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Agnello, Raffaele (c1829-1869) Visit the American Mafia

History website:
Born Palermo, Sicily, c.1829.
Killed New Orleans, LA, April 1, 1869.
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Raffaele Agnello was a Palermo, Sicily, Mafioso who set up a Mafia organization in New Orleans
just after the American Civil War. Jump to...

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Agnello settled in the Crescent City before the war in 1860. He resided for a time with his
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brother Joseph in New Orleans' Fifth Ward (the central third of the French Quarter). When
Confederate forces and the local police abandoned New Orleans during the Civil War, Agnello
served in a home-guard police force of immigrants (who were considered neutral in the War Material on this site has been
written by Thomas Hunt, 64
Between the States). He continued in that role during the federal occupation of the city. N. Main St., Whiting VT
05778. It is the product of
considerable investments of
Agnello became a powerful underworld leader in New Orleans' Little Palermo in the later 1860s. time and money. Any
His gang of transplanted Palermitani came into conflict with a community of immigrants from unauthorized copying of the
contents violates copyright
Messina who gained the support of a local gang led by native New Orleanian Joseph "J.P." law and illegally deprives the
Macheca. author of control over and
benefit from his work.
Because there is widespread
After a bitter and bloody feud, Agnello appeared to have defeated his rivals. However, he was interest in the subject of
organized crime history and in
then ambushed and killed in 1869 in front of Macheca's fruit store near Old Levee Street and the biographies of the
Toulouse Street. A blunderbuss pistol was fired in Agnello's face while he walked with his underworld characters and
law enforcement personnel,

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godson and bodyguard Frank Sacarro. Sacarro shot at and wounded his godfather's assassin, the author has presented the
information in a blog format
but the gunman fled through a nearby bakery shop. that allows online linking to
specific biographies. This
linking is permitted providing
Agnello's brother Joseph continued a losing struggle for years before he, too, was murdered. the author's copyright notice
Joseph Agnello was shot to death on a vessel moored at the Picayune Tier on April 20, 1872. and all web links within the
bios remain intact.
Researchers who benefit from
The Macheca organization later gave way to the "Stuppagghieri" Mafia organization run by the the data in this site are asked
to acknowledge the author. (If
Matranga family. this material has value to you,
please consider making a
small contribution through
Related Links: the "Support Our Site" button
Crime boss listing Affiliate links: This site is
supported in part by Amazon
Article: America's First Mafia War associate links. Commissions
Deep Water: Joseph P. Macheca and the Birth of the American Mafia are earned though qualifying
purchases made through
Informer (July 2010): America's First Mafia War Amazon links presented on
this site.
148 years ago: New Orleans boss murdered (Writers of Wrongs - 01 Apr 2017)
The murder of New Orleans boss Joseph Agnello (Writers of Wrongs - 20 Apr 2017)


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(3) Mayfield Road (1) Mazza (1)
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Amatuna, Samuzzo
Alfano, Enrico

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Agnello, Raffaele
Doto, Giuseppe "Joe
Adonis" (1906-
Accardo, Anthony
Joseph (1906-
Aiello, Joseph
Crocevera, Isadoro

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