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Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91

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Applying fuzzy quality function deployment to prioritize solutions of

knowledge management for an international port in Taiwan
Gin-Shuh Liang a, Ji-Feng Ding b,⇑, Chun-Kai Wang a
Department of Shipping and Transportation Management, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 202, Taiwan
Department of Aviation and Maritime Transportation Management, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan City 711, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this paper is to apply a fuzzy quality function deployment (QFD) approach to prioritize
Received 14 August 2011 knowledge management (KM) solutions for an international port in Taiwan. First, the paper examines
Received in revised form 8 March 2012 house of quality (HOQ) matrices to facilitate handling of the ‘what’ (i.e., KM requirements) and ‘how’
Accepted 10 March 2012
(KM solutions) aspects of the QFD problem, and proposes procedures for the use of a fuzzy QFD method.
Available online 17 March 2012
A case study concerning port K in Taiwan is then used to demonstrate a systematic appraisal process for
prioritizing KM solutions, and twenty attributes with sixteen feasible KM implementation solutions are
measured employing an HOQ matrix. Finally, the top five feasible solutions for implementing KM at port
Knowledge management
K are identified. The empirical results show that ‘establishment of a data storage and data mining system’
Fuzzy number in the technology dimension is the most urgent requirement for KM implementation at port K in Taiwan.
Quality function deployment Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [2,21,48]. Zack [48] suggests that knowledge is a strategic resource

that is difficult to copy or acquire, and the time needed to obtain
Traditionally, labor, land, capital, and an entrepreneurial spirit knowledge cannot necessarily be shortened by increased invest-
are seen by businesses and organizations as the most fundamental ment. As a result, knowledge can offer both synergetic effects
factors of production. In an age of exploding information, however, and increasing returns. Thus, the acquisition, integration, storage,
an enterprise needs to integrate its knowledge and transform it and sharing of knowledge are the basis for an enterprise’s creation
into useful resources that can help it maintain or create a compet- and maintenance of a competitive edge [27,31].
itive edge. In his Post-Capitalist Society, management guru Drucker Nonaka and Takeuchi [33] and Polanyi [37] contend that tacit
[18] pointed out that in today’s society, the key factor of produc- knowledge is a subjective concept that requires personal experi-
tion providing real dominance is not capital, land, or labor, but ence and can only be accumulated over time, and is also a form
rather knowledge, highlighting the reality that knowledge has be- of knowledge that cannot be transferred through language and
come an important production element. can only be shared via either interpersonal interactions or personal
Knowledge is an unlimited resource and asset [39] that can experience. Due to its higher production cost and lower chance of
grow as it is used, and organizations can continue to innovate repeated use, tacit knowledge is normally applied by businesses to
and progress through internal and external competition and higher added value production activities. In contrast, since explicit
friction. Both in the present and the future, knowledge will remain knowledge can be transmitted to others via other media, it can be
an important tool by which enterprises can boost their competi- spread in a more effective and faster manner, leading people to
tiveness. The key to the success of an enterprise lies in the contin- believe that explicit knowledge is the most important factor of
ued application and accumulation of knowledge, and the steady production in a knowledge-based economy. Because explicit
growth of knowledge through continuous learning and innovation. knowledge has a wider range of application and can be repeatedly
Knowledge management (KM) [2] involves the conversion of used, duplicated and learned, it can be passed on and spread
data into useful information which can be applied as knowledge. through tabulation, generalization, classification and storage.
It is a process in which data and information are processed and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
analyzed to become valuable knowledge, which can help (OECD) [36] argues that a knowledge-based economic framework
businesses and organizations make profits, reduce costs, boost will bring about changes in the pattern of global economic devel-
competitiveness, and generate both tangible and intangible assets opment. In a knowledge economy age, the creation of enterprise
value hinges on technology, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 6 2785123x2263; fax: +886 6 2785056. With the development and advance of various technologies, a new
E-mail address: (J.-F. Ding). economic era has now arrived. To enhance competitiveness,

0950-7051/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
84 G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91

improve efficiency, and lower operating costs, organizations numbers and the algebraic operations, linguistic values, and the
should treat their knowledge as an asset and manage it accord- ranking of fuzzy numbers, respectively.
ingly, share and transfer correct know-how, and transform
themselves into knowledge-oriented organizations. 2.1. Triangular fuzzy numbers and the algebraic operations
KM involves the use of a series of knowledge creation, acquisi-
tion, and application processes for the improvement of organiza- In a universe of discourse X, a fuzzy subset A of X is defined by a
tional performance. Hence, the success of an enterprise requires membership function fA(x), which maps each element x in X to a
both innovation and application of knowledge to gain competitive real number in the interval [0, 1]. The function value fA(x) repre-
advantages and promote KM [4]. A growing range of organizations sents the grade of membership of x in A.
are thus focusing attention on KM. In short, knowledge manage- A fuzzy number A [19] in real line is a triangular fuzzy number if
ment treats knowledge as an asset and manages it in a systematic its membership function fA : R ! ½0; 1 is
way to achieve the goal of enhancement of organizational perfor- 8
mance and competitiveness. < ðx  cÞ=ða  cÞ; c 6 x 6 a
In recent years, a growing body of literature [2,4,8,10– fA ðxÞ ¼ ðx  bÞ=ða  bÞ; a 6 x 6 b ð1Þ
12,20,21,26–28,31,40,41,45,46,48] has addressed the subject of 0; otherwise
KM, which underscores the widespread attention this topic has
received. However, a review of relevant literature suggests that with 1 < c 6 a 6 b < 1. The triangular fuzzy number can be de-
the application of KM is still limited to manufacturing, high-tech noted by (c, a, b). The parameter a gives the maximum grade of
industry, knowledge-intensive industry, service industries having fA(x), i.e., fA(a) = 1; it is the most probable value of the evaluation
frequent interactions with customers, and some government agen- data. In addition, ‘c’ and ‘b’ are the lower and upper bounds of the
cies. Despite the fact that there have been studies on the applica- available area for the evaluation data. They are used to reflect the
tion of KM to the maritime transport industry [47], discussion of fuzziness of the evaluation data. The narrower the interval [c, b],
its application to port management remains scanty. the lower is the degree of fuzziness of the evaluation data.
The integration of port service functions and their connection Let A1 = (c1, a1, b1) and A2 = (c2, a2, b2) be fuzzy numbers.
with the country’s industrial development not only result in bene- According to the extension principle [49], the algebraic operations
ficial economic clustering effects but also boost the market effec- of any two fuzzy numbers A1 and A2 can be expressed as
tiveness of the production sector. Moreover, the development of
global trade has further changed the management of traditional  Fuzzy addition, :
maritime transport and led to critical changes in the international
maritime transport service market system. Haynes et al. [24] sug- A1  A2 ¼ ðc1 þ c2 ; a1 þ a2 ; b1 þ b2 Þ;
gested that factors connected with the success of a fourth-genera-
tion port operation [44] include technology, human resources,  Fuzzy multiplication, :
resource integration strategies, and application of knowledge. With k  A2 ¼ ðkc2 ; ka2 ; kb2 Þ; k 2 R; k P 0;
the development of KM and the knowledge-based economy, these
competitive port knowledge service capabilities have expanded to A1  A2 ffi ðc1 c2 ; a1 a2 ; b1 b2 Þ; c1 P 0; c2 P 0:
play a functional role, which further demonstrates the important
role played by KM in modern seaport operations.
2.2. Linguistic values
Ports are a type of service industry [3], but there are discrepan-
cies in perceived importance and satisfaction when KM is
In this paper, linguistic values [29,50] characterized by triangu-
implemented by port operators. In order to enhance KM imple-
lar fuzzy numbers are employed to express the fuzzy relationship
mentation performance, successful, concrete, feasibility solutions
degree between the KM requirements and solutions. According to
must be proposed in order to resolve the issue of these discrepan-
the practical needs and for matching the fuzzy QFD approach
cies. The quality function deployment (QFD) method offers just
developed in this paper, the fuzzy relationship degree set is defined
such a solution. There are situations in which information is
as S = {High, Medium, Low, Non}. The linguistic values can be
incomplete or imprecise, or when views subjective or endowed
defined as High = (0.5, 0.75, 1), Medium = (0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
with linguistic characteristics [50], creating a ‘fuzzy’ [49] deci-
Low = (0, 0.25, 0.5), and Non = (0, 0, 0), respectively.
sion-making environment. The fuzziness-based quality function
deployment (fuzzy QFD) approach can be used to evaluate the rela-
2.3. Ranking of fuzzy numbers
tionships between the requirements and solutions of implement-
ing KM for port operators. By using the fuzzy QFD approach, KM
In a fuzzy decision-making environment, ranking the alterna-
implementation requirements can be transformed into technical
requirements able to improve KM performance. tives under consideration is essential. To match the fuzzy QFD ap-
proach developed in this paper, and to solve the problem
In summary, the purpose of this paper is to apply the fuzzy QFD
method to prioritize technical KM solutions for an international powerfully, the graded mean integration representation (GMIR)
method, proposed by Chen and Hsieh [7] in 2000, is employed to
port in Taiwan. The first section provides background information.
The following section presents the research methodology, while determine the priority order of execution to all technical solutions.
Let Ai = (ci, ai, bi), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, be n triangular fuzzy numbers. By
the third section describes the fuzzy QFD procedures. The fourth
section consists of an empirical case study, and the final section the GMIR method, the GMIR value P(Ai) of Ai is
offers our conclusions. PðAi Þ ¼ ðci þ 4ai þ bi Þ=6 ð2Þ
Suppose P(Ai) and P(Aj) are the GMIR values of the triangular fuzzy
2. Research methodology numbers Ai and Aj, respectively. We define:
 Ai > Aj $ PðAi Þ > PðAj Þ,
In this section, some of the concepts and methods used in this  Ai < Aj () PðAi Þ < PðAj Þ,
paper are briefly introduced. These include the triangular fuzzy  Ai ¼ Aj () PðAi Þ ¼ PðAj Þ.
G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91 85

3. The fuzzy QFD approach 3.2. The systematic steps of fuzzy QFD approach

3.1. Basic concept of the QFD model Fuzzy QFD method implementation steps [15,29,30] are pro-
posed as follows.
The QFD model [13,14,23,25] can be used to translate customer
requirements into product specifications. It is a tool to employ the 3.2.1. Step 1. Identify the KM requirements
voice of the customer (VOC) in a search for the best product devel- Because KM requirements are not easy to obtain, we combined
opment solutions. Cohen [13] proposed a four-phase QFD model in determination of KM requirements via the academic literature
a discussion of product development; these phases respectively [2,5,6,9,15–17,32,34,42] with consultation with managers and ex-
consist of customer requirement planning (CRP), product charac- perts in Taiwan concerning the characteristics of KM implementa-
teristics deployment (PCD), process and quality control (PQC), tion at a port. Four dimensions with twenty KM requirement
and the operative instruction (OPI). In this paper, we focus on attributes for an international port are evaluated, and their codes
the CRP phase, which is used to develop procedures for identifying shown in parentheses.
KM requirements and solutions. The CRP phase of the QFD model
consists of use of a matrix, known as the ‘‘House of Quality’’ 1. Market competitiveness (R1). This dimension chiefly focuses on
(HOQ), which uses matrices to show multiple relationships be- attributes relating to the enhancement of competitiveness in
tween customer requirements (i.e., the ‘what’ requirements of the international port market, and includes the attributes of
KM) and technical specifications (i.e., ‘how’ the KM solutions have ‘improvement of high-level managers’ prediction ability (C1)’,
to be designed). In this paper, HOQ matrices are used to organize ‘solution of problems caused by business and change of envi-
KM requirements and establish the priority of solutions in order ronment (C2)’, ‘enhancement of knowledge sharing between
to meet KM requirements. In other words, the customer’s KM different departments (C3)’, ‘shortening the time needed for
requirements are transformed into technical specifications, which business procedures (C4)’, ‘improvement of employees’ work
are then evaluated to establish an impact ranking. Further discus- efficiency (C5)’, ‘strengthening of the port’s market penetration
sion and explanation of the QFD model may be found in Akao [1], ability (C6)’, and ‘reduction of port costs and expenses (C7)’.
Cohen [13], and Terninko [43]. 2. Human resources management (HRM) (R2). This dimension
A typical HOQ chart (American style) is shown in Fig. 1, and is concerns issues related to the improvement of HRM efficiency
created in six basic steps. The difference between the American- in port operation, and includes the attributes of ‘implementa-
style and Japanese-style HOQ charts is that the latter lacks Area E tion of a substitute system to enable any replacement employee
in Fig. 1. Since the Japanese style of HOQ is easy to use, however, to swiftly take over a new job in the event of a job transfer (C8)’,
it will be employed in this paper. ‘fast and effective solution of repeated, routine, and common
problems (C9)’, ‘standardization of working procedures to
 Area A represents customer needs, as identified by the VOC. In improve employees’ business handling ability (C10)’, and
this paper, those needs are termed requirements, and influence ‘improvement of employees’ ability to apply information to
the KM solutions. The KM requirements are determined via a support decision-making (C11)’.
questionnaire. 3. Service innovation (R3). This dimension represents the ability to
 Area B represents the relative importance of KM requirements, improve port service quality and organizational innovation
determined in this paper using the questionnaire. ability. Its attributes include ‘improvement of the innovation
 Area C represents design requirements or technical specifica- abilities of the organization and its high-level managers
tions, which are ‘how’ the KM solutions to be made. In this through knowledge sharing (C12)’, enhancement of professional
paper, this ‘how’ question is the main issue, and involves iden- port managers’ success rate in their business negotiations with
tification of KM solutions. new customers (C13)’, ‘shortening of the time needed by the
 Area D represents the relationship matrix, which is the core ele- port’s to respond to customer demands (C14)’, ‘improvement
ment of the HOQ. In this paper, the relationship strength is of the port’s online service quality and implementation of a
expressed by triangular fuzzy numbers. one-stop service system (C15)’, and ‘improvement of communi-
 Area E represents the correlation matrix, which expresses how cation channels with the harbor bureau, shipping companies,
design requirements affect each other. Correlations are shown and shipping agents (C16)’.
with symbols, a rating scheme of 1–3–9, or linguistic 4. Organizational management (R4). This dimension focuses on
expressions. attributes associated with the improvement of a port’s organi-
 Area F represents design requirement target values. In this zational management. It includes ‘improvement of organiza-
paper, the priorities of KM solutions are calculated. tional and individual knowledge learning ability (C17)’,
‘improvement of the return of unit labor cost (C18)’, ‘transform-
ing the port’s non-knowledge-oriented organization into a
knowledge-oriented organization and increasing knowledge
sharing within the organization (C19)’, and ‘application of KM
to the overall port operation management system to boost port
Correlation competitiveness (C20)’.
matrix (E)
3.2.2. Step 2. Comparing the importance and satisfaction levels of
Design requirements (C) attributes
The KM requirement attributes can be measured using a Likert-
Customer Relative importance of
type five-point scale [15,29] to evaluate the discrepancies between
requirements Relationship matrix (D) customer requirements
levels of perceived importance and satisfaction. If the latter are
(A) (B)
greater than the former, this implies that the port system KM
Target values (F) requirements are acceptable. Conversely, if the former exceed the
latter, this implies that some measures or solutions should be
Fig. 1. House of quality (HOQ). identified, and Step 3 executed. In this paper, the authors will eval-
86 G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91

uate discrepancies in perceptions of KM attributes via a facilitate comparison with the

Ppriority, these weights are normal-
questionnaire. ized and denoted by W i ¼ wi i¼1 wi .
The priority of each KM requirement attribute can be found via
this approach.
3.2.3. Step 3. Identify technical solutions
The direction of this ‘how’ issue is considered from the angle of
3.2.5. Step 5. Construction of a fuzzy relationship matrix
the technical specifications involved in identifying KM solutions,
A fuzzy relationship matrix can be constructed to link the KM
which are obtained from the academic literature [2,10–12,21,26–
requirement attributes (Ci, i = 1, 2, . . . , n) and technical solutions
28,31,40,45,46,48] and port experts. Three dimensions with six- E
(Aj, j = 1, 2, . . . , m). Let X Eij ¼ ðcEij ; aEij ; bij Þ; E ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; h; be the fuzzy
teen technical KM solutions are suggested, and their codes are
relationship degree of the ith attribute corresponding to the jth
shown in parentheses. Descriptions of all technical solutions are
technical solution by the Eth expert. The linguistic relationship
shown in Table 1.
strength Rij in the position (i, j) of the matrix can be calculated by
3.2.4. Step 4. Calculating the priorities of KM requirements Rij ¼ ð1=hÞ  X 1ij  X 2ij      X Eij      X hij ¼ ðcij ; aij ; bij Þ;
As mentioned in Step 2, the degree of importance and satisfac-
tion of each KM requirement attribute are compared to obtain the where
arithmetic means of all importance and satisfaction levels. The pri-   
h P
h P
orities of the KM requirements are calculated to evaluate the VOCs. cij ¼ cEij h; aij ¼ aEij h; bij ¼ bij h:
E¼1 E¼1 E¼1
Referring to the area A in the Fig. 1, the identified VOCs include
those in both the higher importance levels and the lower satisfac- The fuzzy relationship matrix R can now be obtained, and is
tion levels, which implies that the higher KM requirements should R = [Rij]n m.
be improved.
Let xi and yi ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n; be the arithmetic means of impor- 3.2.6. Step 6. Calculate the fuzzy weights of technical solutions
tance and satisfaction levels for each attribute (Ci, i = 1, 2, . . . , n) Let Rij = (cij, aij, bij), i = 1, 2, . . ., n; j = 1, 2, . . . , m, be the fuzzy rela-
of the KM requirements. The priority of each requirement has a di- tionship strength between the attributes (Ci, i = 1, 2, . . . , n) of the
rect relationship with the importance level, whereas the priority KM requirements and technical solutions (Aj, j = 1, 2, . . . , m). The
has an inverse relationship with the satisfaction level [15,29]. Thus, fuzzy weight FSj of technical solution Aj relative to all attributes
the original priority wi of Ci can be denoted by wi ¼ xi ð6  yi Þ. To of the KM requirements can be expressed as

Table 1
Technical solutions of KM for an international port.

Dimensions Solutions Descriptions

Technology Establishment of a data storage and data A data storage and data mining system can be used to convert data into useful information and
(S1) mining system (A1) knowledge through data collation and analysis, facilitating the decision-making process
Construction of an information and An information and communication infrastructure can be used to achieve smooth, efficient, real-time
communication infrastructure (A2) communication between personnel, customers, and other port affair participants
Establishment of a decision-making support A computer-based decision-making support system (DSS) can use a dialog-type method to help
system (A3) decision makers use data to solve semi-structured and unstructured decision-making problems
Use of groupware and other software (A4) An open knowledge-sharing environment can facilitate cooperation between groups within an
organization; e.g. the use of software like online bulletin boards, project management systems, and
distance video conferencing
Establishment of a database for document A document management database can be used for document archiving and classification, facilitating
management (A5) the query and transmission of related documents
Personnel Support from high-level executives (A6) The support of high-level executives has made the application of KM more effective
Promotion of employees’ awareness of KM (A7) Pre-service or on-the-job training is used to boost awareness of KM among port personnel and reduce
cognitive bias and psychological resistance
Improvement of administrative employees’ On-the-job training is used to enhance the information application ability of personnel, boosting
information application ability (A8) information skills and enhance personnel qualifications
Establishment of a personnel continuing Port personnel are encouraged to receive further education or pursue study to upgrade their harbor
education system (A9) service knowledge
Dimensions Solutions Descriptions
Workflow Establishment of a clear future vision and The promotion of KM requires the setting of specific goals before a clear future vision, common values,
(S3) common values (A10) and team spirit can be established within the organization
A transparent workflow (A11) A transparent workflow can help eliminate the flaws commonly seen in conventional work
procedures, enhance overall working efficiency, facilitate document storage, sharing, and
management, and achieve smoother operation
Establishment of multiple knowledge-sharing Diversified communication channels are needed to share knowledge and experience within an
channels (A12) organization and prevent the obstruction of knowledge by outside factors
Strengthening of the performance evaluation Performance evaluation should be conducted periodically to encourage knowledge sharing and create
system (A13) learning models among employees
Additional value guidance (A14) To stress the importance of KM, port personnel should be made aware that the application of KM is not
limited to port affairs but can also be applied in daily life
A networked organization (A15) A networked organization has the competitive advantage of information circulation. By promoting the
efficient and effective transmission of knowledge, networked organization enables a port to respond
swiftly to dramatic changes in international markets and achieve a high degree of competitiveness
Development of a learning-based organization Learning is a continuous, strategic application process which creates ties between organization
(A16) members and their daily work. Organizational learning can therefore lead to changes in organization
members’ knowledge, attitude, and behavior, strengthening the organization’s ability to innovate and
G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91 87

n P
n P
for each attribute (Ci) in Table 2. The rankings of the important
FSj ¼ W i cij ; W i aij ; W i bij ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m:
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 KM requirements attributes for port K are then evaluated. The
top five KM requirement attributes were ‘reduction of port costs
and expenses (C7)’, ‘transforming the port’s non-knowledge-ori-
3.2.7. Step 7. Defuzzify the fuzzy relationship strength to rank the ented organization into a knowledge-oriented organization and
priority increasing knowledge sharing within the organization (C19)’,
The GMIR method, discussed in Section 2.3, is used to defuzzify ‘implementation of a substitute system to enable any replacement
the fuzzy weight FSj of technical solution Aj. The ranking value employee to swiftly take over a new job in the event of a job trans-
P(FSj) of FSj can be calculated by fer (C8)’, ‘enhancement of knowledge sharing between different
n P
n P
n departments (C3)’, and ‘improvement of the knowledge learning
PðFSj Þ ¼ W i cij þ 4 W i aij þ W i bij 6; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m: abilities of individuals and the organization (C17)’, respectively.
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
Second, the central part of Table 2 shows the fuzzy relationship
Based on these ranking values and the ranking rules in Sec- matrix. Four linguistic expressions were designed in the stage-two
tion 2.3, we can determine the priority of implementation of all questionnaire to measure the fuzzy relationship degree of each
technical KM solutions. attribute Ci corresponding to each solution Aj. Five valid question-
naires were collected to calculate the fuzzy relationship matrix
4. Case study [Rij]n m (see Step 5 in Section 3.2). After obtaining the fuzzy rela-
tionship matrix, the authors used the Steps 6 and 7 in Section 3.2
In this section, a case study of an international port (‘‘port K’’) in to calculate the fuzzy weights (FSj) and ranking values P(FSj) of
Taiwan is performed to demonstrate the calculation procedures all technical solutions. The technical solutions were ranked based
described above. on the ranking rules in Section 2.3, and these results are shown
at the bottom of Table 2.
4.1. Questionnaire and data collection The empirical results showed that the five best feasible solu-
tions for implementing KM at port K consist of ‘establishment of
In this paper, questionnaires for two stages were designed to a data storage and data mining system (A1)’, ‘establishment of a
evaluate the priority of KM requirements and the fuzzy relation- decision-making support system (A3)’, ‘construction of an informa-
ship degrees between KM requirements and technical solutions. tion and communication infrastructure (A2)’, ‘establishment of a
In the stage one questionnaire, we used twenty KM requirement database for document management (A5)’, and ‘use of groupware
implementation attributes to evaluate degrees of importance and and other software (A4)’, respectively.
satisfaction. One hundred personnel at port K, including senior
and middle managers and general unit personnel of port K, were 4.3. Discussions
selected to answer the survey questionnaires. A total of 74 valid
questionnaires (74%) were received from 100 respondents. The In summary, we have gained a rough idea concerning the tech-
survey was implemented through e-mails, phone calls, and in-per- nical requirements of KM implementation for port K, with atten-
son interviews by the authors. tion focused first on technology, followed by personnel, and then
The Cronbach’s a values of all twenty KM requirement imple- workflow. This implies that the development of various software
mentation attributes with respect to degrees of importance and and systems should first seek to structure data and information,
satisfaction were 0.9425 and 0.9375, respectively, showing that which should precede the application of KM awareness and abili-
the survey results had a satisfactory level of reliability [35]. The ties by port employees. Workflow-related tasks, such as system
content of the questionnaire was developed through an examina- and organizational reforms, should be performed during a later
tion of the academic literature, and investigated the characteristics stage.
of KM implementation at the port via the views of managers and Due to the fact that the environments faced by port operators
experts. A pretest was also conducted. As a result, the content can be very different, to ensure the correctness and timeliness of
validity of the questionnaire was considered very good. KM implementation strategies, the relationship between the
Regarding the stage-two questionnaire, the authors combined implementation of KM requirements and technical requirements
the twenty requirement attributes and sixteen technical KM should be constantly adjusted, so that they can serve as the basis
solutions to construct a matrix table evaluating fuzzy relationship for subsequent periodic evaluations of QFD methods. This paper
degree. Robbins [38] suggested five or seven decision-makers are has determined the top five feasible solutions for the implementa-
suitable for dealing with group decision-making problems. Due tion of quality technology deployment strategies, which are dis-
to the fact that the degree of fuzzy relationship is generated by a cussed as follows. These feasible solutions should be prioritized
professional committee, five experts consisting of senior managers, when port operators implement KM.
the majority of whom had been working in the field for over
twenty years, were selected to complete the stage two 1. Establishment of a data storage and data mining system. We
questionnaire. can see that information is obtained through the tabulation
and analysis of data, while knowledge is acquired through the
4.2. Empirical results classification and collation of information. After testing and
application, knowledge can be used to help enterprises make
The authors used the fuzzy QFD steps described in Section 3.2 to a profit, reduce costs, boost competitiveness and produce both
obtain the final results, shown in Table 2. The detailed construction tangible and intangible values. At the beginning of KM imple-
the HOQ in Table 2 is described below. mentation, port operators therefore need to first strengthen
First, the right side of Table 2 shows the xi ; yi ; wi , and Wi. The their ability to convert data into knowledge before their com-
Likert’s five-points scale [15,29] was designed in the stage-one petitiveness can be enhanced.
questionnaire to measure degree of importance and satisfaction, 2. Establishment of a decision-making support system. Research
and 74 valid questionnaires were collected to calculate the arith- on DSS has made great strides in recent years. The purpose of
metic means. The results showed that the arithmetic means of a DSS is to resolve uncertain decision-making problems faced
importance (xi ) are all larger than the degree of satisfaction (yi ) by high-level executives by integrating conventional data and
Table 2

The results of solutions of KM for international port K.

Solutions factors S1 S2
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9
C1 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813)
C2 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875)
C3 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875)
C4 (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875)
C5 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
C6 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
C7 (0.313, 0.5, 0.688) (0.313, 0.5, 0.688) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0, 0.188, 0.375)
C8 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.5, 0.75, 1)
C9 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1)
C10 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
C11 (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.375, 0.563, 0.75) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938)

G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91

C12 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.063, 0.313, 0.563)
C13 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.375, 0.563, 0.25) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
C14 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
C15 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
C16 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813)
C17 (0.313, 0.5, 0.688) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
C18 (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813)
C19 (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1)
C20 (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.5, 0.75, 1)
Fuzzy weight (0.397, 0.637, 0.878) (0.393, 0.633, 0.874) (0.391, 0.635, 0.879) (0.378, 0.622, 0.866) (0.380, 0.634,0.874) (0.351, 0.598, 0.845) (0.321, 0.562, 0.803) (0.321, 0.564, 0.808) (0.323, 0.569, 0.813)
GMIR values 0.637 0.633 0.635 0.622 0.632 0.598 0.562 0.564 0.569
Rank the priority 1 3 2 5 4 6 9 8 7
S3 xi yi wi Wi
A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16
C1 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.313, 0.5, 0.688) (0.313, 0.5, 0.688) 4.068 3.568 9.8934 0.0496 (14)
C2 (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) 3.987 3.50 9.9675 0.050 (11)
C3 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) 3.865 3.324 10.3427 0.0519 (4)
C4 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.063, 0.313, 0.563) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) 4.135 3.662 9.6676 0.0485 (16)
C5 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) 4.203 3.622 9.9947 0.0501 (9)
C6 (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) 3.838 3.351 10.1669 0.0510 (7)
C7 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.438, 0.688, 0.938) (0.063, 0.25, 0.438) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) 4.0 3.324 10.7040 0.0537 (1)
C8 (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0, 0.188, 0.375) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) 3.987 3.392 10.3981 0.0522 (3)
C9 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.063, 0.313, 0.563) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0, 0.188, 0.375) (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) 4.041 3.527 9.9934 0.0501 (10)
C10 (0.375, 0.625, 0.875) (0.25, 0.438, 0.625) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.188, 0.375, 0.563) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) 4.122 3.514 10.2473 0.0514 (6)
C11 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0, 0.188, 0.375) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0, 0.188, 0.375) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) 4.054 3.622 9.6404 0.0484 (17)
C12 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.313, 0.563, 0.813) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) 4.081 3.622 9.7046 0.0487 (15)
C13 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0, 0.25, 0.5) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.063, 0.313, 0.563) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) 4.216 3.649 9.9118 0.0497 (13)
C14 (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0, 0.25, 0.5) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.063, 0.313, 0.563) 4.176 3.757 9.3668 0.0470 (19)
C15 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) 4.311 3.784 9.5532 0.0479 (18)
C16 (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.125, 0.313, 0.5) (0.125, 0.375, 0.625) (0.188, 0.438, 0.688) 4.257 3.878 9.0334 0.0453 (20)
G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91 89

decision-making analysis. Emphasis is placed on interaction

(12) between human and machine, and a system must have ade-


quate flexibility and adaptability to cope with a changing and



unknown future environment. This type of system can enable

port operators to effectively use their current assets and
respond quickly to a changing environment based on their

existing information. In the face of strong competition from

other international ports and a drastically changing maritime
transport environment, port operators must be able to come



up with more efficient policies enabling them to meet current

and future challenges.


3. Construction of an information and communication infrastruc-

ture. The speed of information transmission is much faster than
before in the 21st century – a time of age of exploding informa-
(0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
(0.375, 0.625, 0.875)

(0.296, 0.543, 0.790)

tion. Nowadays, communication with customers, knowledge

transfer between port employees, exchanges between ports,
(0.5, 0.75, 1)
(0.5, 0.75, 1)

and contact with authorities must all often be conducted via

the Internet. Even if the situations most ports encounter are

similar, port operators should pursue the larger goal of contin-


uing to upgrade port service quality.

4. Establishment of a database for document management. The
(0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
(0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
(0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
(0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
(0.260, 0.497, 0.734)

compilation and transmission of documents within a traditional

organization is often very laborious and complex work that is
both time-consuming and inefficient. By contrast, use of a doc-
ument management system with cross-platform functions can

enable all the data and documents within an organization to


be effectively integrated. Accordingly, a document management

(0.188, 0.438, 0.688)

(0.313, 0.563, 0.813)

(0.063, 0.313, 0.563)
(0.234, 0.468, 0.703)

system can assist an organization in its implementation of KM

and allow the distribution of documents containing rich knowl-
(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)

edge to all levels within a port organization. This can encourage

innovative thinking and learning among port employees, and

improve their decision-making analytical ability. In addition,


the logical access mechanisms of the document management

system offer clear-cut categories, and employees typically find
(0.125, 0.375, 0.625)

(0.063, 0.313, 0.563)

(0.136, 0.370, 0.605)
(0.063, 0.25, 0.438)

such systems very convenient to use.

(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)

Note: The full names of all attributes of requirements and solutions of KM can be seen in the Section 3.2.

5. Use of groupware and other software. Through the use of

groupware, professional personnel in each department at a port
can freely absorb experience and knowledge from each other,

further promoting the overall knowledge of the organization.


The virtual community environment created using the group-

(0.313, 0.563, 0.813)
(0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
(0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
(0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
(0.295, 0.539, 0.783)

ware can facilitate the exchange and transmission of knowledge

among different departments and individuals, thereby facilitat-
ing a smooth cooperation within the organization.

It is also worth discussing the responses to this study from var-


ious personnel, as this is relevant to KM implementation at port K.

A committee – including five senior personnel working in different
(0.188, 0.438, 0.688)
(0.375, 0.625, 0.875)
(0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
(0.241, 0.478, 0.715)

departments at port K – was organized to discuss whether or not

the technical solutions could help them improve working perfor-
(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)

mance. The personnel agreed that KM implementation with appli-

cation of technical solutions to technology, personnel, and

workflow could better meet customers’ requirements. Full applica-


tion of KM service procedures to serve customers can promote

good service quality, management system effectiveness, and work-
(0.125, 0.375, 0.625)

(0.375, 0.625, 0.875)

(0.438, 0.688, 0.938)
(0.286, 0.536, 0.786)

ing performance. They argued that since knowledge is a critical

(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)

heterogeneous resources, KM implementation could be applied

effectively and deeply embedded in the organizational culture,
and should be valued as a key strategic capability. The personnel

believed that the successful implementation of KM at port K could


improve the quality of human resources and make human re-

Rank the priority

sources a strategic resource and an inimitable capability. In the

Fuzzy weight

end, they also felt confidence they could apply this non-substitut-
GMIR values

able resource to enhance their competence and sustainable com-

petitive advantage in the industry. This is in line with the

suggestion of Hafeez et al. [22] that a capability is ‘the ability to


make use of resources to perform some task or activity’. How port

90 G.-S. Liang et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 83–91

managers can determine their KM capabilities to run their business methods to investigate patterns and advantages/disadvantages of
operations more efficiently and establish their core competence port KM implementation.
more effectively will be an important issue for future study.

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