Review Sobre Healing Therapy

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Volume 6, Number 2, 2000, pp. 159-169

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Healing as a Therapy for Human Disease:

A Systematic Review



Objective: To assess, from published clinical trials, the evidence for the use of healing as a
complementary medical intervention in human disease.
Design: Limited to studies involving random assignment to a treatment group consisting of
"healing," broadly defined, or to a concurrent control group. All randomized trials published
up to the year 2000, were identified from MEDLINE, CINAHL, BIDS-EMBASE, the CISCOM
complementary medicine databases and from bibUographic references of published articles.
Copies of all published studies were obtained, data were extracted, and methodological quality
(Jadad) scores were derived where possible.
Results: Fifty-nine randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were found comparing healing with a
control intervention on human participants. In 37 of these, healing was used for existing dis-
eases or symptoms (22 existed as fully accessible published reports, 10 as dissertation abstracts
only, and 5 as "preliminary" investigations with limited evidential value).
The 22 full trials (10 reporting a "significant" effect of healing compared with control) consti-
tute an extremely heterogeneous group, varying greatly in the method and duration of healing;
the medical condition treated; the outcome measure employed; and the control intervention used.
Many trials had a number of methodological shortcomings, including small sample sizes, and
were inadequately reported. Only 8 studies (5 with a significant outcome for healing) had a max-
imum methodological quality score of 5, and in 10 studies this score was 3 or less. Two trials—
both large scale and methodologically sound—were replicates, and each foimd a significant ben-
eficial effect of intercessory prayer on the clinical progress of cardiac patients. Eleven of the 15
dissertation abstracts and pilot studies reported nonsignificant results for healing compared with
control, a finding that probably reflects the relatively small sample sizes and the likelihood of
type II errors.
The significant heterogeneity found in this group of trials makes categorization problematic
and inhibits the pooling of results by meta-analysis or similar techniques to obtain a global es-
timate of the "treatment effect" of healing.
Conclusions: No firm conclusions about the efficacy or inefficacy of healing can be drawn
from this diverse group of RCTs. Given the current emphasis on evidence-based medicine, fu-
ture investigations should be adequately powered, appropriately controlled, and properly de-
scribed. These future investigations would most usefully consist of: (1) pragmatic trials of heal-
ing for undifferentiated conditions on patients based in general practice and (2) larger RCTs of
distant healing on large numbers of patients with well-defined measurable illness.

Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


INTRODUCTION the National Institute for Clinical Excellence

(NICE) to oversee service-wide quality stan-
here are several reasons why the anecdotes dards within the National Health Service, em-
T of self-selected patients or therapists rep-
resent poor evidence for the efficacy of healing,
phasizing clirucal efficacy and cost-effective-
ness of service provision, is likely to increase
First, a number of "popular" therapies or di- the pressure on therapies such as healing to ex-
agnostic techniques have subsequently been pand their evidence base, preferably through
proved ineffective for the purpose used; exam- randomized clirucal trials,
pies include laetiile as a complementary ther- In a previous review, Benor (1992) assessed
apy for cancer and infa-avenous albumin as an the evidence for the effect of healing on living
orthodox intervention for critically ill patients, organisms. Few rigorous, controlled studies
Second, animals—including humans—have on human ilbiess were available for inclusion,
amazing self-recuperative powers, even with- despite the fact that this category of informa-
out the intervention of a healer, ensuring that tion is of most concern to patients and health
most ailments are self-limiting. During World care providers. This study attempts to collate
War II, Archie Cochrane—the de facto fotmder and review, to the year 2000, all the evidence
of evidence-based medicine—was the only available from randomized, clinical trials
physician in a prisoner of war camp in Salonica (RCTs) on healing as a therapy for h u m a n dis-
catering for some 20,000 prisoners (Cochrane ease.
1984). The fact that oiUy 4 deaths occurred, 3 of
these from a "nonmedical" cause (i.e., shot by
Germans), convinced Cochrane of the relative SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE
unimportance of therapy in comparison with CURRENT EVIDENCE FROM
the body s recuperative powers. Third, patient R A N D O M I Z E D CLINICAL TRIALS
satisfaction per se gives no guarantee of effi-
cacy. Although some of the "successes" seen by ^j ,.r. .. r X J-
, \ . J i l l J .1. r- r Jdentification of studies
healers may mdeed be based on the specific er- -^ -^
ficacy of healing—that is, the intentional chan- Searches were made of the MEDLINE, BIDS-
neling of energy through the healer from a EMBASE, and CINAHL databases for RCTs of
source to a patient, which we are told is the healing on human subjects. In addition, the in-
crux of the healing encounter (Hodges and formation contained in the specialist CISCOM
Scofield 1995)—some could be caused by other database at the Research Coimcil for Comple-
factors. These include the "Hallo-Goodbye" ef- mentary Medicine (RCCM) was accessed,
feet, in which politeness masquerades as im- Copies of the original trial reports were ob-
provement; the tendency for many ailments, tained, and the reference lists from these re-
such as low back pain, to resolve naturally over ports were consulted for trials that might have
the short term; and the influence of additional been omitted from the databases. Other litera-
elements (Fischer, 1971), such as counseling, in- ture sources, such as the monograph by Benor
herent in the patient-therapist encounter. (1992), were also consulted for references to
Despite some controversy, it is becoming possible RCTs.
generally agreed that research into healing is After excluding duplication publications, a
both feasible and necessary. Though the core total of 59 separate randomized clinical trials
of healing is believed to be ineffable, mysteri- of healing were identified using these methods,
ous and indefinable, most healers accept that it This total includes one trial described as
ought to be possible, nevertheless, to measure "quasi-randomized" (Dixon, 1998).
by experiment the effect that healing has on In total, 22 of these studies were excluded
clients. Similarly, although it is generally reco- from the systematic review, although they are
gnized that "evidence" has its limitations referenced in the bibliography for complete-
(Feinstein and Horwitz, 1997), hard evidence of ness. This group included 15 trials in which
effectiveness is increasingly required for ther- healing was not performed on patient groups
apeutic interventions. The establishment of with identifiable treatable symptoms. These tri-
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als were mainly or\ healthy volunteers in a lab- The methodological quality of each study
oratory or experimental setting. This group was rated according to the method described
comprised a series of 5 replicated studies of by Jadad et al. (1996), one of several possible
healing of experimental dermal woimds (an methods that can be used to assess trial qual-
overview of this series, which resulted in 2 pos- ity. By this method, 1 point is allocated for each
itive and 3 negative outcomes for healing, is of five methodological features relevant to
given by Wirth [1995]), and a further 10 trials good-quality clinical trial reports, namely, (1)
with a variety of rationales and outcomes the study was described by the authors as ran-
(CoUins, 1983; Randolph, 1980; Hinze, 1988; domized; (2) the allocation procedure was de-
Post, 1990; Van Wijk et al., 1991; Wirth and scribed and was appropriate; (3) the study was
Cram, 1993,1994,1997; Wirth et al., 1997; Wirth described as "double-blind," defined for this
et al., 1996). Also included in this group were review as patient and evaluator/assessor blind;
7 trials for which the abstract reports contained (4) the procedure to ensure double-blinding
information too rudimentary for conclusions to was described and was appropriate; and (5)
be drawn and for which the original reports there was a description of withdrawals and
were unobtainable (Glasson, 1996; Green, 1993; dropouts from the study. The maximiun score
Kemp, 1996; Kramer, 1990; Silva, 1996; Snyder for an individual trial report is 5, and 1 point
et al, 1995; Woods et al., 1996). is deducted if the randomization method was
The remaining 37 trials included 22 full tri- inappropriate for the study or if the method of
als for which a published paper was available double-blinding was inappropriate. This score,
in the scientific literature. The main character- though essentially crude, gives some indication
istics of each of these reports are shown in of the consideration given by the authors to
Table 1. Ten additional trials had been per- methodological issues.
formed as part of doctoral or master's degree During the extraction of data, the statement
dissertations and had not been subsequently in the abstract concerning direction of out-
published in the general scientific literature, come of each study—medical condition sig-
Although the original theses are held in the nificantly (P < 0.05) or nonsignificantly (P >
universities of origin, informative abstract re- 0.05) improved by healing compared to a con-
ports for these investigations were available trol intervention—was checked against the
from the RCCM via the Dissertation Abstracts data in the relevant results section. Where
or Masters Abstracts International service, there was a discrepancy, the outcome sug-
Main details extracted from these abstracts are gested by the results section was used and is
shown in Table 2. A final five trials were de- presented in Table 1. Such a discrepancy was
scribed by their authors as "preliminary" or seen in two studies. In OTaoire (1997), the
"pilot" studies. These are also shown, sepa- "significance" reported in the abstract re-
rately, in Table 2, although their evidential ferred to changes in outcome measure from
value is poor because their subject numbers baseline rather than to differences between
were very small. treatment and a control intervention (which
were nonsignificant for the main outcome). In
Extraction of data from included studies ^agne and Toye (1994), a positive result was
Table 1 shows the data extracted from the in- suggested by the abstract when, in fact, no
dividual studies. The "type of healing" and conclusion could be drawn about the effect of
"medical condition treated" are presented as healing per se. These discrepancies emphasize
they were described by the authors of each pa- the undesirability of relying on conclusions
per. Because most of the studies did not desig- obtained from reading the abstract of a paper
nate a primary outcome measure before the alone without referring to the data in the re-
start of the trial. Table 1 shows the "main out- suits section. This is particularly relevant for
come measures" (i.e., those of most relevance interpretation of the dissertation data in Table
for the particular patient group, and those on 2, which have been derived solely from the au-
which the statistics were reported). thors' published abstracts.

Description of studies designated outcome measure, so it not possible

to assess whether, on the whole, the number of
The 22 studies shown in Table 1 (10 with a patients in a particular trial was adequate for a
significant outcome, 11 with a nonsignificant treatment effect to be seen. Indeed, only 3 of
outcome, and 1 with an undetermined outcome the 37 trials had a treatment group with more
for healing) form an extremely heterogeneous than 60 people. All of the studies in Table 2 and
group of trials. They varied greatly in number some in Table 1 (Collipp, 1969; Gagne and
of healing treatments, their duration (from one Toye, 1994; Joyce and Whelldon, 1965; Sund-
5-minute session only to one 15-minute session blom et a l , 1994) had very small numbers of
daily for 6 months), and the mode of applica- patients and were therefore subject to type II
tion of healing, precluding estimates of dose errors (obtaining a falsely negative result for a
equivalence or estimates of the dose effect treatment that is, in fact, effective). It is there-
across studies. Also, there was a large variation fore unsurprising that 11 of the 15 studies in
in medical conditions treated, and hence in out- Table 2 reported healing to have no significant
come measures used. Pain, whether chronic or effect, 3 did not state a clear result, and only 1
acute, was the single most commonly treated reported a positive outcome. Overall, there was
symptom (9 trials, 4 reporting a significant ef- no relation between group sample size and the
feet of healing). The range of "control" inter- direction of outcome of the studies,
ventions was broad. Only 7 studies (Abbot et
al., 2000; Gordon et al., 1998; Keller and Bzdek, Conclusions of systematic review
1986; Meehan, 1993; Quirm, 1989; Simington The total number of RCTs of healing for hu-
and Laing, 1993; Turner et al., 1998) used a man disease found in this study was small. The
"mimic healing" intervention, and 4 of these re- MEDLINE and CISCOM databases combined
ported a significant effect of healing. Others contained approximately 10.5 million entries,
used waiting-list controls or "comparison" in- Approximately 3,700 of these were RCTs of the
terventions such as relaxation or psychother- complementary therapies (Barnes et al., 1999),
apy, so the results seen could be compoxmded including 455 RCTs of acupuncture. Therefore,
by nonspecific effects, the 37 trials obtained (or 59, if all RCTs on hu-
Some of the studies also exhibited method- mans are considered) represent a sparse evi-
ological limitations. Table 1 shows that for the dence base given the relative popularity of this
22 studies for which a Jadad score could be de- therapy. Eisenberg et al. (1998) reported that
rived, 8 had a maximum score of 5 points, 4 healing, broadly defined, had been accessed by
studies scored 4 points, and the remaining 10 up to 7% of the U.S. population,
studies scored 3 points or less. Of the 8 studies The 37 RCTs reviewed here constitute a very
scoring the maximum of 5 points on the Jadad heterogeneous group of trials. They differ
scale, 5 used distant healing or prayer (4 with greatly in type and duration of healing (i.e.,
a positive and 1 with a negative result). Two of treatment "dose")/ i^i number of healers used
these higher-quality (or more adequately re- and their method (i.e., treatment application),
ported) studies were replicates, a rare phe- and in medical conditions treated. They also
nomenon in complementary medicine. Harris suffer from methodological inadequacies, such
et al. (1999) was designed as a replication of the as small sample sizes and inappropriate de-
famous positive report by Byrd (1988), and it signs that do not allow for consideration of
found a similar (although not identical), sig- nonspecific effects. This significant hetero-
nificantly positive effect of healing over control geneity, which prevents meaningful catego-
in a large group of cardiac patients. Of the re- rization of trials, also precludes any overall
maining 14 studies, 10 used "nondistant" heal- conclusion about the efficacy or ineffectiveness
ing or therapeutic touch (5 with a significant of healing as a therapy, and it certainly inhibits
outcome). the estimation of overall treatment effects by
Few of the reports in Tables 1 and 2 men- pooling techniques such as meta-analysis
tioned sample size calculation in relation to a (Naylor, 1997).

Considering the 22 studies for which full sci- from heart attack—was established (Elwood,
entific reports are available (as opposed to dis- 1997). Because, at present, the "unknowns" in-
sertation abstracts, the conclusions of which are volved in the healing encounter exceed those
unverifiable), the overall "tally" of 10 signifi- involved in swallowing an aspirin, it may be
cant, 11 nonsigruficant, and 1 indeterminate many years before the specific efficacy or oth-
outcome for healing has little meaning in the erwise of healing under particular conditions
absence of sample size calculations, predefined is established.
outcome measures, "optimal treatment" from Research into healing is said to be compli-
a range of healers, and the explicit use of pro- cated by difficulties not usually found in the
cedures for randomization and double-bind- orthodox therapies. These difficulties fall into
ing. three groups:
Although the number of RCTs is slowly ac- , ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^-^ ^^^^^^^ healing is not a
cumulating, the overall conclusion in 2000 is ^'treatment" in the conventional sense (i.e.,
similar to that found by Benor in 1992 and ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^e healing that is "needed,"
Dossey in 1993: Despite some intriguing ob- ^^ a variety of levels, mental and spirihial as
servahons, no firm conclusions about the effi- ^^^^ ^^ physical, complicating outcome mea-
cacy or meificacy of healmg can be made from ./
the evidence contained in the RCTs currently . tlSs^conceming "delivery" of therapy (i.e.,
accessible m the scientific literature. everyone has the capacity to heal, compli-
eating the choice of "placebo" intervention)
IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALING AND • those conceming the involvement required
FUTURE HEALING RESEARCH of the patient (i.e., the patient must want to
^ . , . ^ , ., ^ get well at a deep as well as a superficial
The mconclusiveness of the evidence from r . _ i- ../_ ^.- . ^^i^^.;f,„ ^„j
. . . . . , . level, complicatme patient selection, and
this systematic review is the norm for trawls of .. , ^ j J ^ ^ ^^\
•^, ,. , , . - . - , possibly, randomization to groups),
the published evidence m the complementary ^ -^
therapies, such as hypnotherapy for smoking Although there are a number of arguments
cessation (Abbot et al., 1998) or acupuncture for against the appropriateness of RCTs to test
low back pain (Tulder, 1999), and comes about healing (Targ, 1997a, 1997b), most of the points
because of the low priority given to such ther- raised are also problematic for orthodox med-
apies by funding bodies and by orthodox sci- icine (Kleijnen et al., 1997; Mant, 1999). It is be-
entists who have special skills to offer. Too lit- coming increasingly recognized that none of
tie research has been done, and that which is these objections are insurmountable because
published is too often ill-conceived, ill-re- current methodologies can be adapted to take
ported, and ill-performed, often by experi- account of most healer concems. It is impor-
menters with more enthusiasm than expertise, tant, however, that healers and researchers
It can take years of painstaking work to es- agree on appropriate designs. The two "bottom
tablish the effectiveness (or efficacy) of a truly lines" for evidence-based researchers are ran-
"effective" therapy. A famous example is as- domization of patients and blinding of partici-
pirin for the reduction of subsequent heart at- pants (Kleinjnen et al., 1997), and there are a
tack in patients with myocardial infarction. Af- range of possible designs that retain both with-
ter the first RCT in 1974, which showed a out compromising "uniqueness" of healing,
"negative" result albeit associated with a trend There are two possible, and promising, areas
in favor of aspirin, a further five RCTs were for healing research. The first concerns the ap-
conducted between 1974 and 1980 using the plication of face-to-face healing/therapeutic
same hard outcome measure (i.e., death). These touch for chronically ill patients under the care
too were "negative" individually, and it was of the general practitioner. The cohort study by
only after a weighted overall effect from all six Brown (1995) and the subsequent quasi-ran-
studies (representing 10,859 patients) was cal- domised trial reported by Dixon in 1998 both
culated that a reasonable estimate of the "true" showed impressive positive effects for the heal-
effect of aspirin—a 23% reduction in death ing encounter. Indeed, general practice re-

search has many advantages as a test bed for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

healing. Because some 40% of general practice
consultations involve "watchful waiting" (Mant, The author wishes to acknowledge the many
1999), there is no shortage of willing subjects healers who took part in his clinical trials of
who require an intervention, often for undiffer- healing at the University of Exeter. This review
entiated symptoms and multiple conditions (co- has been done in recognition of their efforts.
morbidity). Because healing is sometimes called
an "undifferentiated" therapy that claims to act
at many levels simultaneously, it seems partic-
ularly appropriate for this setting. Patients are
also more likely to be representative of the pop- Abbot NC, Harkness EF, Marshall P, Conn D, Stevinson
ulation at large than those who volunteer for CD, Ernst E. Spiritual healing as a therapy for chronic
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ing intent) as well as with waiting-list controls Attevelt JTM. Research into paranormal healing. Doctoral
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(Gotzsche, 1994), and possibly the cost-benefit Utrecht, 1988.
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mentary medicine in the mainstream medical hterature:
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and dependence: A pilot investigation. Altern Thera
United Kingdom
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Wirth DP. Complementary healing intervention and der-
mal wound reepithelialization: An overview. Int J Psy-
chosomatics 1995;42:48-53. E-mail:

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