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Guide to keywords, phrases for improved internet
research results Volume 1
By Nicholas Crowder NOTA BENE
Copyright © 2015 by Nicholas Crowder All rights reserved. No part of this book
may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form
without permission of the publisher. Please do not participate in or encourage
piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only
authorized editions.
This book is licensed for your personal use only. It may not be re-sold or given
away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person,
please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book
and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please
purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.
Nicholas Crowder/Crowder Publications P.O. Box 62921
Phoenix, AZ 85082-2921
Disclaimer Although the author and publisher have made every effort to
ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and
publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any
loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or
omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
Becoming involved in Open Source Intelligence is a challenging endeavor.
There are four individuals whose transformative work in the field is held in high
esteem. This book is dedicated to Robert David Steele, Arno Reuser, Ben
Benavides, Randolph Hock, and J.F. Holden-Rhodes for their contributions to
the field of OSINT and Internet research.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q - R, S, T, U-V-W-X
Introduction – Objectives of this Book
Who may benefit from this book and series? Journalists, writers, law
enforcement, police, law enforcement investigators, information professionals,
librarians, media monitors, OSINT researchers/analysts, intelligence
professionals, terrorism experts, military personnel, media outlets, financial
analysts, financial/fraud crimes investigators, students, public safety
An effective search strategy on either the internet, databases or in documents
begins with selecting appropriate keywords or short relevant phrases. Alternative
keywords and phrases are also critical to a successful search.
OSINT Glossary is a serialized publication, which helps fill a void for
researchers who are trying to locate information on the Internet with better and
more relevant results.
This book (Volume I) is essentially a word list and study guide developed over
many years. During my career in law enforcement I became very interested in
the art/science of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). It was amazing to see with
the advent of the internet the amount of material someone could locate. The
challenge in many cases was not the quantity of information but, more
importantly, separating the wheat from the chaff. It is the quality of your results
that count and not the quantity that count in OSINT research.
Having a keen interest in public safety matters I saw the possibilities of locating,
posting, and sharing information on the internet with others. I read every book I
could find on internet search and was amazed at the number of tools. One topic
mentioned in many sources is to use good keywords and phrases. So the
challenge then becomes, to locate keywords and phrases for searches. During
one of my early projects on drug trafficking in Latin America I checked with a
number of Latin American specialists about the existence of any book(s) or
source that would tell you what words/phrases to use in queries in English and or
Spanish. I discovered that no such tool exists. Therefore, I created such a tool
called in Spanish with English translations for many
topics that are covered in law enforcement.
The results were good with the black book in searching for information in
Spanish. At that time I then began to catalog search terms in English for public
safety topics from crime to terrorism and in between. The results have been
equally good in use of research on the internet and in documents. Now, with
myself and a team of motivated researchers/monitors our time ferreting out
material and gaining relevant results/information has been reduced significantly.
And, our relevant results have been impressive.
The book (Volume I) is divided into two sections of which both may be of equal
value to a researcher. The first section is an alphabetical listing of 5,000 plus
entries. However, the number of terms increases substantially with the addition
of a suffix when appropriate. The second section, all entries are listed under a
specific broad category for the word/phrase. One note of caution is that many of
the terms in this edition could easily be used in more than one category or in
many subcategories. I have selected the broadest category for the sake of
simplicity. Subsequent volumes will be released at different intervals. Each
subsequent volume in this series also contain 5,000 or more entries.
It is my sincere desire that this volume and subsequent issues (volumes) will
enhance your search results as well as saving substantial time. It should be a
necessary component of your tool box to carry out your assignment or mission.
Please feel free to contact me via email with comments, thoughts, and
suggestions. If you would like to be notified of future volumes please send an
email request and I will place you on a list to be alerted at the time of
publication. You may see some of the results of my work in aggregation by the
use of advanced search methods using selective keywords/key phrases at and I am also available for
consultation on either OSINT research strategies and or the development of
lexicon lists for search and research.
Nicholas Crowder
Alphabetical List of OSINT Terms, Phrases A-Z
abductions of
abductions of Japanese
abolish terrorist sanctuaries
access to building
access to port
access to school
access to weapons
abnormal incident
according to an official from
according to court record (s)
according to FAA records
according to information
according to investigative reports
according to officials
according to opinion polls
according to sources
according to those familiar with the situation
acid attack
acquiring information
acres burned
across border (s)
across half the state
across large parts
across the region
across state
act of terrorism
act of war
acted immediately
active in the region
active investigation
active mission (s)
active shooter
active shooter protocol
actively monitored
activity is likely
acts of terrorism perpetrated by
acts of violence
accused of
accused of having sex with a student
accused of smuggling
acute symptoms
acute symptoms from radiation exposure
adaptive enemy (ies)
adaptive tactics
additional security measure (s)
advance fee fraud
advanced encryption technology
advanced persistent threats
advanced threat
advanced threat analytics
adversary organizations
adversary’s vulnerabilities
adverse weather conditions
advising against all travel
aerial assassinations
aerial attacks
aerial bomb
aerial bombardment
air campaign
aerial canopy
aerial firefighting
affected areas
affects drinking water
affiliated organizations
affray (UK)
Afghan lily pad
after a bomb exploded
after clash between
after knife attack
after the attack
after the massacre
after the shooting started
against U.S. interests
agency outpost
agency recently disclosed
aggregate data
agriculture safety
agriculture threat
agro terrorism
aid agencies
aid agencies report
air attack
air cargo threat
air controllers strike
air drop – fire
air marshal
air operations
air piracy
air rage
air sea battle
air show
air strike
air strikes
air tactical group supervisor
air traffic
air traffic cancellations
air traffic cancellations across Europe
air trafficking
air travel market
air tanker – f
aircraft diverted
aircraft hijacking
airfreight transport
airline bomb threat
airport attack
airport evacuation
airport security
airport security checkpoints
airport security incidents
airspace surveillance
airspace violation
AK-47 assault rifle
alarm sounded
alarming statement (s)
all flights grounded
allegation (s) of
allegation (s) of fraud
alleged cyber-hacking
alleged members
alleged members of terrorist group
alleged plot
allegedly shot
allegedly stole proceeds
alert for American citizens
allied foreign troops
alligator attack
along border
along northern border
along southern border
along the bank
along the river
along the road
alternative chemicals
al Qaeda
al-Qaeda affiliated group
al-Qaeda attack
Al-Qaeda hit list
al-Qaeda leader
al Qaeda linked group
Al-Qaeda seizes
al-Qaeda training camp
ambushed him from
ambushed him from behind
American killed
American missing
American wounded
amid claims
amid confusion
amid fighting between
amid heightened tensions
ammonia nitrate
Amtrak suspends
an autopsy conducted
an autopsy will be performed
anchor point – f
angles of security cameras
angry citizens
angry employees
angry locals
angry workers
animal health emergency
animal infected with
announcement by the justice department
anticoup demonstrators
anti-American sentiment
anti-foreigner sentiment
anti-foreigner violence
anti-government protesters
anti-human trafficking police
anti-immigrant marches
anti-Islam protests
anti-Islam protests turn violent
anti-Japanese sentiment
anti-money laundering
anti-Muslim attacks
anti-Muslim terrorism
anti-Nato activists
anti-Nato activists protest
anti-Semite incident (s)
anti-Semitism problem
anti-terrorism police
anti-US terrorism
anticipate a bombing attempt
antibiotic resistant bacteria
apartment placed on lockdown
apprehensions decreased
apprehensions increased
AR-15 resistance
Arab (s) attack
Arab attack on
Arab riot
area of operation
areas for hiding
areas for hiding hostages
Arizona border defenders
Arizona border recon
armament programs
armed assailant
armed assault
armed and dangerous
armed attack
armed combat
armed conflict
armed forces
armed forces deployed
armed groups
armed men broke into
armed robbers
armed drone
armed guards have been placed
armed insurgence
armed insurgency
armed man
armed rebel coalition
armed rebellion
armed rebels
armed robbery (ies)
armed standoff
armed suspect
armed terrorist (s)
armed woman
army checkpoint
Army Operations Special Command
armored vehicle
arms control
arms embargo
army prepares
army preparing
army preparing to
army thwarts attack
arrest made
arrest made after
arrested at airport
arrested in
arrested in connection with shooting death
arrested in connection with stabbing death
arrested in prostitution ring
arrested in raid
arrested in raids
arrested in shooting
arrested in shooting death
arrested on warrant (s)
arrested last week
arrests made abroad
arrivals by sea
arsenal of homemade explosives
arson attack
arson suspect
arson suspect arrested
arson suspected
arsonist arrested
arsonist detained
arson suspect arrested
artful dodger
artic blast
as a matter of policy
Asia – pacific security
asked for intelligence
assailants dressed in military uniforms
assassin weapons
assassination attempt
assault by
assaulted after
assess terrorist threats
assessment of terrorist threats
assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security as night fell
asymmetric challenge
asymmetric warfare
asymmetrical warfare
asymmetrical weapons
ATF International Response Team
ATM cloning device (s)
ATM cloning device found at
atoll – geography
at the time of the attack
automatic assault weapon
attack against oil pipeline
attack by
attack by former lover
attack by x-lover
attack came from
attack from
attack imminent
attack occurred
attack (s) on American soil
attack on checkpoint in
attack on airline
attack on facilities
attack on tourist (s)
attack on U.S. soil
attack (ed) pedestrian (s)
attack plot
attack that occurred
attack took place in
attack with car bombs
attacked by
attacked while jogging
attacks in recent days
attacks in recent months
attacks in recent weeks
attacks increase
attacks (ed) NATO convoy
attacks on
attacks on foreign nationals
attacks on ISIS
attempted assassination
attempted coup
attempted terrorist attack
attempted to detonate
attempts to assassinate
attempting to sell stolen work
attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction
authenticity of the document
authoritarian regime
authorities cracked down
authorities have detected
authorities issued an alert
authorities not release the names
authorities raided homes
authorities reported
authorities said
authorities say
authorities seize
automated web tools
autopsy results
aviation security
avoid detection
avoid law enforcement
baby death
baby’s death
backfire – f
background check
background notes
back off virus malware
backpacker district
bacterial infections
bacterial outbreak
backup generator
backup systems failed
bagman (bagmen)
bag snatching
bail in
baits customer
bambi bucket – f
bandits in ski masks
bank bombing
bank heist
bank holiday
bank holdup
bank robbery
banking Trojan
banned all air traffic
banned from entering
banned all air traffic
banned from traveling
barrels packed with explosives
barricade – f
base – f
barricades outside U.S. embassy
beach closed
beach closure
beach contaminated
bear attack
bears killed
begins ground offensive
behind attack
behind enemy lines
believed to be armed
belt bomb
berm – f
big data
bilateral accord
bilateral negotiations
bio weapon
biodiversity crime
biological hazard
biological research
biological threats and terrorism
biological weapon (s)
biometric (s)
biometric information
biometric passport
bioterror threat
bird flu
bird flu threat
bird smuggler (s)
black bag job
black bag operation
black bloc (civil unrest)
black box
black chamber – NSA
black dollar scam
black ice
blackline – f
black market
black market exploits
black money
black money scam
black hat conference
black market documents
black op
black operation
black travel alert – Hong Kong Security Bureau
blanket the region
blasphemy police
blasting time fuse
blistering agents
blocking accounts
bloodstain evidence
bloody assault
blow to the head
blow to the ribs
blowup – f
blow up a commuter train
board aircraft
boat capsized
boating accident
bodies found
bodies found in
bodies of missing
bodies recovered
body found
body found hidden in
boil water advisory
bomb detonated in
bomb attack at
bomb attack in
bomb blast
bomb blast in
bomb blast injures
bomb blast kills
bomb defused
bomb exploded
bomb explodes
bomb explosion
bomb explosion in
bomb found
bomb found in
bomb making expert
bomb on board
bomb parts
bomb planted in
bomb plot
bomb plot thwarted
bomb rocks
bomb run
bomb scare
bomb shelter
bomb site
bomb squad
bomb threat
bombing campaign
bombing victim
bombings of US embassies
booby trap (s)
boost security
border aviation security
border clash
border closed
border closing
border conflict (s)
border control
border control agencies
border crime
border crisis
border crossing (s)
border difficulties
border force (UK)
border issues
border militarization
border policy
border reopens
border security
border skirmish
booster pump – f
booster reel – f
botched procedure
both gunmen
bought by terrorists
bouts of vomiting and diarrhea
bound with duct tape
bounty hunter
botched mission
botched rescue
brand protection
brazen attack
breach of trust
breach protocol
break away faction
break encryption
bribery extortion
bribery of government officials
bribery scandal
bribery scheme
bride scam (s)
bridge collapse
bring the men to justice
brink of civil war
brink of war
British holiday maker
British tourist
British tourist killed
broke into
brown out
bruises to the head
brush fire
brush fire broke out
brush blade – f
brush hook – f
brush truck – f
brutal attack
brutal attack against
brutal attack by
brute force
brute force attack
building closure
building damaged
building destroyed
building evacuated
building explosion
building fire
buildings evacuated
building fire
buildings evacuated
bullets sprayed
bulletproof Kevlar gear
bump up – f
bureaucratic resistance
burning cars
burning flesh
burning index – f
burning period – f
burn out – f
bus accident
bus assaulted
bus hijacked
bushfire – f
busiest intersections
bus plunge
bus plunged
bus plunges
bus plunges off cliff
business scam
C4 plastic explosive
cache of illegal arms
cache of weapons
cadaver bags
California Earthquake Authority
call in a bomb squad
call to arms
called the attack a vindication
called the attacks a product of
campus shooting
capital controls
campus police
cancelled due to weather conditions
cancelled flights
cancelled passports
candle – f
capability to attack
CAPPS II – Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System II car bomb
car bomb exploded
car bomb explodes
car bomb kills
car bombing attempt
car bombing kills
cargo extortion
cargo disruption threats
cargo inspection (s)
cargo security
cargo thieves
cargo security threats
cargo threat
cargo train derailed
carried out an order of
carry out an attack
carry out an attack against the United States
carry out another attack
carrying assault rifles
cartels smuggling
case reopened
cases of
cases of measles
cases of measles in
cases of police brutality
cases of polio
cases of syphilis
cases reported
cash courier
cash dealer
cash stolen
casualty figures
catastrophic accident (s)
catastrophic circumstances
catastrophic event (s)
catastrophic incidents
catastrophic insurance
catastrophic natural disaster
category A bioterror threat
cause and origin of fire
cause of death
cause of fire
cause serious injury or death
caused multiple traffic accidents
causes heavy damage to
causing complete service interruptions
CBRN devices
CBRN weapons
CDC current outbreak list
CDC watch list
cease fire breach (es)
cease fire extended
cell phone services went dark
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
center for security policy
CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC)
chagas disease
chain reaction crash
chance of rain
change of tactics
changes in rainfall
changing sim cards
changing their locations
changing world
charged in murder
charged in plot to murder
charged in shooting
charged with
charged with wire fraud
charged with money laundering
charging document
charged in court
charged in plot
charges of embezzling
charges of plotting
charges were filed
charter flight (s)
charter flight (s) to get out
chat rooms
chatter indicating
Chechen female suicide bombers
checkered past
checkpoint (s)
checkpoint miles
checkpoint refusal
chemical facilities
chemical leak (s)
chemical plant fire
chemical time bomb
chemical warfare plant
chemical weapon (s)
chief of mission authority
chik virus
child abducted
child bomber
child predators
child suicide bombers
child traffickers
China dumping goods
China plays a role
China’s intelligence service
China’s military strategy
Chinese aggression
Chinese cyber campaign
Chinese foreign minister
Chinese hackers
Chinese hacking group
Chinese military movement
Chinese spies
chopper crashed
chronic disease (s)
church shooting
CI center – think thank
CI team (competitive intelligence)
CIA internal review
CIA operated drone program
CIF – cyber threat intelligence management system citing law enforcement
citizen weather observer program
citizens not directly involved in a civil disorder citizens traveling to or residing
citywide lockdown
civil aviation
civil aviation authorities
civil disorder
civil disturbance
civil liberties
civil resistance
civil rights
civil rights violation
civil strife
civil unrest
civil unrest, riots
civilian abducted
civilian airspace
civilian border patrols
civilian deaths
civilian population
civilian drone incidents
civilian drones
civilian target (s)
claims life
claims more than 100 lives
claims more than 1000 lives
claims responsibility for attack
claims responsibility for bomb attack
clandestine airfields
clandestine airstrip
clandestine attack
clandestine brothel
clandestine electronic surveillance
clandestine grave (s)
clandestine laboratory
clandestine means
clandestine migration
clandestine military base
clandestine military operations
clandestine sources
clandestine U.S. Army camp
clandestine warfare
clashes in
clashes occurring in
classified document (s)
classified information
classified leak
classified leak of information
clean operative
clear and present danger
clear evidence
clear landmine (s)
clear threat
clear warning
climate change
climate engineering
Climatic Prediction Center (CPC)
climber dies
climber killed
climbing accident (s)
climbing death (s)
clogged checkpoints
close to the border
close to the entrance
closed area
closed border
closer to military action
closure extended
closure extended embassy
closure extended consulate
closure extended road (s)
cluster bomb (s)
coast guard reported
coastal flooding
coastal town
cobalt – 60
cocaine coast India
cocaine found hidden in
cockpit smoke
cockpit voice recorder
code word (s)
cold case murder
cold wave
cold weather operations
cold weather temperatures
collect intelligence
collective intelligence framework
combat crime
combat Islamic extremism
combat terrorism
combat zone deployment
combined forces
command center
commando forces
commando forces India
commercial flights have been temporarily suspended commit violent crime (s)
commit wire fraud
common border
communal riots
communication channels
communication (s) interception
communication node
compact missile launcher
complaint states
complex bombed
compliance – terrorism
components of risk
comprehensive plan
compromised operations
compromised server
compromised target (s)
computer and identity fraud
Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS) (counterterrorism)
computer glitch
concealed in
concealment techniques
concentration of camps
concentration of troops
condemn all acts of terrorism
condemned attack
condemned terrorist attack
conditional threat – crime
conduct covert operation (s)
conduct Jihad
conduct surveillance
conducted an operation
conducted raids
confidential report
confine a fire
confirmed case
confirmed case of
confirmed cases
confirmed report (s)
conflict between
conflict could spark
conflict zone
conflict zone widening
conflicts across the Middle East
conservation cuts
conspiracy theory (ies)
constitute a danger
consular database
consumption girl scam
control measures
consulate attack
consulate attacked
consulate attacked in
consulate bombed
consulate bombings
consulate closed
consulate closure (s)
consulate evacuated
consulate threat
consumer defrauded
contacted authorities
contagious bioweapons
contagious bioweapons research
contagious viruses
contain a fire
contaminated drinking water
contaminated food
contaminated water
contested areas
contingency plan
continuity of government (COG)
continued attack (s)
continued gunfire
continued to monitor activities
continued violence in
contraband alcohol
contract assassination (s)
control line – f
controlled burn – f
conventional explosive
conventional munitions
conventional military forces
conventional weapons
coordinate (s)
coordinated attacks
cops injured
cordoned off a large area
corona virus
coroner says
coroner’s autopsy
corporate espionage
corporate fraud
corporate tax haven
corruption is widespread
corrupt officials
counterattack launched
counterfeit alcohol
counterfeit and illegal goods
counterfeit and illegal products
counterfeit baseball caps
counterfeit cigarettes
counterfeit clothes
counterfeit consumer products
counterfeit currency
counterfeit detection
counterfeit document
counterfeit drugs
counterfeit DVD’s
counterfeit golf merchandise
counterfeit goods
counterfeit goods from China
counterfeit goods seized
counterfeit insulin
counterfeit insulin needles
counterfeit insulin pens
counterfeit medications
counterfeit merchandise
counterfeit money
counterfeit movies
counterfeit purses
counterfeit toys
counterfeit watches
countermand (m)
counter messaging
counter extremism
counter narcotics efforts
counter-piracy (shipping)
counter piracy mission
counter surveillance techniques
counter terrorism
counter terrorism database
counter terrorism effort
counter terrorism programs
counter terrorist operation
counter terrorist police
country sponsored terrorism
coup attempt
coup attempt failed
coup d’ état
coup plotters
coup plotters arrested
coup risk
court records indicate
court records sealed
court shooting
coveOps - military
cover-up probe
covert action
covert activities
covert activity
covert battlefield
covert communications
covert military action
covert operation (s)
covert ops
covert relations
covert tradecraft
coyote tactics
craigslist scam (s)
crash involving
crash remains under investigation
crash scene
crash shuts down highway
crashed into
crashed into a vehicle
CRE – infection – Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae credible
credible witness
credible eyewitness
credible fear application – immigration request U.S.
credible report (s)
credible sighting (s)
credible source
credible threat
credible threats
credibility of alert (s)
creeping fire –f
crew (s) fight fire
crime activity
crime against humanity
crime and violence are serious problems
crime blotter
crime decrease
crime increase
crime lord
crime lord arrested
crime prevention
crime record
crime related
crime ridden
crime scene
crime scene investigation
crime statistics
crime trend (s)
crimes unreported
criminal activity (ies)
criminal charges filed
criminal charges pending
criminal corruption charges
criminal crime scene
criminal cyber-security intrusion
criminal endeavor
criminal enforcement actions
criminal gangs
criminal investigation
criminal investigation continues
criminal investigations section (CIS)
criminal scam (s)
criminal software
criminal mischief
criminal network (s)
criminal prosecution (s)
criminal record (s)
crisis at the border
crisis averted
crisis continues
crisis mapping
crisis negotiation unit (FBI)
crisis negotiator
critical condition
critical electric-grid sites
critical emergency
critical facilities
critical infrastructure
critical services
critical situation
critical stage
critically hurt
crop failure
cross-border attack
cross-border tensions
cross border terrorism
crowd control
crowd of people
crowd seeding
crowd sourcing
crown out – f
cryptic currency
cultural threat
culture of terrorism
curb illegal activity
current cyber threat
current information suggests
current international crisis
current international law
current international news
current outbreak
current security situation
current security threat (s)
current security threat (s) and pattern (s)
current threat level (s)
currently being detained
currently detained
customs officer seize
customs seize
cut off water supply
cut with a hacksaw
cyanide poisoning
cyber attack
cyber attack bank
cyber attack China
cyber attack government
cyber attack North Korea
cyber attack power grid
cyber attackers
cyber – bullied
cyber capabilities
cyber command
cyber crime
cyber espionage
cyber exploitation
cyber incident (s)
cyber intrusion
cyber mercenary
cyber mercenaries
cyber security
cyber security and electronic terrorism
cyber security breach
cyber security intrusion
cyber security mission
cyber security risk
cyber security strategy
cyber security worries grow
cyber spying campaign
cyber surveillance
cyber targeting
cyber terrorism
cyber threat (s)
cyber tool (s)
cyber war
cyber warfare
cyber weapon
cybercriminal ring
cyclospora outbreak
cylinder bomb (s)
dabiq magazine (ISIS magazine)
Daesh – terrorist group ISIS
dangerous behavior
dangerous encounters
dangerous foreign policy
dangerous situation
dangerously close
dark world
data breach
data breach update
data compromised
data from studies show
data mining program
data mining techniques
data monitoring capability
day after the attack
daytime assault
DDOS services
decision making authority
dead after clash between
dead at a local hospital
dead bodies
dead child
dead children
dead in car
dead in home
dead man
dead man zone - f
dead men
dead out – f
dead people
dead persons
dead woman
dead women
deadly attack (s)
deadly bacterium
deadly blast
deadly campaign
deadly casualties
deadly disease
deadly explosion
deadly flood (s)
deadly flooding
deadly ice storms
deadly infectious disease
deadly storm (s)
deadly unrest
deadly weather
deadly tractor-trailer crash
deadly training missions
deadly tropical storm
death list
death on cruise ship
death threat
death threat (s)
death toll
death (s) to livestock
death (s) to wildlife
decentralized terrorist movement
deception practices
decision making authority
declaration of holy war
declare war
declared emergency
declared insane by the courts
declared intent
declared outbreak
declared state of emergency
declares state of emergency
declassified email (s)
declassified information
declined comment
declined to speak publicly
deep in the jungle
deep packet inspection
deep penetration agents
deepens ties
defeat counterterrorism measures
defense capabilities
defense intelligence agency (DIA)
defer non-essential travel
deferred prosecution
degrade and destroy
deliberate brushfire (s)
deliberate damage
delicate talks
delivering nuclear weapons
demand for ivory
demand for water
demob – f
demolish a terrorist organization
demonstration (s)
demonstration (s) against
demonstration (s) against the coup
dengue fever
dengue outbreak
denial of service attack
denied persons list
dense rainforest – ivory
department of defense
department of defense report
deploy (ed) troops
deployed in conjunction
deployed soldiers
deployment of military
deployment of police
deployment of troops
deployment of soldiers
deployment of weapons of mass destruction
deportation proceedings
destabilize a region
destabilize government
detailed information
detect threat (s)
detention hearing
detailed chronology
detailed information
detained by authorities
detained by police
detained in
detect IED
detect terrorist activity
detection of
detection of crime
detectives are continuing to investigate
deteriorating security situation
detonate (d)
detonate a bomb
detonate an explosive device
detonated suicide bombs
devaluation of currency
devastating attack
devastating attacks
devastating disaster
devastating mudslide
devastating storm (s)
device discovered in
device exploded
device found
device found in
device was discovered in
DHS – Department of Homeland Security
DHS assets
DHS blue program (human trafficking)
DIA annual threat assessment
diagonosed with the disease
did not detonate
died as a result of injuries
died at the scene
died at the scene of the accident
died in the attack
died from complications
died suddenly
dies after
dies after near drowning in
dies after nearly drowning
dies in custody
dies in police custody
digital documentation
digital surveillance
digital wiretap
diplomatic asset
diplomatic efforts
diplomatic immunity
diplomatic incident
diplomatic mission
diplomatic post
diplomatic security
dire threat
direct attack
direct hit
direct military action
direct threat – crime
dirty bomb
dirty war
disability fraud
disability scam
disable communications
disaster (s)
disaster assistance
disaster management
disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
disaster response
disaster response coordination
disaster response team
disaster unemployment assistance
disease control
disease outbreak
disguised as
dispatch from
dispatched from
dispatched marines
dispatched troops
disrupted travel
disrupted travel for commuters
disaster (s)
disaster assistance
disaster mitigation
disaster plan
disaster relief
disasters man made or natural
discovered evidence
disputed border
disputed waters
disrupt terrorist plans
dissident (s)
diversion tactics
diversionary tactics
diving accident
DNA hacking
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
do not board list
do not fly list
document fraud
DOD statement
dog attack (ed)
dogs attack pedestrian (s)
doggy door burglar
domestic intelligence
domestic nuclear detection
domestic security
domestic spies
domestic terrorism
domestic terrorist attacks
domestic threat
domestic violence
domestic violence death (s)
domestic violence increase
domino effect
doomed flight
door breach
dork query
dormant operative
downing of drone
dozens arrested in
dozens arrested during
dozens detained
dozens hurt
dozens injured
dozens killed
dozer line – f
dragnet included
dramatic increase in
dressed in black tactical gear
drew record numbers
DRIDEX – malware
drink spiking
drip torch – f
drive-by shooting
driven the unemployment rate
drivers fatigue
drone attack
drone base
drone hacking
drone shot down
drone sighting
drone sightings
drone strike (s)
drone strikes in
drones crashed
drowns in boating accident
drug bust
drug corridor
drug (s) found hidden in
drug related violence
drug resistant bacteria
drug shortages
drug trafficking
drug trafficking hub
drug trafficking maps
drug trafficking organizations
drug trafficking route (s)
drug trafficking route (s) Africa
drug trafficking route (s) Asia
dual mandates
duff – f
during a news conference
during a riot
during the search
Dutch police arrested

early warning
early warning signs
early warning systems
earthquake damage
earthquake magnitude
earthquake shakes
earthquake swarm (s)
easily spread
Ebola watch list
echelon system
eco terrorism
ecological risk
economic chaos
economic crisis
economic disruption
economic event
economic stagnation
economic threat
effect on agriculture
effect on population
electric grid
electric grid vulnerable
electric grid vulnerability
electric outage
electric substation
electrical substation
electromagnetic energy
electronic barrier
electronic consignment security declaration (eCSD) electronic surveillance
electronic warfare systems
elevated alert level
elevated alert
eliminate al-Qaeda
elite fighting squads
elite paramilitary unit
elite units
elude authorities
email (s)
emails hacked
emails indicate
emails reveal (ed)
embassy attacked
embassy attacked in
embassy bombing (s)
embassy breach (ed)
embassy closed
embassy closure (s)
embassy evacuated
embassy halts service
embassy has received unconfirmed threat (s)
embassy implemented enhanced security
embassy shuts down
embassy threat
embassy warning (s)
emergence of small groups
emergency action
emergency alert (s)
emergency and disaster information
emergency broadcast system
emergency command
emergency command post
emergency declared
emergency landing
emergency management
emergency phone number for the U.S. embassy
emergency phone number for the U.S. consulate
emergency preparedness
emergency protest
emergency protocol (s)
emergency relief
emergency report
emergency rescue
emergency response
emergency response team
emergency services
emergency services say
emergency session (s)
emergency warning (s)
emerging deadly virus (es)
emerging disease
emerging economy
emerging infection (s)
emerging infectious diseases
emerging new state
emerging risks
emerging security threat
emerging threat
emerging threats
encased in metal piping
encryption techniques
endangered species act
ends military operation in
enemy combatant (s)
enemy’s vulnerabilities
engage in
engine – f
engine crew – f
entered the airport
entered the building
entered the hotel
entered locked area
entered secure area
entered with fake passport (s)
enticed child
enticed girl
environmental emergency
environmental terrorism
epidemic diseases
epidemic of violence
epidemiological bulletin
equatorial rainforests – ivory
equipment failure alarm
eradication efforts
errant bomb
erroneously reported
escalate threat (s)
escape (d)
escape (d) – fire
escaped convict
escaped inmate
ethical breach
ethnic and religious tension
ethnic cleansing
European airports closed
euros seized
evacuated after threat
evacuation (s)
evacuation center
evacuation flight (s)
evacuation (s) ordered
evacuation route (s)
evade authorities
evade police
evade tracking
event cancelled
event occurred in
everyman for himself
execution carried out
exercise caution
exile (s)
exiled groups
existing military pacts
exists in
exotic pet smuggling
expanded recalls
expatriate (s)(expat)
expatriate (s)(expat) arrested
expatriate (s)(expat) detained
expatriate (s)(expat) killed
expatriate (s)(expat) missing
expatriate (s)(expat) murdered
expatriate (s)(expat) raped
expatriate (s)(expat) robbed
expel militants
experience delays
experts warn of potential disaster
exploding global population
exploit data links
explosion in
explosion near mosque (s)
explosion occurred
explosion outside consulate
explosion outside embassy
explosion outside U.S. consulate
explosion outside U.S. embassy
explosion proof
explosion reported in
explosion shakes
explosive (s)
explosive breach
explosive charge
explosive detective engineering
explosive device
explosive ordnance
explosive precursors
explosive storage magazines
explosive weapon (s)
explosives stolen
explosives threat
explosives went off near
expressed misgivings
extended attack – f
extends ban on
extends ban on guns
extends ban on sale of
extensive investigation
external subversion
extortion scam
extra security measures
extracting information
extreme drought (s)
extreme far-right movement (s)
extreme violence
extreme weather
extreme weather events
extremist (s)
extremist exploitation
extremist forum
extremist group
extremist regime of the Taliban
FAA investigates plane crash
FAA issued warning
FAA issues warning
Facebook scam
face terror charges
face-to-face combat
faces charges
faces extradition
faces murder charge (s)
facilitate information sharing
fact finding mission
factories shut down
failed coup attempt
failed mission
failed state
failed suicide attack
fake birth certificate
fake bomb
fake degree
fake document (s)
fake driving licence (UK)
fake drugs
fake goods
fake id
fake id’s
fake IRS agents
fake logos
fake medicines
fake merchandise
fake passport (s)
fake passport industry
fake pharmaceuticals
fake websites
false bomb threat
false documents
false flag attack (s)
false flag (covert operation)
false imprisonment
false narrative
family influenced violent extremist
fascist idealism
fastest growing crimes
fastest immigrant population
fatal attack
fatal bear attacks
fatal crash
fatal police shooting (s)
fatal shot
fatally injured
fatally shot
fatally shot by
fatally stabbed
fatally stabbed by
father charged in
FBI agents arrested
FBI alert
FBI cywatch
fears of more attacks
felony computer abuse and conspiracy
Ferguson effect
fertilizer bomb
fetal homicide
fewer causalities
fight against terrorism
fight between
fight broke out
fight with militant group
fighters ambushed
fighters from
fighting force
file charges against the suspect
financial backer of al-Qaeda operations
financial crime (s)
financial crisis
financial fraud
financial intelligence units
financial threat
fire at chemical plant
fire behavior
fire bomb (firebomb)
fire broke-out
fire camp
fire cycle
fire danger
fire department officials say
fire destroyed a
fire displaces
fire ecology
fire edge
fire fighting foam
fire in
fire in plant
fire is under control
fire lookout
fire lookout tower
fire officials suspected
fire risk
fire rockets
fire shelter
fire starters
fire threat
fire trail
fire line
fire storm
fired three shots into the air
fired shots into the air
first responder
first responder network
first warning
flanks of a fire
flare mules (UK)
flare up
flash flood warning
flash flood watch
flash fuels – f
flashover – f
flawed decision
flawed intelligence
fleeing in
fleeing internal violence
flight (s)
flight (s) between
flight cancellation (s)
flight (s) cancelled
flight conditions
flight data recorder
flight delay
flight delays
flight diverted
flight forced to
flight made emergency landing
flight makes emergency landing
flight plan filed
flight seat reduction
flights added
flood (s)
flood barrier
flood barrier at risk
flood damage
flood radar
flood stressed
flood threat continues
flood toll rises
flood zone
flooding in
floods in
floods kill
flow of drug money
flu deaths
flu outbreak (s)
foia request
foiled attack
fog of war
foggy weather
following heavy flooding
following heavy flooding and rains
following heavy rains
following the coup
food airlifts
food borne disease outbreak
food borne illness
food defense
food insecurity
food poisoning
food security
food shortage
food source
food supply
food supply risk
food tampering
food terrorism
foot soldier
force concentration – m
force deployment
force protection level
forced emergency landing
forced landing
forced work stoppage
forces evacuation
forces shelled
foreclosure fraud
foreign affairs spokesman
foreign animal disease
foreign conflict
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST)
foreign fighters
foreign insurgent
foreign intelligence operative
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
foreign intelligence surveillance court
foreign military sales
foreign military sales program (programme)
foreign national charged with
foreign rescue workers
foreign spies
foreign terrorist organization
foreign threat
foreign tourists
foreign trade zones
foreign troops targeted
forensic evidence
forensic information
forensic investigator
forensic investigation
forensic psychiatry
forest elephants – ivory poaching
forest fire
forged check
forged document (s)
forged passport
former agents charged
former detective
former employee charged with
former gang member
former terrorist
found bound and gagged
found alive
found at
found deceased
found dead
found dead in car
found guilty
found guilty on all charges
found hidden in
found in food
found stabbed
found stabbed in home
found stabbed to death
frantic effort (s)
fraud committed
fraud detection
fraud investigation scam
fraud misconduct
fraud monitoring
fraud prevention unit
fraud warning
fraudulent identity
fraudulent tax return (s)
fraudulently obtained documents
freely elected president
freight theft
French gendarmes
French security forces
frequent gathering point
freezing rain
friendly fire
friendly fire incident
frightened tourist (s)
fringe group (s)
front companies
frost quake
fuel anger and rage
fueled rumors fugitive operating
full alert
full investigation
full scope investigation with polygraphs
full tactical gear
fundraising terrorism
fungal outbreak
funny money
further escalation
further ideological objectives
further political objectives
further religious objectives
further their cause
future unemployment
gain access to weapons
gain surprise
gang hideout
gang’s hideout
gang intelligence team
gang leaders
gang of looters
gang of thieves
gang related shooting (s)
gas explosion
gas leak
gas like odor
gas line explosion
gasoline shortage
gastrointestinal outbreak
gathering threat
gay arrest
gender violence
general aviation
genetic fingerprints
Geneva report
geofencing software (computers)
geographic data
geographic diffusion
geographic distance
geopolitical climate
geopolitical upheaval
German Muslim community
Germanwings crash
geo hazard
ghostnet – China
global conflict (s)
global counter terrorism
global distribution of food supplies
global food system
global hotspot
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) global report on
global report on trafficking in persons
global spread
global surveillance
global terrorist network
global war on terrorism
global warming
gold heist
google dorking
govern by decree
government approved keywords
government backed militias
government code name
government officials confirmed
government opponents
government spokesman
government spokesperson
government spokeswoman
government unprepared for
government’s star witness
GPS tracking devices
grabbed clerk
grave robber (s)
grave robbing
grave threat
gravity of the situation
greatest threat
green on blue attack
green zone
grenade launched
grenade like explosive
grey market
ground fire
ground incursion
ground invasion
ground water
ground zero
grounded flight (s)
group of armed men
group responsible
group was attacked
growing black market
growing civil unrest
growing concern
growing concerns over increase in
growing fears
growing in strength
growing international isolation
growing Islamist extremism
growing movement
growing problem (s)
growing tension (s)
growing tension (s) between
growing threat
growing threat increasing
growing trend
growth of crime
Guantanamo cocktail
guards have found
guerrilla forces
guerrillas bombed
guerrillas killed
gun and bomb attacks
gun battle
gun battles have occurred
gun crime
gun shootout
gun violence
gun violence is on the rise
gun violence is soaring
gunfire erupted
gunfire heard
gunmen riding on motorcycles
gunmen were shot
gunmen were shot to death
gunmen stormed
gunned down
gunshot wounds
gunshot wounds to
gunshot wounds to the head
H1NN flu – swine flu
H6N1 flu
hack attack
hacker (China)
hacking attack (s)
hacking attempt (s)
hacking ring
hacking services
hacking threat
had obvious signs of trauma
hail storm
halt flights
Hamas attacks
Hamas flags
hand grenade (s)
hand grenade (s) found
handed over to police
hard ivory
hard-line regime
hard sell
harmful goods
harvest down
harvest up
has been arrested
has been detained
has not been seen since
has warned
hate group
haunted tourism
have been arrested
haven for criminals
have been identified
have yet to be identified
have yet to identify
have yet to identify the body
haven for Islamic terrorists
Hawala banking
hazard (s)
hazard identification
hazard reduction (f)
hazard warning
hazardous material (s)
HAZMAT crews
HAZMAT crews respond
hazardous materials response team
he was searched
she was searched
they were searched
head of a fire
health care fraud
health crisis
health hazard
health impact assessment
health ministry
health officials report
heat wave
heavier than normal security
heavily armed
heavily armed men
heavily armed ships
heavily armed soldiers
heavily armed
heavily fortified
heavy gunfire
heavy rain
heavy snow
heavy storms
heavy storms swept through the area
heightened security concerns
held captive
held captive in
held in robbery
held in shooting
helicopter downed by
helicopter crashed
helicopter drop point
her attacker
heroin mixed with fentanyl
heroin mixed with gasoline
heroin trade
Hezbollah operative
Hezbollah planning attacks
Hezbollah planning attacks on western targets
Hezbollah terror cell (s)
Hizb’ allah
hid on rooftop (s)
hide evidence of wrongdoing
hidden in
hidden in baggage
hidden luggage
hidden in metal drums
hidden services
hiding secrets in open
high bacteria counts in the water
high death rate
high level authorities
high level of alert
high level (s) of crime
high powered machine guns
high ranking al-Qaeda official
high readiness force (HRF)
high risk
high risk area
high risk traffic stop
high risk traveler
high standing water
high tech killings – drones
high threat
high threat post (s)
high value individuals
high value target
high winds
high winds, snow, and ice
higher homicide rate than
highest level of government
highest level of travel warning
hijacked a bus
hijacked truck
hiker missing
hiker rescued
historic district
historic talks
hit and run accident
hit and run operations
hit by another vehicle
hitlerite (s)
hitting public services
HIV outbreak
HIV pandemic
hold culprits accountable
hold secret meetings
holding hostage
holding inmates hostage
holding patients hostage
holiday makers (UK)
home grown Jihadist
homegrown extremist (s)
homegrown ISIL attack (s)
homegrown ISIS attack (s)
homegrown militant group (s)
homegrown terrorist
homegrown terrorist
homegrown violence
homegrown violent extremist
home invasion
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Advisory System
homeland threat
homemade bomb (s)
homemade chemical bomb incident (s)
homemade grenade
homicide rate
homicide victim (s)
honor brigade
horrendous conditions
host country
host government
hostage beheaded
hostage crisis
hostage killed
hostage negotiation
hostage negotiation team
hostage rescue situation
hostage (s) rescued
hostage situation
hostage standoff
hostage taking
hostile actions
hostile environment
hostile groups
hot car death
hot spot – f
hotel bombed
hotel evacuated
hotel targeted (s)
hotshot crews – f
house by house search
housing shortage
huge explosion
huge fire
huge population growth
human cargo
human dumping ground
human rights
human rights abuses
human rights violation (s)
human sewage
human smuggling routes
human to animal
human to human
human trafficking
human trafficking hotline
human trafficking intervention court (s)
human trafficking ring
humanitarian aid
humanitarian threat
hundreds displaced
hundreds flee
hundreds infected
hundreds of casualties
hundreds of civilians
hundreds of civilian casualties
hundreds of families
hundreds of individuals
hundreds of people
hundreds of thousands of people
hundreds of tourists
hunger strike
hurricane alert
hurricane deaths
hurricane surge
hurt critically
hurt seriously
hydro meteorological hazards
ice snow wind threaten power
icy road (s)
identity of suspect by video
identify suspect
identify terrorists attempting to buy
identity of terrorist (s)
identity fraud
identity theft
identifying suspicious transactions
ideological clashes
ignited concerns
ignition and fuel sources of the fire
illfated flight (s)
illegal activities
illegal armed group (s)
illegal border crime
illegal border crossing (s)
illegal documents
illegal drones
illegal drug trade
illegal drug trade in
illegal immigration network (s)
illegal leaks
illegal logging
illegal mining
illegal reentry
illegal spying
illegal surveillance
illegal tax evasion
illegal trade
illegal trade of goods
illegal transaction (s)
illegal taps
illegal wildlife trade
illegally entered
illicit arms trade
illicit drugs
illicit compounds
illicit financial flows
illicit goods
illicit medicine (s)
illicit proceeds
illicit small arms light weapons trade
immigrant population
immigration checkpoint
immigration fugitive
immigration office (s)
immigration officer (s)
immigration scam
imminent attack
imminent danger
imminent threat
immune system
impending disaster
import export pricing fraud
imposed economic measures against
imposed martial law
imposed sanctions
improper flight operations
improve security
improvised explosive device (s)
improvised explosive material (s)
improvised weapon (s)
in a news release
in custody death
in-flight emergency
in harms way
in recent days
in recent months
in recent years
in separate locations
in serious condition
in the months prior to the attack
in the same period
incidence of stabbings
incident command system(ICS) f
incident is under investigation
incident occurred on
incident raising concerns
incident site
incidents in
incidence of civil disorder
incident response
incidents of violence
inclement weather
including diplomats
including foreigners
including tourists
increase in
increase in attacks
increase in crime
increase detection (s)
increase in illness (es)
increase in security
increase in such attacks
increase risk (s)
increase of risk (s)
increased military aid
increased military presence
increased policing
increased push by law enforcement
increased Russian military activity
increased security
increased terrorism threat
increased vigilance
increasing tensions between the two countries
indirect threat – crime
industrial disaster
industrial espionage
industrial pollution
infection and transmission
infection rate high
infection rate low
infectious disease (s)
infiltrator tradecraft
influenza outbreak (s)
influenza surveillance report
information extraction
initial attack
informal financial network
informal trade
information of sharing
information sharing
infrared detector – f
infrastructure attack
infrastructure of terrorism
initiation of hostilities
injured after
injured after attack
injured by gunfire
injured by turbulence
injured climber dies
injured climber killed
injured in accident
injured in bomb explosion
injured boy
injured child
injured girl
injured man
injured person
injured while on vacation
injured woman
injured were taken
injured while fleeing
injuries on the body
injuries on the back of the body
injuries on the front of the body
injuries on the side of the body
injuries recorded
injury sustained
injury to the head
injury to the skull
in-Q-tel – Venture arm of CIA
inside job
insider threats
institutional vandalism
intelligence agency mossad
intelligence agencies
intelligence brief
intelligence briefing
intelligence bulletin
intelligence collection
intelligence community
intelligence complex
intelligence database
intelligence failures
intelligence interrogation
intelligence operative (s)
intelligence partners
intelligence received
intelligence report
intelligence sharing
intelligence target
intelligence threat facing
intense conflict
intense fighting
intense storms
intent of group
intent to hurt
intercept calls
intercept data
intercept of group
intercept phone calls
intercepted phone calls
interface zone – f
internal conflict
internal corporate sabotage
international alert system
international border
international sanctions
international shark attack file
international warrant
internet attacks
internet predators
internet services went dark
Interpol alert
Interpol arrest
interstate closed
interstate closed for several hours
intifada (uprising)
intrusion routed through computers
invasive species crime
invasive species
investigate (s)
investigate (s) contaminated water
investigate (s) crime
investigate (s) murder
investigate terrorist activity
investigating a suspicious device
investigation activities
investigation launched
investigation underway
investigative committee
investigative journalists
investigators reported their findings
involved in a crash
involved in the crash
IRA factions
Iran supports
Iran supports Hamas
Iran supports Hezbollah
Iran supports ISIS
Iran supports terrorism
Iran threat assessment
Iran warns
Iran’s military aid
Iranian covert activities
Iranian covert operations
Iranian leaders
Irish travelers
irregular arrivals
irregular migrants
irregular migration
irregular warfare
is described as
IS forces
IS threat
ISIS activity
ISIS affiliates
ISIS bombs
ISIS claims responsibility
ISIS gains ground
ISIS gains ground in
ISIS Islamic State
ISIS kill list
ISIS organization
ISIS threat
Islamic Courts
Islamic extremism
Islamic extremist activity
Islamic militant movement
Islamic militant (s)
Islamic State (ISIS)
Islamic state hacking division
Islamic state group
Islamic state militant group
Islamic suicide attack
Islamic terrorism
Islamist faction
Islamist groups
Islamist insurgency
Islamist leaning separatist rebel
Islamist militancy
Islamist target
isolated area (s)
isolated state
Israel bus attack
Israeli prime minister
issue an alert
issue came to a head
issued distress call
issues alert
issues warning
items seized by
ivory seized
ivory to bribe local officials
ivory smugglers
ivory trafficking
jailed for fraud
Japanese tourist injured
Japanese tourist killed
Japanese tourist missing
jelly fish sting
Jerusalem attack
jewelry heist
Jewish targets
jets entering service
Jihadi attack
Jihadi organization
Jihadist cleric
Jihadist insurgents
Jihadist networks
Jihadist networks in
Jihadist rhetoric
Jihadist websites
joint investigation
journalist arrested
journalist detained
journalist freed
journalist injured
journalist kidnapped
journalist killed
journalist missing
journalist released
journalist reported
JPATS – U.S. Marshals
jumped from balcony
jury convicts
jury duty scam
kamikaze attack
kamikaze drone
kayaking accident
key transit point
kidnap for ransom group
kidnapped for ransom
kidnapped victim released
kidnapping (s)
kidnapping Europeans
kidnapping has occurred
kidnapping westerners
kill (ed)
kill hundreds of thousands of people
kill list
killed after
killed after militant attack
killed by police
killed in
killed in air strike
killed in collision
killed in a police shootout
killed in gunfight
killed in shooting
killed in shootout
killed passengers
killed people
killed people worldwide
killing all aboard
kills _ percent of those infected
knapsack bomb (s)
knife attack
knife crime
knife violence
knock down fire
knocked out substation
knockout game
knowledge of border area
known militants
laced with
laced with poison
lacerations to the body
lacerations to the throat
lack of threats
laid ambush
land mine
large area
large area of the country
large area of the state
large fire
large number of
large number of cases
large number of soldiers
large-scale fire
large seizures
laser guided bomb
laser incident
laser pointer attack
latest attack (s)
latest development
latest threat
latest update
launch (ed) attack
launch explosives
launch tube
launched a military raid
launched ground offensive
launched investigation
launched murder investigation
launches air strikes in (air strikes)
launches ground offensive
launches new efforts
laundering money
laundering the proceeds
law enforcement
law enforcement agency (ies)
law enforcement target (s)
law of the sea
lay in wait for police
lead to civil unrest
leading cause of
leading to insecurity
leaked cable
leaked data
leaked document
leaked documents
leaked emails
leaked official document
leaked official documents
leaked report
Lebanon clan
Lebanese Venezuelan clan
led a chase
left at
left for dead
leftist rebel group
let burn policy
let guard down
lethality in terrorist attacks
letter bomb
levee breached
license plate tracking program
life threatening
lift barriers
light rain
light weapons
lighting sparked fire in
lighting storm
lily pad strategy (military)
line was cut
link between
linked to
linked to attack
linked to crime
linked to the murder
linked to trafficking drugs
listed as threatened (ivory)
listed passengers
loaded with explosives
loan fraud
loan scheme
local hostilities
local media
local media reported
local sentiment
local trafficker
located in an area
location information cell phone
locations of informants
lock down
locked down (lockdown)
logging debris – f
logging slash – f
logos used by insurgents, terrorists, paramilitary groups London terror attack
lone terrorist
lone wolf attack (s)
lone wolf terrorists
lone wolves
long term outage
long term threat
lookouts – f
loose coalitions
looted from
loss/theft report
lost phone service
loud explosion (s)
love scam
low flying planes
low-intensity conflict
low level protection
low-lying dam
lured the victim
machete attack
machete attack computer
made an emergency landing
mail bomb
mail stolen
main security threat
main security threats
main suspects
major disaster declared
major disaster declaration
major donor
major drug bust
major incident
major outage (s)
major risk (s)
major rockslide
major threat (s)
major transit route
major transit route for
major transit route for migrants
major transit route for people smuggling
major transit route for smuggling
majority of cases imported
make alternate travel arrangements
malaria outbreak
malaria deaths
malicious activity
malicious code
malicious code hacking services
malicious code sales
malicious code software
malicious cyber actors
malicious email
malicious software
malicious threat (s)
malware hidden in
malware infection rates
man charged in
man charged with
man dead in suspected terrorist attack
man found dead
man gunned down
manmade disaster
manmade disasters
man not guilty
man portable air defence systems (MAN PADS)
man shot by police
man tried to rob
man was arrested for
mandatory evacuation (s)
manhunt continues in
manufacturing explosives
mapping veins in hand
maritime crime (s)
maritime disaster (s)
maritime domain
maritime domain awareness (MDA)
maritime expansionism
maritime headquarters
maritime security
maritime security threat
marred by violence
martial law declared
martial law preparation
masked man
mass casualties
mass casualties expected
mass civil breakdown
mass demonstrations
mass grave (s)
mass mobilization (s)
mass mobilization against
mass shooters
mass shooting (s)
mass stabbing
mass street demonstrations
mass surveillance
massive blackout
massive data breach
massive manhunt
massive military movement
massive show of force
massive street protests
mastermind behind attack
mastermind of attack
material and economic loss
material support
material support for terrorists
maternity tourism
may have been abducted
may have been compromised
may have been kidnapped
may have been killed
may spread
measures are a result
media account
media gag order
media reported
media said
medical cyber crime
medical data breach
medical fraud
medical identity
medical identity theft
medical threat assessment
medicine shortage
meningitis outbreak
metadata program
method of attack
meth crimes on the rise
Mexican criminal organization
Mexican vigilantes
Mexico crime
microbial threat (s)
midair encounters
migrant route (s)
migrant worker (s)
migration fraud
miles of track
militant group
militant hideout
militant Islamist
militant mujahi movement
militant network
militant organization
militant ties
militant website (s)
militants threaten
militants threaten attack
militarized border
military accord
military asset (s)
military base (s)
military camp (s)
military concentration camps
military conditions
military convoy
military cooperation
military deployment
military detention
military exercise
military experts
military forces moved into
military industrial complex
military installations
military information
military intervention
military movement (s)
military plan (s)
military preparation (s)
military presence
military presence in Africa
military regime
military strategy
military tactics
military threat
military track terrorists
military weakness
military’s actions
minimize risk
mining hazard (s)
minority political group (s)
missile firings
missing American
missing abroad
missing boy
missing child
missing girl
missing hiker
missing hiker found
missing hiker found dead
missing in
missing man
missing person (s)
missing person national park
missing person state park
missing persons report
missing national park
missing state park
missing tourist (s)
missing woman
missing women
mitigate perceived threats
mitigate situation
mitigating the risk
mob killing
mob rule
mobile phone tracking
mobile security
mobilization and deployment
moderate rain
modern warfare
money launderer
money laundering techniques
monitor communications
monitor extremist activity
monitor movement
month’s-long protests
more deaths
more dogs infected
more flu deaths
more humans infected
more people infected
mortar attack (s)
mortar attacks from
mosque assault
mosque attack
mosque attacked
mosque bombing plot
most concentrated
most prevalent crimes
most wanted
most wanted men
mother charged in
mother killed
motion sensors
motive unclear
motorcycle attack
mountain climber
mountain hideout (s)
moved across the border
moved drugs
moved to safer ground
moved to safety
moved troops and weapons
movement leader
moving target (s)
mud slide
multinational effort
multiple effort
multiple attacks
multiple deaths
multiple deaths in shooting
multiple fatalities
multiple injuries
multiple injuries reported
multiple looting
multiple shootings
multiple stab wounds
multiple targets
multi-vector threat
murder for hire
murder investigation launched
murder suspect apprehended
murder suspect arrested
murder suspect detained
murder was carried out
murder weapon
murders up
muscle operative
Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim cleric
Muslim community
Muslim immigrants
Muslim owned businesses
Muslim riots
Muslims are targeted
naked body found
narco air route
narco submarine
narco terrorism
narco-trafficking route (s)
narco-trafficking route (s) Africa
narco-trafficking route (s) Asia
narco-trafficking route (s) Europe
narco-trafficking route (s) Latin America
narco-trafficking route (s) Mexico
National Clandestine Service (NCS) (CIA)
national security
national disaster (s)
national emergency
national emergencies
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
national preparedness
national wildfire coordinating group
national security
national security implications
national security interests
national terrorism advisory system (U.S.)
national uncivilized traveler record (China)
national unity
NATO transformation seminar
natural disaster (s)
natural hazard (s)
nature of threat
nature of warfare
naval operations near
NCTC Information Sharing and Knowledge Development Directorate (ISKD)
near border
near certainty
near collision
near collision with a commercial aircraft
near collision with a drone
near collision with a private aircraft
near conflict zone
near Mexico border
near mosques
near the airport crime
near the border
near the conflict zone
necklace knife
nefarious reason
negotiations between
negotiations stalled
negotiations with
negotiations with Iran
neighboring countries
neo-Taliban insurgency
nerve agents
network (s) vulnerable
new attack (s) inevitable
new cases reported
new hub
new law
new sanctions
new surveillance law
new travel alert
New York State Terrorist Registry ACT
news broke that
new sanctions
nexus between
nexus to terrorism
night raids
no arrest (s) have been made
no credible intelligence
no evidence
no evidence of shooting
no evidence of a shooting
no fatalities
no-fly list
no fly zone
no fly zone database
no go zones
no immediate claim of
no injuries reported
no obvious signs of trauma
no one was injured
no one was killed
no preliminary signs of foul play
no signs of trauma found on body
non-conventional weapons
non-credible threat
non-fatal shooting (s)
non-lethal aid
non-state actors
non-state groups
non-state terrorist incident
norovirus outbreak (s)
not acknowledged publicly
nothing to indicate he was
NSA cell phone location tracking program
NSA collection program
NSA intercept
NSA tradecraft
nuclear agenda
nuclear arms race
nuclear arsenal
nuclear bunker
nuclear detection system
nuclear domino effect
nuclear negotiations
nuclear posture
nuclear program
nuclear strategy
nuclear talks
nuclear test
nuclear weapon ballistic missile
nuclear weapons
number of anti-aircraft systems
number of new infections has risen
number of violent crimes
objective of damaging – military activity or attack obscure group
obtained images from cameras
obtained images from surveillance cameras
obvious signs of trauma
occupation forces
occurs in
odd weather
offensive cyber weapon
office of naval research
officer-involved shooting (s)
officers dispatched
officers responded
official accounts
official not authorized to comment publicly
officials discussed
officials indicted
officials reported
officials suspected
officials vowed
offshore account (s)
oil shipping facility
oil smuggling
oil spot strategy (military)
oil terminal
oil thieves
on a bus carrying
on alert
on alert for terrorist attack (s)
one of the hostages
ongoing conflict
ongoing investigation (s)
onion routing
online alias (es)
online child pornography
online data breach (s)
online enticement of children
online rental scam (s)
online scam (s)
online security
online security threat (s)
online surveillance
open (ed) border
open civil war
open source intelligence gathering
open to abuse
opened a criminal investigation
opened fire
operating as a front
operating illegally in
operating in
operation Jade Helm 15
operational operative
operational leader
operational planner
opium bride (Afghanistan)
opium harvest
opium harvest (Afghanistan)
opium harvest (Mexico)
opium smuggling routes
opposition faction (s)
opposition movement
order to kill
ordered assassination
ordered at gunpoint
ordered from vehicle at gunpoint
ordered military airstrike
ordered military air strike
organ harvesting
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
organized crime
organized crime groups
organized criminal groups
origin of the fire
originated from
OSINT news
other law enforcement agencies
out of an abundance of caution
outage shut down
outage shut down critical services
outbound travel alert (OTA) – Hong Kong system of global travel alerts outbreak
outbreak of civil unrest
outbreak of violence
outlook deteriorating
outside U.S. consulate
overseas conflict (s)
over prescribe antibiotics
overseas listening posts
overt violent extremist
package bomb
packages disguised as
packages disguised as rocks
packed with explosives
PAK army
paper tiger
parcel bomb
palmer drought severity index (PDL) – f
pamphlets distributed
pamphlets dropped
paperless airfreight
parole violation
particularly vulnerable
passed classified information
passenger aircraft
passenger ill on flight
passenger (s) inspection (s)
passenger name record (PNR)
passenger removed from aircraft
passenger removed from flight
passengers evacuated
passengers forced to evacuate
passenger (s) killed
passport altered
passport fraud
passport and visa fraud
passport revoked
patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the west (PEGIDA) patrol
patrol car
patrolling at night
pay to stay vacation scam
peace talks
peak oil theory
pending indictment
pension fraud
pension scam
Pentagon alert
Pentagon set to
people are fleeing
people arrested
people detained
people have been killed
people in camps
people injured
people killed in attack (s)
people smuggling
people taken to hospitals
people were killed
people were shot
people were wounded
person responsible
personal belongings seized
personal privacy
personnel responded quickly
personnel responded quickly to the scene
petrol bomb
petroleum reserves
pharmaceutical crime (INTERPOL)
pharmaceutical drug cartel
pharmaceutical drug crime ring
pharmaceutical drug ring
pharmaceutical fraud
phishing scam
phone records
phone service out
photo substitution
photo substitution passport
physical attack to grid
physical damage
physical damage assessment
physical threat
pill mill
pilot error
pilot indicated that
pilot reported
pilot reported turbulence
Pinocchio test – whopper
pipe bomb
pipe bomb plot
pipe packed with explosives
pipe packed with firework explosives
pipeline accident
pipeline attack
pipeline explosion
pipeline leak
pipeline shutdown
pirate tactics
pirate zone
pirates attack vessel
pirates attack vessels
placed near a police station
placed on lockdown
plague (s)
plagued by
plane crash
plane crashed
plane forced to land
plane forced to make an emergency landing
planning a series of attacks
planning a series of terrorist attacks
planned attacks on
planning attacks
planning attacks on
planning attacks on churches
planning attacks on civilians
planning attacks on mosques
planning attacks on synagogues
planning attacks on targets
planning attacks on western targets
planning car bomb attack
plant disinformation
planted a bomb
planted bomb (s)
planted explosive devices
planted explosives
planted several explosive devices
planting stories
plastic 3-D printed gun
plot (s)
plot broken up
plot to destabilize the government
plotted attacks
plunged off road
poaching sea bladders
point of origin – f
pointed gun at
pointed rifle at
polar bear hunting
police alert (ed)
police alerted to a bomb
police are investigating a shooting
police are treating the case as
police barricade
police break up
police clash with
police clash with protesters
police crackdown on
police conducted an operation
police conducted wiretaps
police destroy
police have not ruled out foul play
police hunt for
police injured
police investigate
police investigate assault
police investigate murder
police investigate robbery
police investigate shooting
police investigate terrorist activity
police investigation
police investigating
police officer accused of
police officer arrested
police officer fired
police officer injured
police officer killed
police officer shot
police officer shooting
police officer shot man dead
police opened fire
police patrol deployment
police perimeter
police presence
police recover
police reports indicate
police responded
police report activity
police report suspicious activity
police responded to a report of a
police said the body is that of a
police search for
police shooting
police station attacked
police stormed site
police source (s)
police sued
police tactics
policy toward North Korea
political conflict
political controversy
political crisis
political deadlock
political figures
political instability
political retribution
political retribution against
political scandal
political strike
political terrorism
political unrest
political intrigue
political upheaval
political weapon
politics of fear
pollution alert
ponzi scheme
ponzi schemer
poor safety record
poppy farmer
poppy harvest
popular protests
popular with tourists
population expansion
population growth
population trend
porous border (s)
porous border between
portable launchers
port (s) of entry (POE)
port security
pose an immediate threat
pose biggest threat
poses a threat
posing as
position further weakened
possible contamination
possible salmonella contamination
possible scam
possible terror attack
possible terrorist attack
posting pictures on facebook
potassium chlorate (bombs)
potential adversaries
potential attack (s)
potential bomb chemical
potential criminality
potential crisis
potential delays
potential for terrorism
potential harm
potential of shutting down
potential risk
potential risks
potential scam
potential security problem
potential target
potential target (s) for terrorists
potential terror threat
potential terrorist
potential terrorist threats
potential threat (s)
potentially dangerous
power blackouts
power grid
power lines damaged
power outage (s)
power outage (s) in
power sector
power shortage
power surge
predator b drone
pre-incident indicators (PINS) of violence
precarious situation
precursor chemicals
precursor chemicals seized
predictive analysis
predictive analytics
prescribed burn (s) - f
predator drones
preempt and disrupt terrorist activities
preemptive of a terrorist attack
preliminary signs of foul play
presence continues to grow
presence of civilians
present situation
preservation letter
preserve anonymity
presumed dead
pretending to be a teen
prevent a terrorist attack from taking place
prevented from taking off
prevention of a military attack
prevention of an attack
prevention of terrorist attack
prevention measures
preventive action
previous attacks on
price hike (s)
prices have climbed
pricing inaccuracies
primary threat (s)
prime breeding ground for terrorism
prime minister said
principal keywords
prior to the assassination
prior to the attack
prism surveillance program
prison break
prison escape
prison walls
prisoner attacks
prisoner swap
privacy breach
privacy concerns
privately held data
privatized military companies
proactive actions
probably method of attack
probation violation
probe launched
proclaimed a state of emergency
procure weapons
product extortion
profits finance drug gangs
propagates the disease
project prophecy CIA
prominent al-Qaeda member
promote extremism
promote militancy
prompted red alert
prompts warning
propagates the disease
prosecutors also charged
protecting crowded places
protection measure (s)
protection measure for earthquake (s)
protection measure for landslide (s)
protection measure for damage to building (s) from cyclone (s) protection
measures from damage to buildings during earthquake (s) protection measures
from damage to buildings during floods protection measures tsunami (s)
protection money
protective action
protest (s)
protest against
protest outside U.S. consulate
protest outside U.S. embassy
protest planned
protest (s) turned violent
protest (s) turns violent
protest (s) in
protest (s) quickly spread
protester arrested
protesters arrested
protester (s) attack (ed)
protesters burn flags
protesters raid
protests aimed at toppling
protests being planned
protests turned violent
provide air protection
provide air support
provided material support
public emergency
public disaster
public health
public health alert
public health announcement
public security
public safety spokesman
public speeches
public venues
pulmonary irritants
punctured a pipeline
purchased high explosives
purple notice
put on red alert
Q - R
quantum computer
quell civil unrest
quell protests
quell riots
questions remain
quick action
quickly denounced
quickly deteriorate (d)
race riots
radar data not available
radar equipment
radiation accident
radiation alert
radical group (s)
radical Islam
radioactivated improvised explosive devices
radioactive material (s)
radioactive material (s)
radioactive theft
radiological dispersal device (RDD) – dirty bomb radiological weapons
railroad crossing
railroad crossing arms
raises fear (s)
rally site protest
random attacks
random killings
ransom demand
ransom paid
rapid reaction force
rapid shift
rare earth elements
rare earth industry
rare earth mines
raw intelligence
reactive military action
real threats
rebel attack (s)
rebel attacks claim more than one hundred lives rebel group (s)
rebel held territory (ies)
rebel position (s)
received widespread attention
recent attacks
recent convert to Islam
recent events
recent incident (s)
recent outbreak (s)
recent security incident
recent suicide bombings
reconnaissance exercise
record breaking cold
record breaking heat
record breaking heat to continue
record breaking heat to ease
record breaking heat wave
records compromised
records from department of safety
records stolen
recover arms
recovery effort
recovery efforts
recovery of body
red alert
red button hacking
red cell program
red cell team
red death stamp (ISIS)
red flag day – f
red team
reduce exposure
reemergence of militant cells
refugee crisis
regime change
regional hegemon
regional hegemony
regional nuclear war
regional radical
regional security
regional tension (s)
reign of terror
reinforced controls at border crossings and airports related attack (s)
related threat
relations between Seoul and Beijing
released data today
released publicly
relief aid
relieved of duty (ies)
reliable source (s)
religious extremist
religious terrorist group
remain classified
remain unaccounted for
remains jailed
remains speculative
remote area
remote controlled aircraft
remote controlled warfare
remote desert area
remote region
renewed their offensive
rental car scam
repeated emergence
report filed with
reported cases
reported cases of
reported cases of dengue
reported cases of Ebola
reported cases of flu
reported cases of influenza
reported cases of malaria
reported influenza case (s)
reported killed
reported lost
reported missing
reported suspicious activity
reports of
reports of a fight
reports of fighting
reports of continued gunfire
reports suggest
reports of violence
reports of violence increase
repressive regime
reprisal attack
rescue attempt
rescue mission
rescue scenario
rescue workers
rescuers were alerted
residents still without power
residents told to evacuate
residents told to leave
residents were without power
residents without electricity
residents without water
residents without power
resistant tuberculosis
response team
response to the threat
responded to a report of a fire
responded to an add on craigslist
responded to an add posted on the internet
responded with air strikes
responsible for numerous attacks
restricted airspace
restricted area
restricted area access
resulting in more deaths
retaliatory attack (s)
retaliatory measures
retrieve data
returning Jihadists
reveals that
revenge attack (s)
reverse lookup programs
reverse prostitution sting
reverse sting
rickshaw attack
rickshaw bomb
rickshaw bomb kills
riddled with bullet holes
right-wing violence
riot broke out
riots break out
riots claim more than 100 lives
rip current
rise in
rise in heroin use
rise in number of people
rise of cyber crime
rising tension (s)
risk assessment
risk and threat assessment
risk identification
risk of coup
risk of escalation
risk of kidnap
risk zone
road blockages
roadblock military
roadblock police
road closure (s)
road damage
road traffic safety
roadblocks were reported
robbed at gunpoint
robbers fatally shot
robbers were armed
robbery suspect arrested
robbery suspect detained
robbing a convenience store
robbing a gas station
rock assault
rocket propelled grenade launcher
rockets fired on Israel
rogue drones
rogue state (s)
rolling blackout (s)
rolling roadblock (UK)
romas – Bulgarian gypsies
romance scam
rounds of ammunition
route between the countries
roving bands
roving wire tap (s)
run on deposits
runway excursion
Russian military aggression
Russian regional airlines, accidents
Russia warns
Russian aggression
Russian bombers
Russian bride scam (s)
Russian crime gang
Russian cyber threat
Russian hackers
Russian military operations
ruthlessness people
sabotage threat
safe haven
safe haven for Islamic terrorists
safety concern (s)
safety of customers
safety of infrastructure
San Diego sector
sanctions against
sanctions against Iran
sanctions against Russia
sanctions imposed
sanctuary to terrorists
satanic cult
scale of damages
scam advisory
scam alert
scam baiting
scam buster
scammer (s)
scenario analysis
scenario planning
scheduled to leave
scheme to steal
school closure
school shooting (s)
scope of the mission (s)
scope of the threats
scores die
scores killed
scout plane
scouting plane
scrape networks
scrubbing social media site
search and rescue efforts
search effort (s)
search efforts called off
search team (s)
search team found
searching for flight
searching for missing flight
seasonal weather
seat reduction
secret court
secret room
secret society
secret surveillance network
secret UFO locations
secretive special forces
section 215 Patriot Act
secluded location
sectarian violence
secret acts
secret equipment
secret facility
secret Iranian facility
secret Iranian nuclear facility
secret Iranian nuke facility
secret fifth column
secret meeting (s)
secret military base (s)
secret military intelligence report (s)
secret tribunal
secretive special forces (mil)
sectarian war
securing nation’s borders
securing systems
security breach
security breach airport
security challenge
security clearance
security concerns
security details
security drill
security experts warn
security fears
security flaw
security forces
security forces pulled out
security forces sealed off
security grossly inadequate
security issues
security lapse
security measure (s)
security measures revised
security message for U.S. citizens
security operative (s)
security services
security situation (s)
security team is investigating
security threat
security threats
security tightened
security to be stepped up
security warning (s)
security worries grow
seek evacuation
seek refuge at embassy
seeking a consensus
seized at airport
seized by opposition forces
seized drugs
seizing the town of
seizure of
seizure of drugs
seizure of pharmaceuticals
seizure of plants
self guided bullets
selling military secrets
send lewd photos
senior intelligence officer (SIO)
senior intelligence official
sensitive information
sensitive security information
sentencing date not announced
sentencing date postponed
sent weapons to
serial killer
serial rapist
series of attacks
series of explosions
series of shark attacks
serious concern (s)
serious threat (s)
served in prison
server compromised
servers targeted
service reduction
services first went down around
serving fronts for prostitution
setting off a car bomb outside
severe damage
severe drought
severe unemployment
severe infection
severe inflation
severe storm
severe thunderstorm warning
severe threat
severe weather
severe weather alert
severe winter storm
severed fingers crime
severely degraded (terrorism)
severely diminished
sewage contaminated water
sewage overflow
sex crimes involving children
sex offender
sex offender arrested
sex offender detained
sex offender registration
sex tourism business
sexual assault
sexual assault patterns
sexual crime (s)
sexual exploitation
sexual offense
sexual predator (s)
sexual servitude
sexually transmitted disease (s)
shadow networks
Shariah law
shark attack
sharp force injuries
sharp increase in
shelter in place order
sheltering an illegal alien
sheltering illegal aliens
sheriff’s officials say
shift in human geography
shifting their locations
Shiite Houthi rebels
ship capsized
ship carrying weapons
ship righted
shocking attack (s)
shoot down
shoot down aircraft
shooting arrest
shooting suspect
shooting suspect barricaded
shootings on the rise
shootings up percent
shortage of supplies
shortage of medical supplies
shortage medical supplies
short term threat
shortages of commodities
shot and killed himself
shot dead
shot by
shot outside
shot suspect after
shot to death
shots fired
show of force
shangri-la dialogue
siege consulate
siege embassy
sign (ed) a decree
significant attack
significantly disrupted
signs of trouble
signs military accord
Sikh temple
sim card theft
Singapore Police Force Crisis Negotiation Unit
situational awareness report
situation continues to deteriorate
situation deteriorating
situation in _ serious
skids off runway
skirting the law
slain officer
slaying of police
sledding accident
sleeper teams
sleeper tradecraft
small arms
small explosives went off
small groups of people
small plane crash
small protests
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) (U.S.) smoldering
smuggled alcohol
smuggled cigarettes
smuggled goods
smuggled in
smuggled into
smuggled into the U.S.
smuggler (s)
smuggler (s) arrested
smuggler (s) detained
smuggling business
smuggling corridor
smuggling imports
smuggling inside her body
smuggling inside his body
smuggling routes
smuggling routes from
smuggling syndicate
smuggling travel networks
sneaking over border
sniper assault
sniper attack (s)
sniper operations
sniper shot
snow storm
snowfall measurement
social media
social media hacking
social media network
social media threat
social stability
social terrorism
social unrest in
socially reinforced violent extremist
soft targets
sold credit card data
sold illegally
soldier injured
soldier killed
soldier shot
soldier shot dead
Somali pirates
Sony hack
sorties against targets
source of the virus
sources close to
sources from the U.S. government
sources of the fire
sources reported
sources said
sparks evacuation
sparsely populated areas
speaking on condition of anonymity
special access program
special envoy
special ops
special rapporteur
special response team (SRT)
special task force
specific threat (s)
specific threats Olympics
spike in
spike in crime
spike in kidnappings
spillover violence
spiral of violence
spiraling violence
splinter group (s)
spoofed telephone number
spoofing tactics
sporadic clashes
sporting events
spotted wearing
spread of infection
spread of infectious disease (s)
spread of radical Islam
spread terror
sprengel explosive
spy agencies
squatter arrested
sql injection
stab wound (s)
stabbed and shot
stabbed in neck
stabbed in the face
stabbed in the head
stabbed to death
stabbed with screwdriver
stabbing attack
stabbing death (s)
stage attack (s)
stagnant water
static security
stand down order
stark warning
started shooting
State Department has advised Americans
State Department issues warning
state of emergency
state sponsored terrorism
state-sponsored terrorism
state terrorism
statement said
stealth technology
steel combs (stabbing)
still missing
sting operation
stingray phone surveillance
stock exchange halts trading
stole a
stolen billfold
stolen car (s)
stolen documents
stolen drugs
stolen email addresses
stolen emails
stolen explosives
stolen goods
stolen gun
stolen identity refund scam
stolen iridium
stolen passport
stolen password
stolen purse
stolen travel documents
stolen vehicle
stolen wallet
stolen weapon (s)
stopping flights
stopping flights from
stopping flights to
storm capsized
storm causes damage, flooding
storm causes wrecks
storm surge
storms cause damage
storms cause damage in
storms cause power cuts in
storms cause road closures
storm cause widespread
storms paralyze
storm paralyzes
storms sweep across
storms sweep across state
stranded in
stranded motorist
strapped a cord around neck
strategic alliance (s)
strategic early warning
strategic international studies
strategic mission list
strategic plan (s)
strategic presence in
strategic terrorism
street reversal prostitution
strikes and protests
strikes militant positions
string of burglaries
string of terrorist attacks
structured transactions
structuring (IRS)
student abducted
student demonstration
subdued by bystanders
subdued by police
submarine sighting (s)
subversive groups
sucker punch
sudden death
suffered severe damages
suffers massive power outage
suicide attack (s)
suicide bomber attack (s) (ed)
suicide blasts
suicide groups
suicide operations
suicide tourism
suicide vest
summary execution
super bug (s)
supply chain security
support for terrorists
support operations
surge in terrorist attacks
surge in violence
surveillance aircraft
surveillance camera
surveillance network
surveillance of air travelers
surveillance program
surveillance technology
surveillance tools
survey the damage
survival of the passengers
suspect admits
suspect (s) arrested
suspect (s) detained
suspect in terrorist attack
suspect in terrorist attacks
suspect (s) injured
suspect (s) killed
suspect (s) opened fire
suspect (s) opens fire
suspect (s) shot
suspected accomplices
suspected active faults
suspected in the terror threat
suspected in the terrorist attack
suspected international terrorists
suspected Islamist extremists
suspected Jihadis
suspected terror threat
suspected terrorist (s)
suspected terrorist(s) attack tomorrow
suspected terrorist (s) detained without trial
suspected terrorist (s) rights
suspected terrorist (s) threats
suspected terrorists list
suspended peace talks
suspending search efforts
suspends consular services
suspicions sparked
suspicious activity (ies)
suspicious activity reports
suspicious attacks
suspicious behavior
suspicious crash
suspicious device
suspicious event (s)
suspicious internet activity
suspicious situation (s)
suspicious transaction (s)
suspicious visits
sustained campaign against
SWAT response
SWAT team
sweep across (weather)
swept away by current
sword (s)
sword attack
Syrian electronic army
system compromised
system crashed
system to assess risk (STAR) (FBI)
systemic event – financial economy
systemic risk
swarm boats
swept up in the scam
tactical advantage (s)
tactical alliance
tactical nuclear weapon (s)
tactical operators
tactical team
tactics revealed
tailored access operations (TAC group – NASA)
tails operating system
tainted food
tainted with
taking a huge toll
taking on water
Taliban commander
Taliban government
Taliban insurgency
Taliban regime
talks involving the two groups
tamper with U.S. infrastructure
tampered with
tampering with public water system
tantalum – chemical
tapped conversations
tapping phone
target for kidnappers
target for poachers – ivory
target for terrorist attack (s)
target hardening
target of investigation
target of terrorism
target people online
target soft spots
target soldiers online
target weaknesses (attack) (sabotage)
targeted assaults
targeted attack
targeted attacks
targeted attack campaign
targeted by terrorists
targeted cyber-attacks
targeted for
targeted for extortion
targeted in attack (s)
targeted killings
targeted police operations
targeted recruit
targeted surveillance
targeted the
targeting critical infrastructure
targeting dozens of victims
targeting journalists
targeting local
targeting police
targets of predators
tarmac wait time (s)
task force
task force agent
tax avoidance
tax avoidance strategy
tax evasion
tax fraud
tax haven
tax refund fraud
tax refund scam
tax scam
tax scams
tax season scams
TB epidemic
team leader
tear-gas bomb
technical hazard (s)
technical issue (s)
technological disaster
teenager (s) arrested
teenager (s) detained
telephone bomb threat
telephone scam (s)
telephone services went dark
temporary road closures
temporarily suspending services
temporary mission facility
tens of thousands have taken to the streets
tension with Beijing
tension (s) between
tensions between the U.S. and China
tensions between the U.S. and Iran
tensions between the U.S. and North Korea
tensions between the U.S.
tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union
tensions have abated
tensions mount
tensions mount between
territorial advances
territorial ambition
territorial dispute
territorial dispute
territory claimed by
terror alert system
terror alert today
terror attack (s)
terror attack linked (s)
terror attack (s) may be linked
terror attack power grid
terror attack rumor
terror cell
terror cell in
terror funding
terror group (s)
terror plot
terror plot broken up
terror plot thwarted
terror prevention
terror suspect
terror warning
terrorism alert
terrorism case
terrorism financing
terrorism fundraising
terrorism insurance
terrorism plot
terrorism related act
terrorism risk assessment
terrorism risk insurance
terrorism risk score
terrorism sponsor
terrorism threat
terrorist act
terrorist action
terrorist alert level
terrorist attack
terrorist attack on border
terrorist capability
terrorist cell
terrorist crime
terrorist crimes
terrorist element (s)
terrorist facilitator
terrorist fundraising
terrorist fundraising methods
terrorist groups
terrorist haven
Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) Central database of names in
terrorist incident (s)
terrorist methods
terrorist network
terrorist organization
terrorist plot
terrorist plots foiled
terrorist plots foiled by NSA
terrorist plots since 9/11
terrorist recruitment
terrorist registry
terrorist related activity
terrorist shooting
terrorist sleeper cells
terrorist sympathizer
terrorist tactics
terrorist target
terrorist targets
terrorist use of drones
terrorist use of social media
terrorist watch list
terrorists hiding
tested positive for
the announcement follows
the attack on
the FBI shut down
the foreigners killed were
the plane was flying in route from
the company said
the far right
the restoration project – immigration
theft of funds
thinly veiled threat
thousands affected by outages
thousands flee
thousands infected
thousands of families flee
thousands stranded
threat of terrorist act
threat matrix
threat on president
threatened with gun
threatening message
threatening messages
tier 1 target
there were indications
thorium - chemical
those most at risk
thousands protest
threat actor (s)
threat against
threat alert
threat alert extended
threat assessment
threat assessment team
threat continues
threat environment
threat estimates
threat heightened
threat intelligence
threat landscape
threat level
threat level increased
threat level raised
threat of attack
threat of destabilization
threat of terrorist attack
threat perception (s)
threat potential
threat reporting
threat to airline
threat to American security
threat to critical infrastructure
threat to national security
threat to public safety
threat (s) to U.S.
threat to U.S. security
threat was linked
threats posed by
threats to national security
threaten (ed) to carry out further attacks
threaten (ed) to carry out more attacks
threatened to kill family
threatened to kill her
threatened to kill him
threatened to kill his family
threatened to kill the hostage (s)
threatening post (s)
threatening post (s) on Craigslist
threatening post (s) on Facebook
threatening post (s) on Twitter
threatens strike
threats of violence
threats of violence prompts
threats to business
three card Monte
throng of reporters
thwarted terror attack
ticket fraudsters
ticking time bomb
tied her hands
tied his hands
tied his/her hands with
time bombs
time sensitive
time sensitive information
time sensitive intelligence
timeshare fraud
tip database
tip off adversary
to deter
took control of
took control of airport
took control of oil field (s)
took refuge
took refuge in bomb shelter
top-secret documentation
TOR networks
TOR users
TOR websites
torching – f
tornadic activity
tornado deaths
tornado touched down
tornadoes destroy
torrential rain (s)
tourism industry
tourist attack (ed)
tourist drowned
tourist drowning
tourist (s) killed
tourist (s) missing
tourist (s) missing since
tourist (s) murdered
tourist police
tourist (s) robbed
tourist (s) scam
tourist (s) scammed
tourist stabbed to death
tourist (s) targeted
tourist (s) wounded
toxic disaster
tramper (hiker)
trade based laundering
traffic collision avoiding systems
trafficked children
trafficked women
trafficked workers
trafficking activities
trafficking bladders
trafficking group (s)
trafficking in children
trafficking in children and their organs
trafficking in human beings
trafficking in narcotic drugs
trafficking networks
trafficking in organ parts
trafficking in persons
trafficking proceeds
trafficking in women
tragic accident
tragic event (s)
train accident
train carrying
train collides with
train derailed
train derails
transmission line
transmission line attack
transmission substation (transformers)
transnational network of terrorist groups
transnational security issues
transnational terrorism
transplant tourism
transportation hub (s)
trapped in
trapped in boat
trapped in building (s)
trapped in house (s)
trapped inside
trapped inside building (s)
trapped inside the house
travel advisory index
travel ban
travel club scheme
travel restriction (s)
travel scam (s)
travel scam (s) – Asia
travel scam (s) Europe
travel warning (s)
traveled to
traveler stabbed to death
travelers evacuated
travelers were advised
treacherous terrain
treatment protocol
treaty deadline
tribal kidnapping (s)
tried and jailed
tried to destroy evidence
Trojan attack
troop levels
troop withdrawal (s)
troops gathered
troops along the border
troops dispatched
troops fire
troops fired at
troops on alert
troops stormed
tropical cyclone
tropical storm
trove of classified records
trove of records
trying to recruit agents
TSA checkpoint
TSA precheck
tsunami alert
tsunami warning
Tsunami Warning Center
tube strike (U.K.)
tuberculosis case confirmed
tuberculosis outbreak
turbulence advisory
turns himself in
twitter account hacked
twitter threat
types of terrorism threats
types of threats
typhoon alert
typhoon intensifies
unauthorized person
unbreakable code
uncertain future
unclassified document (s)
unconfirmed report (s)
unconfirmed report of attack (s)
unconfirmed report of death (s)
unconfirmed threat
under investigation for
under siege
under the agreement
undercover investigation
undercover testing airport (s)
underground military site (s)
underground site
underwear bomb
undisclosed location
undisclosed hotel
undisclosed report
unencrypted files
unexpected freezes
unexpected frosts
United States intelligence community
unilateral sanctions
universal threat
unjustified killing
unknown group
unprovoked attack (s)
unprovoked fight (s)
unregistered drones
unresponsive aircraft
unsafe incident
unstable region
unusual conditions
unusual weather conditions
unwitting co-optee
updating security measures
uprising (s)
Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP)
up tick
up tick in violent crime
urban attack
urban combat
urban terrain
urban terrorism
urban warfare
urban warfare techniques
urgent action
urges attack
urges attack on U.S.
using encryption
UK threat level severe
UN concerns rises
UN imposes arms embargo
UN warns of
unknown group
U.S. airstrike
U.S. counterterrorism official
U.S. covert action
U.S. customs
U.S. customs and Border Protection officers seized U.S. cyber command
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Program U.S. embassy
U.S. interests
U.S. led coalition
U.S. Marshall (s)
U.S. radicalized
U.S. renews global terrorism alert
U.S. warns
U.S. warns citizens
U.S. warns of possible attacks
undocumented immigrants
unscreened immigrant (s)
urgent security issue (s)
urgent security issues
use of force
use of weapons
user name, password
Utah Data Center – foreign data center
utility equipment thieves
vacation scam
vague death threat
valuable data
vandal attempted
vandals sliced
vehicle attacks
vehicle ramming
vehicle rampages
vehicles laden with explosives
vehicles set on fire
vehicular accident
vehicular assault
veiled threat – crime
venom software bug
vertical information sharing
via email
vicarious counterfeiters
victims infected with
victims infected with herpes
victims of poisoning
victims targeted
video showed video footage
video voyeurism
vigilante justice
violence against children
violence against women
violence erupts
violence erupts in
violence escalates
violence grips
violence grows
violence has increased
violence is soaring
violence not over
violence outbreak
violence spreads
violent attacks caught on tape
violent campaign
violent clash
violent clashes
violent clashes across
violent clashes between
violent clashes in
violent clashes near
violent crime
violent crime increasing
violent crime decreasing
violent demonstration
violent extremism
violent extremist activity
violent outbreak (s)
violent person
violent rain
violent series of attacks
violent storm
violent struggle
viral infection
virtual currency
virtual fence
virtual global task force
virus in bloodstream
visa waiver privileges
visa waiver program
visual evidence
visual warning system
vocal critic
voice logging
volatile area (s)
vulnerability assessment
vulnerable during transit
vulnerable sites
vulnerable target (s)
vulnerable threats
vulnerable to
vulnerable to attack
vulnerability of the system
Wahhabi extremism
wake of the attacks
war breaks out
war on terror
war propaganda
war torn
warned against possible spread of
warned against possible spread of H1N1 (influenza, flu) warning
warning issued
warning issued by law enforcement
warning message
warns citizens of the risks of traveling
warrantless arrest
warrantless wiretap
warrantless wiretapping
was arrested
was arrested on
was arrested today
was bombed
was compromised
was detained by
was found
was found in
was found next to
was kidnapped
was killed
was killed in the attack
was killed in the shooting
was placed on probation
was punched
was shot at
was slain
was targeted
wash wash scam
watch list, watchlist
water challenges
water contamination
water crisis
water cuts
water emergency
water main broke
water main ruptured
water poisoning
water shortage (s)
water source (s)
water supply
water supply and sanitation
water war
weakened immune system
weakened immune systems from disease
weakening economy
weakening global recovery
weapons broker
weapons found
weapons grade
weapons hidden
weapons of mass destruction (wmd)
weapons paid for by
weapons smuggler
weapons test
weather alert
weather chaos
weather conditions
weather modification – alteration of weather phenomena over a limited area
weather observer
weather related issues
weather related problems
weather warfare
weather warning
weather watch
web based attacks
web crawler software
web data mining
web scraping
website vulnerability
weekend shooting (s)
well organized campaign
went into lockdown
were deployed
western hostages
wet foot, dry foot immigration policy
who was the adversary
who went missing
widespread corruption
widespread devastation
widespread flu
widespread illness
widespread looting
widespread outages
widespread panic
widespread power outages
widespread violence
WikiLeaks threat
wildland fire
wildife smuggling
wing of al Qaeda
wipe computer
with civil unrest
with neighboring
without warning
woman charge in
woman charged with
woman found dead
woman missing
woman murdered
woman not guilty
woman raped
women targeted in attacks
worker exploitation
workplace violence
worldwide average
worldwide threat (s)
worsening conditions
worsening events
worst case scenario
would be robbers
wounded after
wounded in
wounded in action
wounded in a shooting
wounded in stabbing attack
wounds to the upper torso
wrongful death lawsuit
xenophobia has risen
xenophobic violence
yellow alert
Yemeni group
youth violence
according to FAA records
aerial assassinations
aerial attacks
aerial bomb
air attack
air cargo threat
air controllers strike
air marshal
air operations air piracy
air rage
air show
air strike
air strikes
air tactical group supervisor
air traffic
air traffic cancellations
air traffic cancellations across Europe
air trafficking
air travel market
aircraft hijacking
airfreight transport
airline bomb threat
airport attack
airport evacuation
airport security
airport security checkpoints
airport security incidents
airspace surveillance
airspace violation
all flights grounded
armed drone
arrested at airport
attack on airline
aviation security
banned all air traffic
black box
board aircraft
cancelled flights
CAPPS II – Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System II charter flight
charter flight (s) to get out chopper
chopper crashed
civil aviation
civil aviation authorities
civilian airspace
civilian drone incidents
civilian drones
clandestine airfields
clandestine airstrip
cockpit smoke
cockpit voice recorder
commercial flights have been temporarily suspended do not board list
do not fly list
doomed flight
downing of drone
drone attack
drone base
drone hacking
drone shot down
drone sighting
drone sightings
drone strike (s)
drone strikes in
drones crashed
European airports closed
evacuation flight (s)
experience delays
FAA investigates plane crash
FAA issued warning
FAA issues warning
flight (s)
flights (s) between
flight cancellation (s)
flight (s) cancelled
flight conditions
flight data recorder
flight delay
flight delays
flight diverted
flight forced to
flight made emergency landing
flight makes emergency landing
flight plan filed
flight seat reduction
flights added
forced emergency landing
forced landing
general aviation
Germanwings crash
grounded flights
halt flights
helicopter downed by
helicopter crashed
helicopter drop point
high tech killings – drones
illfated flight (s)
improper flight operations
in-flight emergency
jets entering service
kamikaze drone
laser incident
laser pointer attack
low flying planes
made an emergency landing
midair encounters
near collision
near collision with a commercial aircraft
near collision with a drone
near collision with a private aircraft
near the airport crime
no-fly list
no fly zone
no fly zone database
number of anti-aircraft systems
passenger aircraft
passenger ill on flight
passenger (s) inspection (s)
passenger name record
passenger removed from aircraft
passenger removed from flight
pilot error
pilot indicated that
pilot reported
pilot reported turbulence
plane crash
plane crashed
plane forced to land
plane force to make an emergency landing
predator b drone
predator drones
prevented from taking off
provide air protection
provide air support
radar data not available
radar equipment
remote controlled aircraft
restricted airspace
rogue drones
runway excursion
Russian regional airlines, accidents
scheduled to leave
scout plane
scouting plane
searching for flight
searching for missing flight
seat reduction
security breach airport
shoot down aircraft
skids off runway
stopping flights
stopping flights from
stopping flights to
surveillance aircraft
tailored access operations (TAC group – NASA)
tarmac wait time (s)
the plan was flying in route from
took control of airport
TSA checkpoint
TSA precheck
turbulence advisory
undercover testing airport (s)
unregistered drones
unresponsive aircraft
visual warning system
across border (s)
along border
along northern border
along southern border
Arizona border defenders
Arizona border recon
border aviation security
border clash
border closed
border closing
border conflict (s)
border control
border control agencies
border crime
border crisis
border crossing (s)
border difficulties
border force (UK)
border issues
border militarization
border policy
border reopens
border security
border skirmish
checkpoint miles
checkpoint refusal
civilian border patrols
clandestine migration
clogged checkpoints
close to the border
closed border
common border
coyote operation (s)
crisis at the border
cross-border attack
cross-border tensions
cross border terrorism
deportation proceedings
disputed border (s)
entered with fake passport (s)
illegal border crime
illegal border crossing (s)
illegal reentry
immigrant population
immigration checkpoint
immigration fugitive
immigration office (s)
immigration officer (s)
international border
irregular arrivals
irregular migrants
irregular migration
knowledge of border area
major transit route for migrants
major transit route for people smuggling
major transit route for smuggling
migrant route (s)
migrant worker (s)
migration fraud
militarized border
moved across border
near border
near Mexico border
near the border
open (ed) border
porous border (s)
porous border between
port (s) of entry (POE)
reinforced controls at border crossings and airports San Diego sector
securing nation’s borders
sneaking over border
U.S. customs
U.S. customs and Border Protection officers seized undocumented immigrants
unscreened immigrant
advanced encryption technology
advanced persistent threat (APT)
advanced threat
advanced threat analytics
aggregate data
alleged cyber-hacking
automated web tools
back off virus malware
banking Trojan
biometric (s)
biometric information
biometric passport
black hat conference
blocking accounts
breach protocol
break encryption
brute force
brute force attack
CERT coordination center (CERT/CC)
chat rooms
Chinese cyber campaign
Chinese hackers
Chinese hacking group
CIF – cyber threat intelligence management system clandestine electronic
classified document (s)
classified information
classified leak
classified leak of information
communication channels
communication (s) interception
communication node
compromised server
computer and identity fraud
computer glitch
counter messaging
covert communications
criminal cyber-security intrusion
criminal software
current cyber threat
cyber attack
cyber attack – bank
cyber attack China
cyber attack government
cyber attack North Korea
cyber attack power grid
cyber attackers
cyber – bullied
cyber capabilities
cyber command
cyber crime
cyber espionage
cyber exploitation
cyber incident (s)
cyber intrusion
cyber mercenary
cyber mercenaries
cyber security
cyber security breach
cyber security intrusion
cyber security mission
cyber security risk
cyber security strategy
cyber security worried grow
cyber spying campaign
cyber surveillance
cyber targeting
cyber threat (s)
cyber tool (s)
dark world
data breach
data breach update
data compromised
data mining program
data mining techniques
data monitoring capability
DDOS services
declassified email (s)
denial of service attack
digital documentation
disable communications
DNA hacking
dork query
DRIDEX – malware
email (s)
emails hacked
emails indicate
emails reveal (s)
exploit data links
extracting information
extremist (s) forum
facilitate information sharing
FBI cywatch
felony computer abuse and conspiracy
geofencing software (computers)
GhostNet – China
Google dorking
Government approved keywords
GPS tracking devices
hack attack
hacker (China)
hacking attack (s)
hacking attempt (s)
hacking ring
hacking services
hacking threat
illegal leaks
information extraction
internet attacks
internet predators
internet services went dark
intrusion routed though computers
key logger
leaked emails
low level protection
machete attack computer
malicious code
malicious code hacking services
malicious code sales
malicious code software
malicious cyber actors
malicious email
malicious software
malicious threat (s)
malware hidden in
malware infection rates
massive data breach
medical cyber crime
medical data breach
metadata program
mobile phone tracking
mobile security
multi-vector threat
network (s) vulnerable
offensive cyber weapon
onion routing
online alias (es)
online child pornography
online data breach
online enticement of children
personal privacy
phishing scam
posting pictures on facebook
preservation letter
principal keywords
privacy breach
privacy concerns
privately held data
quantum computer
red button hacking
retrieve data
rise of cyber crime
Russian cyber threat
Russian hackers
scrape networks
scrubbing social media site
securing systems
servers compromised
servers targeted
social media
social media hacking
social media network
social media threat
Sony hack
spoofed telephone number
spoofing tactics
sql injection
stolen email addresses
stolen emails
stingray phone surveillance
stolen password
suspicious internet activity
system compromised
system crashed
tails operating system
tapped conversations
tapping phone
target people online
targeted cyber-attacks
TOR networks
TOR users
TOR websites
Trojan attack
Twitter account hacked
Twitter threat
unbreakable code
U.S. cyber command
using encryption
venom software bug
vertical information sharing
via email
video showed video footage
video voyeurism
valuable data
user name, password
virtual currency
virtual fence
virtual global task force
voice logging
web based attacks
web crawler software
web data mining
web scraping
website vulnerability
Wikileaks threat
wipe computer
abductions of
abductions of Japanese
access to building
access to school
acid attack
active investigation
active shooter
active shooter protocol
acts of violence
accused of
accused of having sex with a student
accused of smuggling
additional security measures
advanced fee fraud
affray (UK)
after the attack
alarm sounded
allegation (s)
alleged member (s)
allegedly shot
ambushed him from
ambushed him from behind
angles of security cameras
apartment placed on lockdown
apprehensions decreased
apprehensions increased
armed assailant
armed assault
armed and dangerous
armed attack
armed groups
armed men broke into
armed robbers
armed guards have been placed
armed man
armed robbery (ies)
armed standoff
armed suspect
armed woman
arrest made
arrest made after
arrested in
arrested in connection with shooting death
arrested in connection with stabbing death
arrested in prostitution ring
arrested in raid
arrested in raids
arrested in shooting
arrested in shooting death
arrested on warrant (s)
arrested last week
assassination attempt
assault by
assaulted after
at the time of the attack
attack by
attack by former lover
attack by x-lover
attack came from
attack from
attack occurred
attack that occurred
attack took place in
attacked by
attacked (ed) pedestrian (s)
attacked while jogging
attacks in recent days
attacks in recent months
attacks in recent weeks
attacks increase
attacks on foreign nationals
attempts to sell stolen work
background check
bag snatching
bail in
bandits in ski masks
bank bombing
bank heist
bank holdup
bank robbery
believed to be armed
belligerent (crime)
bird smuggler (s)
bloodstain evidence
bodies found
bodies found in
bodies of missing
bodies recovered
body found
body found hidden in
both gunmen
bound with duct tape
bounty hunter
brazen attack
bring the men to justice
broke into
brutal attack
brutal attack against
brutal attack by
campus shooting
capture (d)
carried out an order of
carrying assault rifles
cartels smuggling
case reopened
changing sim cards
charged in murder
charged in plot to murder
charged in shooting
charged with
charging document
charged in court
charged in plot
charges of plotting
charges were filed
child abducted
child predators
child traffickers
church shooting
clandestine brothel
clandestine grave (s)
clandestine laboratory
clandestine means
cocaine coast India
cocaine found hidden in
cold case murder
combat crime
commit violent crime (s)
commit wire fraud
complaint states
concealed in
concealment techniques
conditional threat – crime
contraband alcohol
contract assassination (s)
cordoned off a large area
counter narcotics efforts
court records indicate
court records sealed
court shooting
cover-up probe
crime activity
crime against humanity
crime and violence are serious problems
crime blotter
crime decrease
crime increase
crime lord
crime lord arrested
crime prevention
crime record
crime related
crime ridden
crime scene
crime scene investigation
crime statistics
crime trend (s)
crimes unreported
criminal activity (ies)
criminal charges filed
criminal charges pending
criminal corruption charges
criminal crime scene
criminal endeavor
criminal enforcement actions
criminal gangs
criminal investigation
criminal investigation continues
criminal investigations section (CIS)
criminal mischief
criminal network (s)
criminal prosecution (s)
criminal record (s)
curb illegal activity
currently being detained
currently detained
customs officer seize
customs seize
cut with a hacksaw
cybercriminal ring
death list
death threat
death threat (s)
declared insane by the courts
deferred prosecution
deliberate damage
detained by authorities
detained by police
detained in
detection of crime
detention hearing
dies in custody
dies in police custody
direct threat – crime
disguised as
discovered evidence
dog attack (ed)
dogs attack pedestrian (s)
doggy door burglar
domestic violence
domestic violence death (s)
domestic violence increase
door breach
dozens arrested in
dozens arrested during
dozens detained
dragnet included
drink spiking
drive-by shooting
drug bust
drug corridor
drug (s) found hidden in
drug related violence
drug trafficking hub
drug trafficking maps
drug trafficking organizations
drug trafficking route (s)
drug trafficking route (s) Asia
during the search
Dutch police arrested
elude authorities
endangered species act
entered the airport
entered the building
entered the hotel
entered locked are
entered secure area
enticed child
enticed girl
equatorial rainforests – ivory
escape (d)
escaped convict
escaped inmate
euros seized
evade authorities
evade police
evade tracking
execution carried out
exotic pet smuggling
faces charges
faces extradition
faces murder charge (s)
false imprisonment
fastest growing crimes
fatal shot
fatally injured
fatally shot
fatally shot by
fatally stabbed
fatally stabbed by
father charged in
Ferguson effect
fetal homicide
fight between
fight broke out
file charges against the suspect
fleeing in
flow of drug money
foreign national charged with
forensic evidence
forensic information
forensic investigator
forensic investigation
forensic psychiatry
forest elephants – ivory poaching
former employee charged with
former gang member
found bound and gagged
found guilty
found guilty on all charges
found hidden in
found in food
found stabbed
found stabbed in home
found stabbed to death
freight theft
frequent gathering point
fueled rumors fugitive operating
full investigation
full scope investigation with polygraphs
full tactical gear
gang hideout
gang’s hideout
gang intelligence team
gang leaders
gang of thieves
gang related shooting (s)
gay arrest
gender violence
global report on trafficking in persons
gold heist
government’s star witness
grabbed clerk
grave robber(s)
grave robbing
group of armed men
group responsible
group was attacked
growing black market
growth of crime
guards have found
gunmen riding on motorcycles
gunmen stormed
gunmen were shot
gunmen were shot to death
gunned down
handed over to police
hard ivory
has been arrested
has been detained
has not been seen since
have been arrested
haven for criminals
have yet to be identified
have yet to identify
he was searched
she was searched
they were searched
held captive
held captive in
held in robbery
held in shooting
her attacker
heroin mixed with fentanyl
heroin mixed with gasoline
heroin trade
hid on rooftop (s)
hide evidence of wrongdoing
hidden in
hidden baggage
hidden luggage
hidden in metal drums
hidden service
hiding secrets in open
high level (s) of crime
high risk traffic stop
higher homicide rate than
hold culprits accountable
holding hostage
holding inmates hostage
holding patients hostage
home invasion
homicide rate
homicide victim (s)
hostage beheaded
hostage crisis
hostage killed
hostage negotiation
hostage negotiation team
hostage rescue situation
hostage (s) rescued
hostage situation
hostage standoff
hostage taking
house-by-house search
human cargo
human dumping ground
human rights
human rights abuses
human rights violation (s)
human smuggling routes
human trafficking
human trafficking hotline
human trafficking intervention court (s)
human trafficking ring
identify suspect
identify suspect from video
illegal activities
illegal drug trade
illegal drug trade in
illegal immigration network (s)
illegal logging
illegal mining
illegal wildlife trade
illegally entered
illicit drugs illicit compounds
illicit goods
illicit medicine (s)
incidence of stabbings
increase in crime
indirect threat – crime
inside job
institutional vandalism
international warrant
invasive species crime
investigate (s)
investigate (s) crime
investigate (s) murder
Irish travelers
items seized by
ivory seized
ivory to bribe local officials
ivory smugglers
ivory trafficking
jewelry heist
jury convicts
jury duty scam
kidnap for ransom group
kidnapped for ransom
kidnapped victim released
kidnapping (s)
kidnapping Europeans
kidnapping has occurred
kidnapping westerners
killed in a police shootout
knockout game
laced with
laced with poison
large seizures
launched investigation
launched murder investigation
led a chase
left at
left for dead
let guard down
license plate tracking program
line was cut
linked to crime
linked to the murder
linked to trafficking drugs
listed as threatened (ivory)
local trafficker
location information of cellphone
location of informants
loss/theft report
lured the victim
mail stolen
main suspects
major drug bust
malicious activity
man charged in
man charged with
man found dead
man gunned down
man not guilty
man shot by police
man tried to rob
man was arrested for
manhunt continues in
mapping veins in hand
masked man
mass grave (s)
massive manhunt
may have been abducted
may have been kidnapped
may have been killed
method of attack
meth crimes on the rise
Mexican criminal organization
Mexican vigilantes
Mexico crime
missing boy
missing child
missing girl
missing in
missing man
missing person (s)
missing woman
missing women
most prevalent crimes
most wanted
most wanted men
mother charged in
motive unclear
moved drugs
multiple attacks
multiple deaths in shooting
multiple shootings
murder for hire
murder investigation launched
murder suspect apprehended
murder suspect arrested
murder suspect detained
murder was carried out
murder weapon
murders up
muscle operative
naked body found
narco air route
narco submarine
narco terrorism
narco-trafficking route (s)
narco-trafficking route (s) Africa
narco-trafficking route (s) Asia
narco-trafficking route (s) Europe
narco-trafficking route (s) Latin America
narco-trafficking route (s) Mexico
no arrest (s) have been made
no evidence
no evidence of shooting
no evidence of a shooting
number of violent crimes
oil smuggling
oil thieves
on a bus carrying
one of the hostages
ongoing investigation (s)
opened a criminal investigation
opened fire
operating illegally in
operating in
opium bride (Afghanistan)
opium harvest (Mexico)
opium smuggling routes
order to kill
ordered assassination
ordered at gunpoint
ordered from a vehicle at gunpoint
organ harvesting
organized crime
organized crime groups
organized criminal groups
packages disguised as
packages disguised as rocks
parole violation
patrol car
patrolling at night
pedo – pedophile
pending indictment
people smuggling
people were shot
people were wounded
person responsible
personal belongings seized
pharmaceutical crime (INTERPOL)
pharmaceutical drug cartel
pharmaceutical drug crime ring
pharmaceutical drug ring
pill mill
placed on lockdown
poaching sea bladders
polar bear hunting
poppy farmer
poppy harvest
poses as
pre-incident indicators (PINS) of violence
precursor chemicals
precursor chemicals seized
potential criminality
preliminary signs of foul play
pretending to be a teen
prison break
prison escape
prison walls
prisoner attacks
prisoner swap
probation violation
probe launched
profits finance drug gangs
prosecutors also charged
protection money
purple notice (INTERPOL)
radioactive theft
ransom demand
ransom paid
remains jailed
reported suspicious activity
reports of a fight
reports of fighting
reports of continued gunfire
responded to an add on craigslist
responded to an add posted on the internet
revenge attack (s)
reverse prostitution sting
reverse sting
riddled with bullet holes
rise in heroin use
risk of kidnap
robbed at gunpoint
robbers fatally shot
robbers were armed
robbery suspect arrested
robbery suspect detained
robbing a convenience store
robbing a gas station
rock assault
Romas – Bulgarian gypsies
roving bands
Russian crime gang
scheme to steal
secret court
secret room
seized drugs
seizure of
seizure of drugs
seizure of pharmaceuticals
seizure of plants
send lewd photos
sentencing date not announced
sentencing date postponed
serial killer
serial rapist
served in prison
serving fronts for prostitution
severed fingers crime
sex crimes involving children
sex offender
sex offender arrested
sex offender detained
sex offender registration
sexual assault
sexual assault patterns
sexual crime (s)
sexual exploitation
sexual offense
sexual predator (s)
sexual servitude
shooting arrest
shooting suspect
shooting suspect barricaded
shooting on the rise
shootings up percent
shot dead
shot by
shot outside
shot suspect after
shot to death
shots fired
SIM card theft
skirting the law
smuggled alcohol
smuggled cigarettes
smuggled goods
smuggled in
smuggled into
smuggled into the U.S.
smuggler (s)
smuggler (s) arrested
smuggler (s) detained
smuggling business
smuggling corridor
smuggling imports
smuggling inside her body
smuggling inside his body
smuggling routes
smuggling routes from
smuggling syndicate
smuggling travel networks
sold credit card data
sold illegally
spike in crime
spike in kidnappings
spotted wearing
squatter arrested
stole a
stolen billfold
stolen car (s)
stolen documents
stolen drugs
stolen goods
stolen gun
stolen vehicle
stolen wallet
started shooting
sting operation
strapped a cord around neck
street reversal prostitution
string of burglaries
student abducted
subdued by bystanders
subdued by police
sucker punch
summary execution
suspect admits
suspect (s) arrested
suspect (s) detained
suspect (s) injured
suspect (s) killed
suspect (s) opened fire
suspect (s) opens fire
suspect (s) shot
suspected accomplices
suspicious device
suspicious visits
system to assess risk (STAR) (FBI)
tampered with
target for kidnappers
target for poachers – ivory
target of investigation
targeted in attack (s)
targeted killings
targeting dozens of victims
targeting journalists
targeting local
targets of predators
teenager (s) arrested
teenager (s) detained
tested positive for (drug (s))
the FBI shut down
threatened with gun
threatening message
threatening messages
threatened to kill family
threatened to kill her
threatened to kill him
threatened to kill his family
threatened to kill the hostage (s)
threatening post (s)
tied her hands
tied his hands
tied his/her hands with
tip database (crime)
trafficked children
trafficked women
trafficked workers
trafficking activities
trafficking bladder
trafficking group (s)
trafficking in children
trafficking in children and their organs
trafficking in human beings
trafficking in narcotic drugs
trafficking networks
trafficking in organ parts
trafficking in persons
trafficking proceeds
trafficking in women
tribal kidnapping (s)
tried and jailed
tried to destroy evidence
turns himself in
unconfirmed report of death
unjustified killing
unprovoked attack (s)
unprovoked fight (s)
under investigation for
undercover investigation
up tick in violent crime
utility equipment thieves
vandal attempted
vandals sliced
vehicle attacks
vehicle ramming
vehicle rampages
vehicles set on fire
vehicular assault
veiled threat – crime
victims targeted
vigilante justice
violence against children
violence against women
vague death threat
violent crime
violent crime increasing
violent crime decreasing
violent person
violent series of attacks
violent struggle
visual evidence
warrantless arrest
warrantless wiretap
warrantless wiretapping
was arrested
was arrested on
was arrested today
was detained by
was found
was found in
was found next to
was kidnapped
was killed
was killed in the shooting
was placed on probation
was punched
was shot at
was slain
was targeted
weekend shooting (s)
went into lockdown
wildlife smuggling
woman charge in
woman charged with
woman found dead
woman missing
woman murdered
woman not guilty
woman raped
women targeted in attacks
worker exploitation
workplace violence
would be robbers
wounded in a shooting
wounded in stabbing attack
wrongful death lawsuit
allegation (s) of fraud
allegedly stole proceeds
anti-money laundering
artful dodger
ATM cloning device (s)
ATM cloning device found at
authenticity of the document
bag men (bag man)
baits customer
black dollar scam
black market
black market documents
black market exploits
black money
black money scam
brand protection
bribery extortion
bribery scandal
bribery scheme
bride scam (s)
business scam
cargo extortion
charged with wire fraud
charged with money laundering
charges of embezzling
checkered past
consumer defrauded
consumption girl scam
corporate fraud
corporate tax haven
corruption is widespread
counterfeit alcohol
counterfeit and illegal goods
counterfeit and illegal products
counterfeit baseball caps
counterfeit cigarettes
counterfeit clothes
counterfeit consumer products
counterfeit currency
counterfeit detection
counterfeit document
counterfeit drugs
counterfeit DVD’s
counterfeit golf merchandise
counterfeit goods
counterfeit goods from China
counterfeit goods seized
counterfeit insulin
counterfeit insulin needles
counterfeit insulin pens
counterfeit medications
counterfeit merchandise
counterfeit money
counterfeit movies
counterfeit purses
counterfeit toys
counterfeit watches
craigslist scam (s)
criminal scam (s)
disability fraud
disability scam
document fraud
ethical breach
extortion scam
Facebook scam
fake birth certificate
fake degree
fake document (s)
fake driving licence (UK)
fake drugs
fake goods
fake id
fake id’s
fake IRS agents
fake logos
fake merchandise
fake passport industry
fake pharmaceuticals
fake websites
false documents
financial crime (s)
financial crisis
financial fraud
foreclosure fraud
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
forged check
forged document (s)
forged passport
fraud committed
fraud detection
fraud investigation scam
fraud misconduct
fraud monitoring
fraud prevention unit
fraud warning
fraudulent identity
fraudulent tax return (s)
fraudulently obtained documents
front companies
funny money
grey market
health care fraud
identity fraud
identity theft
identifying suspicious transactions
illegal documents
illegal tax evasion
illegal trade
illegal trade of goods
illegal transaction (s)
illicit proceeds
illicit financial flows
immigration scam
import export pricing fraud
informal financial network
informal trade
insider threats
jailed for fraud
laundering money
laundering the proceeds
loan fraud
loan scheme
love scam
medical fraud
medical identity theft
money launderer
money laundering techniques
offshore account (s)
online rental scam (s)
online scam (s)
online security
online security threat (s)
online surveillance
operating as a front
pay to stay vacation scam
pension fraud
pension scam
pharmaceutical fraud
photo substitution
photo substitution passport
ponzi scheme
ponzi schemer
possible scam
potential scam
product extortion
records stolen
rental car scam
romance scam
Russian bride scam (s)
scam advisory
scam alert
scam baiting
scam buster
scammer (s)
stolen identity refund scam
structured transactions
structuring (IRS)
suspicious transactions
swept up in the scam
targeted for extortion
tax avoidance
tax avoidance strategy
tax evasion
tax fraud
tax haven
tax refund fraud
tax refund scam
tax scam
tax scams
tax season scams
telephone scam (s)
theft of funds
threatening post (s)
threatening post (s) on Craigslist
threatening post (s) on Facebook
threatening post (s) on Twitter
ticket fraudsters
three card monte
timeshare fraud
trade based laundering
vicarious counterfeiters
wash wash scam
after a bomb exploded
alternative chemicals
ammonia nitrate
arsenal of homemade explosives
attack with car bombs
attempted to detonate
barrels packed with explosives
belt bomb
blasting time fuse
blistering agents
blow up commuter train
bomb detonated in
bomb attack at
bomb attack in
bomb blast
bomb blast in
bomb blast injures
bomb blast kills
bomb defuse
bomb exploded
bomb explodes
bomb explosion
bomb explosion in
bomb found
bomb found in
bomb making expert
bomb on board
bomb parts
bomb planted in
bomb plot
bomb plot thwarted bomb rocks
bomb run
bomb scare
bomb shelter
bomb site
bomb squad
bomb threat
bombing campaign
bombing victim
booby trap (s)
building explosion
C4 plastic explosive
call in bomb squad
car bomb attack
car bomb exploded
car bomb explodes
car bomb kills
car bombing attempt
chemical time bomb
claims responsibility for bomb attack
clear landmine (s)
cluster bomb (s)
cobalt – 60
complex bombed
cylinder bomb (s)
deadly blast
deadly explosion
detect IED
detonate (d)
detonate a bomb
detonate an explosive device
device discovered in
device exploded
device found
device found in
device was discovered in
did not detonate
dirty bomb
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
domestic nuclear detection
encased in metal piping
errant bomb
explosion in
explosion near mosque (s)
explosion occurred
explosion outside consulate
explosion outside embassy
explosion outside U.S. consulate
explosion outside U.S. embassy
explosion proof
explosion reported in
explosion shakes
explosive (s)
explosive breach
explosive charge
explosive detective engineering
explosive device
explosive ordnance
explosive precursors
explosive storage magazines
explosive weapon (s)
explosives stolen
explosives threat
explosives went off near
false bomb threat
fertilizer bomb
fire bomb
grenade launched
grenade like explosive
hand grenade (s)
hand grenade (s) found
homemade bomb (s)
homemade chemical bomb incident (s)
homemade grenade
huge explosion
improvised explosive device (s)
improvised explosive material (s)
injured in bomb explosion
investigating a suspicious device
knapsack bomb (s)
land mine
laser guided bomb
launch explosives
launch tube
letter bomb
loaded explosives
loud explosion (s)
mail bomb
manufacturing explosives
nuclear agenda
nuclear arms race
nuclear arsenal
nuclear bunker
nuclear detection system
nuclear domino effect
nuclear negotiations
nuclear posture
nuclear program
nuclear strategy
nuclear talks
nuclear test
nuclear weapon ballistic missile
nuclear weapons
package bomb
packed with explosives
parcel bomb
petrol bomb
pipe bomb
pipe bomb plot
pipe packed with explosives
pipe packed with firework explosives
placed near a police station
planning car bomb attack
planted a bomb
planted bomb (s)
planted explosive devices
planted explosives
planted several explosive devices
potassium chlorate (bombs)
potential bomb chemical
purchased high explosives
radioactivated improvised explosive devices
series of explosions
setting off a car bomb outside
small explosives went off
sprengel explosive
stolen explosives
stolen iridium
tantalum – chemical
telephone bomb threat
tear-gas bomb
thorium – chemical
underwear bomb
vehicles laden with explosives
was bombed
acres burned
aerial canopy
aerial firefighting
air tanker
anchor point
arson attack
arson suspect
arson suspect arrested
arson suspected
arsonist arrested
arsonist detained
arson suspect arrested
bambi bucket
booster pump
booster reel
brush fire
brush fire broke out
brush blade
brush hook
brush truck
building fire
bump up – fire
burning cars
burning flesh
burning index
burning period
burn out
cause and origin of fire
cause of fire
confine a fire
contain a fire
control line
controlled burn
creeping fire
crew (s) fight fire
crown out
dead man zone
dead out
deliberate brushfire (s)
dozer line
drip torch
engine – fire
engine crew
escape (d) fire
extended attack – fire
fire at chemical plant
fire behavior
fire broke-out
fire camp
fire cycle
fire danger
fire destroyed a
fire displaces
fire ecology
fire edge
fire fighting foam
fire in
fire in plant
fire is under control
fire lookout
fire lookout tower
fire officials suspected
fire officials suspected
fire risk
fire rockets
fire shelter
fire starters
fire threat
fire trail
fire line
fire storm
flanks of fire
flare up
flash fuels
forest fire
head of a fire
hot spot
hotshot crews
huge fire
ignition and fuel sources of the fire
incident command system (ICS)
infrared detector
interface zone
knock down fire
large fire
large-scale fire
let burn policy
logging debris
logging slash
lookouts (fire)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
national wildfire coordinating group
origin of the fire
palmer drought severity index (PDL)
prescribed burn (s)
responded to a report of a fire
sources of the fire
wildland fire
affected areas
along the bank
along the river
along the road
area of operation
areas for hiding
areas for hiding hostages
as night fell
blanket the region
changing their locations
closed area
coastal town
cultural threat
deep in the jungle
flood zone
geographic data
geographic diffusion
geographic distance
geo hazard
high risk area
high standing water
isolated area (s)
key transit point
large area
large area of the country
large area of the state
located in an area
remote location
remote desert area
remote region
route between the countries
secluded location
shift in human geography
shifting their locations
sparsely populated areas
suspected active faults
treacherous terrain
underground site
urban terrain
acute symptoms
acute symptoms from radiation exposure
affects drinking water
an autopsy conducted
an autopsy will be performed
animal health emergency
animal infected with
antibiotic resistant bacteria
autopsy results
baby death
baby’s death
bacterial infections
bacterial outbreak
biological hazard
biological research
bird flu
bird flu threat
bloody assault
blow to the head
blow to the ribs
botched procedure
bouts of vomiting and diarrhea
bruises to the head
cadaver bags
cases of
cases of measles
cases of measles in
cases of police brutality
cases of polio
cases of syphilis
cases reported
cash courier
cash dealer
cash stolen
cause of death
cause serious injury or death
CDC current outbreak list
CDC watch list
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
chagas disease
chik virus
chronic disease (s)
claims life
claims more than 100 lives
claims more than 1000 lives
confirmed case
confirmed case of
confirmed cases
contagious viruses
contaminated drinking water
contaminated food
contaminated water
corona virus
coroner says
coroner’s autopsy
CRE – infection – Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae critical condition
critically hurt
current outbreak
cyanide poisoning
cyclospora outbreak
dead at a local hospital
dead bodies
dead child
dead children
dead in car
dead in home
dead man
dead men
dead people
dead persons
dead woman
dead women
deadly bacterium
deadly disease
deadly infectious disease
declared outbreak
dengue fever
dengue outbreak
diagnosed with the disease
died as a result of injuries
died from complications
died suddenly
dies after
dies after near drowning in
dies after nearly drowning
disease control
disease outbreak
dozens hurt
dozens injured
dozens killed
drug resistant bacteria
drug shortages
easily spread
Ebola watch list
emerging deadly virus (es)
emerging disease
emerging infection
emerging infectious diseases
epidemic diseases
epidemiological bulletin
fake medicines
fatal attack
fatal bear attacks
fatal crash
flu deaths
flu outbreak (s)
food borne disease outbreak
food borne illness
foreign animal disease
found alive
found deceased
found dead
found dead in car
fungal outbreak
gastrointestinal outbreak
genetic fingerprints
gunshot wounds
gunshot wounds to
gunshot wounds to the head H1NN flu – swine flu H6N1 flu
had obvious signs of trauma
have yet to identify the body
health crisis
health hazard
health impact assessment
health ministry
health officials report
high bacteria counts in the water
high death rate
HIV outbreak
HIV pandemic
hot car death
human sewage
human to animal
human to human
hundreds infected
hurt critically
hurt seriously
immune system
in serious condition
increase in illness (es)
infection and transmission
infection rate high
infection rate low
infectious disease (s)
influenza outbreak (s)
influenza surveillance report
injured after
injured after attack
injured by gunfire
injured in accident
injured boy
injured child
injured girl
injured man
injured person
injured woman
injured were taken
injured while fleeing
injuries on the body
injuries on the back of the body
injuries on the side of the body
injuries recorded
injury sustained
injury to the head
injury to the skull
jelly fish sting
jumped from balcony
kill (ed)
kill hundreds of thousands of people
killed after
killed after militant attack
killed in
killed people
kills __ percent of those infected
lacerations to the body
lacerations to the throat
large number of cases
life threatening
majority of cases imported
malaria outbreak
malaria deaths
medical threat assessment
medicine shortage
meningitis outbreak
microbial threat (s)
more deaths
more dogs infected
more flu deaths
more humans infected
more people infected
mother killed
multiple deaths
multiple fatalities
multiple injuries
multiple injuries reported
multiple stab wounds
new cases reported
no fatalities
no injuries reported
no obvious signs of trauma
no one was injured
no one was killed
no preliminary signs of foul play
no signs of trauma found on body
norovirus outbreak (s)
number of new infections has risen
obvious signs of trauma
outbreak declared
over prescribe antibiotics
plague (s)
possible salmonella contamination
presumed dead
propagates the disease
propagates the disease
public health
public health alert
public health announcement
pulmonary irritants
recent outbreak (s)
recovery of body
reported cases
reported cases of
reported cases of dengue
reported cases of Ebola
reported cases of flu
reported cases of influenza
reported cases of malaria
reported emergence of
reported influenza case (s)
resistant tuberculosis
severe drought
severe infection
sexually transmitted disease (s)
sharp force injuries
shot and killed himself
source of the virus
spread of infection
spread of infectious disease (s)
stab wound (s)
stabbed in neck
stabbed in the face
stabbed in the head
stabbed to death
stabbed with screwdriver
stabbing attack
stabbing death (s)
sudden death
super bug (s)
TB epidemic
treatment protocol
tuberculosis case confirmed
tuberculosis outbreak
victims infected with
victims infected with herpes
victims of poisoning
viral infection
virus in bloodstream
warned against possible spread of
warned against possible spread of H1N1 (influenza, flu) weakened immune
weakened immune systems from disease
widespread flu
widespread illness
wounded after
wounded in
asked for intelligence
avoid detection
background notes
big data
black bag job
black bag operation
black chamber – NSA
black op
black operation
China’s intelligence service
Chinese spies
CI center – think tank
CI team (competitive intelligence)
CIA internal review
CIA operated drone program
clear evidence
code word (s)
collect intelligence
collective intelligence framework
conduct covert operation (s)
conduct surveillance
continued to monitor activities
corporate espionage
counter surveillance techniques
covert action
covert activities
covert activity
covert tradecraft
deception practices
declassified information
defense intelligence agency (DIA)
digital surveillance
digital wiretap
domestic intelligence
domestic spies
echelon system
electronic surveillance
encryption techniques
financial intelligence units
flawed intelligence
foreign intelligence operative
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ACT (FISA)
foreign intelligence surveillance court
foreign spies
global surveillance
government code name
illegal spying
illegal surveillance
illegal taps
industrial espionage
infiltrator tradecraft
information sharing
information of sharing
in-Q-tel – Venture arm of CIA
intelligence agency mossad
intelligence agencies
intelligence brief
intelligence briefing
intelligence bulletin
intelligence collection
intelligence community
intelligence complex
intelligence database
intelligence failures
intelligence interrogation
intelligence operative (s)
intelligence partners
intelligence received
intelligence report
intelligence sharing
intelligence target
intelligence threat facing
intercept calls
intercept data
intercept of group
intercept phone calls
intercepted phone calls
internal corporate sabotage
kill list
may have been compromised
monitor communications
monitor movement
National Clandestine Service (NCS) (CIA)
no credible intelligence
NSA cell phone location tracking program
NSA collection program
NSA intercept
NSA tradecraft
obtained images from cameras
obtained images from surveillance cameras
open source intelligence gathering
operational operative
OSINT news
overseas listening posts
passed classified information
phone records
plant disinformation
planting stories
preserve anonymity
prism surveillance program
project prophecy CIA
raw intelligence
records compromised
remain (s) classified
roving wire tap (s)
scenario analysis
scenario planning
secret equipment
secret surveillance network
secret facility
security clearance
senior intelligence officer (SIO)
senior intelligence official
sensitive information
sensitive security information
shadow networks
sleeper tradecraft
spy agencies
stealth technology
surveillance camera
surveillance network
surveillance program
surveillance technology
surveillance tools
targeted surveillance
time sensitive intelligence
top-secret documentation
trove of classified records
trove of records
trying to recruit agents
United States intelligence community
unclassified document (s)
Utah Data Center – foreign data center
was compromised
access to port
arrivals by sea
boat capsized
boating accident
Coast Guard reported
counter piracy mission
disputed waters
drowns in boating accident
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) law of the sea
maritime crime (s)
maritime disaster (s)
maritime domain
maritime domain awareness (MDA)
maritime expansionism
maritime headquarters
maritime security
maritime security threat
pirate tactics
pirate zone
pirates attack vessel
pirates attack vessels
port security
ship capsized
ship carrying weapons
ship righted
Somali pirates
storm capsized
submarine sighting (s)
swarm boats
taking on water
trapped in boat
act of war
active mission (s)
adaptive tactics
adversary organizations
adversary’s vulnerabilities
aerial bombardment
Afghan lily pad
after clash between
air campaign
air sea battle
allied foreign troops
anticipate a bombing attempt
armed combat
armed conflict
armed forces
armed forces deployed
armed insurgence
armed insurgency
armed rebel coalition
armed rebellion
armed rebels
army checkpoint
Army Operations Special Command
armored vehicle
army prepares
army preparing
army preparing to
army thwarts attack
assailants dressed in military uniforms
Asia – Pacific security
asymmetric challenge
asymmetric warfare
asymmetrical warfare
attack imminent
attack on checkpoint in
attack (s) on American soil
attack plot
attack on U.S. soil
attacks (ed) NATO convoy
attacks on
begins ground offensive
behind attack
behind enemy lines
botched mission
botched rescue
brink of civil war
brink of war
call to arms
called the attack a vindication
called the attacks a product of
capability to attack
carry out an attack
carry out an attack against the United States
carry out another attack
casualty figures
cease fire breach (es)
cease fire extended
chemical warfare plant
China’s military strategy
Chinese aggression
Chinese military movement
civilian abducted
civilian population
civilian target (s)
clandestine attack
clandestine military base
clandestine military operations
clandestine U.S. Army camp
clandestine warfare
clashes in
clashes occurring in
closer to military action
combat zone deployment
combined forces
command center
commando forces India
concentration of camps
concentration of troops
conflict between
conflict could spark
conflict zone
conflict zone widening
conflicts across the Middle East
contested areas
continued attack (s)
continued gunfire
conventional military forces
coordinate (s)
coordinated attacks
counterattack launched
coveOps – military
covert battlefield
covert military action
covert ops
cyber war
cyber warfare
day after the attack
daytime assault
dead after clash between
deadly campaign
deadly casualties
deadly training missions
death toll
declare war
defense capabilities
degrade and destroy
department of defense
department of defense report
deploy (ed) troops
deployed in conjunction
deployed soldiers
deployment of military
deployment of troops
deployment of soldiers
devastating attacks
died in the attack
direct attack
direct hit
direct military action
dirty war
dispatched marines
dispatched troops
diversion tactics
diversionary tactics
DOD statement
elite fighting squads
elite paramilitary unit
elite units
ends military operation in
enemy combatants
enemy’s vulnerabilities
ethnic cleansing
existing military pacts
face-to-face combat
failed mission
false flag attack (s)
false flag (covert action)
fewer causalities
fight with militant group
fighters ambushed
fighters from
fighting force
fleeing internal violence
foiled attack
fog of war
foot soldier
force concentration
force deployment
force protection level
forces shelled
foreign conflict
Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST)
foreign fighters foreign military sales
foreign military sales program (programme)
foreign troops targeted
French security forces
global conflict (s)
green zone
ground fire
ground invasion
green on blue attack
ground incursion
guards have found
guerrilla forces
guerrillas bombed
guerrillas killed
heavier than normal security
heavily armed
heavily armed men
heavily armed ships
heavily armed soldiers
heavily armed police
heavily fortified
heavy gunfire
high readiness force (HRF)
high value target
hundreds of casualties
hundreds of civilians
hundreds of civilian casualties
illegal armed group (s)
imminent attack
in the months prior to the attack
increase in attacks
increased military aid
increased military presence
increased Russian military activity
initial attack
intense conflict
intense fighting
irregular warfare
kamikaze attack
killed in air strike
laid ambush
large number of soldiers
latest attack
launch (ed) attack
launched military raid
launched ground offensive
launches air strikes in
launches ground offensive
lily pad strategy
low-intensity conflict
massive military movement
massive show of force
military accord
military asset (s)
military base (s)
military camp (s)
military concentration camps
military conditions
military convoy
military cooperation
military deployment
military detention
military exercise
military experts
military forces moved into
military industrial complex
military installations
military information
military intervention
military movement (s)
military plan (s)
military preparation (s)
military presence
military presence in Africa
military regime
military strategy
military tactics
military threat
military track terrorists
military weakness
military’s actions
mobilization and deployment
modern warfare
mortar attack (s)
mortar attacks from
mountain hideout (s)
moved troops and weapons
NATO transformation seminar
nature of warfare
naval operations near
near the conflict zone
new attack (s) inevitable
night raid (s)
objective of damaging – military activity or attack occupation forces
office of naval research
oil spot strategy (military)
ongoing conflict
operation Jade Helm 15
ordered military airstrike
ordered military air strike
overseas conflict (s)
PAK army – Pakistan army
paper tiger
Pentagon alert
Pentagon set to
planning a series of attacks
planned attacks on
planning attacks
planning attacks on
presence of civilians
prevention of a military attack
prevention of an attack
previous attacks on
privatized military companies
probable method of attack
rapid reaction force
reactive military action
rebel attack (s)
rebel attacks claim more than one hundred lives rebel group (s)
rebel held territory (ies)
rebel position (s)
recent attacks
reconnaissance exercise
regional nuclear war
reign of terror
related attack (s)
remote controlled warfare
renewed their offensive
reprisal attack (s)
responded with air strikes
responsible for numerous attacks
retaliatory attack (s)
retaliatory measures
roadblock military
Russian bombers
Russian military aggression
Russian military operations
secretive special forces
sectarian violence
secret Iranian facility
secret Iranian nuclear facility
secret Iranian nuke facility
secret fifth column
secret military base (s)
secret military intelligence report (s)
secret tribunal
secretive special forces
sectarian war
security forces
security forces pulled out
security forces sealed off
security operative (s)
seized by opposition forces
seizing the town of
selling military secrets
series of attacks
show of force
significant attack
sniper assault
sniper attack (s)
sniper operations
sniper shot
soldier injured
soldier killed
soldier shot
soldier shot dead
sorties against targets
special ops
sporadic clashes
stage attack
strategic early warning
strategic mission list
strikes militant positions
support operations
tactical advantage (s)
tactical alliance
tactical operators
tactical team
tactics revealed
target hardening
target soft spots
target soldiers online
targeted assaults
targeted attack
targeted attacks
targeted attack campaign
temporary mission facility
the attack on
troop levels
troop withdrawal (s)
troops gathered
troops along the border
troops dispatched
troops fire
troops fired at
troops on alert
troops stormed
unconfirmed report of attack (s)
under siege
underground military site (s)
Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP)
urban combat
urban warfare
urban warfare techniques
U.S. air strike
U.S. covert action
violent clashes
violent clashes across
violent clashes between
violent clashes in
violent clashes near
war breaks out
war propaganda
war torn
was killed in the attack
were deployed
wounded in action
agency outpost
anti-human trafficking police
ATF International Response Team
avoid law enforcement
campus police
conducted an operation
conducted raids
cops injured
crisis negotiation unit (FBI)
crisis negotiator
deployment of police
detectives are continuing to investigate
dressed in black tactical gear
fatal police shooting (s)
FBI agents arrested
former agents charged
former detective
French gendarmes
in custody death
increased policing
increased push by law enforcement
Interpol alert
Interpol arrest
joint investigation
JPATS – U.S. Marshals
killed by police
law enforcement
law enforcement agency (ies)
law enforcement target
lay in wait for the police
officer involved shooting (s)
officer dispatched
officers responded
other law enforcement agencies
police alert (ed)
police alerted to a bomb
police are investigating a shooting
police are treating the case as
police barricade
police break up
police clash with
police clash with protesters
police crackdown on
police conducted an operation
police conducted wiretaps
police destroy
police have not ruled out foul play
police hunt for
police injured
police investigate
police investigate assault
police investigate murder
police investigate robbery
police investigate shooting
police investigate terrorist activity
police investigation
police investigating
police officer accused of
police officer arrested
police officer fired
police officer injured
police officer killed
police officer shot
police officer shooting
police officer shot man dead
police opened fire
police patrol deployment
police perimeter
police presence
police recover
police reports indicate
police responded
police report activity
police report suspicious activity
police responded to a report of a
police said the body is that of a
police search for
police shooting
police station attacked
police stormed site
police source (s)
police sued
police tactics
records from department of safety
red cell team
roadblock police
sheriff’s officials say
slain officer
slaying of police
special response team (SRT)
special task force
SWAT response
SWAT team
targeted police operations
targeting police
task force
task force agent
U.S. Marshall (s)
use of force
Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security asylum
asylum seekers
attempted assassination
attempted coup
attempts to assassinate
authoritarian regime
barricades outside U.S. embassy
bilateral accord
bilateral negotiations
bombings of US embassies
breach of trust
bribery of government officials
bureaucratic resistance
changing world
Chinese foreign minister
closure extended embassy
closure extended consulate
consulate attacked
consulate attacked in
consulate bombed
consulate bombings
consulate closed
consulate closure (s)
consulate evacuated
consulate evacuated
consulate threat
consular database
corrupt officials
coup attempt
coup attempt failed
coup d’ état
coup plotters
coup plotters arrested
coup risk
covert relations
dangerous foreign policy
delicate talks
demonstration (s) against the coup
destabilize a region
destabilize government
diplomatic asset
diplomatic efforts
diplomatic immunity
diplomatic incident
diplomatic mission
diplomatic post
diplomatic security
dissident (s)
dual mandates
embassy attacked
embassy attacked in
embassy bombing (s)
embassy breach (ed)
embassy closed
embassy closure (s)
embassy evacuated
embassy halts service
embassy has received unconfirmed threat (s)
embassy implemented enhanced security
embassy shuts down
embassy threat
embassy warning
emerging new state
exile (s)
exiled groups
external subversion
extreme far-right movement (s)
failed coup attempt
failed state
fascist idealism
following the coup
freely elected president
further ideological objectives
further political objectives
further religious objectives
geopolitical climate
geopolitical upheaval
govern by decree
government backed militias
government opponents
growing international isolation
hard-line regime
hard sell
high threat post (s)
high value individual (s)
highest level of government
historic talks
hitlerite (s)
hold secret meetings
host country
host government
ideological clashes
imposed economic measures against
imposed martial law
imposed sanctions
including diplomats
increasing tensions between the two countries
internal conflict
international sanctions
isolated state
Israeli prime minister
leaked cable
leaked document leaked documents
leaked official document
leaked official documents
loose coalitions
major donor
minority political group (s)
movement leader
multinational effort
national security
national unity
neighboring countries
new sanctions
new surveillance law
non-lethal aid
non-state actors
non-state groups
opposition faction (s)
opposition movement
outside U.S. consulate
peace talks
Pinocchio test – whopper
plot to destabilize the government
policy toward North Korea
political conflict
political controversy
political crisis
political deadlock
political figures
political instability
political retribution
political retribution against
political scandal
political strike
political terrorism
political unrest
political intrigue
political upheaval
political weapon
politics of fear
prime minister said
prior to the assassination
protest outside U.S. consulate
protest outside U.S. embassy
relations between Seoul and Beijing
repressive regime
right-wing violence
rogue state (s)
Russia warns
Russian aggression
sanctions against
sanctions against Iran
sanctions against Russia
sanctions imposed
seek refuge at embassy
seeking a consensus
shangri-la dialogue
siege consulate
siege embassy
sign (ed) a decree
State Department has advised Americans
State Department issues warning
strategic alliance (s)
strategic international studies
suspended peace talks
suspends consular services
tension with Beijing
tensions between the U.S. and China
tensions between the U.S. and Iran
tensions between the U.S. and North Korea
tensions between the U.S.
tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union
territorial advances
territorial ambition
territorial dispute
territory claimed by
the far right
the restoration project – immigration
threat on president
treaty deadline
under the agreement
unilateral sanctions
U.S. embassy warning
wet foot, dry foot immigration
who was the adversary
agriculture safety
agriculture threat
aid agencies
angry citizens
angry employees
angry locals
angry workers
anticoup demonstrators
anti-foreigner violence
anti-government protesters
anti-immigrant marches
anti-Islam protests
anti-Islam protests turn violent
anti-Muslim attacks
anti-NATO activists
anti-NATO activists protest
anti-Semite incident(s)
anti-Semitism problem
Arab riot
attack against oil pipeline
attack on facilities
backup generator
backup systems failed
bank holiday
beach closed
beach closure
beach contaminated
bear attack
bears killed
biodiversity crime
black bloc
boil water advisory
boost security
bridge collapse
brown out
building closure
building damaged
building destroyed
building (s) evacuated
busiest intersections
California Earthquake Authority
capital controls
cargo disruption threats
cargo security
cargo security threats
cargo threat
catastrophic accident (s)
catastrophic circumstances
catastrophic incident (s)
catastrophic insurance
catastrophic natural disaster
caused multiple traffic accidents
causes heavy damage to
causing complete service interruptions
cell phone services went dark
center for security policy
chain reaction crash
chemical facilities
chemical leak (s)
chemical plant fire
citizens not directly involved in a civil disorder citywide lockdown
civilian deaths
civil disorder
civil disturbance
civil liberties
civil resistance
civil rights
civil rights violation
civil strife
civil unrest, riots
clear threat
clear warning
closure extended road (s)
communal riots
conservation cuts
conspiracy theory (ies)
contingency plan
constitute a danger
control measures
continuity of government (COG)
crash involving
crash remains under investigation
crash scene
crash shuts down highway
crashed into
crashed into a vehicle
crisis averted
crisis continues
crisis mapping
critical electric-grid sites
critical emergency
critical facilities
critical infrastructure
critical services
critical situation
critical stage
crop failure
crowd control
crowd of people
crowd seeding
crowd sourcing
current international crisis
current international law
current security situation
current security threat (s)
current security threat (s) and pattern (s)
current threat level (s)
cut off water supply
dangerous behavior
dangerous encounters
dangerous situation
dangerously close
deadly flood (s)
deadly flooding
deadly unrest
death (s) to livestock
death (s) to wildlife
declared emergency
declared state of emergency
declares state of emergency
demand for ivory
demand for water
demonstration (s)
demonstration (s) against
dense rainforest – ivory
devaluation of currency
deteriorating security situation
detect threat (s)
devastating disaster
DHS – Department of Homeland Security
DHS assets
DHS blue program (human trafficking)
DHS annual threat assessment
dire threat
disaster (s)
disaster assistance
disaster management
disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
disaster mitigation
disaster plan
disaster relief
disaster response
disaster response coordination
disaster response team
disaster unemployment assistance
disasters man made or natural
dispatch from
dispatched from
domestic security
domestic threat
driven the unemployment rate
drivers fatigue
during a riot
early warning
early warning signs
early warning systems
ecological risk
economic chaos
economic crisis
economic disruption
economic event
economic stagnation
economic threat
effect on agriculture
effect on population
electric grid
electric grid vulnerable
electric grid vulnerability
electric outage
electric substation
electrical substation
electromagnetic energy
elevated alert
elevated alert level
emergency action
emergency alert (s)
emergency and disaster information
emergency broadcast system
emergency command
emergency command post
emergency declared
emergency landing
emergency management
emergency phone number for the U.S. consulate
emergency phone number for the U.S. embassy
emergency preparedness
emergency protest
emergency protocol (s)
emergency relief
emergency report
emergency rescue
emergency response
emergency response team
emergency services
emergency services say
emergency session (s)
emergency warning (s)
emerging economy
emerging risks
emerging security threat
emerging threat
emerging threats
environmental emergency
epidemic of violence
equipment failure alarm
eradication efforts
escalate threat (s)
evacuated after threat
evacuation (s)
evacuation center
evacuation (s) ordered
evacuation route (s)
event cancelled
event occurred in
everyman for himself
exercise caution
expanded recalls
experts warn of potential disaster
exploding global population
extends ban on
extends ban on sale of
extra security measures
extreme violence
extremist (s)
extremist exploitation
factories shut down
FBI alert
financial threat
first responder
first responder network
first warning
flare mules – UK
flood barrier
flood barrier at risk
flood radar
flood stressed
food defense
food insecurity
food poisoning
food security
food shortage
food source
food supply
food supply risk
food tampering
forced work stoppage
forces evacuation
foreign rescue workers
foreign threat
frantic effort (s)
fueled anger and rage
full alert
further escalation
future unemployment
gang of looters
gas explosion
gas leak
gas like odor
gas line explosion
gasoline shortage
gathering threat
Geneva report
global distribution of food supplies
global food system
global hotspot
global warming
grave threat
growing civil unrest
greatest threat
growing concern
growing concerns over increase in
growing fears
ground water
ground zero
growing movement
growing problem (s)
growing tension (s)
growing tension (s) between
growing threat
growing threat increasing
growing trend
harmful goods
harvest down
harvest up
hate group
hazard (s)
hazard identification
hazard reduction
hazard warning
hazardous material (s)
HAZMAT crews
HAZMAT crews respond
hazardous materials response team
heightened security concerns
high level of alert
high risk
high threat
hitting public services
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Advisory System
homeland threat
housing shortage
huge population growth
humanitarian aid
humanitarian threat
hundreds displaced
hundreds flee
hundreds of families
hundreds of individuals
hundreds of people
hundreds of thousands of people
imminent danger
imminent threat
impending disaster
improve security
incidence of civil disorder
incident response
incidents of violence
increase in security
increase in such attacks
industrial pollution
increase risk (s)
increase of risk (s)
increased security
industrial disaster
infrastructure attack
international alert system
interstate closed
interstate closed for several hours
intifada (uprising, social unrest, Arabic)
invasive species
investigate (s) contaminated water
issue an alert
issued distress call
issues alert
killed people worldwide
knocked out substation
lack of threats
latest threat
lead to civil unrest
leading to insecurity
local hostilities
long term outage
long term threat
looted from
loss phone service
low-lying dam
main security threat
main security threats
major disaster declared
major disaster declaration
major incident
major outage (s)
major risk (s)
major rockslide
major threat (s)
manmade disaster
manmade disasters
mandatory evacuation (s)
marred by violence
martial law declared
martial law preparation
mass casualties
mass casualties expected
mass civil breakdown
mass demonstrations
mass mobilization (s)
mass mobilization against
mass shooters
mass shooting (s)
mass stabbing
mass street demonstrations
mass surveillance
massive blackout
massive street protests
material and economic loss
minimize risk
mining hazard (s)
mitigate perceived threats
mitigate situation
mitigating the risk
mob killing
mob rule
month’s long protests
motion sensors
moved to safer ground
moved to safety
multiple looting
national disaster (s)
national emergency
national emergencies
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
national preparedness
national security
national security implications
national security interests
natural disaster (s)
natural hazard
no go zones
non-credible threat
obscure group
oil shipping facility
oil terminal
on alert
open civil war
outage shut down
outage shut down critical services
outbreak of civil unrest
outbreak of violence
pamphlets distributed
pamphlets dropped
people are fleeing
people arrested
people detained
people have been killed
people in camps
people injured
people killed in attack (s)
people taken to hospitals
people were killed
people were shot
people were wounded
personnel responded quickly
personnel responded quickly to the scene
petroleum reserves
phone service out
physical attack to grid
physical damage
physical damage assessment
pipeline accident
pipeline attack
pipeline explosion
pipeline leak
pipeline shutdown
planning attacks on churches
planning attacks on civilians
popular protests
population expansion
population growth
population trend
pose an immediate threat
pose biggest threat
poses a threat
possible contamination
potential attack (s)
potential crisis
potential delays
potential security problem
potential target
potential threat
potentially dangerous
power blackouts
power grid
power lines damaged
power outage (s)
power outage (s) in
power sector
power shortage
power surge
prevention measures
preventive action
price hike (s)
prices have climbed
primary threat (s)
proclaimed a state of emergency
prompted red alert
prompts warning
protecting crowded places
protection measure (s)
protection measure for earthquake (s)
protection measure for landslide (s)
protection measure for damage to building (s) from cyclone (s) protection
measure from damage to buildings during floods protection measures tsunami (s)
protective action
protest (s)
protest against
protest planned
protest (s) turned violent
protest (s) turns violent
protest (s) in
protest (s) quickly spread
protester arrest
protesters arrested
protester (s) attack (ed)
protesters burn flags
protesters raid
protests aimed at toppling
protests being planned
protests turned violent
provided material support
public emergency
public disaster
public security
public venues
punctured a pipeline
put on red alert
quell civil unrest
quell protests
quell riots
quickly deteriorate (d)
race riots
radiation accident
radiation alert
radical group (s)
radioactive material (s)
radioactive material (s)
rally site protest
random attacks
random killings
real threats
red alert
regional security
regional tension (s)
related threat
relief aid
reported killed
reported lost
reported missing
reports of violence
reports of violence increase
rescue attempt
rescue mission
rescue scenario
rescue workers
rescuers were alerted
residents still without power
residents told to evacuate
residents told to leave
residents were without power
residents without electricity
residents without power
residents without water
response team
response to the threat
restricted area
restricted area access
resulting in more deaths
riot broke out
riots break out
riots claim more than 100 lives
risk assessment
risk and threat assessment
risk identification
risk zone
road traffic safety
rolling blackout (s)
run on deposits
safety concern (s)
safety of customers
safety of infrastructure
satanic cult
scale of damages
school closure
school shooting (s)
scope of the threats
scores die
scores killed
search and rescue efforts
search effort (s)
search efforts called off
search team (s)
search team found
security breach
security challenge
security concerns
security details
security drill
security experts warn
security fears
security flaw
security grossly inadequate
security lapse
security services
security situation (s)
security team is investigating
security threat
security threats
security tightened
security to be stepped up
security warning (s)
seek evacuation
serious threat (s)
service reduction
services first went down around
severe damage
severe unemployment
severe inflation
severe threat
sewage contaminated water
sewage overflow
shelter in place order
shortage of supplies
shortage of medical supplies
shortage medical supplies
short term threat
shortages of commodities
significantly disrupted
small protests
social stability
social unrest in
sparks evacuation
specific threat (s)
specific threats Olympics
spillover violence
spiral of violence
spiraling violence
sporting events
static security
stagnant water
stark warning
state of emergency
stock exchange halts trading
suffered severe damages
suffers massive power outage
strikes and protests
subversive groups
supply chain security
surge in violence
survey the damage
suspicious situation (s)
tainted food
tainted with
taking a huge toll
tamper with U.S. infrastructure
tampering with public water system
targeted weaknesses (attack) (sabotage)
targeting critical infrastructure
technical hazard (s)
technical issue (s)
technological disaster
telephone services went dark
temporarily suspending services
tens of thousands have taken to the streets
thousands affected by outages
thousands flee
thousands infected
thousands of families flee
thousands stranded
threat matrix
the foreigners killed were
those most at risk
thousands protests
threat actor (s)
threat against
threat alert
threat alert extended
threat assessment
threat assessment team
threat continues
threat environment
threat estimates
threat heightened
threat intelligence
threat landscape
threat level
threat level increased
threat level raised
threat of attack
threat of destabilization
threat perception (s)
threat potential
threat reporting
threat to airline
threat to American security
threat to national security
threat to critical infrastructure
threat to public safety
threat (s) to U.S.
threat to U.S. security
threat was linked
threats posed by
threats to national security
threaten (ed) to carry out further attacks
threaten (ed) to carry out more attacks
threatens strike
threats of violence
threats of violence prompts
threats to business
took control of oil field (s)
took refuge
took refuge in bomb shelter
toxic disaster
tragic accident
tragic event (s)
transmission line
transmission line attack
transmission substation (transformers)
transnational security issues
trapped in
trapped in building (s)
trapped in house (s)
trapped inside
trapped inside building (s)
trapped inside the house
types of threats
universal threat
unknown group
undisclosed location
undisclosed hotel
unconfirmed threat
updating security measures
uprising (s)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Program U.S. warns
U.S. warns citizens
U.S. warns of possible attacks
urban attack
urgent action
urgent security issue (s)
violence erupts
violence erupts in
violence escalates
violence grips
violence grows
violence has increased
violence is soaring
violence not over
violence outbreak
violence spreads
violent attacks caught on tape
violent campaign
violent demonstration
violent outbreak (s)
vulnerability assessment
vulnerable threats
vulnerable to
vulnerable to attack
vulnerable target (s)
vulnerability of the system
warning issued
warning issued by law enforcement
warning message
water challenges
water contamination
water crisis
water cuts
water emergency
water main broke
water main ruptured
water poisoning
water shortage (s)
water supply
water supply and sanitation
water war
weakening economy
weakening global economy
widespread devastation
widespread looting
widespread outages
widespread panic
widespread power outages
widespread violence
worldwide threat (s)
worsening conditions
worsening events
worst case scenario
according to an official from
according to court record (s)
according to information
according to investigative reports
according to officials
according to opinion polls
according to sources
according to those familiar with the situation
acquiring information
agency recently disclosed
aid agencies report
alarming statement (s)
amid claims
amid confusion
amid heightened tensions
announcement by the Justice Department
anti-American sentiment
anti-foreigner sentiment
anti-Japanese sentiment
as a matter of policy
authorities cracked down
authorities have determined
authorities issued an alert
authorities not release the names
authorities raided homes
authorities reported
authorities said
authorities say
authorities seize
chief of mission authority
citing law enforcement sources
clandestine sources
confirmed report (s)
contacted authorities
credible witness
credible eyewitness
credible report (s)
credible sighting (s)
credible source
credible threat
credible threats
credibility of alert (s)
current information suggests
current international news
data from studies show
decision making authority
declined comment
declined to speak publicly
deepens ties
detailed chronology
detailed information
dramatic increase in
drew record numbers
during a news conference
expressed misgivings
ethnic and religious tension
extensive investigation
fact finding mission
false narrative
fire department officials say
foia request
foreign affairs spokesman
further their cause
global report on
global spread
government officials confirmed
government spokesman
government spokesperson
government spokeswoman gravity of the situation growing in strength
has warned
high level authorities
horrendous conditions
hostile environment
ignited concerns
in a news release
in harms way
in recent days
in recent months
in recent years
in separate locations
in the same period
incident is under investigation
incident occurred on
incident raising concerns
incident site
incidents in
initiation of hostilities
intent of group
intent to hurt
investigation activities
investigation launched
investigation underway
investigative committee
investigative journalist
investigators reported their findings
is described as
issue came to a head
issues warning
journalist arrested
journalist detained
journalist freed
journalist injured
journalist kidnapped
journalist killed
journalist missing
journalist released
journalist reported
large number of
latest development
latest update
launches new efforts
leading cause of
leaked report
linked to
local media
local media reported
local sentiment
may spread
measures are a result
media account
media gag order
media reported
media said
most concentrated
nature of threat
near certainty
nefarious reason
negotiations between
negotiations stalled
negotiations with
negotiations with Iran
news broke that
nexus between
no immediate claim of
not acknowledged publicly
nothing to indicate he was
official accounts
official not authorized to comment publicly
officials discussed
officials indicted
officials reported
officials suspected
officials vowed
originated from
out of an abundance of caution
outlook deteriorating
particularly vulnerable
plagued by
position further weakened
potential adversaries
precarious situation
predictive analysis
predictive analytics
potential harm
potential risk
potential risks
presence continues to grow
present situation
prior to the attack
public safety spokesman
public speeches
questions remain
quick action
quickly denounced
raises fear (s)
received widespread attention
recent incident (s)
recent security incident (s)
released data today
released publicly
reliable source (s)
report filed with
relieved of duty (ies)
remains speculative
reports of
reports suggest
reveals that
rise in
rise in number of people
risk of escalation
rising tension (s)
security issues
security measure (s)
security measures revised
security worries grow
serious concern (s)
severely diminished
sharp increase in
sheriff’s officials say
shocking attack (s)
signs of trouble
situational awareness report
situation continues to deteriorate
situation deteriorating
situation in _ serious
small groups of people
sources close to
sources from the U.S. government
sources reported
sources said
speaking on condition of anonymity
special envoy
special rapporteur
spike in
spread terror
statement said
strategic plan
strategic presence in
suspicions sparked
suspicious activity (ies)
suspicious activity reports
suspicious attacks
suspicious behavior
suspicious event
sustained campaign against
systemic event – financial economy
systemic risk
talks involving two groups
targeted for
targeted the
team leader
tension (s) between
tensions have abated
tensions mount
tensions mount between
the announcement follows
the company said
there were indications
thinly veiled threat
throng of reporters
time bombs
time sensitive
time sensitive information
to deter
took control of
undisclosed report
uncertain future
unconfirmed report
unknown group
unsafe incident
unstable region
unusual conditions
UK threat level severe
UN concerns rises
UN warns of
U.S. interests
U.S. led coalition
up tick
urges attack
urges attack on U.S.
vocal critic
volatile area (s)
worldwide average
xenophobia has risen
xenophobia violence
yellow alert
youth violence
abolish terrorist sanctuaries
act of terrorism
acts of terrorism perpetrated by
adaptive enemy (ies)
after the massacre
against U.S. interests
agro terrorism
al Queda
al-Qaeda affiliated grou
al-Qaeda attack
Al-Qaeda hit list
al-Qaeda leader
al-Qaeda linked group
Al-Qaeda seizes
al-Qaeda training camp
alleged members of terrorist group
alleged plot
anti-Muslim terrorism
anti-terrorism police
anti-US terrorism
Arab (s) attack
Arab attack on
armed terrorist (s)
assess terrorist threats
assessment of terrorist threats
attacks on ISIS
attempted terrorist attack
biological threats and terrorism
bioterror threat
blasphemy police
bought by terrorists
breakaway faction
category A bioterrorism threat
change of tactics
chatter indicating
Chechen female suicide bombers
child bomber
claims responsibility for attack
combat Islamic extremism
combat terrorism
compliance – terrorism
Computer Assisted Passenger Processing System (CAPPS) (counterterrorism)
condemn all acts of terrorism
condemned attack
condemned terrorist attack
conduct Jihad
counter extremism
counter terrorism
counter terrorism database
counter terrorism effort
counter terrorism programs
counter terrorist operation
counter terrorist police
counter sponsored terrorism
continued violence in
culture of terrorism
cyber security and electronic terrorism
cyber terrorism
dabiq magazine (ISIS magazine)
Daesh – terrorist group ISIS
deadly attack (s)
decentralized terrorist movement
declaration of holy war
defeat counterterrorism measures
demolish a terrorist organization
detect terrorist activity
detonated suicide bombs
denied persons list (U.S.)
disrupt terrorist plans
domestic terrorism
domestic terrorist attacks
dormant operative
eco terrorism
eliminate al-Qaeda
emergence of small groups
environmental terrorism
expel militants
extremist group
extremist regime of the Taliban
face terror charges
failed suicide attack
family influenced violent extremist
fight against terrorism
financial backer of al-Qaeda operations
foreign insurgent
food terrorism
foreign terrorist organization
former terrorist
fringe group (s)
fundraising terrorism
German Muslim community
global counter terrorism
global terrorist network
global war on terrorism
growing Islamist extremism
GSG 9 – German counterterrorism unit
Hamas attacks
Hamas flags
haven for Islamic terrorists
Hawala banking
Hezbollah operative
Hezbollah planning attacks
Hezbollah planning attacks on western targets
Hezbollah terror cell (s)
Hizb’ allah
high ranking al-Qaeda official
home grown Jihadist
homegrown extremist (s)
homegrown ISIL attack (s)
homegrown ISIS attack (s)
homegrown terrorist
homegrown terrorist
homegrown violence
homegrown violent extremist
honor brigade
identify terrorists attempting to buy
identity of terrorist (s)
increased terrorism threat
infrastructure of terrorism
investigate terrorist activity
IRA factions
Iran supports
Iran supports Hamas
Iran supports Hezbollah
Iran supports ISIS
Iran supports terrorism
Iran threat assessment
Iran warns
Iran’s military aid
Iranian covert activities
Iranian covert operations
Iranian leaders
IS forces
IS threat
ISIS activity
ISIS affiliates
ISIS bombs
ISIS claims responsibility
ISIS gains ground
ISIS grains ground in
ISIS Islamic State
ISIS kill list
ISIS organization
ISIS threat
Islamic extremism
Islamic extremist activity
Islamic militant movement
Islamic militant (s)
Islamic State (ISIS)
Islamic state hacking division
Islamic state group
Islamic state militant group
Islamic suicide attack
Islamic terrorism
Islamist faction
Islamist groups
Islamist insurgency
Islamist leaning separatist
Islamist militancy
Islamist target
Israel bus attack
Jerusalem attack
Jewish targets
Jihadi attack
Jihadi organization
Jihadist cleric
Jihadist insurgents
Jihadist networks
Jihadist networks in
Jihadist rhetoric
Jihadist websites
known militants
Lebanon clan
Lebanese Venezuelan clan
leftist rebel group
lethality in terrorist attacks
linked to attack
logos used by insurgents, terrorists, paramilitary groups London terror attack
lone terrorist
lone wolf attack (s)
lone wolf terrorists
lone wolves
man dead in suspected terrorist attack
mastermind behind attack
mastermind of attack
material support for terrorists
militant group
militant hideout
militant Islamist
militant mujahi movement
militant network
militant organization
militant ties
militant website (s)
militants threaten
militants threaten attack
monitor extremist activity
mosque assault
mosque attack
mosque attacked
mosque bombing plot
motorcycle attack
Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim cleric
Muslim community
Muslim immigrants
Muslim owned businesses
Muslim riots
Muslims are targeted
NCTC Information Sharing and Knowledge Development Directorate (ISKD)
near mosques
neo-Taliban insurgency
New York State Terrorist Registry ACT
nexus to terrorism
non-state terrorist incident
on alert for terrorist attack (s)
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
overt violent extremist
patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the west (PEGIDA) planning a
series of terrorist attacks
planning attacks on mosques
planning attacks on synagogues
planning attacks on targets
planning attacks on western targets
plot (s)
plot broken up
plotted attacks
possible terror attack
possible terrorist attack
potential for terrorism
potential of shutting down
potential target (s) for terrorists
potential terror threat
potential terrorist
potential terrorist threats
preempt and disrupt terrorist activities
preemptive of a terrorist attack
prevent a terrorist attack from taking place
prevention of terrorist attack
prime breeding ground for terrorism
prominent al-Qaeda member
promote extremism
promote militancy
radical Islam
recent convert to Islam
recent suicide bombings
religious extremist
religious terrorist group
reemergence of militant cells
returning Jihadists
rockets fired on Israel
section 215 Patriot Act
sanctuary to terrorists
severely degraded (terrorism)
Shariah law
Shiite Houthi rebels
Sikh temple
sleeper teams
social terrorism
socially reinforced violent extremist
soft targets
splinter group
spread of radical Islam
state sponsored terrorism
state-sponsored terrorism
state terrorism
suicide attack (s)
suicide bomber attack (s) (ed)
strategic terrorism
string of terrorist attacks
suicide blasts
suicide groups
suicide operations
suicide vest
support for terrorists
surge in terrorist attacks
suspect in terrorist attack
suspect in terrorist attacks
suspected in the terrorist attack
suspected international terrorists
suspected Islamist extremists
suspected Jihadis
suspected terror threat
suspected terrorist (s)
suspected terrorist (s) attack tomorrow
suspected terrorist (s) detained without trial
suspected terrorist (s) rights
suspected terrorist (s) threats
suspected terrorists list
Syrian electronic army
Taliban commander
Taliban government
Taliban insurgency
Taliban regime
target for terrorist attack (s)
target of terrorism
targeted by terrorists
targeted recruit
terror alert system
terror alert today
terror attack (s)
terror attack (s) may be linked
terror attack power grid
terror attack rumor
terror cell
terror cell in
terror funding
terror group (s)
terror plot
terror plot broken up
terror plot thwarted
terror prevention
terror suspect
terror warning
terrorism alert
terrorism case
terrorism financing
terrorism fundraising
terrorism insurance
terrorism plot
terrorism related act
terrorism risk assessment
terrorism risk insurance
terrorism risk score
terrorism sponsor
terrorism threat
terrorist act
terrorist action
terrorist alert level
terrorist attack
terrorist attack on border
terrorist capability
terrorist cell
terrorist crime
terrorist crimes
terrorist element (s)
terrorist facilitator
terrorist fundraising
terrorist fundraising methods
terrorist groups
terrorist haven
Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) Central database of names in
terrorist incident (s)
terrorist methods
terrorist network
terrorist organization
terrorist plot
terrorist plots foiled
terrorist plots foiled by NSA
terrorist plots since 9/11
terrorist recruitment
terrorist registry
terrorist related activity
terrorist shooting
terrorist sleeper cells
terrorist sympathizer
terrorist tactics
terrorist target
terrorist targets
terrorist use of drones
terrorist use of social media
terrorist watch list
terrorist hiding
threat of terrorism
threat of terrorist act
tier one target
thwarted terror attack
transnational network of terrorist groups
transnational terrorism
types of terrorism threats
U.S. counterterrorism official
U.S. radicalized
U.S. renews global terrorism alert
urban terrorism
violent extremism
violent extremist activity
Wahhabi extremism
wake of the attacks
war on terror
watchlist, watch list
western hostages
wing of al Qaeda
Yemeni group
advising against all travel
alert for American citizens
alligator attack
American killed
American missing
American wounded
Amtrak suspends
arrests made abroad
attack on tourist (s)
backpacker district
banned from traveling
black travel alert – Hong Kong Security Bureau
British holiday maker
British tourist
British tourist killed
bus accident
bus assaulted
bus hijacked
bus plunge
bus plunged
bus plunges
bus plunges off cliff
cancelled passport (s)
cargo train derailed
citizens traveling to or residing in
climber dies
climber killed
climbing accident (s)
climbing death (s)
deadly tractor-trailer crash
death on cruise ship
defer non-essential travel
died at the scene
died at the scene of the accident
disrupted travel
disrupted travel for commuters
diving accident
expatriate (s) (expat)
expatriate (s) (expat) arrested
expatriate (s) (expat) detained
expatriate (s) (expat) killed
expatriate (s) (expat) missing
expatriate (s) (expat) murdered
expatriate (s) (expat) raped
expatriate (s) (expat) robbed
fake passport (s)
foreign tourists
frightened tourist (s)
haunted tourism
high risk traveler
highest level of travel warning
hijacked a bus
hijacked a truck
hiker missing
hiker rescued
historic district
hit and run accident
hit and run operations
hit by another vehicle
holiday makers (U.K.)
hotel bombed
hotel evacuated
hotel targeted
hundreds of tourists
including tourists
injured climber dies
injured climber killed
injured while on vacation
international shark attack file
involved in a crash
involved in the crash
Japanese tourist injured
Japanese tourist killed
Japanese tourist missing
kayaking accident
killed in collision
killing all aboard
listed passengers
major transit route
major transit route for
make alternate travel arrangements
maternity tourism
miles of track
missing American
missing abroad
missing hiker
missing hiker found
missing hiker found dead
missing in
missing person national park
missing person state park
missing national park
missing state park
missing tourist (s)
mountain climber
national uncivilized traveler record (China)
new travel alert
outbound travel alert (OTA) – Hong Kong system of global travel alerts
passenger (s) inspection (s)
passengers evacuated
passengers forced to evacuate
passenger (s) killed
passport altered
passport fraud
passport and visa fraud
passport revoked
plunged off road
popular with tourists
railroad crossing
railroad crossing arms
road blockages
road closure (s)
road damage
roadblocks were reported
rolling roadblock (UK)
security message for U.S. citizens
series of shark attacks
sex tourism business
shark attack
sledding accident
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) (U.S.) still missing
stolen passport
stolen travel documents
stranded in
stranded motorist
suicide tourism
surveillance of air travelers
survival of passengers
suspending search efforts
suspicious crash
temporary road closures
tourism industry
tourist attack (ed)
tourist drowned
tourist drowning
tourist (s) killed
tourist (s) missing
tourist (s) missing since
tourist (s) murdered
tourist police
tourist (s) robbed
tourist (s) scam
tourist (s) scammed
tourist stabbed to death
tourist (s) targeted
tourist (s) wounded
tramper (hiker)
traffic collision avoiding systems
train accident
train carrying
train collides with
train derailed
train derails
transportation hub (s)
travel advisory index
transplant tourism
travel ban
travel club scheme
travel restriction (s)
travel scam (s)
travel scam (s) – Asia
travel scam (s) – Europe
travel warning (s)
traveled to
traveler stabbed to death
travelers evacuated
travelers were advised
tube strike (U.K.)
vacation scam
vehicular accident
visa waiver privileges
visa waiver program
vulnerable during transit
warns citizens of the risks of traveling
abnormal incident
acted immediately
active in the region
actively monitored
activity is likely
affiliated organizations
banned from entering
blood letting
China dumping goods
China plays a role
components of risk
comprehensive plan
compromised operations
confidential report
declared intent
detection of
domino effect
engage in
erroneously reported
exists in
flawed decision
foreign trade zones
found at
gain surprise
including foreigners
hunger strike
increase in
increase detection (s)
increased vigilance
lift barriers
material support
multiple effort
new hub
new law
occurs in
open to abuse
operational operative
operational leader
operational planner
paperless airfreight
peak oil theory
proactive actions
rapid shift
rare earth elements
rare earth industry
rare earth mines
recovery effort
recovery efforts
remain unaccounted for
ruthlessness people
secret society
secret UFO locations
special access program
tip off adversary
unauthorized person
well organized campaign
who was the adversary
access to weapons
after knife attack
after the shooting started
AK-47 assault rifle
AR-15 resistance
armament programs
arms control
arms embargo
assassin weapons
asymmetrical weapons
attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction
automatic assault weapon
bio weapon (s)
biological weapon (s)
bullets sprayed
bulletproof Kevlar gear
cache of illegal arms
cache of weapons
CBRN devices
CBRN weapons
chemical weapons
compact missile launcher
contagious bioweapons
contagious bioweapons research
continued gunfire
conventional weapons
cyber weapon
delivering nuclear weapons
deployment of weapons of mass destruction
electronic warfare systems
extends ban on guns
fired three shots into the air
fired shots into the air
friendly fire
friendly fire incident
gain access to weapons
Guantanamo cocktail
gun and bomb attacks
gun battle
gun battles have occurred
gun shootout
gun violence
gun violence is on the rise
gun violence is soaring
gunfire erupted
gunfire heard
high powered machine guns
illicit arms trade
illicit small arms light weapons trade
improvised weapon (s)
killed in a gunfight
killed in shooting
killed in shootout
knife attack
knife crime
knife violence
light weapons
machete attack
man portable air defence systems (MAN PADS)
missile firings
moving target (s)
multiple targets
necklace knife
nerve agents
non-conventional weapons
plastic 3-D printed gun
pointed gun at
pointed rifle at
portable launchers
procure weapons
radiological dispersal device (RDD) – dirty bomb radiological weapons
recover arms
rocket propelled grenade launcher
rounds of ammunition
self guided bullets
shoot down
small arms
steel combs (stabbing)
stolen weapons
sword (s)
sword attack
UN imposes arms embargo
use of weapons
weapons broker
weapons found
weapons grade
weapons hidden
weapons of mass destruction (wmd)
weapons paid for by
weapons smuggler
weapons test
across half the state
across large parts
across state
across the region
artic blast
black ice
cancelled due to weather conditions
chance of rain
changes in rainfall
citizen weather observer program
climate change
climate engineering
Climatic Prediction Center (CPC)
coastal flooding
cold wave
cold weather operations
cold weather temperatures
deadly ice storms
deadly storm (s)
deadly tropical storm (s)
deadly weather
devastating mudslide
devastating storm (s)
earthquake damage
earthquake magnitude
earthquake shakes
earthquake swarm (s)
extreme drought (s)
extreme weather
extreme weather events
flash flood warning
flash flood watch
flood (s)
flood damage
flood threat continues
flood toll rises
flooding in
floods in
floods kill
foggy weather
following heavy flooding
following heavy flooding and rains
following heavy rains
freezing rain
frost quake
hail storms
heat wave
heavy rain
heavy snow
heavy storms
heavy storms swept through the area
high winds
high winds, snow, and ice
hurricane alert
hurricane deaths
hurricane surge
hydro meteorological hazards
ice snow wind threaten power
icy road (s)
inclement weather
intense storms
levee breached
light rain
lighting sparked fire in
lighting storm
moderate rain
mud slide
odd weather
pollution alert
record breaking cold
record breaking heat
record breaking heat to continue
record breaking heat to ease
record breaking heat wave
rip current
seasonal weather
severe storm
severe thunderstorm warning
severe weather
severe weather alert
severe winter storm
snow storm
snowfall measurement
storm causes damage, flooding
storm causes wrecks
storm surge
storms cause damage
storms cause damage in
storms cause power cuts in
storms cause road closures
storm cause widespread
storms paralyze
storm paralyzes
storms sweep across
storms sweep across state
sweep across
swept away by current
tornadic activity
tornado deaths
tornado touched down
tornadoes destroy
torrential rain (s)
tropical cyclone
tropical storm
tsunami alert
tsunami warning
Tsunami Warning Center
typhoon alert
typhoon intensifies
unexpected freezes
unexpected frosts
unusual weather conditions
violent rain
violent storm
weather alert
weather chaos
weather conditions
weather modification
weather observer
weather related issues
weather related problems
weather warfare
weather warning
weather watch

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