A fuzzy-QFD Approach To Supplier Selection: M. Bevilacqua, F.E. Ciarapica, G. Giacchetta

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Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27


A fuzzy-QFD approach to supplier selection

M. Bevilacquaa,, F.E. Ciarapicab, G. Giacchettab
DIEM, sede di Forlı`, Università di Bologna, Via Fontanelle 40, 47100 Forlı`, Italy
Dipartimento di Energetica, Università di Ancona, via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy
Received 30 September 2002; received in revised form 21 December 2005; accepted 8 February 2006


This article suggests a new method that transfers the house of quality (HOQ) approach typical of quality function deployment (QFD)
problems to the supplier selection process. To test its efficacy, the method is applied to a supplier selection process for a medium-to-large
industry that manufactures complete clutch couplings.
The study starts by identifying the features that the purchased product should have (internal variables ‘‘WHAT’’) in order to satisfy the
company’s needs, then it seeks to establish the relevant supplier assessment criteria (external variables ‘‘HOW’’) in order to come up with
a final ranking based on the fuzzy suitability index (FSI). The whole procedure was implemented using fuzzy numbers; the application of
a fuzzy algorithm allowed the company to define by means of linguistic variables the relative importance of the ‘‘WHAT’’, the
‘‘HOW’’–‘‘WHAT’’ correlation scores, the resulting weights of the ‘‘HOW’’ and the impact of each potential supplier.
Special attention is paid to the various subjective assessments in the HOQ process, and symmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers are
suggested to capture the vagueness in people’s verbal assessments.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supplier selection; QFD; Fuzzy logic

1. Introduction variety of uncontrollable and unpredictable factors that

affect the decisions involved.
Leading business management publications emphasize All in all, this should prompt careful attention to the way
the need to understand manufacturing decisions and in which such decisions are reached and justified, and
practices for a firm to improve its competitive position. would consequently suggest (among other things) the use
Various publications argue that manufacturing decisions of decisional models to support procurement decision-
and choices have to be consistent with the corporate making. Moreover, supplier assessments or ratings should
strategy for effective operations management. The aim of be done routinely to ensure that incoming materials meet
this study was to get a better understanding of a particular, relevant quality standards (Li et al., 1997). There is much
strategic operating decision area, i.e. the supplier selection discussion on this topic in the literature and various
process. As more manufacturing organizations are adopt- procedures have been proposed to help deal with the
ing TQM and JIT concepts, the role of the supplier and problems posed by supplier selection. Several factors that
supply chain management become increasingly important may complicate the decision-making process, such as
(Verma and Pullman, 1998a, b). In a time of global markets incomplete information, additional qualitative criteria
such as ours, the success of an enterprise often depends on and imprecise preferences, are often not taken into account
its ability to choose its suppliers. Supplier selection is (De Boer et al., 1998). In this article, we propose and
sometimes highly complex, since it incorporates a great illustrate a decisional model for supplier selection that is
based on TQM methods such as quality function deploy-
ment (QFD), adopting an analysis based on fuzzy logic.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 071 220 4874; fax: +39 071 220 4770. The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we
E-mail address: m.bevilacqua@univpm.it (M. Bevilacqua). illustrate some of the topics that are considered strategic in

1478-4092/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27 15

the suppliers selection. In Section 3 the QFD methodology products are a great deal more important than aspects
and fuzzy logic are discussed. In Section 4, a case study of relating to customer support services or price (Bennion and
an industry that manufactures complete clutch couplings is Redmond, 1994). In a comparative study of single-versus
used to illustrate the application of the proposed method. multiple-source procurement situations involving different
Finally, a discussion of the fuzzy-QFD methodology and types of industry and different products, it emerged that
the conclusions are presented in Sections 5 and 6. the accent should focus on price, quality and delivery
methods in multiple-source situations, whereas technical
2. Supplier selection support and product reliability are more important in the
case of single-source purchasing situations (Lambert and
The procurement phase has been acknowledged a Harrington, 1989). According to Rich (1995), traditional
strategic role and outside suppliers exert an ever increasing purchasing methods have often reflected a focus on tactical
influence on the success or failure of a business. price considerations, rarely extending the horizon to
The following points describe some of the topics that are embrace the true parameters of ‘‘strategy generation’’
considered strategic: and, as a consequence, the purchasing process has suffered
(1) The evolution in supplier–customer relations: Modern a prolonged absence from the corporate agenda. Price
procurement strategies demand new investigation methods, myopia devalues the strategic nature of purchasing by
especially where co-operation agreements are involved. ignoring critical features of supplier management, such as
There has been a progressive change in the relationship service levels and standards of operational performance. In
between buyer and vendor, in the sense that the conven- fact, there is a close correlation between price myopia,
tional idea of two opposite parties involved in short-term constantly changing supply sources and poor operational
negotiations has been replaced by more durable co- service levels. The criteria for developing a partnership with
operative relationships. Moreover, to ensure a market a supply chain member organization are typically driven by
advantage, companies tend to restrict the number of the expectation of quality, cost efficiency, delivery depend-
suppliers they purchase from; this means that they establish ability, volume flexibility, information and customer
more stable and durable relations with a narrow group of service (Olhager and Selldin, 2004; Motwani et al., 1998;
suppliers, thus obtaining significant cost savings and Li et al., 1997; Choi and Hartley, 1996).
ongoing quality improvements. This new approach charts In literature not many works propose tools for the
a very different course from the traditional multiple-source identification of the best criteria for selecting suppliers.
approach, that was generally characterized by relations in Mandal and Deshmukh (1994) propose interpretive struc-
which orders were placed with suppliers who offered the tural modeling (ISM) as a technique based on group
lowest price at a specific moment in time. judgment to identify and summarize relationships between
(2) The definition of assessment criteria for the specific supplier choice criteria through a graphical model. The
situation: Supplier selection decisions are complicated by important vendor selection criteria have been analyzed to
the fact that various criteria have to be considered in the obtain an ISM which shows the inter-relationship of
decision-making process (Weber et al., 1991). These criteria criteria and its levels. These criteria have also been
may have quantitative as well as qualitative dimensions, categorized depending on their driver power and depen-
and may also be conflicting. Preference for a given supplier dence. Dependent variables are very important for vendor
is generally assumed to depend on an assessment, case-by- selection whereas independent variables are important for
case, of the quality, price, delivery and service he can vendor development. Mandal and Deshmukh include
provide. The number and the set of the assessment criteria among independent factors the vendor’s production facil-
involved should depend on the product/service in question. ities and capacity, technical capability and financial
A study carried out by Dempsey (1978) considered 20 position. Vokurka et al. (1996) developed an expert system
different vendor attributes: though it offers some precious that covers multiple phases in the supplier selection
insight into the decisional process, such an approach can process, among which there is the formulation of supplier
prove excessively complex and consequently pose some selection criteria. More recently Bharadwaj (2004) pro-
problems. Parker (1990) claims that the majority of buyers posed a cross-sectional survey to investigate whether a
cannot take more than 8 or 9 factors into account in their difference exists in the decision criteria used by electronics
decision-making process, so researchers tend to develop manufacturers in procuring differing component parts. The
smaller, more customized sets of attributes as the final aim survey results suggest that the content and structure of the
of their research work. The relative importance of these decision criteria used by business customers to assess their
selection criteria has been estimated in various procure- suppliers do not differ across an array of electronic
ment situations. To be more precise, Patton (1996) components.
demonstrated that the predictive capacity of supplier (3) Procedural problems: As in the majority of decisional
selection models and the relative importance attributed to processes, supplier selection involves two basic but distinct
the assessment criteria varies considerably according to the actions: assessing and choosing. The assessment phase
nature of the choice that has to be made. In a market of generally consists in identifying the attributes and criteria
products destined for the industry, the features of the relevant to the decision and consequently in measuring or
16 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27

ranking each supplier in the light of the previously ming (PGP) based on multi-criteria decision-making
identified factors. Numerous formal methods have methodology.
been developed in the literature to take these procedural Models can also be classified by the rules they adopt to
aspects into account, based on particular conceptual integrate the complex and multi-attribute information they
approaches. use. Models can be ‘linear compensatory’ and ‘non-linear
In his review of Dickson’s (1966) classic analysis of the non-compensatory’: the main difference is that the former
problems of supplier selection, Weber et al. (1991) allow poor performance on one criterion to compensate for
examined the literature on supplier selection criteria and good performance on another. All linear weighting
identified several basic techniques and numerous models techniques are fully compensatory; De Boer et al. (1998)
emerging from research done over the previous 25 years. and Grando and Sianesi (1996) have developed partially or
He found that, in the main, they were linear weighting non-compensatory logic approaches.
models, numerical models such as the EOQ and, to a lesser Some innovative approaches, based on artificial intelli-
degree, probabilistic models. gence techniques such as Fuzzy Logic (Albino et al.,
Other authors that have dealt with the methods of 1998; Morlacchi, 1999; Nassimbeni and Battain, 2000) and
classification for supplier selection in literature are Holt neural nets (SiYng et al., 1997; Albino and Garavelli,
(1998), Degraeve et al. (2000) and De Boer et al. (2001). 1998) match very well with decision-making situations
In particular De Boer positioned the contributions in a where supplier evaluation is also perceptive and decision-
framework that takes into account the diversity of makers express heterogeneous judgments. With respect
procurement situations in terms of complexity and to Albino et al. (1998) approach to suppliers selection,
importance and covers all phases in the supplier selection in this paper the integration of fuzzy set theory and
process from initial problem definition, the formulation of house of quality (HOQ) has been performed, providing
criteria, the qualification of potential suppliers, to the final thus a structured tool to capture the inherent imprecision
choice among the qualified suppliers. and vagueness of decision-relevant inputs and to facilitate
Models for evaluating suppliers can be divided into two the analysis of decision-relevant QFD information.
groups on the basis of the structure they adopt: flat models The hierarchical structure presented by Morlacchi (1999)
and hierarchical models. In the first group, there are has been used to developed the model presented in
models and methods that consider all factors relevant to this paper, analyzing the supplier internal characteri-
the evaluation at the same level. The second group contains stics and focusing on supplier critical capabilities (the
all the models that require a structuring of criteria into a HOWs) so that to reach the desired product’s features (the
hierarchical framework, the best known of which is the WHATs).
analytic hierarchic process (AHP) proposed by many Other authors have used a QFD technique for supplier
authors (Nydick and Hill, 1992; Barbarosoglu and Yazgac, selection. Ansari and Modarress (1994) discuss the roles of
1997; Yahya and Kingsman, 1999). Supplier selection is a suppliers in the various phases of QFD and advocate an
typical multi-attribute problem that involves both qualita- extensive involvement of suppliers throughout the devel-
tive and quantitative factors. To deal with this problem, opment process. Rich (1995) shows how QFD can be used
some authors have adopted other techniques, e.g. whole to evaluate potential suppliers in the automotive industry.
number multiple-objective linear programming (Weber and Through the HOQ matrix, Rich made a supplier assess-
Ellram, 1993), total cost of ownership (Ellram, 1995; ment based on customer expectations (‘‘what’’). The
Degraeve and Roodhooft, 1998, 1999, 2000) and statistical Holmen and Kristensen (1998) study illustrates how the
methods (Mummalaneni et al., 1996). Being based on HOQ, can be used in the pre-interactive stage of a single-
purely mathematical data, these techniques have significant product development project, and how the identified
drawbacks when they are used to consider qualitative correlations and non-correlations between the character-
factors, which are very important in supplier selection, istics of the planned product can be used by a customer as a
especially when we need to develop supply management practical approach for discrimination between the follow-
strategies involving factors that are not easy to measure. ing types of supplier: (1) those with whom the product
Other authors have tried to integrate qualitative and concept in question calls for development interaction
quantitative aspects in the problem of supplier selection. between two or more parties (e.g. initiated through the
Since not every supplier selection criterion is quantitative, formation of a joint development team), (2) those who can
usually only a few quantitative criteria are included in the contribute to the development on the basis of task
optimization formulation. This problem is recognized by partitioning (e.g. initiated through a modular design
Ghodsypour and O’Brien (1998), who proposed an process), thereby avoiding the costly process of develop-
integrated method that uses AHP and linear programming ment interaction, and (3) those well-known standard
to deal with both qualitative and quantitative criteria. suppliers of proprietary parts.
Following this philosophy, Sarkis and Talluri (2000) In this paper a further step has been provided respect to
proposed the analytical network process (ANP) technique this models. Selection of fuzzy logic as a means to represent
and Wang et al. (2004) proposed an integrated analytic a QFD methodology seems natural, in particular when we
hierarchy process (AHP) and preemptive goal program- review Hisdal’s (1988) proposition: ‘‘Fuzzy logic can
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27 17

handle inexact information and verbal variables in a the 13 criteria proposed by De Boer and Van der Wegen
mathematically well-defined way which simulates the (2003) to assess our model:
processing of information in natural-language communica- Criterion 1: Does the model aggregate information in a
tion. For example, expressions such as: ‘‘high competi- proper way?
tion’’, ‘‘low interference’’, ‘‘low impact’’, or ‘‘high Criterion 2: Does the model sufficiently utilize available
collaboration’’ are imprecise’’. These sentences in a natural information?,
or synthetic language are the values of verbal variables Criterion 3: Is it (to a satisfactory extent) possible to
which represent linguistic concepts such as very low, low, incorporate opinions and beliefs?
medium, and so on. The vagueness and imprecision in Criterion 4: Is it (to a satisfactory extent) possible to
QFD are also due to other reasons: (1) Formal mechanisms achive a fair participation of individual members in case of
for translating WHATs (which are generally qualitative) a group decision? whose discussion is reported in Section 5.
into HOWs (which are usually quantitative) are lacking. Criterion 6: Is the outcome of the decision model useful?
There are normally many WHATs for a product, each whose discussion is reported in Section 6.
WHAT can be translated into multiple HOWs, and Criterion 9: Is the model sufficiently user-friendly? whose
conversely a certain HOW may affect multiple WHATs. discussion is reported in Section 4.
In general, these WHATs tend to be translated into HOWs Criterion 11: Does the decision model increase the insight
in a subjective, qualitative and non-technical way, which in the decision situation? whose discussion is reported in
should be expressed in more quantitative and technical Section 5.
terms. Hence, the relationships between WHATs and
HOWs are often vague or imprecise (Kim et al., 2000);
(2) Owing to the uncertainties in the selection process, the 3. Materials and methods
data available for product design is often limited and may
be inaccurate, especially when an entirely new supplier is 3.1. Quality function deployment
selected, and a certain degree of vagueness is often
inevitable (Fung et al., 2002). In traditional QFD, most QFD belongs to the sphere of quality management
of the input variables are assumed to be precise and are methods, offering us a linear and structured guideline for
treated as crisp numerical data. However, linguistic converting the customer’s needs into specifications for, and
variables expressed in fuzzy numbers seem more appro- characteristics of new products and services. The method
priate for describing those inputs in QFD. involves developing four matrixes, or ‘houses’, that we
Group decision-making is another important concern in enter by degrees as a project for a given product or
QFD. Multiple decision-makers are often preferred rather production process is developed on increasingly specific
than a single decision-maker (Chiclana et al., 1998; Herrera levels (Akao, 1990). In the present article, our attention
et al., 2001) to avoid the bias and minimize the partiality in focuses on the Planning Matrix, or (HOQ) (Hauser and
the decision process (Lee and Kim, 2000). In this paper, the Clausing, 1988) (Fig. 1).
weights assigned by the decision-makers were aggregated
using the average operator. This choice allowed us to make
a direct comparison between the QFD traditional method (E)
and the proposed method without increasing the complex- Matrix for
ity of the calculations (Section 5). correlating the How
(4) Decision-model assessment: The last topic that is
considered strategic is checking the efficacy of the model
used. Revolving around Timmermans (1991) and Rohr- Engin. Charact. (How) (C)
mann’s (1986) works, De Boer and Van der Wegen (2003)
proposed 13 criteria for evaluation of the decision models
for supplier selection. These criteria try to assess the degree
Relevance of What (B)

to which the models fit the complexity of the situation and (D)

seem useful from a cost/benefit perspective as well. The Customer
analysis developed by De Boer through the study of four Attributes
(What) Relations Matrix
cases reveals the importance of considering both the overall
usefulness of decision models for supplier selection and the
flexibility of a decision model in relation to the function of
providing structure throughout the process. Moreover the
decision models must improve the purchaser’s insight into
the decision situation by scrutinizing the very starting point
for engaging in a supplier selection process and making the Weight of the How (F)
purchaser’s own mental picture of the decision more
explicit. In this work, we take into consideration seven of Fig. 1. House of quality.
18 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27

The HOQ provides the specifications for product design Referring specifically to a multi-criterion analysis, this
(or engineering characteristics) in terms of their relative means that the values of a certain alternative concerning a
importance and of target values that have to be reached in given attribute often cannot be precisely defined, the
design and production. In a sense, the HOQ is the hub of decision-maker is unable (or unwilling) to express his
the whole QFD method: its construction enables us to preferences precisely, the evaluations or opinions are
proceed from the customer’s requirements to the design expressed in linguistic terms, and so on. To deal with this
specifications (Schmidt, 1997; Fariborz and Rafael, 2002). type of uncertainty correctly we can resort to fuzzy logic
This paper describes the HOQ and its process following (Zadeh, 1965). The logical tools that people can rely on are
the approaches suggested by Brown (1991), and Griffin and generally considered the outcome of a bivalent logic (yes/
Hauser (1992). Step 1: Identify the WHATs. The wanted no, true/false), but the problems posed by real-life
benefits in a product or service in the customer’s own situations and human thought processes and approaches
words are customer needs and are usually called customer to problem-solving are by no means bivalent (Tong and
attributes (CA) or ‘‘WHATs’’, area (A) in Fig. 1. In Bonissone, 1980). Just as conventional, bivalent logic is
assigning priorities to WHATs, it is necessary to balance based on classic sets, fuzzy logic is based on fuzzy sets. A
efforts in order to accomplish those needs that add value to fuzzy set is a set of objects in which there is no clear-cut or
the customer. The priorities are usually indicated in the predefined boundary between the objects that are or are
area designated as (B) in Fig. 1. Step 2: Determination of not members of the set. The key concept behind this
HOWs. Engineering characteristics are specified as the definition is that of ‘‘membership’’: each element in a set is
‘‘HOWs’’ of the HOQ and also called measurable associated with a value indicating to what degree the
requirements. HOWs are identified by a multidisciplinary element is a member of the set. This value comes within
team (Hauser, 1993) and positioned on the area marked as the range [0,1], where 0 and 1, respectively, indicate the
(C) on the matrix diagram, Fig. 1. Step 3: Preparation of minimum and maximum degree of membership, while all
the relationship matrix (D). A team judges which WHATs the intermediate values indicate degrees of ‘‘partial’’
impact which HOWs and to what degree. Step 4: membership.
Elaboration of the correlation matrix. The physical There are various types of fuzzy number, each of which
relationships among the technical requirements are speci- may be more suitable than others for analyzing a given
fied on an array known as ‘‘the roof matrix’’ and identified ambiguous structure; the present analysis uses triangular
as (E) in Fig. 1. Step 5: Action plan. The weights of the fuzzy numbers. These numbers are represented by triplets
HOWs, identified as area (F), are placed at the base of the of the type A ¼ ðxL ; xa ; xR Þ, where xL and xR are
quality matrix. These weights are one of the main outputs respectively the lower and upper limits of the fuzzy number
of the HOQ, and are determined by considered, while xa is the element that denotes the closest
fit. Triangular fuzzy numbers are often used to quantify
WeightðHOW Þi ¼ V ðHOW Þi1  impðWHAT 1 Þ linguistic data. The use of triangular fitness functions is
þ    þ V ðHOW Þin  impðWHAT n Þ, fairly common in the literature (Karsak, 2004; Chan and
Wu, 2005), because triangular fuzzy numbers are among
where V(HOW)in is the correlation value of HOWi with
the few fuzzy number forms that are easy to manage from
WHATn, and imp (WHATn) represents the importance or
the computational point of view.
priority of WHATn.
For instance, let U ¼ fVL; L; M; H; VHg be a linguistic
set used to express opinions on a group of attributes
3.2. Fuzzy logic (VL ¼ very low, L ¼ low, M ¼ medium, H ¼ high,
VH ¼ very high). The linguistic variables of U can be
In dealing with a decision process, the decision-maker is quantified using triangular fuzzy numbers as follows
often faced with doubts, problems and uncertainties. To
cope with and ‘‘handle’’ such uncertainties and inaccura-
cies, he generally relies on tools provided by probability
theory, accepting the principle that an inaccuracy, what- µA (x)
Degree of membership

ever its nature, is governed by random law. In a real

decision-making process, however, we have to deal with VL L M H VH
different types of uncertainty and inaccuracy, each of 1
which needs to be treated with the aid of a specific tool.
Probability theory is fine for representing the stochastic
nature of decisional analysis, but is unable to measure the
inaccuracies or uncertainty that stem from human beha-
vior, which is neither stochastic nor random. The funda-
mental role of the decision-maker or other parties involved 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in the decisional process poses a number of problems that
cannot be handled appropriately by probability theory. Fig. 2. Linguistic scale for relative importance.
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27 19

(Fig. 2): VL-(0, 1, 2); L-(2, 3, 4); M-(4, 5, 6); H-(6, 7, numbers. No single method has earned general consensus.
8); VH-(8, 9, 10) In the present case, we opted to follow the approach
The linguistic variable M for example means that the described by Facchinetti et al. (1998), who made a
decision-maker’s assessment contains elements of grades comparison between different fuzzy number ranking
xL ¼ 4 up to a grade xR ¼ 6, with a maximum degree of methods. The chosen method is a convex combination
membership in xa ¼ 5. The operations used in the present between the pessimistic and optimistic methods applied to
work on triangular fuzzy numbers are presented in a triangular fuzzy number. The pessimistic combination
Appendix A. treats any discrepancy as a contradiction, while the
optimistic one treats it as rather an uncertainty (see
3.3. Fuzzy-QFD Appendix B).

Research on fuzzy-QFD has received a certain amount

4. Case study
of attention (Temponi et al., 1999; Harding et al., 2001),
and made substantial progress. Khoo and Ho (1996)
To test the efficacy of the proposed method, it was
proposed an approach centered on the application of
applied to a supplier selection process for a medium-to-
possibility theory and fuzzy arithmetic to address the
large industry that manufactures complete clutch cou-
ambiguity in QFD operations. Fung et al. (1998) developed
plings. The analysis was performed for the selection of
a hybrid system to incorporate the principles of QFD,
clutch plate suppliers. The main features sought in this
AHP, and fuzzy set theory to determine design targets.
component are an excellent design and a very accurate
Wang (1999) proposed a fuzzy outranking approach to
construction to ensure a trouble-free, smooth operation
prioritize HOWs. Shen et al. (2001) proposed a fuzzy
even at high production rates. More than 20 suppliers of
procedure to examine the sensitivity of the ranking of
this type of component are currently available on the
HOWs to the defuzzification strategy and degree of
market, but only 10 are in contact with the company at
fuzziness of fuzzy numbers. All these works aim to
present. The data used as input to implement the proposed
determine a rating of the HOWs. In this paper we propose
supplier selection method were collected by means of
for the first time the fuzzy-QFD methodology for suppliers
interviews with three of the company’s buyers.
selection. The conceptual and procedural approach of the
The whole supplier selection procedure is characterized
HOQ remaines, though the roles have been inverted: in
by the following steps:
traditional QFD applications, the company has to identify
its customers’ expectations and their relative importance
(external variables) in order to identify which design (1) Identifying the characteristics that the product being
characteristics (internal variables) should be allocated the purchased must have (internal variables or ‘‘WHAT’’)
most resources; when the HOQ is used in supplier selection, in order to meet the company’s needs.
on the other hand, the company starts with the features (2) Identifying the criteria relevant to supplier assessment
that the outsourced product/service must have in order to (external variables or ‘‘HOW’’).
meet certain requirements that the company has estab- (3) Determining the relative importance of the ‘‘WHATs’’.
lished—and consequently knows very well (so the custo- (4) Determining the ‘‘WHAT’’–‘‘HOW’’ correlation scores
mer’s expectations become internal variables, since the and constructing the HOQ.
company itself is the customer)—and then tries to identify (5) Determining the wight of the ‘‘HOWs’’.
which of the suppliers’ attributes (external variables) have (6) Preparing the matrix for correlating the ‘‘HOWs’’.
the greatest impact on the achievement of its established (7) Determining each potential supplier’s impact on the
objectives. Finally, we have used fuzzy suitability index FSI attributes considered (‘‘HOWs’’).
to express the degree to which each supplier satisfies a given (8) Drawing up the final ranking on the FSI (fuzzy
requirement (Teng and Tzeng, 1996). suitability index).
The choice of the best supplier involves ranking values
that are not defined conventionally. Various studies have The activities 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 have been made by
dealt with the ranking of fuzzy numbers. Yager (1981) decision-makers (the three company’s buyers) without any
proposed a ranking method. This method is based upon the intervention of the authors. The activities 3, 5 and 8, they
idea of associating with a fuzzy number a scalar value, its had been developed, by the authors, through a model
valuation, and then using this valuation to compare and implemented on a spreadsheet, in order to enable its
order the fuzzy numbers. Later Yager and Filev (1999) integration at the company in question. The spreadsheet
improved this valuation method basing their work on proved easy to handle, in terms of both its computational
expected value type valuations, which are arise from the complexity and the updating of its operating parameters
transformation of fuzzy subset into an associated prob- (Criterion 9 for the evaluation of the decision models, De
ability distribution. Lee and Li (1988) propose the use of a Boer and Van der Wegen, 2003). This software was
generalized mean and standard deviation based on the interfaced with the normal management of the company’s
probability measures of fuzzy events to rank fuzzy purchasing processes.
20 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27

4.1. Identifying the ‘‘WHATs’’ ensuring long-term business relations with the supplier in
There are generally six fundamental characteristics
required of products or services purchased from outside 4.3. Weighting the ‘‘WHATs’’
suppliers by the company considered in this study:
Each of the three decision-makers established the level of
(1) Product conformity, in terms of the manufacture and importance (or weight) of each ‘‘what’’ by means of a
performance of the product/service. linguistic variable. Five different levels of importance were
(2) Cost, consistent with the product’s features and with used in this study, i.e. very low, low, medium, high and
the resources available to the company; (this means the very high, subsequently indicated as VL, L, M, H, VH.
whole procurement cost, including the costs of order- The outcome of this stage is shown in Table 1
ing, transport, storage and any depreciation, not just The linguistic variables were translated into fuzzy
the conventionally adopted ‘unit price’ indicator). numbers by defining appropriate fitness functions. Trian-
(3) Punctuality of deliveries, in relation to agreed delivery gular fuzzy numbers were used, characterized by the
dates. following fitness functions for each linguistic variable
(4) Efficacy of corrective action. (Fig. 2):
(5) Availability and customer support.
(6) Programming of deliveries. VL ! ð0; 1; 2Þ; L ! ð2; 3; 4Þ; M
! ð4; 5; 6Þ; H ! ð6; 7; 8Þ; VH ! ð8; 9; 0Þ.
Of course, the properties that are considered essential to
a product or service purchased outside the company will In this paper the weights assigned by the decision-makers
vary case by case; sometimes, for instance, the after-sales were aggregated using the average operator, as described
service may be of little interest, because this is often by the following equation:
governed by separate contracts, but the above list none-
theless contains the salient attributes sought in the majority WEIGHTS WHAT ¼ fwi ; where i ¼ 1; . . . ; kg,
of purchases.
wi ¼  ðwi1  wi2      win Þ,
4.2. Identifying the principal supplier assessment criteria n
(‘‘HOWs’’) where k is the number of ‘‘WHATs’’ and n the number of
decision-makers (k ¼ 6 and n ¼ 3 in our case).
In a comparative session, our group of three experts was Each element on the WEIGHTSWHAT vector is a
presented with various criteria that had emerged from a triangular fuzzy number defined by the triplet wi ¼
careful review of the supply management literature. This ðwia ; wib ; wig Þ. The weights obtained by aggregating the
analysis identified seven criteria crucial to supplier assess- opinions expressed by each decision maker are shown in
ment in our specific case. the matrix B of Fig. 3.
The following criteria (‘‘HOWs’’) were considered:
4.4. Determining the ‘‘HOW’’–’’WHAT’’ correlation scores
(1) EF ¼ experience of the sector; and weighting the ‘‘HOWs’’
(2) IN ¼ capacity for innovation to follow up the custo-
mer’s evolution in terms of changes in its strategy and Each decision-maker was asked to express an opinion,
market; using one of the five linguistic variables, on the impact of
(3) SQ ¼ quality system certification; each ‘‘HOW’’ on each ‘‘WHAT’’. The opinions expressed
(4) FL ¼ flexibility of response to the customer’s requests; by the three decision-makers are shown in Table 2.
(5) FS ¼ financial stability; Here again, triangular fuzzy numbers were used to
(6) RR ¼ ability to manage orders on-line (EDI-system); quantify the linguistic variables and, as in the previous
(7) PG ¼ geographical position.

In general terms, we can conclude from this selection of

supplier assessment criteria that customers are showing a Table 1
growing interest in the supplier’s capacity for improvement
in its organization and production, with the promise of Whats DM1 DM2 DM3
more reliable and less costly products. The company’s Conformity VH VH H
purchasing managers have indicated technological cap- Cost M L M
ability and financial considerations as priority issues. The Punctuality H M M
increasingly widespread tendency of customers to demand Efficacy M M L
Programming L VL L
detailed financial information on potential suppliers is
Availability M L L
symptomatic of how critical this factor has become in
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27 21

Fig. 3. The completed fuzzy-HOQ.

Table 2




Conformity VH H H VH VH VH L VL VL M L L L VL VL H H H L L L
Punctuality H M H M M M L L L H VH VH L L L VH VH VH H H H
Programming H H H H H M L L L M M M L VL VL H H H VL VL VL
Availability H M H VH VH H VL L L H VH VH M M M H H VH H H VH

case, the fuzzy numbers obtained for each decision-maker where the usual conventions are assumed for k and m. Each
were aggregated by means of the following equation: Wj on the WEIGHTSHOW vector represents the weight of
each supplier attribute. The Wj are, once again, triangular
RATING ¼ frij ; where i ¼ 1; . . . ; k and j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg,
fuzzy numbers defined by means of the triplets W j ¼ ðW ja ;
1 W jb ; W jg Þ.
rij ¼  ðrij1  rij2      rijn Þ
n The fuzzy values for the weights of the ‘‘HOWs’’ are
where k ¼ number of the ‘‘WHATs’’, m ¼ number of the shown in the matrix F of Fig. 3.
‘‘HOWs’’ and n ¼ number of the decision-makers (in our
case, k ¼ 6, m ¼ 7 and n ¼ 3). This time, the RATING is 4.5. Developing the matrix of correlations between the
the matrix of the ‘‘how’’–‘‘what’’ correlation scores, whose ‘‘HOWs’’
rij elements represent an aggregate correlation score
between the ith ‘‘what’’ and the jth ‘‘how’’. Here again, The correlations between the supplier assessment criteria
the rij elements are triangular fuzzy numbers defined by the (‘‘HOWs’’) are contained in the ‘‘roof’’ of the HOQ (matrix
triplets rij ¼ ðrija ; rijb ; rijg Þ. E of Fig. 3). This step in the construction of the HOQ
We can now complete the HOQ, calculating the weights enables the team members to keep track of pairs of
of the ‘‘HOWs’’, averaging the aggregate weighted rij ‘‘HOWs’’ needing parallel improvements and/or compris-
correlation scores with the aggregate weights of the ing ‘‘HOWs’’ in potentially difficult relationships that
‘‘WHATs’’ wi, according to the equation: consequently imply measures that are inconsistent with
each other. This matrix contains positive and negative
WEIGHT SHOW ¼ fW j ; where j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg, correlations between pairs of ‘‘HOWs’’ using the same
1   symbols as Hines et al. (1998). The completed fuzzy-HOQ
W j ¼  ðrj1  w1 Þ      ðrjk  wk Þ
k is illustrated below (Fig. 3).
22 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27

4.6. Determining the impact of each potential supplier on the where the previously adopted conventions apply for p
attributes considered and m.
The FSI vector contains the FSIh indexes for each
Having completed the weighting of each attribute, all we supplier, which are triangular fuzzy numbers as usual,
have to do is assess each supplier vis-à-vis the attribute in defined by the triplets FSI h ¼ ðFSI ha ; FSI hb ; FSI hg Þ, the
question and combine said assessments with the weight of components of which can be calculated as follows:
each attribute in order to establish a final ranking. Table 3
1X m
shows each decision-maker’s opinions on the various FSI ha ¼ SRhja  W ja ;
suppliers in relation to each attribute. m j¼1
In the same way as before, the linguistic variables were 1X m
quantified by means of triangular fuzzy numbers, then the FSI hb ¼ SRhjb  W jb ;
m j¼1
three decision-makers’ assessments were aggregated ac-
cording to the following equation: 1X m
FSI hg ¼ SRhjg  W jg .
¼ fSRhj ; where h ¼ 1; . . . ; p; j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg, For the case in point, the FSIh indexes are given in
1 Table 4:
SRhj ¼  ðsrhj1      srhjn Þ,
n Using the fuzzy ranking principle, these fuzzy ratings
where m is the number of attributes (‘‘HOWs’’), p the produce the following ranking order for the suppliers:
number of suppliers, n the number of decision-makers, and Sup 5Sup 2Sup 8Sup 7Sup 3Sup 4Sup 6{Sup 1,
srhjn is the (fuzzy) evaluation expressed by the nth decision- Sup 9}{Sup 9, Sup 10}.
maker for the hth supplier as regards the jth attribute. The Where  means ‘‘better than’’ and where {Sup 1, Sup 9}
SUPPLIER RATING matrix will contain the aggregate means that Sup 9 and Sup 1 are not so easy to be
assessments SRhj of the hth supplier for the jth attribute; compared, so do {Sup 9, Sup 10}.
the elements in this matrix are also triangular fuzzy Applied to a triangular fuzzy number FN ¼ ðFN a ; FN b ;
numbers identified by the triplets SRhj ¼ ðSRhja ; SRhjb ; FN g Þ, the Facchinetti et al. (1998) approach produces a
SRhjg Þ. score identified by the value:
FN a þ 2  FN b þ FN g
4.7. Supplier ranking .
The final scores (Table 5) and consequent ranking are
The last step in the procedure involves calculating the
given below:
FSI for each supplier; this index expresses the degree to
which each supplier satisfies a given requirement.
The FSIh index is a triangular fuzzy number obtained 4.7.1. Comparison with crisp number
from the previously calculated aggregate scores, multiplied Using objective, definite and precise numbers to repre-
by the weights for each assessment criterion. The equation sent linguistic assessments are, although widely adopted, is
is as follows: not very reasonable. For example, rather than using
symmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers to represent the five
FSI ¼ fFSIh; where h ¼ 1; . . . ; pg, different levels of importance, we may assign numbers 1, 3,
1 5, 7 and 9 to the linguistic assessments: very low, low,
FSI h ¼  ½ðSRh1  W 1 Þ      ðSRhm  W m Þ,
m medium, high and very high.

Table 3




Sup 1 M L M L M L M L M M M H M M M VL L L VL M L
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27 23

Table 4 attribute: SRhj ¼ 1=nðsrhj1 þ    þ srhjn Þ, srhjn is the evalua-

tion expressed by the nth decision-maker for the hth
supplier as regards the jth attribute.
a b g From these crisp technical ratings, the suppliers can be
ranked in the following order:
Sup 1 48.31 101.45 182.97
Sup 5Sup 2Sup 8Sup 7Sup 3Sup 4Sup 6Sup
Sup 2 75.99 145.27 246.55
Sup 3 54.39 109.98 194.33 1Sup 9Sup 10.
Sup 4 53.05 108.46 192.82
Sup 5 82.49 149.74 247.66
Sup 6 50.70 105.90 190.06 5. Discussion
Sup 7 66.80 130.46 224.79
Sup 8 67.64 131.17 225.36 The conceptual approach proposed in this paper is based
Sup 9 49.86 100.90 179.37
on the distinction between the attributes of the product/
Sup 10 44.91 98.10 180.06
service being purchased from outside the company and the
intrinsic attributes of the suppliers. It becomes evident, in
fact, that the company’s ultimate aim is to have access to
Table 5 supplies that ensure a certain quality standard, in terms of
the characteristics of the purchased products or services,
Alternative Score Ranking and as regards efficient deliveries. It is equally clear,
however, that achieving these objectives depends largely on
Sup 1 108.54 8
Sup 2 153.27 2 the characteristics of the supplier himself. It becomes
Sup 3 117.17 5 impossible, or at least conceptually unwise, to attempt to
Sup 4 115.70 6 achieve such objectives by restricting the assessment to
Sup 5 157.41 1 only one of these two categories of attributes. Constructing
Sup 6 113.14 7
Sup 7 138.13 4
an HOQ enables these two groups of attributes to be
Sup 8 138.83 3 correlated so that we can pinpoint how well each supplier
Sup 9 107.76 9 characteristic succeeds in meeting the requirements estab-
Sup 10 105.29 10 lished for the product being purchased outside the
company; having done so, we can go on to draw up a
supplier ranking list. Mandal and Deshmukh (1994)
suggested the definition of dependent criteria and indepen-
Using this scale for measuring the relative importance of dent criteria. In their view the dependent criteria (those
WHATs, for measuring the relationship between each which in this work are called internal variables) are
WHAT and each HOW and for measuring the relationship important to consider in the final choice-phase while the
between each HOW and each SUPPLIER, we can independent criteria (external variables) are important to
determine the suppliers ranking. consider for screening acceptable suppliers (prior to the
When crisp numbers are used, the weights of WHATs final choice).
(wi), the weights of HOWs (Wj) and the relative importance The proposed method tries to aggregate the decision-
of suppliers (th) are computed by makers opinions in a different way satisfying the two
phases of supplier selection (Criteria 1–4 for the evaluation
WEIGHTSWHAT ¼ fwi ; where i ¼ 1; . . . ; kg, of the decision models, De Boer, 2003). The decision-
1 makers are called to identify, through the HOQ matrix,
wi ¼ ðwi1 þ wi2 þ    þ win Þ which of the suppliers’ attributes (external variables:
experience of the sector, quality system certification, ability
where k is the number of ‘‘WHATs’’ and n the number of
to manage orders on-line, financial stability, etc.) have the
greatest impact on the achievement of its established
WEIGHTSHOW ¼ fW j ; where j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg, objectives (internal variables: product conformity, cost,
1  punctuality of delivery, etc.).
W j ¼ ðrj1 w1 Þ þ þðrjk wk Þ , In this way this method should be used with three aims:
where m is the number of ‘‘HOWs’’ and rji elements
represent an aggregate correlation score between the ith  as a tool for the identification of the best criteria;
‘‘WHAT’’ and the jth ‘‘HOW’’.  to carry out what De Boer et al. (2001) delineated as a
pre-qualification of suitable suppliers, or rather as the
1 process of reducing the set of all suppliers of all semi-
th ¼ ½ðSRh1  W 1 Þ þ    þ ðSRhm  W m Þ,
m processed parts and raw materials, to a smaller set of
where h ¼ 1; . . . p (p is the number of suppliers) and SRhj is acceptable suppliers;
the aggregate assessments of the hth supplier for the jth  as a decision model for the final-choice phase.
24 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27

Moreover, the construction of the roof of the HOQ ratings result in the same ranking order, crisp ratings are
(matrix E), studying the correlations between pairs of very close to the upper limits of the corresponding fuzzy
‘‘how’’, helped the decision-makers to define the judgments ratings and quite far from the lower limits. This shows that
about the suppliers (expressed in Table 3), and so to fuzzy ratings are more representative of the variations in
interpret the final ranking. the suppliers’ importance, which would make the industry
The use of fuzzy logic enables the decision-makers to more flexible to capture and satisfy its needs for the clutch
eliminate, or at least contain the problems stemming from plate, thus giving a more unbiased evaluation of the
the subjective and ambiguous nature of their information, suppliers performance (Criterion 11 for the evaluation of
so that they can formally treat (and thus implement in the decision models, de Boer, 2003).
calculation systems) even those variables that conventional
techniques cannot manage without sacrificing the expres- 6. Conclusions
sive power typical of verbal language, that still cannot be
reproduced by artificial intelligence. Whenever it is The QFD multi-attribute decisional method, designed to
impossible to establish clearly distinct constraints due to support the development of products conforming to the
the variables that define the problem, decision-makers customer’s needs and requirements, was applied to the
interpret their values on the strength of their experience problem of clutch plate supplier selection for an industry
and understanding of the problem, then draw appropriate that manufactures complete clutch couplings. In this
decisions. general picture, the QFD—and the HOQ in particular—
Although the crisp and fuzzy final importance ratings for have demonstrated their potential as key tools for
the 10 suppliers may not result in the same ranking order reconciling conventional needs (which remain important)
due to possible incomparability between the fuzzy ratings with assessment criteria of the suppliers’ attributes. The
of Sup 1 and Sup 9, and of Sup 9 and Sup 10, it is quite fuzzy logic proved to be useful because the main variables
clear that the two sets of ratings show an identical trend. neither quantitatively defined nor attributable to specific
Both sets of ratings indicate that Sup 5 is the most sets, were expressed as linguistic variables instead and
important supplier, followed by Sup 2 and then by Sup 8 because the general ‘‘if–then–else’’ rules were fundamental
and Sup 7, and that Sup 10 is the least important supplier. tools for linking the input linguistic variables with the
These final importance ratings of the suppliers, expressed system’s outputs. The proposed method is therefore used in
as both crisp numbers and triangular fuzzy numbers, are the selection of semi-processed part suppliers of strategic
shown in the second column of Table 6. In order to be importance to the company.
comparable, according to Teng and Tzeng (1996) and For the business of the company, the benefits associated
Chan et al. (1999), the crisp and fuzzy final importance with having a formal system in place to identify and
ratings are both normalized to have maximum ratings of continually measure supplier performance are various.
unity, which are also shown in Table 6. More clearly, the First of all, this method offers a tangible means by which to
normalized ratings are obtained for the crisp case by evaluate suppliers. In the light of the heterogeneous
dividing all the ratings by their maximum, 149.74, and for capabilities of suppliers, the decision-makers can objec-
the fuzzy case by dividing all the triangular fuzzy numbers tively assess each supplier interface and detect when
by the maximum of their upper limits, 247.66. From these corrective action may be necessary. Secondly, the informa-
scaled ratings we can see that, although the crisp and fuzzy tion can be used to derive baseline levels of acceptable

Table 6
Crisp and fuzzy final importance ratings of the 10 suppliers

Supplier importance ratings Normalized supplier importance ratings

Crisp (th) FSI Crisp FSI

a b g a b g

Sup 1 101.45 48.31 101.45 182.97 0.68 0.19 0.41 0.74

Sup 2 145.27 75.99 145.27 246.55 0.97 0.31 0.59 0.99
Sup 3 109.98 54.39 109.98 194.33 0.73 0.22 0.45 0.78
Sup 4 108.46 53.05 108.46 192.82 0.72 0.21 0.44 0.78
Sup 5 149.74 82.49 149.74 247.66 1.00 0.33 0.61 1.00
Sup 6 105.90 50.70 105.90 190.06 0.71 0.21 0.43 0.77
Sup 7 130.46 66.80 130.46 224.79 0.87 0.27 0.53 0.91
Sup 8 131.17 67.64 131.17 225.36 0.88 0.28 0.53 0.91
Sup 9 100.90 49.86 100.90 179.37 0.67 0.21 0.41 0.73
Sup 10 98.10 44.91 98.10 180.06 0.66 0.18 0.40 0.73
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 12 (2006) 14–27 25

supplier operational performance. Thirdly, the information Appendix B

captured can be used to identify ‘‘preferred’’ suppliers.
Given that ‘‘preferred suppliers’’ have graduated to that A fuzzy logical value x can be see as a pair (Px, Nx). The
status through their exemplary efforts, more future component Px is the possibility that the value is true. The
business can be allocated to them. The implication is that component Nx is the necessity of that. Fuzzy logic can be
less time and lower costs will be required to screen and applied to combining evidences, which might be fuzzy and
develop new exchange partners. Fourthly, tracking these contradictory. Let two logical values x and y were obtained
metrics can provide the information necessary to prune from two evidences p and q. So if x and y both describe
under-performing vendors from the supplier base. Given some event s then x ¼ ðPsjp ; N sjp Þ, y ¼ ðPsjq ; N sjq Þ. There are
that the firm is trying to reduce the breadth of its supplier two ways to combine the evidences p and T q. A pessimistic
portfolio in an attempt to increase quality and reduce costs, one is to consider how s depends on p q. An optimistic
operational metrics provide the means to accomplish that combination is p q. The pessimistic combination of x and
end (Criterion 6 for the evaluation of the decision models, y is x  y ¼ ðPsjp T q ; N sjp T q Þ. It can be shown that
De Boer, 2003).
P T pminðPsjp ; Psjq Þ and N T XmaxðN sjp ; N sjq Þ. The
sjp q sjp q
Some extensions and improvement could be accom-
plished starting from this methodology. This ordering optimistic combination of x and y is x þ y ¼ ðPsjp S q ;
method could be extended to multi-purpose evaluation, e.g. N S Þ ¼ ðmaxðPsjp ; Psjq Þ; minðN sjp ; N sjq ÞÞ. The combina-
sjp q
employee selection, appraising performance of individuals
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