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9-001 Gral. José de San Martin Instituto de Educacién Superior Docente y Técnica Profesorado de Inglés ENGLISH GRAMMAR | Prof. AriadnaCocconi | bo nh Cinc 33 We use the present simple: 2) for permanent states, repeated actions and dally routines. ‘le works ina bank (permanent sate) ‘le takes the 2in towork every smeming (daily routieirepeated actions) ) for general truths and laws of nature. The sun sets in the west ©) for timetables (planes, trains, etc.) and Programmes, The plane trom Brussels arrives a 8:30, 4) for sports commentaries, reviews and narration. 4) Peterson overtakes Willams and wins the race. (sports ‘commentary 'b) Mike Dalton plays the part of Macbeth, (review) €) Mea the prince gets on his horse and quicky rides away. (earation) 2) to give instructions or directions (instead of the imperative) You sprinkle some cheese onthe piza and then you bake 4 instead of: Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza.) The present simple is used with the following time expressions: usually, offen, always, etc., every day! weekimonth/year, in the morningiatternoon! evening, at night, at the weekend, on Mondays, ete. ‘Continues We use the present continuous: a) » 4 ° ‘The present continuous is used with the following tim for actions taking place guage row, at the moment of | P= speaking. He is giving the baby @ ‘ath atthe moment. for temporary actions; thats actions that are going on around now, but not ag at the actual moment of speaking. (Tim tooking tor Genet job these days, (He is not looking for a job at the mamert of speaking) with adverbs such as: always, constantly, ‘continually, etc. for actions which happen very often, usually to express annoyance, iitation or anger. 2)/m always meeting Sara RIB when I 90 shopping. faction which happens very atten) You're constantly interrupting me when Vm taking. (expressing ‘anmoyancelintation) for actions that we have already arranged to do in the near future, especi have been decided They're moving into their new house next week (The ime has been ecised) for changing or developing situations. ‘More ani more species are becoming extinct, expressions: now, at the moment, at present, these days, stil, nowadays, today, tonight, et. SIMPLE PRESENT More Uses! i ere, vor ack blank Czech [Pal ash bes an Lael at Wimbledon] . Thousands lee persecution. —_ ffect of {he present in such cases 's to dramatise the Sion Weill P c jose ociars eos cei wean fl elon of ete lane ous Pre before ar'seyes a il ence haudeenly he wins wo Olymple mectal, was anly an averciga aha, cnc thes so tmele meds iw el tog fo bed when al ofa siden that's a knock at and San rushes in, | This Use, called the ‘histor Present’ is also motivated by a deste fo achieve dramallo effect, Instances of the hislotle present in. casual conversation-tend loibe Inséfled:tifo discourse Containing Past tenses and are ‘offen preceded by an adjunct signaling Inmediacy suchas ‘suddenly';"alkof a sudden’, a ' : ' > In reporting Information: wilh verbs of communicating (say, tell) and of Petosplion (heat, understond) the use-of the Present Imptes.tat the teporled Information is stil perce, even though the communicative provess took place inthe past, Ia pst verb Is used, e.g. sald, Gnnounced, thé present Yallly of the information not shessed. Breet ‘ 2 The wealheman forecas|s heavy showers in the north, ° Peter fell: me that he has ‘changed his job, { | understand thal you woud tke fo move lo London, 6 Fue reer elle fo melas: The concert begins at7.0, EXTRA PRACTICE Exercises: |.-Read the sentencesbelow. ‘and state-whatuse of the Simple Presant eachiustrates: 1. They cy dle to work on a'tafidem. mostdaysi’ 2. Ignorance is bliss, . 3, Animais face slaughter as London Zoo decides to clote, . . ; “Black coffee nllhoutsugartastes rather bite. Le, 5. Rote suddenly aap fo her fea goss fo tabl, grabs her purse, slingsit on hér shoulder and, makes forright doors Meee 6 Thad Just got on the bus wer yf comes this uy ond asks me for a light. 7. She looks jstike a itt Kd. ' 8. Do you dink wine or only beer? - 9. The vlogs nesia In deep vaiiays belwean thé mountains, 10. Anil, | plug lh and the machine is Teady for use.” 11, Many people beleye that vislenca of Ielevson i panty the cause at violends in realiife, 12, Clinical tests Prove concluslvely:thatuntreated gum disease leads fo tooth loss, 18, He eas a goad salary n a secure job 4 Queen Elzabelh sls from Southampton! dn May 24: 2+ Wilte a summay. of Pky or fm tha} you have seen recenily; Using'the Presant tense, (80 words) : 3. Wtle.¢ description'h the foim of lalprents, ofsore plaga’af equipment tat yous ‘ind useful, for instaneean answer-phone, Gin all-purpose mixer,’ Walkman/a PC, Use the simpla presen, $ 1 q a 4y-Read-the Sentences below Gn! stale’ tha uss of tiie Present llustrated: |. Matthew foves sport. 2. Satah offen works ate at the office, 2. hetie cqule programs. 4. We play lable tennis every Thursday. 6.1he computer iyelonigs lo Ernie 4.1hse plies cos! $20 each, 7.1 balfeve It's The night Ihing fo do. 8. Pin huneny. Lwonl something to eat 9. Lusvetly go 16 work by bus. : 10. MtSOK. Lundarsiand your problem. | 8.Coniplete Ihe sentences by pulling in the verbs. Use the present smyple. You have fo sfacide If Ihe vet Is poslive or negalive ~+ Chae 1s very soolable, She knows (knaw} lols af people. We've gol plenly of chris, thanks wa My filend Is Hining Iie fn Peas «Blt elflout. He (spect) French, . Most sluclehis ive qulle olosé fo the college, so they (walk) There. \ 4. My sport Kil isrectly mucky. Thi shirl_ _{ngeic} «good wash. 5. Wve gol faut cals and lwo clogs. | “love cima. 4, Wo boreakfas! for Menk, thanks. He {ec} breaklas!. . Whall's the mailer? You (look) vary happy. 8, Don't hy fo ng the bel IL {work}. 9. Mallthaw Is goac! al bercmfiton, He (win}évery game. 10. Wa cilways aval by bus. We (own) acar. [want] any more. é.Read the converscillon between Iwo students, Then look ail the cinswers below ane! writs tha comect answat In each space, Lisa: who (3 }ls Michelle laking lo? Amys can't see Michela. sca: Yoou (1), _Jooking jn the tight place, She's over Ihere. Amy: oh, thell's Achiatt. He's new hare. User: reallly? Where (2). he liver (a) = you know® Amysno, | (4) know anything else about hin, User wheat (5). _they lalking about, I wonder’ Amys well, he (6). _.__Ieok very inletesled, Ha's gol a very bored expression on his face, Anche (7 saying anything. : ob d-ure be do oodles diets fe the arentt be doesn’! o- don't defor" 2s are bedo o- does dels Be ch Are b-Do Ge chels de cre ewen' be dossn'l -don'l = am not ae So dao) edo codoas dais & = ceatran'| he cloasn'l don't ds tsn't Fo clare be doosn'! eo dan'l de Isn't nw 30) EE gota =A ‘qwopras v o>, 096) nore _ 9 wo sry ut Suze uw —— (ron se) ‘94 puny “soos WAS pure seat ——— “$$ ag, saugeay ysiug Aan s3 eee covet co) cous oN 292049 30H0 Ses 3 v9 (como 38) ire we seoys Aue ys soupawos puy = Gon 8) “sqepues "2 oy soumawog seas 204 '0N 18 {51009 Aa pure s8aup xenon 08) 2 fn 62) arog 8 ays ay avon 93) ‘009 Sure pu ssoap 8 ous :8 von 12) a uv omg) “2 ond roy $5 ssejo rou dur 5s 38 22s 8 ow THB ze. Fw ADOT AV “Ss 001 0 1 #¥ aut 52) sreay wemtipurey "2 $f pgansuy Gsongou te) aeqndwoo 2124 mow IyBeEING ‘Op T seUINaWIOS 4 Gropusnamat gz) [uyeura way (oa z2) swag w a9u0 sn ~ Aa, wenspTed Ur aAT SOULE, ZuOP Aus ‘ON + wpe nto re) ano ty cover) syonu £109 wrayy —————" 2 sgaredpuea ur anoge wopodmoo s —————™"a)__ aval remot ~ mu cou Azmi 01 494) SUD “6n8 aquPU0. Aton B 220 NO} enue st) ‘puoyas AULIOGE ~ | mow y,uop J 28 é mua) sy Aon sa Aero p won “ emt) : sou oxn Areuonopp Au on ot ¢ oan) 7 “way 001 SU O13 sont fae dazos ut jxreonop mos sexoyy MOU gkrouoanp mos ou109 | We oe “epuoyg ut Guomave 9 jsou ene “astorax0 at omg) ‘sjpensn ays "1004 som 1) ‘szoysnjooq ® uy auip-aned posure) “epee aug ‘uomBoRA UO 5aUS AON, + ee mon age 1 0220 ou mya 234, 03) conan) ond aaypoupueat 4 a aqdoad pug 503 aypjooas# soap “2Um sty sToARIMIOS PAPE *¥ “T quaSeAd au 10 WesaAT a a Bayi STL STONUMTUOD. Sea) Graramac in Context 2. RACH EXERCISE [E Part 1: Use the words below to intervipw a student with a dog, EXAMPLES your dog /big As Is your dog big? B: Yes, she is, your dog /slepp a lot, (how many hours) « Does your\dog sleep alot? Yes, she ddes. How many hours does she sleep? 8: She sleeps|about 15 hours a day. 1. how oll /yonr dog 6. your dog /do tricks - 2. whab/yonr dog's name Ghat na) 7. yowjr dog/have toys 3. it/amale o a /amale ora female (what land) 4, 7 what / your dog / eat 8. yo r do/ friendly 5. how often / you / take , 7 your tog out 9. yore dog / bark a tot 10. whp/ you /like dogs @ Part 2: Use the words below to intervidw a stud L with a cat, 1. how old /your cat 6. yotlr cat /siton fap a lot 2. what/your cat's name your lap a lot ; - your cat i ( 3. it/amale or a female 7. your cal/ have loy} (what kind) 4, your cat/caich mice 2. wht /you/ 5. your cat/ friendly like cats 1,7. | wi Wh- Questions witha Preposition is RES Se a eos In conversation, mdst people put the preposition What does she talk about? She talks about her cats. at the end of the sqntence | What does your cat sleep on? } | She sleeps on a pillow. { i Formal: With whom does the dog steep? Putting the preposition before a question word és i { Informal: Who does the dog sleep with? very formal. When the preposition comes at the | | beginning, we use whom, not who. Where do you come from? For country of origify, you can use be from or | y oF origif. y T come from Mexico come from. | Where ate you from? ¥m from Mexico ‘What time does the program begin? Omit at in a questiqn ahout time. pro a i It begins at 9 p.m. | \ setivity possibie. [Another student will answer. b EXAMPLE you/eat fu the cafeteria (with whom) or (who with) A: Do yolt eat in the cafeteria? “Yes, Lto. Who qo you eat with? on With whom do you eal? J eat with my friends 4. you flive alone (with whom) on (who . . with) 2 you go tw bed early (whut lime) 3. your teacher / come to class on time (what time) 4. yourteacher / come from this city (where... from) 5. you / practice English outside of class (with whom) or (who .. with) 6. you | think about your future: (what else) 7. you) complain about English grammar (what else) 8. you flisten to the radio (what station) 9 yourfteacher / talic about spelling (what else) 10, you interested in animals (what animals) 11, you} come from Mexico (where) 12, you] go to sleep at midnight (what time) EXERCISE [J O P correct words to complete this conversation, _——— ee comiplete this convers : We'rellate. Hurry. The train is ready to leave. Bi Let's fo... (on the train)... Why (that dog is, 3 wpe) that dog) on the train?| (Are / Do) they allow dogs on trains? w A ‘That’ not an ordinary dog. That's a guide dog B: Whath a guide dog? A: Is a dog that helps people with disabilities, | B: How {do they help / they hetp) people? ) As They [help / helps) blind people move from place to place, on foot be (3) and bl public transportation. (Are 1.Do) they need special training? a Yes, they (are / do Y (are S do). 8 Wherh (do / are) they get Ueir training? o ‘They Ket ui ting al. special schools. 22) Lesson 1 8. Dogs alot of attention. Get) ——. so muh attention. 9. Almost everyone ___ _____ lfittens Gloves and puppies. Most peopte snakes, t PART EV Read each statement. Then write a yes /afo que: .words in parentheses (). Write a short anfwer. sstion about the EXAMPLE [lena lives in the U.S. (Marianne) Marianne live in the U. 2 Yeh, she does. - Elena ofien writes letters, (you / ever) [Gife a true answer about yourself.) PART EXAMPLE Dogs ike people. 4 Why de dogs like people? 1, Marianne sometimes travels with her do} —— with her dog? 2. Sofia doesn't understand American custims. Why lena writes lo Sofia once a week. How often PART Ey on radon i Classroom Activity 4A Hg 5. Blpna doesn' have a dog. Hg 8. Sh H 9G Why log service costs a lol of money, wamuch hy adog? rianne carries a picture of Sparky in her wallet Arianne walks her dog several times a day. w often i » takes her dog to the animal hospital. jw often ide dogs need a lot of training 10. Rescue dogs save people's lives. He WA Ha Write 4 EXAMP) Ww urebred dog costs a lot of money. hw much — question with the words given. £ What /a dog/ eat What does a dog eat? / spell / “kitten” / mean / “puppy” /say / “cat” in Spanish much / cost /a parrot Cus typid nati enti ‘oms Pul-a check (V) to indicate which of the following are al customs in the U.S. and which are typical customs in your e culture. Discuss your answers in a small group or with the fe class, the Simple Present Tense; Frequency Words in her wallet? to the animal hospital? alot of training? — people's lives? 39 EXERCISE Qa i EXAMPLE a i i i EXERCISE [3 EXAMPLE es Hill in the blanks to male yes /no questions about the this lesson _Ate thos men play playing chess. a Tam. T'm considering it now that mj Yes, readings ini ‘2. checkers? No, thry arent, Those men are — this retirement home? wife is gone. ——. a Web site. Yes, she is, Marge is designing a Web site with pictifres of her vacations isn’t taking pictures. He's putting his picln everyone is doing something, Some peo} No, you're not. You can asi as many qui Read each stalement. Then write a quest parenthe: ses (). An answer is not ne Some retirees are discovering new interests How are they disci 3. Tam starting a new career. (what kind o + My mother is looking for a new career: ( — pictures now? No, hé res on his Web site. something? No, not le are just relaxing art, classes? Yes, they talring a lot of classes, (oo many questions? lions as you want. ion using the word in _ SHary, (how) here) career) EXERCISE Ey O 8. Peoplt are living longer nowadays. (why) 9. Tin doing things that interest me. (what kinds of things) Fill in Uhp blanks (o form yes /no questions about the reading on pages 44-45. Use the present continuous tense Jack (J) js talking to his neighbor, Alan (A). u doing ss Jack? youll are some brochures. (oak ind of brochures (@ yourook at) J: Theyjre from a retirement village. youl abou, moving? 3: Yes, I'm thinking about moving into 4 retirement village. A: Why? 3: Now]that Rose is gone, | feel lonely. A: But you have a lot of good neighbors here. J: Most of the people here are young, My neighbors to the north are never home, Right now they —___ seseenaener As ny) Cori neighbors across the street are never home: As They're older people. _ too? work) 3: No. Whey now. Right now they (Wivavaly — 2 cruise’ to Alaslea ~Wiakey 7 x wise fw plone tsp na large patents bon The Present Continuous Tense; Action and Nonaction Verbs; the Future Tense 5: i 54 EXERCISE [Ui EXAMPLE Lesson 2 A: Bul Tim here. wife is inside, She I'm sorry I'm complaining so much Az You __ You _| C0 noveomipainy something to do. my lawn, as usual. And my _— on the phone, as usual There's alot to do. I just don’t want to do things alone Av Bul your daughter lives with you. 4: She's in her 20s, She doesn’t. want to do things with her dad, Right now she A: What movie _. amovie}with her friends. ? ‘1 Who knows? Something for young peoyfle. Her movies don't interest me. Az What relirement village Sun Valley Senior Village seems Az What about your daughter? She — to move i Span) Will in the blanks to complete the questi A: Why is your sister wearing 4. sun # sunglasses because 4 My sister's weari movie star. L.A What I'm reading an article about older Am —.. the 8 Oh, yes, Pm enjoying it- very much. 2. A: Where &: She's going to the park, Grandma alwd Sundays to jog Az (not) —— to go to? htan) h wilh a friend of hers. ns. Answers may vary, lasses? It's not sunny. he wants to look like ricans, prticle? now? {ys Hoes to the park on now? th Yes, its raining, But hal loesn't. matte. ‘the park has an indoor tack, jartha is on her cell phone. Who She's talking to her best friend. A: Why — omer vel phone? hy her home phone? 8: Pecause her sister is using the home plone. 4 Student: 2 Teagher: Yes. You're accent is improving a lot. Students How with my grammar? Teadher: You're doing very well. 5. Wif¢: Something smells good. What 2 Husband: 'm cooking your favorite dinner steak and potatoes, (A few minutes later...) With: something 2 Husband: Uh, oh. The steaks are burning. \e kids are watching TV. What — hey’re watching cartoons. hy _ their homework? 8: Phey'te not doing their homework because they don't have homework today. 7, As {'m leaving, | B: Where Az }'m going to the library. Bi Why A: Because you're making too much noise. I have to study. 8. Dad: Pm planning to ret e next year, Sork You're so young. Why Dad; First of all, I'm not so young. I'm almost 60, I'm planning to travel. Sone lone? Dad: No, of course not. L _____ with Mom, Sox: Bul she's still — Dad: She is now. Bul she's thinking about reliting loo. She loves her work, but enough's enough. Ils time to have fun The Pres We use the present perfect: Ce We use the present perfect continuous: 2) for an action which started in the past and | 2) to put emphasis onthe duration of an ston whlch » 8 ® ‘continues up to the present, especially with state | verbs such as be, have, like, know, etc. In this case, ‘we often use for and since. Rachel has hed the dog-for three years. (She got the dog three years ago and she sill as it) | i i | for an action wich nes & | ‘Sent thes me onose | tee eet he | ewe | Shes st washed ara | ‘Se msnow aah | Set ben ashes | for an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because itis elther unknown of unimportant, The emphasis is placed on the action. The Taylors have bought @ C sailing boat. (The exact time is lunknown oF unimporiant. What fs important isthe fact tha they ‘now own a saling boat, ‘ {or an action which has happened within a specific | time period which is not over at the moment of | ©) 10 €xPress anger, irtation or annoyanc speaking. We often use words and expressions | such as today, this momningieveningiweekimonth, | ete. ody. (The time period today - 16 not over yet. Sho may take more pictures) BUT: She took twenty pictures yesterday. (The time period - yesterday 1s over) Note: We use the present pertect to announce a piece | of news and the past simple or past continuous | to ave more detais about i The police have tly arested Peter Curcan He | was trying fo leave the county when they eaught | im. 1 ‘The present perfect is used with the following time | || Note: With the verbs live, work, teach and feet started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with time ‘expressions such as for, since, all morningidayi year, etc. ‘Sam has been talking on the phone for half an nour (He began taking on the hone half an hour ago ‘and he is stil talking.) for an action which started in the past and lasted for some time. The action may have finished o may still be going on. ‘The result of the action is vigible in the present Her feet hurt. She has ‘been walking a morning. (he resuit of the action is visible inthe present - her fest hurt) ‘ras been giving away our plans (The speaker is tntated) a particular emotion) we can use the present Perfect or present pertect continuous with no difference in meaning, We have livedihave been living here for twenty years ‘expressions: for, since, already, yet, always, just, ever, | The present perfect continuous is used with the never, s0 far, today, this weekimonth, etc., how long, lately, recently, still (in negations), et. following time expressions: for, since, how long, lately, recently Note: We use the present perfect to put emphasis on ‘number and the present perfect continuous to put emphasis on duration, ‘Compare the examples: .9.I've typed four reports 50 far. {ve been typing reports all morning. ducts Teguencys: — © Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, seldomirarely, never, ete} ome before the main verb (read, work, etc.) but after the verb to be, auxiliary verbs (do, have, etc.) or modal verbs (can, should, ete.). Adverbs. of frequency 90 before the ausiliary verbs in short answers. 29, Susan often goes sking atthe weekend. ‘Kim is sometimes rude to other people. You ean always call me if you need help. ‘Do you help your mother with the housework?” Yes, | usually do. © Expressions such as every day, once/twice a week/month, etc., most morningsievenings, et. {go at the beginning or the end of a sentence. Usually often, sometimes, normally and occasionally ‘can go at the beginning or the end of a sentence tor more emphasis. ‘89. We go on holiday twice a year Usually, Ifinish work at fv. | ee! bored somatimes. © The adverbs never, seldom and rarely have @ negative meaning and are never used with the word not. 2.9. Irarely go fo bed lato. (NOT: Hrerehealonitgen.) 1 pp Undertne the correct tense. 1 The plane leavesihas left at four o'ciock, We must be ‘atthe airport by two o'clock. 2 Ii getelis getting coldor and colder every day 3. Have you Seen Linda? | have been lookingiam looking for her for almost an hout, 4 Sams a very interesting person, He knows/has known all kinds of urusual facts. First, you are heatingiheat the oven to a temperature of 180°C. Have you heard the news? They have just elected! ‘have been electing 2 new club chaitman! Martha is finding/has found a new. job. She is stating next week, {8 The teacher has been correctingihas corrected essays for three hours. '9. Michaes car broke down last week, soe usesis using his fathers forthe time being 10. Wrataly getsis getting very hot in Britsin {Jp choose the correct answer. 41 “Lmet eur new boss this morning, 1G. him, too, He's very nice. ‘Nam meeting B have been meeting C have met 2 in a hotel ‘No, But my parenis did last summer in Rome” ‘AHiave you ever stayed B Did you ever slay Care you ever staying 3_Who is in that new tm? ‘Well 2 young actress ‘Aas been playing 44s David at home’? "Yes, but he fa shower atthe moment, Aishaving Bas beenhaving C has ‘5. “Why are you so upset” v ry favourte ring the leading ole. Bplays Chas played Alcse Bhavebeenlosing _C have lost 6 “Have you found a house yet” ‘No. With my aunt atthe moment Asiay Bam staying —-C have stayed Put the adverbs of frequency In the correct, ay «3p position. 1 you wear sungiasses inthe winter? No. I do. (never) No, tnever do. a> 2 A: Do you like fishing, Alan? B: Yes, Igo fishing at weekends. (sometimes) 3. A: Do you go to the gyrn very often? B: Yes, 1go. (once a week) 4A: How often do you visit your parents? 5: [visit them. (every weekend) |S. A; Do you eatin restaurants very often? B: No, do. (rarely) 6 A: Do you tke oysters? 8: Ion’ know. Ihave eaten oysters. (never) 7K How often do you g0 on holiday” Br 1190 on holiday. (once a year) 18: When do you read your post? B: 1 read it on the way 10 work. (usualy) 9 A: Shall lock the door? B: Ot course. You should lock the door when you g> cut. (always) 40 A: You are breaking things! (always) Be Tm sorry. | don't mean to, 4 jp entity the tonses, then match them to the correct descriptions. 1. The plane to Sydney leaves at eleven o'clock 2 I have written two letters this morning, 3 They're going on holiday on Saturday. 4 Graham has known Errol or fve years. 5. Youre always leaving the door open. 6 We are rehearsing a new play atthe moment 7 George has bought a new car 8 Usa has been cleaning the house all morning 9 Look! Alison has dyed her hai! 10. More and more people are recycling their rubbish 5), Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 7 present form. 1A: Tortoises tive. ive) to be very ol. B: Ive heard of one which is over a hundred years od 2 & Ave you stl busy? B: Yes. (1224) this article for an hour and I stil (nots, 3. A More and more people (go) to University these days. 8: Yes. I think i's @ good thing, aa (have) a party tonight. Do you want to come? B Yes. What time does it start? 5A Why are your shoes wet? Bt (ash) the ear. © A: What's the matter? BI (oreak) my ankle, 7. Whst do need to do next? You (add) the sugar to the mixture and you (rn it welt. 8 & Who (use) my car? 5: Ihave, 8A Ave you new here? 8: No. Actual, | (ive) here for almost ten years. 10. A: Pete is playing his music very loud B: Again! He (atwaysia 11 Have you made plans for Saturday yet? Bt (a0) 10 the cinema with Jack 12 A Mr Colin is a very good teacher. B Well he (teach) Maths for twenty-five years, you know. 13. A Are you going tothe concert on Saturday night? B: Yes. Actually, (aready/ouy) the tekete 14. Hello, Simon, 8: Ob! We (aiwaysimeet} each other inthis supermarket, ya7s 9a IAIT 6» actions which stated in the past and continue up to the present action which has recently finished and whose result is Visible in the present to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up tothe present ta express crtcism o° annoyance timetables and programmes actions that we have arranged to do in the near future ‘action which has happened wihin a specific time period hich is not over atthe moment of speaking ‘action which happened at an unstated time in the past ‘changing or developing sitsaions temporary actions | a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. \ Dear Kathieen schoo! 2) 1) cm writing... ite) to tol you my news. My (choose) me to spend Sx weeks at a schoo! in the USA. I'm very happy about i AAtthe moment. 3) (ack) things for my wip, because | 4) (eave) next week. My mother 5) (book) the ticket 18) (wat) for is opportunity for ages, so I'm very excited. | 7) (feisty reading two books about the USA and 18) (borrow) ancther one trom the school trary. 1 9) (become) more and more nervous every cay! Wel, | must go now. "ve gol a fot of things to co. ste to you trom the USA, Tracy 1b) Which of the present forms in the toxt ove are used to express: actions which happened at an unstated time i the past ‘actions which started in the past and continue UP tO the present wih emphasis on duration ‘actions happening at or around the moment of speaking changing and developing situations ‘actions that we have arranged to do in the near future Verks: Sict State Verbs are vertis which describe a state rather than § This perfume smells nice. (= has a rice smel) {an action and therefore de not normally have continuous He is smeling the mik. (= is snifing) tenses. These include: 6 The baby’s hair fete ike sik, (= has the texture of 42) verbs which express likes and dislikes: lke, love, She is feeling the baby's forehead. (= is touching) dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer, adore, etc. ¢.9. | love 7 Bob has a Porsche. (= possesses) hocobie ee cream 7 He's having a shower athe moment (= is taking a ) verbs of the senses: see, hear, smell, taste, feel shower) look, sound. We often use can or could with these © The chicken weighs 2 los. (= has a weight of) verbs when we reter to what we see, hear, etc. at The butcher Is weighing the meat. (= is measuring the moment of speaking. e.g. Jim must be at ome. how heavy is) can see Ms Car parked outsise 9 This dress fits you perfecty. (= itis the right size) verbs of perception: know, believe, understand, We are fitting new locks. (= are puting in} realise, remember, forget, notice, recognise, think, 10 He appears to be nervous, (= seems) seem, see (=understand), expect (=think), ete. He is appearing in anew play. (= is taking part) e.g | expect they wil be late 11 He is arude person. (= character - pecmanent state) 4) some other verbs such as be, contain, include, ‘He is being rude, (= behaviour - temporary situation. belong, fit, need, matter, cost, mean, own, want, usualy with adjectives such as caret sil. (im)poite ‘owe, have (=possess). require, weigh, wish, keep lazy, etc) continue), ete. eg. My uncle owns a Rote ‘Some of the above verbs are used in continuous ten: "3 Note: a) The verb enjoy can be used in continuous when they describe actions and not states. Study the tenses to express specific preference. following examples: 8g. 'm enjoying this party a lot. (specilic 1 think he's ying. (= believe) preference) ''m thinking about the pian, (= am considering) BUT: Lenjoy going fo partes. enjoy partes in general) 2 The food tastes delicious. (= nas a delicious flavour) He is tasting the food, (= is testing the favour of 'b) The verbs Jook (when we refer to @ person's 3 Ican see some people. (= perceive with my eyes) appearance), feel (= experience a particular I see wnat you mean. (= understand) ‘emotion), hurt and ache can be used in either {'m seeing my doctor tomorrow. (= arn meeting) the continuous or simple tenses with no 4 Itfooks as if they've finshed the job. (= appears) difference in meaning. ‘Mike is looking outof ne window. (is éeecing his eyes) 9g. You lookiare looking grea! today. 7 jp Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1A: Why...are you smelling... you'smell the soap? 8 A Lrealy {enjoy} home-made food. ew {seel) lovely 1's like roses! 8: Sodel and! (enjoy) every bit 2 & Why (yourtaste) the soup? ofthis meal 8: Toseeitit (taste) good. Ithink 9A: Why (yourteat the radiator? it needs more sal, BR (eo) cold in here. te the BAI (feeb very tea heating on? 8: You should go to bed early 10 A: That famous opera singer (appear axl (see) Andy this evening, atthe opera house tomghn BI (2). So, you don't want to 8: Yos. He (appear to be feeling ‘come to the cinama with me, d0 you? better ater his operation 5 A: How much 41 & Chris (be) a sensible person. isnt {the bag of applesiweigh)? ne? Br I don't know yet. The man 88: Yes, butin this case he (ve) (eign) the bag now rather foolish BAT (think) about buying a new car soon. 12 &: My dag {ft the old blind fom 8 Why? I (tink) your ear is fin. the living room in my Bedroom today, You don't need a new ane. 8: Realy? (itty that window? 7A: What (youtlook) at? 13. A: My back (hun). B: The sky. It (look) a8 8 going to rain Why don't you le down for a while? tr suinaseg sy zeae sais = “sng ay wo yoo sy pancay SEY U0, OF uaoq nok anvy orgy 8 FINE 6 saz0q 20 [20015 fap sm Be: uy padays 0209 eypuoy oq 1389 2AepnOR S| uy pane nok ary wou ‘aannat woman s2oq ang Ape Burop u9q HOA aN EUN, £ moo sya poe Ne aM. Z 1 sypom samp ~oxwsap es se er r p RAL A va 39201} Suman H puorad AAT -eousjuas ypeo aaumogs2UNuRs as0Uf Ul 510119 9 BOLTEPUT, 9 vou ous Ouuiene wo | sus pue ep Kone 5) uae sous "H9m WEEE ta puro 8 aynib dn paved ) way 19g w re9| 01 pab_vew juoney ebenGu B00] aut s (9) vo09 60d axos un spUaLs are nm cxdood ApueLsJ01018 (0) oncom om OUI TEE -puom ajqesins 2ue win aouayUes yee areIdWOD $y vADzdUad LNASTUd £ EVIWYED sagurm suogd 9p oat oq sod suayeH] Agu OP | § 19709 poo} ueaIey, “y ‘poop asoyyusi89 24 20 soma. salle oj uD a oF 7 It yam se 20uIS BAT ta ‘of yerwow v woo2 5 YE] MESS “ak yoo sip Burpe 1 ; >yoog sp Spe SUL osmY 22uis suoss3] puns “ oy soso] ypu Pear € ~ ‘woor ay) sory sous mp 1 usta sous =m stquour nip 3052194, “ane aap “oe sqnuour soup 2304 9 63 BEND] spiom senyy ue as0W ou Bujsn 2514 3M ‘se auos aug sueaus ] aeip os aoumUes puodes B42 a1}/cWIOD ‘UoNseMb Y>ED 104 amend xp wo 2y2aeq 2 at 280, (eum) auoawos =v sn }0 5 op3ug) 1 onsonb rps 3p ‘poou ax yo po ayn aug 24 (40s) auoawos *y spy 9 yp Barus ‘idas ow sazays 1g op JOD nak ‘oep lene ouRCOT RAIN, ayaa arama" (98 N08) ‘ionugues Dapiad w3esi soypre ctu) sioypeuq uy UonI6 squen ata Burne Aq ano} oy ator WT 19 DepEd uasSAT TTA us wpee ayeiduioy € apUvud 29vNONVT auviGaWHaL! ww wr we 9 Esouela Normal Superior *Gral. José de San Martin IEDyT 9.004 Profesorado-de inglés ~1° ah ENGLISH GRAMIAR | 1. the train diivers/go an siike/stop werk/et fwelve o'clock, 2, the Queen/ antve in Toronto/y there/ in RAF altoratt 2, wo man/escape from Perkhurst prson/get away/duting the right. 14, jhe actor Howard Battes/él in gear accident/his carforash into a wat 55, Unda Jones/win the worman's marerthon/run ifn 2 hours 27 reintes. 5 Complete the conversaitions. Miko: This cars thy. | haven't been to the carwash for about a yeat Tom: Whatt! You mean i's lwelve months since you last went to the car weish? | -iaurat | haven't useel my camera recently. June was the last time | tosk.a photo. Trevor: Really? I'm surprised you tune, 2-Rachel:| haven't seen Andrew tor weeks. Daniel: Nor me. H's hi, g-Tom: What about a game of cards? We haven't played since your birthacy David: Really? You mean my bthday res? Emma: | feal tenible. I's three'days since Late anything. Vicky: What-did you soy You tht cys? 4-Complete this latter to a newspaper. Putin the present perfect or simple past. [A few clenys ago | Jean locin) tha someone plans fo knock down the While Horse Inn. This pub. {be} the centre of vilage life for centuries. I. (stand) ‘aif our crossroads for 600 years. (be) famousin the old days, and Shekespeats once _ {stay! there, they say. | five} in Brickfield ail my life. the vilagers. {knaw) about the pldns for jess than ci week and already there's a ‘Save Our Pub! campaign. Last week we (be) happy, but this week we're angry. We wil stop them, you'l see. 7-Look at each conversation and cheese the bes! option a) orb] Have you heard about the woman walking actoss the US® Yes, she's feciched the Rockies. : ‘q} The walk is continuing & bb) The walk has finished 1.-Have you ever played beach volleyball? ~ Yes, we played It on holiciay. the holiday Is stil going on bb) The holiday is over. 2. Did you know old Mr. Green? ~ No never met him, (0) Mr Green Is probably alive b] Mr Given Is probably dead. 3.Wayne.Johnson fs a great football player. - Yes, he's.scored 200 geals for United. @] Wayne Johnson stil pidys for United b} Wayne Johnson hes ieft Unitedt 4 k © She has gone to the office. (This means she has not come back yet. She is stil atthe office.) © He has been to Rome wice. (This means that he has visited Rome twice; he isnot there now. He has come back.) Note: inthis case been Is used as the past participle of the verb fo go. ‘oe Fillin the gaps with have has been (to) or have / has gone (to). ‘A: Hello, Jim! Have you seen Mum? Yes. he ..has gone fa..the shops. She'llbe back Whee onsen YOU today? Vos the cinema, ‘Shall we go on a picnic this weekend? Oh, yes! ot ‘on a picnic for ages. rm going to Inia this year, ' never erer Inia, Really? | there twice belo. Where are the chilean? They. Ane park to play footbal Dad with theen? (OF course. Don't worry! A B K ® 5 aR 8: Underline the correct word in bold. | alwaysiatready do the housework on Saturdays, \Wie haven't booked our summer holiday justyet Hy brother has justlever joined the football club, Unda has already/ever bought new dress fr the party. Have you 60 farfever tasted Japanese food” Joe has been in Paris sincelfor two weeks. Ihave neverijust seen this fim betor. “The secretary has typed twenty letters yetise far this mating have been working here since! stl uly ‘The Taylors have moved house recentty/so far. ‘They silValready haven't employed a new superior. 1 2 9 10 u ‘ A: B rs & a> a 8: Pree 8 & B R 8 rs 8: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct =f aed i Linda learning. learn) to crve atthe moment. know. She told me last week as Alan got a job? ‘Oh yes. He (e) the ‘manager ofa leisure conte. Do you want to have a break now? Not yet. (write) a report tor tomorrow's meeting, W's ten o'clock. Have you given the manager his letters? Yes, and ! reports 80 far this morning, 's Jeff til in the garden? Yes. He (plant) flowers al aternon, ‘That author is very welrknown, isnt she? Yes, She (rte) wenty novels 0 far. {atsontype) sic You look very happy today am. 1. some good news. What time start) tonight? Seven o'clock, I hink. ‘Are you new to this company? Not realy. tn fact, 1 here for almost twa years. ‘Are you ready forthe concert? . Wusvheay) (the play! (work) Yes. (practise) for weeks, Do you do any exercise at all? Yes. Actually. (20) swimming three times a week a

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