Matcha Summary

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Nowadays world is facing many health problems.

Most of the chronic diseases are due to

unhealthy eating habits and weight gain. To minimize the effects of such diseases many ways

are to improve health by using foods. Awareness about healthy foods should be spread to

help people distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food. Changing eating habits is the

key to live a healthy life. One of the foods that have a positive effect on human health is

Matcha. Matcha is a traditional Japanese tea and in modern days it is used as flavour and dye

foods. It is a healthy substitute for pre-lunch coffee. Most of the people have replaced it with

morning coffee. Matcha has many benefits and minimum drawbacks, which can be controlled

to get the maximum benefit. Matcha helps to maintain weight and balance the level of

calories and provides efficient amount of energy to go through the day. People are not aware

of Matcha due to shortage of the product in the market. Social media and blogs can help to

spread the awareness about Matcha.

Students use a high amount of unhealthy foods and coffee due to the shortage of time in their

schedule. They start their day mostly with a coffee because it provides the energy to go

through the day but it contains harmful caffeine, whereas Matcha boosts their energy in the

morning and also provides them with healthy caffeine and necessary nutrients. Many of the

countries don’t have awareness about matcha and they still consume a high amount of coffee

in daily routine. Awareness about Matcha should be spread so that everyone can take care of

their health.

The method used in this research is a descriptive method. Questionnaires were used to

collect data and then generating the result. The samples were 50 girl’s students of king

Abdelaziz University, aged between 19 to 25 years. The questions were performed in the first

semester 1440-144H, participants filled the questionnaire in the second semester. The sensory

taste evaluation is used in this research to measure the acceptability of Matcha. Sensory

evaluation is an integral part of food research projects or product development. It is defined

as a scientific discipline that evokes, measures, analyzes, and interprets human perceptions of

the physical smell, vision, taste, and touch. There were 3 samples: Pure Matcha, oat milk

Matcha latte. The Matcha that was being used was brought from iherb.

According to the result, 60% of the students knew about the Matcha by reading blogs or by

going through social media and the rest 40% of the students have no knowledge about it due

to less availability of it in stores. About the benefits of Matcha, only 24% of the students

knew the advantages of Matcha and 36% of them don’t know and rest 40% don’t know what

Matcha is so they were unaware of the benefits as well. Only 22% of the students were ready

to replace the coffee with Matcha and 73% were not ready as 40% of them don’t know about

it and the rest don’t know the taste and benefits of it. 32% of the students have consumed

Matcha or any type of food that contains Matcha and 68% of the students have never tried or

consumed Matcha. 70% of the student consume caffeine once in a day, 20% of students

consume caffeine twice a day and 10% of them consume more than 3 times a day. 62% of the

students use caffeine to improve their mood, 36% of the students use caffeine to increases

their alertness and 2% of the students used to boost their workout performance. About the

cons of caffeine 90% of students know about it and 10% do not know about it.

The result was that almost every student has knowledge about Matcha but don’t know the

benefits of it. We should provide awareness about Matcha and Matcha should replace the

coffee. Matcha should be used as a café drink so students can try it and get rid of the caffeine

they use. By this, we can control the weight gain and can adopt a healthy lifestyle using


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