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The effects of ozonation on select waterborne steroid hormones in

recirculation aquaculture systems containing sexually mature Atlantic salmon
Salmo salar

Article  in  Aquacultural Engineering · August 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaeng.2017.08.004


9 817

5 authors, including:

Christopher Good John Davidson

The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute The Conservation Fund


Ryan L Earley Joseph Styga

University of Alabama Centre College


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Fish Welfare and Performance in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RASALMO) View project

RASALMO View project

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Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

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The effects of ozonation on select waterborne steroid hormones in MARK

recirculation aquaculture systems containing sexually mature Atlantic
salmon Salmo salar

Christopher Gooda, , John Davidsona, Ryan L. Earleyb, Joseph Stygab, Steven Summerfelta
The Conservation Fund’s Freshwater Institute, 1098 Turner Road, Shepherdstown, WV 25443, United States
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, 300 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, United States


Keywords: Steroid hormones have been shown to accumulate in recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) water over time;
RAS however, their influence on the reproductive physiology of fish within RAS remains unknown. Whether ozo-
Ozone nation impacts waterborne hormone levels in RAS has likewise not been fully evaluated. To this end, a controlled
Estradiol 3-month study was conducted in 6 replicated RAS containing a mixture of sexually mature and immature
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to determine whether ozone, as typically applied in RAS to improve water quality, is
associated with a reduction in waterborne hormones. Post-smolt Atlantic salmon (1253 ± 15 g) were stocked
Atlantic salmon
into each RAS; 109 of 264 fish placed in each system were sexually mature males, and 5 were mature females.
Water ozonation, controlled using an ORP set-point of 290–300 mV, was applied with the pure oxygen feed gas
within the low-head oxygenators of 3 randomly selected RAS, while the remaining 3 RAS did not receive ozone.
The RAS hydraulic retention time was 6.9 ± 0.3 days. Study fish were raised under these conditions for 12
weeks; during weeks 10 and 12, triplicate water samples were collected from the following locations in each
RAS: i) culture tank, ii) makeup water, iii) pre-biofilter, iv) post-biofilter, and v) post-gas conditioning.
Concentrations of 3 waterborne hormones – testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), and estradiol (17β-es-
tradiol) – were quantified using enzyme immunoassays (EIA). Estradiol was significantly reduced by ozonation;
testosterone and 11-KT were also reduced by ozonation, although these reductions were not observed across all
sampling locations and events. Testosterone and 11-KT concentrations, however, were significantly reduced
following water passage through the biofilters of both ozonated and non-ozonated RAS. The results of this study
demonstrate the potential for ozone to be used in RAS as a means of preventing the accumulation of steroid
hormones. Further research is required to assess whether reducing hormones in this manner impacts precocious
sexual maturation in RAS-produced Atlantic salmon.

1. Introduction (McClure et al., 2007) and reduced product quality (Aksnes et al.,
1986). Unfortunately, sexual maturation in Atlantic salmon is a com-
Land-based, closed containment facilities utilizing recirculation plicated and highly flexible process (Taylor, 1991; Fjelldal et al., 2011),
aquaculture system (RAS) technologies are becoming more common- influenced by numerous factors including photoperiod (Taranger et al.,
place in the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar farming industry, not only to 1998; Bromage et al., 2001), temperature (Taranger et al., 2003;
raise smolts and post-smolts prior to sea transfer but also, in a growing Vikingstad et al., 2008), growth rate (Friedland and Haas, 1996; Duston
number of locations, to raise salmon to market size entirely on land and Saunders, 1999), and genetics (Wolters, 2010; Barson et al., 2015).
(Summerfelt and Christianson, 2014). While the latter approach to The accumulation of steroid hormones in recirculating water has been
salmon culture is still in its infancy, a major issue encountered thus far suggested as a potential, additional instigator of sexual maturation in
in land-based salmon growout is precocious sexual maturation, parti- RAS facilities (Good and Davidson, 2016). Previous research has in-
cularly in males (Davidson et al., 2016; Good and Davidson, 2016). dicated that steroid hormones do indeed accumulate in RAS water
Early maturation is detrimental to farm profitability due to the asso- (Good et al., 2014; Mota et al., 2014); however, their influence on
ciated decrease in growth performance and feed conversion efficiency salmon maturation has not been adequately characterized given the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Good).
Received 20 April 2017; Received in revised form 25 August 2017; Accepted 28 August 2017
0144-8609/ © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
C. Good et al. Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

complexity of sexual development in salmon. Whether water ozonation exchanger. Makeup water originated from a freshwater spring source.
at levels typically applied in RAS is sufficient to reduce accumulating All RAS were operated at an exchange rate of 99.7% on a flow basis, i.e.
hormones has likewise not been satisfactorily investigated. each unit of recirculating water volume consisted of 0.3% fresh makeup
All fish release conjugated (sulfonated or glucuronidated) or un- water. The RAS hydraulic retention time was 6.9 ± 0.3 days. A con-
conjugated (“free”) steroid hormones into the aquatic environment stant photoperiod (LD24:0; i.e., 24 h light, zero hours dark) was pro-
through urine and feces (Vermeirssen and Scott, 1996) or through the vided throughout the study, and fish were fed once an hour using au-
gills (Ellis et al., 2005; Sorensen et al., 2005), respectively. Approaches tomated feeders (T-drum 2000CE, Arvo-Tec, Finland) and a standard
to quantify hormones in water have been developed, such as radio- commercially available salmonid diet (Bio-Oregon, Westbrook, ME
immunoassay (RIA) (e.g. Ellis et al., 2004) and enzyme immunoassay USA). Fish were fed to satiation based on standardized feeding charts,
(EIA) (e.g. Kidd et al., 2010; Friesen et al., 2012), and have been va- supplemented by observations of feeding activity and wasted feed. The
lidated in cultured species such as rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) mean feed loading was 1.5 ± 0.1 kg/day per m3/day of makeup water
(Ellis et al., 2004). Various non-aquaculture studies have demonstrated flow.
that ozonation has the capacity to reduce or eliminate specific water-
borne steroid hormones (e.g. Westerhoff et al., 2005; Snyder et al., 2.2. Atlantic salmon
2008; Kawasaki et al., 2009); however, such studies have pre-
dominantly utilized relatively high ozone doses (e.g. 8 mg/L), and as Fertilized, eyed Atlantic salmon eggs (Salmobreed AS, Bergen,
such are difficult to compare to ozone levels typically observed in RAS Norway) were hatched on-site and raised in a flow-through system at
operations (usually < 1 mg/L). The possibility that ozone, as typically 12°C under LD24:0 photoperiod until 40 g, at which point they received
applied in RAS (i.e., at low-level, non-disinfecting dosages), can reduce a 6-week LD12:12 artificial winter followed by a return to LD24:0 to
waterborne hormones has thus far not been adequately investigated. induce smoltification. Post-smolt Atlantic salmon (102 ± 1 g) were
In the present study, we focused on three hormones, estradiol (i.e., then stocked into the replicated RAS, and raised for 8 months under
17β-estradiol), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), and testosterone, based on high NO3-N (99 ± 1 mg/L) versus low NO3-N (10 ± 0 mg/L) condi-
their major role(s) in the sexual maturation of fish, as well as on the tions, described separately (Good et al., 2016). Following the Good
availability of non-invasive techniques for their measurement in water et al. (2016) study, all fish were removed from the replicated RAS and
samples. The major androgen produced by the testes of teleost fish is combined into a holding tank to mix previously treated populations into
11-KT, which is a derivative of testosterone (Taranger et al., 2010), and a single source population for the present study. From this source po-
is associated with the onset of male sexual maturation in numerous fish pulation, salmon were selected for restocking each RAS (264 fish per
species (e.g. Cavaco et al., 2001; Schulz and Miura, 2002; Campbell RAS) with focus on distributing equal numbers of sexually mature fish;
et al., 2003; Rodriguez et al., 2005). Circulating plasma levels of both 109 mature males and 5 mature females were stocked into each RAS,
11-KT and testosterone are usually low in immature fish and rise such that the percentage of mature fish at study commencement was
markedly during spermatogenesis, declining shortly before the devel- 43.2% in each culture tank. Sexually mature male and female Atlantic
opment of mature spermatozoa (Liley and Stacey, 1983; Fostier et al., salmon were identified by characteristic morphological features (i.e.,
1987). Both of these androgens are also associated with reproductive bronze coloration and prominent kype in males and ovipositor in fe-
behavior and the development of secondary sexual characteristics males). Mean starting weight was 1253 ± 15 g, and mean starting
(Lofts, 1987), which in the case of male Atlantic salmon include bronze density was 62 ± 1 kg/m3. Water ozonation treatment (see below)
coloration and the development of a prominent kype (i.e., hooked jaw). began shortly afterward, and continued for 12 weeks; final mean
In female Atlantic salmon, rising plasma estradiol levels are observed salmon weight and density were 1853 ± 24 g and 91 ± 1 kg/m3,
during commencement of secondary oocyte growth (Chadwick et al., respectively.
1987; King and Pankhurst, 2003). In general, estradiol is associated
with female sexual maturation in many teleost species through, among 2.3. Ozonation
other things, its role in promoting the synthesis and release of vitello-
genin (the precursor of egg yolk, which is taken up by oocytes) (Skipper Three RAS were randomly selected to be ozonated using generators
and Hamilton, 1977). Testosterone is a precursor for estradiol (Model G22, Pacific Ozone Technology, Benecia, CA, USA) that con-
(Nagahama, 1987), and therefore this hormone plays a key role in both verted pure oxygen feed gas into ozone, which was then combined with
male and female Atlantic salmon development. the primary oxygen gas flow to the LHOs. To prevent ozone levels from
The following describes a 3-month study carried out to determine reaching unsafe levels in the culture tank water, oxidation-reduction
whether water ozonation, at levels typically applied in RAS, impacts the potential (ORP) was monitored in each tank via an ORP digital sensor
concentration of waterborne steroid hormones. A secondary objective (Model DRD1R5, Hach Company, Loveland, CO, USA) placed directly in
was to determine the impact, if any, of biofiltration and/or gas con- front of the inlet flow. An ORP set-point of 290–300 mV was used, and
ditioning on steroid hormone concentrations as recirculating water SC100 Universal Controllers (Hach) provided proportional-integral-
passes through these unit processes. derivative control of generator output to maintain target ozone levels
and prevent exposure of fish to toxic ozone residuals. An average of
2. Materials & methods 1.79% ozone was contained in the feed gas produced by the ozone
generators, and this was continuously monitored by Teledyne
2.1. Water recirculation aquaculture systems Instruments Ozone Monitor – Model 465H (Teledyne Instruments, City
of Industry, CA, USA); data were recorded from the unit once daily.
The replicated (n = 6) experimental RAS used in this study have
previously been described in detail (Davidson et al., 2011; Good et al., 2.4. Water sampling
2011; Davidson et al., 2013); the components of an individual RAS are
shown in Fig. 1. To summarize, each system consisted of a fluidized- For routine water quality assessments, water samples were collected
sand biofilter, CO2 stripping column, low-head oxygenator (LHO), cir- weekly from culture tank side drains and tested on-site. Specific para-
cular dual-drain culture tank (5.3 m3), radial flow settler, microscreen meters, methodologies, and frequencies of testing are summarized in
drum filter (60 μm), heat exchanger, and a 1-HP centrifugal pump. The Table 1. To assess the effects of ozonation on waterborne hormones,
total RAS water volume was 9.5 m3; water was recirculated at a rate of 250 mL water samples were collected in triplicate in high density
380 L/min (100 gpm) through all processes, except only 60% was polyethylene bottles at the following locations in each RAS: i) makeup
passed through the biofilter and 40% was passed through the heat water, ii) pre-biofilter, iii) post-biofilter, iv) post-gas conditioning, and

C. Good et al. Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of an individual experimental-scale RAS, illustrating direction of water flow and all water treatment unit processes, and with the five sampling locations for
waterborne hormones indicated.

Table 1
Water quality parameters evaluated and methodologies for testing.

Parameter Method of Analysis Testing Frequency

Biochemical oxygen demand Hach Method 8043 Weekly

Dissolved carbon dioxide Hach Method 8233–Buret titration Weekly
Dissolved oxygen Hach SC100 Universal Controller & LDO® Probe Continuous
Nitrite nitrogen Hach Method 8507–Diazotization Weekly
Nitrate nitrogen Hach Method 8171–Cadmium reduction Weekly
ORP Hach SC100 Universal Controller & Differential ORP Sensor Continuous
pH Hach Method 8156 – pH electrode 4–5x/week
Temperature Hach SC100 Universal Controller & Differential ORP Sensor Continuous
Total alkalinity HACH Method 8203 4–5x/week
Total ammonia nitrogen Hach Method 8038 – Nessler Weekly
Heterotrophic bacteria Standard Methods 9215D – Membrane Filtration and Agar Plate Counts Weekly during final 3 weeks
Total suspended solids Standard Methods 2540D – Dried at 103–105 °C Weekly
True color Hach Method 8025 – Platinum-Cobalt Weekly
Ultraviolet transmittance Standard Methods 5910B–Ultraviolet absorption Weekly

C. Good et al. Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

v) culture tank sidewall box (Fig. 1), during two separate sampling (T), 7.7% (11-KT), and 12.9% (E2).
events which took place during weeks 10 and 12 of the 12-week study
period. A total of 180 water samples were collected (i.e., 90 samples 2.6. Mass balance for hormone production in RAS
from each sampling event). All water samples were frozen and stored
on-site until overnight shipment to the University of Alabama for hor- Hormone production rates were estimated using a mass balance
mone quantifications. approach, assuming quasi-steady state conditions, as carried out pre-
viously (Good et al., 2014). The production of each hormone (P, in μg/
2.5. Waterborne hormones sampling and quantification day per kilogram of fish biomass) was estimated from water flow rates
(Qm = makeup water flow ≈ 1 L/min; Qr = recirculating water
Waterborne hormones were assessed using enzyme-immunoassay flow ≈ 380 L/min) and hormone concentrations (Ctank = hormone
(EIA) kits (Cayman Chemicals Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) for T, concentrations exiting the culture tanks; Cm = hormone concentrations
11-KT, and E2. Upon arrival at the University of Alabama, the frozen in makeup water samples; and Cr = hormone concentrations returning
water samples were immediately thawed at 4 °C overnight, and then to the culture tanks). The following equation was used for this esti-
filtered through Whatman Grade 1 filter paper (GE Healthcare Life mation:
Sciences, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA) into 400 mL glass beakers,
P = Qm (Ctank − Cm) + Qr (Ctank − Cr )
which had been pre-cleaned with 95% ethanol and distilled water.
Tygon tubing was then fitted to Waters Sep-Pak C18 columns (Milford, Hormone removal efficiencies across the i) the biofilter, and ii)
Massachusetts, USA) on a vacuum manifold; the other ends of the across the gas conditioning processes, were also calculated based on the
tubing placed into the 400 mL glass beakers containing the fish hor- differences in inlet and outlet hormone concentrations, divided by the
mone collection water. The tubing used was of special formulation inlet hormone concentrations, at each site of interest; these removal
2275, which does not adsorb hormones or leach hormone-mimics (e.g., efficiencies were expressed as a percent.
plasticizers) into the water. Prior to fastening the tubing to columns, the
columns were primed with 2 × 2 mL HPLC grade methanol and 2.7. Statistical analysis
2 × 2 mL distilled water (the last 0.5 mL of distilled water was retained
to keep the columns moist). Water samples were then vacuumed Water quality parameters were assessed for normality using the
through the C18 columns, trapping the steroid hormones, and 2 mL Shapiro-Wilk test; Student’s t-test was utilized to compare normally-
distilled water was passed over the columns to remove any lingering distributed variables between treatments, while the Mann-Whitney U
salts. Subsequently, 2 × 2 mL ethyl acetate was passed over the col- test was utilized if data were not normally distributed. All assessments
umns into 13 × 100 mm borosilicate vials to elute the “free” hormone of water quality data were conducted in SYSTAT (Systat Software, San
fraction, and 2 × 2 mL methanol was passed over the columns into new Jose, CA, USA). Differences in waterborne hormone concentrations
13 × 100 mm borosilicate vials to elute combined “conjugated” hor- between ozonated and non-ozonated RAS were assessed for each sam-
mone fractions (sulphated, glucuronidated). These fractions were pling event dataset, and for each hormone in two ways: i) at each
stored at −20 °C. All free hormone samples were then dried under a sampling location, and ii) among sampling locations within each
gentle stream of ultrapure nitrogen at 37 °C in a water bath, and were treatment. These assessments were carried out using analysis of var-
resuspended in 500 μL of 5% EtOH: 95% EIA buffer (provided with the iance (ANOVA), with hormone concentration as the dependent variable
EIA kits); i.e., 25 μL EtOH followed by 1 min vortexing + 475 μL EIA and ozone treatment as the dichotomous independent variable; a sig-
buffer followed by 20 min vortexing. Based on initial serial dilution nificance level of p < 0.05 was used. For significant ANOVA models,
curves generated from pooled samples (see below), it was determined post-hoc pairwise comparisons were performed using Tukey’s proce-
that the T and KT samples should be diluted 1:16 prior to assaying and dure. Statistical analyses of the water quality data were carried out
that the E2 samples should not be diluted (i.e., remain 1:1). To conduct using SYSTAT (Systat Software, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA); all other
the 1:16 dilution for each of T and 11-KT, 50 μL of the original re- procedures were conducted using STATA software (StataCorp LP,
suspension (i.e., the 500 μL resuspension described above) were added College Station, Texas, USA).
to 750 μL of EIA buffer, followed by vortexing. Enzyme immunoassays
were then performed following kit protocols. To validate the assays, 3. Results & discussion
35 μL was taken off the top of each of the original 180 samples to
generate a pool of 6300 μL. This pool was serially diluted from 1:1 to 3.1. Water quality and hormone production mass balances
1:128 for T and 11-KT and from 1:1 to 1:16 for E2 (further dilutions
were undetectable for E2). S. salar serial dilution curves were parallel to Numerous studies have demonstrated that water ozonation can ef-
the kit standard curves for all hormones (comparison of slopes test (Zar, fectively reduce carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (cBOD5),
1996); T: t12 = 0.03, p = 0.98; 11-KT: t12 = −0.05, p = 0.96; E2: chemical oxygen demand, dissolved organic carbon, color, nitrite ni-
t9 = 0.22, p = 0.83). Quantitative recovery was then conducted: each trogen (NO2-N), turbidity, total organic carbon, and total suspended
pool was spiked with a known standard, extracted through C18 col- solids (TSS) (Rosenthal and Kruner, 1985; Hozalski et al., 1995; Brazil,
umns, dried and resuspended as above, and assayed. For this, 75 μL of 1996; Summerfelt and Hochheimer, 1997; Summerfelt et al., 1997;
the 1:1 pool was mixed with 75 μL of standards 1, 3, 5, and 7 for E2 Tango and Gagnon, 2003; Summerfelt et al., 2009). In the same re-
(and processed as described), and 75 μL of 1:16 pool was mixed with plicated RAS, Davidson et al. (2011) demonstrated that ozonation im-
75 μL of standards 1, 3, 5, and 7 for 11-KT and T (and processed as proved water quality through the reduction of, among other things,
described). The relationship between observed and expected con- TSS, cBOD5, and heterotrophic bacterial counts, and through the in-
centrations was analyzed via linear regression, and the slopes for T, 11- crease in dissolved oxygen, water clarity and UV transmittance. During
KT, and E2 were 0.860, 0.874, 0.875, respectively, indicating good the present study, there were overall significant decreases in cBOD5,
recovery. Minimum observed recovery for T, 11-KT, and E2 were TAN, NO2-N, and true color associated with water ozonation, as well as
87.5%, 87.1%, and 89.9%, respectively. Each hormone was assayed on increases in ORP, dissolved oxygen, and UV transmittance (Table 2).
6, 96-well plates; on each plate, a pooled S. salar control was assayed in Mass balances used to estimate hormone production determined
the first and last two sample wells. Intra-assay coefficients of variation that each kilogram of fish biomass produced, on average, 26, 270, and
for these controls were: T (6.9%, 4.5%, 4.8%, 1.6%, 4.9%, & 2.9%); 11- 190 μg/d of estradiol, 11-KT, and testosterone, respectively. Minimum
KT (1.7%, 4.3%, 10.0%, 2.7%, 4.0%, & 5.1%); E2 (4.1%, 3.1%, 6.5%, and maximum production values of these hormones, respectively, were
2.4%, 9.6%, & 2.4%). Inter-assay coefficients of variation were: 6.0% 12.8 & 41.1, 226 & 344, and 49.1 & 372 μg/d. The reason for the

C. Good et al. Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

Table 2 immediate reduction in estradiol concentration, i.e. estradiol was not

Mean tank water quality concentrations (mg/L, unless otherwise noted) collected at the significantly reduced between the post-biofilter and post-gas con-
culture tank sidewall drain from ozonated and non-ozonated RAS.
ditioning sampling locations (as occurred with 11-ketotestosterone and
Parameter Ozone No Ozone p-value testosterone – see below), but rather was associated with RAS-wide
reduction in estradiol levels. The reason for this observation is likely
Alkalinity 196 ± 1.0 197 ± 0.2 0.653 due to the low dose (0.3 mg/L) of ozone that was applied, which clearly
Carbon Dioxide 7.5 ± 0.5 8.2 ± 0.5 0.464
had an impact on overall estradiol concentrations but was not sufficient
cBOD5 1.07 ± 0.03 1.22 ± 0.03 0.030
Dissolved Oxygen 10.6 ± 0.3 10.2 ± 0.1 0.046 to demonstrate estradiol reduction immediately following exposure to
Heterotrophic Bacteria (CFU/mL) 466 ± 127 490 ± 80 0.907 ozone as water passed through the LHO. Previously, ozone has been
Nitrite Nitrogen 0.006 ± 0.001 0.011 ± 0.001 0.043 shown to reduce estradiol in a nearly linear dose-response relationship
Nitrate Nitrogen 50 ± 3 50 ± 2 0.825 (Kawasaki et al., 2009), a process that is further accelerated when
Oxidative Reduction Potential 293 ± 4 270 ± 2 0.008
combined with activated carbon. The study by Kawasaki et al. (2009),
pH 7.81 ± 0.01 7.79 ± 0.02 0.399 however, utilized high concentrations of both estradiol and ozone
Temperature (°C) 15.1 ± 0.01 15.2 ± 0.01 0.456 under laboratory conditions; therefore, it is difficult to directly compare
Total Ammonia Nitrogen 0.165 ± 0.005 0.203 ± 0.005 0.046 their findings with those observed in the present study. Hormones, such
Total Suspended Solids 1.5 ± 0.2 1.7 ± 0.1 0.436
as estradiol, containing phenolic moieties have been shown to be more
True Color (Pt-Co Units) 3.7 ± 0.3 20 ± 1 0.002
UV Transmittance (%) 91 ± 0.4 79 ± 0.8 0.001 susceptible to oxidation through ozonation compared to steroids
without phenolic moieties (Westerhoff et al., 2005), and therefore the
specific molecular structure of estradiol could have rendered it more
observed high variability in testosterone production, compared to es- susceptible to ozone reduction compared to the other hormones ex-
tradiol and 11-KT, cannot be adequately explained by the present scope amined in this study.
of investigation. Whether testosterone production might, for example,
be periodic in nature (i.e., non-steady state) compared to the other 3.3. 11-ketotestosterone
hormones, is a hypothesis requiring further study. Passage of the re-
circulating water flow through the fluidized-sand biofilters removed an Results for 11-KT were largely consistent between the two sampling
average of 85% and 37% of the 11-KT and testosterone, respectively, events, the major observation being that biofiltration, under study
but effectively no estradiol. Passage of the recirculating water flow conditions, significantly reduced 11-KT concentrations in both ozone
through the gas conditioning column and LHO did not appear to re- and non-ozonated RAS. This confirms previous observations showing
move estradiol, 11-KT, or testosterone, and these results can be viewed reduction of waterborne 11-KT following passage through RAS unit
as a refinement of previous findings presented by Good et al. (2014). processes (Good et al., 2014), and identifies the site of this reduction as
The ozone dosage applied to the recirculating water flows in the present the biofilters (vs. the gas conditioning processes). Concentrations of 11-
study, however, was effective at reducing waterborne estradiol. KT were significantly higher in post-gas conditioning water samples
compared to post-biofilter samples (Fig. 2); however, this is likely the
result of biofilter-bypassed water (relatively high in 11-KT concentra-
3.2. Estradiol tion) combining with the biofiltered water prior to the post-gas con-
ditioning sampling location (Fig. 1). As was postulated in Good et al.
As observed through both sampling events, waterborne estradiol (2014), the relative susceptibility of 11-KT to reduction through bio-
concentrations were significantly reduced by ozonation at all four filtration is likely related to its individual physicochemical properties,
sampling locations within the RAS recirculation loop (i.e., pre-biofilter, specifically its relatively low octanol-water partition coefficient
post-biofilter, post-gas conditioning, and culture tank; no significant (log Kow). Log Kow is a measure of the tendency of an organic compound
differences observed at the influent, non-ozonated makeup water lo- to adsorb to sediment, such that higher log Kow values indicate a ten-
cation) (Fig. 2). A significant reduction in estradiol concentration was dency to bind to organics instead of remaining in an aqueous phase. In
observed following biofiltration (in non-ozonated RAS) during the first the case of 11-KT (log Kow = 1.92) (Yang et al., 2012), its low log Kow
sampling; however, this observation was not repeated during the indicates a greater degree of partitioning into the aqueous phase, which
second sampling, where no significant differences were detected be- may have facilitated biodegradation during transit through the study
tween the four within-RAS sampling locations in either treatment RAS biofilters, regardless of ozone treatment. In contrast, the relatively
group. Therefore, it cannot be definitively stated that biofiltration, as high estradiol log Kow (3.94; Yang et al., 2012) indicates that estradiol
applied in the present study, consistently reduces estradiol at the ob- is more adsorbed to organics, which might hinder its degradation by
served waterborne concentrations and over the actual contact time with biofilter microbes. The relationship between RAS biofiltration and
the biofilter media (< 5 min; see Davidson et al., 2008). Much pub- steroid hormone log Kow values requires further investigation in order
lished research on water treatment removal of estrogenic compounds to be sufficiently characterized. With respect to the effects of ozonation
(and other endocrine disrupting chemicals) has focused on wastewater on waterborne 11-KT concentrations, results were inconsistent between
or sewage treatment facilities (e.g. Onda et al., 2003; Chimchirian et al., sampling events; the first sampling demonstrated, predominantly, that
2007; Cicek et al., 2007); however, such facilities typically have much ozonation did not significantly reduce 11-KT concentration when
longer retention times (e.g. 10–15 days) than RAS treatment processes. compared with samples from the non-ozonated RAS, whereas in the
Overall, no specific sampling location demonstrated evidence of sig- second sampling 11-KT was significantly reduced in all four within-RAS
nificant estradiol production, suggesting that estradiol was being pro- sampling locations by water ozonation. The reason for this incon-
duced and/or introduced in relatively small amounts and that ozona- sistency is unclear, although concentration values obtained during the
tion prevented significant accumulation of this hormone, compared to first sampling exhibited greater variation than those measured in
the higher concentration observed in systems not receiving ozonation samples from the later sampling event, which could have obscured the
that otherwise gradually accumulated. Previous research has demon- observed relationship in the second sampling.
strated that estradiol concentrations in RAS are higher than those in
influent makeup water, and that passage through unit processes (bio- 3.4. Testosterone
filter and gas-conditioning) did not significantly impact waterborne
levels of this hormone (Good et al., 2014); these findings were largely In comparison to estradiol and 11-KT observations, the results ob-
confirmed in the present study. Ozone did not, however, induce an tained for testosterone are cryptic and ultimately require further

C. Good et al. Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

Fig. 2. Waterborne concentrations of estradiol, 11-ketotestosterone, and testosterone, as measured by enzyme immunoassays, during the first (left; 10-week) and second (right; 12-week)
RAS water sampling events. Asterisks over individual water sample locations indicate significant (p < 0.05) differences between ozone and no ozone treatment groups. Differing letters
between sample locations indicate significant differences within ozone (lower case) and no ozone (upper case) treatments. ns = not significant.

investigation to adequately explain. One consistent finding was that in the increase in 11-KT observed between these locations. The reason for
both ozonated and non-ozonated RAS, testosterone was significantly this inconsistency is unclear and warrants further study. The effect of
reduced following passage through the biofilters (Fig. 2), which is in ozonation on waterborne testosterone concentrations is even less clear,
agreement with previous findings demonstrating the susceptibility of based on the data obtained in this experiment. In both sampling events,
testosterone to biodegradation (Vanderford et al., 2003). Previous re- post-gas conditioning and culture tank testosterone concentrations did
search in RAS (Good et al., 2014) did not demonstrate reduction of not appear to be affected by ozonation, whereas significant hormone
testosterone across the RAS unit processes; however, it is likely that reduction through ozonation was observed in pre-biofilter samples (and
these previous findings are not in agreement to the present results due in the case of the first sampling, in post-biofilter samples). Why tes-
to their measurement across all unit processes, i.e. that biofilter-asso- tosterone appeared to be significantly reduced by ozonation in only
ciated hormone reduction was likely obscured due to the narrower these sampling locations is unknown, and additional investigation is
scope of RAS sampling locations. An increase in testosterone con- required to determine if this is a repeatable finding, and if so, to explain
centration from post-biofilter to post-gas conditioning sample locations, its occurrence. As mentioned previously, ozone has been shown to
due to the addition of biofilter-bypassed water, was not shown, unlike oxidize steroid hormones containing phenolic moieties (such as

C. Good et al. Aquacultural Engineering 79 (2017) 9–16

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low-exchange water recirculation aquaculture systems. Aquac. Eng. 44, 97–102.
Special thanks to Karen Schroyer, Susan Glenn, Natalie Redman, Good, C., Davidson, J., Earley, R.L., Lee, E., Summerfelt, S., 2014. The impact of water
exchange rate and biofiltration on water-borne hormones in recirculation aqua-
and Christina Russell for water chemistry analysis; and to Jeremy
culture systems containing sexually maturing Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Aquac.
Ruffner and Ryan Snader for fish husbandry and technical assistance. Res. Dev. 5 7 pp.
This research was supported by the USDA Agricultural Research Service Good, C., Davidson, J., Iwanowicz, L., Meyer, M., Dietze, J., Kolpin, D.W., Marancik, D.,
under Agreement Nos. 59-1930-0-046 and 59-8082-5-001. All experi- Birkett, J., Russell, C., Summerfelt, S., 2016. Investigating the influence of nitrate
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mental protocols and methods were in compliance with the Animal freshwater recirculation aquaculture systems. Aquac. Eng Available online at: http://
Welfare Act (9CFR) requirements and were approved by The
Freshwater Institute’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Hozalski, R.M., Goel, S., Bouwer, E.J., 1995. TOC removal in biological filters. J. Am.
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