CPCCBS6012 - Assessment 3 - Part 2 Task Outline

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CPCCBS6012 - Assessment 3 - Part 2:


For the purposes of this task you are to imagine that you are an Accredited
Building Surveyor working for a Building Certification firm. You have been
requested to carry out an inspection of the frame of two (2) residential Class
1a buildings in different locations, one of which is two (2) storeys.

Task 1

Prepare a generic checklist that can be used on-site for the inspection of the
frame of a residential Class 1a and Class 10 building. The checklist should be
generic, and easy to use, while still considering the relevant requirements of
the legislation, NCC-BCA and Australian Standard.

Task 2

a) For this task, you are required to inspect two separate Class1a dwellings

under construction, one of which is 2 storeys, and inspect framework before
the internal lining is installed.

b) Video record your inspection, The Video must include a self-shot of you
introducing your inspection, detailing the:

- The location
- The type of inspection ( eg, strip footing)
- Key elements of the inspection that you are looking at, and any obvious

c) Prepare an inspection report detailing your findings. Your report should

include photos or video of your findings ( please include both compliant and
non-compliant items)

d) Prepare correspondence to client detailing the result of your inspection

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