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Grant of government protection acts ;

Protection of assets and also grant of rights of claim in of such in any event of

Civil Suit
G 9944-7777

** 1856 **
Broadcast Music Inc
Robhy Dupree Armstrong ©
Attorney Songwriter Artist
License and Publishing
2000 E 12th Ave Ybor City 33605 #5364
#Building 5364
** 1845 **


W800 305
constitutional civil statues


Connection Properties without rights of claim intellectual property rights

1 Agensit

° MAC IP 00:ff:89:e0:66:a7 Entern-net Adapter TMU 1500

° MAC IP 6c:02:e0:9a:09:19 Entern-net 2 Adapter TMU 1500
° MAC IP 64:6c:80:b8:65:c9 wifi Adapter TMU 1500
° MAC IP 66:6c:b8:65:c9 Local area connection 8 Adapter TMU 1500
° MAC IP e6:6c:80:b8:65:c9 Local area connection 10 Adapter TMU 1500
° MAC IP 64:6c:80:b8:65:ca Bluetooth Network Connection TMU 1500
° MAC IP 02:63:15:61'62:64 Ethernet 3 Remote NDIS TMU 1500
° MAC IP 6e:0e:9b:df:d3:64 Ethernet 4 Remote NDIS TMU 1500


1. VPN TAP Adapter

2. Realtek PCLe The Family Controller
3. Realtek RTL8821CE 802-llax PCLe
4. Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual
5. Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual 2
6. Personal Area Network
7. Internet Sharing Device
8. Internet Sharing Device

2. Beginning December 06 , 2011

Admissions of acceptance of position hire BMI © all rights remained with 2nd parties of no affiliated connect of rights granted since
the beginning date year 2004 decided date of materials and staffing of appointing executive also songwriter artist attorney with no
stipulation of of any of such order under New York and state of Tennessee district courts of compettint jurisdiction and order in so of
the staffing of hire in such of the fact of the case of it not being legalized even in so of a court of jurisdiction of change with virduct of
staffing and ownership position exchange and also shares of grant of rights of intellectually competent of agreements letter
addressed and also in so of only in the instance of attorney of power no consent of so in bidding, biding states means one of
affiliated and also no accepted exchange of so in which in stands in a court of jury and compensation of so are exchange exclude
under hire and so of affiliated and attribution in share of grants and claims of so in such in the base on affiliated and also association


Decided upon two affiliated parties only in which of connection of staffing position of attorneys of power BMI ©
any of so can be changed by us at anytime by signature of so in agreeance we so shall have the right of termination at anytime in so
of the agreement in so meaning we us affiliated have so the right in the event of no executive staffing of termination of terms and so

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