15
members as 

per respective party strengths. A report is then presented to the House for its

The Speaker may permit a half-hour debate while considering the report. The
Speaker may then pass final orders or direct that the report be tabled before the

A resolution may then be moved relating to the breach of privilege that has to be
unanimously passed 

69. Swarnim vijay mashaal - at national war memorial - to mark 50 years of India Pak
1971 war -

70. Indian peacock soft-shelled turtle - confined to India, Bangladesh and Pakistan -
widespread in northern and central parts of Indian subcontinent - it is omnivorous -
vulnerable - schedule 1 - exploited for its meat and calipee

71. Malayan Giant Squirrel - indicates the health of the forest , they are diurnal, but
arboreal and herbivorous like the flying squirrels , near threatened

72. Lakshdweep - as 100% organic under participatory guarantee scheme - after

Sikkim - 

PGS is a process of certifying organic products , which ensures that their production
takes place in accordance with laid - down quality standards

73.State of global climate 2020 - WMO

74. Emissions gap report 2020 - UNEP - Global GHG emissions continued to grow for
the third consecutive year in 2019, reaching a record high of 52.4 Gigatonne
carbon equivalent (GtCO2e) without land-use change (LUC) emissions and 59.1
GtCO2e when including LUC. 

G20 countries account for bulk of GHGs - , rate decreasing in OECD countries and
increasing in non OECD countries - 

75. MIKE - monitoring the illegal killing of elephants - international collaboration -

established by CITES adopted at the 10th conference of the parties in 1997 - 

world elephant day - August 12

76. National Mathematics day - December 22nd - Ramanujan

77. Arecibo telescope - famous for its stellar contributions to astronomy has collapsed -
was world’s largest single aperture telescope since it was built in 1963 - surpassed
by china in 2016 by FAST (500 mtr ) - radio telescope - to observe planets, asteroids
and the ionosphere

78.Nuclear magnetic resonance test - spectroscopy is an analytical chemistry technique

used in quality control and research for determining the content and purity of a
sample as well as its molecular structure - NMR not required for Indian market but
for exports

79. Legion of merit award - by US to PM Modi - is the highest degree of the chief
commander - since 1943 , there have been 2 Indian recipients of the honour in the
past - Field Marshal KM Cariappa and Get SM Srinagesh in 1955

80. Smog - coined by Dr Henry Antonie des Voeux - is a harmful mixture of fog, dust
and air pollutants such as No2, volatile organic compounds - which combine with
sunlight to form a dense layer of ground level ozone - 

can be caused by coal burning in an area - slash and burning of crops - automobile
exhausts, power plants, fireworks, even paint, hairspray , charcoal starter fluid etc

81. Project Lion - 6 new sites have been identified - apart from Kuno-palpur WS

Madhav NP - MP

Sitamata WS- RJ

Mukundra hills TR- RJ 

Gandhi sagar WS- MP

Kumbalgarh WS- RJ 

Jessore-Balaram Ambaji WS- GJ

82. Ganga Utsav 2020 - organised in New Delhi - aimed at spreading awareness about
river Ganga and the need to keep the river clean and rejuvenated

83. UNESCO global geo Parks - are single, unified geographical areas -where sites and
landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic
concept of protection , education and sustainable development 

there are 147 UNESCO global geo parks - across 41 countries - India is yet to have
one of its own - 

India for Vishakhapatnam consisting of Erra Matti Dibbalu (red sand dunes) -
natural rock formation and Borra caves

84. New Ramsar sites - Lonar lake in MH, Sur sarovar aka Keetham lake in Agra;
Kabartal of Bihar ( a fresh water marsh ) and Asan Barrage in Doon valley

85.Travancore tortoise - in western ghats - endemic to mountain ranges of WGs - found

in semi evergreen , evergreen , moist deciduous and bamboo forests - vulnerable
and Schedule IV - cites App II

86. Tarballs - are small light absorbing carbonaceous particles formed due to burning
of biomass or fossil fuels that deposit on snow and ice - are formed from brown
carbon- emitted during the burning of fossil fuels -
87. GITA - global innovation and technology alliance - not for profit PPP - jointly by the
Technology development board , DST and GoI and CII - platform encourages
industrial investments in innovation technology solutions

88. Guillain Barre syndrome - is a very rare autoimmune disorder - can affect the
nerves that control muscle movement as well as those that transmit pain ,
temperature and touch sensations - caused by bacteria or viral infection

89. Chapare virus - Ebola like - identified in Bolivia - first time in 2003 - no specific drugs
to treat the disease

90. Global prevention coalition for HIV prevention - hosted by the Joint united Nations
programme on HIV/AIDS and the UN population fund 

2017 - GPC was established to strengthen and sustain political commitment for
primary prevention by setting a common agenda among key policy makers , funders
and programme implementers

91. Pneumonia and Diarrhoea progress report 2020 - released by International Vaccine
Access centre - annual report which tracks progress towards 10 key indicators in the
15 countries 

India has improved its vaccination coverage -

92. Magnetar - a contraction of the magnetic star - is a neutron star with an ultra strong
magnetic field - magnetic field is very strong 

are known to produce jets of gamma rays and X rays - which also last for mere
milliseconds and carry a huge burst of energy

93. NASA’s Psyche mission - will explore metallic asteroid 16 psyche which appears to
be exposed nickel iron core of an early planet - the unmanned spacecraft will reach
asteroid in 2026

94. World science day for peace and development - every 10th November - under
UNESCO auspices - aims to ensure that citizens are kept informed of developments
in science.

95. World diabetes day - November 14 - Frederick Banting co discovered Insulin along
with Charles Best in 1922 - theme - “The nurse and diabetes”

96. Global conference on criminal finances and cryptocurrencies - 4th - organised by

Interpol , Europol and Basel Institute on governance

97. Food coalition - by FAO and proposed by Italy - aims to increase resilience of
agricultural food systems, ensure global food access - would work towards
mobilising resources, expertise and innovation , advocating for a joint and
coordinated COVID 19 response , promoting dialogue and exchange of knowledge
and expertise among countries - expanding international cooperation and
partnership for a longer term impact

98. Nurturing neighbourhoods challenge - MoHUA - 3 year initiative which will support
cities to develop, pilot and scale solutions that enhance the quality of life of young
children , their caregivers - will be open for 100 smart cities - 

data maturity assessment framework and online training programme for city data

99. Measles - highly contagious- virus - infects the respiratory tract - spreads throughout
the body -

100.Lilavati award - for efforts taken in the field of women’s development and to create
equality and fairness for women in all spheres of their lives - given to Institute
affiliated with AICTE

101. Production linked incentive (PLI) scheme - for 10 key sectors to boost
manufacturing capability and enhance exports - will be in addition to earlier
announced PLI schemes fro mobile phones and specified electronic components 

- there is no limit on the number of companies that will be eligible for PLI under each

- will be implemented by the concerned ministries - 

- any new sector for PLI will require fresh approval of the cabinet

102. Atmanirbhar Rozgar Yojana - only establishment hiring new employees will be
eligible fro ARY - govt to foot 2 years EPF dues for new employees

103. Technical recession - term used to describe two consecutive quarters of decline
in output - refers to back to back contractions in real GDP - mainly used to capture
the trend in GDP

104. PMKSY - kisan sampada yojana - central sector - approved by the cabinet - in
2017 - implemented by Food Processing industries -

105. CCI Act and FCRA

106. Statue of peace - in RJ - to mark the 151st anniversary celebrations of Jain Monk
Acharya shree vijay Vallabh Surishwer - made of 8 metals - supported the freedom
and Swadeshi movement

107. Char choparis - in Assam - (a place) - reflecting the culture and heritage - Miya
community -

108.ASEAN Defence ministers meeting + being hosted by Vietnam in dec 2020 - 

ASEAN + 8 dialogue partners - to strengthen security and defence cooperation for
peace , stability and development in the region

109. Anakkayam small hydro electric project - in Kerala - coming up in buffer zone of
Parambikkulam Tiger reserve -

110. Mansar lake - in Jammu and Kashmir - is of immense importance from pilgrimage
as well as heritage point of view - 2 shrines located are Umapati Mahadev and
Narasimha temple - rejuvenation and development plan by Ministry of development
of NE region
111. Haiderpur wetland - identified under Namami Gange programme , as a model
wetland along Ganga - fed by Ganga and Solani rivers - located with boundaries of
Hastinapur WS- in UP -

112. UNESCO’s recognition mentioned Panna TR as a critical tiger habitat - - natural

habitat of sloth , Indian wold, Bear pangolin , leopard , gharial , Indian fox and a
lot more

113. Shukaryaan mission - Venus orbiter mission - first mission to Venus by ISRO - will
study for 4 years- GSLV Mk II - 2025

114. Param Siddhi - high performance computing AI supercomputer established under

National supercomputing Mission - 5.267 Petaflops

115. Lachit Diwas - Assam - in ode to his valour and heroism - 1671 battle of Saraighat
that thwarted an attempt by Mughal forces to capture Assam

116. National Unity day - 31st October - commemorates the birth anniversary of Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel

117. Sarna religion - Tribals of Jharkhand - believe pray to nature - ‘jal, jungle and
zameen ‘ - Jharkhand has 32 tribal groups of which 8 are PVTGs -

118.National legal services day - celebrated on November 9

119. National organ donation day - 27th November

120. World Fisheries day - 21st November

121. Dobra chants bridge - country’s longest single lane motor able suspension bridge -
built over tehri lake

122. Avadhanam - as a literary process and is revived by poets in Telgu and Kannada

123.Hoysala Laxmi Devi temple - was built in 1113 CE under the Hoysala king
Vishnuvardhana , due to grants by merchant Kalhana Rautar - only chatushukta
temple in Hoyasla history -

124. 12th BRICS summit - virtual format - hosted by Russia - theme - “global stability,
shared security and Innovative growth” - summit adopted Moscow declaration - also
finalised the BRICS counter terrorism strategy 

BRICS high representatives fro security shall be entrusted with leading the review of
the implementation of this strategy -

125. 17th ASEAN-India summit - co chaired by PM modi and PM of Vietnam 

India’s Indo pacific oceans initiative and ASEAN outlook on Indi-pacific 

India and ASEAN strategic partners in 2012 -

126. Future investment initiative - annual investment summit - addressed by MoHFW

127.India justice report - by TATA trusts - MH top on delivering justice - Bihar highest
police women force

128. Global climate risk Index - based on data from Munich Re’s NatCatSERVICE- India
ranked 7th worst hit country in 2019 - released annually by the environmental think
tank and sustainable development Germanwatch lobbyist

129.Corruption perception Index - Denmark and New Zealand topped - followed by

Finland , Singapore and Sweden - January 2021

130. Green tax on principles of differential taxation -

131. Naku la pass - at height of 5000 mts above sea level - on northern border of

132. National girl child day - 24th January - 1st time in 2008 - 

BBBP - 2015 from Panipat - central sector scheme - covering all 640 districts

133. Labour laws - labour under concurrent list - therefore there are over 100 state
and 40 central laws - national commission on Labour 2002 - parliament has passed
all 4 bills related to labour laws which include 

code on wages 2019

the occupational safety, health and working conditions code, 2020

Duties of the employer - no charge on any employee for maintenance of safety and
health at work place , free of cost annual health examination of employees , women
entitled to be employed in all establishments for all types of work under this code ,
can be employed with their consent beyond 7pm and before 6 am 

Defines the inter state migrant workers , include workers who have been recruited
directly by the employer or indirectly through a contract , availing benefits of PDS
option , journey allowance per year , data electronically on a portal , constitution of
the National occupational safety and health advisory board by central govt ,
punishments and social security fund by government for the welfare of the
unorganised workers 

Code on social security 2020

Aims to extend social security Benefits to all employees and workers either in the
organised or unorganised or any other sectors 

National social security board 

Industrial relations code, 2020

134. Data governance quality Index - NITI aayog - by development monitoring and
evaluation office - to assess different ministries/departments performance on the
implementation of central sector schemes and centrally sponsored schemes

135.Ambedkar social innovation and Incubation mission - aims to promote

entrepreneurship among Divyangs - M/o Social justice and Empowerment - under
Venture capital fund for SCs - intends to encourage SC students in higher
educational institutions to innovate and become entrepreneurs
136. Ayushman Sahakar scheme - to involve cooperatives in creating healthcare
infrastructure in the country - NCDC will give loans to cooperatives to set up
healthcare facilities.

137. Meri saheli initiative - Indian railway - for focused action on security of women
passengers during their entire journey

138. State of global air report 2020 - Health effects institute - an independent , NPO
funded jointly by US environmental protection agency and others - India recorded
highest annual average PM 2.5 concentration exposures in the world -

139. Leopard population - in 4 years increased to 60%

Devaryanadurga forest reserve - In Karnataka

140. Digital payments index - RBI , 5indicators - to capture extent of digitisation of

payments across the country , base period March 2018

141. India’s ‘expanded programme on immunisation’ -India gathered


1985- universal immunisation programme - 12 different vaccines provided 

142. Influenza - type A viruses - Hemaggutinin(HA) and Neuraminidase (NA) both

has many subtypes 

all subtypes of influenza A can infect birds except H17N10 and H18N11 - found
only in bats

143. Durand line - 1893 by Sir Mortimer Durand - Afghanistan doesn’t accept

144.Grand Euthiopian Renaissance dam - blue nile - main waterway runs through
Uganda, South Sudan , Sudan and Egypt

145. LASI - longitudinal ageing studu in India - by M/o Health - 8.6% of India’s
population is above 60 years of age

146. National action plan for prevention , control and containment of

Avian Influenza 2021 - prescribes compensation to be given to farmers at fixed

humans can be infected with virus subtypes H5N1 , H7N9 and H9N2

147. Dzukou valley - wildfire - Manipur Nagaland border

148. Management effectiveness evaluation - 146 NPs and WS - India has 903
protected areas covering about 5% of geographic area 

Tirthan WS and Great Himalayan Np - performed best 

Turtle WS - UP worst

149. India at UN table 8th Time - 1950-52, 67-68, 72-73, 77-78, 84-85, 91-92, 2011-12
and no2 2021-22
150. Leang Tedongnge cave - Indonesia island - pig painting - Island of Sulawesi

151. Gavi Gangadhareshwara temple - in Gavipuram - ancient cave temple - renovated

by Kampegowda - was a chieftain under Vijayanagara

152.NITI Aayog initiatives - SATH, EBSB, development support services to state , PPP in health,
ADP, AIM, POSHAN bharat,

153.Centrally sponsored schemes are the biggest central assistance to state plans

154.Core of the core - have compulsory participation of states- MGNREGA, NSAP, SC,ST, OBC

155.Core schemes- compulsory participation - pattern 60:40 and 90:10

156.Impeachment proceeding for Indian judges and Impeachment of USA president

157.Cabinet committees - ToBR, 1961

158.Integrated management of PDS- central sector , consumer affairs ministry

159.UNSC non permanent - on a rotating basis by geographic region- 5 replaced each year-
elected for 2 yrs. , 2/3rd votes of all votes cast for that seat

160.IORA, EAS, ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus, ASEAN regional forum , BIMSTEC

161.Stressed assets- broader term, NPA- 90 days , substandard asset-12months, doubtful asset-
remain substandard for 12 months , loss asset- uncollectible

162.RBI’s new norm for resolution of stressed assets

163.Operation sunrise 2 - India+Myanmar- in Manipur, Nagaland, Assam ——> Kamtapur

liberation organisation , NSCN ,ULFA, NDFB

164.Monsoon delay - ELnino-LAnina, Madden-Julian oscillation, IOD, Jet streams, Cyclonic


165.Kaleshwaram lift irrigation project - Telengana - Godavri river, longest irrigation tunnel in world
, kondapochamma sagar , share with Maharashtra

166.Healthy states progressive India report - NITI +WB+MoHFW

167.Food and nutrition security analysis - MoSPI +WFP

168.SDG Gender Index- Equal measures 2030- 51 gender specific indicators +14 of 17 SDG

169.WB+GoI ——> Program towards elimination of TB

170.Do Food and public distribution under MoConsumer Affairs

171.Proton therapy - in chennai- India’s Ist for cancer treatment - X-rays , not applicable for all
type of cancers - Bragg peak - Bragg curve describes energy loss of ionising radiation during
travel through matter

172.optoelectronics - study and application of electronic devices and systems that source, detect
and control light

173.Radiowaves - shortwave band can be reflected or refracted by ionosphere - for long distance

174.Chaukhandi stupa- ASI- In Sarnath - octagonal tower(built by Mughal during Humayun’s visit)
- by Ashoka- Sarnath referred ad Deer Park # Sadikpur sinauli likely to get national importance
tag - on left bank of Yamuna

175.River Gundlakamma - Amravati school of art relics found - Andhra Pradesh - local limestone

176.Ambubachi mela - Khamakhya temple - nilanchal hills - Guwahati

177.Mela kheerbhawani, Ladakh Singhey khababas sindhu festival, Chamilyal mela- JnK

178.National party status - total 8 now only one in north east I.e. National political party

179.Social development report- Council for social development

180.Global economic prospects report - WB

181.Global peace index - institute of economics and peace

182.Fiscal performance index - CII

183.Varunastra- anti submarine electronic torpedo - India one of 8 countries

184.Exercise Garuda - India and French air force

185.Mount sinabung, mount agung, mount spontan , anak Krakatau island- Indonesia

186.Sheath blight- a fungal disease can cause reduction in rice yield

187.Global alliance of national human rights institutions , a UN body based in Geneva

188.Parliamentary standing committees

189.RCEP, International union for the protection of new varieties of plants

190.Quadrilateral coordination group- US, CHINA, PAKISTAN , AFGHANISTAN -2016

191.Disinvestment - DIPAM, NITI

192.Project godawan - to protect great Indian Bustard at desert national park in Jaisalmer

193.Red mud- a solid waste generated during aluminium production by Bayer process from

194.Chandrayaan 2 payloads- terrain mapping camera, CLASS- Chandrayaan large area soft x-
ray spectrometer, Solar x-ray monitor, orbiter high resolution camera, DFSAR- dual frequency
L and S band synthetic aperture radar, Imaging IR spectrometer, Chandrayan 2 Atmospheric
compositional explorer 2 (chace-2), Dual frequency radio science experiment 

VIKRAM PAYLOAD- RAMBHA- radio anatomy of moon bound hypersensitive ionosphere and
atmosphere , Chandra’s surface thermo-physical experiment, Instrument for lunar seismic
activity (ILSA)

PRAGYAN Payloads- Alpha particle induced x-ray spectroscope , Laser induced breakdown

Passive experiment - LAser retroreflector array

195.Global innovation index- Wipo - India @ 57th

196.Colistin ( antibiotic) banned under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940

197.Markendeshwar group of temples - NAGARA style - MAHARASHTRA

198.Jaipur- WHS - outstanding universal value - earlier Ahmedabad - total 38 now - 30 cultural , 7
natural and 1 mixed

199.Kharchi festival- Tripura- 15 days after ambubachi

200.Standup India scheme extended upto 2025- for SC/ST and women above 18yrs

201.E-2020 initiative - WHO to eliminate Malaria

202.Ploonets- orphaned moons that have escaped the bonds of their planet

203.Amrabad TR- Telengana- uranium exploration clearance ✔ and Nudigal reserved forests,
Chenchus tribe

204.Motihari-Amlekhgunj oil pipeline—-> India Nepal

205.Utkarsh-2022-> RBI’s medium term strategy framework

206.World economic outlook- IMF

207.Shillong declaration on E-governance adopted India Enterprise Architecture

208.SC judges strength can be increased by Parliament under art.124, now total 34

209.Mutual logistics support agreement - India France ; IONS and IORA

210.India’s nuclear doctrine - 2003

211.Mekong ganga cooperation - India+Cambodia+Laos+Myanmar+Thailand+Vietnam ✔ for

cooperation in tourism , culture , education , transport and communications

212.Bimal Jalan committee- to review the provisions under the Economic capital framework

213.Role of DIPAM and disinvestment very important

214.Sugarcane pricing mechanism - Sugarcane(control)order, 1966 under Essential commodities

act,1955 ——-> FRP on basis of recommendations of CACP; some states declare SAPs state
advised prices

215.Integrated battle groups - brigade size, agile, self sufficient combat formation, tailor-made
based on threat, terrain and task; !st three- Jammu, Punjab and Rajasthan

216.IPCC’s special report on climate change and land ; source of CO2 - deforestation and
vegetation loss , Source of Methane - livestock production and rice farming , animal manure ,
peatland , waste burning ; source of nitrous oxide - 2/3rd from agriculture and mostly from
nitrogen fertiliser

217.Environment and social management framework - part of WB funded project ENCORE-

enhancing coastal and ocean resource efficiency program - to strengthen integrated coastal
zone management

218.COP 18 to CITES - Geneva, Indian star tortoise , smooth coated otters, Asian small clawed
otters - upgraded to Appendix I ; Giraffe placed in Appendix II

219.Gogabeel - Bihar’s community reserve - ox bow lake - river mahananda and kankhar in north
and Ganga in south and east ; Community reserve - under wildlife (protection) amendment
act, 2002 - inhabited area - acts as a buffer zone ; currently there are 127 community reserve ,
max. In state of Meghalaya

220.National population policy 2000 - towards voluntary and informed choice

221.State of food security and nutrition in the world- UN(FAO)+IFAD, UNICEF, WHO

222.TEMPLATES Programme of NASA- Targeting extremely magnified panchromatic lensed arcs

and their extended star formation) - to investigate how stars are born - using gravitational
lensing - Jams web telescope ✔ Gravitational lensing - when huge amount of matter such as
massive galaxy or cluster of galaxies creates a gravitational field that distorts and magnifies
the light from objects behind it, but in the same line of sight - act as natural cosmic telescopes
-Result -> galaxies appear much, much brighter than they actually are

223.Ramanujan machine - an algorithm that reflects the way Ramanujan worked during his life ;
purposely this machine is to come up with conjectures in the form of mathematical formulas
that we can analyse. Ramanujan Number- 1729 which is the smaller number which can be
expressed as the sum of the cubes in two different ways.

224.New Menhirs found on Pothamala hills - on Kerala Tamil Nadu border

225.GI tags - Palani Panchamirtham -> Tamil Nadu - abhishega prasadm for lord
Dhandayuthapani swamy

Tawhlopuan- Mizoram - medium to heavy, compactly woven, good quality fabric, known for
warp yarns

Mizo Puanchei- colourful Mizo shawl , important marriage outfit 

Tirur- Kerala - betel vine mainly cultivated in tirur, tanner, mild stimulant action, and medicinal

226.Helium Hydride- first time in space - believed to to be one of first compounds formed in
universe after big bang

227.Child well being index- IFMR LEAD + world vision India

228.National order of merit - to President of India by Guinea - its highest award

229.Science and engineering research board- statutory under DST to promote and fund research
in different scientific discipline

230.World anti doping agency - independent - 1999

231.Angikaar campaign - MoHUA- to bring the beneficiaries of PMAY under fold of other central

232.Tidewater glaciers- are valley glaciers that flow all the way down to the ocean , meet the
ocean at the calving front where ice undergoes melting by the ocean and icebergs calve off
into the sea.

The tidewater glacier cycle is the typically centuries-long behavior of tidewater glaciers that
consists of recurring periods of advance alternating with rapid retreat and punctuated by
periods of stability. During portions of its cycle, a tidewater glacier is relatively insensitive to
climate change.

233.NPR under citizenship act, 1955 and citizenship (registration of citizens and issue of national
identity cards)rules, 2003 + amended citizenship act 1955- provides for NRIC

234.Transfer of judges- Under article 222(1)- by president in consultation with CJI, Governor, CJ
of HC

235.Article 35 and 51 of UN charter act - related to Kashmir issue - India taken the matter to the
UN under 51 and not 35 ; UN invoked 34 to mandate the mission to investigate facts of the
situation ——> 5 member mission Dixon Mission which had members nominated by India
and Pakistan and 3 others -plebiscite ever happened.

236.India- ASEAN FTA - 2009

237.Abqaiq, Khurais- Saudi Arabia attacked happened

238.Urea subsidy - 1977 govt. intervened by subsidising manufacturers - aftermath of 1991 crisis
govt. decontrolled the import of couples fertilisers such as DAP and muriate of potash in 1992
but UREA imports continued to be restricted and canalised. UREA subsidy part of central
sector subsidy. Nutrient based subsidy - fixed rate of subsidy on each nutrient of subsided
PandK fertilisers namely NPKS and 22 others

239.Pm kisan mandhan yojana- Old age pension scheme for land holding small and marginal
farmers- voluntary and contribution based- 18 to 40 yrs - LIC pension fund manager

240.CPI(rural) - to be used in MGNREGA scheme- department of labour

241.Multi modal terminals - first in Varanasi and 2nd hi sahibganj in Jharkhand

242.LEADS( Logistics ease across different states) index- 2nd edition - released by M/o
commerce and industry along with Deloitte - Gujarat 1st

243.Commodities and development report - UNCTAD ; Trade and development report - UNCTAD

244.IPCC’s Ocean and cryosphere in changing climate report ✔ Has 4 focus areas- High
mountain regions, sea ice at the earth’s poles , permafrost, oceans 

Glaciers projected to lose around 18% of their mass by end of century , arctic surface
temp. Increased , norther hemisphere has permafrost thrice larger than Antarctica
245. Cop 14- UNCCD- New Delhi - delhi declaration -> gender and health, ecosystem restoration,
taking action on climate change , private sector engagement, peace forest initiative ( by south
korea) and recovery of 5 million hectares of degraded land in India , drought toolbox launched
and release of adapt now - a global call for leadership on climate resilience report

246.Soil organic carbon - carbon associated with soil organic matter

247.Forest plus- focuses on developing tools and techniques to bolster ecosystem management

248.Working of fuel cell - 1st indigenous developed under program named New millennium
Indian technology leadership initiative - will use methanol/biomethane to generate power
with 70%efficiency —-> fuel cell is lake a battery that generates electricity from an
electrochemical reaction.

249.GI tag- Dindigul lock and kandangi saree- Tamil Nadu

250.Liberalised remittances scheme - all resident individuals including minors are allowed to remit
upto $250,000 in a financial year - can also transfer to capital account - introduced in 2004 ,
not available to corporates and partnership firms , HUF, Trusts etc

251. Mahabaleshwar - wettest place now - 5 rivers originate - Koyna, Venna, Gayatri, Savitri,

252. Pusa Yashasvi- new wheat variety - higher protein content and gluten apart from more zinc

253.Samudaryan project- NIOT- M/o Earth sciences- send a submersible vessel with 3 persons to
a depth of about 6000mtrs. To carry out deep underwater studies

254. Ramanujan committee- repealing of obsolete laws

255. Mamallapuram informal summit-

256. Future Investment initiative- Saudi Prince- to diversify the kingdom’s economy - India signed
strategic partnership council

257.EoDB report 2020- WB- 17th - 12 areas - opening a business- starting a business,
employing workers —> getting a location- dealing with construction permits, getting
electricity , registering property; accessing finance-getting credit, protecting minority rights;
dealing with day to day operations- paying taxes , trading across borders, contracting with
the government(coming soon); operating in a secure business environment - enforcing
contracts and resolving insolvency ✍ India at 63

258. WB’s - World development report- trading for development in the age of global value chains

259. WTO - developing countries are entitled to special and differential treatment set out in its
rules.- doesn’t automatically means that it will benefit from the unilateral preference schemes
of some of the developed country members such as GSP- preference giving country decides
the list of developing countries that will benefit from preference.- doha declaration ✔ Bali
ministerial conference review special and differential treatment provisions.✓

260.Global competitiveness index- 12 pillars - Institutions, Infra., ICT adoption,

Macroeconomic stability, Health, skills, product market, labour market, financial system,
market size, business dynamism , innovation capability.- India loses ranking

261. Urban cooperative banks - concept of cooperative credit societies- UCBs in India are under
dual regulation - RBI and registrar of cooperative societies under government

262.Tejas express- India’s 1st private train- Lucknow-delhi-lucknow

263. Nobel prize in economics- for experimental approach to alleviating global poverty. - called
randomised control trials - break larger questions about policy intervention into smaller, easier
to test studies - some studies using - on vaccination , on education, on health subsidy

264.Periodic labour force survey - MoSPI- as a new regular employment - unemployment

survey with certain changes - measures quarterly changes

265. Spyware ‘DTRACK’ found in Kudankulam nuclear power project- National cyber
coordination centre - to scan internet traffic coming into the country and provide real time
situational awareness alert

266. Carbon pricing leadership coalition - voluntary initiative , 34 national and subnational
govts. + 163 businesses , NGOs etc - Secretariat at WB group - DMRC and Indian
railways are govt. level partners.
267. Sudden stratospheric warming - over Antarctica - rarity in southern hemisphere- has
raised temp. In south pole by more than 40 degree Celsius -

268. Simultaneous cyclones in Arabian sea- cyclone Kyarr and Maha - occurred for the first time
since 1965- Kyarr as super cyclone - remnants led to Maha which was severe cyclone -

269. Global hunger index- Welthungerhlife in partnership with concern worldwide - 3 dimensions-
> inadequate food supply- undernourishment , child mortality- under 5 mortality rate, child
undernutrition- wasting and stunting ✔ India slipped to 105

270.WHO India country cooperation strategy- 2019-2023 - towards achieving India’s health sector
goals - National Health policy

271.SEQI released by NITI aayog - 2nd edition - Learning outcomes, access outcomes, infra and
facilities for outcomes , equity outcomes, governance processes aiding outcomes - 30
indicators - 3 groups

272. Nobel prize in physiology or medicine- for discovering the complex processes behind
how human cells respond to change in levels of oxygen- when body detects less oxygen is
present- kidney releases a hormone ‘erythropoietin’ or EPO which tells body to make more red
blood cells to carry more oxygen around.- they found that a protein ‘Hypoxia-inducible
factor’ rises when there’s less oxygen around.

273. Nobel prize in chemistry- for their role in development of lithium-ion batteries

274. Lymphatic filariasis- aka elephantiasis- a neglected disease- parasite disease caused by
microscopic thread like filarial worms transmitted to humans through mosquitoes such as
culex, anopheles, aedes - impairs lymphatic system

275. Nobel prize- Ethiopian PM - resolved border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea

276.Bhaona - mythical based theatrical performance created by sankardeva- Assamese - 40-50

people- has dialogues, songs, dance performers in costumes and ornaments - Dialogues in
Brajwali often in lyrical form

277. NPS- overseas citizens are allowed to enrol - till age of 65 years , all govt employees(except
armed forces and central autonomous bodies ) on or after 1st jan 2004, private employees
and unorganised sector workers - regulated by PFRDA , return are market linked , EEE tax

278. Khon ramlila- Thailand masked dance involves graceful dance movements , no dialogues ,
UNESCO intangible cultural heritage

279. Col Chewang Rinchen setu- India’s highest all weather permanent bridge in Ladakh - shook

280. Tasmanian tiger - bears resemblance to a dog , Australia New Guinea , Tamania

281. Cape Town agreement - for safety of fishing vessel

282.L2Pro India- DPIIT- learn to protect , secure and maximise your innovation on IPRs,
developed by CIPAM

283. Council Of Europe - 1949- an association of European states , to safeguard the political and
cultural heritage of Europe and promote economic and social cooperation

284. TADA- backdrop of Indira Gandhi assassination - 1985 and discontinued in 1995 -
allegations of misuse ; POTA, 2002- after Indian parliament attack in 2001 , repealed in 2004
due to serious human rights issues

285. Emission gap report- UNEP, 10th edition , annual science based

286. Bacterial infections- typhoid, cholera, paratyphoid fever, bacillary dysentary

viral infections- infectious hepatitis(jaundice), poliomyelitis

protozoal infections- amoebic dysentery 

Pesticides - reproductive and endocrine damage

287. Ecological fiscal transfer- - type of conditional environmental payments which involves
conditional payments from higher levels of a country’s govt. to lower levels - e.g 14th FC
added forest cover to the formula

288. Heat waves not notified as a disaster

289. Ending learning poverty - WB - learning poverty- as the % of 10yrs old who cannot read
and understand a simple story.

290. Conjugate vaccines- combines weak antigen with a strong antigen as a carrier so that the
immune system has a stronger response to the weak antigen

291. Cartosat-3- 3rd generation agile advanced , sun-synchronous polar orbit, PSLV-C47, !st
time Vikram processor

292. 3 European travellers in Ayodhya judgement- Joseph Tiefenthaler- 18th century, from Italy,
he gave his details about travel in Ayodhya ;William Finch- 1608 at Surat with William Hawkins
, visited Ayodhya from 1608 -11; Robert Montgomery Martin practised medicine in Cylon ,
helped found the paper Bengal Herald, written about worship of lord ram in Ayodhya region

293.UNESCO Creative cities network - Mumbai and Hyderabad included , earlier Chennai and
Varanasi and Jaipur - initiative created in 2004

294. Officially 5 dwarf planets in our solar system - pluto, iris, makemake, haumea, ceres

295. GEF- 1992; Adaptation fund- 2001 ; special climate change fund-2001; green climate fund-
2010 as part of UNFCCC’s financial mechanism

296. Pathalghadi movement- Jharkhand-

297. Counter terrorism table top exercise - quad

298. Power of Siberia - china and Russia inaugurated the first cross border pipeline - to pump
natural gas to china from Russia’s far east Yakutia
299. BIS- 1930, owned by 60 central banks representing countries from around the world
including INDIA

300. COP25- Madrid - to resolve issues in climate package- like carbon markets dealt with in
Article 6 of Paris agreement ; Loss and Damage and setting up of a fund ; Enhancing
nationally determined contributions ; loss and damage- warsaw international mechanism ; 

Adopted Madrid time for action, Santiago network was established as part of WIM to catalyse
the technical assistance required by the most vulnerable countries. New 5 year gender action

301. Article 6 under Paris agreement contains 3 separate mechanism for voluntary cooperation
towards climate goals- 2 based on markets and a third based on non market approaches ;
market mechanism 1 and 2

302. IUCN’s - Ocean deoxygenation report - eastern boundary upwelling system are one of the
ocean’s most productive biomes, brings nutrient rich but oxygen poor water to surface/
eastern edges. Warmer ocean water holds less oxygen and is more buoyant than cooler
water. This leads to reduced mixing of oxygenated water near the surface with deeper
waters (deeper waters naturally contain less oxygen).
303. CCPI - germanwatch

304. HDR 2019- “Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human
development in the 21st century” India- 0.647 above avg. ; inequalities accumulate through

305. Global gender gap index- WEF- 2006- 153 countries- 4 thematic dimensions - economic
participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, political
empowerment - in addition - this year’s report examines gender gap prospects in the
professions of the future. Would take 99.5 yrs to close the gap - political empowerment has
largest gender disparity but also most improved dimension , economic participation and
opportunity has regressed progress, India slipped 4 places to 112 , India improved in political
but fallen in other 3 - only country where economic gender gap is larger than political one

306. EcHO network- PSA- to provide a template for cross disciplinary leadership in India - focus
on increasing research, knowledge, and awareness of Indian ecology and environment.

Principal scientific advisor- PSA- function as chairperson of PM’s science, technology and
innovation advisory council

307. New drugs and clinical trial rules, 2019 - gene therapy products fall under new drug

308.Annual solar eclipse - parts of Kerala , Karnataka, and TN witnessed annular solar eclipse rest
country witnessed partial solar eclipse - 4 types of eclipses( from notes)

309. Earliest sanskrit inscriptions found- chebrolu, Andhra Pradesh - Guntur distt. - issued by
satvahana king Vijaya in 207 A.D. - earliest epigraphic evidence so far for the saptamatrika
cult- - cult prevalent during Chalukyas of badami 6th to 8th century A.D.

310. Indian Ocean dialogue- 6th- initiative of IORA- track 1.5-

311.NEFT now available round the clock - no upper limit- within in 2 hrs time of settlement, No
MDR charges on payment via RuPay and UPI

312.Global carbon Project- a global research project of future earth- research partner of world
climate research programme- 2001- CO2, methane , and N2O

313.Comet 2I/Borisov- 2nd intersteller object

314.Jaga Mission - Odisha- to grant land rights to thousands of slum dwellers - won bronze at
world habitat awards

315. GAS PIPELINE projects- Jagdishpur-haldia-dhamra, barauni-guhwati, Northeast region gas

grid, kochi-koottanad-bangalore-mangalore , ennore-thiruvallur-bangalore-puducherry-
316. World employment and social outlook- ILO - analyses key labour market issues including
unemployment, labour underutilisation, working poverty, income inequality, labour income
share and factors that exclude people from decent work.

317. Reangs - In tripura are PVTG

318. Kuki tribe of Nagaland- ethnic group throughout north east, burma, chittagong hill tracts ,
except Arunachal Pradesh; imp. Festivals- Chavang Kut, chap char but 

Naga Tribe - are agama, ao, chakhesang , konyak - famous for their ritual practice of
headhunting ; imp. Festivals- Sekrenti’moatsu or moats long , hornbill festival

319. Indian cyber crime coordination centre- (I4C) + National cyber crime reporting portal -
centre is located in new Delhi -

320.Tyler prize for environmental achievement - 1973, oldest international award - 2020 award
to Pavan Sukhdev for his work in the domain of the green economy - is the one that improves
human well being and builds social equity while significantly reducing environmental risks and
ecological scarcities. 2008- UNEP launched Green economy initiative - a programme of
global research and country level assistance designed to motivate policymakers to support
environmental investments.

321.The economics of environment and biodiversity- 2007 proposed by G8+5 - German

+European Commission - based in Geneva - office is hosted by UNEP- focused on making
natures’ value visible - 2010 launched the bank of natural capital to communicate its findings
to the general public - 3 core principles - recognising value in ecosystem , demonstrating
value in economic terms, capturing value.
322. Natural capital - it is the stock of renewable and non renewable resources that combine to
yield a flow of benefits to people.

323. Wetlands (conservation and management) rules, 2017 under Environment(protection) Act,
1986- to be regulated- Ramsar convention wetlands, notified by centre, state , UT, all
wetlands except River channels, paddy fields, and certain categories of human made
waterbodies among others. - coastal zone regulation and protected areas has been excluded
from notification under wetland rules-

324.10 more wetland sites- total 37 now - Nandur madhameshwar - Maharashtra- 1st in MH-
mosaic of lakes - confluence of Godavari and Jaswa rivers - surrounding semi arid conditions-
rain shadow of western ghats- CE species like Deolali minnow, Indian vulture and white
rumped vulture

Saman bird sanctuary- Manipur- seasonal ox bow lake on Ganges floodplain - wintering site
of migratory species like greylag goose 

Nawabganj bird sanctuary- Unnao,UP- shallow marshland- Sara cannal supplies additional
water- host Siberian cranes 

Samaspur bird sanctuary- raebareli, UP, - perennial low land marsh typical of Indo Gangetic
plains - 6 connected lakes -egyptian vultures and pallas fish eagle, a tall grass called sarpat is

Sandi bird sanctuary- Hardoi, UP- freshwater marsh- important bird area by birdlife
international- ancient name as Dakar jheel- river garra- common teal, red crested pochard and
ferruginous duck, vulnerable saris crane- 

Parvati bird sanctuary- UP- permanent freshwater- two oxbow lake- rained lakes- Gangetic
plains CE white rumped vulture and Indian vulture and the endangered Egyptian vulture 

Sarsai Nawar jheel- Etawah,UP- Indo gangtic plains in UP- example of cohabitation of man.
And wildlife - vulnerable saris crane- white rumped vulture and woolly necked stork.
Recognised by Birdlife international as important bird area. 

Beas conservation reserve- PB- islands, sand bars and braided channels hosts endangered
Indian Indus River dolphin- reintroduce the CE gharial 

Nangal WS-PB- Shivalik foothills of pb - human made reservoir as part of Bhakra Nangal on

Keshopur-miani-community reserve- PB- mosaic of natural marshes, aquaculture ponds
and agricultural wetlands - heavily human influenced , ex. Of wise use of a community
managed wetland

325. Hyderabad’s Hussainsagar lake -

326.Green credit scheme- allow agencies to identify appropriate non forest land and begin
growing plantations - after 3 yrs the land would be eligible to be considered as compensatory
forest land if it meets the criteria set by forest dpt.- could allow forests to be traded as

327. KunoPalpur (MP), velavadar NP(GJ) and tal chapar sanctuary(rj) - for reintroducing cheetah ;
African cheetah vulnerable and asiatic cheetah critically endangered only found in Iran

328.Serengerti NP- Tanzania; Kruger NP- South Africa

329. State energy efficiency index- BEE

330. Sand is a minor mineral defined under Mines and minerals act,1957——-empowers state
govt to frame rules to prevent illegal mining, transportation, and storage of minerals and for
purpose connected therewith - mining depth should be restricted to 3 meters, defining the
mining and no mining zone -

331. HCFC-141b completed phased out in India ozone depleting after CFC- under ozone
depleting substance(regulation and control) amendment rules,2019 issues under EPA,1986,
Montreal protocol- 1987

332. Inequality can be measured through Lorenz curve and indices like Gini index, Atkinson’s
index and robin hood index(hoover index)

333. First ever global social mobility index- WEF - assesses 82 economies on 10 pillars - and 5
key dimensions- Health, education, technology , work, protection and institutions - India

334. ASER 2019 report- Pratham ngo- household survey-since 2005, 5-16 yrs age group in rural
India , 2017- 14 to 18 yrs beyond basics - 4 to 8 pre school learning

335. NIC has set up the centre of excellence in blockchain technology in bengaluru, Karnataka

336. Cultural themes at republic day parade- 

Laskar folk dance, abhujmaria tribe in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh - rich harvest

Garmiya kalai- TN- statue of Ayyanar, the guardian folk diety

Bathukamma festival - telengana - during Durga Navaratri

Bhortal nritya - Assam - by sattriya , dancers equipped with cymbals perform at fast beats
called zhiya nom 

Brahmotsavam - Andhra- Tirumala Tirupati temple + Kondapalli handicraft and kalamkari

337.Zo output festival - Mizoram ; Lai Haraoba- Manipur by Meitei community means festivities of
the god , observed to honour the Umang lai deity of the state

338. Bojjannakonda and Lingalmetta monasteries - twin rock cut buddhist monasteries - Andhra-
visakhapatnam - 3rd century BC- ; Moghalmari monastery - west bengal

339. Palau is forst country to ban reef toxic sun cream .

340.Tropical forest alliance - 2020 founded at rio 20+ ——-> PPPto realise sustainable rural
development and better growth opportunities - secretariat at WEF

341. Tribunal, appellate tribunal and other authorities(qualifications, experience and other
conditions of service of members) rules, 2020

342. Gram Nyayalayas- 2008- state govt. in consultation with HC notifies the boundaries of the
area under the jurisdiction of a gram nyalayas - mobile courts in villages- state govt. appoint a
presiding officer Nyayadhikari for every gram nyayalayas in consultation with HC - who will be
a person eligible to be appointed as a judicial magistrate of 1st class- not bound by rules of
evidence - PNJ

343. Arunachal Pradesh - entire state under ILP regime 

Nagaland - Entire state under ILP regime, except Dimapur town for the time being 

Tripura- 6th schedule covers 70% of geographical area 

Meghalaya- almost entire state covered under 6th schedule except a part of Shillong 

Assam - 3 autonomous district councils under 6th schedule 

ILP- from the Bengal Eastern frontier regulation Act, 1873

344. Delimitation commission - appointed by President and world in collaboration of ECI- 3 ex-
officio members -determines the no. and boundaries of constituencies - identify seats
reserved for SC and ST

345. National e-goverance service delivery assessment 2019- DARPG 4 categories- 7 key
parameters - covers 6 sectors

346. Blue dot network - on side lines of 35th ASEAN summit by US, Australia, Japan- US
overseas private investment corporation - not to depend on state funding alone -

347. Vadhavan Port - major port 190 km north of JNPT - landlord model- will be India’s biggest
container port-

348.Missile shield - AAD and PAD - to track and destroy ends and ego from 15-25 to 80-100km ;
S-400 layer- ranges of 120,200,250 and 380km ; Aakash layer- indigenous 25km
range ;NASAMS- USA-quick reaction, networked system of stingers , gun system and
AMRAAM missiles - Barak-8 layers-medium and long range SAM by Israel and India -

349. COP13- CMS- Gandhinagar declaration - kollam logo - mascot Great Indian bustard-
concept of ecological connectivity - 10 new species were added to CMS appendices 7 to
appendix I - India part of central asian flyway -

350. Cadmium - coal, nuclear and coal power, batteries, ceramics, toys- Itai Itai 

Chromium - leather, thermal, mining , textile photography- Allegies, bronchial asthma

Lead- mining, coal, automobile, paper deying, petrochemicals- Learning disability,

Mercury- mining, paper and pulp, cement, electrical equipments, pesticides, cosmetics-
Minimata disease 

Nickel- mining, coal , chocolate, automobile, electroplating - Dermatitis, pneumonia

Uranium - mining - cancer

Zinc - phosphate fertilizers, distillery, pharmaceuticals - fever

351. Hotspots of Locust identified by FAO- Horn of Africa, The red sea area , south west Asia - 4
species of locust found in India - 3 breeding seasons LWO, DPPQS-

352. CDSO- MoHFW provides info. About drug regulatory requirements in India

NPPA - drugs(price control) order 1995 and other orders enforced by NPPA 

Drugs and cosmetics act, 1940- regulates the import, manufacture,distribution and sale of
drugs in India 

Pharma act,1948- regulates the profession of pharmacy

353. International Intellectual property index- US chamber of commerce’s Global policy centre -
India at 40 among 53 - score increased- National IPR policy,2016- 40th in 2021 also

354. INSIGHTS mission - part of NASA’s discovery program - which began in 1992 - landed on
mars at site called Elysium planet - mars doesn’t have tectonic plates like earth - not fully solid

355. Mahatma Gandhi smriti museum - at payyanur - on banks of the Perumba river in Kerala’s
Kannur district -

356.Poompuhar - a port city in TN - to be digitally reconstructed - served as a capital of cholas -

mouth of Cauvery -

357.Dhabha- upper son river valley in MP - early humans lived 80,000 years ago-

358.Kumbhabishegam ceremony- Bridheswar temple - after 23 yrs- cholas -1010- raja raja

359. CEPI was launched in 2017 at WEF meet -

360. World’s largest subterranean fish found in a cave in a remote forested area of Meghalaya’s
janta hills. - 40cm long - almost blind species - seems similar to golden masher

361.Bugun community launched community reserve- singchung begun village - Assam , tezpur, to
conserve CE bird called Bugun Liocichla

362. International centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology- intergovernmental - UNIDO
in 1983 - fully autonomous in 1994-

363. Multi party interim appeal arbitration arrangement - article 25 of WTO- offers arbitration
outside the appellate body upon mutual agreement of the parties.- India and USA are not part
of MPIA.

364.Dispute settlement system of WTO- DSB- General council is WTO’s highest decision- making
body meets at the DSB - essentially a political body - decisions are taken by the reverse
consensus method -Appellate body - 7 member permanent organ - adjudicates appeals
within the DSS- appointed by DSB for 4 yrs term- follows positive consensus mechanism

365. NPT- all except India, Israel , Pakistan and North Korea are members , signatory

366. Indian Ocean commission - intergovernmental - Port Louis declaration in 1982-

institutionalised in Seychelles - composed exclusively of Islands - 5 members- Union of
Comoros, reunion, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles - India observer in 2020- to strengthen
ties and support its members -

367. Implementation of Bsael-III norms deferred by a year to 2023- were finalised in 2017- focus
on 4 banking parameters- capital, leverage, funding, and liquidity- min. Cap requirements-
4.5% of common equity as a % of the bank’s risk weighted asset ( currently 2%)——
leverage ratio- ratio of tier 1 capital by avg. total consolidated assets of a bank. Required to
hold leverage ratio in excess of 3%

Introduced 2 liquidity ratio- liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio 

LCR requires banks to hold sufficient highly liquid assets that can withstand a 30 day stressed
funding scenario 

NSFR- requires banks to maintain stable funding above the required amount of stable funding
for a period of 1 yr of extended stress.

368. Direct tax viva se Vishwas act, 2020

369. Limited liability partnership scheme - Ministry of corporate affairs - allows a one-time
condonation of delay in filing statutorily required documents with the registrar and to gain
immunity form the prosecution

370.National Chambal sanctuary in MP as - Eco sensitive zone - 0 to 2km area - EPA, 1986- ESZs
are declare around protected areas through notification under EPA, 1986 - MoEFCC issues
guidelines - proposal to be prepared by the states - width of ESZ could go up to 10kms -

371. CDRI- founding members include- Australia, fiji, Bhutan , indonesia, Italy, Japan , Maldives,
mexico, mongolia, rawanda, Sri lanka, and UK- 2nd major international grouping launched by
India outside the UN-

372.BEE- star rating - 10 mandatory appliances and some voluntary appliances - 

UDIT- urea dakshata information tool - 1st ever initiative taken by BEE with world resources
institute to facilitate a database on energy efficiency - WRI is global research non profit
organisation based in USA - 

Explains the energy efficiency landscape of India

373. Beijing declaration and platform for action - policy agenda for gender equality with the vision
of ending discrimination against women and girls - UNICEF released a stock taking report -
declaration in 1995 -

374. A future for world’s children - WHO+Lancent+UNICEF

375. RNA viruses- aids, ebola, SARS, common cold, etc

376. Sepsis is an organ dysfunction caused by body’s immune system overreacting in response
to an infection and can be triggered by a variety of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi
or parasites

377. Immunoglobulins - aka antibodies are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells.
They act as a critical part of immune system response - IgM is the first antibody that the body
makes when it fights a new infection and it does not stays for long- IgG can take time to form
after infection thus indicating an old infection

378. One health- first used in 2003-04- Manhattan principles - it is a collaborative multi sectoral
and trans disciplinary approach working at the local, regional, national and global levels with
the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognising the interconnection between
people, animals, plants and their shared environment. Human health, animal health and
environment health -

379. Wi-fi —> wireless fidelity - radio transmission technology -

380. Rajakumari Amrit kaur- 1889 born- 1918 returned to India - helped form All India women’s
conference along Margaret cousins- also formed Delhi’s women league - was member of sub
committee on FRs and on minority rights , role in UCC and DPSP - health minister

381. Various folk dances of Mizoram - Cheraw, khuallam, chheihlam , solakia - during chapchar
kut -

382.WHS- nomination for Dholavira and monuments and forts of Deccan sultanate - pink city
latest addition making total 38 sites in India - 

Indo islamic monuments of 4 sites- Gulbarga, Bidar, Bijapur and Hyderabad - Bahamani
monuments at Gulbarga, Karnataka 14th century - haft gumbo complex and 7 tombs -
Bahamani and braid sahi monuments at Bidar ; Adil shashi monuments at Bijapur, Karnataka ;
Qutb shahi monuments at Hyderabad

383. Eaglenest wildlife sanctuary- Arunachal Pradesh

384. 5th schedule under article 244- in a state is notified by order of the president in consultation
of the governor of the state - each state having a scheduled area must have a TAC consisting
of 20 members and 3/4th members have to be representatives of ST in state assembly .-

385. Public health emergency of international concern - defined in international health regulations,
2005- as an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other
states through the international spread of disease and potentially require a coordinated
response- Ebola and Covid-19 - + zika virus

386. SWAN- stranded workers action network - a group of volunteers connecting relief to
workers across the country

387. Shared responsibility, global solidarity report - UN secretary general for the immediate health
response required to tackle the many social and economic dimensions of crisis.

388.Multi-donor trust fund - will complement WHO’s strategic preparedness and response plan
and the UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs - consolidated global
humanitarian appeal for covid-19 - 

has 3 aims - stop transmission of virus, protect the most vulnerable form its socio economic
impacts , and make countries more resilient to future health crisis.

389. SDR important

390.Petersberg climate dialogue - launched in 2010 Germany - after failed climate negotiations of
2009 Copenhagen summit. - informal - UK cop26 - at Scotland -

391.Southern angular mode- aka - antarctic oscillation - refers to the non seasonal north south
movement of the strong westerly winds that blow almost continuously in mid to high latitudes
of the southern hemisphere. -

392. Global report on internal displacement - by internal displacement monitoring centre - ebb in
1998 a part of the Norwegian refugee council - NGO- Indian has highest no. of new disaster
displacements 5 million in the world in 2019-

393.Global education coalition- UNESCO- a multi sector partnership involving the UN agencies
international orgs , private sector, civil society representatives , philanthropic and NGO etc.-
seeks to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth during the period of
educational disruption due to Covid 19 pandemic.

394.VIDYADAAN- MHRD - e-launched - program for inviting e-learning content contributions- is

national program individuals, teachers and organisations can contribute to e-learning in the
education domain.- contributions can be of different types- sharing life changing experiences ,
consultations - was launched due to the increasing requirement for e-learning

395.BCG vaccine and Covid 19 - developed in 1921 in France to be used against TB-
Immunization programme introduced in 1978- 1985 expanded as universal immunisation
programme - against 12 life threatening diseases - in India BCG was first introduced in 1948-

396.Feluda test - a paper based test strip developed by CSIR - to detect the new coronavirus
within an hour - uses gene editing tool crisp cas9

397.Chute geneLAMP-N- a diagnostic test kit that can confirm covid in 2 hours at low cost -
detects N gene of covid using reverse transcriptase loop mediated amplification of viral
nucleic acid technology

398. Indian initiative on earth biogenome sequencing - to decode the genetic information of all
known species of plants and animals in the country - part of earth biogenome project -
Jawaharlal Nehru tropical botanic garden and research institute selected-

399.Rogali bihu - assai - bohag bihu- Assamese new year- thrice a year-

400.Naba barsha- west bengal- aka poila baisakh-

401.Puthandu- TN- mentioned in sangam literature

402.Maha vishuva sankranti - odia new year

403. Cytokines - are small proteins released by many different cells in the body including those
of the immune system to coordinate the body’s response against infection and trigger

404.Sunrise mission - NASA - sunn radio interferometer space experiment will explore how sun
generates and releases the giant weather storms, known as solar particle storms into space.

405. Daporijo bridge over subansiri river - strategic bridge in Arunachal Pradesh - will allow the
speedier movement of men and logistics material towards LAC with china - constructed by

406. Assam’s bodoland territorial area dist- governed by BTC- came under governors rule 

BTC consists of 46 members - 40 are elected and 6 nominated by governor of Assam from
the unrepresented communities from BTC area of which at least 2 should be women.

407. PLFS- launched by NSSO in 2017- MoSPI- India’s 1st computer based survey - key
employment and unemployment indicators - covering both rural and urban areas-

408. SC/ST act, 1989 and Supreme Court -

409.RBI’s annual study of state finances

410. Cooperative banks and RBI

411. EEHV- a type of herpesvirus that can cause a highly fatal hemorrhagic disease in young
elephant -

412. Changthang prayer - all arms integrated exercise in Ladakh

413. Effects of warmer ocean on climate and ocean life - IPCC’s report and recently India’s report
on climate change

414. Marine heatwaves, Maine acidification , swan level rise , marine warming, surface temp. Of
high mountains @0.3 degree Celsius per decade

415. India has 7th largest coastline

416. New FnCas9- derived from francisella novicida can theoretically correct any mutation in DNA

417.Medicine nobel prize - how cell sense and adapt to oxygen availability - paved the way for
promising new strategies to fight anaemia , cancer and other diseases

418. Lunar crater observation and sensing satellite - LCROSS mission - NASA 10 yrs ago

419. Operation peace spring - turkey offensive against Kurds in Rojava

420. Deep earth carbon

421. India - 95 minerals including 4 fuel related , 10 metallic , 23 non metallic and 3 atomic ; DMF
and National mineral exploration trust , PMKKKY

422.Phi Phi don island- Andaman island

423.MPI- india @ 53 with 0.121 , higher MPI indicates more poverty

424.Kurmanji - most kurds in Turkey speak and uses latin script

425. Tulagi island - part of south pacific Solomon island

426. C40 cities initiative

427. White phosphorous and napalm
428. Whistleblowers and companies act, 2013- whistleblowers protection act, 2014

429. 19th NAM in Baku, Azerbaijan

430. Sochi meeting - Aankara and moscow

431. Semi Dirac metals

432. Quantum supremacy - coined by John Preskill in 2012

433. Barisha site in syria where al-baghdadi was killed

434. Naming of tropical cyclones - WMO/ESCAP is an intergovernmental regional body jointly

estb by WMO and UNESCAPin 1971 - member countries - Bangladesh, Maldives, myanmar,
Oman , Pakistan , srilanka , thailand, Qatar, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen - INDIA- names
were contributed by 13 member countries

435. India’s act east policy and Taiwan’s new south bound policy + south Korea’s southern policy

436. TRIPS and doha declaration on TRIPS and public health of 2001 , TRIPS came into effect in
1995 ; Paris convention - protection of industrial property , Berne convention - protection of
literary and artistic works

437. UNNATEE- unlocking national energy efficiency potential - national strategy document -

438.Energy transition index- WEF- 40 indicators and on speed and direction of their energy
transition - + identifying opportunities for improvement -

439. Super year for biodiversity - as a strategic plan for biodiversity with 20 arch targets

440. CARE project - climate adaptation and resilience for south asia- will build resilience to
climate threats and guidelines for infra, and promoting climate resilient policies and
investments. Will develop a public platform - will work with RIMES and Asian disaster
preparedness centre

441. India’s 1st dolphin observatory - Bhagalpur distt. , Bihar - at vikramshila Gangetic dolphin
sanctuary - endangered - can only live in freshwater

442. State of world’s forest report - UNEP+ FAO - 18% of forest worldwide is protected area-
25% of forests in world are primary forests- south america has highest share of forests in
protected areas-10% of world’s forests is allocated for biodiversity conservation - decrease in
carbon stock -

443. Styrene - organic compound- colourless liquid and not a gas, can react with oxygen in the
air, styrene dioxide is more lethal , likely carcinogenic substance, always stored at relatively
low temperatures, - aka Vinyl benzene - flammable

444. 2021-2030 as UN decade on ecosystem restoration -

445.Global nutrition report - milt stakeholder initiative -

446. Kshmir saffron - GI- 3 types - guchhi, lachha and monger saffron , iran largest producer of

447. Kovilpatti kadalai mittai - TN, candy made of peanuts Thamirabarani river water is used

448.Chao has - black rice of Manipur - takes longest cooking time - scented glutinous rice \

449.Gorakhpur terracotta - natural colour and bare hands are used

450.Sohrai painting - traditional and ritualistic mural art - local tribal women - Hazaribagh dish,
Jharkhand - during local harvest

451.Telia rural - Telangana - involves intricate handmade work with cotton loom displaying a
variety of designs and motifs

452. Thrissur poortma - biggest temple festival in Kerala

453. Project CARD- consortium for affordable and rapid diagnostics - NITI and DBT -

454. Kholongchhu project - part of 4 projects - india and Bhutan , 50:50 joint venture - along with
Bunakha, wangchhu and chamkharchhu -

455.Payment infrastructure development fund - RBI 500crs- to develop point of sale infrastructure
for both physical and digital modes.

456.International comparison program - WB - to produce comparable volume measures of GDP

and its expenditure components based on PPP-

457.India’s 1st gas exchange - the Indian gas exchange - wholly subsidiary of Indian energy
exchange - regulated by central electricity regulatory commission - other being Power
exchange india ltd- both in spot and forward market - across 3 hubs - dahej, hazier both in GJ
and Kakinada in Andhra -imported LNG will be regassified and sold to buyers

458. Assessment of climate change over Indian region - MoES- 1st ever -dimensions - rise in
temperature, change in rainfall pattern, droughts, floods, sea level rise in north indian ocean ,
tropical cyclonic storm , Himalayan cryosphere, -

459.Gender, climate and security : sustaining inclusive peace on the frontline of climate change -
a report by UNEP , UN women , UNDP and UNDPPA(estb. In 2019) -

460. Revised biomedical waste management rules amended in 2018 -

461.General bathymetric chart of the oceans - an international group of geoscientists and

hydrographers working on the development of a range of bathymetric data sets and data
products. - seabed 2030 to produce the definitive map of the world ocean floor by 2030 -
launched at UN ocean conference in 2017

462.India’s 1st lichens park - munsiyari , UK-

463. Global education monitoring report- UNESCO- inclusion and education:all means all - 2006
UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

464.NIRF was launched by MHRD in 2015 - under 10 categories- overall university, engineering,
management, pharmacy, college, medical , law, architecture, and dental added in 2020-a
voluntary exercise -5 broad generic group of parameters- teaching, learning and resources;
research and professional practise ; graduation outcomes; outreach and inclusivity; peer

465. Patent pools - as an agreement made between two or more patent holders for licensing
they patents to one another or any third party for the purpose of sharing their IPRs- COvid
technology access pool(C-TAP) - hosted by WHO - in India patent pooling is viewed as
restrictive practice by competition act, 2002

466. IN-SPACE - to boost private sector participation - commercial arm of ISRO- wholly owned
GoI company-; Antrix as marketing arm of ISRO

467.Joint lunar polar exploration mission - Japan to put a lander and rover on moon’s surface -
moon’s south pole

468. Bose einstein condensate - a supercooled gas that no longer behaves as individual atoms an
particles but rather an entity in a single quantum state

469. TULIP portal MoHUA- the urban learning internship program - joint venture between MoHUA

1. 2021-22 period - India will serve as the non permanent member of UNSC - and
this is 8th term - also India will chair the crucial Taliban and Libya sanctions
committees and the counter terrorism committee of UNSC

Norway, Mexico , Ireland and Kenya were also elected

2. 16th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas - theme “contributing to Atmanirbhar Bharat” -

celebrated every 2 years

3. SAGE- south asia group for Energy - set up MEA - consortium of energy sector
experts partnering with south asian governments -to enable sustainable energy
development in south asia - implement research and analysis focused on energy
sector opportunities , equip USAID partner governments with critical information to
enable strategic investments

4. Bal Shakti Purushakar - instituted in 1966 - achievements in fields of innovation ,

scholastic achievements , social service , art and culture , sports and bravery

5. Food price index - FAO - measure of the monthly change in International prices of a
basket of food commodities - cereals, oilseeds, dairy products , meat and sugar

6. Global climate risk index - Germanwatch -

7. Climate adaptation summit
- hosted by Netherlands -
aims to accelerate ,
innovate and scale up the
world’s efforts in adapting
tot he effects of climate
change - India attended

8. Management
evaluation - 146 NPs ,
WS - released by
MoEFCC - assessment
process was adopted from
IUCN world commission
on protected areas -
Khaparwas WS in
Haryana and Turtle WS in
UP - worst performers

9. PMKVY 3.0 - MSDE - 1st

version was launched in
2015 - to promote skill
development - providing
free short duration skill training - aimed at training 24 l aka people with monetary
reward -

10. INS Utkrosh - an Indian naval air station under the joint services Andaman and
Nicobar command of Indian armed forces - near INS jarawa
11. Zolgensma gene therapy -
one time injection that
replaces the defective gene
with normal gene and
rectifies the disorder -

12. International Mother

language day - 21st
February -

13.Karlapat sanctuary -
Odisha - 6 elephants die of
Haemorrhagic septicaemia
- contagious bacterial
disease -

14. Chittaura Lake - in UP -

15. Vigyan Jyoti

Programme - by DST - to
encourage girls to take interest in science and build career - STEM areas

16. Tholpavakkoothu - shadow puppetry - aka Nizhalkkoothu and olakkoothu -

Kerala - performed in Bhadrakali temples of palakkad

17. Sessa Orchid sanctuary - in Arunachal Pradesh -

18. KAPILA - kalam program for intellectual property literacy and awareness
campaign - for intellectual property literacy - M/o education

19. Perseverance - launched in July 2020 - on Mars at the Jezero Crater - to bring
science of ancient life and collect samples of rock and regolith to possibly return
these to earth

20. Lingaraj temple - ia a temple dedicated to Shiva - built by King Jajati Keshari of
Soma Vansh - built in red sandstone - Kalinga style or architecture - north of the
temple is Bindusara lake - 12th century

21. Swachh Iconic Places - M/o Jal Shakti - 12 sites identified - Ajanta caves, Sanchi
Stupa , Kumbalgarh Fort, Jaisalmer fort , Ramdevra , Golconda fort, Sun Temple ,
Rock Garden , Dal Lake , Banke Bihari Temple , Agra Fort, Kalighat Temple

22. Cauvery - Vellaru - Vaigai - Gundar river linking project - TN -

23. Atal beemit Vyakti Klyan Yojana - by ESIC - offers cash compensation to
insured persons when they are rendered unemployed - introduced in 2018 -
24. Corruption perception index 2020 - TI - ranks 180 countries - scale of zero to
100 - zero is highly corrupt - India slipped to 86th position this year - 

NZ and Denmark at the top - China at 78

25. Kailash Range - the Karakoram range ends on Northern side of the Pangong
lake - Kailash range originates from the southern bank - Key features include -
Helmet top, Gurung Hill , Spanggur gap , muggar hill , rezang La and
Rechin La

26. 2003 ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan - 4 years after the
Kargil war - along the entire stretch of India and Pakistan frontier -

27. China and Japan

dispute over - sinkaku
or Diaoyu island -
islets are administered
by Japan

28. ICC - in hague - last

resort for prosecution of
genocide, war crimes,
and crimes against
humanity - first
permanent treaty based
international court -
Rome Statute - entered
into force in July 2002 -

29. International

agency - India
energy outlook
report 2021 -
established in
1974 - framework
of OECD - an
organisation - HQ
in Paris

30. Ngozi Okonjo-

Iweala has been
appointed the
new chief of the
World Trade
becoming the first woman to ever lead the institution and the first
African citizen to take on the role.

31. IAEA - 1957 - within UN family - HQ in Vienna, Austria - to promote the safe secure
and peaceful use of Nuclear technologies - 

Program of Action for cancer therapy (PACT)

Human health program 

Water availability enhancement program 

International project on innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles , 2000
32.Pinanga Andamanensis - CE palm species - endemic to South Andaman Island - 

south Andaman’s Mount Harriet NP

33.Olive ridley - vulnerable , Sal forest tortoise - recently assessed as CE - , Brakish

water turtle - one of the largest turtles to be found in southeast Asia + CE

34.Gangetic Dolphin - endangered - in and around confluence of rivers - only live in

freshwater - are among the 21 species identified under the centrally sponsored
scheme “Development of wildlife habitat”

35.Irrawaddy dolphin - endangered - prefer to live in estuaries and brackish water

near coasts

36.Indian Ocean humpback dolphin - endangered - prefer the near shore waters -

37.Dehing Patkai ER - in Assam adjoining AP’s Deomali ER -

38.Mount Harriet NP - 3rd highest peak in A&N - next to saddle peak and Mount
Thuillier in Great Nicobar

39.Puthimari river - in Assam - tributary of Brahmaputra - it flooded after Amphan


40.River Nila - Aka - Bharatgapuzha in Kerala - originating from Thrimoorthy hills of

Anamalais in TN - westward flowing - Malampuzha dam - Meenachil and Minimal

41. Etalin Hydroelectric project - on river Dri and Tangon of Aranuchal Pradesh -

42. Operation samudra Setu - INS Jalashwa and INS Magar to Male to repatriate
stranded Indian citizens from Maldives , UAE

43. Global nutrition targets - 2012 - WHA identified 6 nutrition targets for
maternal, infant, and young child nutrition to be met by 2025 -

44. Kashmir saffron - cultivated in karewas of J&K - only saffron in the world grown
at altitude of 1600m to 1800m - in ancient Sanskrit - Saffron is referred as ‘Bahukam’
- 3 types include - Guchhi, Lachha and Mongra

45. Thousand Islands - aka Kepulauan Seribu - chain of islands north of Jakarta’s Coast
-Indonesia - PulauSeribu National Marine Park

46. Korkai excavation - will reveal more about Thamirabarani River valley
civilisation - In TN -

47. Lala Lajpat Rai - founded Indian Home League of America in New York City -
1917 - president of INC in 1920 -follower of Dayanand Saraswati - important works -
‘The Arya Samaj’ , Young India’, England’s debt to India , Evolution of Japan ,
India’s will to freedom , Message of Bhagwad Gita, Political future of India , The
depressed classes,

48. Govind Ballabh Pant - established Prem Sabha - in Kashipur - first CM of UP -

49. World Economic outlook - by IMF ; 

Economic outlook survey - by FICCI

50. Tsari Chu River - Arunachal Pradesh - confluence with subansiri River - on banks
china built new villages - south of MacMahon line

51. Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife sanctuary - Gujarat - in the western Satpura range

south of Narmada -

52. Bankapur Wold Sanctuary - Karnataka -

53. Mount Ili Lewotolok - on Lembata Island Indonesia - along the Merapi on Java

54. Flamingos and Chilika Lake - come to lake in Winters - there are 6 known
species of Flamingos - Greater Flamingo is least concern and Lesser Flamingo is
Near Threatened

55. Accretion Disk -

formed by diffuse
material in orbital
motion around black

56. State of the

people report - By

57. Shetrunjay Hills

Reserve Forest
Area - habitat of
Asiatic lions - in
Gujarat - Shetrunji
river flows through
the area -

58. Fugaku - world’s

most powerful
supercomputer -
Japan - 

1st Indian supercomputer was - PARAM 8000

PARAM Siddhi is India’s fastest supercomputer - FLOPS - Floating point operations
per second

59. Salda lake - located in southwest Turkey - has extremely high concentration of
magnesium ions and is highly alkaline

60. PM swasthya surakesha Nidhi - as a special fund for share of Health from
proceeds of Health and Education cess levied - Article 270 allows centre to levy cess
and surcharges - will be utilised for flagship schemes 

Non lapsable reserve fund in public account - administered by MoHFW

61. Chennakeshava temple - at Belur and Hoysaleshwara temple at Halebid -

masterpiece of Hoysala Art

62. PM Bharatiya Janaushadi Scheme - in 2008 Jan Aushadhi scheme - 2015

recalibrated as PMBJP - making quality medicines available at affordable prices for
all , implemented by Bureau of Pharma PSU

63. Economic freedom Index - Heritage foundation - under 4 categories - run eof law,
size of government , regulatory efficiency and open markets
64. Sattras - are monastic institutions created as part of 16th century Neo-Vaishnavite
reformist movement- started by Sankaradeva (1449-1596) in Assam 

worship through Art approach with music , dance and theatre

65. Food waste Index report - UNEP

66. Maa Bamleshwari Devi Temple - Chhattisgarh

67. Better than cash alliance - Indian govt and FICCI - is a partnership of govts,
companies and international organisations - accelerates transactions from cash to
digital payments

68. Bir Chilarai - was a general of the Koch Royal Dynasty of Assam - Assam govt
confers him the highest honour for bravery

69. ISRO’s PSLV C51 - 4 satellites from new Indian National space promotion and
authorisation centre and 14 from New space Indian limited

70. National immunisation day - launched in 1995 - is conducted twice in early

part of each year - highly infections (polio) that affects nervous system - in 2014
India was declared polio free

71. Periyar Tiger reserve - western ghats in Kerala - drained by Mullayar and
Periyar river 

tribal communities - Mannas , pelicans , malayarayans uralis and ulladans 

Lion tailed macaque, bonnet macaques , asian elephant bison , bengal tiger ,
smooth coated otter etc.

72. MITRA scheme - mega investment textiles park - 7 textile parks with world class
infrastructure -

73. Pattachitra paintings - 12th century , Odisha - painted on piece of cloth , rich
colourful application , mythological in detection - related to the cult f Sri jaganath
74. Centre for wetland
conservation and
management - 1st in
India - will be a part of
national centre for
sustainable coastal
management - India has
4.6% of it’s land as

75. Neptune declaration

on seafarer
wellbeing and crew
change - released by
Global maritime industry -

76. Srivilliputhur- Megamalai

TR in TN - 51st TR - 

Maghamalai WS is
spread across distt of
Theni and Madauri

77. Dikinsonia - considered as

the oldest animal of the
world - found in Bhimbetka -

78. Vigyan Jyoti

programme - to promote
STEM learning among girl
students and to inspire them
towards STEM careers -
grade 9 to 12 

launched by DST in
collaboration with IBM in
2019 -

79. World pulses day - Feb

10 by UNGA -

80. Indian Gas Exchange -

subsidiary of Indian Energy
Exchange , is country’s 1st
trading platform for natural gas - 

IEX is one of the 2 power exchanges in India 

trading is allowed across three hubs - Dahej and Hazira in Gujarat and
Kakinada in Andhra
81. Tholpavakkoothu - shadow
puppetry - prevalent in Bhagavathy
temple in Kerala

82. Jute - Primarily grown in WB, Odhisa , Assam , Meghalaya and Tripura - 

India is world’s largest producer of raw jute and jute goods

83. Karlapat WS- Odisha - phurlijharan waterfall is located here 

rich in biodiversity such as leopard, gaur, sambar , nilgai mouse deer, etc

84. Chittaura lake - UP- hindu pilgrimage site

85. 2020 Tree city of the world - Hyderabad - it is the recognition of the city’s
commitment to growing and maintaining urban forestry - only Indian city

86. Pagri Sambhaal movement - by Ajit singh in 1907 - against British government
- to repeal 3 laws related to agriculture -
87. Guru Ravidas - born in
Varanasi around 1377 CE -
contemporary of Kabir and Guru
Nanak Dev- Mirabai was a
disciple -
88. Bamboo - is a grass - gestation
period of 5 years - well in hot to warm
temperature climate and below 15
degree no required - requires well
drained sandy soil to clay soil

89. Mannathu Padmanabhan - was

a social reformer and freedom fighter
from Kerala , founder of Nair service
society - took part in Vaikom

90. Making peace with Nature

report - UNEP - reports explains
how 3 interconnected planetary crises
- climate change , biodiversity loss
and population put the well being of
current and future generations at
unacceptable risk

91. Management effectiveness

evaluation - of 146 NPs and WSs -
by MoEFCC - how well NP and WS
are being managed assessment

process from IUCN’s World

commission on protected areas ⬆

92.Financial stability report - RBI -

93. Global Hunger index - India

improved to 94 - placed behind Nepal,
Bangladesh and Myanmar - India in Serious category -

94. National Plan for conservation of Aquatic ecosystems - is a conservation

programme for both wetlands and lakes - formulated in 2015 - centrally sponsored
scheme - implemented by MoEFCC

95. Sigur plateau - in northern part of Nilgiris district of TN - connects western and
Eastern Ghats - has Moyar river valley on its north eastern side

96. Kanha tiger reserve - situated in the upper course of Narmada - National park
in MP- has it’s own Mascot - Bhoorsingh the Barasingha”.
97. National baseline geoscience data generation programmes - 2020
2024 -

98. World economic situation prospects - UNDESA + UNCTAD 

World economic outlook report - IMF - 

Global Investment trend monitor - UNCTAD

99.DDU- GKY - a placement linked skill development programme under National Rural
livelihoods Mission - launched in 2014 - by Ministry of rural development -
mandatory coverage of socially disadvantaged groups I.e. SC/ST - 50% , minorities
- 15% and women 33%

100. World malaria report - WHO - caused by parasites that are transmitted
through infected female Anopheles mosquitoes
101. Malayan Giant squirrel - arboreal , herbivorous rodent - evergreen
and semi evergreen forests of NE India - forest health indicator - Near

102. Fluorosis - is a crippling disease resulted from the deposition of fluorides in the
hard and soft tissues of the body - caused by excessive intake of fluoride -

103. Global teacher prize 2020 - to a teacher in Maharashtra for promoting girls’
education and trigger a quick response coded textbook revolution in India - this
prize was founded in the year 2014

104. In India Uranium corporation of India ltd. under DAE is the only organisation
responsible for mining and processing of Uranium,

105. World Happiness report - SDSN for UN - Finland as the happiest followed
by Denmark- India @ 139 in 2021 and was 144 in 2020 and 140 in 2019

106. River Interlinking in the Bundelkhand region - 

World water day - March 22nd - 

National water development agency - Under MoJS - jal shakiti- Daudhan dam to be
built on ken river
107. Pesticides regulation - includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides ,
disinfectants and compounds - currently regulated under Insecticides Act, 1968 -
and herbicides Rule , 1971

108. World water day - 22nd March - ‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan : Catch the rain “
campaign launched - aims to take
water conservation at grass root
level through people’s

109. UN institute for training

and research - provides
innovative learning to
individuals , organisations and
institutions to support country
level action for shaping a better
future- 1963 , in Geneva

110. Shigmo or Shigmotsav - celebration of rich golden harvest of paddy by tribal

communities of Goa - communities including the Kunbis, Gawdas and Vellips also

Zo tribe - indigenous people found in India , Bangladesh and Myanmar
111. NISAR - NASA ISRO synthetic aperture radar - world’s first twin radar
satellite - a joint earth observing mission - will be launched in 2022 - will be
equipped with the largest reflector antenna ever launched by NASA

112. National aquifer mapping and management program - was launched in

2012 - as part of Ground water management and regulation scheme - being
implemented by central ground water board , MoJal Shakti

113. Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 - aimed at reaching the unreached

population with all the available vaccines under Universal Immunisation programme -
will target achieving 90% full immunisation coverage in all districts of the country -
against 12 life threatening diseases - TB , Diphtheria , Pertussis, Tetanus ,
Polio, Hepatitis B, Pneumonia , Meningitis , Measles , Rubella , JE,
Rotavirus diarrhoea

114. Criteria for least developed countries - based on 3 criteria - 

Gross national income - country was required to have a GNI per capita below

Human assets index - % of population undernourished , under 5 mortality rate and
maternal mortality rate , Indicators of education - gross secondary education
enrolment ration and adult literacy rate 

Economic vulnerability index - population size, share of agri, hunting etc, share of
pop in low elevated coastal zones, instability of exports , victims of natural disasters,
instability in agricultural production 

Committee for development policy - is a subsidiary advisory body of UN

115. SARAS Ajeevika Mela - held by M/o Rural development - is an initiative by the
DAY-NRLM - under one platform - to bring the rural women SHGs - to show case
their skills , sell their products and help them build linkages with bulk buyers

116. PM formalisation of Micro Food processing Enterprises - provides

incentives to promoters and micro enterprises - products will be promoted in a cluster
approach through convergence of central government scheme - 

is a centrally sponsored scheme - M/o Food processing industries - 2020 under
Atmanirbhar Bharat abhiyan -

117. Decentralised procurement system - introduced in 1997-98 to enhance the

efficiency of procurement and PDS and to encourage local procurement - state
government itself undertakes direct purchase of paddy/rice and wheat and also
stores and distributes these food grains under PDS and other welfare schemes 

Central government meets the entire expenditure incurred by the state governments
for procurement , storage and distribution of food grains

118. Haemorrhage Septicemia - is a contagious bacterial disease - caused by two

Pasteurella multocida ,B2 and E2 - affects cattle and water buffaloes
119. KAPILA - M/o Education - kalam program for IP literacy and awareness
campaign - creating patent awareness -

120. B.1.1.7 , N501Y, E484K - COVID 19

121. Stardust 1.0 - was launched form Loring Commerce Centre in Marine , US - 1st
commercial space launch powered by Biofuel - which is non toxic -

122. Transuranium elements - are the chemical elements with atomic numbers
greater than 92 - which is the atomic number of Uranium -

123. Zolgensma Gene therapy - Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic disorder -

one defective gene causes muscles weakness and degenerates its normal functions -

124. BL LACERTAE - blazar or super massive black hole -

125. SKAO - square km array observatory - spanning 2 continents and involving

participation of 20 countries - World’s largest radio telescope - HQ and controlled
from UK, - to study gravitational waves , studying the universe and its evolution ,
Dark energy and evolution of galaxies

126. Ethylene Glycol - is an industrial compound found in consumer products like pen
, ink stamp pads , automobile antifreeze , solvents , paints etc - it is a synthetic
liquid , odourless and is used to make antifreeze and de icing solutions - has sweet
taste - accidentally ingested

127. Atomic minerals directorate - and GSI are 2 agencies that are involved in
mineral exploration - AMD has the mandate of surveying, prospecting and
development of resources of Uranium , Thorium , Niobium , Tantalum , Beryllium ,
and Rare earth elements 

Thermonuclear application makes Lithium as “Prescribed substance” under Atomic
Energy Act, 1962

128. Vigyan Jyoti Programme - launched by DST - in 2019 - to inspire girl students
to pursue higher education and careers in STEM fields - programme offers exposure
for girls students coming from rural backgrounds to help them understand how to
plan their journey from school to college and after

129. Hunter syndrome - Mucopolysaccharidosis II or MPS II - is a rare disease that

is passed on in families - mostly affects boys and their body can not break down a
kind of sugar that builds bones, skin , tendons and other tissues

130. National AYUSH Mission - M/o AYUSH - centrally sponsored scheme - 

colocation of AYUSH facilities at PHCs , community Health centres and district

setting up 50 bedded integrated AYUSH hospital 

setting up of new state government AYUSH educational institutions in the states
where it is not available in the government sector , 

Support for cultivation of medicinal plant , 

There is no provision under NAM for opening new AYUSH dispensaries in every
district and block across the country

131. International mother language day - February 21 - observed every year

since 2000 - , Theme : “fostering multilingualism for inclusion in education and
society “ -

132. Pagri sambhal movement - Ajit singh was the founder of this movement - in
1907 - a farm agitation that forced the British government to repeal 3 laws related to
agriculture -

133. Kala Namak Rice or Buddha Rice - is grown in the areas such as
Gorakhpur, Deoria , Kushinagar, Maharajganj , Siddharthnagar, Basti , Gorakhpur
and Sant Kabir Nagar

134. VAIBHAV summit - vaishwaik Bhartiya Vaigyanik summit - aims to bring out
comprehensive roadmap to leverage the expertise and knowledge of global Indian
researcher for solving challenges by bringing the Indian Overseas and resident
academicians / scientists together

135. Know India Programme - of M/o EA - 3 week orientation programme for

diaspora youth conducted with a view to promote awareness on different facets of
life in India and the progress made by the country in various fields

136. G7 summit - is a bloc of industrialised democracies - Canada , France, Germany

, Italy , Japan, UK and USA - no formal criteria for membership 

Feb 2021 - Presidency to UK

137. Prarambh - Startup India International summit - launched by Modi - is

expected to bring together you policy makers , industry , academia , investors , start-
ups and all stakeholders - DPIIT -
138. World economic situation and prospects Report 2021 - UNCTAD -
+UNDESA - publication on the state of world economy, viewed through the lens of
the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development -

139. Maritime India summit 2021 -

flagship initiative of M/o Ports -
partner country - Denmark

140. Sub Mission on Agroforestry

scheme (SMAF) Scheme - M/o
Agriculture and farmers welfare -
since 2016-17 - under National
mission for sustainable agriculture
- India was the 1st country to have
such comprehensive policy - aims
to encourage farmers to plant multi purpose trees together with agriculture crops -
focus of the programme is to encourage agroforestry

141. Index of Economic freedom 2021 - by Heritage foundation - an annual index

- created in 1995 - measures 12 indicators grouped into 4 broad categories of
economic freedom - India is mostly unfree category , ranked 121 , Singapore tops
the index

142. International Ranger award - developed through a collaboration between IUCN

WCPA , International ranger federation etc - in 2020 - efforts rangers do to
protected and conserved areas worldwide

143. Education finance watch report - WB + UNESCO - over last 10 years , global
spending on education has increased continuously in absolute terms
144. Parosmia - a condition in which affected individuals experience ‘distortions of the
sense of smell’

145. Gandhi peace prize - Sheikh Mujibur Rehman for 2020 and Sultan of Oman ,
Qaboos bin Said Al Said -

146. Dead Sea scrolls - are the ancient Jewish and Hebrew religious manuscripts -

147. India’s biggest floating solar power plant -

in the reservoir of thermal plant at
Ramagundam in Telengana - 100 MW

148. Akshva Patra - is being organised at

Rabindranath Bhavan Gallaries - showcase
more than 250 artworks -

149. Global energy and Environment Leadership

Award - PM received - award instituted in
2016 - recognise the commitment of
leadership to the future of global energy and
the environment

150. Food waste index report - released by UNEP - presents the most
comprehensive food waste data collection , analysis and modelling to date,
generating a new estimate of global food waste - 17% of all food available at
consumer levels was wasted in 2019 -

151. Sabar Tribe - WB - major challenge of hunger , malnutrition , liver problems -

these are a PVTG

152. World Heritage site - Dholavira - submitted for nomination of WHS 2019-20 

Nomination dossiers of Santiniketan India and Scared Ensemble of Hoysalas for
2021-22 cycle

153. Bir Chilari Divas - Assam - regional public holiday - honours the courageous and
heroic death of Bir Chilarai - fall on Poornima

154. Channapata Toys - Karnataka - form of wooden toys , origin traced to the reign
of Tipu Sultan - made of specific wood called “Aale Mara or the ivory wood “

155. Exercise Pabbi-antiterror 2021 - India, China, Pakistan and other SCO

156. Aster X - France’s 1st military exercise in space

157. Mission Shakti - M/o WCD - to classify all of its major programmes under 3
umbrella schemes - Mission Shakti , Mission POSHAN2.0 , Mission Vatsalya 

Shakti consist of schemes and policies for the empowerment and protection of
women - SAMBAL - category will include schemes like one stop centre , Mahila
Police volunteer, swadhar, ujjawala etc 

SAMARTHYA - will include schemes such as BBBP, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana
Yojana etc

158. Istanbul process on Afghanistan aka Heart of Asia - held in Dushanbe ,

capital of Tajikistan - 9th meeting -

159. Project information system and Management - SERB - that offers real time
information on the various research projects supported by it - eplatform - helps in the
democratisation of research and development funding trends

160. DAMaN initiative - Odisha’s initiative - aims to deliver services to the most
inaccessible and hardest hit people of the state
161. Project REHAB ( reducing Elephant-Human attacks using bees) - KVIC
has launched - bee boxes will be used as a fence to prevent the attack of elephants

162. Shyamala Gopinath Committee - Set up by RBI - for evaluating applications

for universal banks and small finance banks

163. Gram Ujala - offering the world’s cheapest LED bulbs in rural areas at mere rs.
10 - programme will be financed through carbon credits and will be such programme
in India

164. Ratha Saptami - annual Hindu festival - dedicated to Surya , one day
Brahmotsavam is held in Tirumala (Andhra Pradesh)

165. National Safety council - is a non profit self financing apex body - to
generate , develop , and sustain a voluntary movement on safety, Health and
environment at national level - autonomous body - M/oLE in 1965 - registered as a

166. COVID performance Index - compiled by Sydney based - Lowy Institute , an

Australian think tank - sought to measure the response of countries to the Pandemic ,
top country - New Zealand 

India @86/98

167. Maha Mrityunjay Temple - Assam - world’s largest Shivalinga with a height of
126 feet

168. Kinnal Craft - traditional wooden craft to the town of Kinhal or Kinnal ,
Karnataka - awarded GI tag in 2012 -

169. Awa Guaja tribe - is a hunter gatherer tribe of around 400 people in the
Amazon rainforest , Brazil

170. Atal Pension Yojana - monthly , quarterly and half yearly payment options -
18-40 years - all eligible family members may subscribe to APY in their names for
higher pension benefits to family - PFRDA - for the unorganised sector workers who
do not have sufficient and reliable old age security

171. Direct seeding of Rice - there is no nursery preparation or transplantation -

seeds directly drilled into the field - is less time consuming and labour intensive than
the conventional practice - helps in saving irrigation water , lesser weed problem ,
reduced incidence of nutrient deficiency esp Iron

172. ADIP - assistance to disabled persons for purchasing of Aids/

Appliances scheme - to assist the needy disabled persons in procuring standard
aids and appliances - M/o SJE
173. Global antimicrobial resistance surveillance system (GLASS) - WHO -
2015 - developed to support the global action plan on antimicrobial resistance -
standardised approach to the collection , analysis and sharing of AMR data

174. Kuthi valley - eastern part of Uttarakhand , is the last valley before the border
with Tibet

175. Partners in population and development - an intergovernmental alliance of

27 countries - for expanding and improving south to south collaboration in the fields
of reproductive health , population and development - in 1994 it was created

176. Poverty and shared prosperity report 2020 - WB - global extreme poverty
is expected to rise for the first time in 20 years bcz of COVIS

177. Tiwa tribe - aka Lalung is indigenous community inhabiting Assam and
Meghalaya and parts of Arunachal Pradesh + Manipur - ST in Assam

178. Accelerate Vigyan Scheme - launched by SERB to push scientific research -

with 3 broad goals of consolidation/ aggregation of all scientific programs, initiating
high end orientation workshops and creating opportunities for research internships - 

has 2 components - ABHYAAS - to enable and groom potential PG/PhD students 

SAMMOHAN programme - to encourage and consolidate all scientific
interactions in the country under one common roof

179. SUPACE portal -assist SC in AI driven research - is a tool that collects relevant
facts and laws and makes them available to a judge

180. National commission of minorities - 1992 - statutory body - consists of

chairperson , vice chairperson and 5 members - total 7 to be nominated by the
central government - each member has a 3 yr term

181. Anamaya - tribal health collaborative - launched by M/o Tribal Affairs -

multistakeholder initiative

182. Stand Up India - launched in 2016 - to promote entrepreneurship amongst

women , SC , ST categories above 18 yrs of age - lions for setting up Greenfield
enterprises in manufacturing , services or the trading sector and activities allied to
agriculture - extended up to 2025 - covers all branches of scheduled commercial

183. Startup India seed fund scheme (SISFS) - DPIIT , to enable startups to raise initial
funding - startups can only get funds though Incubators

184. Shaphari scheme - related to the aquaculture certification - developed by

MPEDA - a Sanskrit word meaning superior quality of the fishery products 

certificate was proposed as a market based tool - scheme is based on the UN FAO
185. e-SANTA - by Ministry of commerce and Industry - an electronic marketplace to
connect aqua farmers and the buyers 

a web portal - Electronic solution for augmenting NaCSA(National centre for
sustainable aquaculture) farmers trade in Aquaculture

186. Zhurong - china’s first Mars rover - solar powered rover

187. E9 - a forum of 9 countries that aims at achieving the goals of UNESCO’s

education for all initiative - 9 countries are - Bangladesh , Brazil ,China , Egypt ,
Indonesia, Mexico and Nigeria and Pakistan - was launched in 1993

188. Global forest goals report 2021 - UNDESA - provides an initial overview of
progress towards achieving the 6 Global forest goals - and 26 associated targets -
UN Strategic plan for forests 2030

189. NEO-01 - related to space mining - a Chinese space mining start up into low earth
orbit a robot prototype - can scoop up debris left behind by the other spacecraft

190. SHIELDS Mission - spatial heterodyne interferometric emission live dynamics

spectrometer - will study light from interstellar particles

BUDGET 2021-22

- Article 112 of the Indian constitution

- DEA , MoF -
- Rest on 6 pillars 

Health and wellbeing 

physical and financial capital and infrastructure 

inclusive development for aspirational India 

reinvigorating human capital 

innovation and R&D

minimum government and maximum governance

➡ PM aatmanirbhar swath Bharat Yojana - a new centrally sponsored scheme -

develop capacities of primary , secondary and tertiary care Health systems , create
new institutions and cure of new and emerging diseases - over 6 years 

integrated public health labs in all districts 

National centre for disease control 

Setting up an national institution of one health - regional research platform for WHO
South east asi region

➡ Jal Jeevan mission (Urban) - universal water supply in all 4378 urban local
bodies - as well as liquid waste management in 500 AMRUT cities

➡ Urban swath Bharat Mission 2.0 - complete faecal sludge management and
waste water treatment , reduction in single use plastic

➡ Pneumococcal vaccine - will be rolled out across the country

➡ For Textiles - MITRA - Mega investment textiles park - will be launched in

addition to PLI - 7 textile parks to be established over 3 years

➡ National rail plan for India (2030) -to create future ready railway

➡ Government financial reforms - Treasury single account system - for Autonomous

bodies to be extended for universal application ; separate administrative structure to
streamline the EoDB for cooperatives

➡ Operation green scheme - enlarged to include 22 perishable products -

presently applicable to POT

➡ Rural infrastructure development fund - It was set up with NABARD in

1995-96 by the RBI out of the shortfall in lending to priority sector by
scheduled commercial banks for supporting rural infrastructure projects.

➡ 5 Major fishing harbours - Kochi , Chennai , Vishakhapatnam , Paradip and

petuaghat - to be developed as hubs of economic activity
➡ Multipurpose seaweed park to be established in Tamil Nadu - to promote
seaweed cultivation

➡ Revamped post metric scholarship scheme for the welfare of SCs - for 6
years till 2025-26 -

➡ Scheme of National apprenticeship training scheme (NATS)- is one year

programme equipping technically qualified youth with practical knowledge and skills
required in their field of work

➡ National research foundation - will ensure that the overall research ecosystem
of the country is strengthened - national priority thrust areas

➡ National language translation mission -

➡ National mission for allied healthcare professionals - to ensure transparent

and efficient regulation of the 56 allied healthcare professions


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